Decision No. 339/QD-TTg dated February 19, 2013 of the Prime Minister approving the overall scheme on restructuring economy in association with transfer of growth model towards to increase quality, effectiveness and competition capacity during 2013 - 2020

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Decision No. 339/QD-TTg dated February 19, 2013 of the Prime Minister approving the overall scheme on restructuring economy in association with transfer of growth model towards to increase quality, effectiveness and competition capacity during 2013 - 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:339/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:19/02/2013Effect status:

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This is the scheme of the overall economy restructure scheme attached to the growth model transfer towards the improvement of quality, effectiveness and competition capacity in the 2013 – 2020 period issued attached with the Decision No. 339/QD-TTg dated February 19, 2013.

In particular, focus is public investment for restructuring investment,  to maintain a rational proportion of state investment, of about 35% - 40% total social investment; annually gradually increase thrift from the State budget for investment, spend 20% - 25% of total budget expenditure on development investment. To renew basically mechanism of capital allocation and use management, to overcome investments which are spread, dispersed and wasteful, increase effectiveness of state investment. Besides, to mobilize rationally resources for development investment, to ensure total social investment of about 30% - 35% GDP, maintain the big balances of economy at a rational level such as: Thrift, investment and consumption, the State budget, trade balance, international payment balance, public debts and foreign debts of nation.

To improve role, position of credit institutions of Vietnam in governing and leading market, ensure that state commercial banks and commercial banks in which state holds dominant shares actually are an key and principal force in system of credit institutions. To strive by 2015 for forming at least from one to two state commercial banks or commercial banks in which state holds dominant shares which meet regional qualification on scope, administration, technology and competition.

This Decision takes effect on the signing date.
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Decision No.  339/QD-TTg dated February 19, 2013 of the Prime Minister on approving the overall economy restructure scheme attached to the growth model transfer towards the improvement of quality, effectiveness and competition capacity in the 2013 – 2020 period

Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Government organization;

Pursuant to the Resolution of the 3rd Conference o-f the IXthCentral Party Executive Committee;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 11/2011/QH13 dated November 09, 2011 of National Assembly on the 2012 socio-economic development plan;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 10/NQ-CP dated April 24, 2012 of the Government promulgating the action program of the Government in implementation of socio-economic development strategy during 2011 – 2020 and directions, tasks to develop country in 5 years from 2011 to 2015;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 83/NQ-CP dated December 07, 2012 of the Government on the Government’s periodical session in November 2012;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,


Article 1.To approve the overall economy restructure scheme attached to the growth model transfer towards the improvement of quality, effectiveness and competition capacity in the 2013 – 2020 period (hereinafter called the Scheme) with the main contents as follows:


1.Overall objectives

To implement restructuring economy in association with transfer of growth model under roadmap and suitable steps in order to basically form model of depth economy growth, ensuring quality of growth, enhance effectiveness and competition capacity of the economy by 2020.

2.Specific objectives

a) To complete socialist-oriented market economy institutions, create a leverage system, the suitable, rational, stable and long-term encourages, especially tax priorities and other measures to promote investment, to promote essential distribution and use of social resources under market mechanism in advantageous competitive sectors, products, raising labor productivity, productivity of general elements and competitive capacity.

b) To form and develop a rational economic structure on the basis of improving, upgrading development level of sectors, fields, economical region; to develop sectors, fields using high technology, creating high added value and step by step replacing sectors with low technology, low added value for becoming key economy.

c) To step by step consolidate internal force of the economy, to take initiative in international integration and consolidation of national position in the international, maintain politic stability, assure national security, social order and security.

3.Objective on restructuring the economy

a) To further renew thinking, clearly delineate role, function of state and market for minimizing barriers, creating motive force in encouraging the shift, allocation and use of production elements, especially capital and human resource based on signal of market. To improve capacity and effectiveness in national administration, to promote state’s role in creating and supporting development through mechanisms, policies, economic leverage, and minimize use of administratively interfering measures.

b) To combine harmoniously solution of important and urgent issues with basic and long-term issues, toward to objective of sustainable development; to prioritize for medium and long - term objectives, growth quality; economic growth associated with inflation control, stability of macro-economy, to realize social progress and justice, to preserve traditional national cultural values which are typical and friendly with environment, to develop green economy, assure the social order and security, consolidate security and defense.

c) To promote development of competitive advantageous of sectors, fields, economic areas and localities, to respect and promote agricultural advantageous, strongly develop service and tourism economy; toward to construction of economic structure with key economic sectors as focus and diverse development of business types and sectors, able to adapt with rapid changes of overseas and domestic socio-economic development under objective of green, stable and sustainable economy growth.

d) To implement restructuring economy in association with administrative reform, enhance administrative service quality at sectors, levels, especially local and grassroots levels through assurance of directing, concentration, uniformity of Central and promotion of initiative and creativity of local and grassroots levels.

e) To further open, initiative and positive international integration; attract the positive respond and participation of people and economic sectors, especially overseas and domestic private sector in order to mobilize the utmost and use more and more effectively resources for socio-economic development.

4.Orientations for restructuring a few of principal fields

a) To maintain a favorable and stable environment of macro-economy

- To implement effective and careful monetary policy; flexibly and effectively use tools of monetary policy; to closely and synchronously attach with fiscal policy aiming to ensure objective of inflation control, macroeconomic stability and ensure for the rational growth in conformity with socio-economic characteristics and conditions of country in each period.

- To implement a close, effective fiscal policy, thoroughly thrift. To concentrate on synchronous and effective implementation of solutions for revenues and expenditures of the State budget through increasing publicity, transparency, and responsibility for explanation; to ensure balancing of the State budget according to medium-term plan on the State budget, in conformity with national socio-economic conditions; gradually reduce State budget deficit, maintain rate of public debt at rational level, ensure a healthy national finance.

- To step up export, closely control import commodities which are not encouraged, or have been produced domestically. To step up development of supporting industries, industries producing domestic consumer commodities.

- To improve mobilization of resources in service for development investment objective; sectors, levels take initiative to formulate, promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation of mechanisms, policies, solutions creating a favorable environment for attracting and enhancing effective use of investment capital sources.

- To strengthen control of prices, market; ensure balancing of supply and demand of essential commodities; to closely follow up overseas and domestic market happenings, timely apply measures to regulate supply and demand, stabilize market. To implement consistent policy on price management under the market mechanism with adjustment by state for electricity, coal, petrol, public services under roadmap with extent and time adjusted suitably for assurance of inflation control objective.

b) To implement drastically and effectively focuses of restructuring economy

- For restructuring investment, in which focus is public investment:

+ To mobilize rationally resources for development investment, to ensure total social investment of about 30% - 35% GDP, maintain the big balances of economy at a rational level such as: Thrift, investment and consumption, the State budget, trade balance, international payment balance, public debts and foreign debts of nation, etc.

+ To maintain a rational proportion of state investment, of about 35% - 40% total social investment; annually gradually increase thrift from the State budget for investment, spend 20% - 25% of total budget expenditure on development investment. To renew basically mechanism of capital allocation and use management, to overcome investments which are spread, dispersed and wasteful, increase effectiveness of state investment.

