Decision No. 1831/QD-TTg of October 9, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Ninh province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030

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Decision No. 1831/QD-TTg of October 9, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Ninh province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1831/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:09/10/2013Effect status:

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Decision No. 1831/QD-TTg of October 9, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Ninh province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030


Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans; and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

At the proposal of the chairperson of the People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province,


Article 1:To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Ninh province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, with the following principal contents:


1.   The master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Ninh province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030 must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plans on socio-economic development in the Red river delta and the northern key economic region and the master plan on construction of the Hanoi region, and ensure consistency and synchronicity with sectoral master plans.

2.   To bring into the fullest play the potential and advantages of its gateway position and human resources for fast and sustainable socio-economic development; to intensively develop highly competitive sectors; to focus investment on and attract human resources for the development of industries with strengths associated with goods production chains in the context of international economic integration; to strive to become a province with an important position in the Red River delta region’s economy.

3.   To combine economic development with realizing social progress and equity, gradually improve local people’s life quality; to synchronously develop healthcare, culture, education and training; to step up the application of science and technology to production; to preserve and promote the values of cultural and historical relics associated with developing efficient and sustainable tourism.

4. To closely combine economic development with ensuring political security and social order and safety; to firmly maintain defense and security; and to attach importance to environmental protection.


1.   Overall objectives

To build Bac Ninh into a province with sustainable and harmonious development between urban and rural areas and a modem and synchronous infrastructure in which Bac Ninh urban center reach grade-I urban center standard; comprehensive healthcare, culture, education and training development, higher human resource quality and incessantly improved local people’s spiritual and material lives and assured eco-environment, political security, defense and social order and safety. By 2015, Bac Ninh will basically become a modernity-oriented industrial province and have all necessary technical infrastructural conditions for becoming a centrally run city in the 2020s.

2.   Specific objectives:

a/ Economic targets:

-    To attain an annual average economic growth rate of around 10.5% in the 2011-2030 period, including 13% to 2015,11.5% in the 2016-2020 period, and 9% in the 2021-2030 period; the society’s total investment capital will make up 33-35% of GDP in the 2011-2030 period.

-    The average per-capita GDP income will reach VND 146.2 million (around USD 6,560) by 2020; the proportions of industries, services and agriculture will be 73.2%, 23%, and 3.8%, respectively, of the province’s GDP; the total export value will reach around USD 20 billion; and the province’s budget revenues will record an average increase of 12%.

-    Orientations toward 2030: The average per-capita GDP income will reach VND 346.7 million (around USD 14,450); the proportions of industries, services and agriculture will reach 58.2%, 40%, and 1.8%, respectively, of the province’s GDP; the total export value will reach around USD 30 billion; and the province’s budget revenues will record an average increase of 10%.

b/ Social targets:

By 2020, the population will be around 1.21 million; the unemployment rate in urban areas will drop to 2.5%; the urbanization will be 44.2%; the rate of trained workforce will be 83%; the ratio of doctors and hospital beds will be 8 and 26 per 10,000 people; the malnutrition rate of under-five children will be below 13%; there will be basically no poor households; the average life expectancy will be more than 80 years. Telecommunications infrastructure will be modem and synchronous with an Internet subscription rate of at least 48-50%.

-    Orientations toward 2030: The population will be around 1.44 million, the urbanization rate will be 59.6%, the rate of trained workforce will be more than 95%, and the malnutrition rate of under-five children will be below 5%. The electricity network will be modernized to ensure efficient and safe operation (the entire electricity wire system in central urban areas and townships will be put underground). The Internet subscription rate will be more than 80%. The modern and synchronous water supply and drainage system will supply clean water to both urban and rural areas.

c/ Environmental targets:

-    To ensure harmony between economic development and environmental protection. To protect, exploit and rationally and efficiently use natural resources and landscapes and urban, cultural, tourist, industrial and eco-agricultural space toward sustainable, green, clean and beautiful development; to basically settle pollution in craft villages and form green belts, especially in urban areas.

-    By 2020: All urban population and 95% of rural population will have access to hygienic water; a complete garbage and waste treatment system (including solid waste, wastewater and air) will be built and all urban centers, industrial parks and clusters and traditional craft villages will have standard centralized wastewater treatment systems; 100% of medical waste will be collected and treated.


