Decision No. 518/QD-TTg dated March 27, 2013 of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme on building system for fast alert warning and analyzing on food security risks in Vietnam

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Decision No. 518/QD-TTg dated March 27, 2013 of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme on building system for fast alert warning and analyzing on food security risks in Vietnam
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:518/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Thien Nhan
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:27/03/2013Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health , Policy



On March 27, 2013, the Prime Minister signed the Decision No. 518/QD-TTg approving the Scheme on building system for fast alert warning and analyzing on food security risks in Vietnam.

Accordingly, the Prime Minister desires to the year 2016 to build system for fast alert warning and analyzing on food security risks capable of rapidly processing information about food safety, food safety incidents, and contributing to improving the efficiency of food safety assurance and public health protection; improve the quality of information serving the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems nationwide;

Objectives to achieve by 2016: 100% food safety alert offices of ministries, provinces, and units are connected to the central alert office; 100% personnel related to food safety rapid alert systems are trained in management and technology; 100% food safety alert offices of all units in food safety rapid alert system are adequately and consistently provided with instruments for receiving and processing information and alerts about food safety.

Also in this Decision, - The agencies in charge of the state management of food safety shall reach the agreement on the methods of reporting, the responsibility to report and make statistics of tasks: monitoring food poisoning and food borne illnesses; monitoring food safety during the production and trade of foods; inspecting the safety of imported and exported food; controlling food safety along the border; updating alerts about food contamination and food safety incidents from food safety alert systems of the region, the world, and the involved countries.

This Decision takes effect on the signing date.
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Decision No.  518/QD-TTg dated March 27, 2013 of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme on building system for fast alert warning and analyzing on food security risks in Vietnam

Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution 34/2009/QH12 dated June 19. 2009 of the 12th National Assembly on the intensification of the implementation of policies and laws on food safety and quality control;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 79/2008/ND-CP dated July 18, 2008 on the inspection of food safety and hygiene;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 734/QD-TTg dated March 25, 2010, approving the Plan for the implementation of  the National Assembly’s Resolution 34/2009/QH12 dated June 19, 2009 of the 12th National Assembly on the intensification of the implementation of policies and laws on food safety and quality control;

At the proposal of the Minister of Health,


Article 1.To approve the Scheme on building system for fast alert warning and analyzing on food security risks in Vietnam, in particular:

1. Objectives

a) General objectives

To build system for fast alert warning and analyzing on food security risks capable of rapidly processing information about food safety, food safety incidents, and contributing to improving the efficiency of food safety assurance and public health protection.

b) Specific objectives

- Objective 1: Build and organize the operation of national, ministerial, sectoral, provincial, and on-site food safety rapid alert systems;

- Objective 2: Improve the quality of information serving the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems nationwide;

- Objective 3: Analyze food safety risks of some common food groups in Vietnam.

2. Objectives to achieve by 2016

a) Build and organize the operation of national, ministerial, sectoral, provincial, and on-site food safety rapid alert systems:

- Issue regulations on tasks and organization of food safety rapid alert systems, including: Central alert office, ministerial, sectoral, provincial alert offices, and on-site alert offices; the regulations on the reception and processing of information and warnings about food safety and food safety incidents at all level;

- Develop and run software programs that rapidly receive, process, access, and store information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents at 3 levels;

- 100% food safety alert offices of ministries, provinces, and units are connected to the central alert office;

- 100% personnel related to food safety rapid alert systems are trained in management and technology;

- 100% food safety alert offices of all units in food safety rapid alert system are adequately and consistently provided with instruments for receiving and processing information and alerts about food safety.

b) Organize and maintain the reception and processing of information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents nationwide.

- More than 70% of alerts about food safety are quickly processed;

- 100% food safety incidents are promptly and effectively controlled.

c) Improve the quality of information serving the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems nationwide from the Ministries and agencies in charge of the state management of food safety (the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade):

- 100% agencies in charge of the state management of food safety (the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade) shall supervise the quality and safety of food groups; carry out inspection and post-inspection of food safety annually throughout the country;

- The agencies in charge of the state management of food safety shall reach the agreement on the methods of reporting, the responsibility to report and make statistics of tasks:

+ Monitoring food poisoning and food borne illnesses;

+ Monitoring food safety during the production and trade of foods;

+ Inspecting the safety of imported and exported food;

+ Controlling food safety along the border;

+ Updating alerts about food contamination and food safety incidents from food safety alert systems of the region, the world, and the involved countries.

d) Analyzing food safety risks of some common food groups in Vietnam.

- Assess high risks of contamination to 5 – 10 common foods every year;

- Design, organize, and conduct studies on total diets of various subjects throughout the country;

- 100% risk assessors are trained in the methods and techniques of assessing food safety risks.

3. Implementation time

-  From 2013 – 2016: Build and organize the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems nationwide;

- From 2016: Maintain the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems nationwide.

4. Project’s operations

a) Operation 1: Build and organize the operation of national, ministerial, sectoral, provincial, and on-site food safety rapid alert systems;

- National food safety alert office (central alert office):

+ Establish 01 central alert office to receive and process national information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents at the Ministry of Health.