+ To expand the utmost scope and opportunity for private investment, especially domestic private. To encourage and facilitate for private investment in infrastructure development, development of sectors or products which are advantageous, potential to develop and motive economic areas.

- For restructuring financial – banking system, in which focus is credit institutions.

+ During 2013 – 2015, to concentrate on making financial situation of credit institutions to be healthy, before of all, concentrate on handling of bad debts of all system of credit institutions and each credit institution, concentrate on development of main business activities, assurance of solvency, cost and stable and sustainable development, concentrate on handling of cross possession and increase transparency in activities of credit institutions.

+ To restructure basically, thoroughly and all-sided system of credit institutions for development of multi-function credit institution system by 2020, according to modern direction, safe operation, stable effectiveness with diversified structure on possession, scope and type, have higher competitive capacity and based on technological foundation and advanced banking administration in conformity with international practices and standards on banking operation aiming to satisfy better for demands on financial and banking services of the economy. Not to let happening breaks and loss safety in credit and banking activities; ensure full and timely payment for depositors, minimize loss and cost for handling of risks arising in system of credit institutions.

+ To improve role, position of credit institutions of Vietnam in governing and leading market, ensure that state commercial banks and commercial banks in which state holds dominant shares actually are an key and principal force in system of credit institutions. To strive by 2015 for forming at least from one to two state commercial banks or commercial banks in which state holds dominant shares which meet regional qualification on scope, administration, technology and competition.

+ To review, assess, classify in order to have suitable plans to handle joint-stock commercial banks, financial companies, finance leasing companies and other credit institutions, and first of all concentrate on credit institutions that are weak or violate seriously regulations of law; closely supervise process of formulation and implementation of the approved restructuring plan at credit institutions. To strengthen safe institutions; reorganize activities of people’s credit funds and macro credit institutions, to consolidate and handle weak organizations; facilitate for these organizations to operate normally, continue development of the scope, capacity in executive administration and liquidity safety. To facilitate for foreign credit institutions to operate and compete equally in Vietnam; to encourage cooperation and linkage with Vietnam’s credit institutions in development of new products, renewing administration, modernizing bank and especially in handling of difficulties of Vietnam’s credit institutions during process of restructuring.

- For restructuring enterprises, in which focus is state groups or corporations

+ To implement classification and re-arrangement of state enterprises, concentrate on main field comprising defense industry, sectors, fields of natural exclusive industry or supply of principal goods, services and a number of hi-tech and basic industries with a large pervasiveness; to step up the equalization, possession diversification of state enterprises which the state need not to hold 100% ownership. For each state economic group, corporation, to restructure investment portfolio and business trades, concentrate on main business trades; to accelerate implementation under market principles in divestments of state for investment in lines which are not main lines or not directly relate to main business lines and state capital in joint-stock companies which state not holds dominant shares.

+ To renew, develop and toward full application of modern administration frame in according to the good practices of market economy for state economic groups or corporations. To implement strictly law, state administrative rules and market disciplines, renew the leverage system, to encourage for state enterprises to be ensured to operate under market mechanism and compete equally with enterprises of other economic sectors.

+ To further step up restructuring, improving quality, effectiveness, competition of private enterprises; encourage forming and development of private economic groups with strong potential, able to compete in overseas and domestic markets.

c) To accelerate restructuring production, service trades, adjustment of market strategies, rapidly increase domestic value, added value and competition of products, of enterprises and of the economy.

- To further shift economy structure in direction of industrialization and modernization; in each internal sector, implement change from small sectors, products or production stages using low technology, low productivity and low added value to small sectors, products or production stages using clean and friendly-environment technology with high productivity and added value.

- To exploit and use good advantages of tropical industry to build and develop zones of specialized cultivation with large scope under form of farms, family s farms, hi-tech agricultural areas meeting popular international standards on food safety and hygiene to connect agricultural production with industry of processing, preservation and export, consumption of products in market, with the global value chain for products with advantages and competition in the world market such as: Coffee, rubber, rice, catfish, shrimp, pepper, cashew nuts, other seafood, tropical vegetables and fruits, etc. To maintain scope and the diversity production methods, in conformity with actual conditions of each region for products, product groups which domestic demand is high but competition is medium such as the breeding products, sugar, etc.

- To restrict agricultural production under both technical economic sector, area and new value, to increase content of science, technology and proportion of domestic value in product; to strongly change from processing and assembly as essential trades to manufacture and production, to connect with production network and global value supply chain for sectors, products having advantageous competition now such as processing of food, aquatic products, seafood, beverages, garment, leather and shoes and leather products, etc. To concentrate on development of a few of prior sectors and support industries such as petrochemical, electronic and information technology industry, metallurgical industry, mechanical engineering, green industries and recycled energy, accessories of automobile, agricultural machines, etc for improving and upgrading development level of the economy.

- To diversify types of services and enhance development level of service sectors; to concentrate on development of service products and sectors with advantageous competition such as: Trading services, construction services, hotel, restaurant, tourist, telecommunication, finance – bank, logistic services, education and training, medical care, services for agricultural production; concurrently, to build a number of tourist service centers with high quality tourist products, associated with trademark, strong national identity and competition capacity at regional and international level.

- To further diversify the domestic and foreign consumption market; to attach importance to and develop strongly the domestic market in association with strengthening trade promotion, opening new markets (India, other South Asia countries, Africa and the Middle East, Latin America); to prioritize use of the utmost opportunities from key and strategic export markets (United States, Japan, China, the EU, ASEAN, Australia); to concentrate on effective use of traditional markets (Russia, Eastern Europe).

d) To further rationally restructure, build and develop the economic regions

To promote potential and advantages of each region with a long-term vision in order to implement rational re-allocation of production and service sectors, create difference on economic structure among localities and regions.

- To strengthen coordination, supplementation and connection among localities in a region and among regions in order to develop and remedy investments which are identical or lack of linkages among localities in a region.

- To further prioritize development of key economic regions, create motive force to push and spread development to localities in a region and to other regions and to entire economy; to select and mobilize resources for concentrating on development of a number of economic zones, industrial zones forming strong sea-economic centers.


1.To finalize institutions of socialist-oriented market economy, to improve and enhance competition of national business environment.

a) The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities:

- Reviewing, proposing for amendment, supplementation, completing system of legal documents related to breakthrough strategic fields, ensuring conformity with socio-economic development requirement in new period, combining with strengthening effectiveness, validity of organizing implementation.

- To further formulate and complete the law system, the focus is improve institutions of socialist-oriented market economy, create sustainable legal grounds to push restructuring economy; to research the formulation of projects on the Civil Code (amendments), Penal Code (amendments), Law on promulgation of legal document (consolidation).

- Enhancing quality of formulation of projects on Laws, Ordinances and legal documents. Strengthening and enhancing quality of appraisal for projects and drafts of legal documents. Strictly controlling and ensuring uniformity, synchronism of legal documents.

