Decision No. 166/1999/QD-TTg dated August 10, 1999 of the Prime Minister ratifying the amendment of the overall planning of Hue city up to 2020

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Decision No. 166/1999/QD-TTg dated August 10, 1999 of the Prime Minister ratifying the amendment of the overall planning of Hue city up to 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:166/1999/QD-TTgSigner:Phan Van Khai
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:10/08/1999Effect status:

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness
----- o0o -----
Ha Noi , Day 10 month 08 year 1999
No: 166/1999/QD-TTg
Hanoi, August 10, 1999
Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant to the Regulation on Management of Urban Planning issued together with Decree No. 91/CP of August 17, 1994 of the Government;
At the proposal of the president of the People’s Committee of Thua Thien Hue province and the Minister of Construction in Official Dispatch No. 831/TT/UB-BXD of May 10, 1999,
Article 1.- To ratify the amendments to the Overall Planning of Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province up to 2020 with the following main contents:
1. Objective:
To determine the important position and role of Hue city in the key economic sector of Central Vietnam and in the Orientation of Overall Planning for National Urban Development in its capacity as one of the five central towns of national level; to combine well construction and development with conservation and improvement aimed at building Hue, the former royal capital, into a city with national characteristics, a modern city with a deep identity and tradition; a cultural and tourism center of the whole country, a center of education and training and a sophisticated specialized medical center of the key economic region of Central Vietnam, and also the political, economic, cultural, scientific and technical center of Thua Thien Hue province.
2. Scope of planning and orientation for development in space:
The scope of space planning comprises Hue city and satellite towns in the districts of Phu Vang, Huong Tra, Huong Thuy within a radius of influence of 13-15 km.
The long-term development orientation of Hue city is mainly directed toward the North of Huong River (north and west of Hue citadel) in Huong So and An Hoa areas; to the South of Huong River in Vi Da - Ngu Binh, Thuy An and Truong An areas; to develop the urban space in order to conserve, improve and exploit the potentials of the area of cultural and historical vestiges in the communes of Thuy Bang (Huong Thuy district), Huong Ho and Huong Vinh (Huong Tra district) and Phu Thuong, Phu Duong and Phu Mau (Phu Vang district).
3. Character of Hue city
- The former imperial city of Hue is a world cultural heritage, a cultural and touristic center of the whole country of international significance.
- It is the provincial capital, the political, economic, cultural, scientific and technical center of Thua Thien-Hue province, a center of sophisticated specialized medical center, one of the multidiscipline tertiary and high quality job training centers of the region.
- It is also the economic and cultural hub in the region and on the corridor of international trade.
4. Population size:
By the year 2020 the population of Hue City and the towns within the overall plan amendment is estimated at around 710,000 people, of which Hue City accounts for about 410,000 and the satellite towns about 300,000.
5. Plan for use of land and urban landscape planning:
a/ On land use norm:
Average urban land use for Hue city is 144m2 per head for Hue city and 120 m2 per head for the satellite towns in 2020.
b/ On specialization of areas:
- The population centers shall comprise:
+ The conservation zone includes three sectors: Sector 1 comprising four wards within the Hue citadel shall be renovated and built according to the Ordinance on the Protection and Use of Historic and Cultural Vestiges and Scenic Spots and according to the International Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO; Sector II is the Bao Vinh Old Quarter, Sector III is the Kim Long and Vi Da traditional crafts villages;
+ The area restricted to development lies within the second perimeter (the old quarter, the residential quarters along An Cuu river, Bai Dau sector, and Kiem Hue sector): population size shall be restricted to around 120,000 persons.
+ Expansion area (including Phu Thuong sector of Phu Vang district, Huong So and Thuy An sectors of Huong Thuy district: rational development of the high-rise apartment buildings and large size construction of Hue City in the future, connecting the city with the satellite towns.
- Concentrated industrial areas shall lie in the satellite towns including: the industrial zones of Phu Bai (300 ha), Tu Ha (100-150 ha) and Thuan An (50 ha); the industrial groups in Hue City: to the West (8.5 ha), to the Northeast (11.5 ha), and to the Northwest (20 ha).