+ Tasks and activities:

Receive and process information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents from the alert offices level 1 affiliated to the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, provinces, and facilities (alert offices level 2) affiliated to the Directorate for Standards, Metrology, and Quality, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the General Department of Customs, the Ministry of Finance, the Vietnam Standard and Consumer Association;

Gather information about food safety from the international food safety alert systems, systems that process information about food safety and food safety incidents, and sound alerts about food safety incidents of national importance.

- Ministerial, sectoral, and provincial alert offices (alert offices level 1):

+ Establish alert offices level 1 at each Ministry, functional agency and province, including: Vietnam Food Administration, the Ministry of Health; the National Agro - Forestry - Fisheries Quality Assurance Department, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; the Science and Technology Department, the Ministry of Industry and Trade; provincial sub-department of food safety and hygiene;

+ Tasks and opeartions:

Receive and process national information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents from alert offices level 2 at the units affiliated to Ministries and provinces, according to their functions, tasks, and scope of management;

Gather, receive, and process information about food safety and food safety incidents from international food safety alert systems and relevant communication systems;

Collect and provide information about the supervision and inspection of food safety and food safety incidents under the management of Ministries and provincial governments; process and provide information about food safety incidents of ministerial, sectoral, and provincial importance.

- On-site food safety alert offices (alert offices level 2):

+ Establish alert offices level 2 at the units affiliated to Ministries and provincial governments, and the units involved in food safety assurance, including:

. The units affiliated to Ministries shall inspect, supervise and apply for the certification of products, specialized institutions, local food safety laboratories, and state agencies in charge of imported food inspection; and the units at border checkpoints;

+ The provincial units in charge of food safety: Sub-department of Food Safety, Preventive medicine centers, food safety laboratories;

Large-scale enterprises that produce and trade food; food safety associations;

+ Tasks and operations:

Provide information about food safety and food safety incidents according to their functions, tasks, and scope of management;

Gather and summarize information about food safety and food safety incidents, certify and provide adequate information about food safety and food safety incidents within the delegated authority.

Strengthen and improve the capability and operation of food safety alert offices at all level in the food safety rapid alert system:

+ Formulate and issue regulations on the provision, reception, and processing of information about food safety and food safety incidents;

+ Provide training for managers and professionals in food safety alert systems (Central alert office, alert offices level 1, alert office level 2);

+ Develop a database and software for storing food safety data; provide data management equipment for alert offices in the food safety rapid alert system.

b) Operation 2: Improve the quality of information serving the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems nationwide;

- Strengthen and improve the capability of supervising food safety and food safety incidents nationwide:

+ Review and assess the organization and capability of supervising food safety and food safety incidents in the production and trade of food of Ministries, agencies, and local governments;

+ Provide training in supervising food safety and food safety incidents for officers in Ministries, agencies, and provinces;

+ Complete the procedure for food safety supervision; the instruments for supervising, making statistics, reports, data input, information processing, and data storage in harmony with the region and the world;

+ Improve the capability and standardize food safety laboratories in system that supervises the provision of information about food safety;

+ Formulate regulations on the cooperation, supervision, and provision of information about food safety and food safety incidents in each Ministry, agency, provincial People’s Committee, and organizations.

- Standardize the information serving the activities of the food safety risk analysis and rapid alert system:

Formulate and launch the programs and plans for supervising information about food safety and food safety incidents, with regard to the list of foods under the management of Ministries, agencies, and local governments.

c) Operation 3: Analyze food safety risks of some common food groups in Vietnam.

- Strengthen the organization and improve the capability of analyzing food safety risks in Vietnam (assessment – management – propagation):

+ Establish Analysis board to provide technical support, formulate plans, and assess food safety risks in Vietnam;

+ Provide training in food safety risk analysis for officials;

+ Integrate the risk assessment procedure of Codex alimentations commission, World Organization for Animal Health, and International plant protection convention.

- Analyze common food safety risks in Vietnam:

+ Study total diet;

+ Assess the threat of some risks that might harm consumers’ health in common foods in Vietnam;

+ Propagate the food safety risks serving the management of food safety in Vietnam.

5. Implementation solutions:

a) Mechanism, policy, and organization:

- Issue regulations the functions, tasks, cooperation mechanism of alert offices and units in the food safety risk analysis and rapid alert system;

- Formulate and issue regulations on the operation and forms of statistics and reports on food safety and food safety incidents;

- Formulate and issues regulations on the finance for the management, provision, reception, and processing of information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents;

- Apply advanced models to the management, provision, reception, and processing of information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents that suit the reality in each period.

b) Solution for human resources

- Make use of the existing food safety personnel at the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and relevant units; socio-political organizations, relevant vocational associations, Vietnamese and foreign experts;

- Employ Vietnamese and foreign experts to provide professional support and advices in the first stage of building the food safety risk analysis and rapid alert system;

- Determine the need for training, the training program in food safety, statistics, information, and reports on food safety, analysis of food contamination risk at Ministries and relevant organizations;

- Provide training courses in food safety for officials participating in food safety rapid alert systems at Ministries and relevant organizations;

