From July 2025, teachers who fully meet professional criteria would be granted a professional certificate, according to a draft Law on Teachers proposed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Such certificate, which would be granted free of charge and valid nationwide, might be used in replacement of the decision on completion of the probationary period and the certificate of training based on professional title standards for teachers.
Teachers eligible for grant of the professional certificate include intern teachers who have completed their internship and meet the professional standards, incumbent teachers, and retired teachers. Foreign teachers who meet the law-prescribed conditions would also be granted such certificates. Those who possess a teacher’s professional certificate would be allowed to work for multiple schools or work as guest teachers at other education institutions.

Once approved, regulations on professional certificate would help facilitate the movement of teachers between public and non-public education institutions as well as the transfer of teachers among different localities while ensuring uniformity in quality of teaching and educational activities.
The MOET also proposes that teachers would be entitled to enjoy the highest level in the salary scale system applicable to administrative and non-business units. Salaries and allowances for teachers working at non-public education institutions and education institutions applying the financial autonomy regime would not be lower than those for teachers with the same training level, seniority and title who work in public education institutions.
Regarding the working regime, under the draft Law, normal working time for a teacher would not exceed 40 hours per week. Teachers would be entitled to annual leave, including an exclusive eight-week summer holiday, which would replace the ordinary annual leave prescribed by the Labor Code, in addition to other public holiday and New Year holiday leaves, personal leaves, unpaid leaves and other days off according to regulations.
The draft also proposes support policies for young teachers, teachers working in difficulty-hit areas or special schools, and those teaching children with disabilities or teaching ethnic minority languages or Vietnamese to ethnic minority students or artistic subjects. The State would also introduce policies to attract talented individuals to become teachers.
The draft law is scheduled to be passed by the National Assembly this October.