Decision No. 1942/QD-TTg of October 22, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province through 2020

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Decision No. 1942/QD-TTg of October 22, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province through 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1942/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:22/10/2013Effect status:

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Decision No. 1942/QD-TTg of October 22, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province through 2020

Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans; and the Government’s Decree No. 04/2008/ ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;

At the proposal of the chairperson of the People s Committee of Dak Nong province,


Article 1.To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province through 2020 (below referred to as the master plan) with the following principal contents:


1.       Development viewpoints

-        To step up economic development in a rapid and sustainable manner. To rationally associate economic development with economic restructuring for promoting and effectively tapping land, forest, hydropower, bauxite and eco-tourist advantages, and intensify the attraction of external sources of capital.

-        To step by step restructure the economy through prioritizing in-depth investment and developing advantageous production industries to create breakthroughs for development, making great contributions to the overall growth of the economy.

-        To synchronously develop infrastructure. To harmoniously combine production development with economic and social infrastructure development.

-        To raise the quality of human resources. To step up education development, raise people’s intellectual standards and enhance professional, technical and vocational training for employees, especially managers and technical workers, to meet the province’s development needs in the context of international economic integration.

In the immediate future, to prioritize formation of a contingent of highly qualified technicians in agriculture, forestry, processing and mining industries.

-        To associate economic growth with social equity and security and solidarity among ethnicities. To pay due attention to social welfare in rural areas in connection with hunger elimination,  poverty reduction and development assistance for deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas With, a view to creating jobs, improving material and spiritual lives of people of all strata, and reducing poverty and social evils. To protect and promote diversified traditional cultures of different ethnic minorities in the province.

-        To associate socio-economic development with environmental protection. To maintain the ecological balance and ensure sustainable development. To adopt orientations for prevention, control and mitigation natural disasters, drought, flood and epidemics.

-        To associate socio-economic development with maintenance of security and national defense, firm protection of sovereignty and security along the entire national borderline, and preservation of political stability and security and social order and safety.

2.       Objectives

a/ General objectives

To ensure rapid and sustainable economic development for Dak Nong province, creating drastic qualitative changes in the economic and labor structures. To accelerate the process of industrialization and modernization and develop the commodity production agriculture using advanced techniques to ensure high efficiency and sustainability. To concentrate on intensive development of advantageous industries, step by step apply modem technologies for turning out products with high added value and competitiveness in the market. To develop services in different forms toward improving their quality to better meet market demands, especially tourist services in which the province has advantages. To develop cultural and social activities and step up socialization in education and training, health care, culture, physical training and sports. To improve the quality of people’s lives in parallel with poverty reduction, job creation and social security assurance. To maintain political stability and ensure national defense, security and social order and safety.

b/ Specific targets

-        Economic targets

+ Economic growth:

•        During 2011-2015, the average economic growth fate will be around 15.5%/year, specifically the proportion of industry- construction will rise 25.8%/year, that of agriculture, forestry and fishery, 5.4%/year, and that of services, 18%/year.

•        During 2016-2020, the average economic growth rate will be around 16-17%/year, specifically the proportion of industry- construction will rise 22-23%/year, that of agriculture, forestry and fishery, 4-5%/year, and that of services, 15-16%/year.

+ Economic structure:

•        By 2015, the proportion of industry- construction will reach 39.57%, that of services will reach 26.7% and that of agriculture will be around 33.73%.

| • By 2020, the proportion of industry- construction will reach 45.7%, that of services will reach 37.6% and that of agriculture will be around 16.5%.

+ Per-capita GDP will reach VND 27 million by 2015 and approximately VND 66 million by 2020. To gradually narrow the gap in per capita GDP between the province and the whole country, from 66% in 2010 to 76% by 2020.

+ Export value will reach USD 550 million by 2015 with an average growth rate of 16.17%/ year during 2011-2015, and around USD 1,500 million with an average growth rate of 22.2%/ year during 2016-2020.

-        Social targets:

+ Population: The natural population growth rate will drop to 1.3% during 2011-2015 and 1.1% during 2016-2020. The population will be 670,000 by 2015 and 830,000 by 2020. The urbanization rate will reach 20% by 2015 and 30% by 2020.

+ Human resources: To provide vocational training for around 24,000 people during 2011-2015 and around 16,000 people during 2016-2020. To create 17,000-18,000 jobs a year. The rate of trained labor will reach 35% by 2015 and 45% by 2020. To strive to reduce 5-7% of poor households on average to equal the average rate of the whole country.

+ Health: By 2015, to reduce the malnutrition rate among under-5 children to 20%; 90% of the population will have access to hygienic water; there will be 6.2 medical doctors per 10,000 people. By 2020, these figures will be 10%, 95% and 8.5 medical doctors, respectively.

+ Education: To complete preschool education universalization for 5-year children by 2015; to maintain and improve the quality of general education universalization; to expand the scale of upper secondary education so that 70% of young people in prescribed age will reach the upper secondary level or equivalent. To standardize the contingent of teachers so that by 2020, 80% of preschool teachers and 100% of primary school teachers will possess a collegial or higher degree and 100% of lower and upper secondary school teachers will obtain a university or higher degree.

+ Culture: By 2015,85% of families, 65% of hamlets and villages, 95% of agencies and units and 20% of communes, wards and townships will satisfy cultural standards. By 2020, these figures will be 95%, 70%, 100% and 40%, respectively.

+ Party work: To improve the leading and combating capacity of Party organizations. To strive that over 80% of grassroots Party organizations will be clean and strong and over 80% of local administrations, fatherland front committees and mass organizations will be strong.

+ National defense and security: To complete the defensive system, further build all-people security in association with people’s security posture, ensure social order and safety, heighten the socialist legality, and prevent and combat demonstrations, riots and illegal cross-border escape.

c/ Two focuses and three breakthroughs

-        The focuses of development include:

+ To focus on rapid development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources, closely combining human resources development with science and technology development and application to meet socio-economic development requirements, ensuring human resources for socio-economic development tasks, of which trained labor will represent 35% by 2015 and 45% by 2020. To build a contingent of cadres and civil servants with sufficient qualities and capacities to meet the province’s development needs. At the same time, to train between 300 and 500 young cadres to obtain postgraduate degrees. To concentrate resources on building a community culture college, a gifted pupils school and a vocational secondary school of Dak Nong province and vocational training centers in some districts. To associate with some prestigious universities in the country to open 1-2 university branches in the province. To formulate mechanisms and policies to promote the establishment of non-public vocational training centers.

