Decision No. 1567/QD-TTg dated October 31, 2008 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Plan on further implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW dated August 5, 2003, on the building and development of Hai Phong city in the 2008-2015 period

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Decision No. 1567/QD-TTg dated October 31, 2008 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Plan on further implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW dated August 5, 2003, on the building and development of Hai Phong city in the 2008-2015 period
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Official number:1567/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:31/10/2008Effect status:

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- Freedom – Happiness

No: 1567/QD-TTg

Hanoi, October 31, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW of August 5, 2003 on the building and development of Hai Phong city in the period of national industrialization and modernization;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Report No.3848/TTr-BKH of May 28, 2008 on the Plan on Further Implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No.32/NQ-TW of August 5, 2003, on the Building and Development of Hai Phong city in the 2008-2015 period,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Plan on Further Implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No.32/NQ-TW of August 5, 2003, on the building and development of Hai Phong city in the 2008-2015 period.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the president of Hai Phong city People’s Committee shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1567/QD-TTg of October 31, 2008)

On August 5, 2003, the Political Bureau issued Resolution No.32/NQ-TW on the building and development of Hai Phong city in the period of national industrialization and modernization.

On the basis of a preliminary review of four years’ implementing the Political Bureau’s Resolution No.32/NQ-TW, the Prime Minister promulgates the Plan on further implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution, making Hai Phong a modern industrial city before 2020.


Recently, Hai Phong city and ministries as well as central branches have made great efforts in implementing the Political Bureau’s Resolution and achieved a number of important results, developing Hai Phong in many aspects. Concretely as follows:

1. Public information and study of the Resolution:

The Political Bureau’s Resolution No.32/NQ-TW has been thoroughly studied and strictly implemented by ministries, central branches and localities with appropriate roadmaps and steps; almost all contents and tasks stated in the Resolution have been materialized with marked results though at different levels.

Ministries and branches have assigned tasks to relevant units to directly study the Resolution; proposed the inclusion thereof into their respective programs, plans and projects and coordinated with localities in the implementation; provinces and cities in the northern key economic region have also coordinated with one another in materializing the Resolution; the Party organization and people of Hai Phong city have been aware of the significance and importance of the Resolution to the cause of building and developing Hai Phong city.

2. Practical implementation of the Resolution:

a. Achieved results:

On socio-economic development

The city’s economy and social affairs have been positively improved; resources have been brought into full play and advantages have been fully tapped for development investment; importance has been attached to the targets of economic growth and restructuring toward industrialization and urbanization in order to raise the competitiveness and accelerate international economic integration in the spirit of the Resolution.

A number of big projects stated in the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW have been implemented at different extents; the Prime Minister has approved the establishment and promulgated the Regulation on operation of Dinh Vu - Cat Hai economic zone; the master plan on Cat Bi international airport in the period of up to 2015 with orientation towards 2025; Hanoi - Hai Phong expressway; has studied the planning on construction of Hai Phong international gateway port (Lach Huyen); and prepared investment in the construction of a bridge leading to Cat Hai island.

In recent years, the City’s economy has grown faster year after year (at 12.82% in 2007, the highest since 2000); has been restructured in a positive direction with services accounting for 51.5%; industries, 37.5%, and agriculture, forestry and fishery, 11%. A number of branches with advantages (such as ship building and repair, building materials, metal production, port and transport services,...) have quickly developed; export turnover and budget revenues have markedly increased; economic potential, socio-­economic infrastructures and urbanization have strongly developed, thus helping change the face of the city.

- The urban planning and planning management and the urban construction and management have been given attention and seen new progresses, contributing to socio-economic development; many branch and domain plannings have been formulated or scrutinized, adjusted or supplemented in line with the contents of Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW of the Political Bureau.

The city has initially coordinated with such localities in the region as Hanoi capital, Quang Ninh province, etc., in efficiently tapping local potential and advantages, particularly in the work of planning, and formulation of mechanisms and policies for implementation of inter-provincial projects in the region.

- Culture and social affairs: The city has attached importance to developing the economy in association with social progress and justice, better solving social problems and raising to another level the material and spiritual life of people. Positive results have been recorded in the building of a cultural life and maintenance of a healthy cultural environment.

- Education and training: Fairly comprehensive development has been seen, striving to basically complete the universalization of senior-high education and secondary professional education by the end of 2008; the quality of education and human resource training for industrialization and modernization has been further improved.

- Science and technology: Scientific and technological potential has been further enhanced, creating a number of high-quality commodity products with market competitiveness.

- Healthcare: The quality of medical examination and treatment as well as medical services has been markedly improved.

- Defense and security: The city has well performed the task of associating socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance, building solid defense zones and firmly maintaining the national sovereignty, political stability and social order and safety.

- The corruption and waste prevention and combat have seen initial results.

- Administrative reform has been accelerated, raising the state management effect and efficiency, building strong and clean administrations at different levels, maintaining order and discipline in the political system.

However, there still exist limitations and shortcomings to be addressed in the coming period.

b. Limitations and shortcomings in the implementation of the Resolution

- Resources and advantages have not well been tapped and promoted for development investment, particularly local resources; foreign investment remains low; the socialization of development investment is still weak, domestic budget revenues remain low; breakthroughs have not been created in development investment.

