Decision No. 113/QD-TTg dated January 20, 2012 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Vinh Phuc province through 2020

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Decision No. 113/QD-TTg dated January 20, 2012 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Vinh Phuc province through 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:113/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:20/01/2012Effect status:

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Decision No. 113/QD-TTg of January 20, 2012, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Vinh Phuc province through 2020


Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the elaboration, approval and management of master plans on socio-economic development, and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

At the proposal of the People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc province,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Vinh Phuc province through 2020 (below referred to as the master plan), with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy and the master plans on socio-economic development of the Red River delta, the key northern economic region and the Hanoi capital region; and ensure synchrony and consistency with sectoral master plans.

2. To bring into play internal resources while effectively tapping all resources for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development; to build a synchronous infrastructure system as the foundation for socio-economic development toward industrialization and modernization; to strongly accelerate economic restructuring, increase growth quality and competitiveness of the economy.

3. To link economic development with realizing social progress and equality, gradually narrowing the gap in living standards among various strata of people and between urban and rural areas; to well implement social welfare policies.

4. To link economic development with effectively exploiting and using natural resources and protecting the eco-environment; to take proactive measures to respond to climate change. To closely combine socio-economic development with assurance of defense and security and firm preservation of political security and social order and safety.


1. Overall objectives

By 2015, Vinh Phuc will satisfy all basic criteria of an industrial province. By 2020, Vinh Phuc will become an industrial province, an industrial, service and tourist center of the region and the whole country, with markedly increased living standards of the people, sustainable environmental protection and firmly preserved defense and security.

2. Specific objectives

a/ Economic development

- The average annual GDP growth rate will reach 14-15% during 2011-2020, with 14-15% during 2011-2015 and 14-14.5% during 2016-2020. Per-capita GDP (by actual prices) will reach USD 3,500-4,000 by 2015 and USD 6,500-7,000 by 2020.

- Economic restructuring will be carried out along the line of quickly increasing the proportions of industry, construction and services and assuring sustainable development and conformity with the province’s potential. To prioritize the development of industries with high-quality goods, modern technology and high productivity. The proportions of industry and construction; services; and agriculture, forestry and fishery will be 61%-32%-7% by 2015, and 58.5%-38%-3.5% by 2020.

- To strongly develop foreign trade and boost export at an average growth rate of about 30% during 2011-2020; by 2020, export turnover will reach USD 13.5 billion.

- To increase social and development investment capital to VND 140-145 trillion during 2011-2015 and VND 280-300 trillion during 2016-2020.

b/ Social development

- To develop a healthy and stable society in which humans receive the primary concern and are key to development. To create substantial and comprehensive changes in education and training; to attach importance to training in occupations to meet the province’s socio-economic development demand; to increase the rate of trained labor to about 66% by 2015 and about 75% by 2020.

- All communes and wards will reach national health standards.

- To reduce the under-5 child malnutrition rate to below 5%; to reduce the annual birth rate about 0.15‰ and the natural population growth rate to below 1%.

- By 2020, to basically have no poor households by current national standard.

c/ Environmental protection

- Quality of water environment: To thoroughly deal with hot spots of water source pollution; to treat wastewater at industrial parks up to environmental standards; to complete clean-water supply systems for urban areas.

- Quality of air environment: To thoroughly deal with air environment pollution at plants and factories, particularly steel and cement plants and aquatic product processing factories.

- Quality of soil environment: To treat soil environmental pollution spots; to collect and thoroughly treat household garbage and hazardous garbage; to sort garbage at source; to concentrate on effectively treating garbage in rural areas.

- To increase forest coverage to 26.7%.

- The rate of urban population having access to clean water will reach 82.5% by 2015 and over 95% by 2020.

- The rate of rural population having access to hygienic water will reach 100% by 2015.

- To build green, clean and environment-friendly ways of life, methods of production and habits of consumption.


1. Industry and construction

- To grow at an average annual rate of 15-16%. The contribution of industry and construction to the province’s total GDP will rise from 52% in 2010 to 52-55% by 2020.

