Resolution 50/NQ-CP 2021 Government’s Action Program to implement Resolution of 13th National Party Congress

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Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated May 20, 2021 of the Government on the Government’s Action Program to implement Resolution of 13th National Party Congress
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Official number:50/NQ-CPSigner:Pham Minh Chinh
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:20/05/2021Effect status:

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Fields:Administration , Organizational structure
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No. 50/NQ-CP


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, May 20, 2021



On the Government’s Action Program to implement Resolution of 13th National Party Congress




Pursuant to Resolution of 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam;

Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015, and the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Political Bureau's Directive No. 01-CT/TW dated March 9, 2021, on research, study, thorough understanding, propaganda and implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in documents No. 2485/TTr-BKHDT dated May 3, 2021, No. 2617/BKHDT-CLPT dated May 9, 2021, and unanimous discussion opinions at the Government's regular meeting in April 2021,




To successfully implement the objectives of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress (hereinafter referred to as the 13th Congress’ Resolution), the Government issues an Action Program with the following contents:


1. The Government's action program to implement the 13th Congress’ Resolution clearly shows the main contents and tasks to concretize the viewpoints, guidelines, orientations and related contents of the 13th Congress’ Resolution within the Government's functions, tasks and powers, ensuring compliance with domestic and international situations while meeting the country's development requirements in the subsequent time.

2. The Government's action program shall be used as the basis for ministries, branches and agencies under the Government at the central level and local governments at the provincial level to develop action programs for each ministry, branch, agency as well as locality according to its assigned functions, tasks and powers. Such action program must be organized and implemented in a drastic, synchronous and effective manner, with the highest efforts to contribute to the successful implementation of the country development goals and tasks as set out the 13th Congress’ Resolution, in which:

- By 2025, the year of celebrating the 50th anniversary of complete liberation of the South and unification of the country: Vietnam will be a developing country with modern industry, surpassing the low average income level;

- By 2030, the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding: Vietnam will be a developing country with modern industry and high average income;

- By 2045, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which is now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Vietnam will a developed, high-income country.

3. During implementing the Government's action program, ministries, branches, and agencies at the central and local levels are required to seriously grasp the Party's leadership principles and the motto of “Solidarity - Democracy - Discipline - Creativity - Development” and guiding viewpoints under to the 13th Congress’ Resolution; in which special attention is paid to 6 key tasks and 3 strategic breakthroughs; strengthen the building and rectification of the Party, improve the leadership capacity and fighting power of party organizations and party members; take people and enterprises as the center; build a streamlined State which operates effectively and efficiently associated with streamlining payrolls, improving quality and restructuring the team of cadres, civil servants and public employees throughout the state administrative system, contributing to successfully implement the general goals set out in the 13th Congress’ Resolution: “Improving the Party's leadership capacity, ruling capacity and fighting strength; building a clean and comprehensively strong Party and political system; consolidating and increasing people's trust in the Party, State, and socialist regime; arousing the desire to develop a prosperous and happy country, promoting the will and strength of great national unity combined with the strength of the times; comprehensively and synchronously promoting innovation, industrialization and modernization; as well as building and firmly protecting the Fatherland, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment; at the same time, striving that by the middle of the 21st century, Vietnam will become a developed country, following a socialist orientation.”


1. Focusing on perfecting and improving the quality of socialist-oriented market economy institutions, better solving the relationship between the State, market and society

Building and perfecting the legal framework in general and testing specific, outstanding and competitive mechanisms and policies in particular, in order to promote the process of development, application of science and technology, innovation and digital transformation, digital economy, developing new economic models, creative startups, providing public services, managing and protecting the environment. Continuing to improve institutions to develop various types of markets and market factors, especially markets for land use rights, science, technology, digital economy and digital markets.

Completely perfecting and synchronizing institutions on mobilization, allocation and effective use of resources, promoting investment, production and business. Developing and organizing the implementation of strategies, planning, plans, mechanisms, policies, and allocation of development resources according to market mechanisms. Perfecting and improving institutional quality in order to ensure responsibilities, obligations, and rights accompany each other for three subjects which are the state, people, and enterprises.

Reviewing the document system, removing barriers that limit business freedom, improving and enhancing the quality of the business environment, ensuring healthy competition, equality, transparency and protection of consumer rights. Organizing and effectively implementing the Program to reform regulations related to business activities for the 2020-2025 period. Striving to have Vietnam's business environment ranked among the top 30 countries by 2030.