- which gives prominence to responsibility of Ministries, heads of Ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, the Presidents of the People’s Committee of central-affiliated cities and provinces in monitoring, inspection, supervision of law execution under their assigned functions and tasks.

b) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies, localities in reviewing, amending and supplementing mechanisms, policies on business environment through:

- Removing barriers, annulling or supplementing, amending regulations which are obsolete, unsuitable with market mechanism, international economy integration; creating a mechanism of investment promotion which is enough attracted and feasible, first of all, tax incentives and other measures on investment promotion in order to expand and increase more investment and business opportunities for private economy zone; enhancing effectiveness and quality of national management for improving and upgrading quality of business environment.

- To further simplifying, reducing administrative procedures; reducing cost for enforcement of administrative procedures and law for people and enterprises.

- Not to formulate, promulgate regulations banning or limiting business right of people and enterprises because of reasons such as weakness on management capability and qualification of relevant state management agencies; regulations which are not suitable to condition and real life of majority of people and enterprises; to remedy the promulgation of new regulations not ensured feasibility, failing to execution or their implementation without effectiveness, causing damage to legitimate benefits of people and enterprises.

c) Ministries of: Construction, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development shall, within their assigned functions and tasks, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, relevant agencies in reviewing, amending and supplementing, completing mechanisms, policies for healthy and sustainable development of real estate market through:

- To ensure development of urban areas, projects on real estate business in conformity with the approved plans and demand of market; to have suitable mechanisms, policies to encourage development of social houses, improve conditions on house for people, the first is the poor and subjects enjoyed social policies in urban areas.

- For projects on construction of socio-economic infrastructure works, urban embellishment, to implement zoning for land area beside of infrastructure works and vicinities for land recovery and creating force sources from land to invest in these works, rationally supporting for persons recovered land and increasing the State budget revenues. To prioritize for persons recovered resident land to be handed land or be purchased house on land area recovered as prescribed by law.

- To closely review, control plans on agricultural land use; to implement the publicized and transparent management of plans, enhance state management effectiveness for plans on land use; to research and give out suitable solutions in order to push development of real estate market, facilitate for transfer of land use right.

- During 2013 – 2015, concentrate on handling inventory on real estate, adjust structure of supply source in conformity with real demand of people on house, especially segment of social housing market; review, assess and classify urban projects and house projects; simplify administrative procedures, to shorten time of completion of procedures of transfer, adjustment of project structure, apartment scale; facilitate to lower prices of products in conformity with demands meeting solvency of residences, especially demands on social-policy-based houses.

d) The State bank of Vietnam shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant Ministries, agencies:

- To further review mechanisms, policies on management of foreign currency and gold; to carry out synchronous solutions remedying dollarization in the economy, gradually reduce and toward to use of foreign currency or gold as payment facilities in Vietnam’s territory, gather foreign currency in system of credit institutions.

- To step by step implement carefully liberalization of capital transaction in conformity with international commitments, and ensure the effective control of foreign currency flow in the economy and crossing the border and risks related to enter and out capital flows.

- To closely, synchronously and effectively manage monetary market, especially derivative monetary market, foreign currency market and gold market in order to mobilize the utmost of force sources for development investment; ensure monetary, credit and bank activities to be safe, healthy and in accordance with law.

- To renew mechanism of state allocation of investment credit through assurance of accessing fairly, equally, and transparently for investors, enterprises in regardless of economic sectors.

dd) The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities:

- Reviewing, amending and supplementing, completing mechanisms, policies, legal regulations on finance, the State budget, ensuring publicity, transparence and taking responsibility for explanation of sectors, levels, units using the State budget.

- Researching, formulating and implementing a suitable reforming roadmap on charge policy in use of infrastructure through ensuring the capability of investment cost recovery in order to facilitate the utmost for raising investment capital from the private zone and foreign investment in projects on infrastructure.

- Restructuring securities market and relevant financial institutions through: Restructuring, diversifying and enhancing quality of types of goods in securities market, restructuring establishments of investors through diversifying the establishments of investors, expanding establishments of organizational and specialized investors; re-arranging the securities business organizations and insurance business organizations through enhancing financial capability, service quality and risk prevention; developing securities market with listing, transaction, information disclosure criteria, the systems of executive administration, risk management according to the general standards and in conformity with international common practices.

e) Ministries, agencies, localities within the assigned functions and tasks:

- To further open the markets of sectors, fields doing natural exclusive business or which state groups or corporations control or hold a dominant market part; to gradually limit and control effectively the exclusive or dominant position in market of enterprises in these sectors, fields; to consider, monitor situation of macro-economy, to accelerate implementation of the roadmap for application of the market price mechanism in supply of public services, infrastructure services.

- To further inherit and promote result of the Scheme 30 on simplifying administrative procedures; to further have breakthroughs on simplifying and rationalization of administrative procedure system in a number of state management sectors such as land management and use, investment and construction, customs, tax, advertisement, goods transport and export, import, food safety and hygiene, etc.

- To further complete and upgrade the national information system on enterprises, to further enhance quality, simplify procedures and reduce cost for enterprise registration.

g) Ministries, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, agencies of the Government, the President of the People’s Committee of central-affiliated cities and provinces directly take responsibility before the Government, the Prime Minister for reform and quality of institutions in scope of sectors, fields and localities under their assigned state management competence.

2.To enhance quality of master plans, associate strategy with master plans, plans, enhance effectiveness of state management on master plan.

a) The Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministries, agencies managing sectors under their assigned functions and tasks, shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant Ministries, agencies and localities in:

- Reviewing, amending and supplementing and completing legal documents on zoning; to urgently formulate and submit National Assembly for promulgation of Law on zoning. Further researching, renewing the process and measures to make master plans, ensuring the conformity with actuality.

- Further reviewing, completing the master plan on socio-economic development, development plans of sectors, fields, regions, localities under direction of enhancing quality, effectiveness and linkages among types of zoning; ensuring to specify objectives, directions, tasks of national strategies, plans on socio-economic development and uniformity linkage among strategies, master plans, national plans on socio-economic development, the master plans of sectors, fields, regions, localities in conformity with actual conditions and requirements of socio-economic development in each period.

- Renewing, enhancing linkage, synchronism among master plans, plans on land use with urban zoning, construction master plans, master plans of sectors, fields enclosed land use under planned directions, plans on land use must be summarized, balanced, allocated rationally, effective land use for sectors, fields, territory areas and administrative units; the construction master plans and master plans of sectors, fields using land must be conformable with criteria, progress of land use allocated in master plans, plans on land use; implementing integration; strictly managing requirements on environmental protection in strategies, master plans, plans, projects on socio-economic development.

- Implementing suitable solutions aiming to enhance the construction quality, ensuring sanctions in implementation of master plans on socio-economic development, master plans of sectors, fields, regions, master plans on land use and urban master plans; to strengthen publicity, transparence for types of master plans.

- Strengthening inspection, supervision of compliance with master plans in Ministries, agencies, localities, especially combination of regional master plans and master plans of sectors, fields, master plans on socio-economic development; minimizing early adjustment with high frequency of the approved master plans, especially master plans on urban infrastructure; complying with process, procedures on construction, appraisal and approval as prescribed for cases of amending and supplementing master plans.