- To develop a number of spearhead industrial products of the province:

Hi-tech industry: To develop the manufacture of electro-mechanical products, office electronic products and computer equipment and production of software applications, thereby gradually turning Vinh Phuc into a hi-tech development center of the key northern economic region.

Mechanical engineering industry: To strongly develop the manufacture and assembly of cars, motorcycles, spare parts and equipment for agriculture and farm produce processing, machine tools, electric equipment and tools, precision mechanical equipment, equipment for the construction industry, metal structures and non-standard equipment, typical instruments of craft villages, household utensils, etc. To turn Vinh Phuc into a mechanical manufacturing center of the key northern economic region.

Agricultural and forest product processing industry: To build specialized industrial parks, develop the processing of beverages, agricultural and forest products, foodstuffs and consumer goods to meet domestic and export demands; to process animal feeds from local materials; to develop home furniture items from new materials (artificial boards), and fine-art rattan, bamboo and wood articles for export.

Mining and building material production industries: To concentrate on investment in and development of the production of products which are local strengths. To produce building materials from materials which are abundant in the province, roofing materials, refractory materials, concrete and precast concrete structures. To develop the production of new materials.

- To develop industrial parks in the province:

To form a rational system of industrial parks and clusters in the province to ensure sustainable development, which will truly become a driving force for general development; to form a core for synchronous development of different sub-areas in the province; to promote economic restructuring linked with the population structure and modernization of agriculture and rural areas. By 2020, to complete synchronous technical infrastructure systems in industrial parks established under decisions of the Prime Minister in the province.

To create a favorable environment for investment in industrial development. To attract investment in production activities in industrial parks in selected hi-tech and environment-friendly industries; to form large-scale industrial parks and clusters of electronics, mechanical engineering, etc., which will play an important role in the whole region and the country.

2. Trade and services

- The average annual growth rate of trade and services will reach 14-16%. The proportion of services in the province’s economic structure will reach 37-39% by 2020. The average annual growth rate of export turnover will reach 30% in the 2011-2020 period.

- Tourist, hotel and restaurant services: To build tourist centers of national and international magnitude and tourist sites and tours along with conserving culture and historic relics and improving service quality. To attach importance to raising the quality of human resources and investing in developing infrastructure facilities for tourism.

- Trade: To prioritize investment in further developing trade and services in the province in line with the rapid industrial and economic development in the province. To develop various production and daily-life services contributing to economic growth: transport, goods circulation, postal and other services to meet personal and public demands. To develop markets, step up marketing and boost export to meet the needs of the national industrialization and modernization.

- Finance and banking: By 2015 and 2020, to strive to form a modern financial and banking network conveniently connected to other provinces in the region and the whole country in order to best serve economic growth, stabilize money circulation and well tap medium- and long-term capital sources to meet capital needs of local economic activities.

3. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

To step up the restructuring of agriculture and rural economy on the basis of prioritizing investment in plants and livestock of high economic effectiveness; to continue increasing the proportions of animal raising and aquaculture in the structure of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

To strive for an average annual added-value increase rate of 3% during 2011-2020.

To build and develop a clean and safe agriculture meeting consumption needs, oriented toward industrialization and modernization and associated with processing industry and market.

To increase investment in intensive cultivation and aquaculture toward renovating low-yield rice field areas, applying technical advances to aquaculture and shifting from extensive to semi-intensive and intensive cultivation.

To afforest all barren land areas as planned. To actively zone off existing forests for tending and protection, to reduce to the utmost forest fires.

4. Infrastructure development

a/ Transport

- To basically form a transport infrastructure frame by 2020, including an outbound transport system connected with intra-provincial transport on the basis of good management of the outbound transport corridor in line with the overall orientation for arrangement of the socio-economic spaces in the province.

- To incrementally modernize the intra-provincial transport network to increase its throughput and traffic speed and ensure traffic safety in the entire network.

- To manage, properly organize and upgrade urban transport in cities and towns in the province.

- To expand and upgrade the rural transport network by the end of the period in 2020, and in subsequent years to be convenient and safe, helping accelerate the process of rural urbanization.

