Decision No. 04/2001/QD-TTg dated January 10, 2001 of the Prime Minister approving the readjusted general planning on building Hai Phong city up to 2020

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Decision No. 04/2001/QD-TTg dated January 10, 2001 of the Prime Minister approving the readjusted general planning on building Hai Phong city up to 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:04/2001/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:10/01/2001Effect status:

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Independence- Freedom - Happiness

No: 04/2001/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 10, 2001





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of theGovernment of September 30, 1992;

Pursuant to the Regulation on Management of UrbanPlanning, issued together with the Governments Decree No. 91/CP of August 17,1994;

At the proposals of the Peoples Committee of HaiPhong city in Official Dispatch No. 58/TT-UB of December 19, 2000 and of theConstruction Ministry in Official Dispatch No. 2355/BXD-KTQH of December 20,2000,


Article 1.-To approve the readjusted General Planning on Building Hai Phong cityup to 2020 with the following principal contents:

1. Objectives:

Determining the position and functions of Hai Phong city in itssocio-economic development relations with the whole country and northern keyeconomic region with a view to contributing to stepping up theindustrialization and modernization; combining urban construction with nationalsecurity and defense, renovation with new construction in order to step by stepbuild Hai Phong city into a modern city strong with national identity,maintaining its role as an urban center of national magnitude.

2. Scope of study and orientation for spatial development:

The planning scope covers the entire administrative boundaries of HaiPhong city with the area of around 1,520 and the areas in northern keyeconomic region which affect the citys economic development, with the area ofaround 4,000

3. Character:

a/ Hai Phong city is an urban center of national magnitude; one ofindustrial, trade, service and tourist centers of the whole country and thenorthern coastal region as well;

b/ It is a port city, the northern provinces main gate to the sea; theimportant communication hub of the North and the whole country;

c/ It is an administrative, political, economic, cultural, scientificand technical center occupying an important position for national security anddefense.

4. Population size:

By 2020, Hai Phong citys urban population will size up 1,350,000, ofwhich 1,100,000 will live in the central city; and around 250,000 in thesatellite towns of Minh Duc, Do Son, Nui Deo, An Lao, Kien Thuy, Cat Ba andother townships.

5. Land size:

a/ By 2005: Land area for urban construction will be around 7,359 hawith the norm of 103.6 sq.m/person, of which civil-use land area - around 3,202ha with the norm of 70 sq.m/person.

b/ By 2020: Land area for urban construction will be around 16,000 hawith the norm of 145.4 sq.m/person, of which civil-use land area - 6,875 hawith the norm of 68.5 sq.m/person.

6. Orientation for spatial development and urban landscape architecture:

a/ Orientation for the city development:

To develop and renovate the inner city area on the basis of thoroughlyexploiting the land funds left unused or used with less efficiency, to combineexpansion with development of the city to the vicinity, especially areas northof Cam river, northwest and southeast regions, areas along National Highway 14and coastal area east of the city.

b/ On division of functional areas:

- The population areas shall comprise:

+ Areas restricted to development, comprising old streets in the citysheart, built before 1954; limited from To Hieu - Le Loi, Nguyen Trai Road toCam river; part of Kien An district center.

- The construction of high-rises in these areas should be limited inorder to avoid infrastructure overload; to step by step relocate a number ofthe polluting plants, enterprises and warehouses; to reduce population size,increase the land use norm and improve urban environment.

+ Expanded development areas, comprising 7 communes of An Hai district,south of the city, namely Trang Cat, Dong Hai, Nam Hai, Dang Lam, Dang Hai, DuHang Kenh and Vinh Niem; those southwest of the city, including Kien An district,those northwest of the city, including 2 wards in Hong Bang district and thecommunes of An Hai district; the new urban area north of Cam river, includingthe communes of Thuy Nguyen district.

- Industrial parks and warehouses:

Total industrial land area will be 2,400 ha, comprising the followingparks:

+ West-Northwest Industrial Park: 363 ha, of which Nomura Park occupies153 ha and Vat Cach Industrial Park, 210 ha, for the development of high-tech,steel and mechanical engineering industries and warehousing services.