- Summarizing, reporting on the zoning, implementation of master plans and timely proposing to competent authorities for handling of problems in management and implementation of master plans.

b) the Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies, localities in reviewing, assessing, proposing for amendments and supplementations or amending and supplementing under their competence for master plans on transport infrastructure development in conformity with the Strategy of socio-economic development during 2011 – 2020 approved by The XI Party s Congress on building a synchronous infrastructure system aiming to bring our country into a modern-oriented industrial country by 2020.

c) Ministries, agencies, localities within the assigned functions and tasks shall:

- Review, amend and supplement master plans, plans on socio-economic development, development master plans of branches, fields, products, master plans of regions, localities and other plans in order to implement contents, orientations on restructuring economy, especially restructuring sectors, fields of production and service, ensuring conformity with each region, promoting local advantageous potentials, in association with product consumption and assurance of sustainable development.

- Review, update master plans, plans on land use of levels towards the most effective use of land in service for socio-economic development. Review implementation of investment projects handed land, have suitable handling measures with respect to projects contrary to master plans; implement drastic recovery or propose to competent authorities for land recovery with respect to investment projects fail to be carried out or carried out later than law regulations on land, real estate.

- During 2013 – 2015, concentrate on completion and publicity of master plans, plans on land use, master plans on infrastructure development, urban and industrial zone master plans, master plans of sectors, fields and important products prioritized to develop; before 2015, delete situation of the master plans of which implementations have suspended for a long time.

- Annually, formulate reports on actual zoning, publicize, and make master plans, results of zoning implementation and relevant issues to be transparent, send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summarizing and reporting to the Prime Minister.

d) Heads of agencies, organizations competent to approve master plans and relevant agencies under their assigned tasks:

- To be responsible for quality of master plans, inspection, supervision of process of zoning implementation and assess result of implementation in accordance with regulations.

- Immediately suspend acts violating the approved master plans, implement handling measures or propose handling measures to competent agencies as prescribed by law.

3.Renewal of mechanisms, policies in mobilization, allocation and use of investment capital

a) To implement drastically and effectively the restructuring public investment:

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities under the assigned functions and tasks:

+ To further review, complete law, mechanisms, policies on allocation and management of public investment. To formulate, submit for promulgation of Law on public investment toward to uniformly manage types of state investment capitals, including investment capital from the State budget, Government bond capital, state’s investment credit and state’s capital investing in enterprises; to strengthen discipline, transparency and responsibility for explanation in state investment capital use, ensure close control of public debts, ensure in safe limit and maintain national financial security.

+ To drastically, consistently, effectively implement the medium-term investment plans, in which concentrate investment capital from the State budget for national key and important projects, works; to spend a appropriate part of the State budget capital for participation in public-private cooperation projects, ODA reciprocal capital and fund for ground clearance. For national important projects with high effectiveness and large spreading impact with respect to socio-economic development in regions, inter-regions, implementation under form in which public and private investment are combined (PPP, BOT, BT, Ministry, etc) is encouraged or issue bonds, strengthen mobilization and ensure to balance sufficient capital for implementation.

+ Not to allocate to and implement new investments in sectors, fields which the private zone able to and ready to invest in business such as trade services, hotels, restaurants, real estate, production of building materials and a number of other sectors, fields.

+ To formulate and apply a rational, close and effective process in defining, appraisal, selection, allocation of investment capital and implementation of state investment projects; select only projects meeting criterion on socio-economic effectiveness; concentrate on sufficient allocation of investment capital for implementation of urgent and important projects; remedy effectively the situation of scattered, fragmented, inconsistent and inefficient investment.

+ To make information on investment publicized and transparent; to strengthen competence and capability of supervision system with respect to public investment, encourage and facilitate for supervision of community with respect to public investment projects, public investment activities. To strengthen compliance with law, policy mechanism, enhance responsibility for examination, inspection, supervision in public investments.

- The Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies, localities in reviewing and selecting national traffic projects prioritized for investment and allocated sufficient capital in order to ensure finishing in earliest time limit; in case of failing to balance sufficient necessary capital, research application of investment forms with public and private combination (PPP, BT, BOT, BO, etc) or issue bonds in order to raise investment capital; review, chop, suspend projects which have not yet allocated capital or fail to change for investment under other forms.

- Ministries, agencies, localities under their duties, powers shall review all investment project within their management scope, closely control scope, scale of each investment project according to approved objective, field and program; a decision on investment is permitted to carry out only when the project has been selected in accordance with process and prioritized order, clarified capital source and capability of balance and allocation of sufficient capital for investment project to be finished at each budget level.

b) To renew mechanism in mobilizing sources, regime on investment incentives and investment promotion, mechanism in investment management, to expand opportunities to attract domestic private investment and foreign investment.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministries managing sectors, under their assigned functions and tasks, shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant Ministries, agencies and localities in:

- Defining and publicizing list of feasible infrastructure projects with capability to recover capital, defining typical policy mechanism for each project during 2013 - 2015 and the next years in order to attract, raise private capital for investment in infrastructure development under appropriate investment forms combining between the public investment and private investment (PPP, BT, BOT, BO, etc).

- Promulgating mechanism on biding of the right to explore and exploit minerals of all kinds, land use right auction, bidding of projects with land use in order to hand land, lease land with respect to projects on socio-economic development, ensuring the thrifty, effective and sustainable use of minerals, land, natural resources.

- Specifying conditions for investors to be handed land, rent land for implementation of project on socio-economic development; having synchronous and specific sanctions in order to strictly and thoroughly handle cases being handed over land or leased land by state but use land wastefully, improper with purpose, have land speculation, be late to bring land into use; fail to pay compensation on land, assets associated with land, value invested in land with respect to cases recovered land due to violation of land law.

- Supplementing, changing list of sectors, trades encouraged for investment through including only sectors, trades prioritized for development having been defined to be conformable with orientation on transfer of sector structure and internal structure of economic - technical sectors; implementing investment incentives that are the same for new investment projects and expanded investment, upgrading investment in sectors, trades encouraged for investment.

- Implementing regimes on incentives and investment promotions which are sufficient big on scale, diversified on tools and forms in order to push, support and attract high-quality investors, ensuring development of sectors prioritized for development; all measures on investment incentives must have objectives, time limit and conditions to bind and specific and clear sanctions.

c) To strengthen state management on investment

The Ministry of Planning and Investment, ministries, agencies and localities under their assigned functions and tasks shall:

- Accept investment and grant works construction permit for only works construction investment project meeting sufficient conditions as prescribed (location of investment and scale of land use to be conformable with the master plan on land use, master plan on urban construction and development, master plan on technical infrastructure development; meeting requirements on environmental protection as prescribed by law; socio-economic effectiveness meeting requirements as prescribed by law, etc). In case area of planed land for investment in industrial development is limited, not satisfy sufficient demand of investors, projects of sectors, trades prioritized for development shall be prioritized for handing land, leasing land.

- Formulate rational process, implement inter-solving administrative procedures on investment and construction, from approval for investment policies, assessment of environment impacts, appraisal and acceptance of investment project, agreements on handing land, leasing land, etc, to grant of construction permit; implement of mechanism of inter-one-stop service in implementation of administrative procedures.

