Decision 2686/QD-BCDQG 2021 on “Regulation on assessment of risk levels and administrative measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic”

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Decision No. 2686/QD-BCDQG dated May 31, 2021 of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control promulgating the “Regulation on assessment of risk levels and administrative measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic”
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Official number:2686/QD-BCDQGSigner:Nguyen Thanh Long
Type:DecisionExpiry date:

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Issuing date:31/05/2021Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health


Do not ban transportation and trade for “very high risk” areas

On May 31, 2021, the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control promulgates the Decision No. 2686/QD-BCDQG promulgating the “Regulation on assessment of risk levels and administrative measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic”.

Accordingly, for localities at the “very high risk” level, the Steering Committee requests to apply social distancing activities within 14 days in the whole areas. Specifically, production and business activities are suspended, except for essential production and business activities; gatherings of 3 people or more outside of offices, schools or hospitals shall be banned; a minimum distance of 02 meters between two people shall be maintained, etc. At the same time, public passenger transportation activities shall be halted.

For such areas, do not ban transportation and trade. Vehicles transporting agricultural products, production materials and goods may operate but must comply with the requirements of pandemic prevention and control. Vehicles carrying people from other provinces are allowed to pass through but not to stop for pickups and drop-offs in the areas.

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No. 2686/QD-BCDQG


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, May 31, 2021



Promulgating the “Regulation on assessment of risk levels and administrative measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic”




Pursuant to the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases dated November 21, 2007;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 170/QD-TTg dated January 30, 2020, on establishing the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control;

At the proposal of the Ministry of Health.




Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Regulation on assessment of risk levels and administrative measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic.

Article 2. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies; members of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, Chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities and heads of relevant agencies and units shall be responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.







Nguyen Thanh Long

Minister of Health





Independence - Freedom - Happiness



Regulation on assessment of risk levels and administrative measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic

 (Attached to the Decision No. 2686/QD-BCDQG dated May 31, 2021 of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control)




1. Implementation of the principles that the heads of party committee, authorities shall direct and be accountable for the pandemic prevention and control in their areas, management according to the conclusion of the Political Bureau, Secretariat, the Government’s Resolutions, the Prime Minister’s Directives on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

2. Implementation of the “four-on-the-spot” motto (whereby command, forces, vehicles and supplies, and logistics taking place on the spot).

3. Accurately capturing the situation, assessing and forecasting risks according to 4 levels of “very high risk”, “high risk”, “risk”, “new normal” for each locality, from commune level to district level, provincial and national levels, taking into account inter-commune, inter-district and inter-provincial factors.

4. Localities must thoroughly grasp the spirit of “active attack” and the principle of pandemic prevention and control of “active prevention, early detection, quick isolation, effective treatment, definitive handling, and quick stabilization”, always prepare for worse situations. Solutions shall be provided corresponding to each risk level; such solutions must be applied in an appropriate scope with epidemiological investigation results, it is not necessary to apply for the entire administrative unit.

5. Solutions include mandatory groups and groups that are supplemented or decided by local authorities at a higher and faster level in accordance with the actual situation to ensure the dual goals. 


1. Basic epidemiological factors for determination of the initial risk level

a) “Very high risk” level: Upon having one of the following epidemiological factors:

Commune level

District level

Provincial level


- There is a cluster of F0 cases with unknown source of infection.


- There is a F0 case with source of infection from industrial parks, schools, large supermarkets and areas with difficult-to-control and difficult-to-trace infection sources.


- There are 30% or more communes at very high risk, scattered throughout the district, or 50% of communes or more at high risk.


- There is an infection source that is difficult to control and at risk of rapidly spreading in 50% of communes.




- There are more than 30% of districts at very high risk, scattered throughout the province, or 50% of districts or more at high risk.


- There is an outbreak that is difficult to control and at risk of rapidly spreading in 50% of communes and spreading to other districts.


b) “High risk” level

Communes, districts and provinces that are not yet at the “very high risk” level but shall be assessed as those at the “high risk” level when one of the following epidemiological factors is present:

Commune level

District level

Provincial level

- There is an F0 case with an unknown source of infection.