+ Thuong Ly-So Dau Industrial Park (Hong Bang district): 150 ha, for thedevelopment of industries, port and warehousing services, wharf, buildingmaterials, petrol and oil processing, and light industry.

+ Quan Tru Industrial Park: 30 ha, for the development of foodstuffprocessing industry, light industry, electronic assembly, packings production,fine art articles, mechanical engineering products, textiles and garments.

+ Cong Doi-Van Trang Industrial Park: 25 ha, for the development ofbuilding materials industry and light industry.

+ Tien Hoi Industrial Park: 20 ha, for the development of buildingmaterials industry and light industry.

+ Dong Hai Industrial Park: 300 ha, for the development of export goodsprocessing industry, mechanical engineering products, electronic assembly andchemicals.

+ Dinh Vu Industrial Park: 937 ha, for the development of industries,seaport, warehousing, and wharf services for the port.

+ Minh Duc-Trang Kenh Industrial Park (Thuy Nguyen district): 100 ha, forthe development of building materials industry, chemicals industry and cementproduction.

+ Ben Rung Industrial Park: 405 ha, for the development of oldship-demolishing industry, liquefied gas, thermo-electricity, ship-buildingindustry and similar products.

+ Vinh Niem Industrial Park: 20 ha, for the development of medium- andsmall-size industrial enterprises for mechanical engineering, electronicassembly and consumer goods production.

+ Hai Thanh Industrial Park: 50 ha, for the development of cleanindustries: footwear production, electronic assembly, products in service oftourism and home appliances.

- System of centers:

+ Service center system: will be organized into different levels fordaily, regular and irregular services. Irregular service works (city level)will be arranged scatteredly; regular service works will be arranged inassociation with central system of the urban areas (districts) and residentialareas; daily service works will be arranged in association with residentialquarters.

+ Administrative-political center of the city: will, in the immediatefuture, be arranged at the existing establishments in Hong Bang district; alongHoang Van Thu-Cau Dat-Lach Tray road; central stretch from the port to Satmarket; in the future, it will be arranged in the new urban center north of Camriver.

+ Tourist, rest and recreation, and entertainment areas:

Inner city area: comprising An Bien central park of 40 ha; Dong Khe parkof 100 ha; Du Hang park and northern Cam river park (Tan Duong-Vu Yen) of 600ha; Thien Van hilly forest park (Kien An) of 100 ha.

Vicinity area: comprising 3 areas: green tree - physical training andsports - historical relics, namely Dinh Vu area; Nui Voi area (An Lao) andphysical training and sports center toward National Highway 14; Hai Phongcultural village in Do Son.

Convalescence tourist sites and nature preservation areas on theoutskirts, comprising: Bac Thuy Nguyen scenery area (Gia river); Do Son touristarea; Cat Ba island tourist site, in combination with Cat Ba primary forest andHa Long Bay.

- Specialized centers:

+ Residential areas for foreigners: Apart from the existing workingestablishments on Ho Xuan Huong street, when necessary, a number of areas shallbe additionally arranged on Van Cao street, Lach Tray street, Nga Nam-Cat Biairport road and the new urban area north of Cam river.

+ Training schools, research institutes and State agenciesheadquarters: Universities shall be arranged fromNguyen Binh Khiem road to Rao bridge on Lach Tray road. Vocational and teacherstraining schools shall be arranged in Kien An.Research institutes shall be arranged towards National Highway 14 (the Raobridge - Do Son section). State management agencies, including those ofnational security and defense forces, should be re-arranged in order to avoidtheir current scatteredness along Nga Nam - Cat Bi airport road, Ho Sen road toRao bridge No. 2 and in new urban areas.

+ Health, convalescence and sanatorium centers: Vietnam - Czechoslovakiahospital is a city-level health center, which provides hospitalization forforeigners. It will be upgraded and expanded toward the detention camp. In thefuture, it will be moved to other suitable location on the outskirts. A numberof regional-level specialized convalescence and treatment hospitals will bebuilt.

+ Physical training and sports centers: The existing central stadium inthe old urban quarter will be upgraded and perfected for accommodating between15,000 and 20,000 people. A regional-level sports complex up to internationalstandard shall be formulated on an area of around 70 ha, linking to Hai Phong -Do Son road. Physical training and sports centers of between 5 and 10 ha eachwill be arranged in urban areas.

