Decision No. 182/QD-TTg dated January 23, 2014 of the Prime Minister approving the approving national action plan to raise the efficiency of management, protection and general use of water resources for the period 2014-2020

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Decision No. 182/QD-TTg dated January 23, 2014 of the Prime Minister approving the approving national action plan to raise the efficiency of management, protection and general use of water resources for the period 2014-2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:182/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:23/01/2014Effect status:

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Fields:Natural Resources - Environment
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Decision No. 182/QD-TTg dated January 23, 2014 of the Prime Minister approving the approving national action plan to raise the efficiency of management, protection and general use of water resources for the period 2014-2020

Pursuant to the Law on organization of the Government dated December, 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Law on Water Resources June 21, 2012;

Pursuant to Decision No. 81/2006/QD-TTg dated April 14, 2006 of the Prime Minister approving the national strategy on water resources by 2020;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW dated June 03, 2013 of the XIth Central Executive Committee on respond to climate change, enhancing the resources management and environmental protection;

Considering the proposal of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment;


Article 1.Approving the national action plan to raise the efficiency of management, protection and comprehensive use of water resources for the period 2014-2020 accompanied with this Decision;

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on the signing date;

Article 3.Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and Chairman of People s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities are liable to execute this Decision. /.


Nguyen Tan Dung



 (Issued together with Decision No. 182/QD-TTg dated January 23, 2014 of the Prime Minister)


Ensuring management, utilization and protection of water resources by the general, comprehensive method and high efficiency to ensure the short and long term national water security, contributing to the sustainable development, environmental protection, social security, national defense and security due to climate change, sea level rise and the decline in water resources with some key targets as follows:

1. Perfecting the system of sub-law documents and put it into effect in management of general and economical exploitation and utilization and efficient protection of water resources;

2. Completing the general inventory of national water resources; completing the mapping of water resources with the scale of 1:100,000 nationwide, the scale of 1:50,000 for 50% land area and the scale of 1:25,000 for a number of key areas;

3. Putting the database system and water resources; 100% watershed of large and significant rivers having their online automatic monitoring and surveying system; 100% of large and important reservoirs on watersheds are operated by the inter-reservoir coordination mechanism; controlling and supervising the operation to ensure the maintenance of minimum flow of 70% of large reservoirs.

4. Controlling the pollution and depletion of water resources; a number of rivers and river sections that are polluted or seriously depleted shall be improved and restored; completing the establishment of water conservation corridor for a number of rivers, reservoirs and important water sources.


1. Improving policies, laws and strategy of water resources in order to raise the effect and efficiency of management, protection, rational and economical exploitation and use of water resources and efficient prevention of damaging effects of water caused by human activities;

a) Reviewing, amending, supplementing and improving the system of sub-law documents to ensure the consistency and put it into effect in management of general and economical exploitation and utilization and efficient protection of water resources;

b) Reviewing the national Strategy on water resources by 2020 and preparing and implementing the national Strategy on water resources by 2030, with a vision by 2050;

c) Implementing the financial policies in the area of water resources including the collection, management and use of money from issuing right to exploit the water resources; the preferential policies for investment in domestic water supply, collection and treatment of waste water and activities of economical and efficient use of water; improving and raising the quality of water;

d) Preparing and implementing mechanisms and policies to attract and mobilize financial resources from all components of society, especially from the business community for the efficient and economical use of water; mechanisms and policies to ensure the harmony between the interests and responsibility, between the downstream end and upstream end and between exploitation and protection of water resources; mechanisms and policies of socialization of water resources protection;

dd) Reviewing, adjusting, supplementing, and newly formulating national technical regulations to ensure the general and economical exploitation and use of water resources on watersheds; optimizing the coordinated operation and regulation of water of reservoirs;

2. Actively adapting and responding to climate change, sea level rise and water use in the upstream end of transnational watersheds;

a) Comprehensively studying, evaluating and forecasting the climate change, sea level rise, water resources and impact of increased use of water in the upstream end of transnational watersheds;

b) Making and implementing the action plan of Ministries, sectors and localities in order to enhance the measures to actively adapt and respond to the impact of climate change and sea level rise and the exploitation and utilization of water in the upstream end to the water resources;

c) Applying the remote sensing technology to periodically and regularly monitor and supervise the building and operation of works to exploit, use water and discharge wastewater into the water sources on transnational watersheds;

3. Basically planning, inventorying, surveying and monitoring water resources;

a) Formulating the planning of national water resources, the planning of water resources of inter-provincial watershed and planning of water resources of provinces and cities; reviewing, adjusting and supplementing the specialized planning with the utilization of water resources;

b) Generally inventorying national water resources;

c) Formulating the master plan for basic survey of water resources of the whole country. Surveying, evaluating and making a map of water resources in watersheds, water-scare areas, water shortage areas and key areas;

d) Building the information and database system on water resources of the nation, watersheds and localities;

dd) Building the surveying system to periodically and regularly monitor water resources, exploitation, utilization of water and discharge of wastewater in the transnational, inter-regional and inter-provincial water sources;

e) Preparing and announcing the report on water resources once for every 05 years and annual specialized reports on water resources; report on water resources of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities and report on utilization of water resources of sectors and areas;

