Circular No. 34/2017/TT-BTNMT dated October 04, 2017 of the Ministry of Natural Resources on recall and treatment of discarded products
Issuing body: | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Effective date: | Known Please log in to a subscriber account to use this function. Don’t have an account? Register here |
Official number: | 34/2017/TT-BTNMT | Signer: | Vo Tuan Nhan |
Type: | Circular | Expiry date: | Known Please log in to a subscriber account to use this function. Don’t have an account? Register here |
Issuing date: | 04/10/2017 | Effect status: | Known Please log in to a subscriber account to use this function. Don’t have an account? Register here |
Fields: | Natural Resources - Environment |
Circular No. 34/2017/TT-BTNMT datedOctober 04, 2017 of the Ministry of Natural Resources onrecall and treatment of discarded products
Pursuant tothe Law on Environmental Protectiondated June 23, 2014;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.36/2017/NĐ-CPdated April 04, 2017 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;
Pursuant to the Decision No.16/2015/QĐ-TTgdated May 22, 2015 of the Prime Ministeron recall and treatment of discarded products;
Pursuant to the Decision No. 38/2015/NĐ-CP datedApril 24, 2015 of the Prime Minister onmanagementandwaste and discarded materials;
At the request oftheDirector GeneralofVietnam Environment Administration,Director GeneralofDepartment of Legal Affairs;
The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment hereby adopts a Circularon recall and treatment of discarded products.
Article1. Scopeof adjustment
This Circular elaborates Clause 13, Article 5 and Clause 1, Article 9 of theDecision No. 16/2015/QĐ-TTg dated May 22, 2015 of the Prime Minister on recall and treatment of discarded products(hereinafter referred to as “Decision No.16/2015/QĐ-TTg”).
Article2. Subject of application
This Circular applies to manufacturers, consumers and other organizations or individuals related to recall and treatment of discarded products within the territory of theSocialist Republic of Vietnam.
Article 3. Types, number and locations of recall stations
1.Recall stations include:
a) Internal recall station: a fixed station where discarded products from consumers are collected;
b) Stationary recall station: a fixed station that is used for gathering and storing discarded products from other recall stations and consumers;
c) Mobile recall station: a mobile station that is established by the manufacturer or the manufacturer in cooperation with thelocal governmentduring a campaign to receive discarded products from consumers.
2.The number and locations of recall stations are based on:
a) The quantity of products sold in Vietnamese market;
b) The supply chain of the manufacturer;
c) The distance to the intended discarded product treatment and recycling establishment.
3.The manufacturer shall, according to the contents specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article and other conditions (if any), decide the number and types of recall stations and build a road map for establishment of appropriate recall stations.
Article 4. Technical requirements applied to recall stations
1.The internal recall station and stationary recall station must be compliant with the requirements specified in the Appendix I enclosed herewith.
2.The mobile recall station must ensure safe storage, and no leak or overflow of discarded products into the environment.
3.Signs and warning signs must be put up at recall stations according to regulations specified in the Appendix I enclosed herewith.
Article 5.Procedures for management of recall stations
1.The manufacturer must cooperate with the owner or operator of the internal recall station in complying with the following management procedures:
a) They must provide and use hazardous waste documents in the name of the representative of the hazardous waste generator when discarded products that are hazardous wastes are transferred to an establishment licensed to treat hazardous wastes. The manufacturer and owner or operator of the recall station may reach an agreement on providing and using hazardous waste documents in the name of the representative of the hazardous waste generator.
b) A transfer book provided in the Appendix II enclosed herewith shall be used when discarded products are transferred to a stationary recall station or another manufacturer in accordance with regulations specified in Clause 5, Article 5 of the Decision No.16/2015/QĐ-TTgor when the discarded products that are conventional wastes are transferred to an establishment licensed to treat and recycle wastes.
c) In the cases where the recall station owner or operatoris required to apply for registration of a hazardous waste generator according to regulations of the Government’s Decree No.38/2015/NĐ-CPdated April 24, 2015 on management of wastes and discarded materials, they do not have to assume responsibility of a hazardous waste generator for the recall of discard products that are hazardous wastes when establishing a recall station;
d) They must report on discarded product recall in accordance with regulations specified in Article 7 of this Circular.