- To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport and related ministries and sectors in further building the section of the new Hanoi-Lao Cai expressway running through the province; to complete national highway 2A’s bypass (the section through Vinh Yen); to build Vinh Thinh bridge on national highway 2C spanning Red River and linking with Hanoi; to upgrade and renovate the sections of national highways 2, 2C and 2B running through the province; to study a project on building a wide-gauge Hanoi-Lao Cai railway; to renovate and upgrade the existing railways.

- To continue building provincial, urban and rural roads to properly meet travel needs and link residential areas.

- To upgrade and complete coach stations and parking lots, terminals and points; to build bus routes so as to gradually put transport activities in order, reduce traffic accidents and facilitate people’s travel.

- To build a number of major ports of 500,000 tons/year and inland waterway ports under the province’s management; to upgrade the Hanoi-Viet Tri river way to grade II and upgrade port access roads in combination with upgrading dike sections (ensuring dike safety and effective transport on these dikes).

b/ Electricity supply system

To ensure safe and uninterrupted supply of electricity for industrial load (especially industrial parks), expand the supply network and improve the quality of electricity for people’s life, and strive to have a standby source (capacity) of 10-20%.

c/ Water supply and drainage system

- Water supply: To continue expanding the existing water plants while building new ones to ensure a water supply capacity of 1 million m3/day by 2020. To attach importance to the management and protection of water sources to ensure sustainable, stable and permanent development.

- Water drainage: To attach importance to investment so as to ensure that 100% of daily-life and industrial wastewater will be treated before being discharged into rivers and streams. To build separate rainwater and wastewater drainage systems in urban areas and industrial parks. To early build and complete Vinh Yen and Phuc Yen water drainage projects in different phases.

To elaborate a master plan on water drainage and water source protection in the locality.

d/ Information and communication system

- To universalize postal services; to build service points in deep-lying and remote areas; to expand service provision with wide applications in all fields.

- To develop telecommunications services in the direction of providing applications widely in all fields: e-government, trade, finance, training, health, agriculture, etc.

- By 2020, fixed telecommunications services will be provided to all households; mobile telecommunications services will reach a subscription density rate of 80%. Over 80% of the population will use the Internet; the broadband Internet subscription rate will reach 100%; cable television and IPTV will be provided province wide to the grassroots level.

5. Social development

a/ Population development: To promote family planning and reproductive health care activities to increase population quality. To reduce the under-5 child malnutrition rate to below 5%; to reduce the annual birth rate about 0.15‰ and the natural population rate to below 1%.

b/ Education and training development

- Preschool education: To assure adequate schools and classrooms for preschool education to attract children of eligible age; by 2020, over 95% of children from 3 to 5 years old will attend kindergartens.

- Primary education: All 6-year-old children will attend schools and most children with disabilities will go to school and be integrated into the community. Basically all schools will reach level-1 national standards by 2015. By 2015 and afterwards, all teachers will possess above-standard qualifications.

- Lower secondary education: 100% of pupils completing primary schools will be enrolled in grade 6; the rate of schools reaching national standards will reach 65% by 2015 and 100% by 2020.

- Upper secondary education: From 2015 on, 100% of schools will reach national standards.

- Training: Universities and colleges in the province will be consolidated, upgraded, expanded and incrementally modernized and operate in response to the province’s socio-economic development demand. To increase the rate of trained labor to 66% by 2015 and about 75% by 2020; to achieve the ratio of 350 students to 10,000 people and 400-450 students to 10,000 people by 2015 and 2020, respectively.

c/ Health development

To strengthen and improve the grassroots health network so that it can properly provide primary healthcare to meet the people’s demand for quality basic health services, particularly for the poor and people in deep-lying and remote areas. To realize equity and effectiveness in public health care at the grassroots level. To increase accessibility to high-quality services for all people.

