Circular No. 06/2014/TT-BYT dated February 14, 2014 of the Ministry of Health on the List of primary key indicators of health sector

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Circular No. 06/2014/TT-BYT dated February 14, 2014 of the Ministry of Health on the List of primary key indicators of health sector
Issuing body: Ministry of HealthEffective date:

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Official number:06/2014/TT-BYTSigner:Pham Le Tuan
Type:CircularExpiry date:

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Issuing date:14/02/2014Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health



On February 14, 2014, the Ministry of Health issued the Circular No. 06/2014/TT-BYT on the List of primary key indicators of health sector, including 88 indicators in 11 groups: Finance for health care; Health workforce; Medical facilities; Intelligence system; System administration; Use of medical services; Quality and safety of medical services; Coverage and impacts of interventions; Behaviors and risk factors; Health condition and Non-communicable diseases and injuries.

Within that, the important indicators such as Number of health workers per 10,000 people; Proportion of population that have health insurance; Proportion of patients satisfied with medical services; Proportion of children under 1 year of age that are given adequate inoculation; Proportion of smokers; Neonatal mortality rate per 1,000 live births; Maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births; Number of new cancer patents per 100,000 people and so on.

Together with the issuance of the List of primary key indicators of health sector, Services of Health shall collect data locally to serve the production of key health statistics.

This Circular takes effect on March 15, 2014 and annuls the Decision No. 40/2006/QD-BYT dated December 25, 2006.
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Effect status: Known


Circular No.06/2014/TT-BYT dated February 14, 2014 of the Ministry of Health on the List of primary key indicators of health sector

Pursuant to the Law on Statistics dated June 17, 2003;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 40/2004/ND-CP dated February 13, 2004 providing guidance on the implementation of the Law on Statistics;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 40/2004/ND-CP dated February 13, 2004 providing guidance on the implementation of the Law on Statistics;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 43/2010/QD-TTg dated June 02, 2010 on the promulgation of National statistical indicator system;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 63/2012/ND-CP dated August 31 2012 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;

At the request of the Director of Finance and Planning Department;

The Minister of Health promulgates a list of primary key indicators of health sector.

Article 1. List of primary key indicators of health sector

The list of primary key indicators of health sector is issued with this Circular.

Article 2. Implementation

1. Finance and Planning Department shall take charge and cooperate with relevant Departments affiliated to the Ministry of Health in developing a reporting scheme serving the nationwide collection of statistical data in the list.

2. Directors of other Departments affiliated to the Ministry of Health shall collect, summarize, and send the indicators under their charge to Finance and Planning Department for aggregation and announcement.

3. Services of Health shall collect data locally to serve the production of key health statistics.

Article 3. Effect

This Circular takes effect on March 15, 2014. The Decision No. 40/2006/QD-BYT dated December 25, 2006 of the Minister of Health on Health Statistics System is annulled from the effective date of this Circular.

The difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry of Health (Finance and Planning Department) for consideration./.

For the Minister of Health

Deputy Minister

Pham Le Tuan


(Issued with the Circular No. 06/2014/TT-BYT dated February 14, 2014 of the Ministry of Health)



Name of indicator



Sources of information/Method of information collection

Authority in charge

Information provision

Collection and aggregation






Finance for health care








Total health expenditure as % of GDP

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Investigation into national health accounts;

2. Reports by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

3. Investigation into household living standards

- General Statistics Office;

- Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health



Public health expenditure as % of total health expenditure

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Investigation into national health accounts;

2. Reports by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

3. Investigation into household living standards

- General Statistics Office;

- Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health



Out-of-pocket health expenditure as % of total health expenditure

- In the whole country

- By province

Every 2 years

1. Investigation into household living standards

2. Investigations at medical facilities

- General Statistics Office;

- Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health

- Services of Health

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health



Health expenditure as % of total government expenditure

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Financial statements from the Ministry of Finance;

2. Reports from Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health

- Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health



Total health expenditure per capita

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Investigation into national health accounts;

2. Reports from the Ministry of Finance;

3. Investigation into household living standards

- Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health;

- Services of Health

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health



Health workforce








Number of health workers per 10,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By ethnic group

- By gender

- By locality

- By type of facilities

- By ownership structure (public/private).

- By expertise

Every year

1. Investigations at medical facilities

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Organization and Personnel Department - Ministry of Health



Number of students that graduate from medical universities and colleges per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By degree (university/college)

- By specialty

Every year

1. Periodic reports from the Board of Directors

2. Reports from Administration of Science Technology and Training - Ministry of Health

- Universities and colleges

Administration of Science Technology and Training - Ministry of Health



Medical facilities








Number of medical facilities per 10,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By locality

- By type of facilities

- By ownership structure (public/private)

Every year

1. Investigations at medical facilities

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health.