Promoting the building of e-government, moving towards digital government, digital economy, and digital society in an appropriate, substantive and effective manner.

Amending and improving the state budget management and decentralization mechanism, ensuring publicity, transparency and accountability; which focuses on promoting the leading role of the central budget, especially in ensuring investment resources for developing key infrastructure projects and developing regional links. At the same time, promoting the initiative and innovation of local budgets, creating conditions for local authorities at all levels to be flexible and creative in using legal resources to serve socio-economic development tasks in localities. Continuing to restructure the state budget towards sustainability, increasing the proportion of investment spending, reducing the proportion of regular expenditures, and supporting the effective implementation of socio-economic development goals; strictly implementing the principle of only borrowing for development investment expenditure. Continuing to restructure public debt towards quality, efficiency and sustainability. Creating a stable and safe monetary and banking business environment, encouraging healthy competition, ensuring discipline, respect for the law and respect for market rules.

2. Strongly developing science, technology and innovation to create breakthroughs in improving productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy

Focusing on perfecting institutions, policies and laws in accordance with market mechanisms and international practices to develop science, technology and innovation, and promote the development of new business models, digital economy, digital society. Strongly promoting the development of social sciences and humanities to have a scientific basis to best serve the innovation, economic and social development. Promoting scientific research and technology development activities, focusing on developing priority technologies with high applicability. Developing and organizing the implementation of new policy testing mechanisms, promoting the deployment and application of new technology, digital technology and innovation. Promoting the development of high-quality science and technology human resources, focusing on developing a team of experts, leading scientists, and effective research groups to meet the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and suitable for Vietnamese conditions. Developing and improving the operational efficiency of the national innovation system, creative startup ecosystem, with enterprises at the center. Building institutions and policy mechanisms to form innovation centers and artificial intelligence centers in key regions. Strongly developing the science and technology market associated with building a national database in all fields, especially science and technology. Creating conditions to strengthen business links with research institutes and universities, focusing on improving enterprises' capacity to absorb, master and gradually participate in creating new technologies. Promoting the development of science and technology enterprises, high-tech enterprises, and digital technology enterprises that carry out design, creation and production in Vietnam. Encouraging foreign investment enterprises to form research, development and innovation centers in Vietnam. Strengthening investment, intellectual property management, quality measurement standards and effective application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. Promoting international integration and cooperation in science, technology and innovation, actively attracting participation and contributions from the community of Vietnamese scientists abroad.

3. Developing human resources, providing education and training to meet the high-quality human resource requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and international integration

Promoting the development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources, meeting the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and international integration. Developing a team of leading experts and scientists; focusing on technical human resources, technology management human resources, management human resources, and corporate governance; human resources for social management, life organization, and human care. Continuing to innovate the regime of recruiting, using and appreciating talents in management, state administration, science, technology and innovation. Developing a national strategy to attract and utilize talented people.

Effectively deploying the national education system; diversifying training methods based on the open education model, national qualifications framework, associated with socio-economic development requirements and preparing human resources for digital transformation for the purpose of digital society development.

Developing a network of educational and training institutions across the country to meet the needs of learning and lifelong learning, building a learning society. Developing a strategic framework for higher education development and planning a network of higher education institutions, focusing on teacher training schools and health sector training schools; developing high-quality higher education institutions according to regional and global standards, prioritizing resources to develop technology schools, forming high-quality universities to meet training needs and improve the quality of the country's human resources in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Promoting the formation of strong research groups and establish business models in training institutions, improving the ability to commercialize scientific research products of higher education institutions. Planning a system of specialized education institutions for people with disabilities and a system of centers supporting the development of inclusive education to create conditions for people with disabilities to access equal, quality and guaranteed services and education, ensuring the implementation of social justice.

Diversifying teaching organization forms, focusing on online teaching and learning, via the Internet, television, social activities, extracurricular activities, and scientific research; developing digital skills, implementing digital transformation in education, training and vocational training; innovation and entrepreneurship; school education combined with family education and social education.

Strengthening educational quality accreditation; ranking of universities. Promoting quality implementation of foreign language teaching at all educational levels and training degrees. Strengthening skills education, applying scientific and technical advances, information technology, and digital technology in education and training. Promoting digital transformation in education in order to create a foundation for lifelong learning. Implementing management decentralization, increasing autonomy for university training in line with the world's general trend and piloting autonomy mechanisms for high schools in large cities and places with favorable conditions. Developing the vocational education system in an open, flexible, modern and interconnected direction, especially high-quality colleges and key occupations. Strengthening international integration in education and training, promoting the formation of international education zones in Vietnam. Combining education and training with scientific research and technology transfer in order to create Vietnamese intellectual and creative products.

