This content is specified in Decree No. 137/2024/ND-CP of the Government on defining e-transactions of state agencies and information systems serving e-transactions.
Accordingly, Article 4, Decree No. 137/2024/ND-CP prescribes the conversion from paper documents to data messages as follows:
A data message converted from a paper document must fully satisfy the requirements defined at Point c Clause 1 Article 12 of the Law on E-Transactions shall be detailed as follows:
- Information in the data message ensures the same integrity as the paper document;
- Information in the data message is accessible and usable for reference;
- There is a distinct symbol certifying the conversion from the paper document into the data message and information of the converting agency, organization or individual;
The requirements for distinct symbols and other information defined at Point c Clause 1 Article 12 of the Law on E-Transactions shall be detailed as follows:
- Information in a data message converted from a paper document includes: A letter distinct symbol representing the data message converted from the paper document and the time of conversion; the information including the full name of the agency, organization or individual performing the conversion.
In the data message converted from the paper document, agencies, organizations and individuals can choose to display additionally a quick response (QR) code or other encryption forms containing the above-mentioned information to serve the purpose of looking up and using information by electronic means.

Contents of the distinct symbol representing the data message converted from the paper document shall be prescribed in accordance with relevant law regulations.
- In case of conversion serving notarization, certification, making of true copies, certified copies and extracts, the information in the data message shall be comply with laws on notarization, certification, and clerical work;
- In case the document conversion is the result of administrative procedure settlement, the distinct symbol confirming that the information has been converted from paper to electronic version as prescribed at Point c Clause 3 Article 25 of Decree 45/2020/ND-CP dated April 8, 2020 shall comply with the case (1).
Decree No. 137/2024/ND-CP is issued and takes effect on October 23, 2024.