1.   Industrial development

-    To achieve fast and sustainable industrial development to create a momentum for the province’s economic development with an average growth rate of 11.9% in the 2016-2020 period and 6.8% in the 2021-2030 period.

-    To develop spearhead industries with high technologies and internationally competitive products and limit processing, assembly and polluting industries. To focus on the development of supporting industries for major industries so as to create high value-added industrial products in the province. To gradually form industrial clusters with large enterprises being the core and small- and medium-sized enterprises being satellite suppliers.

-    To formulate plans on development of a number of industries of information and communication technology; bio-technology; new materials; and automation technology. To implement supporting industry development projects for hi-tech development along with training human resources for the development of hi-tech industries.

-    To focus investment on completing the infrastructure of industrial parks and clusters, promote and attract investment in a selective manner, raise the efficiency on one hectare of industrial land and exert a spillover effect on the provincial economic development.

-    To review and rearrange industrial parks and clusters, prioritizing the development of craft village clusters associated with the conservation of national cultural identity and ensuring environmental sanitation.

2.   Service and tourism development

To strive to attain the service sector’s growth rate of 12.8% in the 2016-2020 period and 13.5% in the 2021-2030 period; the total goods retail and service turnover of VND 90 trillion by 2020 with an annual average growth rate of 14.8% in the 2016-2020 period.

-    Services: To promote export with a sustainable growth rate to serve as a momentum for speeding up the provincial economic growth and restructuring. To continue maintaining export products with competitive advantages; to gradually increase the proportion of intensively processed export and hi-tech products associated with supporting services such as logistics, finance and banking; to set up chains of major exports such as electronics, telecommunications and hand-made products; to maintain traditional export markets while diversifying export markets and exported products. To encourage the import of technologies to serve the development of processing and supporting industries. To facilitate the attraction and improvement of the quality of finance, credit, banking, insurance, technology, telecommunications, electricity, tourism, entertainment, training and healthcare services.

-    Tourism: To combine development with the preservation and promotion of the values of historical relics and cultural heritages, preserving defense, security and social order and safety. To diversify tourist products and join other localities in the northern key economic region and northern mountainous region in tourism development. To build Bac Ninh into a major cultural and tourist center in the Red river delta region and the whole country.

3.   Agriculture, forestry and fisheries development

-    To develop agriculture toward hi-tech commodity production, increase the economic value on each unit of land and build commodity production zones, including high-yield rice, vegetable, short-term industrial tree, flower, and ornamental plant cultivation zones and fish farms.

-    To develop industrial pig farming outside residential areas, forming commodity production zones. To develop beef cow breeding zones in communes with favorable conditions and maintain poultry fanning in a number of areas in the province.

-    To stabilize around 625 ha of forest coverage with sustainable and multi-layer forest structure; to promote the planting of scattered trees in industrial parks, urban and rural areas and the premises of agencies and offices, etc.

4.   Social, science-technology and environmental protection fields

a/ Education and training

-    To create fundamental changes in education and training quality, efficiency and scale at all levels; to focus on training human resources to satisfy the province’s socio-economic development demands, particularly human resources for the spearhead sectors.

-    To consolidate and develop the existing school network; to upgrade and build professional education institutions, colleges and universities. To build a sufficient and complete contingent of administrators and teachers with standard or higher qualifications. To properly socialize education rtf build a learning society.

-    To complete the network of professional secondary and vocational training schools in the province. To study the transformation of a number of senior secondary schools into technical senior secondary schools and the pedagogy college into a multi-disciplinary university of the province. To complete the construction of the scientific research center and the university village to attract and accommodate universities relocated from Hanoi capital; to turn Bac Ninh into a regional high-quality human resource training center, especially bring into play human factors to conform to the level of the new development period.

d / Health:

-    To synchronously develop the health network to the grassroots level; to gradually improve the quality of professional services and professional ethics of health workers; to reduce the morbidity rate, improve health, physical strength and life expectancy. To strive to achieve the goals of all-people health insurance and population and family planning policies and improve the quality of population.