2. The manufacturermust cooperate with the owner or operator of thestationary recall stationin complying with the following management procedures:
a) A transfer book provided in the Appendix II enclosed herewith shall be used when discarded products arecollected from the internal recall stations or mobile recall stations, or transferredto another manufacturer in accordance with regulations specified in Clause 5, Article 5 of the Decision No. 16/2015/QĐ-TTg or when the discarded products that are conventional wastes are transferred to an establishment licensed to treat and recycle wastes;
b) They must provide and use hazardous waste documents in the name of the representative of hazardouswaste generatorwhen discarded productsthat arehazardouswastesare transferred to an establishment licensed to treat hazardous wastes;
c) They must comply with regulations of the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal upon the export of discarded products that are hazardous wastes across the border for treatment and recycling;
d) They mustreporton discarded product recall in accordance with regulations specified in Article 7 of this Circular.
3.When recalling discarded products at mobile recall stations, the manufacturer mustcomplywith the following management procedures:
a) A transfer book provided in the Appendix II enclosed herewith shall be used whenrecalleddiscarded products are transferred to a stationary recall station or when the discarded products that are conventional wastes are transferred to an establishment licensed to treat and recycle wastes.
b) They must provide and use hazardous waste documents in the name of the representative ofthehazardouswaste generatorwhen discarded productsthat arehazardouswastesare transferred to an establishment licensed to treat hazardous wastes.
Article 6. Collection, storage, transport and treatment of discarded products
1. Transport means of hazardous wastes must satisfy the following technical requirements:
a)Transport means of hazardous wastes that are hazardous wastes must satisfy technical requirements for management of hazardous wastes, except for the collection and transport from consumers to each recall station;
b) The GPS must be installed in the transport means ofdiscarded products transported from stationary recall stations to treatment establishments.
2.Requirements for storage of discarded products:
a) Discarded products shall be stored for a maximum of 06 months from the date of receipt at a stationary recall station. In case such discarded products must be stored for more than 06 months because a suitable waste treatment and recycling establishment is yet to be selected, types and quantity of the stored discarded products must be reported to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of the province where a stationary recall station is located;
b) Discarded products shall be stored at an internal recall station for unlimited time but the maximum allowable storage quantity specified in the Appendix III enclosed herewith must not be exceeded.
3.The transport of discarded products that are hazardous wastes to a recall station shall not require the hazardous waste management license or hazardous waste treatment license but the maximum quantity per shipment must not be exceeded (applicable to means of transport). To be specific:
a) 100 kg or 50 discarded products, whichever comes first, applicable to the discarded product that is small electronic equipment (computer, monitor, CPU, printer, fax machine, scanner, photo camera, movie camera, cell phone, tablet, disc player, reader) and discarded battery and accumulator, discarded compact light; discarded fluorescent light;
b) 01 discarded product, applicable to the discarded product that is large electric and electronic equipment (photocopier, television, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner), cars and motorbikes;
c) 20 liters, applicable to waste oil;
d)The transport of discarded products that are hazardous wasteswith quantity in excess of the legal limit specified in Points a, b and c, Clause 3 of this Article must be carried out by the unit issued with the hazardous waste management license or hazardous waste treatment license.
4.The transport of discarded products that are hazardous wastes from recall stations to a stationary recall station is specified as follows:
a) The transportshall be carried out by the unit issued withthe hazardous waste management license or hazardous waste treatment license;
b)In case a manufacturer or unit withoutthe hazardous waste management license or hazardous waste treatment licensetransports discarded products, the regulation specified in Point d, Clause 1, Article 13 of the Government’s Decision No.38/2015/NĐ-CPon management of wastes and discarded materials shall be complied with.