- The economic growth rate is low and the economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization proceeds at a snail pace. The city’s role as a key economic center with dynamic development in the region is still restricted. The urban planning and planning management and the urban construction and management still fail to satisfy the requirements of accelerated industrialization and modernization and a civilized city, and still fail to correspond to its role as a centrally run grade I city.

- The human resource quality is still low, failing to meet the industrialization and modernization requirements; limitations have been seen in the settlement of burning issues in people’s life, particularly employment for rural labor; social vices and crimes have developed in a complicated manner.

- The operation quality of the political system and the contingent of cadres remains unsatisfactory, failing to meet requirements; limitations and weaknesses are still seen in state management work, especially land management, thus leading to some corruption cases which have been handled according to law.

3. Some lessons and experience drawn from the materialization of the Resolution:

a. To make the correct Resolution quickly enter into life, the methods of studying, understanding and propagating the Resolution to every target group must be renewed, linking the study and understanding to the institutionalization and concretization of the Resolution, promptly formulating programs of action, plans and feasible specific schemes with appropriate steps and roadmaps, associating the concretization with efficient implementation;

b. Synchronous and appropriate mechanisms and policies must be worked out and the city’s endeavors are required from its inherent strength;

c. All resources, especially internal resources, must be brought into play and efficiently tapped while external resources will be fully tapped for the building and development of the city;

d. Particular importance must be attached to personnel work; the leading capacity and combat strength of the Party organizations, cells and members must be constantly enhanced while the state management effectiveness and efficiency of administrations at all levels must be raised; and the operation quality of various organizations in the political system must be improved;

e. The coordination between the city and ministries, branches as well as localities in the region also constitutes an important element, contributing to the successful achievement of objectives set forth in the Resolution.


1. Objectives:

To concentrate on building and developing Hai Phong in order to make it really a port city with modern industrial production, important traffic hub and the main seaward gateway of northern provinces with an international gateway port; an important growth pole of the northern driving economic region; a key area for realization of Vietnam’s marine strategy under the Resolution of the fourth plenum of the Xth Party Central Committee; a big industrial and commercial center of the whole country and a service, tourist, fishery, educational, medical, cultural and physical training and sport center of the northern coastal region; an impregnable defense-security fortress; where the Party organizations and political system will incessantly develop and the people’s living standards become higher and higher. To strive to make Hai Phong a standard-bearing locality in the cause of industrialization and modernization, basically a civilized and modem industrial city between 3 and 5 years before 2020; a national financial center then an international financial center after 2020.

2. Some major targets:

a. In the up-to-2010 period:

- To strive for the targets that by 2010, the city’s GDP will account for about 4.5% of the national GDP; the average annual GDP growth rate will reach 13-13.5%, with an average annual service growth rate approximating 14-14.5%; annual industrial- construction growth rate, 14%; annual agriculture-forestry-fishery growth rate, over 5%. The economy will be restructured toward industrialization and modernization with the service ratio of 52-53%; industry and construction, 39-40%; agriculture, forestry and fishery, 7-8% by 2010. The per-capita GDP growth rate will reach USD 1,800- 1,900 by 2010.

- The industrial production value will rise 18-19%/year on average while the agricultural, forestry and fishery production value increase 6-6.5%.

- Export turnover will reach about USD 1.9-2 billion by 2010, with an average annual growth rate of 18-19%.

- The local budget revenue will reach over VND 18 trillion by 2010, with domestic revenue rising over 15%/year.

- The social investment capital in the 2006-2010 period will total over VND 90 trillion, an average of over VND 18 trillion/year, up by 14%/year, of which the foreign investment capital (ODA and FDI capital) will account for some 30%.

- The goods volume handled by ports in Hai Phong area will reach 25-30 million tons by 2010, an average increase of 12%/year.

- Over 5.6 million tourist arrivals will be attracted by 2010, an average increase of 15%/ year.

- To basically complete the universalization of upper secondary education and secondary professional education in the city by 2008.

- The average natural population growth rate will be about 1%/year.

- The poverty rate will drop to about 5% by 2010.

- To create jobs for 225,000 laborers in the 2006-2010 period, an average of 45,000 laborers/ year and an average increase of 4%/year. The urban unemployment rate will drop to below 5% and the rate of useful working time in rural areas will be 85-90% by 2010. The percentage of trained laborers will reach 60-65% of the total number of eligible laborers by 2010. The labor structure in various economic branches by 2010 will be: 34.5% for services; 30.8% for industries and construction; and 34.7% for agriculture, forestry and fishery.

- The urban population rate will reach 55-60% by 2010.

- 100% of urban households and over 90% or rural households will have access to clean water; 100% of households will be supplied with electricity for daily-life activities; 90% of communes will reach the national standards on communal healthcare. 90% of urban solid waste will be collected and treated up to hygienic standards.

b. The 2010-2015 period:

- The average GDP growth rate will reach 13.5-14%/year, with 14.4-15%/year for services; 14%/ year for industries and construction; and over 6%/ year for agriculture, forestry and fishery. By 2015, the economic structure will be 58% for services; 37% for industries and construction; and 5% for agriculture, forestry and fishery.

- The industrial production value will increase 18- 19%/year on average, the agriculture-forestry-fishery production value, 7%/year.

- Export turnover will reach about USD 4 billion by 2015.

- The total social investment capital in the 2011 -2015 period will reach about VND 185 trillion.

