Circular 01/2021/TT-BXD promulgating the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2021/BXD on Construction Planning

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Circular No. 01/2021/TT-BXD dated May 19, 2021 of the Ministry of Construction promulgating the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2021/BXD on Construction Planning
Issuing body: Ministry of ConstructionEffective date:

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Official number:01/2021/TT-BXDSigner:Le Quang Hung
Type:CircularExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:19/05/2021Effect status:

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National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning

The Circular No. 01/2021/TT-BXD promulgating the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2021/BXD on Construction Planning is promulgated by the Ministry of Construction on May 19, 2021.

This Regulation specifies the specification limits and compulsory management requirements in district or inter-district construction planning, urban planning, rural planning, including the process of planning, appraising, approving, adjusting the planning, and organizing the implementation of the planning, serving as a basis for developing national standards and local regulations on urban-rural planning.

Specifically, the technical provisions shall be: Requirements for civil land; Requirements for residential units; Requirements for public-service constructions; Requirements for green spaces; Requirements for industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech zones; Requirements for landscape architecture, urban design and building layout of new development areas; etc.

Additionally, the selection of indicators, specifications and design requirements in plans, urban design plans and architecture management regulations shall be based standard chosen to apply or other scientific methodology but must ensure compliance with this Regulation.

This Circular takes effect on July 05, 2021.
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No. 01/2021/TT-BXD

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Hanoi, May 19, 2021



Promulgating the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2021/BXD on Construction Planning



Pursuant to the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations dated June 29, 2006;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and the Decree No. 78/2018/ND-CP dated May 16, 2018 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 81/2017/ND-CP dated July 17, 2017 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction;

At the proposal of the Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment,

The Minister of Construction issues the Circular promulgating the national technical regulations on construction planning.


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Circular the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2021/BXD on Construction Planning.

Article 2. This Circular takes effect on July 05, 2021 and replaces the Circular No. 22/2019/TT-BXD dated December 31, 2019, promulgating the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2019/BXD on Construction Planning.

Article 3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and People’s Committees of provinces and central affiliated cities and related organizations and individuals shall take responsibilities for the implementation of this Circular./.






Le Quang Hung






1 General provisions

1.1 Scope of regulation

1.2 Subjects of application

1.3 Reference documents

1.4 Interpretation of terms

1.5 General requirements

2 Technical provisions

2.1 Requirements for civil land

2.2 Requirements for residential units

2.3 Requirements for public-service constructions

2.4 Requirements for green spaces

2.5 Requirements for industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech zones

2.6 Requirements for landscape architecture, urban design and building layout of new development areas

2.7 Requirements for the space and land use of existing areas in urban areas

2.8 Requirements on foundation height and surface water drainage

2.9 Traffic requirements

2.10 Requirements on water supply

2.11 Requirements on drainage and wastewater treatment (WWT)

2.12 Requirements for collection, transport and treatment of solid waste (SW)

2.13 Requirements for funeral halls, cemeteries and crematories

2.14 Requirements on electric power supply

2.15 Requirements on arrangement of underground technical infrastructure constructions

2.16 Requirements for rural construction planning

3. Management provisions

4. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals

5. Implementation organization


QCVN 01:2021/BXD is prepared by the Vietnam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning, submitted by the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, appraised by the Ministry of Science and Technology and promulgated together with the Minister of Construction’s Circular No. 01/2021/TT-BXD dated May 19, 2021 by the Minister of Construction.

QCVN 01:2021/BXD replaces QCVN 01:2019/BXD attached to the Circular No. 22/2019/TT-BXD dated December 31, 2019 of the Minister of Construction.








1.1 Scope of regulation

This Regulation specifies the specification limits and compulsory management requirements in district or inter-district construction planning, urban planning, rural planning (hereinafter referred to as urban-rural planning), including the process of planning, appraising, approving, adjusting the planning, and organizing the implementation of the planning, serving as a basis for developing national standards and local regulations on urban-rural planning. For the construction planning of functional areas, in addition to complying with the provisions of this regulation, relevant regulations must also be followed.

1.2 Subjects of application

This Regulation applies to organizations and individuals involved in planning activities specified at Point 1.1.

1.3 Reference documents

The following reference documents are indispensable for the enforcement of this regulation. In case the reference documents are modified, supplemented or replaced, the latest versions apply.

QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT - National Technical Regulation on Domestic Water Quality;

QCVN 01:2020/BCT - National Technical Regulation on Design Requirements for Petrol Filling Stations

QCVN 02:2012/BTNMT - National Technical Regulation on Solid Health Care Waste Incinerator;

QCVN 04:2021/BXD - National Technical Regulation on Apartment Buildings;

QCVN 06:2021/BXD - National Technical Regulation on Fire Safety for Buildings and Constructions;

QCVN 07:2016/BXD - National Technical Regulation on Technical Infrastructure constructions;

QCVN 09:2017/BXD - National Technical Regulation on Energy Efficiency Buildings;

QCVN 10:2014/BXD - National Technical Regulation on Construction for Disabled access to Buildings and Facilities;

QCVN 17:2018/BXD - National Technical Regulation on Construction and Installation of Outdoor Advertising Facilities;

QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT - National Technical Regulation on Noise and Vibration;

QCVN 33:2011/BTTTT - National Technical Regulation on Installation of Outside Telecommunication Cable Network;

QCVN QTD 8:2010/BCT - National Technical Regulation on Electrical Engineering;

Regulations on technical safety for low-voltage grid in rural areas (articulated in the Decision No. 34/2006/QD-BCN dated September 13, 2006 of the Ministry of Industry).

1.4 Interpretation of terms

In this regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:


Construction planning

The spatial organization of urban, rural and functional areas; organization of the system of technical and social infrastructure constructions, creating a suitable environment for people living in the territories, ensuring the harmony between national interests and community benefits, meeting the goals of socio-economic development, national defense, security, environmental protection, and response to climate change. Construction planning is demonstrated by construction planning projects including diagrams, drawings, models and explanations.

NOTE: Construction planning includes the types of planning specified in the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of 37 Planning-related Laws.


Urban planning:

The organization of urban space, architecture, landscape, system of technical and social infrastructure constructions and housing to create a suitable living environment for people living in urban areas. Urban planning is demonstrated by urban planning projects.


Functional areas

Including economic zones, industrial zones, export processing zones, hi-tech zones; tourist areas; research and training areas; sports and exercises areas.


Urban areas

Areas with a high density of population mainly working in the non-agricultural economic sectors, being political, administrative, economic, cultural or professional centers, serving as driving forces for socio-economic development of a country, a territory, or a locality, including downtowns and suburbs of a city, a town or a township.


Urban construction land

Land reserved for the construction of urban functional constructions (including urban technical infrastructure systems), including civil and non-civil land.


Civil land

Land for construction of constructions mainly in service of civil activities, including residential units or residential land in urban areas; land for urban public-service constructions; land for urban green spaces and urban land for urban technical infrastructure.


Urban development area

Areas planned for urban development in a certain period. Urban development areas include: New urban development area, expanded urban development area, renovation area, conservation area, urban reconstruction area, special functional areas.


Residential units

Basic functional areas of urban areas mainly in service of the housing needs, including: housing complexes; public-service constructions; public greenery for the regular and daily needs of the community; roads (roads from the level of subdivision to housing complex) and parking lots for the residential units.


Housing complex

Complex of housing constructions with shared public spaces (flower gardens, playgrounds, parking lots for the housing complex and internal roads, excluding subdivision roads, etc.).


Land lot

Includes one or more contiguous parcels of land with similar land uses delimited by traffic routes, other natural or man-made boundaries.


Detached houses

Houses built on separate parcels of land under the lawful use right of organizations, households or individuals, including villas, terraced houses and stand-alone houses.


Apartment buildings

Housing buildings with two or more stories divided into many apartments, sharing common aisles and staircases, including privately-owned and shared areas and a system of common infrastructure constructions shared by households, individuals, or organizations.


Mixed-use land

Land for construction of mixed-use houses or constructions or used for a number of different purposes defined in the planning projects.


Mixed-use constructions

Constructions with different uses.


Urban green spaces

Including: Land for greenery of public use; Land for greenery of limited use; Land for greenery of specialized use.

NOTE 1: Land for greenery of public use in urban areas includes parks, flower gardens, playgrounds, people's access;

NOTE 2: Land for greenery of limited use includes the greenery planted within the premises of constructions or theme parks managed and used by organizations or individuals;

NOTE 3: Land for greenery of specialized use includes green spaces in nurseries, land for greenery of research purpose, land for green isolation.


Green spaces in residential units

Including parks, flower gardens, playgrounds to serve the needs and ensure accessibility of all residents in the residential units.


Rural residential zone

A certain area, where many households dwell within and are linked together in production, daily life and other social activities, formed by natural, socio-economic, cultural conditions and other factors.


Technical infrastructure system (TIS)

- Traffic system;

- Energy supply system (electricity, petrol and gas, etc.);

- Public lighting system;

- Information and communication system (telecommunications technical infrastructure);

- Water supply system;

- Drainage and wastewater treatment (WWT) system;

- Solid waste (SW) management system;

- Public sanitation system;

- System of funeral halls, cemeteries and crematories;

- Other technical infrastructure systems.


Social infrastructure system

- Public-service system: health, education, culture, sports, commerce and other public-service facilities;

- System of parks, flower gardens, playgrounds;

- Other social infrastructure systems.


Building density

- Net building density is the ratio of the area of main architectural constructions to the area of the land lot (excluding the area of outdoor constructions, such as decorative miniatures, swimming pools, parking lots, sports fields, guardhouses, entrances and exits, covered basement ventilation units and other technical infrastructure works).

NOTE: Construction parts, decorative architectural details such as: gutter, capony, cornice, cantilever, step board, threshold, corridor under regulations on fire safety and construction safety shall be not included in the building footprint provided that they do not obstruct the circulation of people and vehicles and does not combine other uses.

- Gross building density of an urban area is the ratio of the building footprint of main architectural constructions to the total area of the land plot (the area of the entire land plot may include: courtyards, roads, green spaces, open spaces and areas without construction).


Land use ratio

The ratio of the total floor area of a building, including the basement (excluding the floor areas in service of the technical infrastructure system, fire safety system, shelter and parking lots of the building) to the total area of the land lot.


Red line

The line drawn on the planning and field maps to delimit the boundaries between the land to be constructed and the land reserved for traffic roads or other technical infrastructure constructions, and public spaces.


Building boundary line

Limit line to allow the construction of main works on the parcels of land



The space between the red line and the building boundary line.


Construction work height

The vertical distance between the ground elevation of the building as in the approved planning project to the highest point of the building (including the attic or the pitched roof). For buildings with different ground elevations, the work height shall be measured from the lowest ground elevation as in the approved planning project.

NOTE: Technical equipment on the roof, such as antennas, lighting rods, solar energy equipment, metal water tanks, chimneys, ventilation pipes, decorative architectural details, etc. shall not be included in the height of the building.


Environmental safety distance (ESD)

The minimum distance from the source of pollution (or houses or constructions containing the source of pollution), meeting the requirements on hygiene, safety and environment.


Safety corridor

The minimum space in width, length and height, running along or surrounding technical infrastructure constructions.


Urban underground space

Space for construction of underground constructions, including public underground constructions, underground traffic constructions, key underground technical constructions and underground parts of aboveground constructions, underground wiring or cables, underground utility pipes, trenches and tunnels.