5. The transport of discarded products that are hazardous wastesfrom recall stations to a treatment and recycling establishmentmust be carried out by the unit issued with the hazardous waste management license or hazardous waste treatment license.
6.The transport of discarded products that are conventional wastes shall not require the license and is not limited to the quantity per shipment but must satisfy the technical requirements for management of conventional wastes.
7.If the discarded vehicles are cars and motorbikes that are still usable in accordance with applicable regulations of law, they may be moved to the recall station by their operator.
8.In the cases where the manufacturer sets up programs and projects to directly collect discarded products from consumers, such discarded products shall be transported to stationary recall stations or treatment and recycling establishments in the following forms:
a) The transport shall becarried outby the unit issuedwiththe hazardous waste management license or hazardous waste treatment license;
b) In case the transport iscarried outbyamanufacturer or unit without the hazardous waste management license or hazardous waste treatment license, the regulation specified in Point d, Clause 1, Article 13 of the Government’s Decision No. 38/2015/NĐ-CPdated April 24, 2015on management of wastes and discarded materials shall be complied with.
9.The discarded products after the recall must be managed and handled as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 4 of the Decision No.16/2015/QĐ-TTg.
Article 7. Reporton recall and treatment of discarded products
1.The manufacturer shall prepare an annual report onrecall andtreatmentof discarded products(beginning from 01 January to 31 December inclusive) according to the form provided in the Appendix IV (A) enclosed herewith and submit it tothe Vietnam Environment Administrationbefore 31 January of the succeeding year.
2. Theowner or operator of the stationary recall stationshall prepare an annual report on recall andtransferof discarded products (beginning from 01 January to 31 December inclusive) according to the form provided in the Appendix IV (B) enclosed herewith and submit it to theDepartment of Natural Resources and Environmentbefore 31 January of the succeeding year.
3. The owner or operator of theinternal recall station (except for the owner or operator mentioned in Point c, Clause 1, Article 5 of this Circular)shall prepare an annual report on recall andtransferof discarded products (beginning from 01 January to 31 December inclusive) according to the form provided in the Appendix IV (C) enclosed herewith and submit it to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment before 31 January of the succeeding year.
4. Thewaste collection and treatment establishment shallprepare an annual report oncollectionand treatment of discarded products (beginning from 01 January to 31 December inclusive) according to the form provided in the Appendix IV (D) enclosed herewith and submit it to the Vietnam Environment Administrationand Department of Natural Resources and Environment of the province where the establishment is locatedbefore 31 January of the succeeding year.
5.The hazardous waste documents and transfer books provided and used in accordance with regulations of this Circular shall be attached to the reports of the manufacturer, owner or operator of the stationary and internal recall stations and report of the discarded product collection and treatment establishment according to regulations of this Article. In the cases where the owner or operator is mentioned in Point c, Clause 1, Article 5 of this Circular, hazardous waste documents and transfer books shall be retained at the recall station.
Article 8.Establishment and management of dataon recall and treatment of discarded products
1.The database on discarded products includes the following information:
a) List of manufacturers and importers that must be responsible for recall and treatment of discarded products;
b) System of recall stations and treatment establishments;
c) Theannualquantity of products sold in Vietnamese market;
d) Theannualquantity ofdiscarded products already recalled and treatedin Vietnam;
dd) The annual quantity of discarded products already recalled andtransported across the border for treatment and recycling.
2. The Vietnam Environment Administrationshall establish adatabase on discarded products.
Article 9.Announcement of list of recall stations satisfying environmental requirements
1.TheVietnam Environment Administrationshall publish the list ofrecall stations satisfying environmental requirementson its website(
2.The Vietnam Environment Administrationshall cooperate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in carrying out physical survey of recall stations, which serves as a basis for announcement of the list ofrecall stations satisfying environmental requirements.