4. Actively controlling, preventing and limiting the pollution, degradation and depletion of water resources;

a) Classifying water resources, announcing the list of severely polluted, degraded, and depleted water sources and the list of establishments exploiting, using water or discharging wastewater into water sources causing severe pollution, degradation and depletion of water sources;

b) Establishing water conservation corridors for the important and large rivers or river sections; regulating reservoirs in big cities and detention reservoirs for hydraulic power and irrigation; improving and restoring rivers, river sections and detention reservoirs in serious polluted and depleted cities;

c) Studying and proposing the pilot building of flow regulating works in the downstream end of a number of important watersheds that are regularly short of water or scarcity of water in the dry season in order to efficiently use  the regulating water sources in the dry season, avoiding the wastage and loss of fresh water into the sea;

d) Building the online and automatic monitoring system to closely control the exploitation and use of water and discharge wastewater into water sources of from establishments causing serious pollution, degradation and depletion of water sources; monitor and early warn of risk of pollution of water sources on a number of large and important watersheds;

dd) Doing statistics and inventorying the present condition of exploitation and utilization of water resources and discharge of wastewater into the water sources;

5. Regulating and generally and economically using water resources and developing models to use water effectively;

a) Developing and completing the procedures for operation of inter-reservoir in order to optimize the coordinated operation and regulation of reservoirs to ensure close connection of flood prevention and mitigation and water supply to the lowlands with the duties of generation, energy security and water source security assurance;

b) Improving capacity and efficiency of operation, supervising the coordinated operation and regulation of water of reservoir system on the watersheds in the Central region and the Central Highlands;

c) Enhancing measures of management, renovation and upgrade of infrastructure of existing works and water use and exploitation system in order to use water efficiently and economically and avoid wastage and loss of water;

d) Developing and implementing programs to use water efficiently and economically of Ministries, sectors, localities and businesses;

6. Applying science and technology in raising the effect and efficiency of management, protection and general use of water resources;

a) Studying and determining the scientific basis in service of developing, proposing mechanisms, policies, measures and technical tools to meet the requirements of management, exploitation, use and protection of water resources and prevention and mitigation of damage caused by water;

b) Studying and applying new technology, especially information technology, remote sensing and automation in evaluation, forecasting and monitoring water resources, activities causing pollution and depletion of water source; improving and restoring the polluted and depleted water source;

c) Studying and proposing mechanisms, policies, measures and technical tools in regulation and allocation of water resources towards general and efficient use of water resources on watersheds;

d) Studying and applying technology, developing products, forming and replicating models of management and economical and efficient use of water and reduction of water loss;

dd) Developing and improving the capacity of system of researching, training, consulting, technological and scientific services for management, protection and general use of water resources;

e) Improving capacity for a number of institutes, universities and public non-business organizations on water resources in study, evaluation and forecasting of water resources; developing technology and solution to enhance water storage in low-lying areas, artificial addition of underground water; studying the application and development of mathematical modeling tools to support the management of water resources, optimized operation and regulation of water and technologies of water saving and prevention of loss in urban irrigation water supply systems;

7. Expanding and enhancing the effective international cooperation on water resources;

a) Actively participate in regional, international forums, and forums in the framework of the United Nations in solving the problems of transnational water sources in particular and water resources generally;

b) Joining the United Nations Convention on the Law on the use of transnational water sources for the non-waterway transportation purposes and actively preparing necessary conditions for effective use of mechanisms to resolve issues transnational water sources in accordance with the provisions of the Convention;

c) Expanding and improve the efficiency of cooperation with the countries sharing water sources with Vietnam and other appropriate partners to protect, exploit and use rationally and fairly, regulate flow and prevent damages to transnational water sources;

d) Strengthening capacity of negotiation, solving of problems arising in solving the problems of exploitation, use and protection of transnational water resources, advocating and integrating the management and sustainable use of water sources into the framework of regional cooperation (APEC, ASEM, ASEAN) and the Mekong sub-region;

dd) Actively campaigning to mobilize resources and support of the international organizations, prioritizing the ODA for the protection, management and sustainable use of water resources.

8. Propagating, educating and raising awareness on the management, protection, exploitation and use of water resources;

a) Mobilizing the participation of all economic sectors, scientific, political - social – occupational organizations, non-governmental organizations and residential communities in the management, protection of water resources and efficient and economical use of water;

b) Developing and implementing communication programs to raise awareness of the whole society in the management and protection of water resources and efficient and economical use of water;

c) Propagating and disseminating laws on water resources to managing officers of water resources at all levels, business community and people;

9. Improving the apparatus, capacity and efficiency of management of water resources at all levels;

a) Strengthening the organizational apparatus of state management on water resources at all levels to meet the requirements for management of water resources;

b) Improving the chair and coordination mechanism in the management of water resources, associating the management of river basin with the management by region, taking the river basins and the communal-level areas as the basic units to perform the protection of water resources;

c) Improving the capacity and efficiency of operation of organizations in the river basins in coordination and supervision of exploitation, use and protection of water resources, prevention of damage caused by water and solving of issues arising in the inter-provincial river basins;

d) Improving the training, re-training and raising the capacity of officials, public employees and officers that are working at water resources management agencies at all levels and non-business units directly serving the management of water resources;

dd) Increasing the investment in material facilities, equipment and tools to support decision-making for water resources management agencies at all levels and organizations in the river basins.