-    To develop the network of provincial hospitals in terms of hospital beds and service quality. To invest in modem physical facilities and medical equipment for a 1,000-bed general hospital, the obstetrics-pediatrics hospital and the tumor center, and upgrade district-level general hospitals; to inherit, preserve and develop traditional medicine.

-    To build a complete and modem preventive medicine network, with 100% of communes, wards and townships meeting national standards-of communal health. To promote social investment in developing healthcare infrastructure, facilitate and encourage the development of private general hospitals and clinics and health counseling centers. To encourage pharmaceutical companies to study and produce medicines, plant and process herbal medicines.

-    To attach importance to building a healthy society, improve the quality of the preventive medicine network, build a healthcare system for the people; to raise the effectiveness of health, environmental sanitation and food safety communication and education.

c/ Culture, information and broadcasting

-    To build an advanced culture deeply imbued with national identity, create many local high-quality and unique cultural products of Kinh Bac culture. To strive for 90% of families to be awarded the title of Cultural Family. To complete investment in the provincial museum and library; to invest in building cultural institutions at all levels.

-    To plan the implementation of projects to conserve and promote the value of Kinh Bac love duets; to study and invest in building the Bac Ninh love duets theater, a performance stage on Lim hill and infrastructure of love duet villages; to complete the inventory of relics and intangible cultural heritages; to propose the ranking of 40% of the province’s total relics.

d/ Sports and physical training

-    To sustainably and firmly build and develop high-achievement sports; to maintain and step by step increase the ranking of the province’s high-achievement sports; to focus investment on sports with traditional advantages and spearhead sports, pay attention to training high- achievement athletes.

-    To promote socialization by encouraging people of all strata and organizations to take part and invest in sports and physical training activities. To speed up the construction of the sports and physical training complex, upgrade the Suoi Hoa stadium into the Suoi Hoa sports training center under the form of socialization. To step by step prepare physical facilities for the successful organization of one to two ASIAD 18 sports in the province. By 2020, 40-45% of the population will regularly do physical exercises and play and sports; and 90-95% of districts, towns and city will have stadiums, gyms and swimming pools.

dd/ Science-technology and environmental protection

-    To focus investment in selecting, applying and transferring scientific and technological achievements and latest techniques to production and life. To study and invest in high and modem technologies for manufacturing industries and major products in and hi-tech, green and clean agriculture; to adopt mechanisms to attract investment in hi-tech agricultural zones, especially the hi-tech agricultural production pilot application zone in Tien Du. To help enterprises apply clean technologies in traditional craft villages.

-    To carry out environmental protection work in all sectors and fields. To closely combine industrial development with environmental protection; to control the use of plant protection drugs under the list of chemicals allowed for agricultural use and control food safety. To encourage animal waste treatment for producing biogas.

e/ Other social affairs

-    To implement hunger eradication and poverty reduction programs in a synchronous, comprehensive and effective manner, and build sustainable poverty reduction models; by 2020 there will be basically no poor households. To expand the scope and subjects involved in social insurance and unemployment insurance.

-    To properly implement social welfare policies and policies for people with meritorious services to the nation, and social protection.

5. Development of infrastructure system

a/ Transport

-    Roads: To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport in considering and upgrading national highways 1 A, 18 and 38, new national highway 3; belt 4; to proactively consider and upgrade provincial roads in line with development demands and resources of each period. By 2020, all roads will be concreted under grade-4 delta road standards, inter- commune roads will grade-5 and -4 delta road standards, collector roads will be built along expressways and a number of provincial roads near industrial parks.

-    Railways: To coordinate with central agencies in considering the upgrade and renovation of the Hanoi-Lang Son railway line to grade-I national railway standards; to speed up the construction of the Yen Vien-Ha

Long railway line; to study the construction of a new line about 2-3 km to the east of the old line for freight and international transport, and of the Hanoi-Bac Ninh urban railway line in the 2020-2030 period.

-    River ways: To continue dredging and regulating river flows for freight transportation and tourism.

