Decision 1090/QD-TTg 2022 efficient and sustainable fishing in 2022-2025

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Decision No. 1090/QD-TTg dated September 19, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving the National Program on development of efficient and sustainable fishing for the 2022-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1090/QD-TTgSigner:Le Van Thanh
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:19/09/2022Effect status:

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Fields:Agriculture - Forestry , Policy


Strictly handle fishing vessels that have no registration certificate

Decision No. 1090/QD-TTg approving the National Program on development of efficient and sustainable fishing for the 2022-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030 is issued on September 19, 2022 by the Prime Minister.

The Program sets out the following objectives: By 2025; reducing offshore fishing license quotas by 10% compared to 2020; determining species-specific allowable catches for offshore tuna fishing; all coastal provinces and cities will determine fishing quotas of fishing vessels in coastal and inshore areas under their management; all fishing vessels operating in offshore areas will have vessel tracking devices under regulations and be provided with fishing ground forecast bulletins for efficient fishing.

To achieve the above objectives, one of the tasks to be focused on is developing cooperation and association in production and product processing and sale. Specifically, organizing and guiding fishery product purchasing and selling businesses and establishments to actively participate in, uphold their roles and social responsibility, and share interests with fishermen, in the aquaculture and fishing value chain so as to increase the value of fished products.

Besides, it is required to enhance the management of fishing activities. Accordingly, intensifying inspection, supervision and management of fishing vessels based on quotas of ocean fishing licenses in accordance with the 2017 Law on Fisheries; tightening the control and strictly handling fishing vessels that have no registration certificate, no fishing license and no registration and inspection certificate; strictly handling violations in fishing activities, particularly those of fishing vessels that commit illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities or practice fishing in areas or routes not designated.

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing. 

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1090/QD-TTg


Hanoi, September 19, 2022



Approving the National Program on development of efficient and sustainable fishing for the 2022-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 21, 2017 Law on Fisheries;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 339/QD-TTg of March 1, 2021, approving the Strategy for Vietnam’s fisheries development through 2030, with a vision toward 2045;

At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,


Article 1. To approve the National Program on development of efficient and sustainable fishing for the 2022-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030 (below referred to as the Program) with the following contents:


1. To raise the efficiency of fishing based on the formation of fishing value chains; to attract investment in development of fishing; to step up association in production in the form of cooperative groups, cooperatives and unions of cooperatives; to promote digital transformation, application of science and technology and technical advances for the mechanization and modernization of fishing activities, improve productivity, value and efficiency of fishing; to boost cooperation in ocean fishing and organize the sending of fishermen to foreign countries’ maritime zones for fishing.

2. To develop sustainable fishing on the basis of gradually reducing fishing intensity and total output in line with total allowable catches and sustainable fishing intensity; to restructure fleets based on fishing gear codes suitable to total fisheries resources allowed for capture in different fishing grounds; to apply information technology and carry out digital transformation in the management of operation of ocean fishing vessels; to ensure the best safety and mitigate damage for fishermen and vessels engaged in fishing; to maintain regular presence of fishing vessels and fishermen in the fishing grounds, thus contributing to the assurance of national defense and security in Vietnam’s maritime zones and islands.


1. General objectives

To sustainably develop the fishing industry with the structure of vessels and fishing gear codes suitable to total fisheries resources allowed for capture; to ensure safe, efficient and economical production, and raise fishermen’s living standards, thus contributing to ensuring national defense and security, and maintaining independence and sovereignty over seas and islands of the Fatherland.

2. Specific objectives

a/ By 2025

- To reduce offshore fishing license quotas by 10% compared to 2020; to determine species-specific allowable catches for offshore tuna fishing.

- To ensure that all coastal provinces and cities will determine fishing quotas of fishing vessels in coastal and inshore areas under their management.

- To ensure that all fishing vessels operating in offshore areas will have vessel tracking devices under regulations and be provided with fishing ground forecast bulletins for efficient fishing.

- To ensure that localities will build at least 3 pilot models or projects on: (i) wholesale markets, and auction markets for fishery products associated with regional fishing ports and fisheries centers; (ii) the model for linking the chain of fishing-purchase-preservation-sale of fishery products; (iii) the model for linking fishing and fisheries services with eco-tourism, community-based tourism, and rural tourism in fishing ports, fishing villages, and coastal traditional craft villages.