Utility tunnels

Linear underground technical Infrastructure constructions which are large enough for people to perform the tasks of installing, repairing and maintaining technical equipment and pipes inside them.


Utility trenches

Small-sized linear underground technical Infrastructure constructions for installation of technical wiring, cables and pipes.

1.5 General requirements

1.5.1 Requirements for projections of the planning project:

- Projections on population, labor, land, social and technical infrastructure and other socio - economic contents must be based on a series of data in a minimum period of 5 latest years as well as the norms, regulations, and limits in the upper-level plans. Population projections must include projections of the permanent and temporary residents and other demographics (non-registered temporary residents and visitors);

- Projections must mention natural disasters, environmental issues, climate change and sea level rise;

- The subdivision planning and detailed planning must comply with and concretize the projections of the entire urban area;

- The projections must be consistent with the tolerability and responsiveness of the land, social and technical infrastructure and the environment.

1.5.2 Requirements for construction land selection

- Areas selected for construction must satisfy the following requirements:  Having economic, social, infrastructure, environmental and landscape advantages; Having natural conditions to ensure construction activities and ensure safety for the community; Not locating in the areas prohibited from construction;

- For the areas projected to be affected by sea level rise, the selection of construction land must take into account the impact from the sea level rise in relation to the national scenarios;

- In case construction is required in areas prone to natural disasters (landslides, floods, etc.), the plan must propose measures to mitigate or remediate the consequences and ensure safety for the community.

1.5.3 Requirements for the organizational orientation of zone-level space (district or inter-district)

- Zones in the planning project must be divided based on the natural features, the economic, social, environmental and ecological characteristics of the area;

- The zoning must incorporate management control solutions at the following levels: area with construction priority (urban, residential, industrial areas, etc.); area with construction restriction (agricultural areas, forests, conservations, natural landscapes); area with construction prohibition (safe isolation zones, areas for protection of heritages, monuments, etc.);

- The system of urban areas in the area must ensure its ability to develop, expand, and satisfy environmental and residence safety requirements. The urban areas must be smoothly connected with other urban areas and rural areas;

- The system of rural residential zones in the area must be suitable to natural conditions, production activities, and typical regional residence patterns as well as can satisfy requirements on natural disaster prevention and control;

- Industrial zones must be planned based on their potentials and advantages regarding natural and socio-economic conditions: saving land funds, prioritizing the use of wasteland, and limiting the conversion of agricultural land; not polluting the surrounding areas;

- Areas for protection of heritages and natural landscapes must preserve the integrity of specific values of the natural resources, promote their potentials for economic development, and facilitate the management and protection of them;

- The social infrastructure system (health, education, culture, sports, commerce, service, etc.) and the technical infrastructure system must be favorably and easily accessible to all people in the area (urban and rural residents).

1.5.4 Requirements for spatial organization of the entire urban area and functional areas in the urban area Requirements for the spatial organization of the entire urban area

- For cities consisting of many urban areas, it is necessary to ensure favorable connectivity between the central urban area and other urban areas and functional areas while ensuring the maintenance of buffer zones and ecological zones among urban areas;

- The planning projects must define the boundaries of urban development areas and areas where urban development is restricted (or prohibited); For urban areas to be expanded, urban boundaries must be based on projections on population size, land, and infrastructure, and satisfy the requirements for selection of construction land;

- Urban space must fully exploit its advantages and limit its disadvantages of natural conditions; be suitable to the socio-economic conditions and specific land and infrastructure conditions of each urban area or each region; create a good and safe living environment for the residents, preserve and promote its characteristic cultural identity;

- Land for urban development must be calculated and forecasted based on the development capacity of each planning stage. Norms of civil land must be selected according to specific characteristics of each urban area, ensuring the principle of economical and efficient use of land and protection of valuable natural resources;

- The sizes of non-civil land must be justified and calculated according to actual needs in combination with specialized planning;

- Industrial and warehouse establishments must be planned at safe locations without causing environmental pollution. Requirements for functional areas, urban subdivisions and centers

- The urban subdivision shall be based on typical values of each region in terms of natural conditions, landscape, architecture, and urban functions;

- The urban subdivision must include projecting and determining the population size for the planned land lots, serving as a basis for population calculation and distribution in detailed plans and projects; The projected and determined population must include the non-registered residents in residential land, and land for construction of mixed-use constructions with residential items, including accommodation services (if any);

- The urban subdivision must determine the system of public-service constructions, land use norms and technical infrastructure framework for land lots at the regional level and in residential units;

- Centers by administrative levels and professional centers (health care, training, trade, service, etc.) should be of an appropriate scale and land-saving;

- Centers by administrative levels must be located at the position with the most favorable connectivity to the functional areas of the urban area;

- The urban center must combine several compatible functions to ensure efficient, flexible and convenient land use and exploitation.

1.5.5 Requirements for urban green spaces and urban greenery land

- Green spaces in urban areas, including natural green spaces (forests, hills, mountains, vegetation along rivers, lakes and coastal areas) and artificial green spaces (parks, flower gardens, water bodies, etc.) must be planned to link together into a seamless system;

- Natural green spaces should be protected as much as possible; artificial green spaces must be appropriately distributed on the entire urban construction land area to ensure convenience;

- Norms of public greenery land for the entire urban area and each area determined in general urban planning and subdivision planning must meet the planning objectives and be specific to each urban area. The greenery for public use must be planned with convenient access for all people;

- Priority must be given to the use of indigenous or regional typical green trees which are suitable for being planted in urban areas, as well as to the protection of trees of endangered species or old trees of valuable species. Species of green trees to be planted in urban areas must ensure no effect on traffic safety and meet the requirements for natural disaster prevention and control; not damage underground and aboveground constructions; not secrete harmful substances or attract insects that affect the citizens.

1.5.6 Requirements for urban underground space planning

- It is required to identify the areas where the construction of underground constructions is allowed, restricted, or prohibited;

- It is required to determine the location, scale, route direction, stratification of the underground traffic system, the system of utility tunnels, trenches, tanks and sewers, areas for the construction of public constructions, underground technical key constructions, and projected technical connections and spatial connections;

- Underground constructions must be safely and synchronously connected with each other and with aboveground constructions regarding spatial and technical infrastructure connections.

1.5.7 Requirements for technical infrastructure planning

- The planning of technical Infrastructure constructions must fully meet the needs of the region, and be consistent with the projections on development of urban, rural and other functional areas;

- Projections on the technical infrastructure needs must be based on existing data series, projects, or statistics of areas with similar conditions or selective applicable standards;

- The technical infrastructure planning must take into account the effects of climate change and sea level rise;

- The planning of technical infrastructure constructions for shared use (route direction, location, scale) must identify constructions of common use to ensure uniformity and consistency;

- Traffic and technical infrastructure constructions must ensure accessibility for the disabled as required in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 10:2014/BXD;

- On main streets, public areas (commercial areas, parks, markets, bus stations, squares, main bus stops, etc.) and petrol filling stations outside urban areas, there must be public toilets; Public sanitation constructions must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-9:2016/BXD;

- The public lighting system including lighting system for roads, traffic constructions, parks, flower gardens, decorative lighting, lighting system of festivals, architectural and art constructions must satisfy the requirements for luminance, illuminance, safety and energy-saving. Public lighting utilities must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-7:2016/BXD;

- The planning of telecommunications infrastructure constructions must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-8:2016/BXD and the National Technical Regulation QCVN 33:2011/BTTTT.

1.5.8 Requirements for planning of functional areas

Urban areas and rural residential zones located in functional areas must comply with the provisions of this regulation.

1.5.9 Requirements for the presentation scale of planning projects

Specifications and management requirements on space, land and infrastructure must be identified and displayed correspondingly to each map scale as follows:

- Maps at the 1/25,000 scale must show roads up to the inter-area level or equivalent and land lots delimited by inter-area roads or equivalent;

- Maps at the 1/10,000 scale must show roads up to the main area level or equivalent and land lots delimited by main area roads or equivalent;

- Maps at the 1/5,000 scale must show roads up to the area level or equivalent and land lots delimited by area roads or equivalent;

- Maps at the 1/2,000 scale must show roads up to the subdivision level or equivalent and land lots delimited by subdivision roads or equivalent;

- Maps at the 1/500 scale must show roads up to the level of housing complex, bike paths, walking paths and land lots.





2.1 Requirements for civil land

The minimum and maximum average civil land norms for the entire urban area are prescribed for each type of urban area and are among the norms specified in Table 2.1. For areas planned as downtowns of special urban areas, the average civil land norms for the entire urban area shall be applied with provisions for type-I urban areas. Other urban areas which are special urban areas shall be applied with the norms for urban areas of the same type based on planning orientations.

Table 2.1: Average civil land norms for the entire urban area (corresponding to the average population density of the entire urban area/ civil land area)

Type of urban areas

Average land norm (m2/person)

Population density (people/ha)


45 - 60

220 - 165


50 - 80

200 - 125


70 - 100

145 - 100

NOTE 1: Norms in the table do not include agricultural land, land for constructions at regional level or higher arranged in urban civil areas;

NOTE 2: In the case of a specific urban planning, it is possible to select the norm other than those specified in Table 2.1 above, but there must be justifications to ensure the suitability and the norm must be between 45 and 100 m2/person.



2.2 Requirements for residential units

- The maximum population size of a residential unit is 20,000 people, the minimum population size of a residential unit is 4,000 people (for mountainous urban areas, it is 2,800 people);

- Average residential unit land of the entire urban area is defined for each type of urban area in Table 2.2. For areas planned as downtowns of special urban areas, the average residential unit land norms for the entire urban area shall be applied with provisions for type-I urban areas. Other urban areas which are special urban areas shall be applied with the norms for urban areas of the same type based on planning orientations;

Table 2.2: Average residential unit land norms according to types of urban areas

Type of urban areas

Land units (m2/person)







NOTE 1: Norms in the table do not include agricultural land attached to residential land, land for civil constructions at urban area level or higher arranged in residential units;

NOTE 2: In the case of a specific urban planning, it is possible to select the norm other than those specified in Table 2.2 above, but there must be justifications to ensure the suitability and the norm must be 15 m2/person or more.


- Land for residential unit level public-service constructions is determined according to table 2.4. Public-service constructions at the residential unit level must ensure the convenient accessibility and use of the residents;

- Land for greenery of public use in the unit should be at least 2 m2/person. Each residential unit must have at least one park, flower garden with a minimum area of 5,000 m2 and ensure that the residents in the residential unit (especially the elderly and children) have convenient access to it as prescribed in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 10:2014/BXD. In housing complex, there must be flower gardens and playgrounds with a service radius not greater than 300 m;

- For projects with a population size equivalent to that of a residential unit, the arrangement of residential unit level public-service constructions and greenery of public use in residential units must comply with the approved planning and regulations for residential units;

- For projects with a population of less than 4,000 people (under 2,800 people in mountainous urban areas), the arrangement of public-service constructions and greenery of public use must comply with the approved planning. In addition, the norm of greenery land in the project area must be at least 1m2/person and early childhood education must be arranged to ensure adequate service for the project area;

- In a residential unit, it is possible to arrange a number of constructions that do not belong to such residential unit. Urban main roads shall not cross the residential units;

- In the planning of mixed-use land plots, the ratio of land for each function must be shown;

- The planning of land lots with mixed-use constructions must show the ratio of floor area for each function. The planning of mixed-use constructions with residential items including accommodation services (if any) must determine the population size to calculate the needs for technical and social infrastructure.

