Amend the conditions for subjects conducting goods trading and exchange at border markets

This content is prescribed in Decree No. 122/2024/ND-CP on amending the conditions for subjects conducting goods trading and exchange at border markets

In particular, Clause 1, Article 1 of the Decree No. 122/2024/ND-CP has amended in Clause 1, Clause 2, Article 16 of the Decree No. 14/2018/ND-CP prescribing in detail border trade activities

Accordingly, subjects conducting goods trading and exchange at border markets from December 01, 2024, include:

Traders bearing Vietnamese citizenship and having residence registration in border regions

Current regulations:   Traders and individuals bearing Vietnamese citizenship and having permanent residence registration in border regions or border residence permits issued by competent public security agencies.

goods trading and exchange at border markets
Amend the conditions for subjects conducting goods trading and exchange at border markets (Illustration)

Traders and individuals bearing citizenships of bordering countries and have passports or valuable papers in accordance with the international treaties in which the Republic of Vietnam is a member and the Law on foreigners’ entry into, exit from, transit through, and residence in Vietnam No.  47/2014/QH13 which is amended, supplemented a number of Articles of the Law No. 51/2019/QH14 and Law No. 23/2023/QH15;

Traders, business households, and individuals who have business registrations in bordering countries are granted the Certificate of Business Registration under the laws of bordering countries.

In current regulations: Traders and individuals bearing citizenships of bordering countries and having one of the following valid papers as follows:

- Passport,

- Border identity card,

- Citizen identity card (applicable to inhabitants living along the Vietnam-Laos or Vietnam-Cambodia land borderlines),

- Border passes or other valid entry and exit papers issued under the laws of bordering countries;

Besides, traders, business households, and individuals with business registration certificates are granted under the laws of bordering countries.

Decree No. 122/2024/ND-CP is issued on October 04, 2024, and takes effect on December 01, 2024.
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