+ To focus on building essential infrastructure facilities and core urban centers and attract investment especially in transport and infrastructure in major urbane enters: To coordinate with central agendum early completing large works related to the province, such as the Dak Nong-Binh Thuan railway line to serve bauxite exploitation, and external roads (national highways 14, 14C and 28, etc.). To upgrade and improve infrastructure of Gia Nghia urban center (transport, electricity and water supply, wastewater and solid water treatment networks), and essential infrastructure facilities for newly established Duc Xuyen district, Duc Lap town, Kien Duc, etc., and industrial parks and complexes and new urban centers.

-        Three breakthroughs of Dak Nong province:

+ Economic breakthrough in mini energy industries: To selectively develop processing industries, hi-tech industries and energy, mining and metallurgy industries. To prioritize the development of products which have competitive advantages and products can participate in global value chains in hi-tech industries. To drastically develop supporting industries to serve bauxite exploitation and alumina and aluminum production, like mechanical manufacturing, mechanical repair, packing, chemicals, electricity, water, transport, fertilizers, construction materials, etc. To attach importance to developing industries serving agriculture and rural areas, clean energies, renewable energies and new materials in parallel with the application of energy and material conserving technologies.

+ Breakthrough in processing industries and hi-tech agriculture: Processing industries will focus on products in which the province has material potential (Coffee, rubber, pepper, timber, forest products, etc.); to focus on development of processing plants with modern technology that turn out refined products that conform with the master plan on stabilization of material zones and are competitive in the export markets.

To build a comprehensively developed agriculture toward modernization, application of high technologies, commodity production and high competitiveness. At the same time, to associate agricultural development with processing industries and outlets. By 2015, the province will have 1-2 hi-tech agricultural zones in agricultural eco-zones; to form centralized animal-husbandry zones applying high technologies to ensure food safety and hygiene. By 2020, each district or town will have 1 -3 hi-tech agricultural zones.

+ Breakthrough in services and tourism: To prioritize the development and modernization of high-quality services such as finance, banking, information technology, telecommunications, insurance, health care, consultancy, education and training, and science and technology. To promote to the utmost the province’s potential and advantages, drastically attract domestic and foreign resources for tourist development, making tourism an important industry of the province. To focus on building and developing a number of key tourist areas, namely Nam Nung eco-cultural-historical tourist zone (Dak Song); Ta Dung eco-cultural-convalescence tourist zone (Dak Glong); Lieng Nung eco-cultural tourist site (Gia Nghia); and Ea Sno reservoir eco-cultural-historical tourist zone (Krong No). To open new tourist routes and sites and tours in the Central Highlands region and adjacent regions, and develop the Phnom Penh-Dak Nong-Ho Chi Minh City tourist route.


1. Agriculture, forestry, fisheries

a/ Agriculture:

-        To promote the potential and advantages in land and natural conditions for stepping up the development of an export-oriented commodity agriculture, associating agricultural and forestry production with processing industries.

-        To further step up the restructuring of plants and animals toward diversification of products and intensive cultivation for raising productivity and product quality. To focus on the development of drought-resistant plants which are less reliant on water. To plan a concentrated production zone specialized in industrial trees like coffee, pepper, cashew, rubber, cocoa, cotton, sugarcane, cassava, soybean, mulberry, etc., in order to have large volumes of goods for export and ensure materials for processing industries.

-        To step up the rearing of cattle, pigs and poultry, and aquaculture. To form the habit of farm-based animal rearing and step by step develop industrial-scale farm-based animal rearing.

-        To intensify the application of scientific and technical advances and biotechnology, improve plant varieties and animal breeds for raising productivity and product quality. To increase agricultural extension, guide and transfer cultivation and rearing techniques for people to select plant varieties and animal breeds suitable to soil conditions and their financial capacity and cultivation level.

-        To increase investment in rural infrastructure facilities under the program on building a new countryside, increase various forms of services and develop handicraft trades with a view to stepping up rural economic restructuring, agricultural labor shifting, hunger elimination and poverty reduction.

-        To promote the development of household, farm, garden-hill and garden-forest economies, and combined agriculture and forestry, for mobilizing all resources for production development.

-        General targets of agriculture:

+ The agricultural production value growth rate will be 7.5%/year on average during 2011- 2015, of which the growth rate of cultivation will be 7%/year, that of animal rearing, 11.5%/ year, and that of services, 21 %/year. During 2016-2020, these figures will be 6.8%, 6%, 12% and 19%, respectively.

+ Agricultural production value structure: The proportion of cultivation will drop to 89.57%, that of animal rearing will rise to 8.12% and that of services will reach 2.31% by 2015. By 2020, these figures will be 86.2°/ 10.3% and 3.5%, respectively.

+ To form a number of high-quality agricultural zones with an area of 1,000 ha by 2015 and over 5,000 ha by 2020. The per- hectare average product value will reach VND 100 million by 2015 and VND 200 million by 2020.

+ To gradually increase the land use coefficient to two times or more by 2020 and quickly increase the quantity and quality of agricultural commodities. By 2020, the production value per hectare of cultivation land will be 1.5 times or more the 2010 figure.

+ The contribution of agriculture to the province’s total products will be around 20% by 2015 and 12% by 2020. The economic targets will be basically the same as those of regional provinces in the several coming years.

+ The rate of the value of agricultural exports will reach 20% by 2015 and around 35% by 2020.

+ The rate of trained agricultural labor will reach 35% by 2015 and over 50% by 2020.

+ By 2015, income from rural trades and services will account for 15-20% of total incomes of rural inhabitants, bringing the income of household economy to be 1.8-2 times the current level; the output of seeded crops will reach 360,000 tons, or 537 kg per capita on average. By 2020, these figures will be 30% or more, 370,000 tons and over 500 kg, respectively, ensuring on-spot food security.

* Cultivation:

-        To develop cultivation toward higher product quality. To plan cultivation development through restructuring plants and raising product quality and production efficiency, expanding production and increasing the proactively irrigated areas to over 70% by 2015 and over 90% by 2020, of irrigated areas.

-                  To further make intensive investment in plant varieties and technical processesfor advantageous plants of the province, and concurrently apply advanced cultivation models which bring about a high economic value per unit of area and ensure environmental sustainability, and step by step expand these models in areas with appropriate conditions.

-        To build brands for cultivation products of Dak Nong to carve out a niche in the market, especially in major provinces and cities nationwide.