2.3 Requirements for public-service constructions

2.3.1 Classification of public-service constructions

- The system of public-service constructions is divided into 3 levels: regional level, urban level, residential unit level. Depending on the location, size and nature of each urban area, the urban planning must ensure the arrangement of regional, urban, or residential unit level public-service constructions;

- The size of public-service constructions must consider the needs of neighboring areas and the number of non-registered residents.

2.3.2 Regulations on the system of urban-level public-service constructions

The system of urban public-service constructions must comply with the provisions in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3: Minimum sizes of urban-level public-service constructions

Type of constructions

Minimum construction usage norms

Minimum land use norms

Unit of calculation


Unit of calculation


A. Education

1. Upper secondary school

student/1,000 people




B. Health

2. General Hospital

bed/1,000 people


m2/patient bed


C. Culture-Sports

3. Basic sports field







4. Stadium







5. Culture-sports center







6. House of culture (or Palace of culture)

seat/1,000 people




7. Children's house (or Children's palace)

seat/1,000 people




D. Trade

8. Market





NOTE 1: Areas with a population of 20,000 people or more must have at least one upper secondary school;

NOTE 2: Cultural and sports institutions are encouraged to be combined in a building, or a building block. Size of other urban-level public-service constructions (swimming pools, libraries, museums, circuses, cinemas, theaters, etc.) must be calculated based on the needs of each urban area.


2.3.3 Regulations on the system of residential unit level public-service constructions

- Public-service constructions at the residential unit level must ensure the service radius not exceeding 500 m. Particularly for areas with complicated topography and low population density, the service radius of these constructions must not exceed 1,000 m;

- The system of public-service constructions at the residential unit level must comply with Table 2.4.

Table 2.4: Minimum sizes of residential unit level public-service constructions

Type of constructions

Minimum construction usage norms

Minimum land use norms

Unit of calculation


Unit of calculation


A. Education

1. Early childhood school

child/1,000 people




2. Primary school

pupil/1,000 people




3. Junior high school

student/1,000 people




B. Health

4. Health station





C. Culture-Sports

5. Playground





6. Ground for exercise practice







7. Culture-sports center





D. Trade

8. Market





NOTE 1: Mountainous urban areas and centers of urban area with limited land fund shall be allowed to reduce the land use norms for Culture-Sports center by at least 2,500 m2 for each facility.

NOTE 2: Cultural - sports works can be arranged in combination with land for greenery of public use.


2.4 Requirements for green spaces

- Land for greenery of public use in urban areas must ensure convenient accessibility for all residents. The planning must include the exploitation and use of natural greenery, riparian vegetation along rivers and lakes, canals, coasts, etc. to expand urban greenery spaces;

- For urban areas with unique and valuable natural landscapes (rivers, streams, seas, hills, and natural vegetation), it is necessary to have solutions for planning on exploitation and conservation of the landscapes.

Table 2.5: Minimum area for greenery land of public use in urban areas (excluding greenery land of public use in residential units)

Type of urban areas

Norms (m2/person)



I and II


III and IV




NOTE 1: The water surface area in the parks and flower gardens must be converted into the greenery land norm per person, but not exceeding 50% of the total area of greenery land for public use in urban areas;

NOTE 2: For mountainous and island urban areas, the norm of greenery land for public use in urban areas may be lowered, but must equal above 70% of the norms specified in Table 2.5.


2.5 Requirements for industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech zones

2.5.1 General requirements

- The planning of industrial parks (including industrial clusters), export processing zones and hi-tech zones must meet the requirements on environmental protection and safety, minimizing negative impacts on the neighborhood environment;

- Production establishments and warehouses of types I and II must be planned outside urban construction areas. The levels of hazardous effects and environmental safety distances must comply with regulations of the Ministry of Science and Technology and legal documents on environment.


- In case there are no environmental regulations by Ministry of Science and Technology or other legal documents, it is allowed to use the environmental impact assessment method or refer to the values in Appendix 3 of TCVN 4449 - 1987 to determine the ESD;

- The civil functional areas (if any) planned in association with industrial parks must apply the same regulations as those for civil areas in urban areas. The planning criteria are applied according to Point 2.1, Point 2.2, Point 2.3, Point 2.4 and Point 2.6.

2.5.2 Environmental safety distance (ESD)

- The ESD of pollution sources in industrial parks, warehouses and industrial clusters, such as production workshops, warehouses of materials, finished products, and hazardous wastes and other auxiliaries producing non-civil wastes, must be ensured;

- Green isolation zones must be arranged around industrial parks, warehouses and industrial clusters with a width of 10 m or more;

- Within the ESDs, only traffic roads, parking lots, power supply constructions, fences, gates, security guard stations, wastewater pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants (WWT), WWT stations, solid waste (SW) transfer stations, SW facilities and other industrial buildings and warehouses are allowed to be arranged;

- Civil constructions are not allowed to be arranged within ESDs.

2.5.3 Land use

- Land for construction of industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech zones must be planned based on the potentials for industrial and socio-economic development, and relevant development strategies of each locality;

- The ratio of land types in industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech zones depends on the type and nature of production facilities, modular area of land lots for construction of production facilities and warehouses, but must comply with the provisions in Table 2.6;

- The maximum net building density of the land lots for of land lots for construction of factories and warehouses is 70%. For land lots planned to build factories with more than 05 floors used for production, the maximum net building density is 60%.

Table 2.6: Minimum land ratio for traffic, greenery, and technical zones in industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech zones.

Type of land

Ratio (percentage of the total area)





Technical zones


NOTE: Land for traffic and greenery in Table 2.6 do not include traffic and greenery land in the premises of production facilities.


2.6 Requirements for landscape architecture, urban design and building layout of new development areas

2.6.1 Minimum distances between individual buildings, constructions or rows of terraced houses (collectively referred to as buildings) must be specified in detailed planning and urban design projects. The arrangement of the buildings and determination of their height must minimize negative impacts of natural conditions (sunshine, wind, etc.) and create advantages for microclimate conditions in the buildings as well as comply with regulations on fire safety. In addition, the distance between buildings must meet the requirements: For buildings with a height of less than 46 m

- The distance between the long edges of a building must be equal to at least 1/2 of the building's height or more, but not be less than 7 m;

- The distance between the gable of a building and the gable or the long edge of another building must be equal to at least 1/3 of the building's height, but not be less than 4 m;

- In case the rows of terraced houses in the same land lot are planned to be spaced apart, the distance between the back edge of the rows of terraced houses must be ≥ 4 m. For buildings with a height of 46 m or more

- The distance between the long edges of the buildings must be 25 m or more;

- The distance between the gable of a building and the gable or the long edge of another building must be 15 m or more. The distance between buildings of different heights shall be measured in accordance with regulations applicable to buildings with the greater height. For a building with its long edge equal in length to its gable, the side adjacent to the largest road shall be considered the long edge of the row.

2.6.2 Setback of the buildings

- Setback of buildings adjacent to roads (for roads at the regional level or higher) shall be specified in detailed planning and urban design projects, but must satisfy the provisions in Table 2.7;

- For a building complex including a base and a high-rise tower, the regulations on setback shall apply separately to the complex's base and tower in correspondence to the height of each part.

Table 2.7: Regulations on minimum setback (m) of a building by road width (delimited by the red line) and the building’s height

Width of the road adjacent to the land lot for construction of the building (m)

Building height (m)

< 19

19 ÷< 22

22 ÷< 28

≥ 28

















2.6.3 Permissible maximum net building density

- The maximum net building density of the land lot for construction of detached houses is specified in Table 2.8;

- The maximum net building density of the land lot for construction of apartment buildings is determined in the urban planning and design project, but must comply with the provisions in Table 2.9 as well as requirements for the minimum distance between the rows of houses at Point 2.6.1 and the setback of buildings at Point 2.6.2;

- The maximum net building density of the land lot for construction of public-service constructions, such as education, healthcare, culture, sports, and market facilities in the new development areas is 40%;

- The maximum net building density of the land lot for construction of commercial and service buildings, or mixed-use land lot, is determined in the urban planning and design project, but must comply with the provisions of Table 2.10 and the requirements on the minimum distance between the rows of houses at Point 2.6.1 and the setback of buildings at Point 2.6.2;

Table 2.8: Maximum net building density of the land lot for construction of detached houses (villas, terraced houses, stand-alone houses)

Area of the land lot (m2/house)

≤ 90






Maximum building density (%)







NOTE: The land lot for construction of detached houses must also ensure no more than 7 times greater land use ratio.



Table 2.9: Maximum net building density of the land lot for construction of apartment buildings by the area of the land lot and the height of the buildings

Height of aboveground buildings (m)

Maximum building density (%) by land lot area

≤3,000 m2

10,000 m2

18,000 m2

≥ 35,000 m2

≤ 16




























































NOTE: The land lot for construction of buildings with a height of more than 46 m must also ensure no more than 13 times greater land use ratio.


Table 2.10: Maximum net building density of the land lot for construction of commercial and service buildings, and mixed-use high-rise buildings, by the area of the land lot and the height of the buildings

Height of aboveground buildings (m)

Maximum building density (%) by land lot area

≤3,000 m2

10,000 m2

18,000 m2

≥ 35,000 m2





























































NOTE: The land lot for construction of buildings with a height of more than 46 m must also ensure no more than 13 times greater land use ratio (except for the land lots for construction of buildings with special requirements for landscape architecture or urban highlights identified in the higher-level planning projects).


- For land lots not listed in Tables 2.8, Table 2.9, and Table 2.10, interpolation between 2 nearest values is allowed;

- If a building is a complex with different heights, the regulations on maximum building density are allowed to apply to the average height;

- For a building complex including a base and a high-rise tower, the regulations on building density shall apply separately to the complex's base and tower in correspondence to the height of each part, but the land use ratio of the base and tower must not be greater more than 13 times.

2.6.4 Gross building density

- The permissible maximum gross building density of a residential unit is 60%;

- The maximum gross building density of a resort is 25%;

- The maximum gross building density of a park is 5%;

- The maximum gross building density of a theme park is 25%;

- The maximum gross building density of the specialized green spaces (including golf courses), areas for natural environment protection is determined based on their functions and in accordance with relevant legal regulations, but not exceeding 5%.

2.6.5 The ratio of land for greenery in the land lots for construction must comply with the regulations on minimum ratio of land for greenery as shown in Table 2.11.

Table 2.11: Minimum land ratio for greenery in the land lots for construction

In the land lots for construction works

Minimum ratio of land for greenery (%)

1- Apartment buildings


2 - Educational, medical and cultural facilities


3 - Factories



2.6.6 Dimensions in the land lots for construction of houses

- In the land lots for construction of houses in new development zones which are adjacent to roads with a red line of 19 m or more, the frontage of the housing building must be 5 m or more;

- In the land lots for construction of houses in new development zones which are adjacent to roads with a red line of less than 19 m, the frontage of the housing building must be 4 m or more;

- The maximum length of a land lot for construction of a row terraced houses, whose 2 sides are adjacent to roads at the main area level or lower, is 60 m.

2.6.7 Regulations on architectural details of buildings adjacent to roads

- The architectural details of the buildings are determined in the detailed planning project, urban design and architectural management regulations of each area;

- In case the construction boundary coincides with the red line, the above regulations must ensure the following principles: not obstructing traffic activities in the roadway; ensuring safety and convenience for walking activities on the sidewalk; not affecting the system of green trees, aboveground and underground technical Infrastructure constructions on the street; ensuring uniformity of landscape on the street or each street section; ensuring the compliance with the regulations on fire safety and the operation of fire-fighting vehicles;

- In case the construction boundary reverses from the red line, the following principles must be ensured: no architectural part or detail of the buildings shall cross the red line; ensuring uniformity of landscape on the street or each street section; ensuring the compliance with the regulations on fire safety and operation of fire-fighting vehicles.