- The local budget revenue will reach VND 40 - 45 trillion by 2015.

- The goods volume handled by ports in Hai Phong area reaches over 50 million tons by 2015.

- About 9 million tourist arrivals will be attracted by 2015.

- The average natural population growth rate will be around 1%/year.

- The number of poor households (according to new standards) will be minimal.

- The urban unemployment rate will drop to below 4%, striving to raise the rate of useful working time in rural areas to 95% by 2015. The rate of trained laborers will reach 75% of the total number of eligible laborers by 2015. The labor structure in various economic branches by 2015 will be 40.2% for services; 35.6% for industries and construction; 24.2% for agriculture, forestry and fishery.

- The urban population rate will reach 75% by 2015.

- 100% of urban households and over 95% of rural households will have access to clean water; 100% of households will be supplied with daily-life electricity; 100% of communes will reach the national standards on communal healthcare; 95% of urban solid waste will be collected and treated up to hygienic standards.

- Modem infrastructures will be basically completed up to the level of developed cities in the region.

3. Major tasks and solutions:

a. To further study and disseminate the Resolution more extensively and intensively, improving the awareness and determination of branches and administrations at all levels:

To continue propagating for further implementation the Political Bureau’s Resolution No.32/NQ-TW on the building and development of Hai Phong city in an extensive, intensive and regular manner and diverse forms; combining such propagation with the propagation of the Resolutions of the Xth National Party Congress and the XIIIth Municipal Party Congress, creating profound awareness of advantages, disadvantages, difficulties and challenges as well as potential, competitive edges and new positions of the city; creating breakthroughs in the development of Hai Phong city in the coming years.

b. To revise, supplement and complete mechanisms and policies:

- To further review, adjust and supplement socio-economic development plans, branch plannings, master plans, detailed plannings on urban spatial development, and the planning on the use of land in the northern key economic region in accordance with the contents of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW and the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 271/2006/QD-TTg of November 27, 2006, approving the adjusted and supplemented master plan on socio-­economic development of Hai Phong city till 2020, encouraging various economic sectors to invest therein.

- To incorporate the Resolution’s contents into branch development plannings and regional and national development mechanisms and policies.

- To pinpoint the criteria and roadmap for, and step up, the building of Hai Phong into a basically modern and civilized industrial city before 2020; the strategy on development of key leading industries in the city; mechanisms and policies for the development of industrial parks and clusters; mechanisms and policies for agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization; incentive mechanisms and policies for investment in the development of services of high quality and high grey matter-content.

- To revise or promulgate legal documents in the investment and business domains towards simplicity, transparency and equality, creating conditions for enterprises of all economic sectors to have easy access to such resources as land, infrastructure, capital, information.

- To expeditiously amend and supplement the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 54/2004/QD-TTg of April 5, 2004, on a number of incentive financial and budgetary mechanisms for Hai Phong city towards more comprehensiveness and suitability to the city’s development requirements and current law; to study more appropriate mechanisms and policies in order to better bring into full play all resources for development investment; to set up an urban development investment fund and a credit guarantee fund in order to have financial tools for the mobilization of capital sources on the market.

- To expeditiously formulate and submit for approval investment projects tasked by the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW for use of the Government’s targeted support capital sources and other capital sources; to make a list of investment projects in the 2010-2015 period.

- To formulate development investment mechanisms and policies in the direction of concentration on, and priority to, key projects and projects with far-reaching impacts and capital-recovering capacity. To better budget management mechanisms, facilitating the acceleration and expansion of the socialization of cultural and social activities.

- To formulate mechanisms and policies for investment in material and technical foundations and systems of modern key laboratories; to build networks of scientific and technological services (technology transfer consultancy, technology assessment and brokerage, hi-tech equipment maintenance,...); to develop information technology and biotechnology; to transfer technologies in socio-economic domains; to formulate mechanisms and policies on development of financial, real estate, labor, science and technology markets.

- To formulate mechanisms and policies to attract, employ and develop high-quality human resources; mechanisms and policies to attract intellectuals and scientists overseas for lecturing or conducting scientific research in Hai Phong.

- To promulgate mechanisms and policies encouraging enterprises to open vocational-training courses or establishments at their places; at the same time to effect association and joint venture between enterprises and vocational training establishments, linking theoretical teaching at vocational training establishments to practice at enterprises, creating sources of technical qualified meeting laborers the requirements of development of industries, particularly spearhead industries and those with competitive edge.

- To formulate inter-regional development mechanisms and policies in the attraction of investment, the development of economic branches, the solution of environmental issues... on the basis of bringing into play the advantages of each locality and promoting the city’s role as a growth pole of the northern key economic region.

- To formulate mechanisms and policies on organization and personnel work... suitable to a grade-I urban center while stepping up administrative reform and raising the state management efficiency.

c. To further attract development investment capital, concentrating investment in big infrastructure works:

- To concentrate resources on extensive and intensive investment, quickly improving the investment and business environment; to work out mechanisms to encourage investment, aiming to attract people’s capital sources for economic development; to attach importance to further attracting foreign direct investment and official development assistance capital. To enhance international cooperation and investment promotion, attracting investment from various localities, foreign investors and overseas Vietnamese in the city.

