Resolution 88/NQ-CP on the Government’s meeting in July 2021

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Resolution No. 88/NQ-CP dated August 12, 2021 of the Government on the Government’s virtual meeting with provinces on the socio-economic situation in July and 7 months of 2021
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:88/NQ-CPSigner:Pham Minh Chinh
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:12/08/2021Effect status:

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To encourage localities to issue more support policies for people affected by COVID-19 pandemic

The Government issues the Resolution No. 88/NQ-CP on the Government’s virtual meeting with provinces on socio-economic situation in July and 7 months of 2021 on August 12, 2021.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance shall propose policies to support enterprises to carry out the "three on the spot" and “1 route 2 destinations” production models to meet the requirements of COVID-19 prevention and control; complete and submit to competent authorities for decision-making on solutions to extend, exempt or reduce taxes, fees, charges, and land rents, etc. to continue supporting people and businesses following the fast-track order and procedures; thoroughly adopt saving of recurrent expenses and cutting down unnecessary expenses. At the same time, it shall closely monitor price movements of essential commodities, particularly raw materials, fuel, and essential commodities for people's life that tend to increase in price in order to promptly propose appropriate management and price stabilization measures.

In addition to the current support policies, the Government encourages localities, based on their resources, to issue more social security policies and support policies for people and workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for policy families, people with meritorious services, the poor, people who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Party committees and authorities of provinces and centrally-run cities must ensure smooth circulation of goods according to the direction of the Prime Minister; timely supply all kinds of goods, especially food, to people in isolated areas, not to let people lack food, clothing, and necessities; focus on removing difficulties and obstacles, especially administrative procedures to restore and promote production and business. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall focus on building and deploying technological solutions to prevent and control COVID-19 such as digital health book, e-handbook guiding the prevention, control, and treatment of COVID-19.

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No. 88/NQ-CP

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Hanoi, August 12, 2021



On the Government’s virtual meeting with provinces on the socio-economic situation in July and 7 months of 2021




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015; the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Governments dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of the delegates and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular virtual meeting with provinces on socio-economic situation in July and 7 months of 2021, held on August 11, 2021,




The Government unanimously assessed that: In July, the COVID-19 pandemic, with the highly transmissible Delta variant which could spread faster, stronger, and more dangerous, broke out in many localities, especially in Ho Chi Minh City and in some southern provinces and cities, seriously affected socio-economic activities and the health and lives of many people. However, with determination, consensus and drastic action of the whole political system, the meticulous direction of the Government, all levels, branches, and localities, as well as the efforts of the business community and people nationwide under the leadership of the Party, important socio-economic development and achievements were recorded in the country.

Macroeconomic situation was basically stable. Inflation was kept under control. The 7-month average consumer price index (CPI) increased by 1.64% over the same period in 2020. Major balances of the economy were secured. State budget revenue attained 68% of the year estimate, up 15.6%. Money and foreign exchange markets were relatively stable, deposit and lending interest rates continued to decline, credit growth recovered positively. Financial services and cashless payments were promoted. Digital transformation and application of information technology, especially in service of epidemic prevention and control, were promoted. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in 7 months increased by 7.9%, of which that of the processing and manufacturing industry grew by 9.9%. In principle, agricultural production experienced favorable conditions; food security was guaranteed. Total import-export turnover in 7 months reached over US$373 billion, up 30.2%. Total export turnover reached over US$185 billion, up 25.5%. Foreign direct investment (FDI) in 7 months reached US$16.72 billion. Realized FDI capital reached US$10.5 billion, up 3.8%. Viet Nam continued to receive positive review by international organizations for its economic resilience, competitiveness, and attractiveness in the business investment environment.

The fields of culture, society and environment received due direction by all levels and sectors. Special attention was paid to ensuring social security and people's life. Many practical activities were organized to commemorate the merits of heroes and martyrs, to show gratitude to wounded soldiers, sick soldiers, and people with meritorious services to the revolution on Invalids and Martyrs' Day. Decree No. 75/2021/ND-CP dated July 24, 2021 was issued to stipulate the level of allowances, financial support, and preferential regimes for people with meritorious services to the revolution. Issues, which had lasted for many years, on the regime for experts working in Laos were resolved by the Construction Board 64, Ministry of Transport. The high school graduation examination was organized in a strict and safe manner, with good quality and ensuring to complete the 2020-2021 school year's task plan. Continued efforts were made to promote the institutional and regulatory development and improvement, particularly regulations to remove difficulties for production and business, create favorable conditions for people and businesses. National defense, security, social order, and safety were maintained. Foreign affairs and international integration, especially vaccine diplomacy, were strongly and effectively implemented.