+ National security and defense areas: On the basis of the areas withnational security and defense works, the Ministry of Public Security and theMinistry of Defense shall elaborate planning for military and security zones inline with the readjusted General Planning and the national security and defenserequirements and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval.

+ It is necessary to protect the citys green belts being agriculturalland area surrounding the central city for environmental protection and urbanecological balance; coastal submerged protection tree zone along NationalHighway 14 - Do Son route; green tree zone for the protection of urbanimportant technical infrastructure projects such as the areas close toriver-spanning bridges, National Highway 5, National Highway 10 and Cat Bi airportsbase-turn.

c/ On urban architecture and landscape:

- With regard to the area restricted to development (old inner cityarea): It is necessary to preserve and embellish cultural and historical relicsand valuable architectural works; to renovate and upgrade infrastructures,expand the tree planting area and the public-facility area; it is possible tobuild a number of high-rises at appropriate locations, but without affectingthe citys traditional cultural pictureand environment; to move to the suburban areas the polluting industrial,cottage industry and handicraft establishments and warehouses; to step by stepimprove the urban environment;

- With regard to the area expanded for urban development: To protect anddevelop the system of green trees, reservoirs and vast water surface along Camriver, Lach Tray river, Bach Dang river, coastal area, National Highway 14, DoSon town, Nui Deo, Nui Voi and Cat Ba with a view to creating vast greencorridors for the city.

- To develop new and modern urban areas with synchronous and rationalinfrastructure system with high percentages of green tree area and prioritizeland for creation of vast open space; to develop high-rises in central areasand on main roads in order to increase the percentages of above-ground floorsand reduce the construction density, and at the same time to urbanize theexisting villages, in association with the structure of the citys GeneralPlanning.

- The suburban area: To develop into advanced agricultural productionzone, in combination with the construction of recreation and entertainmentareas meeting peoples demands.

7. On the communication and technical infrastructure planning:

a/ On communication planning:

By 2020, land area for communication infrastructure construction,including both dynamic and static communications, must reach the average levelof 17 sq.m/person with the percentage of 11.6% of the urban construction land.

- Land roads:

+ To renovate and expand national highways to the city: National Highway5 through Hai Phong city, from km 77+650 to Dinh Vu, into grade-I urban mainstreet. National Highway 10, in the future, will be grade-2 delta road on thewhole route.

+ To renovate, upgrade and perfect the following belt lines:

Belt line I: Thuong Ly - Bach Dang - Nguyen Tri Phuong - Hoang Dieu - LeThanh Tong - Le Lai - To Hieu;

Belt line II coinciding with the National Highway 5 section: Thuong Ly -Du Hang Kenh - Chua Ve;

Belt line III: Minh Duc - Vat Cach - Kien An - Do Son - Dinh Vu - MinhDuc.

+ To complete the network of centripetal urban roads, including theroute from the new urban area north of Cam river through Nui Deo to Ben Rung;Hai Phong - Do Son road; Cau Niem - Kien An - Vinh Bao road; Chua Ve T-junction- Dinh Vu - Cat Ba road; Nga Ba Xi Mang along National Highway 5 to Hanoi.

+ To renovate and build the system of inner city roads according to theplanning.

- Railways:

+ Basically, they are in line with Hai Phong citys General Planning approved by the Prime Minister in1993, including the railways connected with the port system, namely: Vat Cach,Hoang Dieu, Chua Ve, Dinh Vu, Minh Duc Industrial Park and northern Cam rivernew urban area.

+ Shunting station: will be arranged in Cam Lo;

+ Passenger station: remains in the existing location;

+ Railways comprising: single-track Hanoi - Hai Phong railway, land willbe reserved for its expansion into double-track one when necessary; railwayleading to the inner city being the one running North in parallel with HoangDieu road, overhead through two bridges spanning Thuong Ly and Tam Bac rivers;railway leading to the new urban area north of Cam river, across the Cam riverto Minh Duc Industrial Park; railway to Do Son when Southern Do Son deep-waterport is built.