4. Promoting industrialization, modernization, and economic restructuring associated with innovating growth models, ensuring substance and efficiency; developing the digital economy; promoting rapid, sustainable growth on the basis of macroeconomic stability

Developing national master plans, national sector plans, regional plans, and provincial plans in order to ensure synchronization, feasibility, long-term vision, in accordance with the country's practical conditions to enhance self-reliance, adaptability and resilience of the economy. Promoting the development of a number of key economic sectors and fields with great potential, advantages to serve as a driving force for growth in the spirit of catching up, progressing together and surpassing in some areas in comparison with the region and the world.

Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of macroeconomic management; which focuses on closely, effectively and synchronously coordinating fiscal, monetary, investment, market, price, trade and other policies to consistently achieve the goal of controlling inflation, stabilize the macro economy, ensuring major balances of the economy, creating a foundation for rapid and sustainable development.

Effectively developing and organizing the implementation of the Plan to restructure the economy associated with innovating the growth model for the period 2021-2025. In which, continuing to restructure investment, focusing on public investment associated with improving the efficiency of capital use, focusing on strategic breakthroughs, especially strategic infrastructure. Strengthening decentralization and supervision, inspection and comprehensive innovation of public investment management institutions, appraisal, evaluation and selection of public investment projects. Improving institutions, promoting further and more effective public-private cooperation to effectively mobilize all social resources for infrastructure development and public service provision. Developing an appropriate and effective national financial strategy in the direction of increasing investment and development, saving, combating waste, and reducing regular expenses, especially unnecessary spendings on non-business and administrative investments. Continuing to restructure the system of credit institutions associated with non-performing loan handling. Supporting digital transformation for Vietnamese enterprises, focusing on small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Promote restructuring, equitization, and divestment of ineffective and loss-making enterprises; improving operational efficiency and capital use of state-owned enterprises; basically completing the reorganization of the state-owned enterprise sector. Consolidating and developing a number of large-scale State-owned economic groups, exercising autonomy, improving operational efficiency, with regional and international competitiveness in a number of key industries and economic fields. Innovating and improving the operational efficiency of collective economic organizations and cooperatives associated with promoting ownership, enhancing the benefits of members, and improving the ability to mobilize resources. Continuing to improve institutions to strongly develop the Vietnamese private economic sector in terms of quantity, quality, efficiency, and sustainability, truly becoming an important driving force in economic development. Supporting the private economy to innovate, modernize technology and develop human resources, improving labor productivity. Encouraging the formation and development of large private economic corporations with strong potential and regional and international competitiveness, with a focus on developing high-tech enterprises capable of meeting the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Improving the effectiveness of foreign investment cooperation with focus, and selectivity, with priority given to attracting projects with advanced technology, new technology, high technology, modern management, and innovation capacity, connecting the global supply chain, with a spillover effect, closely and organically connected with the domestic economic sector.

Making a strong transition from agricultural production thinking to agricultural economic thinking. Exploiting and promoting the advantages of tropical agriculture, developing large-scale concentrated commodity agriculture in a modern direction, adapting to climate change. Promoting agricultural restructuring according to 3 key product groups (national, provincial and local levels) and restructuring production by field and region; developing areas specializing in high-quality agricultural products, associated with geographical indications and traceability. Restructuring the rice industry, continuing to firmly ensure national food security; developing key industrial crops and fruit production areas, concentrated vegetable production areas, and food safety. Developing industrial livestock farming, supporting the development of highly efficient, biosafe, and eco-friendly livestock farms and ranches. Developing aquaculture at sea and inland water in the direction of industry, improved extensive farming, and ecology; improving the efficiency of offshore seafood exploitation, developing sustainable ocean fishing; planning for protection and exploitation of aquatic resources. Improving the quality of planted forests with focus given on developing large timber forests and specialty forests to basically meet the needs of domestic forest products and export processing. Strengthening the application and transfer of science and technology, especially high technology and post-harvest processing technology; along with innovating forms of production organization in order to promote digital transformation, digital economy and circular economy in agriculture. Developing the market, promoting consumption of key and potential products.

