Decision No. 2474/QD-TTg dated December 30, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the vietnamese youth development strategy during 2011-2020

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Decision No. 2474/QD-TTg dated December 30, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the vietnamese youth development strategy during 2011-2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:2474/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:30/12/2011Effect status:

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No. 2474/QD-TTg

Independence– Freedom – Happiness

Hanoi, December 30, 2011










Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the November 29, 2005 Law on Youth;

Pursuant to the Government s Resolution No. 45/NQ-CP of September 11, 2009, promulgating the Government s action program to implement Resolution No. 25-NQ/TW of July 25, 2008, of the Xth Party Central Committee s 7 th plenum, on increasing party leadership in youth affairs in the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization;

At the proposal of the Minister of Home Affairs,






Article 1.To approve the Vietnamese youth development strategy during 2011-2020 with the following major contents:

1. Viewpoints:

a/ The youth development strategy constitutes an important part of the 2011 -2020 socio-economic development strategy, contributing to training and promoting human resources in order to develop highly qualified young human resources to meet requirements of the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization.

b/ To assure the leadership and direction by party committees and administrations of all levels in combination with and promotion of the role of families, schools, the society and organizations and individuals in implementing the youth development strategy.

c/ The youth development strategy provides a basis for competent state agencies to promulgate mechanisms and policies for youth care, education and training.

d/ To bring into play the youth s active role in implementing the youth development strategy in all sectors and at all levels.

e/ To increase and expand international cooperation to develop Vietnamese youth on par with regional and world youths.

f/ To raise every lawful resource to effectively implement the youth development strategy.

2. Objectives of the strategy:

a/ Goals:

To develop a generation of comprehensively developed and patriotic Vietnamese youth who possess revolutionary morals, sense of citizenship and socialist ideal; are educated, professional and employed; arc cultured and possess good health, living skills and desire for progress; and are vanguard and creative in mastering advanced science and technology; to form qualified young human resources meeting requirements of the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization and international integration. To promote the role and responsibilities of youth in national construction and defense.

b/ Specific objectives:

- To educate youth about patriotism, revolutionary ideal and morals, lifestyle and spirit of national superiority; sense of law observance, social responsibility and respect for community rules.

- To raise youth s educational, foreign language, and professional qualification and skill levels and sense of professionalism to meet national socio-economic development requirements.

- To attach importance to training and developing qualified young human resources in association with science and technology application for national development.

- To train, retrain, employ and promote young talents; to form a contingent of qualified young scientists, technicians, leaders and managers in state agencies and other socio­economic organizations.

- To generate employment, raise incomes and improve material and spiritual lives for youth; to step by step provide accommodations for young people in industrial parks, export-processing zones and schools.

- To gradually improve the health, physical fitness and height of youth; to improve self- learning and -training capacity and living skills for youth to adapt to living and working environments.

c/ Major targets:

- Annually, 100% of youth in armed forces and young civil servants, public employees and students; and 70% of rural and urban youth and young workers will regularly study resolutions of party committees of different levels and policies and laws of the State related to the life, study and employment of youth.

- Annually, to create at least 600,000 jobs for youth and provide vocational and job counseling for over 80% of youth. To reduce the youth unemployment rate in urban areas to under 7% and the rural youth underemployment rate in rural areas to under 6%.

- To ensure that 100% of youth will be trained in Vietnamese laws, laws of host countries and regulations related to the rights and obligations of employees and employers before they arc sent to work abroad on a definite term.

- By 2020, to provide living skills, knowledge on gender equity, reproductive health, happy family building and domestic violence prevention and fight for at least 80% of youth; to annually train in parenting skills for at least 200,000 young people of marriage age.

- By 2020, 80% of youth will complete high school education or equivalent; to reach a rate of 450 students/10,000 people; 70% of young laborers will receive vocational training; 100% of pupils will receive vocational orientation education.

- To annually retrain and improve the slate management capacity for at least 20% commune-level young cadres and civil servants.

- To annually provide law education for 500,000 young people who are free laborers and workers in industrial parks and economic zones; to give legal counseling to 300,000 young people in rural, mountainous and ethnic minority areas.

- To strive that by 2020, the average heights of men and women aged 18 will reach 1.67 m and 1.56 m respectively.