2.6.8 Relationship with neighboring buildings

- Architectural details of the buildings in the section adjacent to the neighboring buildings are determined by the detailed planning project, urban design and architectural management regulations of each area;

- The regulations must ensure the following principles: Ensuring compliance with regulations on fire safety; Ensuring that all activities in this project do not adversely affect activities (living, working, resting, etc.) of residents in the neighboring buildings.

2.6.9 Entrance gates and fences of public-service constructions

- Safety and smooth traffic on the roads at the constructions’ entrance and exit area must be ensured;

- The gates and the fences adjacent to the two sides of the gates must recede far from the boundary of the land lot to form a gathering zone with a minimum depth of 4 m and a width at least 4 times greater than the width of the gates.

2.6.10 Information boards and advertising panels must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 17:2018/BXD.

2.6.11 Situated petrol stations

- Land fund must be planned and allocated to situate petrol stations based on the needs of the urban areas. The minimum land area of newly-planned situated petrol stations is specified in Article 5, National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2020/BCT;

- The location of a newly-planned situated petrol station must comply with the regulations on fire safety in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2020/BCT; The distance between two newly-planned situated petrol stations is at least 300 m; The distance between a newly-planned situated petrol station to places where people frequently gather (markets, shopping malls, educational institutions, medical institutions, cultural and sports institutions, offices) is at least 50 m;

- The location of newly-planned situated petrol stations must ensure convenient and safe access to the traffic system. Exits and entrances to a newly-planned situated petrol station must be at least 50 m away from vision-obstructed points and located outside the safety corridor of bridges, sewers and road tunnels. An exit of a situated petrol station leading to a road at the area level or higher must be at least 50 m away from the red line of another road at the area level or higher that intersect with that road with the exit of the petrol station. Situated petrol stations must arrange parking stops for refueling not to affect the traffic inside and outside the stations;

- Existing newly-planned situated petrol stations must be consistent with the urban planning, not affect traffic safety, and have the fire safety plan approved in accordance with the regulations;

- Additionally, other construction of the petrol stations must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-6:2016/BXD and the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2020/BCT.

2.6.12 Gas supply constructions

- Land fund must be planned and allocated to gas supply constructions and gas pipelines based on the needs of the urban areas;

- Pipelines with a maximum working pressure of more than 7 bars must not be planned to cross downtowns of urban areas;

- The planning of gas distribution pipelines must take into account the use of common utility tunnels and trenches;

- Additionally, other construction of the gas supply constructions must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-6:2016/BXD.

2.6.13 Fire-fighting constructions

- It is required to arrange a network of fire police stations with a maximum service radius of 3 km for the urban areas and 5 km for other areas. For existing urban areas that do not ensure the service radius of fire police teams, there must be solutions for allocating additional land fund or arranging additional fire police stations in the new urban area projects;

- The location of fire police stations must ensure safe and fast entry and exit of fire engines and other fire fighting vehicles;

- Traffic roads in service of fire-fighting must comply with the requirements in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 06:2021/BXD.

2.7 Requirements for the space and land use of existing areas in urban areas

2.7.1 General provisions

- Existing areas in the urban area must be identified in the general planning and subdivision planning projects. The planning of existing areas in the urban area must ensure synchronous connection of technical and social infrastructure systems with neighboring areas; not adversely affect the quality of the existing infrastructure systems;

- The land fund for social and technical infrastructure constructions and green spaces must be planned in a direction to be nearly equal to the norms of new urban development areas;

- For downtowns with the quality of technical infrastructure constructions not meeting the provisions of this regulation, urban reconstruction projects must assess the impact on technical infrastructure of the area;

- The parameters of the area and building density of the land lots, the height and distance between the buildings, the land use ratio and land use conversion must be determined in the detailed planning and urban design projects;

- In planning of newly-opened roads or improved and expanded roads, the design of constructions adjacent to the roads must be planned to be synchronous with neighboring buildings, ensuring the general aesthetic on the entire route; the detailed planning and urban design must take into account the current shape of the land lots that do not meet the requirements for landscape and construction safety, then adjust or merge the land lots;

- Buildings located in land lots not adjacent to roads (newly-opened, improved and expanded roads, existing roads) must be planned to ensure that all buildings must be ventilated, illuminated, traffic convenient, as well as ensure the safe distance for fire-fighting and accessibility of fire-fighting vehicles;

- Industrial production zones, clusters and establishments causing pollution must be relocated. After the relocation of the land fund, the priority must be considered given to the arrangement of additional social infrastructure constructions, green spaces, and the deficient technical infrastructure constructions in the area;

- The renovation and embellishment of industrial production zones, clusters and establishments must comply with regulations on technical infrastructure constructions, ensuring the requirements for environment, fire and explosion safety and urban landscape.

2.7.2 Regulations for subjects of application

- The valuable historical/cultural/ architectural sites to be preserved are specified separately in the architectural management regulations or in the management regulations of the construction planning projects based on the specifics of each urban area and must meet the requirements on fire prevention and fighting and environmental safety;

- Planning areas along both sides of a newly-opened or renovated road (roads at the area level or higher); Urban redevelopment projects with a scale of between 3 ha or more in existing areas in the urban area must apply the provisions of Point 2.6;

- For areas defined in the higher-level planning projects as areas that are only allowed to be renovated and embellished to improve the landscape and architecture, improve the environmental quality, but not allowed to increase the population size or change the land use function, the determination of planning and architectural norms must be based on the approved detailed planning and urban design projects under the specifics of each urban area and must meet the requirements on fire prevention and fighting and environmental safety or apply the provisions from Point 2.7.3 to Point 2.7.7 below;

- For existing areas in the urban area identified in the higher-level planning projects do not belong to the above groups of subjects, the provisions in between Points 2.7.3 and 2.7.7 below are applicable.

2.7.3 Regulations on land use

- The land use planning must give priority to allocating land fund for public-service constructions, greenery parks, and urban technical infrastructure constructions being gradually equal to the norms of new urban areas;

- In case of insufficient land fund for public-service constructions, it is allowed to reduce the land use norms in Table 2.3 and Table 2.4 but not exceeding 50%. Particularly for education and training facilities, it must satisfy the national standards of the Ministry of Education and Training;

- It is allowed to combine preschools on the first and second floors of apartment buildings, but must ensure the area for playgrounds, separate paths for students, as well as follow environmental, sanitation, and fire safety regulations prescribed in the laws and specialized regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Health;

- In case, due to the current conditions of the planning area, it is not possible to add the area of greenery for public use to meet the regulations, the detailed planning project and urban design must propose supplementation of green spaces and open spaces to the land lots and ensure that all people can access to them.

2.7.4 Regulations on the service radius of public-service constructions

In case, due to current conditions of the planning area, there is not enough land fund to allocate for public-service constructions as specified in Table 2.3 and Table 2.4, it is allowed to reallocate land from neighboring public-service constructions with the new radius no more than 2 times greater specified at Point 2.3.3.

2.7.5 Regulations on setback of buildings on the road route

In case, due to the current conditions of the planning area, it is not possible to meet the requirements specified in Table 2.7, the setback shall be determined in the planning project or urban design, but it must ensure the consistency with the spatial organization of a street or a street section.

2.7.6 Regulations on minimum distance between rows of houses and buildings

In case, due to the current conditions of the planning area, it is not possible to meet the requirements on minimum distance as prescribed, the minimum distance between buildings shall be determined in the detailed planning project or urban design, but it must satisfy the regulations on fire safety: The roads as access for fire engines to the buildings must be 4 m or more in width; All construction items must be naturally ventilated and lighted.

2.7.7 Regulations on net building density

- The net building density shall comply with the provisions of Point 2.6.3. Particularly, land lots for construction of detached houses with a height of at most 25 m and an area of at most 100 m2 are allowed with a maximum building density of 100%, but they must comply with regulations on setback and distance between buildings as at Point 2.7.5 and Point 2.7.6;

- In case, due to the current conditions of the planning area, there is no land fund to ensure the land use norms of public-service constructions, the maximum net building density of the public-service constructions to be increased, but not exceeding 60%;

- Due to the needs for population load control and infrastructure, some areas shall be allowed to use the norms of land use ratio instead of the norms of building density and floor number. The maximum land use ratio shall be determined in the urban planning or design projects, but it must comply with the provisions in Table 2.12 below.

Table 2.12: Maximum land use ratio of land lots for construction of apartment buildings, utility facilities and mixed-use high-rise buildings by the area of the land lot and the height of the buildings

Height of aboveground buildings (m)

Maximum land use ratio (times) by the area of the land lot

≤3,000 m2

10,000 m2

18,000 m2

≥ 35,000 m2





























































NOTE 1: For land lots whose area or height is not listed in this Table, interpolation between the two nearest values is allowed.

NOTE 2: Land lots for construction of buildings with special requirements on landscape architecture or those which highlights of the urban areas identified in higher-level planning projects shall consider the land use ratio 13 times larger, but it need to be calculated in order not to overload the social and technical infrastructure systems of the urban areas.


2.8 Requirements on foundation height and surface water drainage

2.8.1 Requirements for foundation height planning

- Different types of land must be assessed and classified based on its natural conditions to determine that the construction is favorable, less favorable or unfavorable, or it should be restricted or prohibited. Risks of natural disasters, climate change and sea level rise must be assessed and identified, taking into account the neighboring areas;

- The planning must be in line with the irrigation planning. The advantages of the topography and natural conditions must be taken to limit the excavation and embankment. There must be solutions to elevate the newly-planned area's ground without affecting the water drainage capacity of the area;

- The foundation height planning must be designed with a cycle of calculated flooding levels determined based on the type of urban areas and the urban functional areas as in Table 2.13;

- The minimum restricted foundation height in the construction areas must be 0.3 m higher than the calculated flooding level for civil land and 0.5 m higher for industrial land.

Table 2.13: The cycle of calculated flooding levels (by year) for functional areas

Functional areas

Type of urban areas

Special type, type I

Types II, III, IV

Type V

Urban centers, concentrated residential areas and industrial zones




Greenery areas, parks, sports fields




NOTE 1: The regulation on restricted foundation height does not apply to areas or facilities designed to harvest and store rainwater, prevent other flooding, and buildings applying solutions for flood adaptation;

NOTE 2: For areas affected by climate change and sea-level rise, the foundation height should be tested for the capacity in response to climate change and national sea-level rise scenarios.


2.8.2 Requirements on surface water drainage system

- The planning of the surface water drainage system must ensure the area and volume of the detention basin system to manage the surface water; exploit low-lying areas to temporarily store rainwater; increase the absorbent surface area of traffic constructions, yards, technical infrastructure and other public areas. Existing urban areas must retain, renovate and upgrade existing lakes, rivers and canals to ensure the storage volume and control the surface water;

- The planning of the surface water drainage system in a new development area must not affect the surface water drainage capacity of the existing areas;

- The planning of the surface water drainage system must take into account the mitigation of damages caused by natural disasters (floods, storms, flood-tides, slides, landslides, etc.) and the response to climate change and sea level rise;

- Completely newly-built areas must have their own drainage systems. Shared drainage networks of multiple areas must be renovated to be semi-separate drainage systems or separate drainage systems;

- The surface water drainage systems must be based on the cycle of rains causing sanitary sewer overflows. The minimum cycle of rains causing sanitary sewer overflows is specified in Table 2.14;

- Requirements for rainwater harvesting: 100% of urban roads and roads passing through suburban residential areas must have rainwater drainage systems;

- Additionally, construction items on the drainage network must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-2:2016/BXD.