-        To develop cultivation toward hi-tech application:

+ During 2011-2015: To focus on existing well-known plants and products such as passion fruit (in Dak Rlap, Tuy Due, Dak Song and Dak Glong districts), seedless lemon (in Dak Rlap and Tuy Due), safety vegetables and high-grade flowers in green houses and net houses (in Gia Nghia town, Dak Mil, Cu Jut, Krong No and Dak Glong), Atlantic potato (in Dak Song, Tuy Due and Dak Mil), and Japanese sweet potato (in Dak Song and Tuy Due). To build a model of interwoven cultivation of cocoa and cashew trees (in Dak Rlap), palm-tree (in Dak Glong), macadamia (in Dak Mil, Dak Glong, Tuy Due and Krong No), asparagus (in Tuy Due), high-quality rice (in Krong No), and fruit trees (in Gia Nghia, Dak Mil and Dak Glong).

In the immediate future, to focus on building high-quality plant variety production centers in Cu Jut district (bean and cotton varieties) and Krong No district (rice, maize and vegetable varieties).

To produce coffee according to Universal Trade Zone (UTZ) process (sustainable coffee, environment-friendly, and increase of production value); to produce high-quality tea in Tuy Due; to develop cocoa and pepper in a sustainable manner.

+ During 2016-2020: To further produce plant varieties which bring about high economic benefits and have outlets according to hi-tech cultivation models. To assess the benefits of these models and expand them in areas with appropriate conditions in the province.

*        Animal husbandry: To develop animal husbandry toward commodity production while increasing animal herds and making intensive investment: To hybridize animal breeds and apply advanced rearing techniques for higher productivity and product quality. To bring the proportion of animal husbandry in agriculture to 8-9% by 2015 and 10-11% by 2020.

*        Agricultural services: To increase the growth rate of agricultural services to 17-18% during 2011-2015 and 16-17% during 2016- 2020.

To build networks of supplies and techniques points in production zones for sufficiently and timely providing high-quality supplies related to plant varieties, animal breeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc., under close examination and supervision by professional agencies.

To properly operate irrigation infrastructure systems to ensure irrigation services for enterprises and households.


To encourage all economic sectors to engage in agricultural services such as transfer of agricultural technical advances, counseling on hi-tech agricultural development models, etc.

To encourage all economic sectors to engage in agricultural services such as transfer of agricultural technical advances, counseling on hi-tech agricultural development models, etc.

b/ Fishery and forestry development

*        Fisheries: To further step up freshwater aquaculture. Together with the program on restructuring of plant varieties and animal breeds in agriculture, it is necessary to encourage all economic sectors- to invest in renovating unused ponds, lakes and river, stream and hydropower reservoir surface areas for aquaculture.

*        Forestry:

-        To properly protect and develop existing forest areas, especially production forests, nature conservation zones and important protection forests.

-        To step up the planting of material forests and protection forests for developing forests, covering bare land areas with green trees and increase the coverage rate in the whole province.

-        To rationally exploit forest resources to ensure forest regeneration, limit the exploitation of natural forest timber and step up the exploitation of forest plantations and material forests.

-        To further step up the contractual allocation of land and forests, socialize forestry, and clearly define and promote the role of forest owners to ensure that each forest lot has its real owner.

2. Development of industries and cottage industries

-        To step up the development of industries and cottage industries toward industrialization and modernization, focusing on processing of agricultural and forest products, hydropower, exploitation and processing of bauxite and construction materials using on-spot materials and natural resources and creating many jobs.

-        To adopt favorable mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources at home and abroad and encourage organizations and individuals to invest in industrial production under the local industrial development master plan.

-        To further invest in infrastructure facilities and mobilize enterprises to invest in production and business activities in Tam Thang and Nhan Co industrial parks and Dak Ha and Thuan An industrial complexes. To attract investment in the commercial operation of planned industrial complexes and through creating favorable conditions in terms of ground clearance.

-        To attach importance to intensive investment, improve the technological level and expand cooperation relations with other provinces throughout the country and with foreign countries in order to raise capital and receive advanced technologies for turning out higher- quality and more competitive products.

-        To promote the development of medium and small industries and cottage- industry establishments, and form traditional craft villages in rural areas to create many jobs and increase incomes for laborers, contributing to rural economic restructuring.

-        To develop industries in close combination with socio-economic elements, protecting natural resources, ensuring environmental sanitation and maintaining sustainable ecological balance.

-        To implement investment projects on bauxite exploitation and alumina refining for creating breakthroughs in the province’s industrial and socio-economic development, restructuring the province’s economy toward increasing the proportion of industries so that by 2020 the province will have an industry- services-agriculture-forestry structure.

- To strive to bring the production value of the province’s industries and cottage industries to VND 5,067 billion by 2015, an average year- on-year rise of 24.23% during 2011-2015, and VND 11,490 billion by 2020, an average year- on-year rise of 20.9% during 2016-2020.

- Orientations for development of major industries;

+Agricultural product and food processing: To focus on processing products with material advantages in the province, including coffee, rubber, sugarcane, cashew, cocoa, pepper, vegetable oil, cotton, fiber, silk, starch, food grinding, foodstuff processing, animal feed processing, timber and forest products.

+ Hydropower: To develop hydropower in line with environmental protection policies. To invest in planting aquatic forests to ensure stable operation of DrayH’Linh II hydropower plant of a capacity of 16 MW in Cu Jut, Dak R’Tih hydropower plant, 141 MW, and Serepok 3 hydropower plant, 220 MW, with an output of commodity electricity reaching around 1.2 billion Kwh.

To attract investment in building medium- and small-sized hydropower plants such as Dak Nong II hydropower plant of a capacity of 4-7 MW, Dak Rung I hydropower plant, 8 MW, Dak R’Keh I, 11.5 MW, Dak R’Keh II, 10-11 MW, Dak R’Keh III, 10-11 MW, Dak N’Teng, 13 MW, Dak So, 5 MW, Dak Kar, 79 MW, and Dak Ru, Dak Rlap and Quang Tin hydropower plants. The operation of these hydropower plants will significantly contribute to the national power source.

+ Mining: To build and early operate an alumina plant in Nhan Co and, on the basis of assessing its economic and environmental impacts, to implement the master plan on ore exploitation and processing in the locality in conformity with the country’ development orientations.

+ Construction material production: To step up the development of non-baked materials produced from ground stone. To develop non-baked material production establishments with sizes suitable to each area and region. To encourage the building of works with non-baked materials,

+ In addition, to focus on developing mechanical repair, electronics and civil electricity industries as well as cottage industries and rural industries.

