Decision No. 100/2008/QD-TTg dated July 15, 2008 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Tuyen Quang province up to 2020

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Decision No. 100/2008/QD-TTg dated July 15, 2008 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Tuyen Quang province up to 2020
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Official number:100/2008/QD-TTgSigner:
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Issuing date:15/07/2008Effect status:

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Independence – Freedom – Happiness
No. 100/2008/QD-TTg
Hanoi, July 15, 2008
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the People’s Committee of Tuyen Quang province in Report No. 41/TTr-UBND of November 9, 2007, and the Planning and Investment Ministry’s opinions in Document No. 901/BKH-TD&GSDT of February 12, 2008, concerning the master plan on socio-economic development of Tuyen Quang province up to 2020,
Article 1.- To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Tuyen Quang province up to 2020, with the following principal contents:
- Attaining a fast and sustainable economic growth through efficiently tapping the province’s potential and advantages, step by step narrowing the gap between the development level of the province and the average level of die whole country and getting rid as soon as possible of the present underdevelopment status; ensuring the inherent relationship with the socio-economic development of the northeastern region and northern mountainous region; quickly integrating with other economic regions and the whole country; effectively realizing the international economic integration roadmap.
- Developing all economic sectors; utilizing to the utmost local strengths and concurrently strongly mobilizing external resources for the province’s economic development.
- Coupling economic development with socio-cultural development and raising the quality of human resources. Developing all areas of the province in a balanced manner, concentrating efforts on developing a key economic zone as a motive force for promoting the development of other areas; to reduce the living standard gap between people of various social strata. Properly materializing ethnicity and poverty alleviation policies and policies toward difficult areas; step by step improving the people’s material and spiritual life.
- Closely combining socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance and eco-environmental protection.
1. General objectives
To build Tuyen Quang into a comprehensively developed province, and continue striving to maintain fast and sustainable economic growth with a civilized society, a protected eco-environment and firmly maintained defense and security. To step up economic restructuring toward industrialization and modernization so as to build an economic structure of industry - service -agriculture - forestry. To strive for the target that by 2020 Tuyen Quang will become a relatively developed province in the northern mountainous region and reach the average development level of the whole country.
2. Specific objectives
- The average annual GDP growth rate will reach over 14% by 2010, over 14.5% during 2011 -2015. and over 14.8% during 2016-2020.
- The average per-capita GDP will be more than VND 12 million (USD 740) by 2010. and more tharrVND 30 million (USD 2,000) by 2020.
- The present economy structure (agriculture -forestry - industry - service) will be quickly switched to a new one of industry - service -agriculture -forestry.
- By 2010, the industry - construction ratio will be 40%, service ratio 35%, and agriculture -forestry ratio 25% of the economic structure.
- By 2020, the industry - construction ratio will be 46%, service ratio 36%, and agriculture - forestry ratio 18% of the economic structure.
- The industrial production value (at the fixed prices of 1994) will reach over VND 3.600 billion by 2010, and over VND 10,000 billion by 2020.
- The total food output will be more than 320,000 tons and the annual per-capita food output will be more than 400 kg by 2020.
- The export turnover will reach over USD 27 million by 2010, and over USD 100 million by 2020.
- To develop agriculture and forestry in combination with protecting tine eco-environment and maintaining the forest coverage rate of over 60%.
- To raise the quality of education and training; to effectively ramify school pupils under regulaiions. To strive for the target that by 2020. over 75% of general education schools will attain the national standards.
-To increase the life expectancy of local people to over 70 years by 2010 and 73 years by 2020. To reduce the malnutrition rate among under-five children to below 15% by 2010 and below 10% by 2020. By 2010 and 2020, every 10,000 local people will have 18 and 20 hospital beds, respectively.
- To create new jobs for more than 58,000 laborers in the period from now to 2010; and 100,000 laborers during 2011 - 2020. To reduce the unemployment rate in urban areas to below 3.5% by 2010 and below 2.5% by 2020. To increase the rate of trained laborers to over 30%, including 15% of vocationally trained laborers, by 2010, and over 50% and 30% by 2020.
- The poor household rate will drop to below 15% by 2010. and below 10% by 2020.
- By 2020, 100% of urban inhabitants and over 95% of rural inhabitants will be supplied with clean water.
- All newly built production establishments will apply clean technologies and have pollution-reducing and waste-treating equipment.
- All industrial clusters, parks and spots will have systems for collecting and treating waste and wastewater up to environmental sanitation standards.
- All urban centers in the province will have systems for collecting and treating production and daily-life waste and wastewater, hospital waste and hazardous waste.