Number of sickbeds per 10,,000 people (not including sickbeds of health stations)

- In the whole country

- By province

- By locality

- By type of facilities

- By ownership structure (public/private)

- Actual/planned beds

Every year

1. Investigations at medical facilities

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to other Ministries/agencies

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Number of drug-retailing stores per 10,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By ownership structure (public/private)

Every year

1. Investigations at medical facilities

- Services of Health

Drug Administration of Vietnam - Ministry of Health



Proportion of health stations that have doctors

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Organization and Personnel Department - Ministry of Health



 Proportion of health stations that have birth attendants, obstetric and pediatric nurses

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Organization and Personnel Department - Ministry of Health



 Proportion of villages that have local health workers

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Organization and Personnel Department - Ministry of Health



 Proportion of villages that have local midwives who have undergone at least 6-month training

(only in disadvantaged areas)

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Organization and Personnel Department - Ministry of Health



 Proportion of communes that meet National healthcare standards

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Supervision reports from Services of Health

- Services of Health

Organization and Personnel Department - Ministry of Health



Intelligence system








 Healthcare intelligence system index according to 26 criteria recommended by WHO

- In the whole country

Every year

1. Separate assessments

- Ministry of Health

- General Statistics Office

- Ministry of Justice

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health



System administration








Policy index according to 10 procedures recommended by WHO

- In the whole country

Every year

1. Administrative documents (policies, strategies, and plans)

2. Laws and regulations

3. Separate assessments

- Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health

- Overall healthcare reports

Overall healthcare reports by the Ministry of Health (policies are revised according to 5-year plans)











Use of medical services








Number of medical examination per 10,000 people

- By province

- By gender

- By locality

- By ownership structure (public/private)

- By type of hospital

- Among children under 6

- Among people covered and not covered by health insurance

- By age group

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

2. Investigation into household living standards

- Services of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to other Ministries/agencies

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Number of inpatients per 10,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- By gender

- Among people covered and not covered by health insurance

- By age group

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

2. Investigation into household living standards

- Services of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to other Ministries/agencies

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Average duration of an inpatient treatment

- By province

- By locality

- By ownership structure (public/private)

- By type of hospital

- Among children under 6

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to other Ministries/agencies

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Proportion (%) of occupied sickbeds

- In the whole country

- By province

- By locality

- By ownership structure (public/private)

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to other Ministries/agencies

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Proportion of population that have health insurance

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Niche investigation

2. Periodic reports of provincial social insurance offices

3. Periodic reports of Health Insurance Department

Social insurance offices, Services of Health

Health Insurance Department - Ministry of Health



Quality and safety of medical services








Proportion of substandard drug samples among the inspected samples

- In the whole country

Every year

1. Investigations at medical facilities

Drug Administration of Vietnam - Ministry of Health

Drug Administration of Vietnam - Ministry of Health



Proportion of patients satisfied with medical services

- By province

- By locality

- By ownership structure (public/private)

 Every 3 years

1. Investigations at medical facilities

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Proportion of nosocomical infections of surgical sites

- By province

- By locality

- By ownership structure (public/private)

 Every 3 years

1. Investigations at medical facilities

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health











Coverage and impacts of interventions








Proportion of women in labor provided with antenatal care

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

- By ownership structure (public/private)

- By number of visits (at least 03 visits or 04 visits during 03 periods)

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

2. Investigations at medical facilities

Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

Pediatric and Maternal Health Department - Ministry of Health



Proportion of pregnant women inoculated against tetanus

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Open inoculation program

Open inoculation program - Ministry of Health



Proportion of children under 1 year of age that are given adequate inoculation

- In the whole country

- By province

- By vaccine

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Open inoculation programs

Open inoculation programs



Proportion of births attended by health professionals

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- By ethnic group

- By types of skilled birth attendants

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

3. Investigations at medical facilities

Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

Pediatric and Maternal Health Department - Ministry of Health



Proportion of mothers and newborn babies provided with postpartum care

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

- By time (within 42 days/7 days)

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

Pediatric and Maternal Health Department - Ministry of Health



Proportion of babies aged 0 - 59 months with suspected pneumonia that are treated with antibiotics

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- By ethnic group

 Every 4 years

1. MICS investigation

General Statistics Office

Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health



Proportion of patients treated with traditional methods or combination of traditional and modern methods

- In the whole country

- By province

- By locality

- By ownership structure (public/private)