- There is an F0 case with the source of infection from factories, production and business establishments, spontaneous markets, hospitals, etc. with the high infection risk.



- Being adjacent to communes or areas with convenient traffic conditions that are assessed as those at very high risk.

- There are 30% of communes or more at high risk, scattered throughout the district, or 50% of communes or more at risk or a commune at very high risk.


- There is a source of infection that is difficult to control and at risk of rapidly spreading in 20% of communes.





- There is an important industrial park or production establishment (under the direction of the provincial-level authorities) that must be protected, ensuring its absolute safety, is adjacent to areas with difficult-to-control and difficult-to-trace infection sources.

- There are 50% of districts or more at risk, or 2 districts or more at high risk, or 1 district at very high risk.



- There arises an unexpected pandemic situation while the capacity for tracing, testing, quarantine and treatment cannot immediately met such situation; therefore it is necessary to put the province at the higher risk.

c) “Risk” level

Communes, districts and provinces that are not yet at the “high risk” level but shall be assessed as those at the “risk” level when one of the following epidemiological factors is present:

Commune level

District level

Provincial level

- There is an F0 case with the source of infection from the community.



- There is an F1 case or person from a pandemic area in a factory, production and business establishment, spontaneous market or a hospital, etc. with the high infection risk.


- Being adjacent to communes or areas at high risk with convenient traffic conditions.


- There is a high risk of intrusion due to illegal entry and many quarantined cases.

- Within 14 days, the rate of F0 cases with identified sources of infection exceeds 1 per 100,000 people.


- There is a commune at very high risk, or 20% of communes at high risk or 30% of communes at risk.

- Within 14 days, the rate of F0 cases with identified sources of infection exceeds 1 per 100,000 people.


- There are 20% of communes or more at risk, or 50% of districts at risk, or 30% of districts at high risk, or 2 districts or more at very high risk.

d) “New normal” level

Communes, districts and provinces other than the above cases.

2. Additional information and data to determine the risk level

Relevant information on population, economy, society, traffic, etc. is collected from available data sources and used in combination with basic epidemiological information mentioned in Section 1 to determine the risk level for each area. The risk level calculated by aggregated data (shown on the map) may be different from the risk level determined solely by basic epidemiological information. In this case, it is necessary to choose a higher risk level to apply the corresponding measures.

3. Covid-19 map

The Covid-19 map is formed based on the data which is compulsorily updated from commune level upwards and uses information gathered from available sources. Depending on the development of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health and People's Committees of provinces and cities may add updated data. The localities shall be responsible for updating data. All data shall be only used for pandemic prevention and control purposes.

Four risk levels are detailed to commune level on the map with corresponding colors:

a) Green zone: “new normal” level.

b) Yellow zone: “risk” level.

c) Orange zone: “high risk” level.

d) Red zone: “very high risk” level.

Authorities at all levels shall, based on the level of risk, direct the implementation of corresponding pandemic prevention and control measures within their competence.


1. For “new normal” level:

a) For individuals: To comply with 5K message (in Vietnamese): Khau trang (Facemask) - Khu khuan (Disinfection) - Khoang cach (Distance) - Khong tu tap (No gathering) - Khai bao y te (Health declaration).

b) For organizations and units: To strictly follow the safety measures of the Ministry of Health, self-assess the implementation and update it on the system

c) For the government: To strictly handle organizations and individuals that violate Points a and b, Section 1, Part IV of this Regulation and do not allow the operation of organizations not ensuring the safety.

2. For “risk” level:

Apart from the measures applied for the “new normal” level, to additionally implement the following one:

a) To carry out tracing, zoning and quarantine according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health.

b) To suspend operations of susceptible business establishments such as discos, music lounges, bars, massage establishments, etc.

c) To make compulsory health declaration for people at risk (besides subjects as defined in current regulations).

d) To limit crowded activities. For events that must be held, the event-organizing agency must fully comply with the regulations of the health agency in the area. Funerals, weddings, belief activities and religious activities must be closely monitored by health agencies and the limitation of eating is required.