To build infrastructure in and continue to fill up Tam Thang and Nhan Co industrial parks and some industrial complexes such as Dak Ha, Thuan An, Quang Tam, Krong No and Dak Song. To plan Quang Due industrial park, and Dak R’La, True Son and Quang Khe industrial complexes.

3. Development of trade, services and tourism

The total export value in the province will reach around USD 550 million by 2015 and around USD 1.5 billion by 2020. The export value growth rate in the province will increase 16.17%/year on average during 2011 -2015 and 22.2%/year during 2016-2020.

The total turnover from retail sales and social services will reach VND 18,405 billion by 2015, an average year-on-year rise of 26.8% during 2011-2015, and VND 43,400 billion by 2020, an average year-on-year rise of around 18.72% during 2016-2020.

The added value of trade-services will account for 26.31% by 2015 and 26.4% by 2020.

-        Trade: To develop the systems of marketplaces, trade centers, supermarkets and border-gate trade infrastructure facilities.

-        Services: To develop and diversify types of services for efficiently supporting production development and improving the quality of people’s life. To pay more attention to information services in remote and isolated rural areas, and develop agricultural, forestry and fishery scientific and technical information services.

To increase the services of transfer of techniques and technologies, agricultural and forestry extension, variety and breed hybridization and agricultural mechanization, etc., to serve agricultural and forestry development.

To develop cultural, tourist, recreation and entertainment and convalescence services. To expand service networks in rural areas for creating more jobs for underemployed rural laborers.

-        Tourism: The average growth rate of tourism will be 15-20%/year during 2011-2020. By 2020, there will be 600,000-650,000 tourist arrivals, including 40,000 international tourist arrivals. To develop tourist products imbued with special and humane traditional cultural values while exploiting natural landscape advantages. To focus on developing tourist products, mainly eco-tourism and cultural tourism, giving priority to tourist products which are special and typical as compared with those in the Central Highlands and adjacent regions. To closely combine tourism in Dak Nong province with tourism in the provinces in the Central Highlands region and adjacent regions along “the Central Highlands green path under the strategy for accelerating development of Central Highlands tourism”.

4. Orientations for social development

a/ Population, labor, employment

-        Population: The mechanical population growth rate is anticipated at around 3.5% during 2011-2015 and will gradually decrease to around 1.4%/year by 2020. So, the province’s population will be 670,000 by 2015 and 830,000 by 2020. The urbanization rate will be 20% by 2015 and 30% by 2020.

-        Labor: There will be 327,400 people in working age by 2015 and 386,900 people in working age by 2020, of which 347,000 people will need jobs by 2015 and around 413,000 people will need jobs by 2020; it is necessary to create 12,000-13,000 jobs a year on average.

The industry-construction labor will represent 12.6% by 2015 and 21.2% by 2020; agricultural and forestry labor, 64.3% by 2015 and 54.1% by 2020; and service labor, 23.1% by 2015 and 24.7% by 2020.

b/ Education and training

-        Education: To complete preschool education universalization for 5-year children by 2015; to maintain and improve the quality of general education universalization; to expand the scale of upper secondary education, striving that 70% of young people of eligible age groups will finish upper secondary education or equivalent. To invest in physical and technical foundations of schools with sufficient classrooms and functional rooms for comprehensive education, striving that 80% of educational institutions will reach national standards, 100% of general education schools will have access to internet and libraries. To standardize the qualifications of teachers so that by 2020, 80% of preschool teachers and 100% of primary school teachers will possess a collegial or higher degree and 100% of lower and upper secondary school teachers will possess a university or higher degree.

-        Training: To improve the quality of human resources is an urgent task in the immediate future and long term as well. To focus on training technical and skilled workers for enterprise industrial parks and complexes; to develop cottage industries-trades, services- tourism and vocational orientation and training in rural areas, contributing to labor restructuring in the province. To bring the rate of trained labor to around 35% by 2015, 30% of whom will receive vocational training; these figures will be around 45% and 40%, respectively, by 2020.

c/ People’s health care, population work

To properly implement the national programs on population development and family planning; to reduce the natural birth rate to 1,3%/year during 2011-2015 and to 1.1%/ year during 2016-2020. To strive that by 2020, the average life expectancy will reach 75 years and the average height of young people will be 1.66 m (for males) and 1.55 m (for females).

By 2015 and 2020, there will be 6.2 and 8.5 medical doctors and 23 and 25 patient beds per 10,000 people, respectively. The expanded vaccination coverage rate will reach 90% by 2015 and over 95% by 2020. To reduce the child malnutrition rate to below 10% by 2020. To effectively implement national health target programs and reduce the annual malaria morbidity and mortality rates. All households will use iodine salt according to disease prevention standards. To focus on HIV/AIDS communication and surveillance; 100% of health establishments will properly follow the HIV/AIDS infection prevention and control process. By 2015 and 2020, 90% and 100% of communes will reach national health standards, respectively.

From now to 2015: To further upgrade and complete the provincial general hospital, phase II, to have 500 patient beds with modem machines and equipment meeting medical examination and treatment demands of people in the province. By 2020, the health infrastructure system will basically meet demands in the province and the quality of community health activities will be constantly maintained.

d/ Culture, information-communication, physical training and sports

-        Culture

To consolidate, build and step by step complete cultural institutions from provincial to district, commune and village levels. To operate and promote these institutions to serve people’s cultural life. To step by step consolidate the organizational apparatus of the culture and information sector. To improve the quality of culture workers to be professional. To attach importance to the conservation and development of traditional cultural values of Central Highlands ethnic minorities. To preserve and promote the identities of each ethnic minority on the basis of respecting their spoken and written languages, customs and habits and healthy and fine traditional festivals; to build a diversified and rich culture.

By 2015, all communes will have communal cultural posts, art performing teams, football and volleyball grounds and 70% of communes will have cultural houses. Communes in zone 3 and border communes will have mobile information teams.

To actively expand cultural exchanges among ethnic minority people through art performances, festivals, exhibitions and cultural-sports days for increasing mutual understanding, learning production experiences, strengthening solidarity among ethnic minority groups and improving the cultural and spiritual lives of people in the whole province. To renew cultural and art performance activities along the line of socialization. To launch cultural, art performance and sports movements in deep- lying and remote communes to help people have access to economic information and better understand social life, ways of earning a living, and improve their spiritual life.