The list of projects prioritized for implementing the national action Plan to raise the efficiency of management, protection and general use of water resources for the period 2014-2020 (hereafter referred to as national action Plan) specified in the Appendix attached to this Plan;


1. Implementation

a) Based  on the objectives, major and specific duties assigned and the List of prioritized projects of the national action Plan, the Ministries and sectors concerned, People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities and agencies and organizations concerned shall develop their action plans submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for summary and report to the Prime Minister while developing detailed contents of fund estimate of the prioritized project assigned for submission to the competent authorities for approval as a basis for determination and allocation of funds;

b) The National Council on Water Resources shall undertake the function as the Steering Committee for implementation of national action Plan. The Chairman of the National Council on Water Resources shall decide to establish the assisting department of the Steering Committee.

2. Funds

a) The funds for implementation of projects in the prioritized list attached to the Appendix of national action plan are mobilized from expenditure sources for investment and development, economic, scientific and educational activities from central and local budget and international aid, capital mobilized from community and other legal capital sources from international institutions such as ADB, WB, JICA, KOICA, DANIDA, AFD...;

b) The funds for implementation of projects, schemes and duties outside the list of prioritized list attached to the Appendix of national action Plan shall be allocated in the annual budget expenditure estimate of the Ministries, organs and organizations concerned and localities under the current decentralized state budget;

c) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to balance and allocate funds from sources of development expenditure, non-business expenditure and international aid for the effective implementation of national action Plan; guide the Ministries, sectors, organs and localities to use funds for the right purpose and with the effectiveness;

d) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and organs concerned to mobilize ODA and preferential loans to implement the national action Plan;

dd) The Ministries, organs and organizations concerned and localities shall actively mobilize the assistance from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals as prescribed by law to implement the national action Plan;

3. Responsibilities of Ministries, sectors and localities concerned

a) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment:

- Assuming the prime responsibility for implementation of contents in the national action Plan related to the functions, duties and power of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;

- Preparing and summarizing plan for the implementation of national action Plan; preparing and summarizing fund estimate and making report to the Steering Committee for opinion and sending it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance for summary under provisions of the Law on Budget;

- Coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance to guides the Ministries, sectors and localities in the development and implementation of plans, annual fund estimates to ensure the compliance with the objectives and duties of national action Plan; building mechanisms and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the National Action Plan;

- Inspecting, examining and periodically preliminarily reviewing and general reviewing the implementation of Plan; overall coordinating activities of information, education and communication related to the water resources;

- Annually summarizing and reporting to the Steering Committee and the Prime Minister on the result of implementation of Plan and proposing the settlement of problems arising during the implementation;

- Developing and implementing the action plan for implementation of Ministry’s Plan and projects assigned;

b) The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall balance, arrange and guide the capital utilization to implement the contents of national action Plan effectively and on schedule;

c) The Ministries and sectors, based on their functions, duties and power, shall perform their duties in the national action Plan; annually report the result of implementation to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for report to the Prime Minister.

d) People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities shall perform their duties related to locality in the national action Plan. Annually preparing the implementation plan to be submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for appraisal and summary and submitted to the Steering Committee for approval; annually report the result of plan implementation to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for summary and report to the Prime Minister;

In the course of implementation, if finding it necessary to supplement and adjust the contents of the national action plan, the Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, governmental agencies, central agencies, the People s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities shall make proposal to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for summary and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.



(Issued together with the national action Plan in Decision No. 182/QD-TTg dated January 23, 2014 of the Prime Minister)


List of program and project

Responsible organs

Coordinating organs

Time for approval



Project to overall inventory national water resources by 2015 and 2020

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Ministry of Planning and Investment, the ministries, sectors and localities




Surveying, evaluating and making a map of water resources in the watersheds, water-scare areas, water shortage areas and key areas;

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Ministries, sectors and localities




Project of water resource planning

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and localities

Ministries, sectors and localities




Project to develop the system of information, database of water resources and monitoring system of water resources on watersheds

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Ministries, sectors and localities




Project to establish water conservation corridor; improve and restore a number of rivers, river sections and reservoirs in seriously polluted and depleted cities;


People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities

Ministries, sectors and localities concerned




Project of statistics and inventory of present condition of exploitation and use of water resources and discharge of wastewater into water sources;

People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities

Ministries, sectors and localities concerned




Research program and establishment of scientific basis, application and development of technology for building, proposing the mechanisms, policies, measures and technical tools to raise the effect and effectiveness of management, protection and general use of water resources.

Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Ministries, sectors and localities





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