No. 24/2021/QH15 | | |
Approving the investment policy for the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction for the 2021-2025 period[1]
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
Pursuant to Law No. 57/2014/QH13 on Organization of the National Assembly, which had a number of articles amended and supplemented under Law No. 65/2020/QH14;
Pursuant to Law No. 39/2019/QH14 on Public Investment, which had a number of articles amended and supplemented under Law No. 64/2020/QH14;
Pursuant to Law No. 83/2015/QH13 on the State Budget, which had a number of articles amended and supplemented under Law No. 59/2020/QH14;
After considering the Government’s Report No. 246/TTr-CP of July 19, 2021, on proposal of the investment policy for the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2021-2025 period; Verification Report No. 12/BC-UBXH15 of July 22, 2021, of the National Assembly’s Social Committee; the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Report No. 24/BC-UBTVQH15 of July 27, 2021, on the acceptance of, and giving of explanations to, National Assembly deputies’ opinions about approval of the investment policy for the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2021-2025 period, and opinions of National Assembly deputies;
Article 1
To approve the investment policy for the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2021-2025 period (below referred to as the Program) with the following contents:
1. Objectives of the Program
a/ General objectives:
To implement multidimensional, inclusive and sustainable poverty reduction goals and limit poverty relapse and poverty incidence; to help the poor and poor households live above the minimum living standards, access basic social services according to the national multidimensional poverty line, and improve the quality of their life; to help poor districts and extreme difficulty-hit communes in coastal sandbar areas and on islands escape from poverty and extreme difficulty;
b/ Specific targets:
- The rate of poor households according to the multidimensional poverty line will be reduced by 1%-1.5% per year;
- The rate of poor ethnic minority households will be reduced by over 3% per year;
- Thirty percent of poor districts, and 30% of extreme difficulty-hit communes in coastal sandbar areas and on islands will escape from poverty and extreme difficulty.
2. Scope and duration of implementation of the Program:
a/ Scope of implementation of the Program: nationwide, particularly in poor districts and extreme difficulty-hit communes in coastal sandbar areas and on islands;
b/ Duration of implementation of the Program: from 2021 through 2025.
3. Funds for implementation of the Program:
The total fund for implementation of the Program in the 2021-2025 period is at least VND 75 trillion, of which:
a/ Funds from the central budget: VND 48 trillion, including:
- Funds from development investment sources: VND 20 trillion;
- Funds from non-business sources: VND 28 trillion;
b/ Funds from local budgets: VND 12,690 billion;
c/ Other mobilized lawfully sources: VND 14,310 billion.
The Government shall adopt solutions for mobilizing other lawful resources in addition to state budget funds to ensure the effective implementation of the Program.
4. Principles and solutions for implementation, and mechanism for management and administration of the Program:
a/ Principles and solutions for implementation of the Program:
- To make concentrated, focused and sustainable investment, focusing on poor districts and extreme difficulty-hit communes in coastal sandbar areas and on islands; to prioritize support for poor ethnic minority households, poor households whose members have made meritorious services to the revolution, and children and women of poor households;
- To specify ratios for allocation of central budget funds and local budget funds to suit reality, the state budget’s fund-balancing capacity, and annual plans; to provide specific mechanisms for management and organization of implementation of a number of activities of the Program as suitable to reality, characteristics and conditions of poor districts and extreme difficulty-hit communes in coastal sandbar areas and on islands; to avoid scattered, thinned-out and wasteful investment; not to use the Program’s funds for state management activities for which funds reserved for current expenditures have been fully allocated;
- To raise awareness of authorities, sectors and the entire society about sustainable poverty reduction. To develop criteria on poverty escape and sustainable poverty reduction for encouraging individuals, households and the community to satisfy;
- To ensure publicity and democracy and promote the right to mastery and active and proactive participation of the community and people; to inspire and promote efforts and self-reliance of the poor, poor households and the community to escape poverty;
- To authorize and delegate powers to local authorities to formulate plans and organize the implementation of the Program in conformity with conditions, characteristics, potential, strengths, cultural identity, and fine customs and traditions of ethnic groups and regions associated with consolidation of national defense and security;
- To mobilize and effectively use investment resources for poverty reduction, of which the state budget funds are the main source; to mobilize the participation and contribution of enterprises, organizations and individuals in implementation of the Program;
- To intensify inspection, examination, supervision and evaluation of implementation of the Program at authorities and sectors. To take preventive measures, promptly stop negative practices and waste and strictly handle violations in the course of implementation of the Program;
b/ Mechanism for management and administration of the Program
To establish the Steering Committee for the 3 national target programs, namely the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2021-2025 period, the national target program on new countryside building in the 2021-2025 period, and the national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period at the central level and those in localities to avoid overlaps of the 3 programs.
Article 2
1. To assign the Government to perform the following tasks:
a/ In the course of administration, the Government shall direct the review of support contents and beneficiaries to avoid overlaps or omissions; adopt a mechanism to integrate policies and resources among national target programs to ensure efficiency of investment resources; balance and additionally allocate central budget funds for providing loans for poverty reduction, and adopt solutions for rationally mobilizing ODA, investment capital from economic sectors, all social sources for the Program; raise awareness of and create consensus among authorities, sectors and the entire society about sustainable poverty reduction, and inspire the spirit of self-reliance of the people and community to escape poverty;
b/ Annually, at year-end sessions of the National Assembly, the Government shall report on results of the implementation of the Program to the National Assembly; in 2025, summarize the implementation of the Program in the 2021-2025 period, and propose the National Assembly to consider and decide on the implementation of the Program in the 2026-2030 period.
2. To assign the Prime Minister to perform the following tasks:
a/ To decide on investment in the Program according to the order and procedures specified in the Law on Public Investment;
b/ To direct the assimilation of opinions of National Assembly deputies in order to formulate and finalize the feasibility study report of the Program, focusing on clarification of the following contents:
- Specific objectives and targets of the Program, ensuring its feasibility and quantifiability of implementation results associated with sustainable poverty reduction goals;
- Review, adjustment and arrangement of projects and mini-projects toward ensuring their connection and conformity with the Program’s objectives and targets;
c/ To specify principles, criteria and ratios for allocation of central budget funds and local budget funds for implementation of the Program; to direct the organization, supervision and evaluation of the Program and coordination among ministries, sectors and localities;
d/ To set up the Central Steering Committee for implementation of the 3 national target programs which is headed by a Deputy Prime Minister; the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall act as the agency in charge of the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2021-2025 period; the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall act as the agency in charge of the national target program on new countryside building in the 2021-2025 period; the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs shall act as the agency in charge of the national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period; and related ministries and sectors shall act as members of the Central Steering Committee.
Article 3
To assign provincial-level People’s Councils and People’s Committees, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, to perform the following tasks:
1. To formulate plans on, balance and allocate local budget funds and, together with central budget funds and other resources for, implementation of the Program in their localities, avoiding overlaps in the scope, beneficiaries and contents of support under the Program with those under other national target programs in the same locality; to encourage localities to adopt policies to support and promote sustainable poverty reduction;
2. Annually, provincial-level People’s Committees shall report on results of implementation of the Program to provincial-level People’s Councils at their year-end meetings and to the Government.
Article 4
The Standing Committee, Ethnic Council, and Committees of the National Assembly, National Assembly deputies’ delegations and National Assembly deputies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations, and the People shall oversee and supervise the implementation of the Program in accordance with law.
This Resolution was adopted on July 28, 2021, by the XV th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 1st session.-
Chairman of the National Assembly
[1] Công Báo Nos 723-724 (23/8/2021)