To step up the movement “All people build a civilized lifestyle, cultured families and cultured villages”. To actively prevent and eliminate baneful cultural practices. To promptly prevent and combat social evils.

To enhance the state management of culture and information, especially cultural services. To pay attention to building a contingent of cultural workers from provincial to grassroots level and improve their capacity and qualifications to meet task requirements.

-        Information-communication

To develop information, radio and television broadcasting and press networks in communes, townships and villages. To further invest in infrastructure facilities for the culture and information sector and radio and television stations of the province. To strive that by 2015,100% of communes will have television coverage.

-        Physical training and sports

To build and develop physical training and sports movements at the grassroots level. To step up mass physical training and sports movements and improve physical strength and health. To plan and build points for cultural and sports activities and stadiums in areas. To build a provincial sports center in Gia Nghia town. To step by step build central sports competition halls in districts.

dd/ Religious and ethnic affairs

-        Religious affairs

To enhance the state management of religious affairs according to state policies and laws. To resolutely fight and handle illegal religious activities and mobilize the people to combat reactionary force under the cloak of religion. To strictly handle activities which violate laws or abuse religions to incite religious followers to oppose the state.

-        Ethnic affairs

To improve people’s intellectual standards and economic, cultural and spiritual lives; to conserve and promote traditional cultural values of ethnic minority groups. To  step by step invest in and provide radio and television coverage in M’Nong language. To build a contingent of local ethnic cadres who are capable of meeting the requirements of culture and information activities in the locality.

e/ Hunger elimination and poverty reduction

To continue implementing hunger and poverty reduction programs. To gradually improve living standards of households that have got rid of hunger and poverty and prevent relapse into poverty. To strive to annually reduce 5-7% of poor households on average. By 2020, the rate of poor households will equal the national average rate.

g/ Planning on rural population to meet new countryside criteria

By 2015 and 2020, 20% and 50% of communes (12 and 30 communes), respectively, in the whole province will satisfy new countryside criteria. By 2015, to basically complete the population arrangement in the province in association with agricultural and rural development, job creation, improvement of material, cultural and spiritual lives for rural inhabitants, and ensure rural security.

To continue formulating investment projects on infrastructure construction for new economic zones such as Dak Sin (Dak R’Lap), Due An- Thuan Hanh (Dak Song), Dak Ro, Due Xuyen, and Quang Phu (Krong No).

To further implement programs on electricity, roads, schools, stations, clean water and environmental sanitation in rural areas. To upgrade degraded infrastructure works and works serving people in ethnic minority, deep- lying and remote areas under plans, especially key works.

5.       National defense and security

To further build up all-people national defense and people’s security. To build more border-guard posts; to consolidate and build militia and self-defense forces, communal police forces and people’s security teams at the grassroots, level. To enhance the great unity bloc of ethnicities, fight all tricks to sow division among ethnicities, and step up the movement “People protect the fatherland security”.

To constantly fight crimes, especially smuggling and corruption; to prevent and fight drug-related crimes and prevent and drive back social evils. To attach importance to storm and flood prevention and control and rescue, and help people prevent and control natural disasters and remedy their consequences.

To build a contingent of officers and soldiers who have firm political stance; show absolute loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland and people; keep strict discipline and are trained to be a regular and modem force ready to combat and fulfill all tasks in all circumstances. To create synchronous coordination among armed forces and internal affairs sectors in security and national defense work, create political stability, maintain social order and safety as a foundation for economic development.

6.       Infrastructure development orientations

a/ Transport networks

Transport constitutes an important part in socio-economic infrastructure and should be given priority in development investment one step ahead in a rapid and sustainable manner to create a prerequisite for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance to serve industrialization and modernization.

-        External roads (national highways 14,14C and 28): To renovate and upgrade the section of national highway 14 with 4-6 lanes crossing Dak Nong province; to complete the construction of national highway 14C, phase 2 (asphalting the road surface); to expand the section of national highway 28 crossing townships and townlets, and complete the construction of inundation diversion sections for Dong Nai hydropower plants 3 and 4; to complete the project to link national highway 14 in Kien Due township to Bu Prang border gate and to national highway 76 of Cambodia. By 2015, the road asphalting rate will be 100%.

-        Provincial roads: To asphalt the existing provincial roads’ earth sections and upgrade provincial roads’ sections which directly affect socio-economic development; to build 2 new provincial roads, traverse axis 3 (Dak Song-Dak Nang) and traverse axis 5 (Dao Nghia-Quang Khe); to upgrade national highway 14C, the 24km -long section from km 115 to km 139, into a provincial road, and the 29 km-long section from km 139 to Bu Prang border gate into an extension of provincial road 1; to increase the total length of provincial roads to 506 km and the road asphalting rate to 100% after 2015.

-        District roads: The total length of district roads will reach 497 km; to strive to complete the construction of district roads up to technical grades with an asphalting rate of 80%.

-        Commune and village roads: The total length of commune and village roads will be 2,173 km. By 2015, the road asphalting rate will be 45% and all villages will have 1-2 km of asphalted roads each.

-        Urban roads: To complete the construction of the Gia Nghia urban center bypass road, major inter-area axes and a number of roads in important areas of all urban centers, giving priority to Gia Nghia town and Dak Mill township.

-        Specialized roads: To build border roads and roads serving mineral exploitation.

-        Upgrading and new projects: To build new Dak Song-Dak Nang road, Dao Nghia-Quang Khe road and Gia Nghia urban center bypass road, and upgrade and renovate the road from Kien Due to Bu Prang border gate.

-        Transportation, car stations and parking lots:

+ Car stations and parking lots: To build an inter-provincial car station to reach grade II or higher grade in Gia Nghia town; to upgrade grade-IV car stations in districts; to build one more car station in Dak R’Lap township, one in Krong No and one in Dak Mil to serve the separation and split of districts; to build 1-2 parking lots in each district center and 2-3

parking lots in Gia Nghia town.

+ To expand routes to all provinces and cities nationwide and all residential centers in the province; to prioritize the development of mass transit by bus; to develop vehicles suitable to local conditions and terrain, which must be modem, less polluting and fuel-saving.

-        Railways: When conditions permit, to consider the construction of a railway linking Gia Nghia-Quang Khe-Lam Dong with Ke Ga port (Binh Thuan province).