-    Port system: To study the upgrade of the Dap Cau port, the Dap Cau glass and float glass factory and Due Long ports (both river and inland ports); to build an inland container deport (ICD) in the area adjacent to Tien Du district and Bac Ninh city.

b/ Electricity supply network

-    To raise the capacity of the Bac Ninh 220 kV station to 2 x 250 MVA to supply electricity to Que Vo, Gia Binh and Luong Tai districts; to build the Bac Ninh 3 220/110 kV station (in Yen Phong) with a capacity of 2 x 250 MVA.

-    To develop the 110 kV grid in response to increasing power consumption in Two areas, with increasing the capacity of the existing 110 kV stations and, if necessary, constructing new 110 kV stations in the 2016-2020 period.

c/ Information and communications

-    To strongly develop e-post services; to automate service delivery (provincial- level automation); to build an optical-fiber transmission network to ensure that by 2020, all communes will be able to hold online video conferences; to expand and improve the telecom network quality.

-    To speed up the development of information technology to become a spearhead industry. To develop information technology infrastructure in state agencies at departmental, district/town and municipal levels. To complete infrastructure and apply information technology in commune, ward and township-level offices, build the province’s data integration center up to the national standard; to invest in building one to two provincial information technology training centers. To develop e-commerce across the province, complete e-portals in 80% of wards in the province by 2020.

d/ Irrigation network

To develop irrigation to meet the economy’s demand for water supply and drainage; to ensure sufficient water for crops; to ensure active drainage; to ensure anti-river floods and upgrade the dykes on the left bank of the Duong river and the right bank of the Cau river and degraded dike sections.

dd/ Environmental protection, water supply and drainage, garbage and wastewater treatment

To raise, the public sense of environmental protection, take proactive solutions in response to climate change and sea level rise. By 2020, the province will basically prevent increasing pollution, restore the degraded environment and improve environmental quality; 80% of production and business establishments will be granted certificates of environmental standards; all urban centers, industrial parks and clusters and traditional craft villages will have centralized wastewater treatment systems meeting standards; 100% of urban population and 95% of rural population will have access to clean water; 95% of daily garbage and 100% of medical waste will be collected and treated.

6. Combining socio-economic development with defense and security

-    To combine socio-economic development with strengthening defense and security, build all-people defense associated with people’s security posture, increase investment to meet the requirement of building the provincial defensive zone.

-    To build and properly implement defensive plans, strictly manage military reserves in both quantity and quality in association with socio- economic development in each area under local master plans and plans and each development program.


1.   Development of economic areas: To organize territorial space into two areas for economic development, including:

-    The northern area of the Duong river embraces three sub-areas, namely the 25,940 hectare Bac Ninh core urban center (mainly Bac Ninh city, Tu Son town and Tien Du district) acting as an integrated center, Yen Phong district covering 9,686 ha acting as an industry-service-agriculture zone, and Que Vo district covering 13,465 ha acting as an industry-service-agriculture zone.

-    The southern area of the Duong river embraces three sub-areas, namely Thuan Thanh district covering 11,791 ha functioning as an industry-service-agriculture zone, Gia Binh district covering 10,779 ha acting as an agriculture-industry-service zone and Luong Tai district covering 10,567 ha acting as an agriculture-industry-service zone.

2.   Development of urban and rural areas

-    To develop a uniform population distribution system based on the development of a radial cluster of urban centers and unification of rural urban areas, covering the core urban center in central Bac Ninh, three satellite urban centers (Cho, Pho Moi and Ho urban centers) and two rural residential areas, namely Gia Binh and Luong Tai, ensuring that all people living in rural residential areas enjoy public utilities nearly the same as urban dwellers.

-    To build Bac Ninh into a large Urban area in which Bac Ninh core urban center will be formed largely based on Bac Ninh city, Tu Son town and Tien Du district, which will play the role as a locomotive and core to boost the provincial socio-economic development.

-    To build new rural areas with comprehensive and sustainable economic development, synchronous and modem infrastructure facilities and rational combination of agriculture, industries, services and urban areas. The rate of communes meeting new-country side standards will reach 20% by 2015. An additional 30% of communes will be recognized as meeting new- countryside standards in the 2016-2020 period, bringing the total number of these communes to 50% by 2020.