- Enhance powers, strengthen capability and effectively implement supervision of Ministries, relevant central agencies on works construction investment management, ensure that the accepted investment projects meet sufficient criteria, implemented under proper process, bring socio-economic effectiveness; strengthen publicity of information and responsibility of explaination of relevant state management agencies on investment and other relevant issues.

d) Enhance the state management effectiveness and ensure quality of foreign investment projects

The Ministry of Planning and Investment, ministries, agencies and localities under their assigned functions and tasks shall:

- Formulate and implement strategy on foreign direct investment mobilization and promotion in order to develop sectors, trades prioritized for development, to accelerate rate of restructuring and changing the economic structure.

- Formulate specific criteria to assess, appraise and select investors and foreign investment projects aiming to attain the objectives: Pushing technology transfers, renewing and enhancing technological capability; having capability to create foreign currency enough to cover demand spending foreign currency of project, including the transfer of capital and foreign currency to foreign countries, contributing on reducing deficit and toward to balancing in balance of trade; using rationally and effectively the natural resources and protecting environment; raising proportion of domestic added value, etc.

- Formulate and implement specific and flexible packs of preferred and support solutions on the basis of negotiation, agreement with multinational corporations in order to attract investment of these corporations in sectors with high technologies and high added value, building production network and domestic supply chain in association with production activities of multinational corporations.

- Renew the system of foreign investment management, mobilization and promotion; enhance capability and supervision effect of investment implementation after registering or having been approved. Consolidate the supervision, monitoring and management of investment implementation applying to foreign direct investment project by solutions:

 + Maintaining the regular relation with investors in order to timely catch problems or difficulties happening during investment. The investment promotion agency must be a focal agency of one-stop form, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other relevant agencies in proposing solutions to remove or support timely for investors related to their difficulties or problems.

 + Strengthening capability, building the national information system, unifying whole country on foreign investment.

+ Regularly supervising and timely detecting foreign direct investment projects used with improper purpose, ineffective investment incentives, especially relating to land and infrastructure; timely recovering and transferring force sources for more effective projects; periodically assessing results of attraction and socio-economic effectiveness of foreign investment.

+ Enhancing the capability of management and implementation of solutions preventing the transfer pricing as soon as carrying works, projects.

4.Restructuring system of credit institutions, the focus is commercial banks.

a) The State bank of Vietnam shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies, localities:

- Implementing fully, consistently and effectively solutions in accordance with the Decision No. 254/QD-TTg dated March 01, 2012 approved by the Prime Minister. The Scheme "Restructuring system of credit institutions during 2011-2015".

- Directing and implementing solutions within their competence or as prescribed by law in order to prevent the increasing of bad debts and gradually reduce bad debts at request and supervise effectively setting up fully the provision fund, use of provision fund, profit and equity capital for handling of bad debts for each credit institution, etc.

- Requesting credit institutions to urgly formulate and submit plan on restructuring in conformity with specific actual situation of each credit institution; directing and supervising credit institutions in effectively carrying out plan on restructuring, ensuring to attain objectives and orientations in restructuring system of credit institutions as set in the Scheme "Restructuring system of credit institutions during 2011-2015" mentioned above.

- Step by step applying principles and criteria of banking assessment under international common practices. Concentrating on handling of bad debts, enhancing inspection, supervision in order to enhance credit quantity and minimize credit risks. Assessing, defining exactly the actual situation of bad debts in system of credit institutions and in each credit institution; on that basis, formulating the master plan to deal with bad debts aiming to make clean and restructure activities of credit institutions in healthy and effective direction. Striving to reduce bad debts of state commercial banks below 3% of total credit outstanding by 2015 (in according to the standard on debt classification and audit standards of Vietnam).

- Fully assessing and defining the actual situation of the current cross possession in system of commercial banks and financial organizations; implementing solutions preventing and eliminating negative influences and violations of shareholders or dominant shareholder group in raising, allocating and using the bank’s credit capitals; limiting the acts such as capture, manipulation, control of joint-stock commercial banks causing risks for each bank and entire system of banks.

- Enhancing management, licensing of operation and network expansion of commercial banks; further completing mechanisms, policies on management, inspection, supervision in the banking activities.

- Encouraging, facilitating and assuring for the monitoring and practicing of standards on bank management, especially the risk management at credit institutions, in conformity with international common practices and actual conditions of Vietnam.

b) The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, relevant agencies:

- Stepping up the restructuring and enhancing the operation effectiveness of securities market, insurance market through restructuring, diversifying and enhancing quality of products in market; restructuring of investors; re-arranging and enhancing capability of business organizations in market; ensuring the publicity of standards and making information transparent.

- Implementing suitable solutions to remove difficulties and to push up raising capital through capital market, securities market.

- Implementing solutions to protect small investors together with enhancing effect, sanctions enforced according to law regulations in the securities market.

5.For restructuring state enterprises, in which focus is state groups or corporations; enhancing quality of private enterprises

a) To strongly and consistently restructure state enterprises

- The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities:

+ Urging Ministries, agencies, localities, state groups and corporations to fully implement the Decision No. 929/QD-TTg dated July 17, 2012 of the Prime Minister on approving the Scheme "Restructuring state enterprises, focus is state economic groups and corporations during 2011-2015”.

+ From 2013, to publicize the annual general information on investment activities of state owners and operation situation of state enterprise area on the website of the Ministry of Finance, relevant ministries, agencies and localities.

+ To formulate annual report “Business actual situation of equity capital by state, to keep intact and develop value of state capital and assets owned by state at enterprises” to submit the Government, National Assembly and publicize under its competence from 2013 as prescribed in Law on enterprises.

- The Ministries, agencies, localities shall, within their assigned functions and tasks, implement fully and thoroughly the Decision No. 929/QD-TTg, of July 17, 2012 of the Prime Minister on approving the Scheme "Restructuring state enterprises, focus is state economic groups and corporations during 2011-2015”, Decision No. 704/QD-TTg, of June 11, 2012, of the Prime Minister on approving the Scheme renewing management of enterprises in accordance with market economic practices.

- The state groups, corporations and state enterprises shall, based on requirements and specific conditions, proactive formulate and implement scheme on restructuring to increase capacity, effect of using capital, assets, and competition of enterprises and products on aspects:

+ Restructuring list of business trades and investing in, concentrating on principal sectors and trades with suitable capability and advantages in competition.

+ Restructuring capital and assets, consolidating and strengthening the financial sustainability of enterprises, dealing effectively with disadvantage changes of market.

+ Restructuring, renewing the production process, renewing to diversify and make difference for products, building and developing trademarks of product.

+ Restructuring, renewing organizational structure in management, renewing and enhancing effect of internal management.

+ Restructuring market, maintaining the competitive position in traditional market and concurrently developing new markets, paying attention to use the utmost of opportunities of domestic market.

+ Training and developing human resource in conformity with requirements on restructuring.

b) To implement national program on development and enhancing quality of non-state enterprises.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment, ministries, agencies and localities shall, under their assigned functions and tasks, strengthen directing, ensuring the effective implementation of national programs on development and enhancing quality of non-state enterprises, including: The program on supporting for the renewal and enhancing the technological capability for medium and small enterprises; program on training and enhancing the management capability for owners and managers of enterprises; program on supporting for enhancing management effect of companies; program on supporting for enhancing product quality (with services of propagation, introduction and guidance for application of standards, quality regulations, services of test, inspection, assessment and certification of product and service quality, etc); program on supporting for connection of enterprises, universities, research institutions and business development service organizations with medium and small enterprises, etc.