- To work out measures to raise the efficiency of use of resources, such as increasing the efficiency of construction investment management, the concentrated use of capital sources strictly according to plannings and plans against loss and waste in investment; to raise the capacity of managerial bodies, and individual and institutional investors in parallel with intensifying the inspection, supervision and handling.

- To abide by the schedule on the imple­mentation of Dinh Vu economic zone project, including the planning, infrastructure construction and investment attraction, considering it a key project to boost the city’s economic development.

- To speed up investment in the construction of Hanoi - Hai Phong expressway, Hai Phong international gateway port and Dinh Vu - Cat Hai bridge; to study and prepare for investment in a military port in southern Do Son, Hanoi - Hai Phong express railway, a railroad leading to Dinh Vu island, Cat Bi international airport, industrial and trade development projects; to build Bach Long Vy island into a fishery logistical center, and Do Son, Cat Ba and Ha Long into international tourist resorts; to further give priority to investment in the construction of Vietnam-Czech hospital, Hai Phong university, sports complex, etc.

d. To accelerate the process of industrialization and modernization, and develop the marine economy:

- To build Hai Phong into a big industrial-tourist- service center of the whole country and a key area for realization of Vietnam’s marine strategy under the Resolution of the fourth plenum of the Xth Party Central Committee. To strongly develop service sector, prioritizing the development of services with great potential, attaching importance to the development of traditional services, expanding new services with marine, tourist and commercial services as leading and growing ones. To develop Hai Phong into a big maritime service and shipping center of Vietnam, a high-quality post and telecommuni­cations service center; a commercial center of the northern region and the whole country. To develop and upgrade the systems of wholesale markets and warehouses. To prioritize investment in key tourist resorts of Cat Ba and Do Son; to raise the quality of existing tourist routes, open new marine eco-tourism routes and early complete projects on tourist resorts, entertainment and recreation areas; to concentrate investment in the construction of an intermediate tourism school and a transnational tourism wharf. To quickly develop various types of urban, financial, banking, insurance, auditing, consultancy, health and educational services for neighboring localities.

- To strongly develop the marine economy, playing its role as a marine economy development center and further contributing to economic growth. To formulate Hai Phong’s planning and strategy on marine economy in association with the general development planning of the northern coastal provinces, the Red River delta development planning and the East Sea strategy. To attach importance to raising the development quality of sea-related sectors, especially such spearhead ones as sea ports, maritime economy, marine animal rearing, sea and island tourism with priority given to the development of Cat Ba and Bach Long Vy islands, Do Son town, Dinh Vu -Cat Hai economic zone, etc.

- To develop industries at a high speed and with high quality and efficiency, gradually raising the position of Hai Phong’s industry in the national and northern industries. To speed up the implementation of projects on technical infrastructures of industrial parks, hi-tech parks according to planning in order to attract investment. To attach importance to investment in, and encourage the development of industries producing high-quality consumer goods and allied industries in order to raise the localization rate of products. To concentrate on the development of a number of leading industries such as ship­building, cement, mechanical product, electronic equipment and component, software product, motors, electric engines, garment and textile, leather shoe... manufacture, aquatic products processing. To build and develop automobile, high-class building materials, new materials industries and environmentally friendly biotechnology. To restore traditional craft villages for efficient operation and form rural-industry clusters and spots in association with tourism.

- To speed up the application and development of information technology. To prioritize the development of the information industry as a prerequisite to support other industries and as a core for accelerating the process of industrialization and modernization.

- To plan economic zones and industrial parks and complexes in line with plannings on human resources, vocational training establishments and social infrastructure works as residential houses, schools, medical establishments, cultural and sport facilities,..., helping improve the living conditions of laborers, particularly those migrating from other localities to economic zones or industrial parks.

- To develop agricultural production and rural economy towards commodity production with high quality and efficiency on the basis of development of tropical agriculture, ecology and high technology through large-scale specialized production at higher and higher level. To quickly inuoduce scientific and technical advances as well as new technologies into production; to concentrate on building irrigation systems, embanking canals, consolidating and upgrading sea-dyke systems. To pay attention to the development of non-agricultural trades in rural areas. To develop outlets for farm produce.

- To develop Hai Phong into an aquatic animal breeds and feed, science and technology, processing and export center of the northern coastal region, a high added-value aquatic products-processing and wholesale center, a fishery products- storing and - preserving center of the northern and northern central regions. To increase state supports for offshore fishing logistic zones. To enhance the strict management of fishing grounds and the ecological environment. To develop the rearing of shrimps as a key aquaculture product; to develop sea fish and mollusc rearing into large-scale commodity production. To develop ecological aquaculture zones in association with tourist resorts, bringing into full play the efficiency of fish ports already built or being built.

e. To accelerate the process of urbanization and the building of a grade-I urban center:

- To review and adjust the general planning on city building till 2025; and the overall planning on administrative units and formation of new urban districts till 2010 and 2015 after the model of an ecological urban center. To highly concentrate resources, particularly budget capital and mobilized resources, on the accelerated construction of the city’s synchronous social and economic infrastructures commensurate to a grade-I urban center, raising urban quality, striving to make it a “green, clean and beautiful" urban center towards a modem and civilized seaport city.

- To develop and modernize the synchronous urban infrastructure systems, including both technical and social infrastructures. To well manage and rationally adjust the local population distribution. To speed up urban construction and development, forming new modern urban centers and quickly building a new urban center to the north of Cam river; to concentrate on the construction of an administrative center of the city, meeting the requirements of administrative reform, office modernization and international integration. To study a detailed planning on Dinh Vu - Cat Hai economic zone towards modernization and international magnitude.