Article 10. Effect
This Circular takes effect on November 20, 2017.
Article 11. Implementation organization
1.The People’s Committees at all levels shall enable manufacturers to establish recall stations, treat or cooperate in treating discarded products. The People s Committees of provinces shall direct the Departments of Natural Resources and Environment to inspect the recall and treatment of discarded products within their provinces.
2.The Vietnam Environment Administrationshall instruct, inspect and monitor the recall and treatment of discarded products.
3.Ministries,ministerial agencies,Governmental agencies, People’s Committees at all levels and relevant organizations and individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Circular.
4.Any difficulties arising in the course of implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment./.
For the Minister
The Deputy Minister
Vo Tuan Nhan
(Attached with the Circular No.34/2017/TT-BTNMTdated October 04, 2017 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)
I. Regarding discarded accumulators and batteries
1. Regarding discarded accumulators
1.1. The sign Discarded accumulatorrecall station” must be available.
1.2. The area for storage of discardedaccumulatorsmustsatisfy the followinggeneral requirements:
1.2.1. A roof must be built to cover the entire area and prevent overflowing rainwater. A drain must be built lower than the floor to take liquid to the manhole.
1.2.2. Regarding stationary recall stations, it is additionally required to equip:
-Fire-fighting equipment (including at least foam extinguishers and fire sand buckets) installed under the guidance of a competent fire authority in accordance with regulations of the law on fire prevention and fighting;
- Absorbent materials (likedry sand or sawdust) and shovelsused in case of leaks, splashesandspills;
- First aidkits;domesticsodacontainers usedto neutralize acid burns;
-Warning signsin conformity witheach stored hazardous material according to TCVN 6707:2009, with at least 30 (thirty) cm in width and length;
-Evacuation diagrams and exit signs put up at the turns.
1.3. In case the storeddiscarded accumulatorsare stacked, measures must be taken to prevent any drop during storage.
2. Regarding discardedbatters
2.1. The sign “Discardedbatteryrecall station”must be available.
2.2. Instruments and equipment containing discarded batteries must be solid with firm wall and bottom, must not be damaged, deformed or broken by the weight of the batteries during use.
2.3. The area for storage of discardedbatteriesmust satisfy the following general requirements:
2.3.1.Aroofmust be builtto cover the entire area and prevent overflowing rainwater.
2.3.2. Regarding stationary recall stations, it is additionally required to equip:
- Firefightingequipment (including at least foam extinguishers andfire sand buckets) installed under the guidance of a competent fire authority in accordance with regulations of the law on fire prevention and fighting;
- Absorbent materials (like dry sand or sawdust) and shovels used in case of leaks, splashes and spills;
- Warning signsin conformity witheachstored hazardous material according toTCVN6707:2009, with at least 30 (thirty) cm in width and length;
- Evacuation diagrams and exit signs put up at the turns.
2.3. Storage and arrangement of discarded batteries:
2.3.1. Discarded batteries must be stored in storage equipment or instruments.
2.3.2. In case thestorage equipment or instrumentsarestacked, measures must be taken to prevent any drop during storage.
II. Regarding discarded compact and fluorescent lights
1.The sign “Discarded compact and fluorescent lightrecall station” must be available.
2.Instrumentsand equipment containingdiscarded compact and fluorescent lightsmust be solid with firm wall and bottom, must not be damaged, deformed or broken by the weight of thelightsduring use.
3. The area for storage of discardedlightsmust satisfy the following general requirements:
3.1.Aroofmust be builtto cover the entire area and prevent overflowing rainwater.
3.2. Regarding stationary recall stations, it is additionally required to equip:
- Fire fighting equipment (including at least foam extinguishers and fire sand buckets) installed under the guidance of a competent fire authority in accordance with regulations of the law on fire prevention and fighting;
- Warning signs in conformity with each stored hazardous material according to TCVN 6707:2009, with at least 30 (thirty) cm in width and length;
- Evacuation diagrams and exit signs put up at the turns.
