By 2030, Vietnam will become a regional leader in blockchain technology application, have an international ranking in research, application and exploitation of blockchain technology.
By 2030, Vietnam will become a regional leader in blockchain technology application, have an international ranking in research, application and exploitation of blockchain technology, and be capable of mastering and applying blockchain technology in all socio-economic fields, thereby striving to become a stable and prosperous digital nation.
Such is one of the targets set forth in Prime Minister Decision 1236/QD-TTg dated October 22, approving the national strategy for development and application of blockchain technology through 2025, with a vision toward 2030.

Accordingly, by 2025, the country will build its blockchain infrastructure to serve the development, operation and maintenance of blockchain applications, facilitate the compatibility, integration and sharing among blockchain applications as well as the state management of blockchain technology application and development. Blockchain infrastructure facilities will be required to be compliant with regulations on security, cyberinformation security, cyber security and personal data protection.
At the same time, the research and development of blockchain technology applications will be promoted at three national innovation centers. Meanwhile, 10 research and training facilities will be built and upgraded to provide human resources for the blockchain technology sector. It is also expected to include blockchain technology in training programs of universities, colleges, vocational schools and research institutes.
As planned, a blockchain ecosystem, namely “Blockchain+”, will be established through the application of blockchain technology in such sectors as finance and banking, transport, healthcare, education and training, trade, logistics, postal services, industrial production, energy, tourism, agriculture, public services.
By 2030, the national blockchain infrastructure system will be consolidated and expanded for providing services both domestically and abroad.
In light of this, Vietnam will become a leading country in the region and the world in blockchain technology application and development, with 20 reputable brands that provide platforms, products and services based on blockchain technology in the region. The country also targets to have at least one Vietnamese institution ranked among top 10 blockchain technology training and research institutions in Asia.
To achieve the targets, the strategy sets forth key tasks and solutions, including formulating and improving the legal framework for blockchain technology application and development, developing information technology parks to provide spaces for the development of a “Blockchain+” ecosystem, and building Vietnam’s blockchain infrastructure facilities serving other purposes.