Table 2.14: Minimum cycle of rains causing sanitary sewer overflows (by years)

Type of drainage constructions

Type of urban areas

Special type, type I

Types II, III, IV

Type V

Channels and ditches




Main sewers




Sewer branches




NOTE 1: The cycle of rains causing sanitary sewer overflows shall not be used to calculate intra-field irrigation drainage canals within the administrative boundaries of urban areas or rural residential area.

NOTE 2: In the planning of the surface water drainage system, the capacity in response to climate change must be considered based on the national scenarios.


2.9 Traffic requirements

2.9.1 General requirements

- The transport system must meet the needs of passenger and goods transportation in service of socio-economic development, urbanization and international integration;

- Traffic network must be clearly decentralized, ensuring uninterrupted, orderly, safe and efficient operation;

- Traffic development must comply with the planning as well as step by step modernize and synchronously and reasonably combine means of transport.

2.9.2 External transport system Road

- Newly-planned highways and roads for cars at levels I and II must be located outside of urban areas. In case it is compulsory for the roads to cross the downtowns, there must be enough road protection corridors and other traffic safety measures;

- Car stations must be located with convenient connectivity to urban areas, stations, ports, markets and concentrated residential areas. Railway

- The safety distance between railway constructions with other constructions must comply with current regulations of the transport sector;

- The distance from the center of the nearest railway to urban housing areas must be 20 m or more;

- Foundation sizes of stations must meet the requirements in Table 2.15.

Table 2.15: Foundation sizes of various types of station

Type of stations

Arrangement of arriving and departure lanes

Station foundation length (m)

Station foundation width (m)

1- Passenger terminal

- Dead-end

- Pass-through



≥ 1,400


≥ 100

2- Freight station



≥ 100

3- Technical station




≥ 4,000






4- Mixed station









≥ 100 Airline

- When making a planning project, the size and area of land for airports and airfields must be calculated based on the standards of the aviation sector and ICAO;

- The distance from buildings to the airports must comply with the airport's static loudspeaker planning and ensure regulations on noise as in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT. Waterway

- Port sizes are specified in Table 2.16.

Table 2.16: Regulations on port area

Type of ports


m2/1 m length of the port

Sea port

- Jetties extended into the sea

- Jetties on the shore

≥ 150

≥ 300

Inland waterway port

- Public port

- Specialized port


≥ 300

Landing stage

- Public landing stage

- Specialized landing stage

≥ 100

≥ 100


2.9.3 Urban transport system Urban road system

- The urban traffic planning in the general planning project must project the needs for passenger and goods transportation and the structure of transport means;

- The urban traffic system must ensure quick and safe connectivity among all functional areas and within the zone, between regional traffic system with national and international traffic systems;

- The width of lanes and roads shall be determined based on the road level, the speed, the designed traffic vehicle flow and must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-4:2016/BXD;

- Sidewalks, walking paths, bike paths must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-4:2016/BXD;

- The road density and distance between two roads are specified in Table 2.17;

- The minimum ratio of traffic land (excluding static traffic) to the urban construction land is 6% for roads at up to the inter-area level 13% for roads at up to the area level; and 18% for roads at up to the subdivision level.

Table 2.17: Regulations on types of roads in urban areas

Level of roads

Type of roads

Distance of two roads (m)

Road density (km/ km2)

Urban level

1. Urban highways

4,800 - 8,000


2. Urban arterial roads

2,400 - 4,000


3. Urban main roads

1,200 - 2,000

1.5- 1.0

4. Inter-area roads

600 - 1,000


Area level

5. Main area roads

300 - 500


6. Area roads



Internal level

7. Subdivision roads



8. Roads in housing complexes, entrance paths of houses

no specified

no specified

9. Bike paths

10. Walking paths Traffic squares and intersections of urban roads

- Regulations on organization of traffic squares and intersections of urban roads must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-4:2016/BXD;

- The radius of curvature of the curb at street intersections must be 15 m or more in traffic squares and urban streets, 12 m or more in area-level roads; and 8 m or more in internal roads;

- At intersections of newly-opened roads in existing urban areas, if the size of corner chamfers cannot be ensured, alternative technical measures such as using speed humps, median strips, signs, signal lights, etc. Public passenger transportation network.

- For urban areas of Type III or higher, public passenger transportation networks must be organized. The types of public transport include: urban railway, bus, ship (if any);

- The distance between public transport routes must be at least 600 m and not less than 1,200 m (at least 400 m in the urban centers). The maximum walking distance from houses, offices, shopping malls, entertainment facilities, etc. to the public stations is 500 m;

- The density of the public transport network depends on the structure of urban planning and shall be at least 2.0 km/km2 of urban construction land. The distance between urban public transport stations is prescribed as follows: for bus or train stations, the distance is not more than 600 m; for bus rapid transit (BRT) or urban railway (subway; tramway or elevated railway) stations, the distance is least 800 m;

- At the intersections of roads with public transport vehicles running along, stations for vehicle transfer must be arranged with a walking way of less than 200 m;

- Bus and tram stops on main roads must be located at least 20 m away from the intersections. The length of a single-route bus station must be at least 20 m, and for multi-route or multi-way bus stations, the length must be calculated specifically, but not less than 30 m. The width of the stations must be at least 3 m. Urban railway system

- National and urban railway lines must be interconnected with a system of stations. Grade separation must be used at junctions of railway lines, urban railway, roads and arterial thoroughfares;

- For urban areas with national railway running through, there should be appropriate traffic solutions that do not adversely affect urban operations (in terms of landscape, noise, traffic accidents, etc.);

- Elevated railway stations must be connected and synchronized with aboveground and underground constructions (if any);

- Subway stations must ensure connection and synchronization, safety with underground constructions, and between underground constructions and aboveground constructions;

- The protection of urban railway safety corridors and constructions must comply with the law provisions on railway traffic.

2.9.4 Other traffic constructions in urban areas

- In urban areas, residential units and housing complexes must be arranged with parking spaces and parking lots. In industrial parks and warehouses, parking lots and repair workshops must be arranged;

- Parking lots to load and offload the goods must be located near markets, freight stations, commercial centers and other constructions with great transportation needs;

- Areas with great transportation needs as well as commercial, service, sport and entertainment centers must be arranged with parking lots and public parking lots convenient for passengers and vehicles, interconnected with the street network, with a maximum walking distance of 500 m;

- For bus parking lots at the starting and ending points of the route, the size shall be determined based on specific needs;

- Tram depots located at the starting, ending points and connecting points of the route can be combined with repair facilities;

- Public, service constructions, apartment buildings, offices must ensure sufficient number of parking spaces for each type of vehicles based on their needs;

- Existing urban areas are allowed to plan underground parking lots and multi-story parking lots, but must ensure compatible, synchronous and safe connectivity with other constructions;

- Norms for calculating parking lots in the entire urban area are specified in Table 2.18;

Table 2.18: Norms for calculating parking lots in the entire urban area

Urban population size (each 1,000 people)

Norms by population (m2/person)

> 150




< 50


NOTE 1: It is allowed to convert from the number of parking spaces of the multi-story parking lots, underground parking lots to the area of the above-ground parking lot equivalent to that specified in QCVN 13:2018/BXD with the following criteria:

-  Multi-story parking lots, underground parking lots: One-story parking lots: 30 m2/parking lot; two-story parking lots: 20 m2/parking lot; three-story parking lots: 14 m2/parking lot; four-story parking lots: 12 m2/parking lot; five-story parking lots: 10 m2/parking lot;

- Ground parking lots: 25 m2/parking lot;

NOTE 2: The criteria for parking areas in urban areas are determined based on the allocation of the parking lot land fund from the urban planning.


- The area of a parking lot for some vehicles is defined as follows: 25.0 m2 for cars; 3.0 m2 for motorbike; 0.9 m2 for bicycles; 40 m2 for buses; 30 m2 for trucks. The minimum number of car parking lots of the constructions must comply with technical regulations for each type of constructions. If there is no regulation, it must comply with Table 2.19.

Table 2.19: Minimum number of parking lots for cars

Type of houses

Minimum need for car parking lots

Hotels rated 3 stars or more

4 rooms/1 parking lot

High-class offices, offices of foreign affairs agencies, convention, exhibition, and display centers, trade centers

100 m2 of floor area/1 parking lot

Apartment buildings

According to the National Technical Regulation QCVN 04:2021/BXD

NOTE: Hotels rated less than 3 stars, service constructions, offices and headquarters of agencies must have the number of parking lots equal to 50% or more of the norms specified in the Table above.


2.9.5 Regulations on ensuring urban traffic safety

- Renovating and upgrading the road surface must be suitable to the planned foundation height, not cause flooding, not affect the drainage constructions of the area and the accessibility to the constructions on both sides of the road;

- Regulations on visibility, pavement, walking paths, and bike path must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-4:2016/BXD.

2.10 Requirements on water supply

2.10.1 Protection areas of the water intake points and water supply constructions

- Water source protection corridors must comply with legal regulations on water resources;

- Protection areas of the water intake points and water supply constructions are prescribed in Table 2.20.

Table 2.20: Protection areas of the water intake points and water supply constructions

Protection area

Size of the protection area at level I (m)

Size of the protection area at level II (m)

Surface water sources, from the water intake points:

- In the opposite direction of the flow

- Downstream with the flow

- In case the flow direction cannot be determined, or the flow is not available.






≥ 1,000


≥ 1,000

Groundwater sources: Surrounding the drilling well with a radius of





Specialized reservoirs and dams for supply of domestic water, from the edge of the reservoirs:

- The lakeside is flat

- The lakeside is steep



≥ 100

≥ 300



Total catchment

Total catchment

Water supply plants and water supply stations, from the foot-wall of the treatment constructions.


≥ 30



Water supply pipes, from the outer edge of the pipe:

- Size ≤ 300 mm to < 1,000 mm

- Size ≥ 1,000 mm







≥ 15

NOTE 1: The following activities are prohibited in the protection area level I: construction of residential buildings, discharge of wastewater and solid waste, animal husbandry, cattle and poultry grazing, farming, fishing, mining, using toxic chemicals, organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers to fertilize;

NOTE 2: In the protection area level II, wastewater and waste from living, service and production activities must be collected and treated according to regulations on environment.


2.10.2 Water demand

- The amount of clean water for domestic use shall be forecasted based on a series of data on current conditions, comfort level of urban areas, residential areas, but must ensure that: 100% of the population in downtowns of a town shall be supplied with water in the long term period of the planning; The norm of clean water supply for domestic use of the downtowns of urban areas shall depend on the type of urban center, but must be at least 80 liters/person/day; Towards the goal of using water safely, economically and effectively;

- An amount of clean water for public and service constructions shall be at least 10% of the domestic water amount. The norm of clean water supply for each type of public and service constructions must be at least as follows: 15 liters/student/day and night, for schools; 75 liters/child/day and night for pre-primary schools and early childhoods; 2 liters/m2 floor/day and night, for buildings, other public and service constructions;

- An amount of water for watering plants, washing roads shall be at least 8% of the amount of domestic water. Water supply norms must be at least as follows: 3 liters/m2/day and night, for watering gardens and parks and 0.4 liters/m2/day and night, for road washing. It is allowed to use recycled water (such as rainwater, treated wastewater, etc.) to water plants and wash roads;

- An amount of water for small production and cottage industry shall be at least 8% of the amount of domestic water;

- An amount of water for concentrated industrial parks: Shall be determined according to the industry types, but must be at least 20 m3/ha/day for at least 60% of the industrial park area;

- The amount of water loss or leakage must not exceed 15% of the total above-mentioned water volume;

- The amount of water for water supply plants and water supply stations shall be at least 4% of the total above-mentioned water volume.