- To supervise all fished products and imported unprocessed fishery products.

- To ensure that all fishing vessels will be examined for grant of certificates of food safety eligibility under regulations.

- To complete and update, efficiently exploit and manage the Vietnam fisheries database (VNFishbase) nationwide; to build and implement models of digital administration of fishing activities in Vietnam.

b/ By 2030

- To develop the fishing ship fleet and fishing gear codes and ensure the total fish catches under the Master Plan on protection and exploitation of fisheries resources for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.

- To have fishing vessels for ocean fishing and legal fishing in maritime zones of foreign countries and territories under fisheries cooperation agreements.

- To ensure that half of fishing vessels will use advanced technologies and techniques in fishing and fishery product preservation; to reduce the average post-harvest losses to below 10%.

- To ensure that every province or city will have at least 1 wholesale market or auction market for fishery products associated with regional fishing ports and fisheries centers or 1 model for linking the chain of fishing-purchase-preservation- sale of fishery products/model for linking fishing and fisheries services with eco-tourism, community-based tourism and rural tourism in fishing ports, fishing villages, and coastal traditional craft villages.

- To maintain the annual average growth rate of the value of fished catches at 1.5%. The average income of fishermen will increase by 2.5 times over that of 2020.

- To terminate the application of fishing gear codes that destroy fisheries resources and adversely affect the marine ecological environment.

- To ensure that all masters of offshore fishing vessels will receive periodical training in domestic and international fishing regulations, while 60% of fishermen will receive guidance on fishing skills and techniques to ensure safety at sea.

- To reduce the number of fishing vessel accidents to below 1 case per 1,000 vessels per year.


1. Reorganizing fishing toward sustainable development

- To adjust the structure of fishing gear codes suitable to fisheries resources and total allowable catches in each fishing ground; to determine fishing gear codes subject to reduction and the roadmap and targets for reduction in different localities.

- To reorganize coastal and offshore fishing vessels under sectoral and local master plans.

- To transform energy-inefficient fishing gear codes that harm and adversely affect fisheries resources and the ecological environment to fishing gear codes that cause less harm to fisheries resources and ecological environment and use less fuel and resources or to other fields other than fishing so as to gradually rebalance fishing intensity suitable to the recovery and regeneration of fisheries resources.

- To intensify negotiations on fishing cooperation between Vietnam and foreign countries and regional fisheries management organizations, and at the same time continue to study and propose mechanisms and policies to send fishing vessels and fishermen to carry out ocean fishing activities and fishing in exclusive economic zones of foreign countries under fisheries cooperation agreements.

2. Developing cooperation and association in production and product processing and sale

- To organize and guide fishery product purchasing and selling businesses and establishments to actively participate in, uphold their roles and social responsibility, and share interests with fishermen, in the aquaculture and fishing value chain so as to increase the value of fished products; to encourage and facilitate the establishment of traders societies and associations in localities.

- To build and develop association and joint-venture models, linking all stages of the production process, from fishing and preservation to processing and sale of products suitable to different occupations and localities.

- To further boost the sale and increase the value of fished products in the domestic market and export markets.

- To build models of occupation change, rural tourism and coastal fishing community-based tourism development suitable to characteristics of localities, thus contributing to preserving and promoting the traditional values, particularly cultural identity, of coastal areas, creating occupations that can replace fishing gear codes that affect fisheries resources and the environment to step by step ensure stable livelihood and raise living standards of the fishermen communities, thus contributing to protecting the ecological environment in coastal areas associated with the building of new-style countryside.

3. Enhancing the management of fishing activities

- To intensify inspection, supervision and management of fishing vessels based on quotas of ocean fishing licenses in accordance with the 2017 Law on Fisheries.

- To tighten the control and strictly handle fishing vessels that have no registration certificate, no fishing license and no registration and inspection certificate; to strictly handle violations in fishing activities, particularly those of fishing vessels that commit illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities or practice fishing in areas or routes not designated.

- To further enhance the supervision and management of the repair, building and renovation of fishing vessels, especially of inter-regional enterprises engaged in vessel repair, building and renovation.

