Decision No. 366/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2012 of the Prime Minister on approving the National Target Program on rural clean water and environmental sanitation, phase 2012-2015

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Decision No. 366/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2012 of the Prime Minister on approving the National Target Program on rural clean water and environmental sanitation, phase 2012-2015
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:366/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:31/03/2012Effect status:

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Fields:Natural Resources - Environment



In order to achieve the specific objectives, by the end of 2015, 100% of nursery schools, general education schools and commune health stations in rural areas have adequate clean water and 85% of rural population use hygienic living water, in which 45% shall use water attaining to QCVN 02-MOH standard with the minimum volume of 60 liters/person/day. On March 31, 2012, the Prime Minister issued the Decision No. 366/QD-TTg on approving the national target program on rural clean water and environmental sanitation, phase 2012-2015.

The Program shall be implemented from 2012 to 2015 for all people in rural areas in whole country, with priority support to the poor, deep-lying and remote areas, ethnic minorities, and border and island regions, areas that are polluted and meet difficulty in water source with the total capital of 27,600 billion VND.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the relating ministries and branches to review, amend and supplement the provisions on financial management, technology, preferential and encouraging policies for building investment and managing rural clean water supply constructions, technical regulations of the constructions, guidance on the management, exploitation and protection of constructions in order to create favorable conditions for the implementation of the Program; review, establish coordination mechanisms among ministries, branches and localities for the effective and right-targeted implementation of the Programs.

This decision takes effect on March 31, 2012.
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No.: 366/QD-TTg

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, March 31, 2012





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant totheNovember 9, 2011 Resolution No.13/2011/QH13ofthe National Assembly onthe national targetprograms,phase2011-2015;

Pursuant toDecision No.104/2000/QD-TTg ofAugust 25, 2000ofthe Prime Ministerapproving thenational strategyonrural cleanwater supply andsanitationtill2020;

Pursuant toDecision No.135/2009/QD-TTgofNovember 4, 2009ofthe Prime Ministerpromulgating theRegulation onmanagement andadministrationofnationaltarget programsimplementation;

Pursuant toDecision No.2406/QD-TTgofDecember 18, 2011ofthe Prime Ministerpromulgating List ofnationaltarget programs, phase2012-2015;

At the proposalsof the Minister ofAgriculture andRural Development, Minister ofPlanning andInvestment,


Article 1.Approving thenationaltarget program onRuralCleanWater andEnvironmentalSanitation,phase2012 - 2015(hereinafter referredto as Program), includingthe followingmaincontents:

1.Name andManagement Agency of the Program

a)Name of Program:National TargetProgramonClean Water andRural EnvironmentalSanitation,phase2012-2015.

b)ManagementAgency of the Program: theMinistry of Agriculture andRural Development.

2.Conception andsteeringprinciplesfor Programimplementation


-Stepping up thesocializationand development ofcleanwatermarketsandrural environmentalsanitationservicesin accordance withnational socio-economic development situation.

-Promoting the whole society’sinternal resourcesto implementthe Program, basing onthe characteristics of eachregion, localand the needs ofusers in order toselecttechnologyscale andservice levelwhichconsistentwith the financial capacity, management,exploitationand use works after investment.Enlistingandusingeffectively the capital resource of donors, ensuringthe participationof the community.

-Prioritysupport tothe poor,poor areas;areaswith special difficulties,frequent droughts, pollution, and mountainous,coastalandisland regions.

b)The guiding principles:

-Theimplementation of the Programshall be associated withsocio-economic development plan,national strategyoncleanwater supply andruralsanitationtill2020,contributing into thenationaltarget program onnewrural constructiontill2020;ensuring that constructions for cleanwater supply andruralenvironmentalsanitation, once repaired, upgradedornewly constructedshall operatesteadilyandbring intoefficientlyinthe condition ofclimate change; ensuringsafetycleanwater supply.

- To developtechnologies beingappropriateforregions; beside the development of advanced technology, it should care about development of water supply technologies at households scale in areas with difficulties.

- To increasehygiene target,promote investmentinhousehold’s hygiene, in whichstepping uptypes oflow-costsanitationthroughcreditin orderto increasethe accessibilityof the poor.