Continuing to focus on restructuring the industry, shifting the structure within the industry to industries with high technology content, large export value and reasonably moving to stages with high added value in the value chain; linking production with industrial service development. Improving the national production innovation system towards improving technology levels, innovation and digital transformation to effectively exploit the Fourth Industrial Revolution and commercial advantages; restructuring industries that consume a lot of resources and energy, especially the foreign investment sector to reduce energy intensity; encouraging harmony, rationality, and multi-faceted efficiency to develop environmental industries, renewable energy, clean energy, and industries that consume less raw materials with socially and environmentally effect. Focusing on comprehensively developing foundation industries such as electricity, coal, oil and gas, steel, mechanical engineering, and processing; supporting industry. Restructuring industrial parks to form specialized industrial clusters based on the ability to connect value chains and competitiveness of industries; modernizing local handicraft production.

Implementing the overall strategy for developing Vietnam's service industries. Promoting the restructuring of service industries based on modern technology and digital technology, developing new types of services, and building service ecosystems in the fields of finance, banking, and insurance, legal, medical, tourism, education - training, information and communication, safety, cyber security, logistics and transportation, distribution, etc. Applying international standards to accounting, auditing, commercial banking activities, etc. Promoting the development of rural digital economy, digital transformation of postal, delivery and logistics enterprises. Improving export quality by increasing the export proportion of goods with deep processing content, high technology and goods with a high localization rate associated with expanding export scale for effective exploitation of signed free trade agreements. Developing and effectively deploying tools to control import activities to protect domestic production and consumer interests, limiting cross-border pollution and fraudulent trade practices in accordance with international commitments participated by Vietnam. Promoting the development of domestic trade in a modern direction associated with organizing and implementing programs to stimulate domestic consumption and the Program for Vietnamese people to prioritize using Vietnamese goods. Promoting trade promotion activities associated with national brand building. Promoting restructuring of the tourism industry, ensuring professionalism and modernity; strongly applying the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to tourism development. Focusing on linking the tourism industry with other industries and fields in the value chain to form tourism products so that tourism truly becomes a key economic sector.

5. Developing infrastructure, regional economy, marine economy, taking urban areas as the driving force for regional development and promoting new rural construction

Infrastructure development: Continuing to build a synchronous infrastructure system to implement a breakthrough in the country's socio-economic development strategy. Developing a development plan for infrastructure sectors in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. Focusing on investing in large-scale national key infrastructure projects, especially in transportation and energy and digital infrastructure. Promoting public-private cooperation, in which the implementation at central and local levels are carried out together and on the principle that the province where the road passes through must arrange capital and site clearance, the State shall support construction costs as bait capital for in order to strive to basically complete the North-South Expressway in the East from Lang Son to Ca Mau by 2025 in areas that promote high economic efficiency, focusing on developing expressways in the Mekong Delta region, South Central region to Central Highlands; completing phase 1 of Long Thanh International Airport; striving to implement the entire 1,700 km coastal road from Quang Ninh to Ca Mau, with priority given to completing the coastal section in the Mekong Delta. By 2030, the country strives to have about 5,000 km of expressways; develop seaports and inland waterways in the Mekong Delta region; deploy research to build a number of North-South high-speed railway sections. Investing in improving the capacity of infrastructure systems to respond to climate change. Completing the construction and upgrading of key irrigation works and water reservoirs to ensure safety and security of water sources to serve production and people's lives. Strongly developing reasonable energy sources, promoting the development of renewable energy and clean energy in a reasonable manner. Making synchronous and modern development of cultural and social infrastructure. Developing and promoting the implementation of the National Strategy for developing the digital economy and digital society, and the National Data Strategy.

Regional economic development: Developing regional plans to 2030, with a vision to 2050 in an integrated, multi-sectoral direction, for the best promotion of the specific advantages of each region and locality, and strengthening connectivity intra-regionally and inter-regionally to participate in global value chains, creating new development space. Developing specific mechanisms and policies to promote regional development, regional linkages and strong enough regional economic development coordination institutions. Improving operational efficiency and innovate management mechanisms and development models of high-tech zones, economic zones, industrial zones, tourist zones, and centralized information technology zones in the spirit of maximum decentralization and strengthening supervision and inspection associated with urbanization to become a driving force for regional development. Selecting a number of locations, urban areas, and regions with special advantages to build economic and financial centers with specific institutions, mechanisms, and policies that are groundbreaking and highly internationally competitive.