- To continue reviewing and supplementing regulations on fishing ban and fishing suspension for a given period, areas where fishing is prohibited, and bans on fishing gear codes in a number of maritime zones, concentrated breeding areas, and areas where juveniles of aquatic species concentrate, and habitats of aquatic species.

- To improve and raise the fisheries law enforcement capacity; to continue studying and establish the fisheries resources surveillance force suitable to practical conditions of each locality.

- To strictly control fishing activities of fishing vessels before they set sail to sea, their operation in fishing grounds, and their return to fishing ports to unload fish catches for sale; to apply the system for traceability of fisheryproducts through electronic fishing logbooks, the integrated fishing port management system, and the system for monitoring vessels entering and leaving ports.

- To strongly step up the comprehensive reform and renovation of the fishing port management so as to raise the capacity of production services and fisheries management at fishing ports, and supervise fishing vessels and fish catches and unloaded fishery products at ports, thus contributing to combating IUU fishing; to establish a focal point for domestic and international fishery product trading.

- To intensify patrol, inspection and supervision of fishing vessels’ activities at sea and through the vessel monitoring system (VMS).

4. Intensifying scientific and technological application

- To continue surveying and assessing fisheries resources in maritime zones so as to provide information, data and scientific grounds for the management and sustainable use of fisheries resources; to apply technologies and promote digital transformation in Vietnam’s fisheries resources database for management.

- To continue providing fishermen engaged in fishing at sea with and raise the efficiency of fishing ground forecast bulletins to ensure efficient fishing.

- To step up and renovate the fisheries extension toward mobilizing more social resources and facilitating the participation of science and technology organizations and enterprises in intensifying the transfer and application of new scientific and technological advances to improve fishing gear, fishing techniques, cold storages and preservation facilities in vessels.

5. Improving efficiency of fisheries logistics facilities

- To build large and integrated multi-value fisheries centers, consolidate regional and sectoral connectivity to meet fishing vessels’ demands for logistics services and storm shelters; to ensure food safety and hygiene and reduce post-harvest losses.

- To replicate models of wholesale markets for fishery products and auction markets for fishery products to increase their value.

6. Enhancing the assurance of safety for fishermen and fishing vessels

- To raise the capacity to prevent, respond to, and remedy fishing vessel accidents and incidents; to organize periodical drills on plans on response to fishing vessel incidents at fishing ports and storm shelters and search, rescue and salvage of fishing vessels at sea in order to create favorable conditions and safe environment for fishermen’s aquaculture and fishing activities.

- To enhance the risk prevention and emergency response to fishing vessel accidents; to seriously make statistics and reports on fishing vessel accidents; to take part in investigation and verification of causes of cases of serious violations.

- To formulate plans on training and coaching to improve skills and knowledge for vessel masters, seamen, chief engineers and mechanics; to organize coaching and provide fishermen with guidance on transfer of new and modern sciences, techniques and technologies in fishing and preservation of fishery products; to operate and use modern machinery and equipment on fishing vessels.


1. Strengthening leadership, direction and administration

a/ To continue thoroughly grasping and concretizing the guidelines set out in Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW of October 22, 2018, on the Strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy through 2030, with a vision toward 2045.

b/ To uphold the responsibility of the Party Committees of all levels, ministries, sectors and coastal localities for strengthening the leadership, grasping and directing the implementation of laws, new provisions of the 2017 Law on Fisheries; sectoral development master plans/strategies, and tasks and solutions of the Program to ensure sustainable development of the fisheries sector.

c/ To direct the military forces to take part in efficiently performing marine economic development tasks associated with maintaining national defense and security, focusing on building and organizing forces, grasping the situation, carrying out patrol, control and law enforcement activities law at sea, safeguarding national sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction at sea; to guarantee political security and social order and safety in designated maritime zones so as to help fishermen feel secure in practicing fishing, especially in remote maritime zones, contiguous areas and key fishing grounds.

d/ To resolutely handle foreign vessels that illegally fish in Vietnam’s maritime zones and handle Vietnamese fishermen that illegally fish in foreign waters; to strictly handle other fishing-related violations.