However, the country was facing various difficulties and challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to evolve complicatedly, threatening health and life and seriously affecting the country's socio-economic environment. Inflation could start escalating anytime. Disbursement of public investment capital, especially ODA capital, did not meet the requirements. Supply chain disruptions started to appear, especially at the beginning of the outbreak in July. Some manufacturing and exporting enterprises had their orders delayed or canceled. Exports tended to slow down. Trade deficit was expected to persist. Some agricultural products faced consumption difficulties, especially in outbreak areas. Total retail sales of consumer goods and services decreased. The number of businesses temporarily suspended or awaiting dissolution increased over the same period. Jobs and livelihoods of many people were greatly affected, especially in infected areas, etc.

In that context, the tasks set for the remaining months of 2021 shall be very heavy, requiring the joint outstanding efforts and consensus of the entire Party, the people and army so as to achieve socio-economic development goals and tasks in 2021 at the highest level. Profoundly and fully grasping the direction of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the first session of the Government in the 2021-2026 period, the Government requested ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of Government-attached bodies, and chairpersons of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to continue to drastically and synchronously implement the goals, tasks and solutions set out in 2021 in Resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly, and the Government, as well as the direction of the Prime Minister; urgently direct the implementation of tasks and solutions according to Conclusion No. 11-KL/TW dated July 13, 2021 of the 3rd Plenum of the 13th Central Committee, Resolutions in the 1st session of the 15th National Assembly. Attention must be paid to implementing some of the following key contents:

1. Strongly responding to the call of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on COVID-19 prevention and control, ministries, agencies and localities were requested to implement synchronously, drastically and effectively measures and solutions according to Resolutions and conclusions of the Party and State, especially Resolution No. 86/NQ-CP dated August 6, 2021 of the Government, with the highest determination to control COVID-19 pandemic in severely affected localities, put people's health and life first, striving to prevent health and socio-economic crisis while ensuring life for the citizen. It was requested to continue to implement the “dual goals” of maintaining production and business development flexibly and effectively in places where disease prevention measures must be ensured, and at the same time, continuing to maintain macroeconomic stability, control inflation, and ensure major balances of the economy, along with ensuring social security and people's lives.

2. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached bodies, and People's Committees of all levels were requested to urgently implement Resolutions at the first session of the 15th National Assembly on 5-year plans for socio-economic development, national finance and medium-term borrowing and repayment of public debt and public investment. It was requested to revise the state budget expenditure estimates and approve the state budget report in 2019.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, agencies, and localities to:

a) Absorb the direction of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, opinions of delegates, ministries, agencies, and localities at the first meeting of the Government for the term 2021 - 2026 to complete the Action Plan of the Government for the term 2021 - 2026 to implement the National Assembly's Resolution on the 5-year socio-economic development plan for the 2021 - 2025 period.

b) Speed up the implementation and disbursement of public investment capital, especially ODA and foreign concessional loans. Review and complete processes and procedures to ensure simplicity and convenience for the implementation and disbursement of public investment projects; expand public-private partnerships. While deploying social distancing to fight the pandemic, ministries, branches, and localities must focus closely on completing procedures for public investment.

c) Urgently report to the Prime Minister before August 20, 2021 to assign the medium-term public investment plan for the 2021 - 2025 period from the central budget to projects meeting conditions prescribed in Article 52 of the Law on Public investment by the time when the National Assembly approved the medium-term public investment plan for the 2021 - 2025 period.