1. Industrial development
- From now to 2010: Toconcentrate on quickly developing the industries of agricultural and forest product processing, construction material production, and mineral exploitation and processing with a view to efficiently exploiting natural resources; to develop mechanical engineering to serve agricultural and forestry production, consumer goods production and other industries. To encourage the development of industries endowed with advantages and suitable to the planning of local raw materials and natural resources, such as paper and pulp production, wood and MDF pressed board processing, tea processing, small-sized hydropower projects, cement production, steel billet and ferro-manganese mills, barite powder, stone powder and stone product processing.
- To plan and invest in infrastructure works of Long Binh An cluster of industrial-service areas and urban centers, and industrial clusters in Na Hang, Chiem Hoa, Ham Yen and Son Duong districts;
- During 2011-2020: To concentrate on mobilizing resources for developing industries with a high technological content, consumer and export goods production, such as paper production, export wood article processing, high-quality tea processing, steel production, manufacture of parts and accessories for automobiles and motorbikes;electro-informatics, textile and garment, footwear, assembly engineering, agricultural and forest product processing industries.
- To further invest in infrastructure and attract investment in industrial clusters and parks of the province; to encourage the development of industries, cottage industries and handicrafts in rural areas, and plan the development of cottage industries and handicrafts toward centralization in order to create commodity products.
2. Service development
- To encourage all economic sectors to participate in commercial activities in service of production and local people’s life; to expand the market for local products. To plan the building of a number of trade centers and supermarkets and a system of wholesale markets. The total goods and service value for public consumption will increase 20%/year during 2006 - 2010 and 24% during 2011 - 2020 on average. To strongly develop foreign trade and expand the export market; the export value will increase 18%/year on average to reach over USD 27 million by 2010 and over USD 100 million by 2020.
- To develop tourism into an important industry, creating more jobs and efficiently exploiting the province’s tourist potential. To develop tourism in the direction of concentrating investment in three major tourist zones: a historical-cultural tourism zone, a tourist resort and an eco-tourism zone. By 2010, to attract more than 500,000 tourist arrivals, earn a total turnover of VND 500 billion from tourism, and create jobs for 8,000 laborers in the industry. By 2020, to attract more than 1,500,000 tourist arrivals, eam a total turnover of VND 2,000 billion from tourism, and create jobs for 21,000 laborers in the industry.
- To develop transportation to meet socio-economic development requirements: to raise the road transport capacity and quality; to develop waterway transport; to encourage the development of mass transit in urban areas and transportation in service of mountainous, deep-lying and remote areas. The transported goods volume will increase by 16%/year from now to 2010 and 6.4%/year during 2011-2020. The number of transported passengers will increase by 15%/year from now to 2010 and 5.5%/year during 2011 - 2020.
- To strongly develop domestic and international postal and telecommunications services; to raise the efficiency of operation of postal and cultural spots, and universalize basic postal and telecommunication services. To strive for the target that every 100 people will have 15 telephone sets by 2010 and 25 telephone sets by 2020.
- To strongly develop financial, banking, scientific, technological and insurance services for the province’s socio-economic development.
3. Agricultural, forestry and fishery development
- To develop agriculture and forestry in the direction of commodity production; to apply sciences and technologies to production, raising productivity and product quality; to strongly restructure cultivation plants and domestic animals to satisfy market demands; to ensure food security in the province. The annual food output will reach 320,000 tons with an annual per-capita food output of 400 kg.
- To expand field areas under groundnuts and soy beans. To plan areas for production of commodity groundnuts in Chiem Hoa district; to convert present land areas under low-yield rice cultivation into those for groundnuts, soy beans and other plants of high economic value.
- To continue replacing present tea varieties with new ones of high yield and quality. To review and plan raw material sugarcane zones to supply sufficient raw materials for sugar refineries.
- To increase the ratio of husbandry in agriculture to 45% by 2020. To apply husbandry solutions on suitable scales and in appropriate forms. The buffalo herd, cow herd, pig stock and poultry flock will grow 2%, 10%, 6% and 10% year on year, respectively.
- To develop forestry, ensuring the economic efficiency of forestry linked with the processing industry and efficiently tapping the province’s forestry advantages. To rationally plan three types of forest: to attach importance to the implementation of planning and plans on planting of raw material forests for sufficient supply of raw materials for An Hoa pulp and paper mill, a high-class kaolin-coated paper mill and wood-processing plants. To allocate land and forests to organizations and individuals in strict compliance with law; to encourage all economic sectors to invest and trade in forests and get rich with silviculture. To properly protect forests and concurrently exploit and use forest resources in a rational manner; and ensure the forest coverage rate of over 60%.
- To expand areas and increase the value of aquaculture; to develop aquaculture in Tuyen Quang hydropower reservoir. The aquatic product output will increase 8.5% year on year. The flesh fish output will reach 4,500 tons by 2010 and 5,000 tons by 2020.
