To 2030: Apply smart, advanced and modern technology in urban management

On January 11, 2023, the Ministry of Construction issues the Decision No. 11/QD-BXD on strategy for development of science, technology and innovation in construction industry by 2030.

Accordingly, the specific objectives in the strategy by 2030 as follows:

  • Master the design and construction of large-scale works with complex technical requirements;
  • Apply and transfer advanced construction technology, ensure resource and energy saving, environmental protection, and adaptation to climate change;
  • Apply smart, advanced and modern technology in urban management, urban technical infrastructure, technical systems inside and outside houses;
  • Study the practical basis to complete management system, laboratory certification; innovate and strengthen the management of the measurement of the quality of products and goods in the construction industry.....
advanced and modern technology in urban management
To 2030: Apply smart, advanced and modern technology in urban management (Illustration)

Besides, the Science - Technology and Environment Department shall

  • Take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies and units in the implementation of the Strategy;
  • Organize dissemination, guidance and development of the implementation plan of the Strategy;
  • Inspect, supervise, urge, summarize and report the implementation of the Strategy on an annual basis to the Minister;
  • Organize a preliminary and final review of the implementation of the Strategy by 2031.
This Circular takes effect on the signing date.
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