3. Solutions for the strategy implementation

a/ To raise awareness about youth development; to promulgate and implement mechanisms and policies on youth;

- To drastically change awareness of leaders from central to grassroots levels, cadres, civil servants, public employees and people about the importance and significance of the youth development strategy and the position and role of youth in national construction and defense.

- To increase the leadership, direction and examination by party committees and administrations of all level in youth and youth development work. To further improve policies and laws on youth. To incorporate youth development objectives and targets in the formulation and implementation of socio-economic development strategies, programs and plans of ministries, sectors and localities; to inspect and evaluate the implementation of the youth law.

- To adopt mechanisms on coordination among ministries, sectors and localities; and between slate management agencies and youth unions in\order to better inter-sectoral coordination in implementing mechanisms and policies and laws on youth. Leaders of ministries, sectors and localities shall regularly hold meetings with young people to know their situation and settle their problems.

- Families, the State and society shall increase dissemination and education to raise youth s awareness about their position, role and responsibilities to well perform their civil rights and obligations.

b/ To increase political, ideological, traditional, ideal, moral, lifestyle and law education for youth:

- To increasingly educate young people about Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh ideology and disseminate resolutions of the Party and policies and laws of the State among young people.

- To increase law education in order to raise youth s sense of law observance and responsibility for themselves and their families and society; to combine law education with education about morals and a cultured lifestyle for youth.

- To improve youth s understanding about domestic and world situations and issues hostile forces are taking advantage of youth to sabotage the country. To promote youth s vanguard role in firmly maintaining defense and security and in protecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

- Information and media agencies shall run specialized pages and columns and regularly renew information contents in order to foster the revolutionary ideal and morals and living skills for youth.

c/ To develop and employ qualified young human resources:

- To concentrate on improving education and training quality, to attach importance to improving youth s capacity to work independently and creatively; practice skills and capacity to build up their career; to plan centers for training and fostering young talents in all fields.

- To develop mechanisms and policies to discover, foster, train, employ and promote young talents at home and young talents studying, working and living abroad who return home for national construction. Sectors and localities shall adopt master plans and plans to discover, foster, train and develop young talents.

- To promulgate policies to attract university graduates to voluntarily work in areas with socio-economic difficulties, and deep-lying, remote, border and island areas; to study and formulate policies to train young leaders and managers maturing through practical work in agencies of the political system.

- To study and promulgate mechanisms and policies to create conditions for young generations to study, work, entertain and develop physically and intellectually; to encourage and support youth to nurture great dreams and desires and be vanguard and creative in mastering modern science and technology.

- To create a breakthrough in vocational training quality to improve youth s professional qualifications and skills, industrial working style and labor discipline, gradually forming qualified young human resources; to prioritize vocational training and employment for rural youth, demobilized soldiers, ethnic minority and female young people, young people with disabilities and young people in urbanized areas.

- To organize vocational orientation for youth through schools, continuing education centers and community education centers to help them have proper awareness and orientations about labor, occupation, employment, labor market and employment opportunities and income generation.

- To formulate mechanisms and policies to create a favorable environment for economic sectors to invest in production development, employment generation and income raising for youth and reduce the youth unemployment rate.

- To promulgate policies to discover, select, train, foster, employ and preferentially treat talented young leaders and managers on the principles of fair competition, publicity and transparency. To create a breakthrough in employing talented young leaders and managers.

- To improve and modernize the labor market information system, to raise the job service system s capacity, to increase vocational training and employment counseling and recommendation activities to help youth properly orientate their occupation and find appropriate jobs.

d/To build a healthy social environment for youth and improve their physical strength and spiritual life, living skills and knowledge on gender and reproductive health:

- Culture, art, publication and press agencies shall create, produce and disseminate art and cultural works and projects of high humanity value for youth education and orientation. To increase the state management of culture, strictly handle violations, and promptly stop unhealthy cultural products disseminated via the Internet, telecommunications network and mass media.

- To focus on settling pressing social problems, to create a remarkable change in the prevention and control of crimes and social evils. To strictly handle degenerate and corrupt cadres, civil servants and public employees violating law, creating a healthy social environment for youth and consolidate their confidence.

- To increasingly invest in and renew physical training and sport activities in professional and general schools in order to create conditions for young people and teenagers to actively participate in physical training, sports and physical exercise; to formulate mechanisms and policies for young sportspersons who have achieved high records in regional and world sports events.