2. Policy and mechanism solutions

a/ Regarding policies

- To study, formulate, and propose competent authorities to promulgate, appropriate incentives and support policies, and open, public and transparent mechanisms to ensure easier access by individuals and organizations; to review, revise and improve the legal system on fishing.

- To promote the development of and mobilization of social resources for consulting, registration and inspection and vocational training services for fishermen.

b/ Regarding mechanisms

- Mechanisms for resource mobilization

To encourage and create conditions for domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals and foreign countries to provide resources for the Program. The Program’s contents shall be integrated with activities of other Programs/Schemes that have the same nature and the same impact sufferers or the same implementing agency.

- Coordination mechanisms

+ To increase the participation of fishermen and related mass organizations in a number of activities of the Program; to intensify the coordination between the assigned state agencies and enterprises, organizations and individuals participating in implementation of the Program.

+ To strengthen coordination of law enforcement forces at sea in search, rescue and salvage and assurance of maritime security and safety.

+ To promote international coordination and cooperation of law enforcement forces at sea with regional countries, particularly those with contiguous maritime zones, in order to rapidly and effectively handle violations by Vietnamese fishermen and fishing vessels that encroach upon foreign countries’ maritime zones or foreign fishing vessels and fishermen that encroach upon Vietnam’s maritime zones, ensuring the maintenance of a peaceful environment at sea and cooperative relations among countries and protect fishermen’s property and lives.

3. Scientific and technological and fisheries extension solutions

- To review, study the formulation of, and promulgate, Vietnam’s technical regulations and standards on fishing gear and fishing vessels, working conditions and environment and rest regime for workers.

- To research and apply advanced technologies and methods to survey fisheries resources and forecast fishing grounds.

- To study and apply the transfer of fishing gear designs and produce fishing gear, and advanced and environmentally friendly fishing methods to increase productivity, quality and product value; to promote the development of supporting industries for manufacturing ropes, nets, threads, buoys, weights, etc., to gradually replace imported ones.

- To research and apply advanced technologies in fishery product preservation and post-harvest loss reduction.

- To study and use new vessel models made of materials suitable to offshore fishing activities so as to gradually replace wooden-hull ships, and equip maritime information and fishing equipment so as to gradually mechanize and modernize stages of the fishing process.

- To step up fisheries extension in fishing; units and localities shall take the initiative in placing orders for products eligible for fisheries extension; to develop pilot models so as to disseminate and multiply appropriate and efficient models.

4. Fund raising solutions

Funds for the implementation of the Program shall be allocated from:

- The state budget funds (funds reserved for development investment and non-business activities), which are included in annual budget estimates of ministries, central agencies and localities; funds that are incorporated in the 2021-2025 national target programs on building a new-style countryside, rural tourism development in the building of a new-style countryside, and vocational education, employment and occupational safety in accordance with the law on the state budget.

- Funds provided by enterprises, organizations and individuals participating in the Program; and donations of domestic and foreign organizations.

- Other lawful funding sources.

5. International cooperation and integration solutions

- To focus on directing the implementation of the Scheme on development of ocean fishing and organize the sending of fishermen to a number of foreign countries’ maritime zones for fishing; to intensify negotiations on fishing cooperation with foreign countries so as to send fishing vessels and fishermen for lawful fishing and ocean fishing development; to study and organize the sending of enterprises and fishermen to a number of foreign countries for cooperation in fishing, purchase, processing and sale of fishery products and aquaculture; to develop ocean fishing in international maritime zones so as to develop economy and generate jobs for the people, reduce or stop illegal fishing by Vietnamese fishing vessels in foreign maritime zones, and promote international integration and cooperation.

- To actively participate in fisheries management organizations inside and outside the region so as to become an official member of such organizations or cooperate with such organizations in realizing Vietnam’s commitments with these organizations in adhering to management regulations to achieve the target of sustainable fisheries development.

- To actively promote cooperation with regional countries and Vietnam’s fishery product importers in order to remove as soon as possible the European Commission’s “yellow card” for IUU fishing; to actively cooperate and exchange information with the US Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture about Vietnam’s efforts to combat IUU fishing as well as review and evaluate equivalence relevant regulations of the US and Vietnam, thus reducing the risk of partners’ investigation and tax imposition.