-To strengthen information -education– communication work, change from theawarenessraisingcommunicationtothebehaviorchange communication.

3.Objectives andkey tasksof the Program

a)General objectives:

Graduallytorealize National strategyonrural cleanwater supply andenvironmentalsanitationtill2020,improve condition of thewater supply, sanitation, raiseawareness,change hygienebehavior andreduce environmental pollution,contribute in enhancing healthand life quality forrural people.

b)Specific objectives:

To achievethe following majorobjectives by the end of2015:

-Water supply:85% ofrural populationusehygieniclivingwater,in which 45% shall use water attaining to QCVN 02-MOH standard with the minimum volume of 60 liters/person/day; and100% ofnurseryschools,general education schoolsandcommune health stationsin ruralareas have adequateclean water.

- Environmental sanitation:65% ofruralhouseholdshavehygieniclatrines, 45% ofbreedingfarmershavehygienicbreeding- facilitiesand 100%ofnurseryschoolsand general education schools,commune health stations in rural areas haveadequate hygieniclatrines.

4.Subjectsand scope ofthe Program implementation

Allpeople inrural areasin whole country,with prioritysupport to the poor,deep-lying and remote areas,ethnic minorities, borderand islandregions,areas that are polluted and meet difficulty in water source.

5.Implementation period

The Program shall beimplementedfrom 2012to 2015.

6.Total capital,capital structureandsupport mechanismsforimplementation of the Program, andlist of projectsof the Program

a)Total capital:27,600billion VND

b)Capital structure:

-The central budget:4,100billionVND, hold 14.9%

-Local budget:3,100 billionVND, hold 11.2%

-International aid:8,200VNDbillion, hold 29.7%

-PreferentialCredit:9,100billion VND, hold 33.0%

-Capital from people and private sources:3,100 billionVND, hold 11.2%

c) Projectsof the Program:

-Project 1: Clean water supplyandrural environment

+Target:85% ofrural populationusehygienicwater,45%in whichusewater ofQCVN02-​​MOH standardwiththe minimum volumeof 60liters/person / day and100%nurseryschoolsand general education schools(maincampuses)in ruralareas haveadequate clean waterandwell used and managed,sanitarylatrines;45% ofbreedingfarmershavehygienicbreeding- facilities.

+Fund for the implementation:19,725billion VND.

+The component sub-projects:

. Sub-project1:living water supply, including: Built livingwater supplyconstructions forrural areas,borderguard stationscombinedwithresidential clusters in border route and prisons, giving priorityforareas with specialdifficulty of water sources:mountainous, saline areas, arsenic,dioxinandother toxiccontaminated areas.

.Sub-project2:Built cleanwater constructions andhygieniclatrinesfornurseryschools, generaleducation schools.

.Sub-project3: Buildhygienic breeding- facilities.

+Assignment of implementation:

. Line agency: theMinistry of Agriculture andRural Development.

.Management andimplementation agencies:theMinistry of Agriculture andRural Developmentdirect the implementation of sub-projects1 and 3; theMinistry of Educationand Trainingdirect the implementation of sub-project2;People s Committeesof provinces and citiesimplementprojectsin respecting area.

.Coordinating agencies:Ministries of: Health,Construction,Natural Resourcesand Environment, Scienceand Technology, Defense,Public Security;Committee for Ethnic Minorities,Vietnam Institute of Scienceand Technology,Vietnam Farmers Association,Vietnam Women sUnion,the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

Project 2:RuralSanitation:

+Target:65% ofruralhouseholdshavehygienelatrinesand 100%ofcommune health stationshave adequateclean waterandhygienelatrines that are well managedandused.

+Fund for the implementation:5,961billion VND.

+The component sub-projects:

.Sub-project 1: Buildhouseholdhygiene latrines.

.Sub-project2:Build cleanwater construction andhygienelatrines forcommune health stations.

+Assignment of implementation:

. Lineagencies: theMinistry of Health.

.Management andimplementation agencies:the Ministry of Health directs the implementation;People s Committeesof provincesand citiesorganize theimplementationofprojectsin respecting areas.