- To improve physical and mental health and educate about reproductive health and pre-marriage knowledge for youth. To further implement national strategies and target programs on population, healthcare, and HIV/ AIDS, drug and prostitution prevention and control among youth.

- To create an environment and conditions to encourage young people to participate in community activities, improve living skills and create employment for them. To encourage young people to protect themselves from social evils, harmful products, drugs and prostitution.

- To create conditions for the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and its youth organizations to encourage young people to be vanguard in preventing and fighting social evils, HIV/AIDS, drugs, prostitution and abuse of liquor, beer and tobacco.

e/ To boost international cooperation on youth and youth work;

- To train youth and raise their awareness about external relation work of the Party and the Slate in the spirit of independence, self-reliance, cooperation, development and multilateralization to protect peace and social progress.

- To enhance cooperation with other countries and international organizations in stale management of youth affairs, to exchange experience in the formulation and implementation of policies on youth. To take advantage of international organizations resources for youth development and youth affairs.

- To crate conditions for the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and its youth organizations to expand relations and cooperation with regional and world youth organizations. To promote the role of youth union organizations in information work to mobilize young overseas Vietnamese and overseas Vietnamese in national construction.

- To create conditions for young pupils, students and workers overseas to learn and thoroughly grasp the Party s line and the State s policies and laws.

f/ To raise resources for investment in youth development:

- The State shall use budget for youth development investment; to encourage and raise social resources and attract overseas funding sources for youth development.

- To prioritize resources for training and developing young intellectuals, incrementally forming qualified human resources in science, technology, finance and public administration policies; in rural, mountainous and ethnic minority areas; and being women.

- To increasingly invest in building centers for skill training and picnics for young people and teenagers, children houses and cultural and recreational works for youth.

- To encourage domestic and overseas organizations and individuals to invest in building cultural and sports institutions and hospitals to meet youth s legitimate demands.

g/ To further build and improve the youth state management apparatus to properly perform its tasks:

- To improve state management institutions of youth affairs; to consolidate the apparatus for youth affairs, to build and develop a contingent of cadres and civil servants in charge of youth affairs, and youth union cadres of all levels with morals, expertise and capacity qualified for their tasks.

- To increasingly formulate and implement a mechanism for coordination among ministries and sectors and between state management agencies and youth unions to effect multi-sectoral coordination in implementing the youth development strategy and promoting the role of youth union members and young vanguards in national socio-economic development and defense.

- To increase youth-related research in all fields. To develop a national database on young people, teenagers and youth affairs for research and policymaking purposes; to develop a set of indicators for supervision and evaluation of the Youth Law implementation.

- To regularly train and retrain full-time and part-time cadres and civil servants in charge of youth affairs and stale management of youth.

- To increase examination, inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations, and handling of violations in the implementation of policies and laws on youth and youth affairs.

h/ To promote the role of the Fatherland Front, mass organizations and the entire society in youth care, education, training and development:

- To promote the role of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and its youth organizations in implementing the youth development strategy. Through revolutionary action campaigns and movements to hold up outstanding collectives and individuals as examples for education, self education and training of youth.

- To encourage job service centers and vocational training institutions of organizations and individuals to enhance their vocational orientation and training and employment generation for youth.

- The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union shall closely coordinate with administrations of all levels, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, other mass organizations, agencies and units in diversifying ways and methods of educating youth in performing their rights and obligations.

- To raise examination and supervision quality and effectiveness of People s Councils, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and mass organizations of all levels in the implementation of the youth development strategy.

- To promote the role of the Fatherland Front, mass organizations, organizations, individuals, clans and families in setting up learning and talent promotion funds.

Article 2.Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, advising the Government in guiding the strategy implementation. Review, amend and supplement according to its competence, or propose competent authorities to amend and supplement, laws and policies on youth to meet socio-economic development requirements.

b/ To act as the focal point in assisting the Government in urging and examining ministries, sectors and localities in incorporating the objectives and targets of the strategy into their socio-economic development master plans, plans, programs and schemes on an annual or five-year basis.

c/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, annually examining and evaluating the strategy implementation for reporting to the Prime Minister; conduct preliminary and final review of the strategy implementation in late 2015 and 2020 respectively.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries, sectors and localities in, prioritizing and raising domestic and overseas resources for investment in youth development and implementation of the youth strategy.

3. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in, allocating budget funds for the implementation of youth development programs and projects; and guide, inspect and examine the use of funds for approved youth development programs and projects under the State Budget Law and other related laws.

4. The Ministry of Education and Training shall incorporate the objectives and solutions of the youth development strategy into the Vietnam education development strategy to 2020.

5. The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and related ministries and sectors in, studying and promulgating mechanisms and policies on youth; and raise the effectiveness of law dissemination and education for youth.

6. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall incorporate the objectives and solutions of the youth development strategy into the vocational training development strategy and the employment strategy to 2020 and the gender equity strategy during 2011-2020.

7. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, incorporating the objectives and solutions of the youth development strategy into the cultural development strategy to 2020 and the Vietnam family development strategy during 2011-2020 after their approval and the physical training and sport development strategy to 2020; and plan a network of cultural institutions for youth and teenagers.

8. The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, related ministries and sectors and provincial-level People s Committees in, fulfilling the targets of the strategy for health and reproductive health of youth and juveniles.

9. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in, guiding and directing information and media agencies in boosting and renewing information work on the Party’s line and the State s policies and laws on youth; increasingly inspect and examine information, press and publication activities related to youth; and strictly handle the publishing and distribution of harmful publications, products and information that adversely affect youth.

The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in, designing, directing and supporting youth in science and technology research and application of technical advances to production.

11. The Ministry of National Defense shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in. educating youth and raising their awareness about domestic and world situations and issues hostile forces have been taking advantage of youth to sabotage the country; and provide vocational training and jobs for young people having completed military services.

12. The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, designing and implementing drug and crime prevention and fighting activities among young people and teenagers.

13. The Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and related ministries and sectors in, disseminating, educating and mobilizing ethnic minority people in implementing policies and laws on youth; and elaborate, propose competent authorities to promulgate, and implement supportive policies for young people in mountainous, deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas.

14. Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television and other mass media agencies shall increase broadcasting time and articles educating youth about ideal, sense of citizenship and living skills, and increasingly disseminate information on the implementation of the youth development strategy.

15. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies joining the strategy implementation shall, within the ambit of their functions and assigned tasks, formulate and implement five-year and annual action plans to implement the strategy, increase inter-sectoral coordination, particularly in incorporating the objectives and targets of the youth development strategy into their planning and policymaking; and examine and evaluate the strategy implementation at their agencies.

16. Provincial-level People s Committees shall implement the strategy in their localities; formulate and implement five-year and annual plans on youth development in conformity with their socio-economic development plans of the same period; creatively and actively raise resources for the strategy implementation; incorporate the effective implementation of this strategy into other related strategies in their localities; assign sufficient cadres and civil servants to take charge of youth affairs in their localities; enhance inter-sectoral coordination, especially in incorporating youth development issues into the making of local socio-economic development policies; regularly examine the strategy implementation; and make annual reports under regulations.

17. The National Committee for Vietnamese Youth shall coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and related ministries and sectors in examining and urging the implementation of the youth development strategy and further study and elaborate mechanisms and policies on youth and youth affairs.

18. The Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and other member organizations of the Vietnam Fatherland Front are requested to, within the ambit of their functions and tasks, organize the strategy implementation; increase dissemination, education and awareness raising about youth development in their organizations; participate in the state management of youth; and examine and supervise the implementation of policies and laws on youth.

Article 3.Effect

1. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

In the course of implementation, any necessary amendments and supplements to specific contents of the strategy should be reported to the Ministry of Home Affairs for summarization and reporting to the Prime Minister.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People s Committees and related agencies and organizations shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Minister s Decision No. 2474/QD-TTg of December 30 2011)



Host agency


Coordinating agency

Approving authority

Submission time


Ministry of Home Affairs

Scheme to assess the 2005 Youth Law impacts as basis for revision of the Youth Law

Ministry of Justice, Government Office. National Committee for Vietnamese Youth and Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union


June 2013

Scheme to develop a set of indicators for assessment of Vietnamese youth development in the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization

Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Science and Technology, National Committee for Vietnamese Youth and Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

December 2015

Scheme to develop a national database on youth, teenagers and youth affairs for youth-related research and policymaking

Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Ministry of Home Affairs

December 2015

Scheme to train and foster outstanding young intellectuals through practical work for holding managerial titles at all levels based on results of the projects on 600 commune-level People s Committee vice chairmen