- To attach importance to the development of the farm economy. To accelerate the building of rural villages and hamlets toward industrialization and modernization. To attach importance to effective settlement of problems related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
4. Cultural and social domains
a/ Education and training development:
- Pre-school education: By 2008, every commune will have at least one pre-school basically satisfying the conditions of physical foundation, educational administrators and core teachers. By 2010, to firmly maintain the percentages of children of eligible age groups attending kindergartens (non-public kindergartens accounting for 80%) at more than 32%; and pre-school classes (non-public pre-school classes accounting for 70%) at 98%. By 2015 and 2020, these percentages will be 40% and 100%, and 50% and 100%, respectively.
- General education: To encourage the diversification of semi-boarding schools and classes, and strongly develop the organization of schools and classes opened on a semi-daily basis. To realize the socialization of education. To elaborate planning and plans on transformation of public educational establishments into ones applying the mechanism of autonomy and accountability in their organizational structure, payroll and finance. To establish some non-public upper secondary schools in Tuyen Quang town, district centers and areas where conditions permit. To raise the teaching and learning quality, and strive for the target that by 2020. over 75% of general education schools will attain the national standards.
- Training and job training development: To step up the development of training and job training: to plan a system of job-training schools; to establish the Tuyen Quang Community University on the basis of the Teachers Training School. To establish the Medical College on the basis of the Medical Secondary School, which will enroll students under an open mechanism and operate under a self-financing mechanism.
- To step up the socialization of education and training. By 2010, 99% of people aged between 15 and 35 years will have literacy skills, 100% of cadres, public servants and employees in state agencies will attend professional and skill training and retraining courses, 85% of peasant households will be covered by living standard improvement programs. By 2020, these percentages will all be 100%. To strive for the target that by 2020, all cadres and public servants working at commune, ward or township level or higher levels will possess professional qualifications of collegial or higher levels.
b/ Healthcare, population, family and children
- Annually, to ensure over 98% of under-one children will receive full vaccination under regulations. To properly implement the program on child malnutrition prevention and combat, and keep the child malnutrition rate below 15% by 2010 and below 10% by 2020.
- To strive for the target that 100% of communes, wards and townships will attain the national healthcare standards; 100% of communes will have medical doctors to give medical examination and treatment to local people, with 80% of communes having medical doctors on the payroll of commune health stations; every commune health worker will serve between 1,000 and 1,500 people: 100% of villages and hamlets will have their own health workers; every 10,000 people will have 8 medical doctors. To ensure that every person will have convenient access to quality healthcare services at all levels. By 2010 and 2020, every 10.000 people will have 18 and 20 hospital beds respectively.
- To step up the socialization of healthcare; to encourage the establishment of non-public hospitals to provide high-quality medical examination and treatment.
- To continue training health workers to raise their professional qualifications. To ensure that all directors, deputy directors, heads and deputy heads of departments of hospitals and health centers of districts and towns, and heads and deputy heads of divisions and sections of provincial-level Health Services will possess lst degree and 2nd degree specialist qualifications. By 2020, 90% of doctors of the provincial general hospital will possess 1st degree or higher specialist qualifications.
c/ Development of culture, information, radio and television broadcasting
- To strive for the target that by 2020,90% of households will be given the cultured family title; 80% of villages, hamlets and people’s groups will be recognized as cultured ones; 100% of commune cultural houses will be furnished with sufficient equipment and facilities for their operation; and 100% of communes will have their own libraries.
- To invest, restore, conserve and embellish historical and cultural relics; to exploit and protect cultural institutions and values in order to combine cultural development with tourism. To build, complete and invest in equipment and facilities of cultural houses of villages and hamlets through mobilizing social contributions. To build a number of ethnic cultural villages for tourist development.
- By 2020, 97% and 93% of the population will have access to radio and television broadcasts, respectively.
d/ Sports and physical training
- By 2020,30% of the population will practice physical training and exercises on a regular basis, and 25% of households will attain the standards on sport families.
dd/ Poverty reduction and social welfare
To synchronously apply solutions, mechanisms and policies to realize the poverty alleviation program. To develop infrastructure and create opportunities for the poor to get access to public services. To attach importance to intensive investment in the development of works in service of production and daily life of poor households. To strive for the target that by 2010 and 2020, the percentage of poor households will drop to below 15% and below 10%, respectively.
5. Management of natural resources and environmental protection
-To rationally exploit and use natural resources (earth, water, minerals and the environment) in a sustainable, economical and efficient manner. To efficiently exploit the land fund and rationally al locate available land areas for use in the direction of ensuring the economic structure of industry -service - agriculture - forestry. To survey, assess and draw planning maps for exploration, exploitation and use of minerals in Tuyen Quang province. To explore and assess reserves and quality of assorted minerals. To organize mineral exploitation and processing in a rational and efficient manner, ensuring the environmental protection.
