Program: Planting one billion green trees for a green Vietnam

Be issued and takes effect on July 25, 2022, the Decision No. 888/QD-TTg on approval for the scheme setting out tasks and solutions for the implementation of outcomes of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

In particular, national, sectoral, and local strategies and plans which should be in conformity with the commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 shall be reviewed, checked, and adjusted.

By 2030, encourage the use of green energy and electricity in transport and use of 100% of E5 petrol; decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 32,6% in energy, 43% in agriculture, 70% in forestry and land use sector in which the carbon sequestration capacity is expected to increase by 20%, 60,7% in waste treatment, and 38,3% in industrial processes.

Planting one billion green trees for a green Vietnam
Planting one billion green trees for a green Vietnam (Illustration)

Accordingly, increase the ratio of sources of renewable energy, including hydroelectricity, wind power, solar power, and biomass to at least 33% of the total production of electricity; reduce the ratio of fossil fuels; join international power organizations. Implement the UN initiatives on “Decade on Ecosystem Restoration” and the “Planting one billion green trees for a green Vietnam” program…

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