- Ministries, agencies, localities shall strengthen directing and ensure effective and realistic implementation of the campaign “The Vietnamese prioritize use of the goods made in Vietnam”; raise consciousness for consumption on goods made in Vietnam and support the product consumption for medium and small enterprises.

c) To renew model of enterprise development

To step by step renew and change model of enterprise development based on principal pillars including: market and objective products, science and technology, human resource, capital and land.

6.To effectively implement programs on synchronous support for development of inter-sector production clusters; step up change of structure, enhance effectiveness and linkage among sectors, fields, economic areas.

a) Effectively implement programs on synchronous support for development of inter-sector production clusters

Ministries, agencies, localities within the assigned functions and tasks shall:

- Implement programs on synchronous support for development of inter-sector production clusters for products prioritized for development with the concentrated and unified directing from the central on objectives, human resources, mechanisms and methods to implement, monitor, assess and supplement, adjust, etc, aiming to increasing the content of science and technology, proportion of domestic value and enhancing competition capability.

- Have suitable mechanisms, policies, especially tax incentives and other support solutions in order to concentrate on development of production network and supply chain of specific products prioritized for development.

- Implement synchronous policy solutions toward to coordination and combination with relevant policies in order to support most necessary stages, ensure to connect all stages and relevant parties in production chain, connect domestic enterprises with foreign enterprises, connect domestic production with the global production network and supply chain; in which concentrate on fields: Reforming, simplifying administrative procedures; support for research and development and technology transfers; investment encouragement, incentives and promotion; trade promotion and support for export, product consumption; development of infrastructure, especially specialized infrastructures, infrastructures outside of industrial zones; services of collection, gathering and supply of market information; support for training labor skills, enhancing human quality in conformity with requirements of stages in the production chain; formulation and application of standards, technical regulations, quality standards, environmental standards under sectors or international standards, supply of services of appraisal, assessment and certification of standards, Regulation in order to connect effectively production stages in value chain; supply of services of testing new products, etc.

- Implementing diversified and flexible support measures in conformity with specific conditions and requirements of each body in the production network and benefits of relevant parties; effectively connecting upstream and downstream products to create a value supply chain from production to consumption of products, combining production with consumption market.

- Combining, coordinating and integrating policies on sector development with policies on regional development; forming the linkage among localities in region through sector linkages.

b) Step up change of structure; enhance effectiveness and linkage among sectors, fields, economic regions

Ministries, agencies, localities within the assigned functions and tasks shall:

- Review, implement mechanisms, policies in order to push development of each sector, economic region, sector and regional linkages.

- Concentrate on directing to restructure production, prioritize development of products with high added value, application of high technology, information technology, clean technology, thrifty and effective use of energy and environmental protection.

- Push development of industries processing agricultural, forestry and aquatic products, support industries, industries with high added value.

- Implement synchronous measures in order to attract investment in fields with high added value, high technology, sectors with comparison advantages.

- Effectively implement the master Strategy on service area development; encourage investing in development of advantageous services with high added value such as tourist, telecommunication, information technology, aviation, finance, banking, distribution, logistic, etc.

- Carefully review, implement suitable solutions in order to enhance effectiveness of industrial zones, processing and exporting zones, Hi-tech parks, etc.

7.To develop agricultural production through increasing scale, modernization and improving quality, added value and combine sustainable development with new rural construction.

Ministries of: Agriculture and Rural Development, Natural Resources and Environment, ministries, agencies, localities within the assigned functions and tasks shall:

- Within their competence, review, amend, supplement or propose for amending and supplementing of zoning land use, zoning agricultural production on the basis of promoting advantageous products and advantages of regions, areas; maintain 3.8 million ha land planting rice for assurance of national food security in the present and the future; ensure the effective implementation of strategy on clean development and effectively response with climate changes; remove projects of which implementations have suspended for a long time, complete and improve quality of state management, ensure effective and sustainable use of land, natural resource and minerals.

- Review, re-assess the forest master plan, rationally maintain area of upstream forest, specialized forests, renew mechanism and organization of forest management through enhance autonomy for households and enterprises, transfer the remaining forest area to development of concentrated material forest, effectively and sustainably develop and exploit forest, increase income and life of forestry laborers.

- Implement reviewing, zoning and management of the breeding area to assure the environment safety, food safety; investigate fishery environment, analyse sources, sea product reserves and supervise extent of fishing, protect resources and environment.

- Reasonably improve proportion of investment capital of the State budget services agriculture and rural development; to develop agriculture encourage services, educate and develop the livelihood, improve living quality of people and community; encourage innovations and the participation of economic sectors in rural development. Prioritize investment in development of industry processing agricultural products (including agriculture, forestry and fisheries) toward to modern, the refined processing, and intensive processing; gradually reduce and limit export of crude agricultural products.

- Push, facilitate on diversified and flexible institutions and forms for farmers, households to contribute value of land use right to enterprises (which may allow not to change legal position on asset right of farmers for the contributed land) aiming to gather, accumulate land fields for agricultural production with big scale with modern technique and production process, meeting quality standards on food safety and hygiene according to international standards.

- Develop and diversify forms of supply of agricultural encourage services, help farmers to change and improve quality of plant varieties and animal breeds, improve product quality, reduce loss after harvesting, preservation and consumption of products.

- Support farmers to connect, access to services of technology research and transfer, Connect with enterprises of processing, system of product consumption, through that, gradually form production network and supply chain connecting production, processing, distribution and sale of products; combine industries servicing for agriculture with agricultural production, connect “four subjects” in production network of a number of key agricultural products in a same local.

- Step up implementation of program on new rural construction, further improves the rural living quality through:

+ To further prioritize investment in development of rural infrastructure, connect villages, communes to towns, provincial centers, cities.

+ To develop small urban areas, residential clusters with method of organizing life similar to life of urban residents.

+ To upgrade, develop both scale and quality of medical services at grassroots, especially rural district level; propagate, persuade to recover the belief of people with quality of medical services at grassroots through practical results.

+ To support, invest with concentration and synchronism (material facilities, vocational equipment, program, textbooks of a course, education and training teachers and vocational manager, etc) under key occupations planned for vocational colleges, vocational secondary schools.

+ To conserve, restore and promote values of cultural heritage, change traditional villages with conditions into spots of tourist, connect tourist routes in region and among neighbor regions.

+ To remedy environment pollution due to traditional handmade production, low technology in traditional villages; to effectively handle environment pollution from waste due to cultivating, breeding in rural areas.

8.To promote advantages of each region, to transfer and form economic regional structures which are reasonable and diversified on trades and development level.

a) The Ministry of Planning and Investment, ministries, agencies managing sectors, fields, People’s Committees in central-affiliated cities and provinces under their assigned functions and tasks shall:

- Concentrate on investment to complete synchronous infrastructure; on initiative promote investment, select qualified investors and investment project for development of hi-tech zones in big cities, Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh cities are first of all.