- To organize trade promotion and investment promotion, and attract off-state budget funds for fishing.

- To intensify multilateral fisheries cooperation, actively participate in WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies and strive to develop fair and reasonable fisheries development policies for Vietnam’s small-scale fisheries.

- To make the best use of donations from foreign governments and international organizations and development agencies in the form of capital and technical support in order to achieve the goals of fishing management and sustainable

- To increase the exchange of inter-sectoral delegations to explore and study foreign countries’ experiences and relevant international regulations and guidance.

6. Public communication solutions for awareness improvement

- To intensify the dissemination of the importance and responsibility of all administration levels, sectors, localities, enterprises, establishments, socio-political organizations, social-professional organizations, and fishermen for participation in the implementation of the Program.

- To intensify and diversify forms of public communication and provide professional training for raising quality and efficiency of fishing associated with the assurance of safety for fishermen and fishing vessels in order to better their awareness, consciousness and behaviors, thus contributing to sustainably maintaining the Program’s implementation results.

- To intensify the dissemination of relevant policies and laws among vessel masters and owners of offshore fishing fleets in order to improve their capacity to respond to and capability to apply law to settle disputes at sea.

- To sum up and disseminate efficient pilot models for replication nationwide.


1. Fishing ground forecast project to serve efficient fishing.

2. Project on pilot combination of fishing and fisheries services with eco-tourism and community-based tourism in fishing ports, coastal fishing villages and traditional craft villages in Quang Ninh, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai and Kien Giang provinces.

3. Project on pilot establishment of wholesale markets for fishery products and auction markets for fishery products associated with fishing ports and regional fisheries centers.

4. Project to promote Vietnamese fishery product brand and value.

5. Technology research and transfer project to raise the efficiency of fishing and fishery product preservation.

6. Project to develop a model of digital governance of fishing activities in Vietnam.

(Priority projects for the implementation of the Program are provided in the Appendix to this Decision).


To diversify mobilized funding sources and efficiently use resources for the implementation of the Program.

1. State budget funds allocated annually (for development investment and infrastructure investment expenditures, and recurrent expenditures) under the current regulations on state budget management decentralization.

2. Funds incorporated in public investment programs, schemes and projects in the 2021-2030 period.

3. Funds raised from foreign donors, international organizations, and domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals and other lawful funding sources.

4. Other financial sources in accordance with law.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

a/ Act as the agency in charge of the Program, and guide, monitor, urge and summarize the implementation and regularly organize preliminary review and final review and comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the Program.

b/ Study, review and update appropriate contents of other countries’ relevant regulations to satisfy import markets’ demands; to strictly implement treaties to which Vietnam has acceded or is a contracting party, such as the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Agreement on Port State Measures, and Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of December, 10, 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks.

c/ Annually formulate plans on performance of the Program’s tasks according to its assigned functions and tasks, and include funds in state budget estimates and send them to the Ministry of Finance for submission to competent authorities in accordance with the law on the state budget.

d/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries and sectors in, periodically and extraordinarily inspecting and supervising the implementation of the Program in localities, and sum up results of the implementation of the Program in each stage and upon completion of the Program for reporting to the Prime Minister.

2. The Ministry of National Defense shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, building infrastructure facilities on islands and archipelagoes; direct the law enforcement forces at sea to coordinate with one another in patrolling, inspecting and controlling sea fisheries activities under plans.

b/ Direct the law enforcement forces at sea such as the Navy, Coast Guard and Border Guard forces to intensify patrol, inspection and specialized supervision of sea fisheries activities; promptly provide support to and protect security and safety of fishermen in sea fisheries activities; organize search, rescue and salvage and support fisheries activities in maritime zones and on islands.

3. The Ministry of Public Security shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, performing its tasks of combating IUU fishing; direct public security forces in localities to step up the movement “any citizen can denounce illegal acts”, including criminal acts of illegal fishing in foreign maritime zones.

b/ Coordinate with foreign countries and territories in grasping the situation and measures against IUU fishing in order to promptly advise and report thereon to the Prime Minister for him/her to consider and direct related ministries, sectors and localities in implementation; and share the population database for management of workers on fishing vessels.