-        Airports: To include Nhan Co airport in the list of national airports planned to be built.

b/ Power supply

To further expand the power network in the whole province, especially in rural areas. By 2015, all villages will have access to the national power grid, 95% of households will have electricity for production and daily-life activities; by 2020, 100% of households will have access to electricity. To build intermediary transformer stations in districts. To strive to attain the objective of rural electrification throughout the province.

c/ Irrigation

To plan to build 150-165 new key irrigation works, mainly medium- and small-sized ones, including 150 reservoirs, 10 dams and 4 pump stations. To complete works under construction and works serving ethnic minority, deep-lying and remote areas. To renovate and upgrade old and degraded works. To intensively operate and protect resources from Serepok and Dong Nai rivers.

d/ Water supply

To further implement the national program on rural clean water and environmental sanitation. To strive that by 2015, 100% of population will have access to hygienic clean water.

7. Territorial space-based development orientations

a/ Development orientations for sub-areas

- The northern sub-area embraces Due Lap town and Dak Mil, Due Xuyen, Cu Jut and Krong No districts, with a natural land area of 2,215km2. This sub-area has potential for wet rice cultivation and development of food crops and short-term and perennial industrial trees. This sub-area accommodates Tam Thang industrial park to attract investment for drastic industrial development; Due Xuyen hydropower plant and Buon Kop hydropower reservoir; Dak Per border-gate economic zone; and many tourist attractions which are favorable for expanding trade and developing tourism and services.

-        The Central sub-area embraces Gia Nghia town, Dak Glong district and Dak Song district, with a natural land area of 2,514 km2. This sub- area has potential and advantages for industrial development. This sub-area is capable of attracting many industrial development projects from the southeastern provinces, especially Ho Chi Minh City. It has potential for hydropower and exploration of bauxite and rare and precious minerals; and attraction of investment in Dak Ha industrial-cottage industry complex. This sub-area also has land potential for planting perennial industrial trees such as coffee, rubber, cashew and pepper, and for cattle rearing and planting material forests.

-        The southwestern sub-area covers Kien Due town and Dak R’Lap and Tuy Due districts, with a natural land area of 1,757 km2. This sub-area is sparsely populated where agriculture and forestry are main economic activities, industry is limited and trade and services are not yet developed.

The economic development orientations in the coming period are to step up the exploitation and effective use of land and forests; to develop agriculture toward commodity production; to form a number of large areas under perennial industrial trees such as coffee, rubber, cashew and pepper, and material forests, develop cattle rearing and create material areas for processing industries.

To develop the processing of agricultural and forest products, food, cassava and maize starch, production of animal feeds, and construction of cattle and poultry slaughter-houses and vegetable, fruit and food freezing facilities; to develop machine repair and rock exploitation and processing. To build Dak R’Tih hydropower plant and irrigation works, etc.

To promote the development of trade and services. To build Kien Due marketplace into a place for center for goods exchange and trade of the region; to form more rural marketplaces and shops for trading and supplying essential commodities as well as supplies for production activities of inhabitants in the region. To build Bu Prang border-gate marketplace; to promote trade and expand goods exchange and economic cooperation with Cambodian provinces.

To upgrade and build health care, educational, cultural and social welfare works to improve the spiritual life for local people.

b/ Urban development orientations

By 2020, the province will have 11 urban centers, including one town being the provincial center, 2 towns being centers of the sub-areas, and 8 townships.

In the immediate future, to complete the construction of infrastructure for Gia Nghia town to deserve its position of a provincial urban center, a political, economic, cultural and scientific-technical center of the province. To upgrade Gia Nghia town to a grade-III urban center by 2015 and a provincial city before 2020. To build Gia Nghia town with urban architecture suitable to local landscapes and culture after the model of a green, clean, beautiful and civilized urban center. Its population is expected to reach 70,000 by 2015 and 110,000 by 2020.

On the basis of the plan on separation and split-up of districts, to expand existing Dak Mil and Kien Due townships. To develop urban centers into the growth cores of the sub-areas. To upgrade and complete infrastructure for urban centers to reach grade IV and become towns during 2015-2020, namely Due Lap (on the basis of Dak Mil township) and Kien Due (on the basis of Kien Due township). By 2020, the population in these urban centers is expected to reach 35,000-40,000.

To build 2 new townships of Dak R’la and Dao Nghia, which are the centers of 2 newly separated and split Dak Mil and Dak R’lap districts. To form Due Xuyen township to be the center of newly established Due Xuyen district. By 2020, the population of these townships is expected to reach 5,000-10,000 and they will meet grade-V urban center criteria.

To further upgrade existing townships to meet grade-V urban center criteria, namely Due An (Dak Song), Dak Mam (Krong No), Quang Khe (Dak G’Long), Dao Nghia (Dak R’lap), and Dak Buk So (Tuy Due). The population of these urban centers is expected to reach 10,000-15,000.


1. Raising investment capital

The total demand for investment capital is estimated at VND 202 trillion during 2011- 2020, including VND 60 trillion for the 2011- 2015 period and VND 142 trillion for the 2016-2020 period, of which around 53.2% will be used for industry and construction, 9% for agriculture and forestry, and 37.8% for services. To meet this capital demand, it is necessary to synchronously take the following measures;

-        For state budget funds: To further exploit central budget funds through development programs as well as incentive mechanisms and policies of the Government, ministries and sectors for building essential and key works in the province. To effectively use these funds and increase the rate of accumulation.

-        For enterprises, businesspeople and people’s investment: To elaborate clear and transparent mechanisms and policies to investment. To apply such investment forms as build-transfer (BT), build-operate-transfer (BOT) and public-private partnership (PPP) in development investment to ensure effective mobilization of different sources of capital from the private sector and enhance cooperation and effectiveness of projects. To adopt maximum tax incentives for encouraging enterprises and individuals to invest in developing production and business activities in rural areas, especially in deep-lying and remote areas.

-        For loan sources: To formulate feasible, detailed and appropriate production development projects which are effective in order to attract credit loan sources. To prioritize these sources for the development of spearhead industries and production of commodity products. To use loan sources more effectively.

-        For external sources of capital (from the central level, other provinces and foreign countries): To plan the development of sectors and territorial areas, formulate feasible and attractive projects to attract investment from the central level, other provinces and foreign countries for production development with a view to stepping up the province’s economic, cultural 5md social development. To attach importance to revenues from the auction of land use rights for developing infrastructure under large projects in urban centers and centralized residential areas.

2.       Planning solutions

-        To put planning work in order to become an effectual tool in market-orientated economic management. All levels and sectors should be fully aware of planning work.