- To limit the rate of increase in environmental pollution; to prevent and minimize environmental pollution, to rehabilitate and restore the environment in places and areas where it has degraded; to conserve biodiversity; to step by step raise the environmental quality of urban areas, industrial clusters and parks and tourist sites. To build garbage landfills and waste-treating plants in replacement of the garbage dumpsites in Nong Tien commune and Tuyen Quang town. Every district will have at least one garbage landfill and treatment facility meeting the environmental sanitation requirements. To plan and develop daily-life water supply and environmental sanitation in the province.
6. Defense and security
To combine socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance. To build strong all-people defense and people’s security postures. To ensure the firm maintenance of political security, social order and safety, and sustainable socio-economic development in the province.
1. Transport
To upgrade existing road traffic works; to invest in new key works in order to raise the capacity of and complete the road, waterway and railway networks.
- From now to 2015: To build Yen Bai - Tuyen Quang - Thai Nguyen railways: Ho Chi Minh road, expressways, national highways 37B and 2B; to build provincial roads (new sections) under the planning, including provincial roads 190,185, 189 and 186. At the same time, to upgrade and build urban roads and district roads in line with the road planning; and to accelerate the building and upgrading of rural roads.
- During 2016 - 2020: To continue improving and step by step modernize the transport network in the province.
+ Roads:
Expressways: To invest in Tuyen Quang -Doan Hung expressway linked with Hai Phong -Kunming expressway.
National highways: To renovate and upgrade national highways sections running through the province to reach grade-III road standards by 2020, including national highways 2,2C, 2B, 37, 37B, 279 and Ho Chi Minh road.
Provincial roads: To renovate and upgrade provincial roads to reach grade-IV road standards by 2020, including provincial roads 190,185,186, 187, 188 and 189. Provincial roads running through towns, townships and commune centers will be expanded according to urban road standards.
District roads: To plan 15 district roads. To renovate and upgrade district roads to reach grade-V road standards by 2020.
Urban roads: To plan urban roads in line with the province’s urban planning.
+ Railways: To comply with the central government’s planning on a railway of Yen Bai -Tuyen Quang - Thai Nguyen.
+ Waterways: To invest in a project on waterway transport from Viet Tri to the downstream area of the Tuyen Quang hydropower plant; to develop waterway transport channels in which vessels of up to 200 tons can navigate. To build a system of waterway landing stages to serve goods and passenger transportation and tourism development.
2. Power network
- To concentrate on renovating and developing the distribution grid, and manage the safe and efficient exploitation and use of the power grid. To strive for the target that by 2020, the commercial power output will reach 1,000 million kWh.
- To further invest in small-sized hydropower plants, including Chiem Hoa. Hung Loi 1, Hung Loi 2 (Yen Son district). Thac Rom (Chiem Hoa district), Nam Vang (Na Hang), Phu Luu (Ham Yen) and others.
3. Water supply and drainage system
- To expand the scope and raise the quality of water supply. To strive for the target that by 2020, 100% of urban inhabitants and over 95% of rural inhabitants will be supplied with clean water.
-To make intensive investment in urban water drainage works. To apply measures to treat solid waste and wastewater in urban centers, industrial clusters and parks, tourist sites and hospitals.
4. Irrigation system
-To invest in building irrigation works under the planning. To manage, reinforce, upgrade and efficiently exploit existing works in order to raise the irrigating capacity.
- To build embankments to protect the downstream area of the Tuyen Quang hydropower plant, banks of Lo river (the section flowing through Tuyen Quang town) and Pho Day river (the section flowing through Tan Trao - the historical relic of the former resistance zone in Son Duong district).
5. Social infrastructure
- Education and training: To attach importance to intensive investment in upgrading and reinforcement of physical foundations of schools in the province. To strive for the target that by 2020, the system of schools and classrooms will be permanently built with sufficient classrooms and teaching and learning aids and equipment. To continue prioritizing investment in building pre-schools and general education schools in communes in exceptionally difficult areas, upper secondary schools, professional schools and boarding schools for ethnic minority pupils;
- Healthcare: To concentrate investment in upgrading and improving the grassroots healthcare network. To invest in building health stations of communes and wards to reach national standards. To continue accumulating capital for renovation, expansion, upgrading of, and additional supply of equipment and facilities to, the provincial general hospital, the convalescent hospital in My Lam mineral spring, provincial- and district-level hospitals in order to basically satisfy the people’s medical examination and treatment needs. During 2007 - 2010, to build the Medical Secondary School into the Medical College, which will be upgraded into the Medical University during 2011 -2020.
- Culture, information, physical training and sports: To restore, preserve, embellish and promote the value of historical and cultural relics. To plan the building of cultural, information and sport institutions from provincial to grassroots levels. To further invest in building commune and village cultural houses. To concentrate investment in building such works as a provincial convention center, provincial public square, provincial museum, provincial general science library, center for youth and juvenile activities, etc. To build a provincial cultural and artistic training school to train cultural and artistic cadres and activists.