.Coordinating agencies:Ministries of:Agriculture andRural Development, Natural Resourcesand Environment, Scienceand Technology, Educationand Training;Committee for Ethnic Minorities,Vietnam Institute of Scienceand Technology,Vietnam Farmers Association,Vietnam Women sUnion, theCentral Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

-Project 3: Enhancing capacity, communication,supervising andevaluatingofimplementation of the Program.

+Thecontents of activity: Training for enhancing capacityfor the systemof the sector;informing- educating- communicatingandenhancingawareness, changingof behaviorforall levels, sectorsand communities;supervising-evaluatingtheimplementation of the Program; controllingwaterquality;review andupdate theplanning;developingandtransferringtechnology;operating and maintainingconstructions.

+Fund for the implementation:1,914billion VND.

+Assignment of implementation:

.Line agencies: theMinistry of Agriculture andRural Development.

.Management andimplementation agencies:TheMinistries ofAgriculture andRural Development, Health, Educationand Trainingto organize and directthe implementationofassignedsub-projects;People s Committeesof provinces and citiesorganize theimplementationofprojectsin respecting areas

.Coordinating agencies:Ministries of:Informationand Communications, Natural Resourcesand Environment, Scienceand Technology; VietnamInstitute of Scienceand Technology,VietnamFarmers’ Association,Vietnam Women sUnion, the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

d)Capital mobilizationmechanism:

- Todiversifycapital sources:

+To integratethefund sourcesof nationaltargetprograms,targeted supporting projects and programsin the area, including:

.Direct capital supports forthe nationaltarget program onrural clean water andenvironmental sanitationin2012-2015 period.

.Integrated capitalfrom other targeted supporting programsand projectsonclean water supplyandenvironmentalsanitation being deployedinrural areas.

+Tomobilizethe maximum oflocalresources(at provincial, district and commune level) in ordertoorganize deployment of theProgram,the People s Committeesof provinces and citiesallocated fromlocalbudgetsat least 10% oftotalcapitalfor the implementation ofthe Programin its local.

+To mobilizeinvestment capital from enterprisesand individualsfor constructions beingcapable of directly retrieving capital;enterprisesare entitled toThe State s Development Investment Credit Loans; to implement the November 9, 2010DecisionNo.71/2010/QD-TTg ofPrime Ministeron theRegulation onpilotinvestment in the public-privatepartnership form.

+The contributions from the people according to regulations for each specific project.


+Toeffectivelyusingcreditcapital sources:credit under the PrimeMinister’s Decision No.62/2004/QD-TTgofApril 16, 2004;tradecreditcapital as stipulated intheDecree No.41/2010/ND-CPofApril 12, 2010of the Government oncredit policyfor agricultureand rural.

+To mobilizeother legalfinancialsources.

-Support mechanisms:

The principle of support mechanism is ensuringsufficientcapitalfor investmentdeploymentandcostsforoperating, use in order to assure sustainable operation of the construction.Level of supportand balancerate ofeach capital sourcemust match theobjects ofregions,types ofconstructionsin orderto ensurethe poorin deep-lyingand remote areasmay access toand useconstructionsof water supplyand sanitation.Details as followed:

+Fordevelopment investment capital:

 For theconcentratedwatersupply constructions:

The central budgetcapital: to support at a maximum90% forthecommunes meeting with extremely difficultiesin ethnic minoritiesand mountainous areas, submergedcoastaland island areas, boundary communes as prescribed bythe Prime Minister;60%fordelta communes and75% forotherrural communes.

Localbudgetcapitalandcapitalmobilizedfromother legalsources(preferential credits, privateinvestmentand contributions ofpeople): make sure theremainingfundingamountto implement.Forlocalities being likely to balance their budget,areas being likely for socialization, should attractat themaximumofcommunity andprivate sector participation.

.Forretailsmallwater supply works:The state budgetsupportsup to 70% forpoor households,families under special policyand up to 35% for near-poor households;otherhouseholdsare entitled tousepreferentialcreditloansasprescribed.

.Forwater supplyand sanitationinschools,health stations:The state budgetsupportsup to 90%.Forunitswithout income source,the provincial People s Committeeshall consider and decidethe levelof investment fromthe state budget.

