On June 07, 2022, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 687/QD-TTg approving the Scheme on development of circular economy in Vietnam.
In accordance with the Scheme, the circular economy model supports the development of a green lifestyle, encourages waste segregation and promotes sustainable consumption.
By 2025, 85% of generated plastic wastes will be reused, recycled, and disposed of; 50% of marine plastic wastes will be reduced in comparison with the amount in the previous period; the production and use of non-biodegradable plastic bags and single-use plastic products will be gradually reduced in daily life.

At the same time, significantly increase the recycling capacity of organic waste in urban and rural areas. Raise awareness of the production, consumption and disposal of plastic waste, non-biodegradable plastic bags and single-use plastic products in daily life.
By 2030, the rate of urban domestic solid waste collected and treated according to standards or technical regulations via the circular economy models will reach 50%; 100% of organic waste in urban areas and 70% of organic waste in rural areas will be recycled; the method of landfilling domestic solid waste will not be existed in the circular economy models in urban areas...
The model of the circular economy makes an important contribution to the improvement of the quality of life and citizens’ resilience to climate change, ensuring of equality in conditions and opportunities to promote capacity and improve labor productivity and incomes of workers from the circular economy.