- To step up the housing development program. To establish order and discipline in urban planning management and urban management efficacy. To accelerate the socialization of public services and environmental sanitation.

- To link urban development with rural economic and agricultural restructuring, speeding up urbanization. To develop rural socio-economic infrastructures towards synchronism and sustainability.

f. To develop culture, education, human resource training, health care, sports, science and technology:

- To train and develop human resources, prioritizing the training and development of local human resources; to comprehensively renew education and training, applying standardization and modernization in the education and training domain so that Hai Phong will soon become a really strong education and training center of far­reaching impact, aiming to raise the quality of human resources so as to meet the industrialization and modernization requirements of not only the city but also the entire northern coastal region.

To plan the development of school networks, focusing on the program for upgrading of school material foundations up to national standards. To extensively develop education and training of all forms suitable to socio-economic development and in the direction of accelerated socialization, building establishments for training of upper secodary school students and international schools, then incrementally building a quality learning society; to prioritize the vocational training at three levels; to review and supplement the detailed planning on the network of vocational training establishments.

To attach importance to the development of higher quality training at intermediate professional, vocational- training schools, colleges and universities in the locality in the direction of closely linking training with production demands, supplying highly qualified laborers and technical experts for key branches (such as ship-building, sea-port exploitation, tourism, aquatic product processing,...), taking shortcut to, catching up with, and integrating into, regional and international training and education; to build international universities and high-quality vocational training schools up to international standards; to strongly develop vocational training for agricultural and rural labor.

To attach importance to building a contingent of teachers, lecturers and educational administrators which is enough in quantity, synchronous in structure, achieving the training standards or beyond, renewing general education curricula and teaching methods and stepping up scientific research; to build Hai Phong into a big scientific research and application center of the northern region; to invest in increasing the material foundations and raising the quality of lecturers at Hai Phong university to meet the requirements of raising the quality of training of human resources for the city and the northern coastal region.

- To train and develop the contingent of cadres and public servants, particularly at grassroots level in order to meet the city’s socio-economic development requirements. To strive for the target that all inhabitants will be provided with primary healthcare services and incremental access to high-quality medical services.

- To complete the construction of a marine medicine center and Vietnam - Czech hospital into a regional general hospital with highly specialized departments in the northern coastal region. To invest in upgrading and expanding other hospitals in the locality, meeting the city’s demands for medical examination and treatment; particularly to build the paediatric and gynaecological hospitals into regional paediatric and gynaecological centers. To consolidate and improve the grassroots medical networks in techniques, equipment and personnel. To build a an international-standards hospital of the northern coastal region.

- To build the city cultural center as a place for education in traditions, festivals, tourism, entertainment and recreation for the northern coastal region. To renovate and embellish national historical and cultural relics in the locality through national target programs; to develop sports, building Hai Phong into a strong regional sport center with 14 key sports. To build Road 353 sport complex capable of organizing big international tournaments.

g. To associate economic development with social progress, attaching importance to better solving burning social issues:

- To attach importance to creating jobs while raising the job quality and incomes for laborers, considering this an important task of all local socio-economic development programs; to support the development of medium- and small-sized enterprises, particularly labor-intensive enterprises; to link the city’s labor supply and demand with that of the northern key economic region and the national labor market; to improve the working conditions and environment, minimizing labor accidents and occupational diseases.

- To develop the guest labor market: To expand the existing markets and develop new ones; to substantially renew the training of laborers before they are sent to work overseas.

- To synchronously, comprehensively and efficiently implement hunger elimination and poverty alleviation programs; to create opportunities for poor people to get out of poverty through policies to support the development of production infrastructure and land, credit, vocational training, job creation, agricultural promotion, product sale policies to increase community assistance while raising the poor households’ consciousness, responsibility and self-reliance to get out of poverty by themselves; to develop social welfare activities.

- To strictly control and prevent social vices, ensuring that drug addicts are rehabilitated and prostitutes are medically treated and educated; to expand vocational training and create jobs for those people; to efficiently enhance the campaign for building healthy communes and wards free from social evils in association with the campaign. The entire population-build a new cultured life.

h. To pay attention to environmental protection to ensure sustainable development:

- To study and coordinate with relevant central and local bodies in working out specific solutions for the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection, incorporate environmental protection contents into plannings, plans, programs and projects right from the time of elaboration.

- To enhance environmental protection, minimizing pollution in population quarters and industrial parks; to enhance the management and protection of water sources and the environment in river basins, treating oil pollution at river mouths; to protect the world nature conservation zone of Cat Ba islands.

- To raise the capacity and activities of management of solid wastes of Hai Phong city and industrial parks; to continue and step up the construction of municipal waste water treatment systems and adopt measures to improve the air quality in urban centers and industrial parks.