+Fornon-business capital:

.The following activities receive 100%support fromthe state budget:capacity enhancing training, information- education- communication, inspection,supervising and evaluatingthe implementationsituationand control ofwater quality, planning,technology transferapplications,supportingbasenetwork...,

.Regarding toconstruction ofhygieniclatrineandbreeding-facilitiesmodels (includingbiogas), in order toreplicate,the state budgetsupports70% forpoor households,households under special policyand 35% for near-poor households;otherhouseholdsusingloansfrom preferential credit.

+Thespecified capitalallocationcriteria:

To assignThe Ministry of AgricultureandRural Developmentto assume the prime responsibility forformulatingandapprovingthe capitalallocation mechanismsandcriteriafor eachspecific component andprojectafter asking theopinions oftheMinistry ofFinance,the MinistryPlanning and Investment andthe Ministry ofHealth.

-Investment managementmechanism:

+Investors ofconstructionprojectsis thedirect managementand exploitation operation unit of works.If the direct managementand operation unit showitsincompetence,provincial People s Committees shallconsider anddecide to assignotherqualified unitsto be theinvestors.

+Duringthe process ofinvestment preparation,must acquired comments oflocal communityoninvestmentprojectsoreconomical-technical reports andthecommitment of water useand payment by households.

+Selection of contractors:The selection ofcontractorsshallcomply withcurrent regulations; encourage forms of assigning simple technical work items to communities directly benefit from the construction, carry out if these communities are capable to do so.

+Communalmonitoring boardcomposed of representatives ofthe communal People s Councils,the communal Fatherland Frontandsocial organizationsand elected representatives of thecommunitydirectlybenefitfromprojectsto supervisetheworks in accordance withcurrent regulations oninvestment supervision bythe Community.

7.Themain solutionsfor Program implementation

a)Thespecific mechanisms andpoliciesmustbe promulgated

TheMinistry of Agriculture andRural Developmentshallassume the prime responsibility for andcoordinate withthe relating ministriesand branches toreview, amendand supplementthe provisions onfinancial management, technology,preferential and encouraging policies for building investment and managingruralcleanwater supply constructions,technical regulationsof the constructions, guidanceon the management, exploitation andprotection of constructionsin order tocreatefavorable conditionsfor theimplementation of the Program;review,establishcoordination mechanismsamongministries,branches and localitiesfor the effective and right-targetedimplementation of the Programs.

b) Information -education- communication:

To carry our information- education- communicationactivities inthefollowings main forms:

- Direct communicationat village level to traintheteam of communicatorsinthevillage andthe people.

-Newspaper, radioand televisionareprimarily usedatthe national level andin localities.

-Social marketingto promotedemand ofbuildingand usehygieniclatrines, practiceofhygiene behaviors;use clean waterfor living andhygieniclatrine building.

-Improveresponsibility of authorities, sectors, branches and massorganizationsat all levels inimplementing operation the Program.

c) To expandinternationalcooperation relationship:

To stepping up international cooperationfor interchange ofexperience, sharing information,transferring technology andmobilizingnon-refundableaidsandpreferential creditloans.

Establish a clearand flexiblecoordination mechanism betweengovernmentalagenciesanddonorsin order to create atransparent,convenientand effective environmentfor implementingthe Program;boostactivities inpartnershipfrom Vietnam side withdonorsin the field ofcleanwater supply andenvironmentalsanitationin rural areas.

Efficientlyuse capital of donors andensure the implementationin accordance with thecommitted agreements.

d) Post-investment management:

To attach importance topost-investment results, particularlyinterested inmodels andmechanisms of management ofcentralized watersupply works,public works; stronglyadjust operation mode fromservingtoservice, takingneedsof the customers tochange service providing style of theinvestment and operationmanagementunit.

Regarding to completed construction,mustcreateoperating procedures, in whichclearly definedtime, sequenceand contents ofmaintenance, repairand replacebuildingsand equipments.

Management officersmustbe trained andpossess professional qualifications,fully capable of managingand operatingas prescribed.