(see enclosed Appendix)


1.   Major breakthrough tasks:

-    To shift and attract investment in industries in a selective manner in addition to ensuring stability for established industries; in the coming period to focus on attracting hi-tech, supporting and information technology industries in order to early elevate Bac Ninh to a higher level of modernity-oriented industrialization.

-    To develop a number of types of services to be open, inter-regional and inter-provincial so as to bring into play the advantages of its location in the northeastern gateway of the Hanoi region and on the Nanning-Lang Son- Hanoi-Hai Phong corridor, with a focus on strongly developing services associated with industries, namely goods transshipment, urban, finance and banking services.

-    To prioritize the development of Bac Ninh core urban center, Tu Son and Tien Du to become core urban centers with a high attractiveness, a high concentration level and comprehensive infrastructure for the development of competitive high-quality services.

-    To develop high-quality human resources

and build up the provincial scientific and technological potential, with a focus on developing a pool of excellent scientists and managers, and adopting mechanisms and policies to train, attract and recruit talents to work in and dedicate to the locality.

2.   Investment capital-raising solutions

-    The province has a great demand for investment capital to implement the master plan. Based on its ability to balance the annual budget, the province should take the initiative in planning and appropriately phasing investment to ensure funding for key works and projects. At the same time, it is necessary to work out solutions to further attract domestic and foreign capital; mobilize and effectively use all resources from economic sectors, capital sources from the population, non-state enterprises and foreign direct investment. To continue creating a favorable environment and introducing incentives to attract all investment resources for fast and sustainable development. In the immediate future, it is necessary to:

-    To flexibly apply mechanisms and policies to actively raise capital in which internal resources play the key role, raise to the utmost capital from the land fund to develop urban centers, industries and cottage industries, focusing on attracting capital from non-state economic sectors and socializing healthcare, education, culture, sports, etc.

-    To earmark investment capital from the state budget (including ODA capital), which comes from both central and provincial budgets, mainly for economic and social infrastructure development; to increase the accumulation rate in the province’s internal economy, and take measures to encourage savings for development investment. To make use of central funding sources through development programs and the Government’s incentive mechanisms and policies; to use ODA sources for building technical infrastructure facilities in economic centers, areas with socio-economic difficulties, environmental protection projects, poverty reduction programs, etc.

-    For state enterprises’ capital and state credit: To encourage and create favorable conditions for state enterprises to expand production and business; to increase the allocation of state credit for prioritized production projects.

-    For investment capital sources from non-state enterprises and the population: To adopt and consistently implement investment incentive policies in the province. To properly implement investment promotion work. To expeditiously invest in essential infrastructure of industrial parks and clusters, tourist sites and traditional craft villages under approved plans. To list and promote production and business investment projects capable of generating large revenues and turning out commodity products for export. To promote the socialization of healthcare, education, vocational training, culture, sports, science and technology. To effectively use land and other natural resources. To further raise investment capital in the forms of BOT, BTO, BT and PPP in order to speed up infrastructure development, and effectively use capital from the local land funds and other natural resources.

-    For direct foreign investment (FDI): To mobilize to the Utmost foreign investment capital. To continue improving the investment environment and creating advantages in attracting direct and indirect foreign investment capital. To focus on investment promotion work to attract new investment influxes from Japan, the US and other countries into Vietnam.

3. Mechanism and policy solutions

-    Judicial reform: To build a network of local legal and judicial assistance service organizations; to carry out measures to disseminate and educate laws and monitor law implementation, and ensure the effectiveness of law enforcement in the locality. To consolidate the organization and enhance the capacity for local judicial and legal staff; to review legal documents along with completing the local legal system to ensure its consistency, transparency and easy access to meet socio- economic development requirements.

-    Civil servants and public service: To continue implementing the grassroots democracy regulation to create conditions for people to promote their mastery in participating in economic activities and building and consolidating the local administration. To promote coordination among the Party, administration and people. To build clean and strong grassroots and sectoral political systems. To review the quality of local staff at all levels and in all sectors so as to prepare detailed training and retraining plans.