4.Storage and arrangement of discardedcompact and fluorescent lights:
-Discarded compact and fluorescent lightsmust be stored in storage equipment or instruments;
-The discarded lights must not be dropped and broken, affecting the environment.
III. Regarding types of waste oil
1. The sign “Waste oilrecall station” must be available.
2.The instruments and equipment containing types of waste oil must satisfy the following requirements:
2.1. They must be tight without any leaks and osmosis during storage, ensure anti-corrosion, no rust, and non-chemical reaction with the waste oil.
2.2.They must have a solid structure withstanding impact,must not be damaged, deformed or broken by the weight of thewaste oilduring useand must be covered with a lid.
3. The area for storage ofwaste oilmust satisfy the following general requirements:
3.1. A floor must be built so that it cannot be flooded. In case of use of an underground storage tank, it must be designed to prevent overflowing rainwater.
3.2. A roof must be built to cover the entire area, except for the storage equipment with a capacity of more than5 m3, which shall be located outdoor.
3.3. There must be walls, dykes or edges surrounding entire or part of the area to prevent waste oil spills in case of emergency. Drains must be built lower than the floor to take liquid to the manhole.
3.4.Fire fighting equipment (including at least foam extinguishers and fire sand buckets)must beinstalled under the guidance of a competent fire authority in accordance with regulations of the law on fire prevention and fighting.
3.5. There must be absorbent materials (like dry sand or sawdust) and shovels in case of leaks, splashes and spills.
3.6. There must be warning signs in conformity with each stored hazardous material according to TCVN 6707:2009, with at least 30 (thirty) cm in width and length.
3.7. There must be evacuation diagrams and exit signs put up at the turns.
4.Waste oil storage instruments and equipment must not be stacked.
IV. Regarding discarded electric and electronic equipment
1. The sign “Discarded electric and electronic equipmentrecall station”)must be available.
2. Instruments and equipment containingdiscarded electric and electronic equipmentmust be solid with firm wall and bottom, must not be damaged, deformed or broken by theirweight during use.
3. The area for storage ofdiscarded electric and electronic equipmentmust satisfy the following general requirements:
3.1.A roof must be builtto cover the entire area and prevent overflowing rainwater.
3.2. Regarding stationary recall stations, it is additionally required to equip:
- Fire fighting equipment (including at least foam extinguishers and fire sand buckets) installed under the guidance of a competent fire authority in accordance with regulations of the law on fire prevention and fighting;
- Warning signs in conformity with each stored hazardous material according to TCVN 6707:2009, with at least 30 (thirty) cm in width and length;
- Evacuation diagrams and exit signs put up at the turns.
4. In case the storage equipment or instruments arestacked, measures must be taken to prevent any drop during storage.
V. Regarding discarded inner tubes and tires
1. The sign “Discarded inner tube and tirerecall station” must be available.
2. The area for storage ofdiscarded inner tubes and tiresmust satisfy the following general requirements:
2.1.Aroofmust be builtto cover the entire area and preventwarehouse floor from being flooded.
2.2.In case of outdoor storage,the following requirementsmust be satisfied:
-Cover and mitigate weather effects on discarded inner tubes and tires.
-Do not place discarded inner tubes and tires directly on the ground and non-flooded storage ground.
-Incaseof stacked discarded inner tubes and tires,take measuresto prevent any drop during storage.
2.3. Fire fighting equipment (including at least foam extinguishers and fire sand buckets) must be installed under the guidance of a competent fire authority in accordance with regulations of the law on fire prevention and fighting.
2.4. There must be evacuation diagrams and exit signs put up at the turns.
VI. Regarding discarded vehicles
1. The sign “Discarded vehiclerecall station” must be available.
2.Fuel must be removed from discarded vehicles before storage.
