Circular 10/2024/TT-BCA facilitation of community reintegration of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences

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Circular No. 10/2024/TT-BCA dated March 15, 2024 of the Ministry of Public Security providing the People’s Public Security force’s facilitation of community reintegration of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences
Issuing body: Ministry of Public SecurityEffective date:

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Official number:10/2024/TT-BCASigner:To Lam
Type:CircularExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:15/03/2024Effect status:

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 10/2024/TT-BCA


Hanoi, March 15, 2024


Providing the People’s Public Security force’s facilitation of community reintegration of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences[1]


Pursuant to the 2019 Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments;

Pursuant to the Law on Amnesty;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 49/2020/ND-CP of April 17, 2020, detailing the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments regarding community reintegration (below referred to as Decree No. 49/2020/ND-CP);

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 01/2018/ND-CP of August 6, 2018, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security;

At the proposal of the Director of the Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-based Criminal Judgment Execution;

The Minister of Public Security promulgates the Circular providing the People’s Public Security force’s facilitation of community reintegration of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences


Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation

This Circular provides for the facilitation of community reintegration of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences; the acceptance, management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and the implementation of measures for ensuring community reintegration of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences by the People’s Public Security force.

Article 2. Subjects of application

1. Units under the Ministry of Public Security, the Criminal Judgment Execution Management Agency of the Ministry of Public Security, criminal judgment execution agencies of the People’s Public Security force, provincial-level Departments of Public Security, district-level divisions of public security, and commune-level public security offices (below collectively referred to as public security agencies of units and localities).

2. Persons who are entitled to amnesty or conditional early release and persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and returned to their communities (below collectively referred to as persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences) and who are Vietnamese, foreigners or stateless persons permanently residing in Vietnam.

3. Agencies, units, organizations and individuals related to the facilitation of community reintegration.

Article 3. Forms and monitoring books used for facilitation of community reintegration

1. To promulgate together with this Circular forms and monitoring books used for facilitation of community reintegration (provided in the Appendix to this Circular).

2. The Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-Based Criminal Judgment Execution shall guide public security agencies of units and localities in management and use of forms and monitoring books; annually estimate the number of forms and monitoring books to be printed and provided to public security agencies of units and localities, or guide units and localities in printing various types of forms and monitoring books used for community reintegration facilitation activities.

3. When necessary, the Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-based Criminal Judgment Execution shall coordinate with related units in modifying information stated in forms and monitoring books. In case of necessity to supplement, annul or replace such forms and monitoring books, the Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-based Criminal Judgment Execution shall report thereon to the Head of the Criminal Judgment Execution Management Agency of the Ministry of Public Security for decision.

Article 4. Database on community reintegration

1. The database on community reintegration is used for management of information on community reintegration to serve the state management of community reintegration; may be integrated into and shared with the national population database, the crime information database, the Center for Professional Information and Data under the Ministry of Public Security, the database on management of custody and temporary detention and the database on criminal judgment execution.

2. The Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-based Criminal Judgment Execution shall develop a database on community reintegration for uniform use by the Ministry of Public Security and local public security offices; guide public security agencies of units and localities to build, install, administer, maintain, update and exploit information on the database on community reintegration.

Article 5. Making of reports and statistics on community reintegration

1. Commune-level public security offices, criminal judgment execution agencies of district-level divisions of public security and criminal judgment execution agencies of provincial-level Departments of Public Security shall make periodical reports and statistics on community reintegration.

a/ To make monthly statistics on persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences or have been granted amnesty and integrated into the community (using Form HCD-12);

b/ To make reports on community reintegration results on a quarterly, biannual and annual basis (using Form HCD-13).

2. Time limit for making, forms and contents of reports and statistics must comply with the reporting and statistic-making regime of the Ministry of Public Security and the guidance of the Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-Based Criminal Judgment Execution.

Article 6. Funds for the People’s Public Security force’s facilitation of community reintegration

1. Funds for public security agencies of units and localities to facilitate community reintegration shall be allocated from the state budget as specified Clause 1, Article 4 of Decree No. 49/2020/ND-CP; be included in annual security cost estimates of the Ministry of Public Security, and allocated to public security agencies of units and localities in accordance with the Law on the State Budget and documents detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on the State Budget in the field of security and social order and safety.

2. Funds for management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and reintegrated into the community must comply with the Government’s Decree No. 165/2016/ND-CP of December 24, 2016, providing the management and use of the state budget for a number of activities in the fields of national defense and security.