Marine economic development: Developing the national maritime space planning, the overall planning on the exploitation and sustainable use of coastal resources. Completing the integrated and unified management mechanism of the sea as well as improving the effectiveness of law enforcement at sea.          Promoting the development of marine economic sectors, especially tourism, marine services, maritime economy, exploitation of oil and gas and other marine mineral resources, aquaculture and offshore seafood exploitation, coastal industry marine, renewable energy and new marine economic sectors. Effectively implementing measures to prevent and prevent coastal erosion, protect and develop mangrove forests, and limit the impact of high tides and saltwater intrusion. Organizing and implementing the Strategy for sustainable exploitation and use of resources and protection of the sea and island environment. Developing marine economic clusters associated with building strong marine economic centers. Reviewing and implementing the planning of the fishing port system and storm shelter areas for fishing vessels. Establishing new marine protected areas and restoring marine ecosystems. Building a national network of monitoring and supervision of marine resources and environment; developing a fleet of marine investigation, survey and research vessels.

Urban development: Perfecting institutions, policies and management tools to control the urbanization process closely linked with the process of industrialization, modernization and rural development, according to planning and plan. Developing mechanisms and policies to promote the development of a harmonious urban system, suitable to the potential and advantages of each region and locality; developing regional urban centers; forming a number of smart urban chains in key economic regions. Improving the efficiency of integrated development of urban areas towards inclusive growth, smart cities, green cities, civilized cities, with identities, leading the development of science and technology and innovation activities. Innovating and improving the quality of urban planning. Developing a synchronous and modern urban infrastructure system, closely linked with the regional infrastructure system. Developing a transparent mechanism for evaluating land and real estate values according to market mechanisms. Developing housing in the direction of improving quality, ensuring a living environment and synchronous infrastructure.

New rural construction: Promoting the development of industry, services and rural occupations, shifting economic structure and labor structure in rural areas. Strongly attracting enterprises to invest in rural areas. Continuing to implement the National Target Program on building new rural areas in the direction associated with urbanization, ensuring substance, depth, efficiency and sustainability; carrying out construction of advanced new rural areas, model new rural areas and construction of new rural areas at village and hamlet levels. Focusing on building a synchronous infrastructure system, closely connected with the process of industrialization and urbanization. Organizing the implementation of the National Strategy for clean water supply and rural environmental sanitation; building a bright - green - clean - beautiful and safe rural landscape; focusing on treating environmental pollution, especially waste and wastewater.

6. Developing culture and society, realizing progress and social justice; constantly improving the material and spiritual lives of the people

Building a comprehensive cultural environment in families, schools, communities, in party and state agencies, unions and businesses so that culture can truly be a driving force and breakthrough in socio-economic development. Building mechanisms to encourage and create conditions for all people to promote their creative freedom in economic and social life. Promoting the role of family, community and society. Paying attention to investing properly in cultural development, gradually narrowing the gap in cultural enjoyment between urban and rural areas, between regions and social classes. Promoting the development of a number of cultural industries to promote the image of the country and people of Vietnam and contribute positively to economic growth and job creation for people.

Continuing to implement the National Target Program for sustainable poverty reduction, supporting people to improve their quality of life, narrowing the gap in living standards and income of the poor and disadvantaged groups compared to the general average of the country. Focusing on basically solving housing needs for people, especially poor households, officials, civil servants, public employees, industrial park workers and social policy beneficiaries with housing-related difficulties. Completing the eradication of simple and unstable houses across the country.

Improving the health and stature of Vietnamese people, increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of the race; taking solutions to overcome the trend of population aging. Enhancing physical strength of young people. Strongly developing physical education and sports, combining movement sports and high-performance, ethnic and modern sports. Developing appropriate policies and mechanisms to foster and develop talent, bring Vietnamese sports to a high position in the region, and gradually approach the continent and the world in the subjects that Vietnam has advantages in. Shifting the focus of population policy from family planning to population and development. Focusing on developing a number of specialized medical centers, building a number of medical examination and treatment facilities of regional and international stature. Promoting smart health based on effective use of digital health platforms. Improving the quality of forecasting, monitoring, detecting, controlling and preventing effectively, preventing major epidemics from occurring, promptly responding to emergency issues and environmental incidents, and ensuring security medical. Developing medicinal materials, pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment; improving research capacity and proactively producing vaccines and patent drugs. Strongly innovating grassroots medical work and training medical human resources.

Carrying out overall, systematic and synchronous reform of wage policy in the direction of complying with the principle of distribution according to labor and the objective laws of the market economy, taking increased labor productivity as the basis for increasing wages. Deploying the Labor Market Development Support Program; perfecting the labor market information system, improving forecast quality to improve the effectiveness of connecting labor supply and demand and the quality of employment services; issuing mechanisms and policies to guide open labor movement and reasonable distribution of labor by region. Implementing reform of social insurance policy; increasing the proportion of working-age workers participating in social insurance and unemployment insurance.