- Prioritize to concentrate on investment in development of coastal economic areas, including: Chu Lai – Dung Quat economic area, Dinh Vu - Cat Hai economic area in Hai Phong city; Nghi Son economic area in Thanh Hoa province, Vung Ang economic area in Ha Tinh province; Phu Quoc island economic area and Nam An Thoi island group in Kien Giang province; concurrently, consider to concentrate on development of a number of border-gate economic areas.

- Review, re-assess development master plans of industrial zones in nationwide according to the Decision No. 1107/QD-TTg of August 21, 2006, of the Prime Minister, approving the planning on development of industrial parks in Vietnam up to 2015 and orientations to 2020, implement suitable amendments and supplementations through:

+ Building and developing specific industrial zones ensuring conformity and uniformity with orientations on socio-economic development of each region and nationwide; have clear objectives and orientations on allocation of sectors and products, ensure conformity with master plans and plans on land use, master plans on residential spots, master plans on natural resource use, labor prices and requirements on environmental protection of each region.

+ Industrial zones must be ensured to self-supply or have organic association with residential areas, cities, urban areas with modern living conditions, diversified services of medicine, education, housing and entertainment, etc, assuring for laborers life.

+ Industrial zones in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang cities concentrate on attracting investment project using high technology, big capital, and investment performance on one unit of land area and labor at high level, causing not much environment pollution. Consider to transfer a number of existing industrial zones into specialized industrial zones inter-connected with industrial network supporting supply of upstream and intermediary products in order to develop a number of sectors prioritized to develop in key economic areas; gradually transfer investment projects, manufacture plants with low technology, labor-intensive, into other areas or localities less development than in the economic area.

- Formulate rational institutions, mechanisms to develop key economic area combining with implementation of national programs on development of sectors prioritized for development, programs on support and improving quality of enterprises. Enhance directing and coordinating key economic areas, ensure to promote advantages of each region, local in each region and enhance linkage among sectors, fields in each region, local in each region and among key economic region.

b) The People’s Committees in central-affiliated cities and provinces shall:

- Take initiative and innovate in local socio-economic development on the basis of promoting private advantages of local, of each region; and set up mechanism to coordinate socio-economic development among localities, remedy the unhealthy competition or copying of economic structure and investment as movement.

- Effectively coordinate and cooperate among localities in region with appropriate forms and contents such as: Coordinate and cooperate in research to define comparison advantages and competition advantages of each local and whole economic region; exchange information and coordinate in researching to formulate and implement master plans on land use, master plans on infrastructure and human resource development, master plans, plans on local socio-economic development, master plans on economic area, industrial zone development and other development master plans; exchange information, coordinate in appraisal and selection of important investment projects, projects impacting in relating to other localities in region; cooperate and coordinate in building and development of production network with scale of economic region.

- People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces in an economic region must take opinions of other localities in region on draft of master plan on socio-economic development and other development master plans and must take written opinion of relevant Ministries, agencies on coordinating in development of regional economy before submitting the Prime Minister for approval.

- Hold meeting among sectors at periodical of six months or irregularly in order to inform, share information on socio-economic development of region, issues arising need to be settled and capacity, mechanism and tools of coordination to push economic development of each local in particular and whole region in general.

- Further implement programs supporting for direct development from the State budget for ethnic minority areas, border areas and islands.

- Strengthen, improve role, authority and specialized responsibility of the Steering Board of regional development to the agency of coordinating development of economic region.

9.To improve quality of human resource and facilitate for restructuring economy, transfer of growth model

a) To strengthen vocational training under actual demand of market and requirements, specific address of employers

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, relevant agencies:

- Formulating national profession skill level frame; formulating national profession skill standards for popular occupations; issuing the list of occupations compulsory trained; having specific policies, mechanisms and guides for vocational schools, centers and organizations to implement vocational training under national profession skill standards; receiving, shifting the sets of profession skill standards, training programs and training technologies from advanced countries in the region and in the world in order to apply training for key occupations with regional and international levels.

- To implement biding, ordering or assigning the vocational task for vocational facilities regardless of owning form under human demand of enterprises; to prioritize orders for heavy, toxic occupations, occupations which market have demand but enrolment is difficult, occupations with high training cost and occupations satisfying demand of human resource for sectors prioritized for development and for support industries. To encourage, facilitate for enterprises and training organizations in cooperation and mutual support during education, improving skills for laborers of enterprises.

- To implement according to roadmap on allocation of the State budget expenditure for vocational activities for public vocational facilities based in output result, extent of satisfying requirements of learners and employers, etc. To expand application of mechanism on ordering, assigning the vocational task for vocational facilities (regardless of owning form) from the State budget; research transfer of a number of the public vocational facilities into units which supply public services, self-control, self take responsibility and self compensate for cost, and operate under model as social enterprises.

- To formulate and run system of labor market information, national database on labor market, enhance capability of forecast, planning human resource based on signals of market.

- To further expanding scale of new training and retraining labor contingent, increase the trained labor rate up to 70% by 2020; encourage the private area and enterprises to participate in vocational training; encourage enterprises, especially enterprises with big scale to self train laborers to service for their demand, enterprises as fellow traders, partners, and other relevant enterprises.

b) To support for training human resource with high qualification, especially technical, technological staff and managers for sectors prioritized for development

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, relevant agencies:

- Implement periodical re-training, updating, improving qualification, capability and knowledge of macro-economy management for the most important officers, especially the heads of state agencies, Party’s agencies and mass, enterprises.

- Implement vocational training with high qualification under popular international standards, form a labor contingent with high qualification, satisfying labor demand of domestic and overseas enterprises; gradually in charge of and replace working positions which are undertaken by foreign experts at the present.

- Select and send excellent students to train tertiary and postgraduate under appropriate programs at universities, research agencies leading on the world, contribute to create human resource with high quality for sectors prioritized for development.

- Support enterprises, research institutions in training and improving qualification and skill of laborers (including experts, technical staff and manager of all levels) under actual demand of the production business development in sectors, trades prioritized for development.

c) To increase quantity and quality of profession labors for agriculture and rural development

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall, under assigned functions and tasks, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, agencies, localities in:

- Expanding forms of vocational training in association with transfer of new technologies, technique and process production for farming householders; widely multiplying good models in vocational training for rural labors, implement vocational training for traditional villages, zones of specialized cultivation, create the job opportunities for labors in rural areas.

- Encouraging and supporting the diversified forms of coordination among big training centers in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Mamh, Hue, and Can Tho cities with other localities in training and improving quality of human resource in rural regions, especially profession skills at the requests of enterprises.

d) To renew management and improve quality of undergraduate education

The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies in:

- Renewing the financial mechanism of undergraduate education through improving investment effectiveness from the State budget, and raising mobilization of force resources from society in order to invest in undergraduate education.

- Expanding and enhancing the autonomy, right to self take responsibility of universities in enrollment, formulation of content and programs, teaching methods, etc.

- Effectively formulating and executing regulations on requirements, conditions and criteria on education quality apply to all schools in nationwide.

- Improving capability and effect of examination, assessment and supervision of the Ministry of Education and Training, relevant agencies with respect to service quality of undergraduate education.