-        To Strengthen and supplement planning officers in a number of provincial-level departments and sectors. To decentralize the formulation, appraisal, approval, implementation and supervision of master plans. Annually, to allocate funds for planning work and select fully capable consultancy units to implement planning projects. To make investment under planning; to plan all capital construction investment works in conformity with the province’s capital- balancing capacity.

3.       Renewal, reorganization and development of economic sectors

To issue incentive policies for economic sectors, such as land lease incentives and infrastructure investment support, specific regulations on investment in the forms of build- transfer (BT) and build-operate-transfer (BOT), foreign direct investment policies, easier access to loans for investment, labor training, market development and provision of information and technologies.

-        To exempt from or reduce land rents, taxes or fees for production and business activities in the initial years of operation for enterprises and individuals that invest in developing spearhead industries, such as agricultural and forest product processing, industrial tree planting, cow rearing, and tourism, trade and service expansion. To give special incentives for investment projects in poor communes and disadvantaged areas.

-        To encourage the development of people- founded enterprises in quantity, quality and competitiveness, especially labor-intensive cooperatives and medium- and small-sized enterprises. To apply flexible licensing mechanisms for a number of construction investment works and projects; to simplify investment licensing procedures; to adopt policies to coordinate with and assist investors in production and business development suitable to their capacity to make investment, manage and use labor, organize production and business and distribute benefits.

-        To create a favorable legal corridor and open investment environment for the development of diversified economic activities; to mobilize all human, material and financial resources and capital for production and business activities to increase gross regional domestic product (GRDP) and budget revenues, creating jobs, generating incomes and improving laborers’ lives.

4.       Scientific-technological and environmental protection policies

-        To formulate priority policies for the application of scientific-technical advances to industrial production, agriculture, construction and service sectors. To raise the quality of training and transfer of technologies; to help farmer households and ethnic minority people apply technical advances, biotechnology and new plant varieties and animal breeds in production and business and daily-life activities.

-        To encourage the development of talents and effectively employ scientific-technical workers; to equip new knowledge and improve professional qualifications for them to meet new development requirements.

-        To associate science and technology development with environmental protection and ecological balance, ensuring sustainable socio-economic development.

5.       Human resource development policies

-        To develop infrastructure for human resource training. To formulate regulations on incentives in the training sector; to encourage and attract all economic sectors to invest in training activities; to open technical workers’ training centers and vocational centers in the province.

-        To train the workforce in a practical manner in line with production and business development orientations in the province. To combine vocational, technical and economic management training with legal, working qualities and social morality training so that laborers and their products can integrate into the national, regional and global economies.

-        To encourage the discovery and fostering of talented state management and technical master plans and plans for step by step improving the quality of officials, especially those who hold key positions in the province’s economic, political and social administration.

-        To exercise democracy and ensure transparency and equality in association with economic benefits, creating a motive force for all laborers to bring into play their physical strength and intellect in their work to bring high efficiency for the society, community and each person. To formulate mechanisms to attract human resources from outside the province to contribute their intellect, invest in and cooperate with Dak Nong province in accelerating the province’s socio-economic development.

6.       Enhancing cooperation with other provinces and expanding markets

To enhance cooperation and coordination with other provinces and cities like Dak Lak, Lam Dong, Ho Chi Minh City and southeastern provinces, coastal provinces in the Ba river basin, and Cambodian northeastern provinces under the master plan on the development triangle of three countries in order to choose appropriate orientations for each Sector and province, avoid thinned-out and overlapping investment, establish supply-demand balance and raise investment efficiency.

To enhance coordination between the province and ministries and central sectors in research and project formulation in conformity with the provincial and sectoral development master plans, and ensure capital sources and material supply and product sale plans, and ensure that eco-environmental protection and resettlement are necessary solutions for the master plan implementation in the coming time.

To pay attention to the domestic and rural markets with a view to stimulating production and sale of products in the province and increase the people’s purchasing power to meet the demands for supplies and commodities for production and consumption. To intensify marketing, exhibition and advertising of the province’s commodities with export potential. To learn about requirements on kinds, quantities, quality and prices of exports in order to devise appropriate development plans.

7. Organization of and roadmap for implementation

The master plan, together with its adjustments and supplements, provides fundamental orientations and important bases for all sectors and levels to perform their functions and task and enterprises and economic sectors to conduct production and business, contributing to the attainment of the province’s general socio-economic development objectives and orientations during 2011-2020.

To publicize and disseminate this master plan to all functional agencies, local administrations at all levels, socio-economic organizations and people for creating unanimous awareness, concentrating intellect and capacity and mobilizing all people to respond to and actively implement this master plan according to the set orientations and objectives.

This master plan, together with its adjustments and supplements, are bases for reviewing five-year and annual plans and specific programs and projects in order to include this master plan for implementation. In plans on development of sectors and socio-economic fields, agencies should properly incorporate the contents of this master plan into their tasks and identify development objectives in line with the master plan, and concurrently pay attention to reviewing and updating information so as to make adjustments and supplements to suit practical conditions on the basis of comprehensive and scientific analysis so as to make this master plan more complete and feasible.

Article 2.This master plan serves as a basis for the review, adjustment and supplementation of sectoral master plans (construction master plans, land use master plans and plans, and master plans on other sectors), and investment projects in Dak Nong province.

Article 3.Based on the province’s socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations set out in this master plan, the People’s Committee of Dak Nong province shall coordinate with related ministries and sectors in:

1.       Reviewing and adjusting district-level socio-economic development master plans; master plans on development of urban and residential areas; construction master plans; land use master plans and plans; and master plans on development of sectors, fields and major products to ensure synchronous development.

2.       Formulating five-year and annual plans, key economic, cultural and social development programs and specific projects for concentrated and prioritized investment in a rational manner.

3.       Studying, elaborating and promulgating according to their competence or submitting to competent state agencies for promulgation (for issues falling beyond its competence) mechanisms and policies to meet the province’s development requirements in each period with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for the master plan implementation .

Article 4.Within the ambit of their functions and tasks, related ministries and sectors shall assist the People’s Committee of Dak Nong province in formulating the above master plans; elaborate and submit to competent state agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies to meet the province’s socio-economic development requirements in each period for mobilizing and effectively using resources; promote investment according to the socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations set out in the master plan. Accelerate investment in the approved large regional works and projects which are important to the development of Dak Nong province. Study, adjust and add relevant works and projects to be invested under the plan to sectoral development master pi investment plans.

Article 5.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing; to annul the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 161/2006/QD-TTg of July 10, 2006, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province through 2020.

Article 6.The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Dak Nong province, ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies and Heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.