Implementing well the preferential policy for people with meritorious services; promoting gratitude activities. Planning a system of nurturing and nursing facilities for people with meritorious services to the revolution. Continuing to well implement social security policies, especially for the weak and poor. Innovating approaches, strengthening coordination, integration, prioritize resources, and promoting socialization in the field of social assistance. Implementing synchronously and comprehensively solutions for youth development, gender equality and the advancement of women. Creating a safe, friendly and healthy living environment for children to develop comprehensively, ensuring better implementation of children's rights. Providing protection and care for, and promoting the role of the elderly.

Implementing well the goal of religious unity and great national unity. Ensuring everyone's right to freedom of belief and religion in accordance with law. Organizing the effective implementation of the Ethnic Affairs Strategy for the 2021-2030 period, the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the 2021-2030 period.

Improving quality, ensuring security and safety of information, press, Internet and publishing systems; strengthening cyberspace management capacity and maintain national sovereignty in cyberspace. Building key press agencies and multimedia communications complexes that are strong enough to master the information front. Innovating and creating in foreign information, promoting communications to increase national image rankings.

7. Performing effective management and use of resources; strengthening environmental protection and responding to climate change; preventing, combating and mitigating natural disasters and impacts of epidemics

Exploiting and using effectively and sustainably national resources (land, water, minerals) according to market principles. Developing the market, promoting the commercialization of land use rights, increasing land use rights registration and applying market-based land valuation to ensure openness and transparency. Ensuring national water source security and safety of dams and reservoirs; strengthening international cooperation on the use of cross-border water resources. Developing and effectively implementing the national geological basic investigation plan for minerals.

Strictly implementing and improving the quality of environmental and strategic environmental impact assessments. Preventing and controlling sources of environmental pollution. Significantly improving environmental pollution in urban areas, industrial clusters, craft villages, river basins, and rural areas. Developing national biodiversity conservation planning; carrying out inventory, monitoring, reporting and building a biodiversity database. Applying remote sensing to serve socio-economic development, including building a national remote sensing image database; applying remote sensing in agriculture and rural development, construction planning and development management according to planning, transportation, industry and trade. Organizing and implementing national environmental protection strategies and planning, focusing on the marine and island environment. Organizing and implementing the National Strategy on Green Growth and the National Strategy on Biodiversity; deploying the policy of planting 1 billion trees in the next 5 years. Implementing the Carbon Market Development Project in Vietnam. Developing a national environmental monitoring master plan; national hydro-meteorological station network master plan.

Proactively monitoring and responding effectively to climate change; green economic development, less waste, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, low carbon; encouraging the development of circular economic models for integrated and efficient use of output from the production process. Improving the resilience and ability to adapt to climate change of the infrastructure system and the economy; taking smart solutions for adaptation in agriculture, fisheries and forest development. Focusing on upgrading infrastructure and improving natural disaster prevention and control capacity. Proactively responding and minimizing risks caused by climate change, especially drought, saltwater intrusion, riverbank and coastal erosion, floods, and flash floods. Continuing to implement drastically, synchronously and effectively Resolution No. 120/NQ-CP on sustainable and climate-resilient development of the Mekong River delta. Focusing on building planning for natural disaster prevention and control and irrigation; implementing well the national strategy on natural disaster prevention and control, the national natural disaster prevention and control master program, and the national strategy on climate change.

8. Consolidating and strengthening national defense, ensuring national security, maintaining social order and safety; resolutely and persistently fighting to firmly protect national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity

Closely combining economic, cultural and social development with consolidating and strengthening national defense and security in each territory, in strategic areas, borders, seas, islands, and international economic-defense zones. Implementing programs and plans to develop the marine economy and coastal areas in association with ensuring national defense and security, strengthening the construction of economic and defense zones at sea and offshore islands; developing programs to support fishermen in the sea and offshore fishing, creating conditions for defense, protection, control and protection of the sea. Supplementing defense and security content in the planning of regions and regions of strategic importance to national defense and security.