Public security agencies of units and localities shall proactively advise local administrations on allocation of budget funds or mobilization of other lawful funding sources in accordance with law for the facilitation of community reintegration in accordance with the Law on the State Budget.

3. The receipt of money, foreign currencies, objects, valuable papers and other property rights as voluntary contributions of agencies, organizations and individuals at home and abroad for use for community reintegration activities must comply with Clause 3, Article 4, Decree No. 49/2020/ND-CP.


Chapter II


Article 7. Subjects to be accepted, supervised, educated and provided with assistance

1. Subjects to be accepted, supervised, educated and provided with assistance

a/ Persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences, including inmates who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and persons entitled to conditional early release who have completely served the probation period and been granted certificates of complete serving of imprisonment sentences but not yet had their criminal records expunged;

b/ Persons who have been granted amnesty, including inmates eligible for amnesty and persons eligible for suspension from serving their imprisonment sentences who have been granted amnesty but not yet have their criminal records expunged.

2. The period for acceptance, management, supervision, education of, and provision of assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences shall be counted from the date of completion of the serving of imprisonment sentence, or the date of grant of amnesty to the date of obtaining a ground to finish the management, supervision, education and provision of assistance in the cases specified in Clause 1, Article 14 of this Circular.

3. The commune-level public security office of the locality where a person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or an amnesty beneficiary resides shall manage, supervise and educate, provide assistance to, him/her under Article 25 of Decree No. 49/2020/ND-CP.

4. Persons entitled to conditional early release who are serving the probation period shall be accepted and managed in accordance with the Law on Enforcement of Criminal Judgments and the Minister of Public Security’s Circular No. 65/2019/TT-BCA of November 28, 2019, on community-based criminal judgment execution (below referred to as Circular No. 65/2019/TT-BCA).

Article 8. Receipt of notices of inmates before they complete the serving of their imprisonment sentences or are granted amnesty

1. Within 3 working days after receiving a notice of the inmate’s completion of imprisonment sentence specified in Clause 1, Article 46 of the Law on Enforcement of Criminal Judgments, or a notice of an amnesty decision specified in Clause 1, Article 18 of the Law on Amnesty, a commune-level public security office shall check information on the place of residence and other relevant contents, and coordinate with the inmate’s family to identify the place of residence after he/she completes the serving of his/her imprisonment sentence or is granted an amnesty and integrates into the community.

In case the place of residence’s address stated in the notice has changed or there is a ground to identify that the inmate will not return to the place of residence stated in the notice, the commune-level public security office shall propose the commune-level People’s Committee to send a notice to the agency or unit having sent the notice of the inmate’s completion of imprisonment sentence or notice of the amnesty decision to verify the place of residence of the inmate (using Form HCD-03).

2. Commune-level public security offices shall verify information on the relevant situation, and proactively propose the concerned commune-level People’s Committees to accept, manage, supervise, educate, and provide assistance to, inmates who have completely served their imprisonment sentences or been granted amnesty and integrate into the community.

Article 9. Acceptance of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries

1. When a person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence, or an amnesty beneficiary shows himself/herself up at a commune-level People’s Committee’s office, the head of commune-level public security office shall assign an officer to directly work with him/her:

a/ To inform him/her policies and laws of the Party and the State applicable to persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries;

b/ To acquire information his/her on feelings and aspirations;

c/ To guide him/her to go through procedures for registration and management of residence and grant of citizen identity card;

d/ To provide him/her with counseling and information on employment and borrowing of loans from the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies and other necessary issues for early community reintegration;

dd/ To request him/her to strictly observe laws and regulations of the agency, organization or locality where he/she works, studies or resides;

e/ To make a written record of the working session with the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or the amnesty beneficiary, enclosed with the latter’s commitment not to violate law and relapse into crime commission (using Form HCD-05);

g/ To make a slip of information on the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or the amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-02).

2. Upon the expiration of the time limit for show-up stated in the certificate of complete serving of imprisonment sentence or amnesty certificate, if the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or the amnesty beneficiary fails to show himself/herself up, the head of the commune-level public security office shall assign an officer to coordinate with such person’s family in verifying his/her failure and:

a/ Request such person to show himself/herself up at the commune-level People’s Committee’s office and implement the contents specified in Clause 1 of this Article as soon as he/she returns to his/her place of residence.

