Many important and new policies can significantly affect business establishments, organizations, and individuals in housing and land, medical and health, construction, etc.

From August 01, 2024, Land Law 2024, Law on Real Estate Business 2023, Housing Law 2023 and Law on Credit Institutions 2024 shall take effect earlier at Law No. 43/2024/QH15.
Accordingly, 04 above Laws take effect on August 01, 2025 in stead of 2025 as prescribed in previous regulations. In particulars:
- Land Law No. 31/2024/QH15: This Law takes effect on August 01, 2024 except for the provisions prescribed in Article 190 and Article 248 on land use plan
- Housing Land No. 27/2023/QH15 and Law on Real Estate No. 29/2023/QH15: These two Laws take effect on August 01, 2024.
- Law on Credit Institution No. 32/2024/QH15: Provisions on transferring may transfer all or part of real estate projects as collateral to recover debts prescribed in Clause 3, Article 200 and Clause 15, Article 210 of this Law.
In particular:

Firstly, the Law only prescribes the use duration of condominiums. Accordingly, the use duration of condominiums shall be determined on the basis of design documents and practical use duration of condominiums as stated in inspection conclusions of competent agencies.
The use duration of a condominium based on design documents shall be clearly stated in the competent agency’s appraisal document in accordance with the construction law
Besides, the Law adds more social housing support policy beneficiaries
+ Learners and students of general universities, academies, universities, colleges, vocational schools and specialized schools as prescribed by law; pupils of public ethnic minority boarding schools.
+ Enterprises, cooperatives and unions of cooperatives operating in industrial parks.
Additionally, principles on sale, lease-purchase and lease of social houses is changed Within 5 years from the date the social house purchaser makes full payment for the purchase of the house and wishes to sell this house, he/she may only resell the house to the social housing investment project owner or a subject eligible to purchase social houses at a sale price not exceeding the sale price of this social house stated in the purchase and sale contract signed with the social housing investment project owner.
The owner of an investment project on renovation and reconstruction of condominiums is exempted from land use levy and land rental for land areas subject to land use levy or land rental within the project’s scope.
Besides, the project owner is not required to carry out procedures for determining land prices and calculating land use levy and land rental to be exempted as well as procedures for requesting exemption from land use levy or land rental
Owners of social housing investment projects shall get the profits not exceeding 10% of the total construction investment cost for the social housing construction area; Setting aside at most 20% of the total residential land area within the projects’ land areas with technical infrastructure systems for building service and commercial facilities and commercial houses.
Real estate project owners are only allowed to collect a deposit of no more than 5% of the sale prices is the important content prescribed in the Law on Estate Business No. 29/2023/QH15
Real estate project owners are only allowed to collect a deposit of no more than 5% of the sale prices or lease-purchase prices of houses, construction works, construction floor areas in construction works from the depositor to buy, hire-purchase when houses or construction works meet all conditions for being put into business.
The enterprise providing real estate brokerage services only need one person possessing real estate brokerage practice certificates.
The enterprise providing real estate brokerage services satisfy the following conditions:
+ Having a regulation on real estate brokerage service provision;
+ Having physical and technical facilities that meet operational requirements according to the Government's regulations;
+ Having at least 1 person possessing real estate brokerage practice certificates (instead of 02 people as prescribed in the 2014 Law on Real Estate Business);
Before providing real estate brokerage services, the enterprise providing real estate brokerage services shall send information about the enterprise to the state management agency in charge of real estate business at the provincial level where it is established for being posted on information systems on housing and real estate market.
From January 1, 2025, real estate brokers shall not be allowed to practice freely.
Individuals practicing real estate brokerage must meet the following conditions:
+ Possessing real estate brokerage practice certificates;
+ Practicing in an enterprise providing real estate trading floor services or an enterprise providing real estate brokerage services.

There is no regulation on the condominiums ownership duration
To expand 02 groups of subjects eligible to buy social housing including students and undergraduates of universities, academies, senior colleges, junior colleges, vocational schools, and special schools; Students at public boarding schools for ethnic minorities; enterprises, cooperatives, unions of cooperatives in industrial parks.
To change principles of sale, lease-purchase and lease of social houses. Specifically, within 05 years from the date on which the social house purchasers paid in full for the purchase, if they wish to sell such houses, the houses can only be resold to the owner of the social housing investment project or beneficiaries eligible to purchase social houses at the maximum selling prices equal to the selling prices of such social houses
Owners of social housing investment projects are exempt from land use levies and land rentals for the entire land area of the projects.
Owners of social housing investment projects enjoy a maximum profit of 10% of the total investment for the social housing construction area; reserve maximum 20% of the total residential land areas in their projects in which a technical infrastructure system has been built for construction of service and business words and commercial houses.