To continue effectively rotating leaders and managers; to concurrently focus on formulating and effectively implementing schemes to raise people’s knowledge, train human resources and develop talents for the province. To raise the effectiveness and efficiency of the grassroots authorities’ activities.

-    Apparatus and administrative procedures reform: To accelerate administrative reform with a focus on reform of administrative procedures; to review and continue implementing the modern one-stop shop mechanism in the fields of investment, land, construction, compensation, site clearance, environment, etc. To apply information technology in operating the e-government by 2015. To renew the province’s and sectors’ formulation, assignment and implementation of plans. To improve the quality of legal documents promulgated by People’s Councils and People’s Committees at all levels to ensure enforcement and conformity with local conditions. To apply ISO quality management standards in all administrative agencies. To reform public finance toward raising the efficiency of public investment and firmly maintaining its ranking in the country’s top 10 provinces in the provincial competitive index.

-    Institutional reform: To pay attention to enhancing the capacity of the grassroots administration. To expeditiously reform the management methods and consolidate the contingent of grassroots cadres toward having access to information technology and being equipped with the communications system; to raise the individual responsibility of key personnel.

-    To intensify examination, inspection and supervision work; to be determined to effectively prevent and combat corruption.

4. Human resource development solutions

-    Raising the awareness of all sectors, branches and the society of human resources development: To promote public information on education and training and laws relating to human resource development, properly carrying out career guidance for students, especially senior secondary school students. To attach importance to disseminating, informing and provide training in the Party and State’s policies and guidelines concerning labor and employment for enterprises and employers to work out orientations and plans for implementation.

-    Renovating the state management of human resource development: To complete the management apparatus of human resource development, renewing management methods and increasing operational capacity, efficiency and effectiveness. To improve and enhance coordination among local levels and sectors in human resource development in order to achieve the best uniform, synchronous and harmonious coordination for human resource development in the province.

-    Training and retraining human resources: To improve local workforce’s health and stature, paying attention to primary health care to improve the entire people’s physical strength. To actively and efficiently implement national target programs. To improve the quality of comprehensive education in the general school system with importance attached to educating ethics, lifestyle, the ability to work independently and creatively, practice skills and the ability to start up businesses. To build a healthy education environment. To combine the development of colleges, universities and training institutions with human resource development to serve industrial parks and export processing zones in the province. To attach importance to training and raising professional knowledge and working skills. Annually, to provide on-site training and retraining to catch up with the development of advanced science and technology in production and follow the guidelines, policies and laws on social development and business development.

-    Building and completing the system of policies and tools to encourage and promote human resource development: To concretize and institutionalize investment policies to encourage and promote human resource development. To provide land use incentives and reduce land rents; to grant concessional loans to invest in building human resource development facilities; to alloc&t6 funds for procuring teaching equipment; to adopt preferential regimes for teachers, etc. To increase investment from the state budget, mobilize all resources of the society to develop human resources; renew financial management mechanisms. To adopt policies to generate jobs and support the poor to participate in different types of insurance. To implement housing policies and care for workers’ spiritual and physical lives in industrial parks. To improve wage and bonus entitlements and allowances and other benefits to attract talents to work in the province.

-    To quickly build and develop a network of labor market information and job training, seeking and placement services.

5. Science and technology development and environmental protection solutions

a/ Science and technology development solutions

j - To quickly apply scientific and technological achievements and hi-tech and science developments to production, especially information technology in all fields. To gradually apply information technology in all fields of management, including economic management and social management.

-    To apply cutting-edge technologies in agricultural and seafood processing and other fashioning industries. To adopt incentives for businesses to invest in cutting-edge technologies in production.

-    To develop mechanisms for establishing science and technology service enterprises which provide advice and scientific and technological information to enterprises engaged in industrial production in particular and economic activities in general. To develop policies to encourage businesses to apply new technologies to production in order to raise production value and protect the environment.

-    To socialize science and technology activities and mobilize intellectual and material contributions to science and technology development.

b/ Environmental solutions, supervision, observation and handling of environmental issues in socio-economic development.

-    To promote environmental information and education to all subjects. To encourage businesses and business establishments to use cleaner new technologies, make the optimal use of raw materials and reduce product packaging.