2.10.3 Water sources and water supply constructions

- The exploitable output of water sources (excluding islands and mountainous areas) must be at least 10 times higher than water demand. The rate of ensuring the monthly or daily flow of water sources must be at least 95%, for residential areas over 50,000 people (or equivalent); 90% for a residential area from 5,000 to 50,000 people (or equivalent) and 85% for a residential area of less than 5,000 people (or equivalent);

- The selection of water sources must ensure the following contents: ensuring the requirements for water reserves, flow and quality; ensuring to save water resources, meeting the minimum requirements for the water use facilities;

- The area for construction of water supply plants and water supply stations according to new planning shall be determined on the basis of treatment capacity and technology, or calculated according to the selected standards or determined according to the parameters in Table 2.21.

Table 2.21: Area of water supply plant or water supply station

Capacity of water supply plant or water supply station (m3/day and night)

Minimum area of the land plot (ha)



> 5,000-10,000


> 10,000-30,000


> 30,000 - 60,000


> 60,000 - 120,000


> 120,000 - 250,000


> 250,000 - 400,000


> 400,000 - 800,000


> 800,000 - 1,200,000


> 1,200,000



2.10.4 Water supply network

- The water supply network must ensure safety and the reliability of water flow rate, pressure and quality according to the need of use and water supply for firefighting;

- The free pressure in the water supply network for daily life of residential areas, at the water intake points into the house, calculated from the ground must not be less than 10 m;

- The water quality must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT;

- In addition, constructions on the water supply network must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-1:2016/BXD.

2.10.5 Water supply for firefighting

- The flow rate and quantity of simultaneous fire must be calculated in accordance with urban scale as prescribed in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 06:2020/BXD;

- It is required to make use of lakes and ponds to supply water for firefighting. There is a way for fire engines to come to get water. The depth of water surface compared to the ground at the location where the firefighting water is located must not exceed 4 m and the thickness of the water layer is 0.5 m or more;

- On the urban water supply pipe network, along streets, there must be fire hydrants (floating pillars or underground hydrants) to ensure the maximum distance between hydrants is 150 m. The minimum distance between a hydrant and the building wall is 5 m. The maximum distance between the fire hydrants which are located on the pavement and the edge of the street is 2.5 m;

- The diameter of outdoor firefighting water pipes must be ≥ 100 mm.

2.11 Requirements for water drainage and wastewater treatment (WWT)

2.11.1 Generated wastewater flow

- The generated wastewater flow shall be forecasted on the basis of a series of data on current conditions, comfort level of urban areas, residential areas or production technology, but must ensure that the norm of wastewater generation is 80% or more of the water supply norm of the corresponding subjects;

- The amount of generated sludge shall be determined based on the level of completion of the on-site sanitation system or according to selected standards, but must be ≥ 0.04 m3/person/year.

2.11.2 Water drainage network

- New construction areas must be planned with separate wastewater drainage systems. Existing areas that already have common drainage networks must be planned with semi-separate drainage systems or renovated into separate drainage systems;

- Islands must be planned with separate wastewater drainage systems and the wastewater must be thoroughly treated; wastewater after being treated must meet requirements on environment and can be recycle for other purposes;

- In addition, constructions on the water drainage network must comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-2:2016/BXD.

2.11.3 Wastewater treatment (WWT) plants and stations

- Wastewater from urban daily life, healthcare, industrial parks and craft villages must be treated in accordance with environmental regulations for wastewater before being discharged into receiving sources and other relevant regulations. Sewage sludge of the water drainage system must be collected and treated according to regulations or transported to the centralized SW treatment facilities;

- The locations of the newly planned WWT plants and WWT stations must be prioritized at the end of the flow of the sources of receiving wastewater after treatment, at the end of the main wind direction of the urban area, in areas with enough land for reserve expansion. The location of the wastewater discharge point must be in accordance with the provisions of law on water resources management;

- In case the WWT plants and WWT stations are required to be located at the head of the water source or the main wind direction of the urban area, the ESD in Table 2.22 must be increased at least 1.5 times;

- The area of land for construction of newly planned WWT plants and WWT stations shall be determined on the basis of capacity, treatment technology or calculated according to selected applicable standards, but must not exceed the norm 0.2 ha/1,000 m3/day.

NOTE: The norm of controlling land area for construction of WWT plants and WWT stations shall not include area of reservoirs, stabilization of treated wastewater, sludge drying beds, expanded reserve area (if any) and ESD organization area of WWT plants and WWT stations.

2.11.4 Provisions on environmental safety distance (ESD)

- The ESD of newly planned wastewater pumping stations, WWT plants and WWT stations is prescribed in Table 2.22;

Table 2.22: Environmental safety distance (ESD)


Type of constructions

The minimum ESD (m) corresponding to capacity



200 - 5,000


> 5,000 -

50,000 (m3/day)

> 50,000 (m3/day)


Wastewater pumping station






WWT plant, station:






Sludge treatment construction in form of sludge drying bed






Sludge treatment construction by mechanical equipment.






Wastewater treatment construction by mechanical, physico-chemical and biological methods






Closed mechanical, physico-chemical and biological wastewater treatment construction with an odor collection and treatment system






Land plot for underground filtration of wastewater






Land plot for irrigation of trees, agriculture






Biology lake






Oxidation ditch





NOTE: In the absence of parameters and other treatment technologies, the environmental safety distance must be determined through the environmental impact assessment.


- For wastewater pumping stations using submersible pumps located in closed wells, the ESD is not required, but there must be ventilation pipes to discharge odor at an altitude of ≥ 3 m compared with the ground elevation according to the approved plan at such location;

- It is required to arrange a strip of isolated trees around the construction area of the newly planned WWT plants and WWT stations with a width of ≥ 10 m.

- Within the environmental safety distance, only planning for traffic roads, parking lots, power supply constructions, SW transfer stations and other works of wastewater pumping stations, WWT stations are allowed to be planned, other civil constructions are not allowed to be arranged;

- Existing wastewater pumping stations, WWT stations, and WWT plants that do not meet the regulations on ESD must carry out an environmental impact assessment to supplement solutions to ensure surrounding environmental sanitation according to regulations.

2.12 Requirements for collection, transport and treatment of solid waste (SW)

2.12.1 The amount of generated SW

The amount of generated domestic SW shall be forecasted on a basis of a series of data on the current conditions and the comfort level of the urban areas and residential areas. In case of using standards, it must not exceed the norms prescribed in Table 2.23;

Table 2.23: The amount of generated domestic SW

Type of urban areas

The amount of generated SW (kg/person-day)

Special, I









- Norms of industrial SW generation must be determined on the basis of technological lines of each industrial type, but must ensure at least 0.3 tons/ha of land according to the industrial park land size;

- Norms of SW generation in medical, construction and sewage sludge shall be forecasted on a basis of the data series on current status of emissions or projects, urban areas with similar conditions.

2.12.2 Domestic SW transfer stations

- A flexible domestic SW transfer station must ensure its operation time not exceeding 45 minutes/shift and 3 hours/day. The arrangement of a flexible domestic SW transfer station must ensure that the operation does not affect the traffic and the environment of the area;

- A newly planned fixed domestic SW transfer station must have wall, roof, wastewater collection and treatment system, filtration and deodorizing system to ensure no pollutants spread to the surrounding environment. A fixed domestic SW transfer station must meet the requirements of receiving and transporting all volume of domestic SW within the collection radius to the centralized treatment facility within 2 days (including nights);

- Type and size of domestic SW transfer stations are prescribed in Table 2.24.

Table 2.24: Type and size of domestic SW transfer stations

Type and size of transfer stations

Capacity (tons/day and night)

Maximum service radius (km)

Minimum area (m2)

Flexible transfer station

Small size

< 5



Medium size




Large size

> 10



Fixed transfer station

Small size

< 100



Medium size




Large size

> 500




2.12.3 SW treatment facilities

- SW treatment facilities must be planned outside the urban construction scope. Minimize planning the location of SW treatment facilities in flood-prone areas, karst areas and regions with tectonic fractures. New planning for unhygienic SW landfills is not allowed;

- Existing unhygienic SW landfills must be must be closed, relocated or renovated into a sanitary SW landfill, biological SW treatment facility, SW incineration facility, etc. if the ESD specified in Section 2.12.4 is satisfied;

- The area of land for construction of newly planned SW facilities shall be determined on the basis of capacity, treatment technology or calculated according to selected applicable standards, but must not exceed the norm 0.05 ha/1,000 tons/year.

NOTE: The norm of controlling land area for construction of SW facilities shall not include area of treated waste landfills, expanded reserve area (if any) and ESD organization area of the SW facilities.

2.12.4 The environmental safety distance (ESD) of the solid waste transfer stations and solid waste (SW) treatment facilities

- Flexible SW transfer stations must be located ≥ 20 m far from housing constructions and areas often crowded with people;

- Houses, constructions containing SW transfer, compression and storage lines and leachate treatment constructions, car wash areas and equipment of fixed SW transfer stations must ensure the ESD ≥ 20 m;

- Hygienic SW burial compartments, including organic SW must ensure the ESD ≥ 1,000 m;

- Inorganic SW burial compartments must ensure the ESD ≥ 100 m;

- Houses, constructions containing SW treatment lines using biological methods and houses, constructions containing SW incinerator must ensure the ESD ≥ 500 m;

- The ESD of hazardous SW and sludge treatment construction shall be determined according to the environmental impact assessment method but must be ≥ the regulations for ordinary SW treatment constructions. In case the sludge is treated in the wastewater treatment station, the regulations applicable to the wastewater treatment station shall apply at the same time;

- Green isolation zones must be arranged around the fixed SW transfer stations which is newly planned, with a width of 10 m or more; and around the new planned SW treatment facility construction area with a width of 20 m or more;

- If a SW treatment facility is required to be located at the head of the water source and the main wind direction of the urban area, the ESDs of constructions must be increased at least 1.5 times;

- The centrally-affiliated cities and provinces with high population density must plan provincial-level concentrated solid waste treatment facilities and apply treatment technologies requiring low isolation distances. In case the ESD requirement is still not met under regulations to apply additional advanced environmental treatment measures to reduce the ESD, the ESD of the provincial-level centralized solid waste treatment facility is determined through the environmental impact assessment method;

- For existing SW transfer stations and SW treatment facilities that do not meet the above-mentioned regulations on ESD, it is required to have additional surrounding environment sanitation solutions when carrying out the environmental impact assessment as prescribed;

- Within the ESD area of treatment constructions under the fixed SW transfer stations and SW treatment facilities, it is only allowed to plan traffic constructions, irrigation constructions, electricity routes and stations, drainage systems, WWT and other constructions belonging to fixed SW transfer stations and SW treatment facilities; other civil constructions are not allowed to arranged.