To upgrade and modernize radio and television broadcasting equipment in order to raise the quality of signal receipt and transmission. To build commune-level FM radio broadcasting and public address stations.
To invest in building a provincial sport complex and water sport facility. In districts, io build physical training and sport centers, stadiums, playgrounds and training grounds. To plan and build sport facilities for industrial parks and clusters and urban centers.
1. Zonal development orientations:
To develop the province in three major zones:
a/ The northern mountainous zone:
- This zone covers three districts of Na Hang. Chiem Hoa and Ham Yen. To step up socio­economic development in the northern mountainous and hilly areas at a high rate in order to alleviate poverty and narrow the gap between this zone and other zones of the province in terms of living standards and social progress.
- To concentrate investment in building socio-economic infrastructure works, including the traffic network, power and clenn water supply systems, irrigation system, etc. To develop education and training, raising the people’s intellectual level, and improve public healthcare to meet the zone’s development requirements. To step up agricultural and forestry production and bring into play the zone’s advantages in industrial crops and fruit trees. To concentrate on developing cattle herds in the direction of commodity production. To strongly develop paper raw material and big timber areas for production and export.
- To develop the industry of mining and processing assorted minerals. To concentrate on developing eco-tourism and historical-cultural tourism. To completely build the Tuyen Quang hydropower project. To build other small-sized hydropower plants. To develop infrastructure, production and services with the Tuyen Quang hydropower plant being the driving, force.
b/The central zone:
- This zone covers Tuyen Quang town and its vicinity. To strive to build Tuyen Quang town into an economic, political, cultural, scientific, technical, industrial, service and tourist center and a traffic hub serving as a driving force for the socio-economic development of all zones of the province.
- To form a synchronous infrastructure system, especially traffic, information and communication networks, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted transport and communication with other zones of the province and other provinces.
- To strongly develop the industries of construction material production and agricultural and forest product and mineral processing. To plan -and develop, and attract investment in. industrial clusters and parks and service-urban centers in Long Binh An. To properly exploit the My Lam mineral spring tourist resort as a breakthrough in Tuyen Quang province’s tourism. At the same time, to develop the historical-cultural tourist sites in Tuyen Quang town.
c/ The southern zone:
- This zone covers Yen Son and Son Duong districts. It has great potential in minerals, a large agricultural land area and the former resistance base of Tan Trao with numerous historical relics. Its population is large and of a fairly high educational level. It also has a fairly good infrastructure system with roads, railways and river fairways.
- To concentrate on developing agriculture and forestry in the direction of commodity production. To step up the development of the mineral mining and processing industry. To preserve and embellish the former revolutionary base. To invest in building and exploiting the tourist potential of Tan Trao national cultural and ecological tourism site up to regional magnitude.
2. Development of urban spaces
- From now to 2010: To adjust administrative boundaries of Tuyen Quang town and upgrade it from a grade-IV urban center to grade-III one. To establish the district capital of Yen Son district.
- During 2011 - 2020: To further adjust administrative boundaries of Tuyen Quang town and upgrade it into a city. To divide present Na Hang district into Na Hang town and a district. To establish a new district on the basis of separating some communes of Yen Son and Son Duong districts.
-Todeveloprural population areas: The rural population will account for around 85% and 75% of the total population by 2010 and 2020 respectively. To further invest in building 38 commune cluster centers and a number of new commune centers. Rural areas will have their own centers and residential quarters rationally located on the basis of combining production with transport and water source conditions. To build the infrastructure system and cultural institutions in residential areas.
1. Mobilizing investment capital sources
- To achieve the province’s socio-economic development targets set for 2020 and attain the forecast economic growth rate, the investment capital required for the 2007-2020 period is estimated at around VND 137 trillion (around VND 40 trillion for the 2007-2010 period, VND 45 trillion for the 2011-2015 period and VND 52 trillion for the 2016-2020 period).
- In order to mobilize investment capital, measures should be taken to actively mobilize capital from the following sources: around 25% from the state budget (including ODA): around 40% from enterprises and population; around 5% from foreign investment: around 20% from capital loans; and around 10% from other sources.
2. Developing human resources
- To plan and develop human resources; to adopt incentive policies for cadres working in exceptionally difficult communes and policies to attract highly qualified cadres to work in the province. To strongly develop job training and plan the job training network in the whole province, and upgrade and consolidate job-training establishments. To raise the quality of trained laborers, especially those trained in industrial jobs and agricultural and forest product processing. To prioritize the on-spot job training of female or ethnic minority cadres.