- To enhance propagation among managers at all levels and people to improve their awareness about the environment for joint realization of the sustainable development strategy.

i. To enhance defense and security potential:

To build the all-people defense and defense disposition in association with a strong people security disposition; to build Hai Phong into a steady defense zone; to intensify the prevention of and combat against crimes and law violations in Hai Phong city; to firmly maintain political stability, social order and safety, frustrating all opposition and sabotage ploys of hostile forces while readying the armed forces for successful response to all circumstances.

j. To enhance the direction, administration and the coordination with relevant ministries, central branches and localities:

- To concentrate the direction and administration on the implementation of the Resolution, especially focal and key contents as well as big programs and projects identified in the Resolution; to consolidate and raise the capacity of state management in every specific domain so as to enhance the administration of the Resolution’s implementation. To focus on the formulation of plannings, plans, mechanisms, policies and lists of programs, projects and schemes to realize the Resolution, first of all on the upcoming XIIIth the municipal Party congress and the 2006-2010 five-year plan. To step up the inspection, examination and supervision in order to raise the state management capacity of state bodies and organizations.

- Hai Phong city shall take initiative in coordinating with ministries and central bodies in the materialization of the Resolution; coordinating with cities and provinces throughout the country, especially the provinces in the northern region, in a number of important domains in order to bring into full play the advantages of each locality; determines the leading economic role of Hai Phong and Hanoi in the northern key economic region, the cross-section between “two economic corridors, one economic belt” and southern Chinese provinces; actively coordinates with friendly localities within the “two economic corridors, one economic belt” scope and formulating programs for specific cooperation in order to efficiently realize the cooperation program between Vietnam and China.


1. For ministries, government-attached agencies, provinces and cities:

Ministries and government-attached agencies shall regularly coordinate with Hai Phong city in working out mechanisms for concentrated and concrete administration in order to enhance the coordinated realization of contents of the Resolution, focusing on the following specific contents:

a. Promulgating mechanisms, policies and solutions to mobilize development investment capital for Hai Phong, helping it attract more development investment capital sources for the realization of tasks identified in the Resolution;

b. Working out plans for implementation of the Resolution; assigning specific tasks to functional bodies to jointly coordinate and assist in the formulation of plannings, plans, mechanisms and policies on branch development in Hai Phong city; continuing with more comprehensive decentralization for Hai Phong in order to create conditions for it to develop faster;

In order to achieve the target that “Hai Phong city will basically become a modem and civilized industrial city before 2020,” resources must be concentrated with priority on investment in the completion of key projects and works identified in the Resolution.

(See the attached list of a number of priority investment projects in the periods to 2010 and 2015 in the city).

c. Raising the efficiency of coordination with provinces and cities in the northern key economic region, the Red River delta, especially Hanoi and Quang Ninh, in order to jointly tap their potential and advantages for common development;

d. Intensifying the monitoring, urge and review of the implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No.32/NQ-TW on the building and development of Hai Phong city; annually reporting thereon to the Prime Minister.

Ministries and government-attached agencies are assigned the following tasks:

The Ministry of Planning and Investment

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in adjusting the socio-economic development planning, formulating development investment plans till 2010 and 2015, suitable to the contents of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW on the building and development of Hai Phong city in the period of national industrialization and modernization; to formulate peculiar mechanisms and policies applicable to grade-I urban centers; to include the planning contents in Hai Phong in regional and national development strategies and plannings; to organize investment promotion, recommending big domestic and foreign groups and companies, and big projects on manufacture of hi-tech products for investment in the city; to assume the prime responsibility for balancing development investment capital sources, including annual investment budget, government bond capital, target program capital, ODA capital, targeted supports from the central budget, for the implementation of infrastructure projects mentioned in the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW.

To coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in supporting Hai Phong city in setting up investment funds for mobilization of capital in the domestic and overseas capital markets for the materialization of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW.

The Ministry of Finance:

To implement the preferential financial mechanisms and policies under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 54/2004/QD-TTg and further study amendments and supplements towards more comprehensiveness and suitability to the city’s development requirements and current law.

To coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in proposing the Government to increase targeted additional capital from the central budget for the local budget for the implementation of projects listed in the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW; to study and submit to the Government the legal capital support for the city to form an urban development investment funds helping the city with its guarantee to borrow capital, issue porject bonds for die implementation of important infrastructure projects; at the same time to coordinate with Hai Phong city in formulating plans and organizing the implementation thereof in order to make Hai Phong soon become a national and international financial center.

The Ministry of Transport:

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in, and direct investors to speed up, the implementation of projects: Hai Phong international gateway port; Hanoi - Hai Phong expressway; Dinh Vu -Cat Hai bridge; Dinh Vu - Chua Ve railway; LaoCai - Hanoi - Hai Phong railway with early investment in the Hanoi - Hai Phong section; upgrading of Cat Bi international airport according to planning; upgrading of the road leading to Cat Ba island into a national highway; construction of Dinh Vu bridge; planning on southern Do Son port and adjusted planning on expressway 5, and road 10 linking to southern Do Son port; to attach importance to directing the planning and investment in the development of transport; to coordinate with concerned agencies in studying and controlling alluvial deposit at Van Uc river mouth in order to fully tap Van Uc river for the development of big industrial projects.

The Ministry of Construction:

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in formulating the planning and design on northern Cam river urban center towards modernization and civilization; to adjust the general planning on municipal construction till 2025, the planning on building the northern coastal region and soon submit them to the Government for approval; to support Hai Phong in studying and making a detailed planning on Dinh Vu - Cat Hai economic zone toward modernization and international magnitute; to pay attention to planning on, and direct the investment in, strong development of industries manufacturing building materials, construction equipments, vehicles and machines in Hai Phong.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade:

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in formulating plannings, schemes and projects on realization of the planning on development of modem industries, making the city worthy of a big industrial center of the country; to build and form some specialized industrial parks important for the region and the whole country; to speed up the implementation of existing big industrial projects of units under the Ministry in the locality; to direct corporations and units under the Ministry to increase investment in projects in the city.