Party Central Committee s Organization Commission, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

December 2014

Scheme to train in and improve state management capacity for young cadres and civil servants at commune level

Ministry of Planning and Investment, Party Central Committee s Organization Commission, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

December 2013

Compilation of training materials on living skills, reproductive health and families for youth

Ministry of Health, Central Ho Chi Minn Communist Youth Union, Vietnam News Agency

Ministry of Home Affairs

December 2013

Scheme to attract young university graduates to work in rural areas for building a new countryside

Party Central Committec s Organization Commission, Ministries of Science and Technology; Planning and Investment; and Agriculture and Rural Development, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

June 2013

Evaluation and preliminary and final review of the youth development strategy during 2011-2020

Government Office. Ministries of Finance; and Planning and Investment. National Committee for Vietnamese Youth, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

Preliminary review in 2015. final review in 2020


Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

Scheme to renew vocational orientation counseling and training and employment generation for youth

Ministries of Home Affairs; and Education and Training. Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

June 2013

Scheme to increase information work on labor and employment markets for youth

Ministries of Foreign Affairs; Finance; Planning and Investment; and Information and Communications

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

December 2013


Ministry of Science And Technology

To further improve regulations on science and technology management to create conditions for youth to study and renovate techniques, conduct scientific research, and develop technology, science and technology enterprises and services

Ministries of Education and Training; Finance: and Home Affairs. Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Ministry of Science and Technology

December 2013


Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Master plan on cultural and sports centers and institutions to meet youth s exercise and recreational needs

Ministries of Construction; Natural Resources and Environment; Planning and Investment; and Home Affairs. Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

June 2013

Scheme to promulgate mechanisms and policies applicable to young sportspersons who have achieved outstanding records at regional and world sports events

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance

Prime Minister

December 2012


Ministry of Justice

Scheme to disseminate laws to young people who are free laborers and industrial park, workers and provide legal consultancy for rural, mountainous and ethnic minority young people

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Public Security. Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor

Ministry of Justice

December 2012

Scheme to increase dissemination and education about sense of law observance and responsibilities toward the society and country for youth

Ministries of Education and Training; Home Affairs; Public Security; and National Defense, National Committee for Vietnamese Youth, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Ministry of Justice

December 2013


Ministry of National Defense

Scheme on vocational training and employment for military servicing young people

Ministries of Home Affairs, Planning and Investment; and Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

June 2012

Scheme to select young people having completed military services for planning, training and supplement to commune-level cadres and civil servants

Party Central Committee s Organization Commission, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

December 2012


Ministry of Public-Security

Scheme to prevent and fight drug addiction in Vietnamese youth and teenagers

Ministries of Education and Training; Home Affairs: Justice: and National Defense, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

December 2015

Scheme to train young members in the force against hi-tech crimes

Ministries of Home Affairs; Justice; and National Defense. Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Ministry of Public Security

June 2013

Scheme to improve qualifications for youth union members and youth participating in international cooperation against crimes to meet international integration requirements

Ministries of Home Affairs; Justice: and Foreign Affairs. Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Ministry of Public Security

December 2013


Ministry of Information and Communications

Scheme to increase information activities to educate about Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh ideology and resolutions of the Party and the State s policies and laws for youth

Party Central Committee s Commission of Propaganda and Education. Vietnam News Agency. Voice of Vietnam. Vietnam Television, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

June 2012


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To formulate mechanisms and policies to attract and employ young talents studying, working and living abroad to return home for national development

Ministries of Education and Training; Home Affairs; and Planning and Investment, National Committee for Vietnamese Youth. Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Prime Minister

December 2013


Vietnam Television

To increase 209r of broadcasting time and expand television coverage on orientations and living skills for youth

Ministries of Education and Training; and Home Affairs, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Vietnam Television

June 2013


Ministry of Health

Scheme to train health workers selected from youth in ethnic minority, mountainous, island areas and areas with extreme socio­economic difficulties

Ministry of Home Affairs, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. Ministry of Education and Training. Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs

Prime Minister

December 2012


Ministry of Education and Training

Scheme to raise effectiveness of ethic and lifestyle education for pupils and students

Ministry of Home Affairs. Ministry of Justice. Party Central Committee s Commission of Propaganda and Education, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Voice of Vietnam. Vietnam Television

Prime Minister

June 2013




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