Decision No. 102/2004/QD-TTg dated June 08, 2004 of the Prime Minister strengthening the government's administrative reform Steering Committee

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Decision No. 102/2004/QD-TTg dated June 08, 2004 of the Prime Minister strengthening the government's administrative reform Steering Committee
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:102/2004/QD-TTgSigner:Phan Van Khai
Type:DecisionExpiry date:

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Issuing date:08/06/2004Effect status:

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Fields:Administration , Organizational structure
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Effect status: Known


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 102/2004/QD-TTg

Hanoi, June 8, 2004





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of December 25, 2001;

In furtherance of the Resolution of the 9th plenum of the Party Central Committee, the IXth Congress, on stepping up the administrative reform and raising effectiveness and efficiency of the State administrative management;

At the proposal of the Minister of Home Affairs,


Article 1.- Position and functions

The Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee shall be strengthened on the basis of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee established under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 200/1998/QD-TTg of October 14, 1998 (hereinafter called the Steering Committee for short), which is an organization functioning to provide advices and consultancy on and assist the Prime Minister in directing, guiding and inspecting the performance of the Government's administrative reform.

Article 2.- Tasks of the Steering Committee

1. To study and propose important undertakings, policies and solutions to step up the Government's administrative reform; to work out annual and periodical administrative reform programs and plans.

2. To direct, guide, urge, inspect and appraise the implementation of the Government's administrative reform programs and plans in the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies, the Government-attached agencies and the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities.

3. To assist the Prime Minister in examining contents of important schemes and projects on the Government's administrative reform, prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the other ministries, branches and localities, draft resolutions and decrees of the Government, draft decisions and directives of the Prime Minister having principal contents related to administrative reform, before submitting them to the Government and the Prime Minister for examination and decision.

4. To submit to the Government and the Prime Minister periodical and extraordinary reports on the implementation of the Government's administrative reform programs and plans; to direct the preliminary and final reviews of experimental models of the administrative reform steering committees in the ministries, branches and localities.

5. To assist the Prime Minister in directing and guiding the implementation of the general program on the State administrative reform for the 2001-2010 period.

Article 3.- Powers of the Steering Committee

1. To set up sub-committees and working groups to assist the Steering Committee in studying, guiding and summing up important matters under the Government's administrative reform programs and plans .

2. To be invited to attend the Government's meetings, meetings chaired by the Prime Minister or a Deputy Prime Minister, meetings of the ministries, branches and local administrations concerning the tasks of the Steering Committees.

3. To invite leaders of the ministries, branches and local administrations and representatives of other relevant agencies and organizations to attend its meetings and working sessions.

4. To request the ministries, branches, local administrations, State agencies, organizations and individuals to supply information and documents in service of the performance of its tasks.

5. To organize the coordination and cooperation with the agencies, organizations, managerial experts and scientists in researching into the matters related to State administrative reform.

Article 4.- Members of the Steering Committee

1. The head: Prime Minister Phan Van Khai.

2. The standing deputy head: Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

3. The deputy head: Home Affairs Minister Do Quang Trung.

4. The members:

- Minister, director of the Government Office Doan Manh Giao;

- Justice Minister Uong Chu Luu;

- Finance Minister Nguyen Sinh Hung;

- Deputy head of the Central Party Committee's Organization Commission Ta Xuan Dai;

- Head of the Prime Minister's Research Committee Tran Xuan Gia.

5. Other members of the Steering Committee shall be added according to the requirements and tasks of the Government's administrative reform.

The Steering Committee is assisted by its Secretariat. The number of the Secretariat members shall be decided by the head of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee.

Article 5.- Implementation provisions

This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette. The previous stipulations contrary to this Decision are hereby annulled.

The members of the Steering Committee, the members of the Secretariat, the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the Government-attached agencies, the presidents of the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai



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