- To strongly develop job training; to plan the job training network in the whole province; to upgrade and consolidate the Tuyen Quang vocational secondary school and job-training centers in districts. To raise the quality of trained laborers. To encourage the establishment of job-training schools with social contributions. To expand cooperation with universities, colleges and job-training schools outside the province or abroad in training human resources.
3. Developing markets
To synchronously develop all types of market: goods and service market, labor market, scientific and technological market, real estate market, financial and monetary market. To develop commercial infrastructure: trade centers, supermarkets, wholesale markets and commercial agents. To actively develop goods and service markets both in rural and urban areas as outlets for farm produce. To raise the marketing, market information and forecast capacity, with importance attached to building brands for goods.
4. Developing sciences and technologies
To efficiently apply scientific and technological advances to industrial and agricultural production, forestry, fisheries and rural development. To formulate a mechanism for promoting scientific and technological development, first of all development and attraction of human resources. To plan the development of a contingent of scientific and technological personnel and non-business units operating in the scientific and technological domain.
5. Improving the investment environment and developing all economic sectors
- To continue creating an open and convenient environment for all economic sectors to develop. To concentrate efforts on improving the investment environment in some breakthrough aspects; to finalize socio-economic plannings; to perfect investment promotion institutions and policies; to step up investment in infrastructure construction; to better administration, with special attention paid to reform of administrative procedures in the economic domain.
- To complete the reorganization and renewal of state enterprises and agricultural and forestry farms; to strongly develop small- and medium-sized enterprises and private and proprietor economy. To consolidate and renew collective economic entities and raise their efficiency. To strive for the target that the province will have more than 750 and 1,500 enterprises of all economic sectors by 2010 and 2020.
6. Adopting policies on cooperation and association
- To enhance cooperation with all localities throughout the country, especially the northern mountainous and midland provinces, economic centers and neighboring provinces, in investment, commerce and tourism.
- To raise the efficiency of investment and commercial cooperation. To formulate specific programs and schemes on cooperation with other provinces and foreign countries in calling for investment in economic projects for which the province has advantages. To attach importance to the exchange of experience in socio-economic development administration. To enhance cooperation in science, technology, culture, etc.
7. Stepping up administrative reform
To organize the effective implementation of the administrative reform program. To concentrate efforts on reforming administrative institutions and the organization of the administrative apparatus; to raise the quality of cadres and public employees; to reform public finance; to step up the reform of administrative procedures; and to modernize the system of administrative offices to meet the requirements of management and administration of socio-economic development.
- To make public the master plan on socio-economic development of Tuyen Quang province after it is approved. To propagate and publicize it among the people and domestic and foreign investors in order to attract their attention and participation in its implementation.
- To elaborate a planning on development of branches and domains and detailed plans.
- To organize the implementation of the master plan through five-year and annual socio-economic development plans. Annual plans must be elaborated based on the objectives of the approved master plan and implementation progress in each period.
- To supervise and inspect development investment under the master plan. To enhance the responsibility of all levels, branches and localities for implementing the master plan. At the end of each planning period (2010, 2015, 2020) to evaluate the implementation of the master plan in that period, and add and readjust objectives for subsequent periods to suit practical conditions.
Article 2.-To assign the People’s Committee of Tuyen Quang province to base itself or. the objectives and orientations of the province’s socio-economic development in the approved master plan to direct, in coordination with concerned ministries and branches, the elaboration, submission for approval and implementation of:
- Master plans on socio-economic development of its districts; planning on development of urban system and residential areas; construction planning: land use planning and plans; planning on development of branches and domains to ensure comprehensive and synchronous development.
- To study and formulate for promulgation or submit to competent state agencies for promulgation (for matters falling beyond the province’s powers) a number of mechanisms and policies suitable to the province’s development requirements in each period in order to attract and mobilize resources for implementation of the master plan.
Article 3.- To assign concerned ministries and branches to assist the People’s Committee of Tuyen Quang province in studying and elaborating the above plannings and plans; studying, formulating and submitting to competent state agencies for promulgation a number of mechanisms and policies to meet the province’s socio-economic development requirements in each period in order to mobilize and efficiently use resources, promote and attract investment with a view to ensuring the achievement of the objectives, performance of tasks and realization of orientations for the province’s socio-economic development set forth in the master plan. To accelerate investment in and execution of works and projects of regional scale and nature and important to the province’s development in which investment has been decided. To study, consider, adjust and add relevant works and projects eligible for planned investment stated in the master plan to branch development plannings and investment plans.
Article 4.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."
Article 5.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the president of the People’s Committee of Tuyen Quang province shall implement this Decision.