- To maintain 100% of wards and communes reaching national health standards; to ensure no major epidemic outbreaks in the province. To consolidate and upgrade provincial hospitals to be able to fulfill the tasks of leading professional and technical health units of the province. To ensure the ratio of 8 physical doctors to 10,000 people by 2015 and 10 physical doctors to 10,000 people by 2020. To increase the percentage of physical doctors with graduate degrees at all levels, particularly provincial and district levels.

d/ Culture and sports

To closely and synchronously link cultural development with socio-economic development. To focus on collection and research activities to clarify and confirm the geo-cultural, geo-economic and geo-political issues of the land and people of Vinh Phuc. To conserve, exploit and effectively bring into play tangible and intangible culture in the province. To preserve and promote the province’s traditional historical and cultural values.

To maintain mass sports and physical training movements extensively, intensively and stably. To develop various sports, attaching importance to those which are strengths of the province. To concentrate on building key high-achievement sports to contribute many athletes to national teams.

To properly socialize cultural and sports development activities.

6. Development of science and technology and environmental protection

- Science and technology: To regard technology research, application and import as the major direction; to step by step build research and development institutions and foster human resources for science and technology; to initially establish a number of directions for research and development of high technologies and hi-tech production; to accelerate and facilitate technology renovation at an annual rate of 15-20% in various sectors; to coordinate with major science and technology centers (national and international) to create a strong potential for fundamentally solving practical scientific and technological issues.

- Environmental protection and sustainable development: To intensify environmental management, pollution treatment and environmental incident prevention and combat in urban areas, industrial parks and clusters, production establishments and residential areas. To properly carry out the collection and treatment of household and hospital wastes with advanced and appropriate technology. To maintain 100% of centralized wastewater treatment systems in inner cities, towns and townships. By 2020, the forest coverage will surpass 26.7% and 100% of rural households will have access to hygienic water.

7. Security, national defense and social order

To continue building up all-people defense and all-people defense disposition; to step up the prevention and combat of crimes and social vices, reduce traffic accidents; to firmly maintain political security and social order and safety as a condition for economic development.


1. Urban system development direction

- To expand the space of central urban centers, including the major cores of Vinh Yen city, Phuc Yen town, Bo Sao, Tan Tien and Chan Hung new urban centers, and Huong Canh township.

- Development orientations for satellite urban areas within Vinh Phuc city in the future:

+ Northern midland and mountainous urban centers, including Tam Dao township, Hop Chau township (Tam Dao district), Hop Hoa township (Tam Duong district), Xuan Hoa township (Lap Thach district) and Nhu Thuy river port township (Lap Thach). Besides these 6 core urban centers, this urban cluster will consist of 28 townlets which are development centers of Lap Thach, Tam Duong and Binh Xuyen districts.

+ Southern urban centers: Vinh Tuong district capital, Yen Lac township, Vinh Thinh river port township of Vinh Tuong district. These urban centers will include the townlets in Vinh Tuong and Yen Lac districts.

+ Rural area development direction

To maintain the rural population at 490,000-500,000 people (accounting for some 40%) by 2020. To increase productivity in agricultural and rural areas in order to increase incomes for rural inhabitants. To continue upgrading rural infrastructure facilities. To search and develop models of rural society toward promoting the role of communities. To promote traditional architectural values while selectively assimilating new values through proactive consultancy in order to create a new, appropriate architectural appearance which is modern and traditional, properly exploiting cultural values in combination with developing tourism and expand rural trades.

3. Economic development directions for sub-areas

- Sub-area I: the northern midland and mountainous sub-area covering Lap Thach, Lo River, Tam Duong and Tam Dao districts and northern part of Binh Xuyen district. This is an intermingled midland and mountainous area with vast land areas to serve industrial development, tourism, recreation and entertainment and multi-crop agricultural development, a bridge linking to Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho and Thai Nguyen provinces.

- Sub-area II: the central sub-area situated along national highway 2A, national highway 23 and Hanoi-Viet Tri railway, covering Vinh Yen city, the central area of Binh Xuyen district, and Phuc Yen district. The development direction in the coming time is to develop industries and services, cultural, sports, recreational and entertainment activities, training centers, etc., and strongly develop high-quality agricultural commodities to serve Hanoi; to concentrate on industrial development so as to form urban administrative units such as cities and towns in future.