2.13 Requirements for funeral halls, cemeteries and crematories

2.13.1 Funeral halls

- Each urban area must have at least on funeral hall. One funeral hall may serve 250,000 people maximum;

- The planning of funeral hall locations must not affect to other functional areas’ operations and transport activities. The funeral hall must have anti-noise solutions to ensure regulations on noise in public areas and residential areas;

- The funeral hall area shall be determined on the basis of the process of organizing funerals and local funeral customs, but must ensure that a minimum of 04 funerals/day must be served.

2.13.2 Cemeteries and crematory facilities

- Demand for cemetery land (excluding martyrs' cemetery), size of a crematory facility is forecasted based on mortality and burial methods. The area of the concentrated cemeteries must meet the minimum norm of 0.04 ha/1,000 people;

- The planning of new construction cemetery and crematory facility site must not negatively affect the operations of other functional areas and traffic activities; The planning of cemeteries must take into account local burial customs and practices, provided that requirements on environment and efficient and economical land use are satisfied;

- When planning cemeteries, it is required to determine existing cemeteries to be re-located, closed or renovated and the land for relocation. Existing cemeteries and crematory facilities that do not meet provisions on ESD must carry out environmental impact assessment to supplement solutions to ensure surrounding environmental sanitation according to regulations;

- The ESD of newly planned cemeteries and crematory facility must satisfy provisions prescribed in Table 2.25, and comply with provisions on protection area for water intake points and water supply construction specified in 2.10.1 at the same time;

- In special cases, when the crematory facilities are located at the head of the main wind direction of an urban area or when the cemetery is located at the head of a water source, the ESD of constructions in a cemetery or crematory facility must increase to at least 1.5 times;

- Green isolation zones must be arranged around cemetery or crematory facility construction areas with a width of 10 m or more;

- In the ESD area of constructions of cemeteries or crematory facilities, it is only allowed to organize the activities of farming, forestry, planning of constructions of traffic, irrigation, supply, transmission of electricity, petroleum, gas, drainage system, wastewater treatment system and other constructions in cemeteries and crematory facilities; other civil constructions are not allowed;

In addition, the cemeteries and crematory facilities must also comply with the National Technical Regulation QCVN 07-10:2016/BXD.

Table 2.25: The environmental safety distance of cemeteries

Subjects to be isolated

The minimum distance from the subjects to be isolated is

Cemetery area for first burial graves

Cemetery area for one-time burial graves

Cemetery area for second burial graves

Houses and constructions containing crematoriums and keeping corpse before cremation

Housing constructions in urban areas and concentrated rural residential zones

1,000 m

500 m

100 m

500 m

Water intake points in serve of daily needs of urban areas and concentrated rural residential zones

1,500 m

1,000 m



Railways, highways and provincial highways

200 m

200 m

200 m


Rivers and lakes (including rivers and lakes not for domestic water supply purpose)

300 m

300 m

100 m


NOTE 1: The burial area must have a collection and treatment system prevent water from absorbing the graves and overflowing rainwater from absorbing directly into the groundwater or spilling into the water surface system outside the cemetery.

NOTE 2: The cremation technology must comply with requirements for environments specified in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 02:2012/BTNMT.


2.14 Requirements on electric power supply

2.14.1 Electric power supply norm

- The minimum norm of civil electric power supply is prescribed in Table 2.26, Table 2.27 and Table 2.28;

- The minimum norm of industrial electric power (industrial production and storage) is prescribed in Table 2.29.

Table 2.26: Norms for electric power supply for daily life (person)


First phrase

Long-term phrase

Special urban areas

Urban areas type I

Urban areas type II - III

Urban areas type IV - V

Special urban areas

Urban areas type I

Urban areas type II - III

Urban areas type IV - V

1. Electrical power (KWh/person.year)









2. Load (W/person)











Table 2.27: Norms for electric power supply for public and service constructions (%)

Type of urban areas

Special urban areas

Urban areas type I

Urban areas type II - III

Urban areas type IV - V

Electricity for public constructions (calculated by % of load of electricity for daily life)







Table 2.28: Norms for electric power supply for public and service constructions

Load name

Electric power supply norm

1. Offices

- Without air conditioners

- Equipped with air conditioners


20 W/m2 floor

30 W/m2 floor

2. Schools

- Pre-primary schools

+ Without air conditioners

+ Equipped with air conditioners

- Schools

+ Without air conditioners

+ Equipped with air conditioners

- Universities

+ Without air conditioners

+ Equipped with air conditioners



0.15 kW/child

0.2 kW/child


0.1 kW/student

0.15 kW/student


15 W/m2 floor

25 W/m2 floor

3. Stores, supermarkets, markets, trade and service centers

+ Without air conditioners

+ Equipped with air conditioners



20 W/m2 floor

30 W/m2 floor

4. Motels and hotels

- 1-star motels and hotels

- 2 ÷ 3 stars hotels

- 4 ÷ 5 stars hotels


2 kW/bed

2.5 kW/bed

3.5 kW/bed

5. Medical examination and treatment (health care constructions)

- National hospitals

- Provincial/municipal hospitals

- District-level hospitals


2.5 kW/patient bed

2 kW/patient bed

1.5 kW/patient bed

6. Theaters, cinemas and circuses

- Equipped with air conditioners


25 W/m2

7. Public lighting

- Lighting for roads

- Lighting for parks, flower gardens


1 W/m2

0.5 W/m2

NOTE 1: Other public service constructions are allowed to propose the calculated norms on the basis of comfort level and economic - technical feasibility justifications;

NOTE 2: The calculated electrical power use norm must ensure energy-saving use according to the National Technical Regulation QCVN 09:2017/BXD.


Table 2.29: Norms for electric power supply for industrial production and storage

Type of industries

Norm (kW/ha)

1. Heavy industry (iron refining, steel refining, automobile manufacturing, machine manufacturing, petrochemical industry, chemicals, fertilizers), cement production


2. Other construction material and mechanical industry


3. Industry of food processing, electronics, computers and textiles


4. Industry of footwear and garments


5. Small cluster, small industry


6. Handicraft production establishments


7. Storages



2.14.2 Electric power supply system

- The planning must meet the demand and reliability in electric power supply;

- It is not allowed to plan new 500 KV electricity lines through downtowns of urban areas. In cases where such electricity lines are required to go through downtowns of urban areas, there must be enough safety corridors for the 500 KV electric grid. 110 KV and 220 KV high voltage grids that go through downtowns of urban areas of type II to special type must be planned underground;

- In downtowns of urban areas, the system of low voltage lines and lighting which is newly built must be planned underground, the existing low voltage line and lighting system must be renovated in the underground direction;

- In addition, constructions of electric power supply must comply with QCVN 07-5:2016/BXD.

2.14.3 Land fund for constructions

- 110 kV stations: not exceed 1.0 ha/station;

- 220kV stations: not exceed 5.0 ha/station.

2.15 Requirements on arrangement of underground technical infrastructure constructions

The minimum distance among urban underground technical infrastructure constructions outside the utility tunnels or trenches shall be determined according to specialized technical standards which are selected. Other cases shall comply with regulations specified in Table 2.30;

Table 2.30: The minimum distance among urban underground technical infrastructure constructions outside the utility tunnels or trenches (m)

Type of pipes

Water supply pipes

Wastewater sewers

Rainwater sewers

Electrical cables

Information cables

Drainage channels and ditches, utility tunnels and trenches

Horizontal distance

Water supply pipes







Wastewater sewers







Rainwater sewers







Electrical cables







Information cables







Drainage channels and ditches, utility tunnels and trenches







Vertical distance

Water supply pipes







Wastewater sewers







Rainwater sewers







Electrical cables







Information cables








- In case the domestic water supply pipes are parallel with the wastewater drainage pipes, the distance among pipes must not be less than 1.5 m, in case the diameter of the water supply pipe ≥ 200 mm, such distance must not be less than 3 m;

- The distance among water supply pipes with a diameter of more than 300 mm and information cables must not be less than 1 m;

- The distance among water supply pipes that are parallel with each other must not be less than 0.7 m, in case the pipe diameter is less than 400 mm; not less than 1 m, in case the pipe diameter is from 400 to 1,000 mm; or not less than 1.5 m, in case the pipe diameter is more than 1,000 mm.  The distance among pipes with different pressures shall also comply with regulations applicable to water supply pipes;

- The minimum distance among technical lines and pipes in the utility tunnels or trenches shall be determined according to specialized technical standards which are selected;

- Distance and requirements on connection of space and technical infrastructure among underground constructions must be determined on the basis of economic and technical justifications;

- In addition, provisions on utility tunnel and trench system must comply with regulations specified in QCVN 07-3:2016/BXD.

2.16 Requirements for rural construction planning

2.16.1 Provisions for construction land plot

- Having favorable natural conditions (topography, geology, hydrology, climate, etc.), having economic, social, technical infrastructure and environmental advantages;

- Requirements for natural disaster prevention and climate change adaptation: It is not allowed to build in in land areas potentially prone to dangerous geological hazards, areas frequently affected by floods, flash and sweeping floods; for the Mekong River Delta, coastal areas and estuaries, sea level rise must be taken into account;

- Not within the area defined for mining, nature conservation or archaeological site; untreated environmental pollution areas;

- Minimizing the use of arable land, especially high-yield agricultural land, make use of hills, mountains, mounds and land with poor crop yields to build and expand rural residential zones.

2.16.2 Requirements on land use norms

The norm of using construction land for rural residential zones must conformity with specific conditions of each locality, provided that such norms must not less than those specified in Table 2.31.

Table 2.31: Maximum norms of using land for rural residential zones

Type of land

Land use norm (m2/person)

Land for housing constructions


Land for public and service constructions


Land for traffic and technical infrastructure constructions


Public green space


NOTE: Excluding land for national, provincial and district-level infrastructure constructions.


2.16.3 Functional areas of communes

- Residential areas (including residential land lots of families and constructions in service of activities in villages, hamlets);

- Central areas (of administration, service-commerce, culture-sport);

- Production constructions and constructions in service of production;

- Technical infrastructure constructions;

- Social infrastructure constructions;

- Industrial and cottage industry clusters (if any);

- Areas for agriculture, forestry and fishing production and other purposes.

2.16.4 Requirements for functional subdivisions

- Using land economically and use infrastructure constructions efficiently;

- Ensuring convenience for traffic, production and daily life;

- Ensuring the environmental protection; prevention and control of natural disasters and response to climate change;

- Taking advantages of topography and natural landscape;

- Being suitable to cultural identity of each region;

- Being suitable to locality’s specific characteristics of settlement practices, production practices, level and ability of economic development, etc.

2.16.5 Provisions on residential areas Land for residential area construction must ensure:

- Maintaining population distribution status quo and being suitable to population distribution planning of relevant larger areas;

- Developing a quantity of population according to projection, being convenient for organization of essential public constructions;

- Being consistent with land and topography, being able to delimit the boundaries based on topography and natural geographical features such as roads, ponds and lakes, canals and ditches, hills and mountains, land strips. Basic functions of land lots for households include:

- Main housing constructions;

- Auxiliary constructions;

- Yards, gardens, ponds. Requirements for land lots for households

- The layout must be reasonable and suitable to the natural conditions and general landscape;

- Production and animal husbandry constructions in land lots for households must have technical system for collection and handling of waste, ensuring environmental sanitation.