-    To enhance the role and responsibilities of state management of environmental protection. To promulgate regulations and apply measures to prevent and handle activities that destroy or pollute the environment. To intensify environmental management work and activities in industrial parks and clusters. To conserve bio- diversity and manage solid and hazardous waste. To review polluting sources in urban areas so as to work out appropriate handling measures.

6. Cooperating with other provinces in the region for development

-    To continue implementing the signed cooperation programs and concurrently expand cooperation with other localities. To consider implementing cooperation programs with other localities as a key task in the province’s external economic activities in the integration period.

-    To promote cooperation for development between Bac Ninh and Hanoi city and other provinces in the Red River Delta region.

+ In the economic field: Building regional and inter-provincial works (arterial roads, large irrigation works, hazardous waste treatment sites, etc); coordinating in formulating joint investment promotion programs with other provinces to attract large foreign corporations and companies to invest in industrial parks; cooperating in calling for investment in production and business and building the infrastructure of industrial parks and clusters in the province. Stepping up trade promotion in supporting, electronic, food processing and mechanical engineering industries. Cooperating in the exchange of experiences in operation and management activities and methods in trade, tourism and services; surveying, developing and operating cultural, historical and spiritual tours in Bac Ninh-Hanoi-Quang Ninh-Hai Phong and provinces in the Red River Delta region. Cooperating in the supply of animal breeds and plant varieties and the transfer of technological advances to boost agricultural development. Enhancing the exchange of experience in agriculture and forestry, exchange of commodities and product consumption. Cooperating in scientific and technological research and the transfer and application of research results in all fields. Sharing experience in studying the formulation and management of plans on urban areas, industrial parks and construction investment projects.

+ In cultural, social and medical fields: Cooperating and exchanging experience in culture, arts, sports, healthcare, education and training; sharing experience in the implementation of programs on hunger eradication and poverty reduction, job generation and building a new countryside. Creating linkages in tertiary education, healthcare and social security.


1. Steps in the planning period

a/By 2015:

-    To develop an infrastructure network with a major focus on urban and industrial infrastructure (giving priority to urban centers and industrial parks moving in the path to green and environment-friendly development); to plan the provincial areas; to plan the core urban center, etc; to complete sectoral and product plans.

-    To continue with the administrative reform and building a modem and accessible public service system.

-    To improve the quality of human resources, focusing on managers, administrators and policymakers.

-    To improve the investment environment (access to land, investment licensing procedures), selectively attract hi-tech and supporting industry projects for the whole region, which satisfy environmental requirements.

b/ During 2016-2020:

-    To bring into play regional comparative advantages and tap the advantages of the convergence of urban areas and positive impacts of the urbanization process; to strongly the sectoral restructuring process with a focus on quality, efficient and highly productive sectors (with higher contributions to the economy).

-    To keep stable the investment attraction policies and environment to ensure sustainability and create conditions for businesses to operate at full capacity.

-    To adopt incentives to attract different types of services with a focus on goods transshipment services and supply services for the region to effectively participate in the regional and international value chains.

-    To complete technical and social infrastructure in a number of urban areas according to international standards to ensure good living conditions to attract high-quality human resources to work and live in Bac Ninh.

2. Organization of the master plan implementation

-    The approved master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Ninh province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, will serve as the basic orientation and important foundation for the sectors and levels to perform their functions and tasks and for enterprises and economic sectors to carry out production and business activities, contributing to realizing the province’s goals and orientations for socio-economic development in the 2011 -2020 period.

-    The People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province shall announce and disseminate the contents of the master plan to all related agencies, local authorities, socio-economic organizations and the entire people so as to create a uniform perception, muster intellect and capacity, mobilize the entire people to respond to and actively take part in implementing the orientations and goals set by the master plan.

-    The master plan will serve as a basis for orienting and reviewing five-year plans and specific programs and projects to be included in annual socio-economic development plans. In the sectoral and socio-economic development plans, agencies should properly incorporate the contents of the master plan in their tasks, identify development goals in line with the socio-economic development master plan and regularly update supplements and adjustments in conformity with reality.

-    All levels, sectors, political-social organizations and people in the province shall examine and supervise the implementation of the master plan.