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Services of Health

Traditional Medicine Administration of Vietnam - Ministry of Health



Proportion of women aged 30 - 54 provided with undergo cervical cancer screening

- In the whole country

- By eco-region

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation

Cancer record program

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Proportion of women aged over 40 provided with breast cancer screening

- In the whole country

- By eco-region

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation

Cancer record program

Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health



Proportion of HIV-infected pregnant women provided with special treatment to prevent mother-to-child transmission

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

HIV/AIDS Prevention Department - Ministry of Health

HIV/AIDS Prevention Department - Ministry of Health



Number of visits at medical facilities by victims of domestic violence

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

Every 2 years

1. Investigations at medical facilities

Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health

Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health



Rate of 10 most popular diseases/groups of disease that need inpatient department

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

- By age group

- By chapter

- By disease

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to other Ministries/agencies

Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health



Rate of mortality of inpatients from the top ten causes

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

- By age group

- By chapter

- By disease

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health

- Medical facilities affiliated to other Ministries/agencies

Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health



Proportion of patients cured of AFB+ tuberculosis (DOTs)

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial tuberculosis hospitals

National Hospital for Pulmonary Tuberculosis



Annual number of reported infections with infectious diseases per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By disease

Every year

1. Supervision reports

General Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health

General Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health



Annual rate of mortality from epidemic infectious diseases per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By disease

Every year

1. Supervision reports

General Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health

General Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health



Behaviors and risk factors








Proportion of smokers

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By gender

- By age group (underage, over 18)

Every 4 years

1. Population investigation

Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health

Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health



Proportion of underweight babies (< 2,500 grams)

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- National Institute of Nutrition;

- Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

- National Institute of Nutrition;

- Pediatric and Maternal Health Department - The Ministry of Health



Sex ratio at birth

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

General Office for Population and Family Planning

General Office for Population and Family Planning



Proportion of children under 5 that are malnourished

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

- By gender

- Type of malnutrition

-  By measurements:

a) Weight/age

b) Height/age

c) Weight/height

Every year

1. Population investigation

National Institute of Nutrition

National Institute of Nutrition



Proportion of people over 15 that are overweight or obese

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

- By gender

Every 10 years

1. Population investigation

National Institute of Nutrition

National Institute of Nutrition



- Proportion of households whose average ration is below the minimum level (1,800 Kcal)

- In the whole country

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

Every 5 - 10 years

1. Population investigation

National Institute of Nutrition

National Institute of Nutrition



Proportion of women aged 15 - 49 that practice contraception

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By measure

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

2. Population investigation

- General Office for Population and Family Planning

- General Statistics Office

- General Office for Population and Family Planning

- General Statistics Office



Proportion of women aged 15 - 49 with unmet demand for birth control

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

- Measure

- Among married/single people

Every year

1. Population investigation

- General Office for Population and Family Planning

- General Statistics Office

- General Office for Population and Family Planning

- General Statistics Office



Proportion of households with hygienic restrooms

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

Every year

1. Population investigation

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health

- General Statistics Office

- Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health



Proportion of households with hygienic water supply

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

Every year

1. Population investigation

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health

- General Statistics Office

- Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health



Proportion of medical facilities that treat medical waste properly

- In the whole country

- By type of waste

Every year

1. Supervision reports from Services of Health

- Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health

- Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health



Proportion of people aged 15 - 49 that have knowledge about HIV prevention

- By province

- By gender

Every 2 - 3 years

1. Separate investigation

Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control - Ministry of Health

HIV/AIDS Prevention Department - Ministry of Health











Health condition








Life expectancy at birth (years)

- In the whole country

- By gender

Every year

1. Population investigation

General Statistics Office

General Statistics Office



Crude birth rate per 1,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- General Office for Population and Family Planning

- General Statistics Office

- General Office for Population and Family Planning



Total birth rate

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

- By age group

Every year

1. Population investigation

- General Statistics Office

- General Statistics Office



Teenage birth rate (15 - 19)

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- General Office for Population and Family Planning

- General Office for Population and Family Planning



Maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- By ethnic group

- By cause of death

Every 5 years/1 year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

- General Statistics Office

- Pediatric and Maternal Health Department - The Ministry of Health



Neonatal mortality rate per 1,000 live births

-In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By gender

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

- General Statistics Office

- Pediatric and Maternal Health Department - The Ministry of Health



Infant (under-1) mortality rate per 1,000 live births

- In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By ethnic group

- By gender

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

- General Statistics Office



Under-5 mortality rate per 1,000 live births

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By gender

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- General Statistics Office

- Provincial Reproductive Health Centers

General Statistics Office



Top ten causes of death in the community according to ICD10

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- In urban/rural area

- By gender

- By age group

Every 3 years

1. Separate investigation

- General Statistics Office

- Ministry of Justice

- Finance and Planning Department - the Ministry of Health

- General Statistics Office

- Ministry of Justice

- Finance and Planning Department - Ministry of Health




Proportion of children under 15 that catch incurable diseases

- In the whole country

- By province

- By disease

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial Defensive Medicine Centers