2.16.6 Provisions on central areas of communes The central area of a commune shall include the following constructions:

- Offices of the People's Council, the People's Committee, Party Committee, police, commune-level military commands, unions;

- Commune level public constructions:  House of culture, club, house of fame, library, kindergarten, early childhood school, primary school, lower secondary school, health station, cultural center, sports ground, markets, central service shop, point for post and telecommunications service;

- For a commune with population size of 20,000 people or more, a lower secondary school must be in the planning. Offices of communal agencies

- Offices of the communal agencies must be arranged centrally to facilitate transactions and save land;

- Total area of land for offices of the communal agencies is at least 1,000 m2;

- Land use quotas for each office shall be: not greater than 500 m2 for delta and midland areas, not greater than 400 m2 for mountainous areas and islands. Public and service constructions

Table 2.32: Provisions on minimum scale of public and service constructions

Type of constructions

Minimum construction usage norms

Minimum land use norms

Maximum service radius

1. Education

a. Early childhood school/Point of early childhood school

- Delta areas:

- Mountainous, highland, remote and isolated areas:



50 units/1,000 people



12 m2/unit



1 km

2 km

b. Primary school/Point of primary school

- Delta areas:

- Mountainous, highland, remote and isolated areas:



65 units/1,000 people



10 m2/unit



1 km

2 km

c. Secondary school

55 units/1,000 people

10 m2/unit


2. Health

Health Station

- Without a medicinal herb garden

- With a medicinal herb garden

1 station/commune


500 m2/station


1,000 m2/station


3. Public culture and sports (1)

a. House of culture


1,000 m2/ construction


b. Room of fame


200 m2/construction


c. Library


200 m2/construction


d. Hall


100 seats/construction


e. Cluster of construction and sports ground


5,000 m2/cluster


4. Market, service shop (2)

a. Market

1 market/ commune

1,500 m2


b. Central service shop

1 construction/ central area

300 m2


5. Point for post and telecommunications service

Point for post and telecommunications service (including Internet access service)

1 point/ commune

150 m2/point


NOTE 1: Public cultural and sports constructions in the same group of construction must be combined to ensure effective exploitation and use;

NOTE 2: Depending on characteristics of the locality, a construction of this type can be arranged for one commune or more.


2.16.7 Provisions on agricultural production, animal husbandry areas and areas in service of agricultural production

- Animal husbandry areas and areas in service of production must ensure the ESD. Distance from a housing to on animal husbandry, production areas, crop protection chemical warehouses must be greater than 200 m;

- Production areas must be located near main roads, inter-village and inter-commune roads, be convenient to go to fields and residential areas, but they must be downwind and downstream;

- Constructions in service of production such as warehouse of agricultural products, warehouse of seed corn and rice, warehouse of chemical fertilizers and insecticides, warehouse of farm tools and equipment, rice milling station, farm machinery repair workshop, etc. must be located for convenient traffic between them and inland roads. Distance from warehouse of chemical fertilizers to residential areas must be at least 100 m.

2.16.8 Provisions on cottage-industry production areas, concentrated industrial clusters

- Cottage-industry production establishments that don’t lead to environmental pollution can be arranged in residential areas, auxiliary constructions of each household;

- Production establishments causing negative impacts for the environment must be arranged in clusters outside of residential areas, near traffic hubs;

- The ESD of cottage-industry production areas and concentrated industrial clusters shall comply with the environmental safety distance (sanitary isolation distance) in accordance with provisions at Point 2.5.2 that apply for industrial parks, storages

2.16.9 Provisions on greenery

- Arrangement of greenery at central areas and cultural, historical and religious areas is required;

- Combining with the planning of planting trees for protection purpose in the field, coastal trees against coastal sand, and erosion-controlling trees to form a greenery system in the commune;

- Not to plant plants with toxic sap or flowers, fruits that attracts flies, mosquitoes, or with thorns in health stations, schools, kindergartens, pre-primary schools. Shade trees with air-purifying ability shall be required;

- Arranging greenery within the isolation distance of industrial clusters.

2.16.10 Provisions on petrol filling stations and gas supply constructions

- Petrol filling stations shall comply with provisions at Point 2.6.11;

- Gas supply constructions shall comply with provisions at Point 2.6.12.

2.16.11 Provisions on foundation height and surface water drainage Prevention of acts of God and disasters

- For existing rural residential areas, there must be measures to protect the areas, direct flash flood flow out of the areas or to relocate them if necessary;

- Rural residential zone planning shall be combined with irrigation and flood drainage system planning;

- If the solution of foundation bed heave is applied, the foundation height must be at least 0.3 m higher than the annual maximum flood stage;

- For rural residential zones that are in areas frequently affected by natural disasters, arrangement of emergency evacuation points and use of public constructions as shelter from storms and floods are required;

- Rural residential zone planning must prioritize the protection of natural water sources (rivers, lakes and ponds) in service of fire prevention and fighting. The traffic infrastructure system must ensure favorable fire prevention and fighting activities. Foundation height

- Ground filling and leveling planning is required for the part of land with constructions (houses, houses and public constructions, production constructions, roads). Remaining natural topography of the rest of land;

- Taking advantages of natural topography, limiting the volume of filled, leveled, dug soil; protecting perennial trees, topsoil. Surface water drainage system

- For rivers and streams running through residential areas, it is necessary to renovate and reinforce the banks to prevent landslides;

- For residential areas located on hillsides or mountainside, ditches must be arranged to catch the flow direction from the top of the hill or mountain in order that it doesn't flow through the residential areas.

2.16.12 Provisions on traffic

- Being suitable for current and long-term transportation needs, uninterrupted connection with district-level roads, provincial roads. Making the most of the systems of rivers and canals, to organize the waterway network in service of goods and passenger transportation;

- Being suitable for the topography, reducing the earthwork volume and constructions to be built on the route;

- Road structure and surface width must be suitable to specific conditions of each locality but must satisfy requirements for agricultural mechanization and means of transport;

- The rural road system must meet the technical requirements specified by the Ministry of Transport.

2.16.13 Provisions on water supply Water supply norm

- Water supplied for daily life: In cases of water supply to households, it must be at least 60 liters/person/day and night; In cases of water supply to public water intake points, it must be at least 40 liters/person/day and night;

- Water supplied for cottage industry production in households shall be at least 8% of the amount supplied for daily life;

- Norm of water supplied to concentrated industrial clusters shall be determined according to Point 2.10. Public water protection areas

- For groundwater sources:  In a circular land of 20 m radius from a well, constructions polluting water sources are not allowed;

- For surface water sources: within 200 m from a water intake point upstream and 100 m downstream, constructions polluting water sources are not allowed.

2.16.14 Regulations on electric power supply and public lighting General requirements

- Ensuring electric power supply for all households and production needs;

- For areas that are not supplied with electricity of the national grid, planning of other energy sources such as small hydroelectricity, solar energy or wind energy is required as an alternative;

- Electric power supply system must ensure use safety, fire and explosion prevention. Electric load

- Demand for electricity to serve daily-life activities of a rural residential zone must be at least 150 W/person;

- Demand for electricity of public constructions must be greater than 15% of electricity demand for daily life;

- The electricity demand for production must be calculated based on the specific requirements of each production establishment. Electric power supply and public lighting system

- Low voltage power station must be located in the center of electrical load, or near the largest electrical load, at a location convenient for placing lines, avoiding cutting across roads and must not cause obstacles or danger for production and daily life;

- Medium and low voltage electricity networks should not be across ponds, lakes, swamps, high mountains, main roads, industrial production areas;

- Public lighting: Rate of roads in the center of the commune being lit: ≥ 50%;

- The safe distance from the power supply system to the constructions must comply with Regulations on technical safety for low voltage grid in rural areas;

- Low voltage electricity stations and medium and high voltage electricity grids must ensure the safety corridors and safety distances according to QCVN QTD 8:2010/BCT and current regulations of the electric power industry.

2.16.15 Provisions on wastewater drainage

- There must be domestic wastewater collection and treatment systems to ensure environmental requirements. Before being discharged into the common drainage system, wastewater from households must be treated by septic tanks.  Wastewater is not allowed to be discharged into natural ponds, lakes, canals, or ditches, except for wastewater treated by biological wastewater treatment technologies in natural conditions;

- Before being discharged into receiving source, wastewater from industrial clusters, industrial production establishments, craft villages must be collected into separate drainage systems and treated, meeting environmental requirements;

- At least 80% of the discharged wastewater must be collected for treatment. For mountainous, highland, remote and isolated areas, it is allowed to reduce norm for collection of domestic wastewater to at least 60% of the discharged wastewater.

2.16.16 Regulations on solid waste (SW) management

- Domestic SW and SW from production must be collected and treated in centralized treatment establishments;

- Arrangement of waste collection points and transfer stations must be suitable to the SW collection conditions of each locality and ensure the service radius. SW collection points and transfer stations must meet environmental sanitation requirements;

- Must build standard toilets, not discharge feces directly into lakes, ponds, etc.;

- Farmhouses for cattle husbandry must be at least 5 m from houses and common roads and must be covered with greenery. Feces and urine from farmhouses must be collected and treated in a sanitary manner;

- The environmental safety distance of the collection points must be at least 20 m. The environmental safety distance of SW transfer stations and SW treatment facilities must comply with Point 2.12.4.

2.16.17 Regulations on cemetery

- The planned location of the cemetery must be suitable to the ability to exploit the land fund; suitable for population distribution and technical infrastructure construction connection; meet current and long-term burial needs;

- The area of the concentrated cemeteries must meet the minimum norm of 0.04 ha/1,000 people;

- The ESD of a newly planned cemetery must comply with Table 2.25.




3.1 This Regulation specifies the specification limits and compulsory management requirements in construction planning. The Regulation shall be a tool for state management agencies on construction planning for inspection and supervision of the selection of indicators, specifications and design requirements in plans, urban design plans and architecture management regulations.

3.2 The selection of indicators, specifications and design requirements in plans, urban design plans and architecture management regulations shall be based standard chosen to apply or other scientific methodology but must ensure compliance with this Regulation.

3.3 Urban management must be based on approved plans (general planning, subdivision planning, detailed planning), urban design plans and architecture management regulations.

3.4 Transitional provisions

- Construction plans approved before the effective date of this Regulation shall comply with regulations of QCVN 01:2019/BXD and continue to implement in accordance with decisions on approval until the end of master plans’ time limit. Amendment of construction master plans after the effective date of this Regulation shall comply with this Regulation;

- Construction plans appraised by competent state agencies before the effective date of this Regulation that comply with regulations of QCVN 01:2019/BXD and are in conformity to higher-level master plans in force shall be approved and implement until the end of master plans’ time limit. Amendment of planning after the effective date of this Regulation shall comply with this Regulation;

- Construction plans that don’t have been appraised by competent state agencies after the effective date of this Regulation shall be reviewed, amended to ensure compliance with this Regulation and higher-level master plans before the approval;

- Local regulations, national standards, manufacturer standards, architecture management regulations and other state management documents related to construction planning that are issued before the effective date of this Regulation and contain provisions contrary to this Regulation must be reviewed and amended to ensure compliance with this Regulation.




4.1 All organizations, individuals when participating in activities related to construction planning including formulation, appraisal, amendment and implementation organization of planning, development management according to approved planning and the formulation of national standards and local regulations in the field of construction planning must comply with this Regulation.

4.2 Local state management agencies on construction planning and construction activities shall take responsibilities for inspecting the compliance with this Regulation in the formulation, appraisal, approval and management of construction localities.




5.1 The Ministry of Construction shall take responsibilities for disseminating, and guiding the application of relevant subjects.

5.2 Any problem arising in the course of implementation of this Regulation should be promptly reported to the Department of Science, Technology and Environment (the Ministry of Construction) for guidance and handling.


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