3. The area for storage ofdiscarded vehiclesmust satisfy the following general requirements:
3.1. Fire fighting equipment (including at least foam extinguishers and fire sand buckets) must be installed under the guidance of a competent fire authority in accordance with regulations of the law on fire prevention and fighting.
3.2. There must be evacuation diagrams and exit signs put up at the turns.
(Enclosed with the Circular No. 34/2017/TT-BTNMT dated October 04, 2017 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)
I. Specimen of book cover
Place, year……….. |
II. Book contents
| …… |
1.Transferor: ………………………………… Representative: …………………………….. ID Number:………………………….. | Title: …………………………………….. |
2. Transferee: ………………………………… Representative: …………………………….. ID Number: ………………………….. | Title: …………………………………….. |
Reach an agreement on transfer of discarded products. To be specific:
No. | Type of discarded product | Manufacturer* | Unit | Weight (converted into kg) | Total quantity transferred | Notes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Total |
(*) In case of failure to clearly identify what manufacturer the product belongs to, write“Không xác định”("Unknown")
The abovementioned product (specify packaging specifications) is transported by the vehicle of …… license plate ……
Representative of transferor (Signature) | Representative of transferee (Signature) |
-The transfer book shall be made into 02 copies. Each party shall keep 01 copy.When transferring waste, two parties must specifywaste-related informationin their own transfer bookswith certification by the other party to serve monitoring, comparison andmanagement purposes;
-Revisions to the bookshould be limited. In case of revisions, seals and signatures of representatives of parties must be given.
(Enclosed with the Circular No. 34/2017/TT-BTNMT dated October 04, 2017 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)
No. | Typeof discardedproduct | Minimum storage quantity |
1 | Batteries, accumulators | 1,000 kg |
2 | Oil | 1,000 liters |
3 | Compact and fluorescent lights | 500 kg |
4 | Otherdiscarded products | Unspecified |
(Enclosed with the Circular No. 34/2017/TT-BTNMT dated October 04, 2017 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)
| (Place),… |
To: The Vietnam Environment Administration
…..(1)……herebyreportson recall and treatment of discarded products of the year……. as follows:
I. Information about the manufacturer
1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Telephone: Fax: Email:
II. Information about the products sold duringthereporting periodthat have to be recalled
No. | Name of product | Unit | Weight (converted into kg) | Total quantity |
1 |
2 |
3 | ……………. |
Total |
III. Report on system of recall stations by province
No. | Name of recall station | Address (telephone, fax, email) | Forms (internal,stationaryor mobile recall stations) |
1 |
2 |
3 | ……………….. |
Information about the treatment establishment of the manufacturer:
No. | Name of treatment establishment | Address (telephone, fax, email) | Name of transferred discarded product | Quantityalreadytransferred for treatment (kg) |
1 |
2 |
3 | ……………… |
Total |
V. Results of recall and treatment of discarded products
1. Self-recall and treatment of discarded products
Results of recall and treatment.
No. | Name of discarded product already recalled and treated | Unit | Weight (converted into kg) | Total quantityrecalled | Total quantityalreadytransferred for treatment (kg) | Quantity of discarded products already treated (kg) |
1 |
2 |
3 | ……….. |
Total |
Notes: * already included in quantity of other manufacturers discarded products transfereed as prescribed in Clause 5, Article 5 of the Decision No. 16/2015/QĐ-TTg
2. Cooperation in recall and treatment of discarded products
List of manufacturers and importers that cooperate with each other in recall and treatment of discarded products:
No. | Name of cooperating manufacturer | Address (telephone, fax, email) | Name of discarded products subject to cooperation in recall and treatment | Quantity received | Quantity transferred (kg) |
1 |
2 |
3 | ………… |
Total |
3. In case ofrejection ofdiscarded products andexplanation
No. | Name of discarded productsrejected | Place of rejection | Unit | Weight (converted into kg) | Quantity | Explanation |
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ………………. | |||||
Total |
…….(1)……is responsible to law for the accuracy and truthfulness of this report./.