Ministries, agencies, and localities shall urgently complete investment procedures for projects that were expected to be included in the medium-term public investment plan but did not meet the conditions prescribed in Article 52 of the Law on Public Investment by the time the National Assembly approved the plan. These procedures were requested to be sent to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for plan synthesis, review, and finalization, including unallocated amounts, and the allocation plan for the remaining local budget capital; and reported to competent authorities as prescribed in Resolution No. 29/2021/QH15 of the National Assembly. It was requested to resolutely cut off new projects with low efficiency, insufficient procedures, inefficient, scattered, fragmented, and divided investment.

d) Focus on reviewing and identifying specific difficulties and obstacles for production and business activities based on delegates’ views and recommendations, especially at the Prime Minister's conference with representatives of businesses, business associations and localities on August 8, 2021; as soon as possible submit to the Government to promulgate a Resolution to support and develop businesses in the current conditions.

dd) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies to complete the application dossiers for amendments and supplements to the Law on Support for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and Decree No. 39/2019/ND-CP so as to consider and expand the target audiences for interest rate reduction to promote lending activities of the Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises Development Fund through the commercial banking system.

e) Submit to the Government at the regular meeting in August 2021 to revise and supplement Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP regulating the management of industrial parks and economic zones, including the review and amendments of regulations related to licensing to expand industrial parks and new industrial parks, in the direction of decentralizing as much as possible authorities of chairpersons of provincial and central People's Committees to strengthen inspection and supervision.

g) The Ministry of Planning and Investment (the standing agency of the State Appraisal Council) was requested to urgently submit to the Prime Minister to approve investment in the National Target Program for Socio-economic Development in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for the 2021-2030 period in August 2021.

4. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, agencies, and localities to:

a) Propose policies to support enterprises to carry out the "three on the spot" and “1 route 2 destinations” production models to meet the requirements of COVID-19 prevention and control; complete and submit to competent authorities for decision-making on solutions to extend, exempt or reduce taxes, fees, charges, and land rents, etc. to continue supporting people and businesses following the fast-track order and procedures.

b) Based on the state budget revenue and developments of the COVID-19 situation, develop a plan for state budget management for the remaining time of the year and the whole year of 2021, ensuring timely response to expenditure requirements and tasks for COVID-19 prevention and control and other important and urgent tasks of the state budget, especially the central budget, in all situations; and report to the Prime Minister before August 25, 2021.

c) Tighten financial and budgetary discipline and order; strengthen inspection, urge the collection of tax arrears, etc. Thoroughly adopt saving of recurrent expenses and cutting down unnecessary expenses. As soon as possible report to the Government to request the Standing Committee of the National Assembly to consider and decide to use budget cuts, reductions, and savings in regular expenditures from the central budget's 2021 to supplement contingencies under the direction of the Prime Minister at the Document No. 5302/VPCP-KTTH dated August 3, 2021 of the Government Office.

d) Closely monitor price movements of essential commodities, particularly raw materials, fuel, and essential commodities for people's life that tend to increase in price in order to promptly propose appropriate management and price stabilization measures. Strengthen inspection and control of market prices, manage price declarations, strictly handle violations of laws and regulations on prices.

dd) Promote the implementation of policy solutions to guarantee scheme for small- and medium-sized enterprises to access to loan sources, especially bank credit capital.

5. The State Bank of Viet Nam shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies to:

a) Implement an active and flexible monetary policy, closely coordinate with fiscal policy and other policies to ensure the achievement of the target of inflation control, contributing to macroeconomic stability, ensuring major balances of the economy, and promoting socio-economic development.

b) Direct credit institutions to continue implementing solutions to support customers affected by COVID-19 such as restructuring debts, encouraging, and creating conditions for credit institutions to reduce costs, continuing to reduce lending interest rates, especially for businesses, organizations and individuals operating in areas with complicated disease outbreaks, interested in supporting customers with small loans who are having a hard time due to the pandemic.

c) Simplify processes, procedures, and documents to create favorable conditions for businesses and people to access loans; continue to implement programs of exemption and reduction of payment transaction fees; promote non-cash payment and digital transformation in banking activities.