3. For “high risk” level:

Apart from the measures applied for the “risk” level, to additionally implement the following one:

a) To suspend crowded activities of 30 people or more, if necessary, they must be permitted by the provincial- or central-level authority and the latter and organizing agencies, individuals must be responsible for ensuring absolute safety. Gatherings of 10 people or more outside of offices, schools or hospitals shall be banned. A minimum distance of 02 meters between two people shall be maintained in public places.

b) To reduce traffic density and the number of people on public transport.

c) To reduce the number of people working at an agency or office; enhance working online.

d) To adjust the school schedule; In case it is necessary to adjust beyond the school year plan, it must be agreed with the Ministry of Education and Training.

d) Compulsory health declaration is required for all people in the area.

4. For “very high risk” level:

Apart from the measures applied for the “high risk” level, to additionally implement the following one:

a) To conduct risk assessment and application of quarantine measures (blockade) in areas with Covid-19 pandemic according to the Ministry of Health’s Decision No. 3986/QD-BYT dated September 16, 2020 for pandemic areas where the pandemic development is complicated, the epidemiological factors are difficult to control and the pandemic is at risk of rapidly spreading.

b) To apply the concentrated quarantine (blockaded area) right in the area or location with a large number of employees being close contacts who must be in concentrated quarantine (F1) at accommodation (dormitories, bedsits crowded with workers); at the same time, the strict compliance with the regulations applied for concentrated quarantine areas is required. To strictly handle cases of non-compliance with regulations.

c) To apply social distancing activities within 14 days in the whole area, specifically:

- To suspend production and business activities, except for essential production and business activities:

- Essential production, business and service provision establishments that are allowed to operate include: Factories, production establishments; transport and construction works; establishments trading or providing essential goods and services (such as food, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals; petrol and oil; electricity; water; fuel, etc.); education institutions, banks, treasuries, service providers directly related to banking activities and enterprise assistance (such as notaries, lawyers, registry, registration for secured transactions, etc.), securities, postal, telecommunications, services supporting transportation, import and export of goods, medical examination and treatment, funeral, etc.

- To reorganize the production in industrial parks to ensure pandemic prevention and control work, avoid the breaking of goods supply chain, especially for global factories and enterprises.

- People are allowed to work at home and harvest agricultural products in groups of the household in the garden and production area of the locality.

During the performance of production, business, service provision and work activities, to strictly comply with measures to ensure safety in pandemic prevention and control as prescribed. To suspend the operation of factories, enterprises, production and harvesting activities not ensuring safety.

- To suspend festivals, cultural, sports and entertainment activities, belief activities and religious activities. Participants in a funeral must not exceed 30 people, participants in a wedding must not exceed 20 people and must be strictly supervised by the local health agency.

- Gatherings of 3 people or more outside of offices, schools or hospitals shall be banned. A minimum distance of 02 meters between two people shall be maintained.

- To halt public passenger transportation activities. Official vehicles, shuttles for workers, experts, and quarantined people are allowed to operate, but their pickups and drop-offs must be permitted by the government.

d) Do not ban transportation and trade. Vehicles transporting agricultural products, production materials and goods may operate but must comply with the requirements of pandemic prevention and control. Vehicles carrying people from other provinces are allowed to pass through but are not allowed to stop for pickups and drop-offs in the area.


Chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities shall, based on the situation in their localities, decide or assign the district- and commune-level People's Committees to implement additional solutions or solutions at a higher level than those specified in Section IV to satisfy the requirements of pandemic prevention and control in the areas:

1. Regulations on crowded activities such as suspension of such crowded activities instead of limitation of crowded activities, reduction of the number of people attending events, etc.

2. Regulations on restrictions on public transport and private vehicles.

3. Regulations on the types of businesses that are allowed or restricted or temporarily suspended.

4. Regulations on sports and cultural activities, etc. to be allowed or restricted, be suspended.

5. Regulations on limitation of the number of people participating in production, business and shopping activities.

6. Regulations on activities of administrative agencies, public non-business units and public service provision in the areas.