In case such person continues to fail to show himself/herself up without a plausible reason, the commune-level public security office shall propose the commune-level People’s Committee to report thereon to the criminal judgment execution agency of the district-level division of public security (using Form HCD-04), and at the same time proactively coordinate with his/her family in managing, supervising, educating, and providing assistance to, him/her.

b/ Coordinate with such person’s relatives and family in verifying his/her whereabouts, and propose the commune-level People’s Committee to report thereon to the criminal judgment execution agency of the district-level division of public security for handling (using Form HCD-04), in case such person does not return to his/her place of residence.

3. In case the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or the amnesty beneficiary shows himself/herself up at the commune-level People’s Committee or the commune-level public security office of the locality other than the place of residence’s address stated in the certificate of complete serving of imprisonment sentence or amnesty certificate, the commune-level public security office shall request him/her to provide information and identify the reason for not returning to the place of residence’s address stated in the certificate of complete serving of imprisonment sentence or amnesty certificate.

If it is identified that such person returns to reside in the locality in accordance with the Law on Residence, the commune-level public security office shall propose the commune-level People’s Committee to carry out procedures for acceptance under Clause 1 of this Article and notify thereof to the criminal judgment execution agency of the district-level division of public security and the commune-level People’s Committee of the locality stated in the certificate of complete serving of imprisonment sentence or amnesty certificate.

Article 10. Assignment of organizations and individuals to directly manage, supervise, educate, and provide assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries

1. Based on personal characteristics of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries and practical conditions of their localities, commune-level public security offices shall coordinate with Fatherland Front Committees, commune-level mass social organizations in advising chairpersons of commune-level People’s Committees on selecting socio-politic organizations, other organizations and their members to manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries, provided that each person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary shall be directly managed, supervised, educated and assisted by an organization or individual in his/her community reintegration.

2. Within 3 working days after working with persons who have completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or the amnesty beneficiary, heads of commune-level public security offices shall propose chairpersons of commune-level People’s Committees to issue a decision to assign organizations and individuals to directly manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to, such persons (using Form HCD-06 and Form HCD-07).

3. Commune-level public security offices shall coordinate with organizations and individuals assigned to directly manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences or amnesty beneficiaries in advising commune-level People’s Committees on promulgation of plans on management, supervision, education of, and provision of assistance to, such persons.

4. Commune-level public security offices shall advise commune-level People’s Committees on requesting individuals assigned to manage, supervise, educate, and provide assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries to make quarterly reports as follows:

a/ Within the first 5 days of the first month of a quarter, individuals assigned to manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries shall send reports on results of the management, supervision, education of, and provision of assistance to, such persons (using Form HCD-08) to commune-level People’s Committees (through commune-level public security offices);

b/ Commune-level public security offices shall include the above-mentioned reports in files for the management, supervision and education to serve as a basis for evaluating and classifying persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries.

Article 11. Files for management, supervision and education of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries

1. Files for management, supervision and education of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries constitute part of specialized files for archive of documents showing the management of persons who reintegrate into the community. A separate file shall be made for each person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary, containing the following documents:

a/ The cover of the file for the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-01);

b/ A slip of information on management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-02);

c/ A certificate of complete serving of imprisonment sentence or amnesty certificate (using Form PT70 or PT72 promulgated together with the Minister of Public Security’s Circular No. 12/2020/TT-BCA of February 7, 2020, providing forms and books on the execution of imprisonment sentences, execution of the judicial measure of education at reformatories, monitoring and management of persons staying at accommodations establishments, below referred to as Circular No. 12/2020/TT-BCA);

d/ A notice of the date when the inmate completes the serving of his/her imprisonment sentence (using Form PT71 to Circular No. 12/2020/TT-BCA), or notice of the amnesty decision (if any);

dd/ A record of working with the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-05);

e/ A report on proposal of assignment of organizations and individuals to manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to, the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-06);

g/ A decision on assignment of organizations and individuals to directly manage, supervise and, educate, and provide assistance to, the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-07);

h/ A report on results of the management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-08);

i/ A report on proposal of completion of the management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-10);

k/ A decision on completion of the management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, the person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary (using Form HCD-11);

l/ A criminal record certificate, a court’s ruling on expunction of criminal record; and other valid documents evidencing that the person having completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary has his/her criminal record expunged;

m/ Other relevant documents.

2. Within 5 working days after working with a person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or amnesty beneficiary, a commune-level public security office shall make a file for management, supervision and education of such person.

3. The making, registration, management, use and completion of files for management, supervision and education of persons who have completely served his/her imprisonment sentence and amnesty beneficiaries must comply with the Ministry of Public Security’s regulations on archive of professional files in the People’s Public Security force.