6. The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies and localities to:

a) Continue to effectively implement Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021 on policies to support employees and employers affected by COVID-19; study and propose to the Government and the Prime Minister to expand the beneficiaries and the duration of support in accordance with the situation and the state budget capacity, diminish administrative procedures, shorten time to provide timely and effective support to people and employees.

b) Take care of people's lives, especially people with meritorious services, policy families, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, the vulnerable, people in difficult circumstances, people who lose their jobs due to the pandemic, etc., ensuring timeliness and substance of policies. Urgently organize the full deployment of preferential regimes for people with meritorious services to the revolution according to Decree No. 75/2021/ND-CP dated July 24, 2021.

c) Formulate solutions to restore labor and jobs right in outbreak-hit localities; support and create jobs for workers who lost their jobs due to the pandemic and had to return to their hometown. Timely remove obstacles, simplify processes and procedures for granting work permits, create favorable conditions for foreign experts to work in Viet Nam, and ensure safety in epidemic prevention and control. Guide localities to implement social security packages to serve people facing difficulties when they had to implement Directive 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister on urgent measures to prevent and control COVID-19.

d) Expeditiously complete a dossier and submit it to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making on investment in the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction in the 2021-2025 period before August 31, 2021.

7. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies and localities to:

a) Guide enterprises to develop and implement plans to restore production and business in accordance with COVID-19 developments in localities.

b) Closely monitor domestic and international markets; promptly remove difficulties and obstacles to import and export activities (including those at border gates) in order to promote exports and control trade deficit; so as to harmonize sustainable trade balances according to Resolution No. 63/NQ-CP dated June 29, 2021 and prevent disruptions of supply chains and production chains.

c) Synchronously implement solutions to open and promote the strong development of the domestic market; ensure adequate supply of raw materials, fuel, production materials and essential goods to serve people's lives, especially in areas where social distancing is being implemented. Closely coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and localities to develop plans to organize the consumption of agricultural products until the harvest season, to support the connection and consumption of agricultural products in epidemic-hit localities. Promote e-commerce development to create a favorable and stable consumption channel. Strengthen market management, strictly handle acts of taking advantage of the epidemic situation to hoard goods and raise prices of goods and services unreasonably.

d) Review and assess the current status of electricity consumption of enterprises affected by COVID-19 in order to promptly formulate effective supporting solutions, especially for enterprises producing, processing, and preserving agricultural products.

8. The Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with agencies and localities to:

a) Closely monitor the situation, direct, and provide guidance to regulate transport activities, ensure smooth and quick release of goods, especially at key international seaport areas; maintain strict control at the starting and ending points of goods transportation to prevent congestion in domestic and import-export goods circulation. Strengthen the application of information technology in management and administration of transport activities.

b) Cooperate with the Ministry of Finance in continuing to review and evaluate specifically the rationality and suitability of fees, tolls, service prices, and regulations on operating conditions of vehicles in transportation services in the pandemic context (such as vehicle registration fees, road maintenance, service fees at airports and ports, costs of COVID-19 testing for drivers, registration deadlines, etc.) to report to competent authorities so as to formulate appropriate procedure-streamlining plans, contributing to removing difficulties for transport business.

9. The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned agencies and localities in taking measures to promote housing development for workers, especially in industrial parks, and stabilizing the real estate market.

10. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies and localities to:

a) Expeditiously complete a dossier and submit them to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making on investment in the National Target Program on New Rural Development and the set of national criteria for new rural areas at all levels (province, district, and commune) for the 2021 - 2025 period before August 31, 2021.

b) Focus on accelerating agricultural and rural restructuring and development; boosting production associated with processing, preservation, and consumption of agricultural products; promptly propose solutions to support the consumption and prevent congestion of agricultural products.

c) Firmly grasp the situation of production, consumption, and changes in prices of paddy and rice in order to promptly propose the application of specific measures to regulate the market, when necessary, in accordance with current regulations.

d) Strengthen the management of agro-inputs, prevent behaviors taking advantage of the epidemic to push up prices, causing production interruptions. Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministries of Industry and Trade, Finance, relevant agencies, and localities to closely monitor fertilizer prices in the domestic market, taking appropriate and timely regulatory measures to stabilize prices, prevent unreasonable price escalation.

dd) Pay attention to the management, protection and development of forests, forest fire prevention and fighting, and disease prevention and control for plants and animals.

e) Closely monitor the weather situation, coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to properly fulfill warning and forecasting activities, proactively deploy tasks related to natural disaster prevention and control, avoid passiveness and unpreparedness; direct localities to review and strengthen Steering Committees for natural disaster prevention and control at all levels, to develop natural disaster prevention and control plans suitable to actual conditions and COVID-19 context.

11. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with agencies and localities to:

a) Expeditiously complete a dossier of the National Land Use Planning for the 2021 - 2030 period and the National Land Use Plan for the 2021 - 2025 period and report them to the Government for approval in August 2021 for submission to the 2nd session of the National Assembly for consideration and decision-making.

b) Conduct a comprehensive and thorough assessment of the implementation of the Law on Land and develop a draft (revised) Law on Land for submission to the 15th National Assembly at its third session for review and comments.

c) Direct functional units to proactively provide timely forecast and warning information on meteorology and hydrology to timely serve and improve the effectiveness of natural disaster prevention and control and minimize damage.

12. The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies to:

a) As soon as possible implement the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program in 2022 and adjust the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program in 2021 to ensure its quality and progress.

b) Monitor, urge, and closely examine the formulation and issuance of documents detailing and guiding the implementation of laws and ordinances; implement synchronously and effectively solutions to improve law-making quality.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees were requested to directly direct the development of legal institutions; urgently complete the review of legal documents to promptly detect conflicting and overlapping provisions which give rise to difficulties and problems, and provisions that are no longer align with reality to report and propose to competent authorities for revision, supplements or promulgation according to their competence.

13. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies to:

a) Focus on restructuring and effectively implementing national science and technology programs in the 2021-2025 period. Expeditiously develop and submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation a strategy on science and technology development and innovation for the 2021-2030 period in November 2021.

b) Formulate specific solutions to promote technology transfer and innovation and harness the national scientific and technological potential; create favorable conditions for the operation of high-tech parks, research, and development centers.

c) Expeditiously complete the National Key Science and Technology Program for research and production of COVID-19 vaccines and drugs for human use by 2030 and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval.

14. The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with agencies and localities to:

Properly implement matriculation work and formulate a plan to deploy and guide the organization of education and training activities in the 2021-2022 school year in accordance with COVID-19 situation along with the capacity of facilities and human resources; properly prepare lesson plans and textbooks for online teaching and learning, ensuring the schedule and quality of teaching and learning activities.

15. The Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies and localities to:

a) Submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation principles, criteria, and norms for capital allocation for implementation of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period in August 2021. Coordinate with the Ministries of Planning and Investment, Finance and the State Bank of Viet Nam and relevant agencies to soon issue or submit to competent authorities for promulgation documents guiding the implementation of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period.

b) Submit to the Prime Minister for approval the Strategy on ethnic work for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2045.

16. The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security shall, based on their assigned functions and tasks:

a) Closely monitor the situation at sea to proactively take measures to respond, avoid being passive or unprepared in all situations; strictly manage the land border, prevent, and promptly handle illegal entry and exit.

b) Have a solid grasp of the situation; actively fight to defeat all plots and damaging activities of hostile and reactionary forces; ensure social security and order among workers, prevent social conflicts, passiveness, and unpreparedness. Focus on suppressing all kinds of crimes, especially theft, assaults against law enforcement officers, high-tech crimes using digital technologies to appropriate property, crimes related to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

c) Strengthen fire and explosion prevention and fighting, ensuring a peaceful life for the people; prepare all forces and means to be ready to rescue and assist people in overcoming consequences of heavy rainfall and storm.

17. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall continue to focus on implementing "vaccine diplomacy", strengthening international cooperation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Properly prepare for high-level external activities. Proactively and actively promote its role in multilateral institutions, especially the ASEAN, and successfully complete its roles as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in the 2020-2021 term. Effectively fulfill its roles in delivering public protection services for overseas Vietnamese citizens and communication of information on diplomatic relations.

18. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, agencies, and localities to:

a) Direct the press agencies to step up the work of information and propagation, promote the strength of the great national unity, the cultural values ​​of Vietnamese people, arouse the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country.

b) Strengthen the discipline of speech and of press activities. Strictly manage the cyberspace. Strictly handle violations, taking advantage of the press for personal gain, and resolutely prevent occurrence of media crisis.

c) Strongly promote digital transformation and application of digital technology in cultural and artistic activities by offering online theaters or theater programs broadcasted on TV and other forms suitable to people's needs and daily life.

d) Focus on building and deploying technological solutions to prevent and control COVID-19 such as: digital health book, e-handbook guiding the prevention, control, and treatment of COVID-19.

19. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Vietnam Television, the Voice of Viet Nam, and the Vietnam News Agency actively were requested to closely coordinate with the Ministry of Health, relevant ministries, agencies and localities to closely follow up with COVID-19 situation to properly delivering information, ensuring timeliness, honesty, accuracy and objectiveness of information; develop cultural and artistic programs to enhance the spiritual life, encourage exercises, and improve the people's health; provide guiding information on COVID-19 prevention and control, contributing to raising people's awareness in implementing measures to prevent and control the epidemic and creating social consensus. Timely fight and refute false, untrue, and malicious information, especially information about COVID-19 prevention and control and the effectiveness of vaccine strategies.

20. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Government-attached bodies shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and relevant agencies in reviewing, amending and supplementing the Decrees on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries and agencies in association with consolidating the lean organizational structure, resolutely reducing focal points, reducing intermediaries, and improving operational effectiveness and efficiency following Resolutions of the 6th Plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee. The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Justice were assigned to carefully appraise the draft Decrees and submit to the Government in August 2021 according to the fast-track order and procedures.

21. The Government requested the Party committees and authorities of provinces and centrally-run cities to continue thoroughly and drastically implement the directions, tasks, and key solutions in the last months of the year in Resolution No. 75/NQ-CP dated 14 July 2021. At the same time, attention must be paid to the following tasks:

a) Strictly implement solutions to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in Resolution No. 86/NQ-CP dated August 6, 2021, and guiding documents of the Government and the Prime Minister according to their competence, ensuring the fastest and most effective rollout of solutions, putting people's lives and health first. Focus mobilizing people to strictly implement the guidelines and policies of the Party and regulations of the State, especially in COVID-19 prevention and control.

b) Inspect and guide the plan for pandemic prevention and control, support for testing costs and related expenses to help enterprises produce and fight against the epidemic; take care of living conditions for people and workers, especially in concentrated industrial zones.

c) Ensure smooth circulation of goods according to the direction of the Prime Minister; timely supply all kinds of goods, especially food, to people in isolated areas, not to let people lack food, clothing, and necessities. Focus on removing difficulties and obstacles, especially administrative procedures to restore and promote production and business.

d) Save and cut down regular expenses. Pursuant to the Law on State Budget, report to competent authorities for consideration and decision on the use of savings and regular spending cutbacks in 2021 of the local budgets to focus on epidemic prevention and control according to Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15 of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister's direction in Document No. 5302/VPCP-KTTH dated August 3, 2021 of the Government Office. At the same time, continue to review to reduce or stop the procurement of equipment that is not urgent or really necessary. Not to issue new fees and charges on production and business activities in the current pandemic context.

dd) Strengthen the prevention and control of natural disasters, storms, and floods, and respond to climate change, especially in the current rainy and stormy season. Review and prepare materials and equipment for natural disaster prevention and control, strengthen the inspection of key dike routes and locations with high risk of landslides, complete prevention plans, and strictly implement measures "four on the spot", proactively relocate people out of dangerous areas to minimize damage. Effectively deploy the prevention and control of plant and animal diseases and prevent the spread of diseases on a large scale.

e) Promote the role of the grassroots information system in disseminate the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's regulations, and measures to prevent and control the epidemic so that people can understand clearly and accurately.

g) Direct the local functional units to support and create a "priority lane" for means of transport to deliver supplies, materials, equipment and personnel involved in construction projects through COVID-19 control stations and checkpoints in accordance with the regulations of the Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and each locality to ensure the progress of key national projects (such as component projects on the Eastern North-South Expressway Project); give priority to vaccination against COVID-19 for civil servants, public employees and workers directly participating in key projects.

h) In addition to the current support policies, the Government encouraged localities, based on their resources, to issue more social security policies and support policies for people and workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for policy families, people with meritorious services, the poor, people who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Government requested ministries, agencies, and localities to implement this Resolution urgently, utterly, and effectively; regularly inspect and evaluate the implementation progress and results; promptly report and propose to the Government and the Prime Minister on newly arising issues beyond their competence. The Government Office was assigned to monitor, urge, and report to the Government and the Prime Minister the implementation results of this Resolution./.








Pham Minh Chinh

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