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in formulating a planning on development of modem distribution systems, particularly the system of trade centers, department stores and markets; to support the development of e-commerce so that Hai Phong city will be really a big commercial center of the whole country.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development:

To support Hai Phong city in implementing agricultural development projects, meeting the industrialization and modernization requirements, developing commodity agricultural production zones, developing agriculture, salt production, irrigation and water supply; to support the building of new-styled civilized rural areas; to plan, direct, create conditions for development in the city of processing industries and products in service of the processing of farm produce for export and manufacture of equipment for agricultural industrialization; to intensify supports for the consolidation and upgrading of sea-dyke systems.

To coordinate with ministries and branches in further investment in the completion of fishery logistic service infrastructure items; to supplement, complete and materialize the scheme on building Bach Long Vy island into a fishery logistic service and processing center in the Tonkin gulf and proceed to provide international services; to create conditions for Vietnamese fishing enterprises to be transferred with foreign modem fishing technologies; to plan and implement projects on storm shelters for fishing ships, projects on the construction of fish ports and wharves, projects on consolidated aquaculture and conversion of rice, salt and low-lying fields into places for aquaculture.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment:

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in formulating plannings and plans on the use of land, plannings on exploration, exploitation and use of water resources and natural resources in the city; to guide the city and relevant localities in the region to make strategic environmental assessment for strategic development projects, plannings and plans according to the Law on Environmental Protection for sustainable development; to direct the implementation of the planning on the use and protection of water sources and environmental protection in the region; to formulate and implement the marine strategy in its role as a key locality taking the lead in the realization of the marine strategy.

The Ministry of Home Affairs:

To support Hai Phong city in stepping up administrative reform and training state management officials in service of industrialization, modernization, modem urban management, marine economy development, meeting its role as a medical, educational and training, scientific and technological center of the northern coastal region.

The Ministry of Health:

To complete the mechanism on socialization of healthcare activities, creating conditions for various economic sectors to participate in developing healthcare networks, better and better meeting healthcare needs, preventing and combating social diseases and dangerous epidemics in Hai Phong; to well perform the work of food safety and hygiene and better guide food safety and hygiene under industrialization and modernization conditions; to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant branches and Hai Phong city in, HIV/AIDS prevention and combat.

To coordinate with Hai Phong in building Vietnam-Czech hospital into a regional general hospital with intensively specialized departments in service of the whole northern coastal region; building the paediatric and gynaecological hospitals into regional paediatric and gynaecological centers; to invest in the completion of Hai Phong medical university; to realize the planning on development of the marine medicine institute capable of serving the marine strategy; to develop the pharmaceutical industry in Hai Phong to meet the domestic and export demands.

The Ministry of Education and Training:

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in raising the quality of age group- based universalization of junior-high education and speeding up the universalization of senior-high and vocational education; to recommend partners and create conditions for early construction of international schools of different levels in Hai Phong: to build Hai Phong into an information and hi-tech human resource-training center; to coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies in planning, building and developing universities and vocational schools with marine economics faculties.

The Ministry of Science and Technology:

To formulate a planning, plans and steps to make Hai Phong a primary center for marine science, technology and economy; to develop scientific and technological potential so that Hai Phong will incrementally becomes a regional center for scientific and technological application and transfer; to support the implementation of Hai Phong’s large-scale scientific and technological projects; to support Hai Phong in building a regional measurement and standardization center for the northern coastal region; and coordinate with the city in formulating and implementing the planning on a hi-tech park in Hai Phong.

The Ministry of Information and Communication:

To support Hai Phong city in formulating a planning on post, telecommunications and information technology development; to formulate schemes and projects on modernization of post and telecommunications networks and information technology so that Hai Phong will become a high-quality post and telecommuni­cations service center; to support the city in calling for investment so that it will become an information technology product-manufacturing center, meeting domestic and export demands.

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs:

To guide Hai Phong city in formulating a detailed planning on grassroots vocational training establishment networks in line with the approved overall planning in the direction of combining training with employment of trained laborers; guide it in building a labor supply-demand database, organizing an employment transaction floor and applying information to job recommendation; to apply solutions for vocational training and employment for laborers whose production land has been recovered for urbanization and industrial-park and export-­processing zone development; to support the city in supplying information on foreign labor markets so that the locality can take the initiative in creating labor sources for export.

To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries and branches in, guiding mechanisms and policies on rehabilitation of drug addicts and education and medical treatment of prostitutes; to guide the city in formulating a mechanism for inter-branch coordination in building healthy wards free from social vices.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism:

To plan and build in Hai Phong city a cultural center satisfying the requirements of a place for education in traditions, festivals, tourism, entertainment and recreation for the whole northern coastal region; to support the city with capital from national target programs on culture for investment in the renovation and embellishment of national historical and cultural relics in the locality.

To coordinate with relevant ministries and branches in helping Hai Phong formulate a planning on tourism, first of all a detailed planning on urban space of Cat Ba and Do Son tourist resorts to be international ones; formulate schemes and lists of budget-financed projects for inclusion into the 2006-2010 five-year plan; to further increase investment in national tourism projects in Hai Phong.