Nguyen Tan Dung
{Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 100/2008/QD-TTg of July 15, 2008)

Name of project
Implementation period
Investment programs
Program on industrial development
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on development of forestry economy
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on tourism development
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on development of transport and technical infrastructure
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on development of power grids
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on clean water and environmental sanitation
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on development of information technology
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on development of post and telecommunications
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on development of human resources, science and technology
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Program on labor, employment and guest workers
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Projects under national programs executed in the province
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Foreign-invested programs and projects
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Major investment projects
Project on An Hoa pulp plant
Long Binh An industrial park
Project on An Hoa chain for production of kaolin-coated paper of all grades
Long Binh An industrial park
2008 - 2010
Project on building Tuyen Quang wood processing plant
Long Binh An industrial park
2007 - 2008
Project on building a plant to produce MDF artificial boards
Long Binh An industrial park
Project on building a plant to produce chopsticks for export
Long Binh An industrial park
2006 - 2007
Na Hang plant producing pulp, base paper and bamboo chopsticks
Na Hang district
2007 -2010
Project on building a plant to produce steel billets
Long Binh An industrial park
2006 - 2010
Project on building a plant to process barite powder
Long Binh An industrial park
2006 - 2007
Project on exploiting and processing kaolin and feldspar
Son Duong district
2007 - 2010
Project on building a zinc plant
Long Binh An industrial Dark
Project on building an antimony plant
Chiem Hoa district
2007 - 2010
Project on building a ferro-manganese plant
Chiem Hoa district
2006 - 2007
Project on building Tuyen Quang cement plant
Tuyen Quang town
2008 - 2012
Project on building Son Duong cement plant
Son Duong district
2007 -2010
Project on building a tunnel brick plant
Project on a tunnel brick and non-baked brick plant
Long Binh An industrial park
2007 -2010
Project on a stone powder and product plant
2008 - 2015
Project on building Chiem Hoa hydropower plant
Chiem Hoa district
2007 - 2015
Project on building Thac Rom hydropower plant
Chiem Hoa district
2007 - 2015
Project on building Hung Loi I hydropower plant
Yen Son district
2007- 2015
Project on building Hung Loi II hydropower plant
Yen Son district
Project on building Nam Vang hydropower plant
Na Hang district
Project on building Ninh Lai hydropower plant
Son Duong district
2007 - 2015
Project on building a mechanical engineering plant
Long Binh An industrial park
2007 - 2015
Project on building a package material plant
Tuyen Quang town
Project on a dairy processing plant
Long Binh An industrial park
2008 - 2015
Project on a plant producing bottled mineral water
Yen Son district
2008 - 2015
Project on renewal of tea-processing technology
Yen Son and Son Duone districts
2008 - 2015
Project on production of micro-biological fertilizers
Long Binh An industrial park
2008 - 2010
Project on a garment chain
Long Binh An industrial park
2008 - 2010
Project on a plastic product chain
Long Binh An industrial park
2008 - 2015
Project on expansion of Tuyen Quang "printing house
Tuyen Quang town
2008 - 2010
Project on investment in infrastructure of Lone Binh An industrial park
Long Binh An industrial park
2007 - 2015
Project on Long Binh An water plant
Long Binh An industrial park
Agriculture, forestry, irrigation
Project on planting of production forests
2007 - 2020
Project on protection and development of protection forests
2007 - 2020
Project on investment in research of forest tree varieties
Yen Son and Son Duong districts
Project on Son Duong dike and dam
Son Duong district
2008 - 2010
Project on embankments of Lo river (the section flowing through Tuyen Quang town) 2008 - 2010
Tuyen Quang town
2008 - 2010
Project on embankments of Pho Day river (the section flowing through the ATK zone)
Son Duong and Yen Son districts
2007 - 2009
Project on embankments of two banks upstream and downstream the bridge of Chiem Hoa township
Chiem Hoa district
2008 - 2010
Project on selection and propagation of pure buffalo breeds of Tuyen Quang province
2007 - 2010
Project on revitalization of the local yellow cow herd
2007 - 2010
Project on lean pig farming
2007 - 2010
Project on aquaculture in reservoirs of the Tuyen Quang hydropovver plant
Na Hang district
2008 - 2015
Project on a poultry breeding center
2008 - 2020
Project on evacuation of people from natural disaster-hit areas
The whole province
2007 - 2010
Project on investment in tea development
The whole province
Project on rural infrastructure
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Project on irrigation development planning
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Project on aquatic resource development planning
The whole province
2007 - 2020
Project on rural population planning and redistribution
The whole province
2007 -2020
