Operation conditions of foreign non-governmental organizations

This is the content prescribed in Decree No. 58/2022/ND-CP dated August 31, 2022, of the Government on registering and managing the operations of non-governmental organizations in Vietnam.

In particular, Article 10, Decree 58, a foreign non-governmental organization that is granted an operation registration certificate must satisfy the following conditions:

- Having a valid legal status in the country or territory it was established.

- Having clear charters, principles, and goals that match Vietnam’s interests as well as needs.

- Providing details about its planned programs, projects, and non-project activities to assist development and humanitarian aid in Vietnam in 3 years.

- Proposing its representative in Vietnam (new regulations).

Foreign non-governmental organizations
Operation conditions of foreign non-governmental organizations (Illustration)

On procedures for grant of an operation registration certificate, Article 11 prescribes:

- A foreign non-governmental organization shall submit one set of dossiers of request for grant of operation registration certificate directly to the Committee for Foreign Non-Governmental Organization Affairs. Such a dossier must comprise:

  • A written request for granting the operation registration certificate
  • A copy of the Charter, a copy of the document proving legal status;
  • A document detailing programs, projects, and non-projects planned to be implemented in Vietnam in 3 years;

An appointment decision signed and stamped by the head of the organization; a biography of the person appointed to act as the representative; a copy of the valid passport, in case the person appointed to act as the representative is a foreigner. A copy of the valid passport, identity card, or citizen's identity card, in case the person is a Vietnamese citizen.

Documents in foreign languages included in the above-mentioned dossier must be consular legalized, enclosed with Vietnamese translations, and certified, except for the cases of exemption from consular legalization in accordance with treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party or the reciprocity principle.

After receiving the complete dossier, the Committee for Foreign Non-Governmental Organization Affairs shall consult (in writing) ministries and ministerial-level agencies in charge of appraising the legal status of the dossier...within 01 months.

After the approval, the operation registration shall be issued directly or by post. In case the dossier is rejected, the Committee shall issue a written notice, clearly stating the reason.

This Circular takes effect on November 01, 2022.

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