4. Files for management of persons entitled to conditional early release must comply with Circular No. 65/2019/TT-BCA.

Article 12. Evaluation and classification of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries

1. Persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries shall be evaluated and classified into one of the following four groups:

a/ Group A: Persons who have the sense of observance of law; have favorable conditions for community reintegration, such as having stable jobs; living in a good social environment; having a stable livelihood;

b/ Group B: Persons who have the sense of observance of law but face difficulties in community reintegration, such as being unemployed or having unstable jobs; having a difficult livelihood; or having low self-esteem and inferiority complex;

c/ Group C: Persons who have the poor sense of observance of law, fail to fulfill the requirements on management, supervision, education and provision of assistance of organizations and individual assigned to directly manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to them; have conditions for and possibilities of violating the law such as living in communities with complicated security and order conditions; having living conditions and family circumstances that easily lead to violations;

d/ Group D: Persons who are held in detention camps, custody houses, compulsory education institutions, reformatories or compulsory drug rehabilitation establishments.

2. Commune-level public security offices shall evaluate and classify persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries after receiving reports on results of the management, supervision, education of, and provision of assistance to, such persons.

3. On a quarterly basis, commune-level public security offices shall make lists of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries who are divided into groups, report thereon to criminal judgment execution agencies of district-level public security divisions (using Form HCD-09) and include them in specialized files for archive of documents showing the management of persons who reintegrate into the community.

4. Based on characteristics, situation and practical conditions, public security agencies of localities shall conduct survey and investigation of all persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries in their localities in order to facilitate the community reintegration of such persons.

Article 13. Consideration of expunction of criminal records

1. Commune-level public security offices shall review cases eligible for expunction of criminal records, and guide persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries in:

a/ Carrying out procedures for application for grant of criminal record certificates, in case of automatic expunction of criminal records specified in Article 70 of the Penal Code.

b/ Sending written requests for expunction of criminal records, bearing remarks of commune-level People’s Committees of localities where they reside or agencies or organizations where they work or study to courts that have conducted first-instance trials, and carrying out procedures to request competent courts to consider and decide on expunction of criminal records, in case of expunction of criminal records under courts’ rulings and expunction of criminal records in special cases specified in Articles 71 and 72 of the Penal Code.

2. After receiving criminal record certificates and courts’ rulings on expunction of criminal records specified in Clause 1 of this Article, commune-level public security offices shall include them in files for management, supervision and education of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries, and carry out procedures for completion of management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, such persons.

Article 14. Completion of the management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries

1. Cases eligible for completion of management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, a person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or an amnesty beneficiary

a/ Such person has his/her criminal record expunged (a criminal record certificate, decision on expunction of criminal records or document evidencing the expunction of criminal records has been issued);

b/ Such person has his/her place of residence changed (having a notice of the change and the file transferred from the commune-level People’s Committee of the locality where he/she currently resides to the commune-level People’s Committee of the locality where he/she wishes to come to reside);

c/ Such person has resided abroad (having a competent agency’s document evidencing that he/she has resided abroad);

d/ Such person is missing (having a court ruling declaring him/her missing);

dd/ Such person is deceased (having a death certificate or a record of his/her death or a court ruling declaring him/her dead);

e/ Such person who had committed a new crime and been sentenced to termed imprisonment or life imprisonment has served his/her imprisonment sentence at an incarceration facility.

2. Commune-level public security offices shall report to and propose chairpersons of commune-level People’s Committees to issue decisions on completion of the management, supervision, education of, and provision of assistance to, persons having completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries (using Form HCD-10 or Form HCD-11) and remove them from lists of persons subject to management, supervision, education and eligible for provision of assistance.

Article 15. Management, supervision and education of, and provision of assistance to, persons having completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries in special cases

1. In case a person eligible for suspension from serving his/her imprisonment sentence has been granted amnesty, the management, supervision and education of, and the provision of assistance to, him/her shall be carried out right after the commune-level People’s Committee receives his/her amnesty certificate.

2. In case a person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or an amnesty beneficiary has his/her place of residence changed, the commune-level public security office of the locality where he/she is residing (place of origin) shall propose the commune-level People’s Committee of such locality to notify thereof and transfer his/her file for management, supervision and education to the commune-level People’s Committee of the locality where he/she wishes to come to reside (place of destination) and concurrently notify such to the criminal judgment execution agency of the district-level public security division.