- Implementing independent assessment on prestige, quality and ranking of universities; considering that as one of important criteria to allocate cost from the State budget for universities.

e) Concentrating in synchronous and effective implementation of strategies, master plans on human resource development

Ministries, agencies, localities shall, under the assigned functions and tasks, fully and consistently implement the Strategy on human resource development of Vietnam during 2011 – 2020 according to the Decision No. 579/QD-TTg of April 19, 2011, of the Prime Minister and the master plan on development of Vietnam s human resources during 2011-2020 under the Decision No. 1216/QD-TTg of July 22, 2011, of the Prime Minister.

10. To develop science and technology pushing the restructuring economy, in association with change of growth model

a) The Ministry of science and technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies in:

- Having suitable mechanisms, policies in order to promote role and consider science and technology as leverage of process of restructuring economy in association with change of growth model; combining objectives, task of science and technology with objectives, task of socio-economic development of each sector and each level; plan on science and technology application and development as a content of development master plans and plans of sectors, localities, state groups and corporations.

- Strongly and synchronously renewing organization, management mechanism, and science and technology activity mechanism, considering renewal of mechanism in formulating plan, budget estimates, investment and financial mechanism as focus. Stepping up implementation of mechanism on state ordering for science and technology task and application of method of assignment of operation funding packages, purchase of science and technology products, mobilization and promotion of investment from society for science and technology.

- Encouraging and supporting activities of research and development at enterprises, especially in enterprises with big scale, encouraging enterprises in investment, support and sponsorship for science and technology activities; forcing the state groups and corporations to establish fund of research and development in direct service for demands on development and technology application and transfer of those enterprises.

- Formulating policies to promote and use science and technology officers in important positions; implementing rational preferential treatment regime for science and technology officers who are assigned national task on science and technology, leading-sector experts and the science and technology officers who are young and talented. Applying mechanism of hiring foreign and domestic experts by the State budget; mobilizing, transferring the science and technology officers with high qualification to work in the prioritized science and technology organizations. Encouraging and supporting science and technology officers in commercialization of research results, establishing enterprises of science and technology, cooperating with enterprises and production households in technology transfer and renewal.

- Strengthening international integration on science and technology, attracting foreign investment in science and technology development in Vietnam. Implementing pilot establishment of a number of advanced research institutions with foreign capital in Vietnam. Stepping up communication activities raising social awareness on role of science and technology during restructuring in association with change of growth model.

- Formulating, submitting the Government for promulgation of the action program in implementation of the Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW of the sixth congress of the XI Party Central Executive Committee, on the science and technology development for the career of industrialization and modernization in conditions of socialist-oriented market economy and international integration.

b) The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of science and technology, Ministries, agencies, localities shall, under their assigned functions and task, prioritize to allocate resources for the science and technology development, the first is programs, schemes on the national science and technology and raising the national science and technology capability; building a number of the strong national science and technology organizations, improving the operation effectiveness of prioritized laboratories, the national and regional technology trading floor, attaching special importance to research and development of core technology, product technology; prioritizing to apply new achievements on science and technology for defense and security field and so on.


1.Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, the President of the principal People’s Committee shall:

a) Urge to formulate and carry out as soon as the half of head 2013 the action program on restructuring under fields, sectors or territorial region within the assigned state management competence; of which schemes, programs on the restructuring of economy must be stated clearly the contents: Objectives, tasks, orientations, specific contents and solutions, roadmaps of implementation time limit, agencies, units taking responsibility for implementation and relevant issues; concurrently reviewing to supplement necessary tasks in program on formulating legal documents and relevant mission programs.

b) Grasp thoroughly, abide by and present full and consistent objectives, viewpoints, content, risks and challenges of restructuring economy in legal documents, policies been assigned to compile and specific schemes and programs on restructuring economy of each Ministry, agency, local, unit at grassroots. Proactively direct the research, formulate, approve or submit to competent authorities for approval of schemes, relevant legal documents of each Ministry, agency, and localities.

c) Establish the Steering Board of restructuring the economy, of which head is Minister, head of agency or the chairperson of the People’s Committee in central-affiliated city or province, for task of implementation, consulting for executive committees of Party, authorities, summarization, regulation and inspection, supervision of process of restructuring of each Ministry, agency, local according to the assigned functions and tasks.

d) Attach special importance to strengthen coordination for implementation among Ministries, agencies, localities; closely coordinate with agencies of Party, state, the Fatherland Front of Vietnam, mass, create the consensus and general power in restructuring of economy, change of growth model; propagate, mobilize social classes of people for solidarity, trust and proactive participation on implementation of policies, solutions on restructuring economy, transfer of growth model; and strengthen inspection and supervision for process of restructuring of sectors, levels; raising community’s awareness, concurrently clearly delineate functions, tasks, duties and powers of each agency, organization and individual in implementation.

e) Regularly inspect, supervise schedule and result of restructuring within scope of the assigned functions and task. Quarterly, organize meeting among sectors to review situation of restructuring and make reports on situation and result of restructuring in sector, field, and local under management competence, sent them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summarization and report to the Prime Minister.

2.The Ministry of Planning and Investment as a consulting and dispatching agency of the Government in implementation of the Scheme shall:

a) Consult, summarize for the Government, the Prime Minister on holding implementation, inspection, assessment of implementation situation and regime on information, reports on implementation of the Scheme.

b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, agencies in guiding implementation of the Scheme; formulate criteria to supervise the economic growth under new model. Inspect, supervise, assess implementation of task on restructuring economy of sectors, fields, localities, state groups and corporations; timely propose with Ministries, agencies, localities or request competent authorities for handling measures with difficulties, problems arising.

c) Summarize, report to the Government, the Prime Minister, competent authorities on situation of implementation, result of implementation of the Overall Scheme on restructuring economy in association with change of growth model through improving quality, effectiveness and competition capability during 2013-2020 and proposing amendments, supplementations to the Scheme in necessary case.

3.The Ministry of Information and Communications, The Voice of Vietnam, The Television of Vietnam, mass media agencies of central and localities shall proactive coordinate with Ministries, agencies, Party’s agencies, authorities, mass of all levels in regular supply of information, propagation on mechanisms, policies, situations and results of restructuring, especially of innovative measures or methods attained high effectiveness.

4.The Office of Government, the Ministry of Justice shall, under their functions and task, coordinate to monitor, supervise, ensure schemes, legal documents servicing for the restructuring economy in association with change of growth model to be drafted under proper schedule; preside over inspection, appraisal in order to ensure content of drafts of schemes, legal documents to be conformable with objectives, viewpoints, orientations and solutions of restructuring economy indicated in this Decision.

5.The Government Inspectorate, the Ministry of Public Security, agencies of law protection shall, within their functions and tasks, catch situation, timely detect, combat to prevent and strictly handle violations during restructuring economy in association with change of growth model.

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on the signing date.

Article 3.Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, the chairpersons of the principal People’s Committee, head of Steering board of enterprise renewal and development, chairpersons of Members Council of state groups, corporations and enterprises and relevant agencies, organizations, individuals shall implement this Decision./.

The Prime Minister

Nguyen Tan Dung



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