7. Other solutions suitable for the situation in the areas.

The necessity, contents and implementation period of solutions must be fully provided and propagated before the implementation of solutions in order to create the consensus and promote people’s implementation, ensuring pandemic prevention requirements and social stability.


1. People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities

a) The People's Committees of provinces and cities shall take full responsibility for the pandemic prevention and control work in their localities, strictly and effectively implement the “4-on-spot” motto, directions on Covid-19 prevention and control of the Political Bureau, Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, Prime Minister, National Steering Committee for Covid-19 prevention and control.

b) To direct authorities at all levels and agencies to closely monitor the situation and proactively update basic epidemiological information as prescribed in Section II.1 as a basis for risk assessment and prediction on the pandemic situation in localities and in the country.

c) To organize the strict implementation of pandemic prevention and control measures corresponding to the risk levels mentioned above. Based on the actual situation, provisions in this Regulation and related information and forecasts, to decide on additional or higher-level measures to control the pandemic and realize the dual goals.

d) In case of application of measures affecting goods trade and movement of people between the provinces and their neighboring provinces, to proactively notify such to the People's Committees of the relevant provinces for information and coordination. In case of applying measures against the "COVID-19 very high risk" throughout the province, a report must be sent to the Prime Minister in order that the Prime Minister directs relevant localities and ministries to coordinate with the province.

dd) To prepare a plan to ensure food and necessities for people in the blockaded areas, areas at "very high risk” level.

2. The Ministry of Health

a) Based on the pandemic situation in the world, in the country and in each province, to promptly recommend the provincial-level People's Committees and provincial-level steering committees for pandemic prevention to make preparations for proactive and effective response.

b) To closely monitor the situation in the localities; in case a province sends a request to apply the highest level on the whole province, to report on it to the Prime Minister for an appropriate direction suitable for the relevant ministries, sectors, localities. In case it is necessary to apply measures against the "COVID-19 very high risk” in the whole province but the province has not yet reported it, the Ministry of Health shall proactively discuss with the province to report on it to the Prime Minister.

c) To actively report and propose the plan to apply measures against the "high risk" level or the "very high risk" level nationwide to the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control and the Prime Minister.

d) To coordinate and mobilize ministries, sectors, central agencies, members of working groups in updating, integrating and determining the risk level of each locality, and report it to the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health. To closely coordinate with relevant agencies to organize the implementation of, and collect information on, Covid-19 prevention and control in a timely and effective manner.

e) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Information and Communications, ministries, sectors and central agencies in, directing the national COVID-19 response team (under the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control) to build, manage, and publicize information on the website 

dd) To urge, inspect and supervise the implementation of this regulation; request to the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 prevention and control, the Prime Minister to commend organizations and individuals for their good performance and handle those that have not seriously implemented; propose amendment and supplement of this Regulation in conformity with the situation.

3. The Ministry of Information and Communications

a) To direct relevant units to promptly and regularly provide aggregated data on movement and changes of population, digital addresses and digital map for pandemic risk assessment.

b) To direct the development and completion of software and information technology solutions to meet the requirements of pandemic prevention and control such as solutions for monitoring, quarantine, health declaration, testing management, etc., ensuring information safety and security.

4. The Ministry of Science and Technology

To coordinate with the Ministry of Health; Vietnam National University, Hanoi; and relevant units in mobilizing scientists, members of the “digital Vietnamese knowledge system” scheme and volunteers to work with localities to implement and assess pandemic risk levels.

5. Relevant ministries, sectors, agencies and units, within their assigned functions and tasks, to proactively coordinate the effective implementation of this Regulation.

The above is the content of the Regulation on assessment of risk levels and administrative measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this guidance and the actual development of the pandemic in the localities, authorities at all levels shall consider and decide the appropriate level of risk for the application of corresponding pandemic prevention and control measures. This regulation shall be updated and amended in conformity with the actual situation of pandemic prevention and control.

Any difficulty and problem arising in the course of implementation shall be promptly reported to the Ministry of Health (the General Department of Preventive Medicine) for guidance and settlement.

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