To coordinate with Hai Phong in building a modern sport complex in Hai Phong, playing the role as a strong sport center of the country; to assist Hai Phong in developing some sports.

To complete the mechanism on socialization of cultural and sport activities in order to mobilize other resources in the society for cultural and sport development.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

To support Hai Phong in stepping up external-relation activities and international economic integration; to advertise Hai Phong images to the world through diplomatic channels, Vietnamese diplomatic missions overseas, foreign diplomatic missions in Vietnam, international organizations, big economic groups and overseas Vietnamese communities, thereby campaigning for investment, trade, tourism promotion and international cooperation, creating a turning point in Hai Phong’s international economic integration and raising its position in the region and the world.

The Ministry of Defense:

To coordinate with Hai Phong city in implementing the scheme on development of defense potential in the city so that Hai Phong will become an inviolable fortress; to formulate plans on combining economic development with defense in the locality, particularly in key defense positions of the city; to formulate a planning on defense land in the locality, ensuring socio-­economic development while consolidating and raising defense potential; to direct the Naval Corp and concerned units in quickly performing necessary tasks and soon submitting to the Government a project on the construction of a military port in southern Do Son for approval.

Other ministries and agencies:

Based on their respective functions, assigned tasks and powers, to actively coordinate with Hai Phong city and relevant ministries in performing specific tasks for well implementing the Plan on further implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW on the building and development of Hai Phong city in the period of national industrialization and modernization.

2. For Hai Phong city:

To continue concentrating its direction on the materialization of specialized projects to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW, attaching importance to such key ones as building Hai Phong into a modem port and industrial city, a commercial, tourist, aquatic product center of the northern region and the whole country; to direct municipal departments, boards and branches in reviewing, examining and formulating additional plans according to their respective functions and tasks for the realization of the plan on further implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 32/NQ-TW.

To periodically review and assess the implementation of the Resolution for timely review, assessment and supplementation of implemented contents of the Resolution.

3. In the course of implementing this Plan, if deeming it necessary to amend or supplement any specific contents, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city shall report them to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.



(Attached to the plan on further implementation of Resolution No. 32-NQ/TW on Hai Phong in the period up to 2015)


1. The five-way junction - Cat Bi airport urban center.

2. Lach Tray - Ho Dong 100m - cross-section axis road.

3. Construction of Hai Phong university towards multi-disciplines training.

4. Building of Vietnam-Czech hospital into a regional general hospital.

5. Construction of Road 14 sport complex for the entire coastal region.

6. Projects on socio-economic infrastructures in the urban district of Do Son and the island districts of Cat Hai and Bach Long Vy.

7. Projects on tourist infrastructure.

8. Construction of infrastructures of the new districts of Hai An, Duong Kinh and Do Son.

9. MunicipalConvention Center.

10. Northern Cam river urban center planning, investment and construction.

11. Dinh Vu - Cat Hai economic zone infrastructure, stage 1.

12. Ho Sen - Rao bridge II road.

13. Ho Sen - Rao bridge urban II center.

14. Rain and wastewater drainage, solid waste management.

15. Upgrading of Hai Phong urban center.

16. Rao bridge II

17. Niem bridge II.

18. Tien Lang Road 212.

19. Kien Thuy Road 403.

20. Dong Khe Road II.

21. Infrastructures of industrial parks and clusters.

22. Renovation of the municipal theatre (stages I and II).

23. Education - Labor – CommunityIntegrationCenter.

24. Construction of community integration education and labor center No. 2 and infrastructures of the vocational-training and production center for detoxicated persons.

25. Kien An district trunk road.

26. Defense roads southeast of the city.

27. Northern Thoi river irrigation system.

28. Hon Ngoc canal irrigation system.

29. Bich Dong irrigation system.

30. Upgrading of sea dyke systems.

31. Hi-tech agricultural, forestry and fishery park.

32. Tran Phu senior-high school for talented students.

33. Convalescence and health recovery for municipal officials.

34. Inter-provincial road from Thuy Nguyen to Kinh Mon (Hai Duong).

35. Inter-provincial Road 17 linking Hai Phong (Vinh Bao section) to Ninh Giang (Hai Duong) and some northern provinces.

36. Construction of Khue bridge.

37. Municipal gymnasium.

38. Building paediatric and gynaecological hospitals into regional paediatric and gynaecological centers.

39. President Ho Chi Minh statue and square.

40. Restoration and embellishment of national historical and cultural relics (Citadel of Mac dynasty, Tuong Long tower, Nghe temple,...).

41. Typical cultural center of the northern coastal region.

42. Dinh Vu economic zone trunk road.

43. Municipal funeral house.


1. Hai Phong international gateway port.

2. Dinh Vu - Cat Hai bridge.

3. Cat Hai - Cat Ba bridge.

4. Hanoi - Hai Phong expressway.

5. Hanoi - Hai Phong electrified railroad.

6. Coastal road (new road 10).

7. Southern Do Son military port.

8. Upgrading of Cat Bi international airport.

9. Bach Long Vy fishery logistical service center.

10. Infrastructures of Ha Long - Cat Ba - Do Son national tourist resorts.

11. Regional Metrology and StandardizationCenter in Hai Phong.

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