Combining economics with defense and security in managing and protecting sovereignty over sea and island borders. Implementing the overall master plan for national defense arrangement and economic and defense zone planning associated with socio-economic development. Promoting the development of defense and security industry in a dual-use direction, becoming increasingly modern, with high levels of science and technology, becoming an important part and becoming a spearhead of national industry; restructuring, innovating and improving the efficiency of military enterprises. Be ready to effectively respond to traditional and non-traditional security challenges, ensuring the prevention, response, and overcoming of consequences of natural disasters, catastrophes, and consequences of war; strengthening fire and explosion prevention and fighting and search and rescue. Organizing and implementing the national security protection strategy and cyber security strategy.

Actively fighting against "peaceful evolution", "riots and overthrow", preventing manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally; ensuring economic security, information and communication security, network security, social security and human security. Harmoniously handling ethnic, religious, and social issues, avoiding information security "hot spots" from occurring. Strengthening prevention and promptly fighting and effectively suppressing all types of crimes; ensuring social order and safety; strengthening prevention of traffic accidents, fires and explosions. Strengthening international cooperation on defense and security, and effectively performing the task of participating in peacekeeping of the United Nations.

9. Improving the effectiveness of foreign affairs, integration and Vietnam's position and reputation in the international arena

Proactively participating, actively contributing, and enhancing Vietnam's role in building and shaping multilateral institutions. Making the most of the opportunities brought by the integration process, especially signed free trade agreements; focusing on improving integration capacity, especially at regional and local levels, enhancing capacity, resources and national trade defense measures, resolving international trade and investment disputes. Taking advantage of the favorable international environment to improve integration capacity and the level of benefits from integration.

Improving the effectiveness of foreign affairs, closely associating proactive and positive international integration with strengthening synchronous and modern institutional capacity. Promoting and elevating multilateral diplomacy, closely combining it with bilateral diplomacy, and effectively carrying out international responsibilities, especially in ASEAN, the United Nations and cooperation frameworks in the Asia-Pacific; which summarizes 30 years of Vietnam participating in ASEAN cooperation (1995-2025) and directions for participating in ASEAN cooperation in the following years. Maintaining a peaceful and stable environment at sea; resolving disputes by peaceful means on the basis of international law, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Resolving remaining issues related to land borders with neighboring countries.

Building economic diplomacy to serve development, taking people, localities and enterprises as the service center. Protecting the legitimate interests of the State, enterprises and people of Vietnam in international economic, trade and investment disputes. Strengthening and improving the effectiveness of applying new communication technology and social networks in foreign information. Proactively and effectively deploying the protection of Vietnamese citizens abroad; strongly deploying the work of Vietnamese people abroad to actively contribute to the cause of building and developing the country.

10. Continuing to promote Party building and rectification; building a socialist rule-of-law state that creates development, integrity, and action; promoting prevention and combat of corruption, practice thrift, combating waste, and creating breakthroughs in administrative reform

Appreciating Party work, improving leadership capacity and fighting power of each party organization. Building a streamlined government apparatus that operates effectively and efficiently.

Accelerating the promulgation of laws to directly implement the 2013 Constitution. Clearly defining the roles, positions, functions, tasks and powers of state agencies, and effectively performing the functions of the State, properly resolving the relationship between the State and the market. Promoting the improvement of the law in association with improving the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement, building a unified, synchronous, feasible, open, transparent, stable and powerful legal system with international competition, taking the legitimate rights and interests of the people as the center, promoting innovation, ensuring the requirements of sustainable economic, social, defense and security development in new situations.

Focusing on social development management; improving social security and social welfare, protecting and assisting vulnerable people in the market economy. Continuing to arrange, reform and widely deploy the autonomy and self-responsibility mechanism of public service units; promoting the provision of public administrative services according to the market mechanism, promoting the socialization of public administrative services. Promoting the development of the public service market and strongly attracting all types of economic participation. Effectively deploying the innovation project to implement the single window, inter-agency single-window mechanism and the public administrative service center model in handling administrative procedures in the 2021-2025 period.

Developing and effectively implementing the State Administrative Reform Master Program for 2021-2030 and modernizing the national administration. Perfecting the organization of the government apparatus at all levels associated with streamlining payrolls, improving quality, and restructuring the team of civil servants and public employees to ensure effective and efficient operations. Promoting and improving the mechanism of decentralization, decentralization, and authorization, ensuring unified management, effectiveness, and operational efficiency. At the same time, promoting initiative, creativity, and promoting the sense of responsibility of each level and each sector associated with the power control mechanism. Expanding democracy with strengthening discipline.