- The system of public centers comprising: the administrative and political center of the province and city shall lie at the present site on the southern bank of Huong River; the public utility of irregular service (provincial and city levels) shall be scattered and connected with the central system of the city quarters; the periodical service centers shall be disposed in order to link up with the city quarters; and the public utility works of daily service shall link with the residential units.
- The specialized centers shall include:
+ State management agencies at various levels shall be located in the administrative center of the province and city on the southern bank of Huong River;
+ Training schools: apart from the existing establishments inside the city at present, the Hue University shall be built in the area southeast of Ngu Binh - Tam Thai mountain;
+ Medical centers: transformation and upgrading of the existing establishments to meet the need of urban development; land must be set aside in the new urban areas for the construction of new medical establishments;
+ Cultural and sport centers: In addition to the exiting cultural and sport centers on the southern bank of Huong River, a cultural and sport center of provincial and regional level shall be set up in Ngu Binh-Tam Thai area, and centers of city level at Huong So, Ngu Binh and Phu Thuong; a Labor Cultural Palace, a Youth and Youngster Center, and a Fair and Exhibition Center shall be set up in Phu Hoi and Xuan Phu, while tourism areas shall be created in Tan My - Thuan An and Thuy Tien (among the cluster of townships of Hue);
+ Parks and gardens: In addition to the existing parks of Ngo Mon, Huong River, and Tinh Tam lake, a number of new parks shall be created on the basis of conserving, modernizing and exploiting the relics and areas with scenic landscapes, such as Ngu Binh-Tam Thai, Nam Giao, Thuy Tien, Con Hen; improvement of the two banks of Huong River, An Cuu River and the areas of scenic beauty southwest of Hue city;
- The existing defense and security constructions, especially Mang Ca post, shall be preserved inside the city. The renovation and new constructions at these works must strictly obey the regulations on management of construction in the zone of conservation of the Hue imperial city.
c/ On structure and urban landscaping:
- To conserve and exploit the relics in the areas of the Hue Citadel, the Bao Vinh old quarter, and other areas already recognized by UNESCO under the International Convention;
- To conserve the traditional crafts villages: to preserve the typical houses and gardens at Thuy Bieu, Huong Ho, Huong Long, Kim Long, Vi Da, Phuong Duc and other wards in the citadel;
- To make the most of the advantages in landscapes and environment of the City and adjacent areas, especially Huong River, An Cuu River, Ngu Ha river, Tinh Tam lake and Thuy Tien lake, the garden forests area, Ngu Binh - Tam Thai mount, Vong Canh and Thien Thai mounts;
- To protect the headwater forest combined with the protection and exploitation of the garden forest area together with the royal tombs and palaces southwest of Hue city; to organize the line of scenic sites linking Hue city with the scenic coastal line from Thuan An, Tam Giang Bay to Cau Hai marsh, Canh Duong, Bach Ma, Lang Co...).
6. On traffic planning and technical infrastruc-ture:
a/ On traffic planning:
- Connections with outside:
+ Land roads: to widen and upgrade sections on National Highway 1A: Hue - Tu Ha, Hue - Phu Bai; to prolong Vi Da - Cho Mai section, to link it to Tan May in combination with upgrading of Nguyen Tat Thanh road, upgrade and broaden, Bui Thi Xuan, Kim Long, Dien Bien Phu and Phan Boi Chau roads to link them to the royal tombs area in the southwestern part of Hue City; to build a new bridge at Cho Dinh to link Bai Dau with Phu Thuong.
+ To maintain the status quo of the present North South railway passing through Hue city; to improve and upgrade the rail track and the railway station;
+ Air link: to upgrade Phu Bai Airport to meet the needs of domestic and foreign travelers;
+ Waterways: to upgrade Thuan An Port to ensure the need of cargo transport and tourism, to set up and upgrade the system of wharves on Huong River in service of tourism and transport.
- Urban traffic: the land space reserved for urban traffic must reach 20-25% of the total land fund of the city, of which 4-5% is for static traffic. The road network shall be planned into four sectors as follows:
+ The Citadel sector: to restrict traffic density; to coincide the road surface with the width of the 10 citadel gates; to upgrade four main arteries along the North-South and East-West direction in the Citadel.