Prime Minister





(To the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1942/QD-TTg of October 22, 2013)




Project to upgrade infrastructure of Gia Nghia urban center to grade-III urban standards


Project to build Dak Nong-Binh Thuan railway


Project to build Nhan Co airport into a national airport


Project to build Dak Nong-Binh Phuoc-Dong Nai-Vung Tau railway


Project to upgrade national highway 14 (the section crossing Dak Nong province


Project to upgrade national highway 14C (the section crossing Dak Nong province


Project to expand national highway 28 (the section crossing Dak Nong province)


Project to build rural power grids, phase II


Projects on medium- and low-voltage electricity lines and transformer stations for electricity distribution


Project on technical assistance for hi-tech agricultural development


Project on bauxite exploitation and alumina refining during 2011-2020


Project to relocate the 500-kV electricity line out of Gia Nghia urban center






Project to build infrastructure of a hi-tech agricultural zone




Project to build infrastructure of Nhan Co industrial park


Project to build 220/110 kV power transmission systems


Project to build infrastructure of Quang Due industrial park (Dak R’Lap district)


Trade - services - tourism


Project to build Dak Nong province’s trade center


Project to build trade infrastructure of Dak Per border-gate economic zone


Project to build Lieng Nung culture and entertainment park


Project to build infrastructure of Nam Nung eco-cultural tourist zone


Project to build Serepok riverside roads from Tam Thang commune to Con Dau in Eapo commune


Project to develop Bu Prang international border-gate economic zone


Technical infrastructure projects (transport, urban, electricity supply, water supply and irrigation)


Project to build Dak Song-Dak Nang road


Project to build Dao Nghia-Quang Khe road


Project to upgrade and asphalt district roads


Project to build Gia Nghia town’s bypass road


Project to build roads serving mineral exploitation


Project to build an inter-provincial car station


Project to build infrastructure of Cu Jut, Gia Nghia, Dak Mil and Dak Rlap urban centers


Project to build infrastructure of Dak Rla, Dao Nghia and Due Xuyen new urban


Project to upgrade Due An, Dak Mam, Quang Khe and Dak Buk So district townships to grade-V urban center standards


Project to upgrade irrigation infrastructure in districts


Project to build Gia Nghia complex of irrigation works


Projects to build wastewater treatment systems for urban centers of grade IV or higher grade (Gia Nghia, Dak Mil and Kien Due)


Project to build Quang Tam-Dak Ngo road, Tuy Due district, Dak Nong province


Project to support infrastructure construction and housing for cadres and civil servants in Dak Nong


Project to build border belt roads serving security, national defense and socio-economic development in Dak Lao-Duc Manh, Dak Mil district


Project to build a road to Bu Prang border gate (the section from national highway 14- provincial road 1 to national highway 14C)


Projects to build offices of administrative and non-business agencies of the province and districts


Projects to build complete cultural-sports institutions of the province and districts


Projects on military, security and national defense


Projects on stabilization of free migrants


Projects to build permanent schools and classrooms, and public-duty houses teachers


Projects on climate change response


Project on construction to stabilize population, phase II, in Quang True commune, Tuy Due district


Social infrastructure projects (health care, education, culture and sports)


Health care


Project to upgrade the provincial general hospital, phase II (with 500 patient beds)


Project to improve grassroots health networks, phase II


Project to build and upgrade provincial-level health centers


Project to complete the construction of district-level general hospitals


Project to build a traditional medicine hospital


Project to build Dak Nong province’s radio and television technical center




Project to upgrade Dak Nong vocational secondary school to a college


Project to build and establish a Community College


Project to build a foreign language training center


Culture, sports


Project to build Dak Nong province’s sports centre


Project to complete the construction of No Trang Long complex of monuments of famous historical figures, Dak Nong province


Project to complete the construction of the provincial cultural center


Project to complete the construction of Dak Nong province’s sports complex






Project to build infrastructure of Dak Song industrial complex


Project to build infrastructure of residential quarter 3, Ea Tlinh township, Cu Jut district


Project to build residential quarter 6, Nghia Tan ward, Gia Nghia town, Dak Nong province


Project to build urban infrastructure of residential quarter 5, Nghia Phu ward, Gia Nghia town, Dak Nong province


Project to build infrastructure of Krong No industrial complex


Project to build infrastructure of Dak R’La industrial complex


Project to build infrastructure of Quang Khe industrial complex


Projects on social housing infrastructure support


Projects on socialization of cultural, physical training and sports, health care and education activities


Agriculture, forestry


In hi-tech agricultural zones: Project to establish, expand and upgrade establishments for hi-tech production of plant varieties in creation, hybridization, breeding and multiplication to create leading variety gardens and quality varieties to serve agricultural and forestry production


In hi-tech agricultural zones: Project to produce animal and aquatic breeds of high yield, quality and economic benefits


Project to build large model fields (production and processing of high-quality food) in Krong No district


Project to build cattle and poultry slaughter-houses in districts and towns in the whole province


Program on coffee re-cultivation


Projects on sustainable management, development and protection of forests




Projects on animal breed processing


Projects on production of chemical fertilizers and micro-organic fertilizers


Projects on mechanical manufacturing and repair of industrial and agricultural equipment


Projects on processing of finished coffee products (powder coffee, instant coffee)


Projects of animal slaughtering and animal product processing


Projects on exploitation and processing of basalt stone columns


Mechanical projects serving the bauxite exploitation industry


Project on bauxite supporting industries


Project to build an aluminum refinery


Projects on production and processing of agricultural and forest products


Trade, services and tourism




Project on Kien Due township trade center


Project on Ea Tlinh township trade center


Project on Gia Nghia town trade center




Projects on development of financial and banking services




Project on Nam Nung mountain cultural eco-tourist zone (with different items)


Project on an eco-tourist zone along Serepok river bank (with different items)


Project on Ta Dung cultural eco-tourist zone (with different items)


Project on Dak Glun eco-tourist zone


Project on embellishment of the B4 resistance war relic, inter-provincial IV


Project on Dak R’Tih reservoir tourist site


Project on Dong Nai reservoir 3 and 4 tourist sites


Project to exploit ecological landscapes (lakes, reservoirs, falls, forest, etc.) in combination with tourist and service activities

Note: The locations, sizes, land areas, total investment amounts and investment capital sources for the above projects will be calculated, selected and specified in the stages of formulation and submission of investment projects, depending on the demand for and capacity of balancing and mobilizing resources in each period.-


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