- To amend and supplement Clause 1 Article 252: The Land Law takes effect on August 1, 2024
- For investment projects eligible for land allocation or land lease not through auction of land use rights in accordance with Land Law No. 45/2013/QH13 and other relevant laws and conforming to land use master plans and land use plans, for which the land area has yet to be allocated or leased, subsequent steps in order and procedures for land allocation or lease may continue to be carried out to allocate or lease land to the investor or project owner in accordance with this Law, if they are:
+ Investment projects for which the investors or project owners are selected in accordance with the investment law, housing law and bidding law during the period from July 1, 2014, to before August 1, 2024;
+ Projects for which investors have submitted valid dossiers to carry out procedures for selection of investors or project owners before August 1, 2024, and the investors or project owners have been selected before January 1, 2025
The Law also amends and supplement Clause 1 Article 197 of the Housing Law No. 27/2023/QH15; Clause 1 Article 82 of the Law on Real Estate Business No. 29/2023/QH15; Clause 2 Article 209 of the Law on Credit Institutions No. 32/2024/QH15 which shall take effect on August 01, 2024

On June 25, 2024, the Government issues the Decree No. 67/2024/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 76/2020/ND-CP dated July 01, 2020, prescribing in detail subjects eligible for grant, and the order, procedures and competence for issuance, revocation and invalidation of international travel documents and the Government’s Decree No. 77/2020/ND-CP dated July 01, 2020 prescribing the management of, and exploitation of information in, the national database on immigration; online public services for the issuance, management and control of passports of Vietnamese citizens; and immigration control with autogates. Some remarkable contents of this Decree shall be as follows:
Therefore, the Decree amends regulations on agencies receiving dossiers of request for international travel documents:
- An applicant for a Vietnam-Cambodia border travel document shall submit directly a dossier at the immigration office of the provincial-level Department of Public Security sharing the borderline with Cambodia where his/her agency, organization or enterprise is headquartered or online via the National Public Service Portal or the Ministry of Public Security’s Public Service Portal.
- An applicant for a Vietnam-Laos border travel document shall submit a dossier as follows:
A Vietnamese citizen permanently residing in a province sharing the borderline with Laos shall submit a dossier at the commune-level or district-level public security office where he/she permanently resides or at the immigration office of the provincial-level Department of Public Security where he/she permanently resides or online via the National Public Service Portal or the Ministry of Public Security’s Public Service Portal;
A Vietnamese citizen not permanently residing in, but working at an agency, organization or enterprise headquartered in, a province sharing the borderline with Laos shall submit a dossier at the immigration office of the provincial-level Department of Public Security where his/her agency, organization or enterprise is headquartered or online via the National Public Service Portal or the Ministry of Public Security’s Public Service Portal.
- An applicant for a document for entry into and exit from the Vietnam - China border area specified at Point a, Clause 3, Article 4 of this Decree shall submit a dossier at the commune-level public security office where he/she permanently resides or online via the National Public Service Portal or the Ministry of Public Security’s Public Service Portal.
- An applicant for a document for entry into and exit from the Vietnam - China border area specified at Point b, Clause 3, Article 4 of this Decree shall submit a dossier at the district-level public security office where his/her agency is headquartered or online via the National Public Service Portal or the Ministry of Public Security’s Public Service Portal.
Additionally, Decree 67 also adds regulations on provision and exploitation of information in the national database on immigration as follows: Agencies of the Party and the National Assembly may request the provision of information on immigration of their cadres and civil servants in the national database on immigration to serve the management of cadres under regulations.
This Decree takes effect on August 09, 2024.

On June 13, 2024, the Ministry of Health issues Circular No. 10/2024/TT-BYT promulgating the list of infectious diseases, subjects and scope of obligatory use of vaccines and medical bio-products. This Circular takes effect from August 1, 2024.
+ List of 10 infectious diseases and subjects obliged to use vaccines and medical bio-products for people at risk of contracting infectious diseases in epidemic areas or going to epidemic areas:
- Diphtheria: Diphtheria- containing combination vaccine and diphtheria antitoxin serum;
- Poliomyelitis: Polio vaccine or polio- containing combination vaccine;
- Rubella: Rubella vaccine or rubella- containing combination vaccine;
- Measles: Measles vaccine or measles- containing combination vaccine;
- COVID-19: COVID-19 vaccine, etc.
+ The subjects obliged to use vaccines and medical bio-products for people at risk of contracting infectious diseases in epidemic areas or going to epidemic areas in the list specified in Clause 1 of this Article shall be determined by provincial-level Departments of Health and reported to provincial- or municipal-level People's Committees for decision, or determined according to the direction of the Ministry of Health based on the epidemic situation, conditions for supply of vaccines and medical bio-products, and local resources.