Open inoculation programs



Proportion of children under 15 that die from inoculable diseases

- In the whole country

- By province

- By disease

Every year

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial Defensive Medicine Centers

Open inoculation programs



New cases of hemorrhagic fever infections per 100,000 people in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial Defensive Medicine Centers

General Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health



New cases of HIV infections per 100,000 people found in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

Every year

1. Supervision reports from Services of Health

- Provincial HIV/AIDS Control Centers

Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control - Ministry of Health



Proportion of people aged 15 - 49 infected with HIV

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

- By age group

Every 2 - 3 years

1. Separate investigation

2. Site surveillance

- Provincial HIV/AIDS Prevention Centers

Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control - Ministry of Health



Annual number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

- By gender

- By age group

Every year

1. Population investigation

2. Site surveillance

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial HIV/AIDS Prevention Centers

HIV/AIDS Prevention Department - Ministry of Health



Number of new leprosy patients per 100,000 people in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

- By age group

- By seriousness

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Central Dermatology Hospital



Current number of leprosy patients per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Services of Health

Central Dermatology Hospital



Number of new malaria patients per 1,000 people in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial Defensive Medicine Centers

- Provincial Malaria Control Centers

National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology



Annual number of deaths due to malaria per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial Defensive Medicine Centers

- Provincial Malaria Control Centers

National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology



Number of new tuberculosis patients (all forms) per 100,000 people in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project

- Provincial tuberculosis hospitals

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project

- National Hospital for Pulmonary Tuberculosis



Number of new tuberculosis AFB (+) patients per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project

- Provincial tuberculosis hospitals

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project

-National Hospital for Pulmonary Tuberculosis



Current number of tuberculosis AFB (+) patients per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By eco-region

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project

- Provincial tuberculosis hospitals

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project

National Hospital for Pulmonary Tuberculosis



Death rate of tuberculosis (except for those tested positive for HIV) per 100,000 people

-In the whole country

- By province

- In urban/rural area

- By gender

- By age group

Every year

1. Special population research documents

2. Population investigation

- General Statistics Office

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project

- General Statistics Office

- Tuberculosis Prevention Project



Non-communicable diseases and injuries








Number of cases of food poisoning that involve 30 people or more in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Surveillance system

Vietnam Food Administration - Ministry of Health

Vietnam Food Administration - Ministry of Health



Number of people with acute food poisoning per 100,000 people in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Surveillance system

Vietnam Food Administration - Ministry of Health

Vietnam Food Administration - Ministry of Health



Number of deaths due to acute food poisoning per 100,000 people in the year

- In the whole country

- By province

Every year

1. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Services of Health

Vietnam Food Administration - Ministry of Health



Injury rate per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

- By age group

- By cause

Every year

1. Investigation at households;

2. Investigations into administrative documents

3. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health

Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health



Injury mortality rate per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

- By age group

Every year

1. Investigation at households;

2. Investigations into administrative documents

3. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health

Health Environment Management Agency - The Ministry of Health



Prevalence of schizophrenia per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Public Mental Health Protection Project

Central Psychiatric Hospital 1



Prevalence of epilepsy per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

Public Mental Health Protection Project

Central Psychiatric Hospital 1



Prevalence of depressive disorder per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation;

2. Periodic reports from hospitals

Public Mental Health Protection Project

Central Psychiatric Hospital 1



Number of new cancer patents per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By gender

-By type of cancer

Every 5 years

1. Cancer records

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

3. Thematic population investigation

Cancer record program

Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health



Proportion of people aged over 25 that suffer from hypertension

- In the whole country

- By province

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation

- Bach Mai Hospital

- Services of Health

- Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health



Prevalence of diabetes per 100,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

Every 5 years

1. Population investigation

- Diabetes Prevention Program

- Services of Health

- Medical Service Administration - The Ministry of Health



Prevalence of occupational diseases per 10,000 people

- In the whole country

- By province

- By disease

- By field

Every year

1. Population investigation

2. Periodic reports from medical facilities

- Provincial Defensive Medicine Centers

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

- Health Environment Management Agency - Ministry of Health

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs


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