- Sub-area III: the delta sub-area, mainly covering Vinh Tuong, Yen Lac and the southern area of Binh Xuyen district. Its development direction is to develop food crops in consolidated areas which hold a major proportion in assuring food security, food crops and industrial plants, cattle and poultry raising; craft and cottage industry villages and industrial parks.


(See attached appendix)


1. Mobilization and effective use of investment capital

To mobilize all development investment capital sources; to propose the central government to elaborate revenue mobilization mechanisms and policies to increase capital sources for the province’s development investment; to further improve institutions, laws and regulations to early form a stable and open investment environment to attract investment capital from enterprises and the population; to create a fair environment for domestic and foreign investors as well as private and state enterprises, abolishing disparities in land, credit and import and export policies. To increase measures to attract foreign investment capital such as FDI, ODA and NGO.

2. Promotion of enterprise development

To increase investment promotion to call enterprises to invest in the province, especially in industrial production in industrial parks, tourism development projects and provision of basic social services. To create conditions for developing enterprises in the province in both quantity and competitiveness; to further step up administrative reforms to facilitate business registration and enterprise formation, access to capital sources, and other financial and public services.

3. Human resource training

- To develop mechanisms and policies to properly make use of scientists and technicians available in the locality; to attract highly qualified personnel, outstanding specialists and skilled workers to work in the province. To increase investment in education and training in order to raise the people’s intellectual standards and the workforce’s professional qualifications and skills; to quickly increase the rate of trained labor. To adopt plans and policies to prioritize domestic and overseas training to increase professional qualifications for state management personnel at all levels.

- To formulate a human resource development strategy to meet demand in each development period of the province and conform to the overall development trend of the region and the whole country. To further socialize education, training and vocational training; to apply scientific and technical advances to raise the governance and administration capacity of enterprises, economic organizations and social organizations, meeting the requirements of the process of international economic integration.

4. Science and technology development

To concentrate favorable conditions for science and technology development; to step up the application of scientific and technological achievements to production and life; to increase the application of scientific advances to industrial production and agriculture to support rural development; to promote the development of high and information technologies in all fields. To further socialize the formation of a system of science and technology institutions and a technology market for enterprises to have favorable conditions for applying scientific and technological advances to production and business. To formulate a long-term strategy for training and development of human resources for science and technology along with a plan on development of infrastructure facilities to serve science and technology activities; to attach importance to both research and development.

5. Environmental solutions

- To intensify the state management of environment. To disseminate and educate about the law on environmental protection to every economic entity, social organization and citizen, thereby raising the public sense of environmental protection. To enhance management by arranging sufficient officers who have relevant expertise and conducting inspection and examination activities to detect and promptly handle environmental issues. To elaborate a regulation on the management of wastes and pollution and accurate computing of environmental protection costs in new investment projects in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection; to study and apply waste treatment technologies up to international standards; to properly organize environmental management activities in industrial parks and clusters and craft villages. To further socialize environmental protection activities.

- To rationally exploit and effectively use and manage land resources, protect and rationally use water resources, rationally exploit and economically use minerals, and protect and develop forests.

6. Mechanisms and policies

- To take the initiative in implementing and applying mechanisms and policies to increase the competitiveness of the economy, improve the investment environment and attract development investment resources within and outside the province.

- To increase association with localities in the Red River delta and key northern economic region; to ensure close association within the Hanoi capital region. At the same time to promote cooperation with neighboring localities in the northern midland and mountainous region in order to properly tap the potential and advantages of each locality for socio-economic development.

- To improve the effectiveness and effect of the state administrative apparatus; to step up administrative reforms to ensure clarification and proper performance of the functions and tasks of agencies and heads of agencies; to disseminate and mobilize the people to implement, and supervise the implementation of, the master plan; to update and concretize, and increase coordination in the implementation of, the contents of the master plan; to supervise and inspect the implementation of the master plan so as to make timely adjustments and supplements. To practice thrift and combat wastefulness and corruption.


1. Announcement and dissemination of the master plan

- To announce and disseminate the master plan to all party committees, administrations, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises and people in the province.

- To introduce and advertise the local potential and advantages; and prioritized investment programs and projects; to promote investment promotion activities, attaching importance to key projects with mainstay products of the province.