Notes: (1) Name of manufacturer
(Enclosed with periodic report on hazardous wastes or periodic report on management of conventional wastes)
| (Place),… |
To: The Department of Natural Resources and Environment (of theareawhere the recall station is located)
…..(1)……hereby reports on collection andtransferof discarded products of the year…….as follows:
1. Information about recall station
- Name:………………………….
- Address:………………………………
- Telephone:…………………. Fax:………………….. Email:……………………..
- Enterprise registration certificate/Investment certificate:…………………..
2. Information about results of recall and transfer of discarded products
a) Information about manufacturers signing an agreement on recall and transfer of discarded products:
- Name of manufacturer:………………………….
- Address: ………………………………
- Type of discarded products that need to berecalled and treated:………………………………
b) Results of recall and transfer of discarded products:
No. | Name of discarded product alreadyrecalled | Name of manufacturer signing an agreement on recall and treatment of discarded products | Unit | Weight (converted into kg) | Total quantityrecalled | Total quantityalreadytransferred for treatment (kg) | Name ofcollectionand treatment establishment |
1 |
2 |
3 | …………….. |
| Total |
………..(1)………… is responsible to law for the accuracy and truthfulness of this report./.
Notes: (1) name of the owner or operator of the stationary recall station
(Enclosed with periodic report on hazardous wastes or periodic report on management of conventional wastes)
| (Place), …date… |
To: The Department of Natural Resources and Environment (of theareawhere the recall station is located)
..…..(1)……hereby reports on collection and transfer of discarded products of the year…….as follows:
1. Information about recall station
- Name: ………………………….
- Address: ………………………………
- Telephone:…………..……….Fax:………..………….Email:……………………….
- Enterprise registration certificate/Investment certificate: …………………..
2. Results of recall and treatment of discarded products
a) Information about manufacturers signing an agreement on recall of discarded products:
- Name of manufacturer: ………………………….
- Address: ………………………………
- Type of discarded products that need to berecalled and treated: ………………………………
b) Results ofcollectionand treatment of discarded products:
No. | Name of discarded product already recalled | Name of manufacturer signing an agreement on recall of discarded products | Unit | Weight (converted into kg) | Total quantity received | Total quantity already transferred for treatment (kg) | Name ofcollectionand treatment establishmentor stationary recall station |
1 |
2 |
3 | ………….. |
Total |
....(1) …… is responsible to law for the accuracy and truthfulness of this report./.
Notes: (1) name of the owner or operator of theinternal recall station
(Enclosed with periodic report on hazardous wastes or periodic report on management of conventional wastes)
| (Place),… |
To: | - The Vietnam Environment Administration; |
..…..(1)……hereby reports oncollectionandtreatmentof discarded products of the year…….as follows:
1. Information about waste collection and treatment establishment
- Name: ………………………….
- Address: ………………………………
- Telephone:…………..……….Fax:………..………….Email: ……………………….
- Enterprise registration certificate/Investment certificate: …………………..
- Hazardous waste treatment license of the waste collection and treatment establishment (in case the discarded products are hazardous wastes):………………………….
2. Information about results of collection and treatment of discarded products
a) Information about manufacturers signing an agreement on collection and treatment of discarded products
- Name of manufacturer
- Address:
- Type of discarded products that need to berecalledand treated: ………………………………
b) Results of collection and treatment of discarded products:
No. | Name of discarded product alreadycollectedand treatedunder agreement signed with manufacturer | Unit | Weight (converted into kg) | Total quantity received | Total quantity already treated (kg) | Name of manufacturer signinganagreement oncollectionand treatment of discarded products |
1 |
2 |
3 | ………… |
Total |
....(1) …… is responsible to law for the accuracy and truthfulness of this report./.
Notes: (1) name of the waste collection and treatment establishment
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