Building a team of officials, civil servants and public employees with good moral qualities, strong political courage and high professionalism. Clearly defining and promoting the responsibilities of the leader; taking a mechanism to encourage and arouse the spirit of dedication to the country, creating motivation and pressure for all carders, civil servants and public employees to best complete their assigned tasks and wholeheartedly serve the people; taking a mechanism to protect cadres who are innovative, creative, dare to think, dare to do, dare to make breakthroughs, and dare to take responsibility for the common good. Fundamentally reforming the salary regime of cadres, civil servants and public employees.

Carrying out persistently, resolutely and effectively the fight against corruption, especially "petty corruption", practicing thrift and combating waste. Innovating inspection organization and activities. Improving the effectiveness of inspection, examination, and resolution of complaints and denunciations, ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of state management, protecting the interests of the State, the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals. Not criminalizing economic, administrative, and civil relationships. Implementing the National Strategy on preventing and combating corruption and the plan to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Continuing to promote the role of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, people's organizations and mass media agencies in detecting and fighting against corruption and waste.

Strengthening the ability of citizens and enterprises to access the law. Developing legal services. Developing institutions to resolve disputes outside of court. Promoting legal support for small and medium-sized enterprises.


1. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies, Chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall:

a) Based on the assigned functions, tasks, powers and specific tasks in this Action Program of the Government, develop and promulgate an Action Program within the scope of management, which must be expressed in projects, programs, solutions, tasks, implementation roadmaps and specific responsibilities assigned, report to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2021, and concurrently send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summarization and report according to regulations. Based on the Government's Action Program and their own Action Programs, each ministry, agency and locality shall concretize tasks in the annual work plan. For specific tasks withwritten directives from the Government and the Prime Minister, additional projects are not required. Ministries, agencies and localities shall immediately organize and implement them, ensuring timely and effectively implement relevant contents in the Government's Action Program and Action Programs of ministries, agencies and localities.

b) Focus on directing the drastic, synchronous and effective implementation of the 13th Congress’ Resolution, the Government's Action Program and Action Programs of ministries, agencies and localities. In which, special attention should be paid to thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing the Party's organizational principles, operations and leadership methods. Strengthen solidarity, promote democracy associated with strict discipline; continue to strongly innovate thinking; with high political determination. Accurately and timely forecast developments of the situation; proactively respond promptly to all situations; make further efforts to continue to comprehensively and synchronously promote innovation in all fields according to assigned functions, tasks and powers; mobilize and effectively use all resources; while determining to successfully and comprehensively implement the set goals and tasks.

c) Strengthen inspection, urging and supervision of the implementation of the Government's Action Program and the Action Program of each ministry, agency and locality. On an annual basis, evaluate the situation and results of implementation, report to the Prime Minister, and send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for monitoring and synthesis according to regulations. During the process of organizing the implementation of the Government's Action Program, in case it is necessary to amend or supplement specific tasks, ministries, agencies and localities shall proactively propose and send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summarization and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities in, monitoring and urging the implementation of this Action Program, periodically reporting and proposing to the Government and Prime Minister The Government necessary measures to ensure synchronous and effective implementation of this Action Program; closely follow relevant contents in the working program of the Political Bureau, Secretariat, Party Central Committee, National Assembly Standing Committee and National Assembly to organize implementation and report according to competence and regulations.

3. Based on the 13th Congress’ Resolution, especially the directions and tasks for socio-economic development in the 5 years of 2021-2025 as approved by the 13th Congress, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministries, agencies, localities in:

a) Developing a draft 5-year socio-economic development plan for 2021-2025, reporting to competent authorities, and submitting to the National Assembly for consideration and decision.

b) After being approved by the National Assembly, developing the Government's Action Program to implement the National Assembly's Resolution on the 5-year socio-economic development plan for 2021-2025. If necessary, reporting to the Prime Minister to allow amendments and supplements to a number of projects and work tasks in the Appendix to this Action Program.

4. The Government shall respectfully request the Party's agencies, the National Assembly and its agencies, the People's Councils at all levels, the judicial agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations, socio-political organizations and people's organizations to strengthen supervision and close coordination with agencies in the state administrative system from central to local levels in organizing and implementing the Government’s Action Program and the Action Programs of ministries, agencies and localities.

5. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Central Committee of Propaganda and Education, Party agencies, the National Assembly, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and ministries, agencies and localities in, effectively communicating, propagandizing, creating social consensus, promoting the spirit of effort of sectors, levels, enterprise communities and people to strive to successfully implement the goals and tasks of national development set out in the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party./.







Pham Minh Chinh


* All Appendices are not translated herein.

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