2. Elaboration of a program of action

- On the basis of the objectives of the master plan approved by the Prime Minister, the province shall elaborate a program of action for implementation of the master plan.

- To concretize the objectives and tasks set out in the master plan into five-year and annual socio-economic development plans for the effective implementation of the master plan. Annually to evaluate the master plan implementation and review and propose adjustments and supplements to the master plan suitable to the socio-economic development of the province in each period.

3. All authorities, sectors and socio-political organizations and people shall examine and supervise the implementation of the master plan.

Article 2. The master plan serves as a basis for the elaboration, submission for approval and implementation of sectoral master plans (construction master plan, land use master plan and plans and other related master plans), and investment projects in Vinh Phuc province.

Article 3. To assign the People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc province to base itself on the province’s socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations identified in the approved master plan to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, directing the elaboration, submission for approval and implementation according to regulations of the following:

1. District-level master plans on socio-economic development; construction master plans; land use master plans and plans; and sectoral development master plans to ensure comprehensive and synchronous socio-economic development and defense and security assurance.

2. Long-, medium- and short-term plans, key socio-economic development programs and specific projects for implementation of the master plan.

3. Mechanisms and policies to meet the province’s socio-economic development requirements and conform to the state laws in each period to attract and mobilize resources for implementation of the master plan.

4. To submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision adjustments and supplements to the master plan suitable to the socio-economic development of the province and the whole country in each period of implementation of the master plan.

Article 4. Related ministries and sectors, within the scope of their respective functions, tasks and powers, shall:

1. Guide the People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc province in the implementation of the master plan; study, formulate and promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgate appropriate mechanisms and policies to meet the province’s socio-economic development requirements in each period with a view to effectively using available resources, and encouraging and attracting investment according to the province’s socio-economic development objectives and tasks identified in the master plan.

2. Study, review, revise and supplement to the sectoral development master plans and plans on investment in related works and projects identified in the approved master plan; and assist the province in arranging and mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital sources for the implementation of the master plan.

Article 5. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 6. The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.-

Prime Minister




(To the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 113/QD-TTg of January 20, 2012)


Program/project title




Renovating and upgrading national highway 2C


Building Vinh Thinh bridge


Building the trans-Asia road section through Vinh Phuc


Upgrading national highway 23 (Chem-Phuc Yen), the section through Vinh Phuc from Thanh Tuoc to national highway 2A


Upgrading national highway 2


Upgrading national highway 2B linking national highway 2 to Tam Dao resort




Building urban transport infrastructure in the province


Building belt roads and bypasses of national highways through urban centers of the province; renovating and upgrading provincial roads


Building and upgrading rural roads and waterways


Building cultural works and historical relics


Planning and protecting water resources; supplying clean water for rural residential clusters


Key programs to achieve growth objectives of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture, including:


Program on restructuring plants and livestock


Program on sustainable and effective aquaculture development


Program on forest protection and development


Program on development of the farm, forest and aquatic product processing industry and rural trades


Program on development of small- and medium-sized enterprises in agriculture and rural areas




Industrial park infrastructure


Project to complete infrastructure facilities in existing industrial parks


Building infrastructure facilities within and outside the fences of industrial parks planned to be built




Building and upgrading electricity transmission infrastructure facilities


Rural electricity project REII (phase II)


Producing and assembling electromechanical and electronic products


Producing and assembling informatics products and equipment, producing software applications, electronic and telecommunications components


Producing and manufacturing machines and equipment for agriculture and agricultural food processing industry


Producing household wood furniture using local materials


Producing building materials from local materials, roofing materials, refractory materials, concrete and precast concrete structures


Producing bricks and tiles with tunnel furnace technology, non-baked bricks and other advanced technologies


Services and tourism


Building markets, supermarkets and trade centers


Developing tourist sites


Building and upgrading infrastructure systems for tourism, recreation and entertainment


Developing information and communication network infrastructure


Water supply and drainage


Upgrading and expanding existing water plants


Building water plants to meet the province’s demand


Building water drainage and wastewater treatment systems in urban centers



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