+ The central public sector of the City on the southern bank of Huong River: to maintain the status quo of the roads, to broaden a number of main arteries such as Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Hung Vuong, Ba Trieu, An Duong Vuong;
+ The Southwestern sector of the Citadel: to readjust the road network, to widen a number of roads to a size commensurate with the garden forest area and the royal tombs;
+ The developed urban sector: to set up a road from Huong So to Thuan An Port; to widen the Ba Trieu Road leading to Thuan An Port, the Le Duan Road through Bach Ho Bridge and linked with Bui Thi Xuan Road.
b/ On technical land preparation:
- The height of the foundation for the constructions shall be so calculated as to set a limit to the concrete height of each sector aimed at settling well the problem of drainage and avoiding local water loggings;
- Within the Citadel sector: to improve the present system of sewers and canals to drain off water to Ngu Ha River and Hao Thanh; to dredge Ngu Ha River and Hao Thanh moat;
- Within the old quarter: to improve and build a system of underground drainage sewers into An Cuu River and Dap Da to be step by step separated into different drainage systems;
- Within the new urban quarters: to use separated sewers system to discharge rain and waste water into Huong River, Dong Ba River and BachYen River.
c/ On water supply:
- Supply of living water by 2010 is targeted at 100 liters per head per day for 80% of the urban population, and 150 liters per head per day in 2020 for 85% of the urban population;
- Water source: for the time being, to use water from the surface water of Huong River; in the long term to use water of Ta Trach Lake;
- To make the most of the existing water plants and pumping stations; to upgrade the Quang Te water plant; to design a closed-circuit system of water mains in the whole city.
d/ On electric supply:
- To transform, upgrade and build new transformer stations with an appropriate capacity to ensure the supply of electricity for production and life, lighting and service for each sector;
- To improve and build 220 KV, 110 KV and 22 KV power lines and ensure their modernity, aesthetics and safe use.
e/ On drainage of waste water and ensuring environmental hygiene:
- To improve, upgrade and use the common system of drainage for waste water and rain water in the Old Citadel sector and to build separate drainage systems in the newly built sectors;
- The target is to ensure that by 2020 100% of the solid waste of the City shall be collected, transported and processed with the appropriate technology;
- To transform and build concentrated cemeteries combined with regenerating the present small cemeteries scattered in the areas and eventually end the scattered burials and building of large tombs that occupy too much land.
7. First phase of construction planning:
Up to 2005, to strive to concentrate on the following key jobs in urban management and development:
a/ To perfect the drawing up of and approve the detailed plans;
b/ To transform, upgrade and develop the urban communication system and technical infrastructure, especially aimed at fighting traffic jam and local water logging;
c/ To transform the existing population centers, especially inside the Hue Citadel, the traditional craft villages, the old quarter, the residential quarters along An Cuu River; to build new residential quarters at Kim Long, Huong So and Bai Dau in order to decongest the population in the relics conservation area and the people still living on boats on Huong River;
d/ To transform and upgrade the public utility establishments for medical, cultural, educational and service activities, the green parks and the sport and recreation centers;
e/ To move out of the City the production and service establishments causing the environmental pollution, to protect and improve the landscape of Huong river;
f/ To invest in urban development: to build dwelling houses and resettlement centers, the outward-bound and urban communication network, the infrastructure for the urban areas projected for development, the industrial clusters at Thuy An and Huong So; to build the Hue National University campus at Ngu Binh - Tam Thai and the Cultural and Sport Center at Ngu Binh;
g/ To step by step form and develop satellite towns and adopt plans to develop the infrastructure in the suburban areas.
Article 2.- The People’s Committee of Thua Thien Hue province shall assume the main responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Construction and related ministries and branches to ratify the design dossiers, to widely publicize and implement the readjusted overall planning of Hue city up to 2020 according to the stipulations in Article 1 of this Decision and thecurrent prescriptions.
Article 3.- This Decision shall take effect 15 days after its signing.
The president of the Thua Thien Hue People’s Committee, the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government shall have to implement this Decision.


Phan Van Khai
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