The price ofclean watermustaccurately and preciselycoverthereasonable costfactorsinthe clean water production and distribution process,tax and profit, and shall be submitted totheprovincial People s Committeeto decide andissuein accordance withthe current provisions.Where the consumption price islower than cost price,the competent level deciding consumption price shall subsidy forwater supply unitsthedifference amount fromlocal budgets.

e)Human resources, scienceand technology:

-Human resources:

To attach importance to training anddeveloping human resource, which particularlyfocuses oncapacity enhancing trainingfor state managementcadres and civil servantsat all levels,thenon-business and service organizations,andespeciallygrassrootscollaborators.

Training contentshall beappropriate for eachgroup of subjects, including propagandaand timely guidance oflegal documents, compilationof schemingplanning,science and technology,project constructioninvestmentand management, task ofcommunication, management ofprojectsexploitation and operation...

Thetypes of training: training, sightseeing to learn experience, seminars... To use positive training method which the trainees are the centre.

-Scienceand technology:

+Water supply: Focus onfindingappropriate and efficiency technological and technical solutions,especially for areas in special difficult conditions(areasof frequent droughts, floods, pollution,high mountains, islands...).Diversifytechnologytypes of rational exploitation anduse of water resources; improvewater qualityin accordance withregional naturaland socio-economicconditions, ensuringprinciple of sustainability. Taking advantage of stablewater sourcesin areas meetingwith special difficulties is priority; centralize water supplying for areas with crowed and gathered residents;upgradeand expandtheexistingwater supply constructions;ensurewaterquality.

+Sanitation: Based onnatural conditionsand custom of each localityto selectappropriate type oflatrine.

+For breeding waste treatment technology: Focusprimarily on breeding waste treatmentathouseholds scalewithtraditional technology, in whichgive priority to application ofbreeding waste treatmenttechnologybyBiogastechnology.

e) The participationof the community

Strengthenparticipation of the community, ensuring creatingfavorableandequal opportunities for peopleto benefitand participate inthe activitiesof the Program actively and positively.The implementationof the Programshallbe associatedwith the implementation ofgrassroots democracy regulations, encouragevillage meetingsto determinelocal’sprioritiesand decide onissuesrelated tocleanwaterandenvironmental sanitationin rural areas.

8.Organization of implementation

a)At central level:

- The Minister ofAgriculture andRural Developmentshallissue Decisiononestablishment of Management Board ofnational targetprogramonRuralCleanWater andEnvironmentalSanitationfor2012 – 2015 phase; Members oftheManagement Boardinclude: the Ministerof Agriculture andRural Developmentas the chairman,Vice Minister ofAgriculture andRural DevelopmentasstandingViceChairman,Vice Minister ofHealth asVice Chairman, members oftheManagement Board arerepresentatives oftheleader ofMinistriesof Planningand Investment, Finance, Construction, Educationand Training, Defense, Natural Resourcesand Environment, Scienceand Technology, Informationand Communication;Committee for Ethnic Minorities,Vietnam Farmers Association,Vietnam Women sUnion, Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

-The OperationRegulationsofthe Management Boardshall bedecidedby theChairman.

-A standing officelocated at the Ministryof Agriculture andRural Development to assist theManagement Board.Depending onthe nature ofeach componentprojectin the Program,the agency assignedto implement acomponent projectmay establish aProjectManagement Unitandsuchestablishment shall be decided by theheads oftheagencyimplementing project.

b)At local level

President ofprovincial-level People s Committee shalldecide to establishanExecutiveBoard ofthe National TargetProgramon Rural Clean Water andEnvironmentalSanitationin2012 – 2015 periodtoimplement theProgramin the respecting area.Chairmanof the Boardisthe headofthe provincial People s Committee;Vice Chairmanis theHead of Department ofAgriculture andRural Development, Vice Chairman is the head ofDepartment of Health. Other members of theExecutive Boardarerepresentatives of head ofrelatingprovincial-level agenciesand organizations.

Article 2.This decisiontakes effectfrom the date ofsigning.

Article 3.Ministers, heads ofministerial-level agencies, headsof other central agencies,heads of government- attached agencies,presidents of provincial-level People’s Committees shall beresponsible forimplementationand direct their subsidiary agencies andunitsto implementthis Decision./.




Nguyen Tan Dung




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