Article 2.The approved master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Ninh province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, serves as a basis for reviewing, adjusting and supplementing sectoral plans (construction master plan, land use master plan and plans and other sectors’ plans), and investment projects in Bac Ninh province.

Article 3.The People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province shall, based on the province’s goals, tasks and socio-economic development orientations defined in the approved master plan, coordinate with related ministries and sectors in directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation the following contents under regulations:

1. Reviewing, supplementing and adjusting district-level socio-economic development master plans; the master plan on development of the system of urban centers and residential spots; the construction master plan; land use master plan and plans; and master plans on development of sectors and major products to ensure synchronous development.

2.   Formulating annual and five-year plans; key economic, cultural and social development programs; and specific projects for focused and prioritized investment in a rational manner.

3.   Studying, formulating, promulgating or submitting to competent state agencies for promulgation (for issues falling beyond competence) mechanisms and policies to meet the provincial development requirements in each period so as to attract and mobilize resources for implementing the master plan.

Article 4. Related ministries and sectors, according to their functions, tasks and powers, shall:

1. Guide and assist the People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province during the implementation of the master plan.

2. Coordinate with Bac Ninh province in reviewing, adjusting and supplementing sectoral master plans to ensure synchronicity and consistency with the master plan; consider and assist the province in mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital to implement the master plan. Speed up the investment in and execution of regional works and projects important to the development of Bac Ninh province which have received investment decisions.

Article 5.The Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 6.The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.-

Prime Minister

Nguyen Tan Dung





(To the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1831/QD-TTg of October 9, 2013)


Project’s name


Centrally managed projects


New national highway 38


Belt road IV


Yen Vien-Pha Lai railway line


Hanoi-Thai Nguyen national highway 3


Projects managed by Bac Ninh province


Building a complete intersection between national highway 18 and new national highway 1; an interchange between national highway 38 and new national highway 1


Building, renovating and upgrading provincial road 295B from Le Thai To avenue, Bac Ninh city, to Dong Ngan ward, Tu Son town (the first phase: the section through Tu Son town)


Building a road linking provincial road 282 and the Duong river spanning bridge with national highway 18 in Gia Binh and Que Vo districts


Building a road from Do Temple to belt road III and old national highway 1A (provincial road 295B) in Tu Son town


Road along B2 canal and Trinh Xa-Da Hoi road, Chau Khe ward, Tu Son town


Building new provincial road 282B


Building urban centers in Bac Ninh city, Yen Phong district and Que Vo district


Building housing for workers


A project to build wastewater treatment plants in all eight districts, towns and city


A project to build a water plant using Cau river’s surface water sources


A software development project


A project to build the Lam Binh industrial park infrastructure


A project to build a commodity circulation center


A project to build supermarkets and trade centers in Bac Ninh city and Tu Son town


A hotel construction project


An international university construction investment project


A technical workers’ training school construction project


The Bac Ninh gifted upper secondary school construction investment project


A project to manufacture medicines and antibiotic materials meeting GMP standards


A medical electronic equipment manufacturing project


Tu Son general hospital project


A project to build the Phat Tich - folk song culture tourist site


A project to upgrade the Do temple relic site and Tieu Tuong river


A project to build the Van Mieu reservoir park, Bac Ninh city


A project to build the Dam temple culture tourist zone, Tu Son town


A project on the conservation zone of the Ly Kings’ tomb cultural historical relics


A project to build and renovate Kinh Duong Vuong’s mausoleum and temple


A project to build the Co Me love duets culture tourist site


A project on the application of biotechnology in farming and processing clean farm products


A project to produce fine-art wood articles


A project to manufacture plywood for export


An electronic and telecommunications component assembling and manufacturing project


A fixed and mobile phone assembling and manufacturing project


A project to manufacture precision components for the printing industry and optical instruments


A computer assembling and manufacturing project


A project to manufacture high-grade materials serving manufacturing industry


Note:The locations, sizes, land areas and total investment amounts for the works and projects listed above will be calculated, selected and specified in the stages of formulation and submission of investment projects for approval, depending on the demand for and capacity of balancing and raising investment capital in each period.-


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