Commerce and tourism
Project on My Lam mineral spring tourist resort
Yen Son district
Project on Na Hang eco-tourism site
Na Hang district
2007 - 2015
Project on Tan Trao national cultural-historical and ecological tourism site
Son Duong district
2007 -2015
Project on Kim Binh historical relic
Chiem Hoa district
2007 - 2020
Building tourist and entertainment centers
The whole province
2007- 2020
Building new markets and trade centers and upgrading existing ones
The whole province
2007 - 2020
WB-funded project
Districts and towns
2007 - 2020
ADB-funded project
Districts and towns
2007 - 2020
Project on building national highway 37
2007 - 2010
Project on building national highway 2
2007 - 2010
Project on building national highway 279
2007 - 2010
Project on Ho Chi Minh road
2008 - 2015
Project on Yen Bai - Tuyen Quang - Thai Nguyen railway
2008 - 2020
Project on provincial roads
Districts and towns
2008 - 2020
District roads
Districts and towns
2008 - 2020
Project on internal roads and urban roads
Districts and towns
2008 - 2020
Project on rural roads
Districts and towns
2008 - 2020
Project on waterway transport from Viet Tri to the downstream area of the Tuyen Quang hydropower plant
2008 - 2015
Tu Quan bridge
Yen Son district
2008 - 2010
Xuan Van bridge
Yen Son district
2009 - 2015
Hop Thanh bridge
Son Duong district
2009 - 2015
Kim Xuven bridge
Son Duong district
2008 - 2015
Project on supply of urban daily-life water
Districts and towns
2008 - 2010
Project on water drainage systems in urban areas, industrial parks and clusters
Districts, towns and industrial parks
2008 - 2010
Project on building the province’s public square
Tuyen Quang town
2008 -2010
Division and adjustment of administrative boundaries of existing districts and establishment of new districts
2008 - 2015
Project on Phu An new urban center
Tuyen Quang town
2008 - 2015
Project on upgrading general education schools
105 schools
2007 - 2010
Project on upgrading the medical secondary school
Tuyen Quang town
2007 -2010
Project on upgrading the economic-technical secondarv school
Yen Son district
2008 - 2010
Project on upgrading multi-purpose and dormitories of the teachers training school
Yen Son district
2008 - 2010
Project on investment in building a provincial boarding upper secondary school for ethnic minoritv pupils
Tuyen Quang town
2007 - 2010
Project on building standard schools within the program on building of permanent schools and classrooms
The whole province
2008 -2010
Project on building standard classrooms, practice laboratories and libraries
2007 - 2010
Culture, information, physical training and sports
Project on a provincial convention center
Tuven Quang town
A provincial sport complex
Tuyen Quang town
2007 - 2015
Project on building the provincial museum
Tuyen Quang town
2007 - 2009
Project on conservation and promotion of intansible cultures
Districts and towns
2008 - 2010
Project on building a provincial general science library
Tuyen Quang town
2008 - 2015
Project on restoration and embellishment of historical and revolutionary relics of the North Vietnam resistance base
Son Duong, Yen Son and Chiem Hoa districts
2008 - 2010
Project on restoration and embellishment of the historical relic of the Government
Son Duong district
2007 - 2010
Project on upgrading of Tan Trao former resistance base museum
Son Duong district
Project on investment in building cultural, information and sports centers of districts and towns
Districts and towns
2008 - 2015
A provincial entertainment center for youth and children
Tuyen Quang town
2007 - 2009
Project on entertainment centers for children in districts and towns
Districts and towns
2008 - 2020
Radio and television broadcasting
Investment in development of material and technical foundations of the whole branch
2008 - 2020
A general hospital of Tuyen Quang province
Tuyen Quang town
A hospital for tuberculosis and pneumonic diseases
Tuyen Quang town
2008 - 2010
A national medicine hospital
Tuyen Quang town
2007 - 2020
The My Lam mineral spring hospital
Yen Son district
A social disease prevention and control center
Tuyen Quang town
2008 - 2010
A preventive medicine center of Tuyen Quang province
Tuyen Quang town
2008 -2010
Hospitals of districts
2008 - 2015
Preventive medicine centers of districts
2008 -2015
Yen Hoa hospital
Na Hane district
2007 - 2010
The hospital of the former resistance zone
Son Duone district
2008 - 2010
Kim Xuven hospital
Son Duong district
2008 - 2010 •
Polyclinics of communes
All communes
2008 - 2020
Commune health stations
All communes
2008 - 2015
Project on investment in family and children counseling centers
Districts and towns
2007 - 2010
Labor and social affairs
Project on upgrading the system of schools and job-training establishments
Districts and towns
2007 - 2015
Project on building a provincial medical treatment - education - labor and social affairs center
Yen Son district
2008 - 2010
Other projects
Project on investment in socio-economic development of the former revolutionary base of Tuyen Quang province (under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 148/2007/QD-TTg of September 10. 2007)
19 communes in the former resistance zone of Son Duong. Yen Son and Chiem Hoa districts
2007 - 2010
Note: Locations, sizes and total investment capital amounts of projects will be specifically calculated, selected and determined at the stage of formulation and submission for approval of investment projects and suitable to localities’ needs and capability to balance and mobilize resources.-
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