4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries, sectors and localities in, implementing measures to protect lawful rights and interests of Vietnamese fishermen and enterprises.

b/ Coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and related ministries, sectors and localities in, studying  and proposing the conclusion, accession and implementation of international agreements/treaties on fisheries cooperation, and provide information on international conventions and treaties on fisheries management in the region and the world.

5. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall:

a/ Coordinate with localities and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in implementing the project on pilot establishment of coastal fisheries community-based tourist attractions in coastal provinces.

b/ Study planning or incorporating the fisheries community-based tourism in coastal provinces and cities in the master plan on development of the national tourism system and submit it to a competent authority for approval.

6. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall:

a/ Coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related ministries and sectors in formulating and declaring national standards on fishing, prioritize their harmony with international and regional standards; and appraise national technical regulations.

b/ Set orientations for investment in scientific and technological research and application, support the protection of intellectual property rights and apply traceability in fishing activities according to the viewpoints and objectives of the Program.

7. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with localities and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, carrying out public communication about anti-IUU fishing.

b/ Direct regular advertising and introduction of the application of science, technology and technical advances in fishing in order to raise the value of fishery products; increase provision of information on the system of grassroots public-address stations; build specialized sections and columns on printed newspapers, e-newspapers and reputable social media forums.

8. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries and agencies in, implementing the key program on baseline survey of marine and island resources and environment approved under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 28/QD-TTg of October 7, 2020, in order to ensure consistency, synchronicity and efficiency with the Program on overall survey and evaluation of fisheries resources and habitats of aquatic species nationwide every 5 years through 2030, as approved under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 523/QD-TTg of April 27, 2022.

9. The Ministry of Finance shall, based on the central budget’s fund-balancing capacity, and proposals of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related ministries, sectors and localities, incorporate expenses in the central budget’s annual recurrent expenditure estimates and submit the balancing and allocation of funds to competent authorities for consideration and decision in accordance with the Law on the State Budget and guiding documents for the implementation of the Program.

10. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related ministries and sectors in, balancing and allocating development investment funds for projects specified in the Program in accordance with the Law on Public Investment and other relevant regulations.

b/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related ministries and sectors in, proposing solutions and mobilizing investment resources for the implementation of the Program.

11. Related ministries and sectors shall, ithin the ambit of their functions and tasks, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, efficiently implementing the Program’s contents and tasks.

12. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

a/ Organize the implementation of the Program through the formulation and implementation of fisheries development master plans and plans in localities and maritime zones under their management and in conformity with the contents and tasks of local programs and practical conditions.

b/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, formulating, approving and implementing the priority projects specified in the Program and pilot models as suitable to local situation and conditions.

c/ Take the initiative in prioritizing the allocation of local budget funds for the performance of the Program’s tasks and adopt specific mechanisms and policies suitable to local conditions to encourage all economic sectors to take part in building and developing efficient and sustainable fishing.

d/ Assign and delegate powers and responsibilities to local administrations at all levels and related agencies for organizing the implementation of the Program based on the principles of delegation of more powers and upholding the sense of responsibility of grassroots levels.

dd/ Promulgate mechanisms and policies for, and guide, the implementation of the Program in their localities according to their competence and assigned tasks.

e/ To organize periodical and extraordinary supervision, evaluation and reporting of the implementation of the Program in their localities under regulations.

13. Trade societies and associations

a/ The Vietnam Fisheries Society shall study and propose mechanisms, policies and measures to encourage and support its institutional and individual members to invest and develop fishing activities in association with efficient production and environmental protection; and at the same time mobilize and educate its members to tighten the quality management in the production process, ensure food safety for consumers and for export, and maintain the prestige and bands of Vietnam’s fishery products.

b/ The Vietnam Red Cross Society shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other organizations in, organizing basic activities to prevent and respond to catastrophes, remediate consequences of disasters and storms in coastal areas, and mobilize organizations and individuals to participate in humanitarian activities organized by the Society.

c/ The Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and localities in, forming a chain linking the fishing, conservation, processing and sale of products.

14. The Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and socio-political organizations shall oversee and give social criticism during the organization of the implementation of the Program.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and heads of related agencies and units shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

* The Appendix to this Decision is not translated.


[1] Công Báo Nos 735-736 (28/9/2022)

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