- Cooperate with the Medical University, the universities that provide training in food technologies and relevant universities to employ capable officials in order to develop the food safety risk analysis and rapid alert system.

c) Technical and professional solutions:

- Assess the conditions and demand for instruments of the food safety risk analysis and rapid alert system, analysis of food contamination, and forecast about food contamination nationwide;

- Invest in the communication system and network connection for all units in the food safety rapid alert system that suit each stage;

- Apply information technology to the construction, installation, and operation of the software that receive, process, and store information about food safety and food safety incidents;

- Formulate and conduct studies on total diet, analyze the risk of food contamination that affects public health;

- Conduct the studies on food safety risk assessment of common foods.

d) Financial solutions:

- Make budget estimates of each year and each stage to cover the activities of the Project from the budget of the Food safety and hygiene program 2013 – 2015, and other legitimate funding sources

- Integrate the supervision, reception, and processing of information and alerts about food safety and food safety incidents with other relevant objectives.

6. Capital sources

- State budget: via the National Program for food safety and hygiene 2013 – 2015, including regular expenditure and expenditure on development;

- Local budget: regular expenditure and expenditure on development;

- Aid, loans, and other legitimate capital sources

Article 2. Implementation organization

1. The Ministry of Health, which is the agency in charge of executing the Project, shall:

a) Take prime responsibilities and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and involved unit in requesting the Prime Minister to establish a Project Management Council; formulating the charter and the plan for executing the Project.

b) Establish the central alert office; alert offices level 1 and alert offices level 2 affiliated to the Ministry of Health; formulate detailed programs and plans for the functions and tasks related to food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems.

c) Instruct and urge other agencies and provinces to execute the Project in accordance with the schedule and current regulations.

d) Provide adequate funding from the budget, international aid and cooperation to execute the Project under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

dd) Inspect, assess, and report the progress and result of the Project to the Prime Minister.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

a) Cooperate with the Ministry of Health in the central alert office; alert offices level 1 and alert offices level 2 affiliated to the Ministry of Health; formulate detailed programs and plans for the functions and tasks related to food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems.

b) Establish alert offices level 1 and alert offices level 2 affiliated to the Ministry of Health; formulate detailed programs and plans for the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems within their functions, tasks, and scope of management.

c) Provide instructions to execute the Project within the delegated tasks on in accordance with the schedule and objectives.

d) Provide adequate funding from the budget, international aid and cooperation to execute the Project under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

dd) Send periodic reports on the progress of the Project to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health shall summarize them and send reports to the Prime Minister.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall:

a) Cooperate with the Ministry of Health in the central alert office; alert offices level 1 and alert offices level 2 affiliated to the Ministry of Health; formulate detailed programs and plans for the functions and tasks related to food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems.

b) Establish alert offices level 1 and alert offices level 2 affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade; formulate detailed programs and plans for the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems within their functions, tasks, and scope of management.

c) Provide instructions to execute the Project within the delegated tasks on in accordance with the schedule and objectives.

d) Provide adequate funding from the budget, international aid and cooperation to execute the Project under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

dd) Send periodic reports on the progress of the Project to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health shall summarize them and send reports to the Prime Minister.

4. The Ministry of Finance shall:

a) Take prime responsibilities and cooperate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in providing guidance on the financial mechanism for local governments so that they can balance their budget for the Project.

b) Cooperate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in allocating and ensuring the capital according to the schedule and progress of the Project every year:

c) Establish alert offices level 2 (affiliated to the General Department of Customs – the Ministry of Health); formulate detailed programs and plans for the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems within their functions, tasks, and scope of management.

5. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

a) Take prime responsibilities and cooperate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health in balancing and providing annual capital from the central budget, international aid and cooperation for Ministries and agencies to execute the Project.

b) Cooperate with the Ministry of Finance in providing guidance on the financial mechanism for local governments to balance their budget for the Project.

c) Guide People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces (hereinafter referred to as provincial People’s Committees) to prioritize their budget to execute the Project.

6. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall:

a) Cooperate with the Ministry of Health in formulating detailed plans for the tasks assigned according to the schedule and objectives.

b) Establish alert offices level 2 (affiliated to the Directorate for Standards, Metrology, and Quality); formulate detailed programs and plans for the operation of food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems within their functions, tasks, and scope of management.

c) Provide adequate funding from the budget, international aid and cooperation to execute the Project under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

d) Send periodic reports on the progress of the Project to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health shall summarize them and send reports to the Prime Minister.

7. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

a) Execute the Project locally according to the schedule and objectives.

b) Establish alert offices level 1 and level 2 within the area under their management; establish offices to receive and process information at border checkpoints and along the border within the management.

c) Settle local food safety issues based on the alerts from food safety risk analysis and rapid alert systems.

d) Provide adequate funding from local budget to execute the Project under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment; arrange personnel and provide equipment for executing the Project locally.

dd) Send periodic reports on the progress of the Project to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health shall summarize them and send reports to the Prime Minister.

Article 3.This Decision takes effect on the signing date.

Article 4.Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, the Presidents of People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces  shall implement this Decision./.

For the Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister

Nguyen Thien Nhan



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