- Waterways:

+ Seaways: To develop Hai Phong port clusters, in close association withNortheastern port cluster. To study the construction of a deep-water port atappropriate location for ships of 30,000-50,000 tons, meeting the economic,technical and environmental hygiene requirements, in rational association withthe structure of the citys GeneralPlanning.

To build new navigable lanes for 10,000 ton-ships entering Hai Phongport through Lach Huyen - Cai Trap channel into Bach Dang river, ensuring thewater depth of 7.7 m.

+ Riverways: To invest in dredging and maintaining the depth, ensuringthe smooth navigation according to technical grades on grade I - grade IV riverlines; to dredge, embank and build roads along Thuong Ly, Tam Bac and Camrivers; to elaborate detailed planning on Hai Phong river communication systemin line with the national riverway communication planning; to build the systemof Vinh Niem and Kien An river ports; passenger ports to Cat Ba, Cat Hai, QuangNinh and passenger port from Cau Niem to Thai Binh and Nam Ha.

- Airways:

+ To upgrade Cat Bi airport into an international one of coastal regionlevel with the area of 600 ha; the runway size of 3,200 m; and more than 2million passengers/year.

+ To build tourist airports in Cat Ba and Do Son; to maintain Kien Anmilitary airport.

b/ On technical and land preparation:

- To ensure the planned foundation slanting degree of between 0.001 and0.002 for convenient water drainage;

- Height of the construction foundation: from +4.2 to +4.7 m for oldurban areas; +5.0m or more for riverside land areas where ports and industrialestablishments and/or warehouses, storing yards are planned for construction.

- Rain water drainage: For old urban areas, rain water and waste waterare drained together, then will be gradually drained separately when conditionspermit; for new urban areas and industrial parks, rain water and waste waterdrainage systems shall be separated.

c/ On water supply:

- Water source to be supplied for the central city shall be the surfacewater source of An Kim Hai system in Vat Cach, supplied from Sai, Da Do and Giarivers.

- By 2005, the daily-life water norm of 150 liters/person/day shall besupplied for 90% of urban population; by 2020, 180 liters/person/day for around90-95% of urban population.

d/ On electricity supply:

The electricity source from the national electricity system shall be PhaLai electricity plant, to build Vat Cach and Dinh Vu source stations; torenovate and build transformer stations of 110KV.

e/ On information, post and telecommunications:

To modernize the information and communication network under the projectof the postal service; to complete the regional network of post offices andpublic telephone network; to develop the advanced post and telecommunicationsservices; to strive to reach the figure of between 22 and 24 telephones/100persons by 2020.

f/ On waste water drainage and environmental hygiene:

- Industrial waste water must be treated for each plant of special sizeand characteristics, or to build a treatment station for a cluster ofindustrial parks, ensuring hygienic requirements set by State managementagencies, before it is discharged into rivers or lakes.

- Daily-life waste water in urban centers and hospital waste water mustbe treated thoroughly before they are discharged into channels, ditches, riversor lakes.

- Hygienic burial grounds for solid waste:

+ To exploit the 60-hectare-Trang Cat garbage dump the central city; toexpand the existing Do Son garbage dump to 6 ha; to build new hygienic garbageburial grounds in Xuan Son (An Lao district) with the area of 10 ha; in GiaMinh in service of the new urban area north of Cam river; in Dai Ban commune inservice of Northwest urban area; in the location next to Khue ferry in serviceof Tien Lang and Vinh Bao townships.

- Cemetery: Not to further expand Ninh Hai cemetery; to expand Phi Lietburial cemetery (Thuy Nguyen district).

Article 2.-To assign the Peoples Committeeof Hai Phong city:

-To ratify the design dossier of the readjusted General Planning of HaiPhong city up to 2020, publicize it for the people to know, inspect andimplement; organize the implementation of the above-said Planning according tolaw provisions;

- To promulgate the Regulation on management of architecture and planfor the construction of Hai Phong city after obtaining the consents from theConstruction Ministry;

- To study the scheme on the formation and development of a deep-waterport in Hai Phong city under the guidance of the Ministry of Communications andTransport.

Article 3.-This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.

The president of the Peoples Committee of Hai Phong city, the ministers,the heads of the ministerial-level agencies and the heads of the agenciesattached to the Government shall have to implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung


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