Within 5 working days after receiving the notice from the commune-level People’s Committee of the place of origin, the commune-level public security office of the place of destination shall propose the commune-level People’s Committee of such locality to continue to manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to, such person.

3. In case a person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or an amnesty beneficiary has served additional penalty(ies) being probation, residence ban, prohibition from holding certain positions, practicing certain professions or doing certain jobs, or deprivation of certain civic rights, the management, supervision and education of him/her must comply with regulations on community-based criminal judgment execution for persons who have served additional penalties, and the acceptance, management, supervision, education and provision of assistance must continue to be carried out under this Circular.

4. In case a person who has completely served his/her imprisonment sentence or an amnesty beneficiary has been held in custody or in detention, is confined to a compulsory education institution, reformatory or compulsory drug rehabilitation establishment, the commune-level public security office shall continue to manage his/her management, supervision, education and assistance provision file, and manage, supervise and educate, and provide assistance to, him/her after he/she completes executing the decision on confinement to the compulsory education institution, reformatory or compulsory drug rehabilitation establishment and returns to reside in the locality.


Chapter III


Article 16. Information, communication and education about community reintegration

1. Public security agencies of units and localities shall coordinate with agencies, units and organizations in:

a/ Regularly carrying out public communication on community reintegration through the People’s Public Security force’s media;

b/ Carrying out public communication on community reintegration in the central and local mass media;

c/ Mobilizing people to participate in the facilitation of community reintegration;

d/ Organizing forms of information, communication and education suitable to local conditions, characteristics and realities;

e/ Organizing training programs and conferences on community reintegration.

2. Contents and forms of information, communication and education about community reintegration must comply with Clauses 1 and 2, Article 9 of Decree No. 49/2020/ND-CP.

Article 17. Psychological and legal procedure assistance

1. Provincial-level Departments of Public Security, district-level divisions of public security and commune-level public security offices shall provide psychological and legal procedure assistance to persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences under Clause 1, Article 10 of Decree No. 49/2020/ND-CP.

2. Commune-level public security offices shall provide private counseling and group counseling to persons having completely served their imprisonment sentences and been released from incarceration facilities to return to reside in their localities; provide guidance and assistance to persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences in carrying out procedures for residence registration, civil status registration, grant of citizen identity cards and criminal record certificates, request for expungement of criminal records and other necessary matters.

Article 18. Vocational training and job creation for persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences

1. Annually, provincial-level Departments of Public Security, district-level divisions of public security and commune-level public security offices shall, based on the situation of persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences in localities, proactively advise People’s Committees at all levels in directing, and coordinating with, sectors and mass organizations in:

a/ Providing vocational training and job placement to persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences;

b/ Mobilizing enterprises, and production and business organizations and individuals to provide loans and place jobs for persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences;

c/ Creating favorable conditions for enterprises, production and business establishments, organizations and individuals to admit, or create jobs for, persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences.

2. Public security agencies of localities shall coordinate with the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies in providing loans to persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences and amnesty beneficiaries under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 22/2023/QD-TTg of August 17, 2023, on provision of loans to persons who have completely served their imprisonment sentences.

Article 19. Development of community reintegration models

1. Based on local characteristics, realities and practical conditions, public security agencies of localities shall advise Party Committees and local administrations on, and coordinate with agencies, sectors and mass organizations in, developing and replicating community reintegration models.

2. The development of community reintegration models shall be associated with the building of the movement of “All people protecting national security” and the mass mobilization work of the People’s Public Security force.


Chapter IV


Article 20. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect on May 1, 2024.

2. In case the legal documents referred to in this Circular have been revised replaced or annulled, the revising documents or new documents shall be implemented.

Article 21. Implementation responsibility

1. Heads and deputy heads of the Criminal Judgment Execution Management Agency of the Ministry of Public Security and criminal judgment execution agencies of the People’s Public Security force; heads of units under the Ministry of Public Security; Directors of provincial-level Departments of Public Security; heads of district-level divisions of public security; and heads of commune-level public security offices shall implement this Circular.

2. The Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-Based Criminal Judgment Execution shall guide, monitor, inspect and preliminarily and finally review the implementation of this Circular.

3. In the course of implementation of this Circular, public security agencies of units and localities shall report on arising difficulties or problems to the Ministry of Public Security (through the Police Department of Custody, Temporary Detention and Community-Based Criminal Judgment Execution) for timely provision of guidance.-

Minister of Public Security
General TO LAM

* The Appendix to this Circular is not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 613-614 (16/5/2024)

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