Hot policies take effect on August 2022

On August, a series of legal policies shall take effect and be applicable. The most important policies are the application of interest rates upon premature withdrawal of deposits, a fine of up to VND 1 million for failing to classify daily-life waste from August 25, 2022, or procedures for allocating sugar import tariff quota under auction methods….

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

On July 07, 2022, the Government issues the Decree No. 45/2022/ND-CP providing penalties for administrative violations against regulations on environmental protection.

In particular, in accordance with Clause 1, Article 26, Decree 45: a fine between VND 500,000 and VND 1,000,000 shall be imposed on households and individuals who fail to classify daily-life solid waste as prescribed.

This is the new content prescribed in the previous Decrees providing penalties for administrative violations against regulations on environmental protection.

Besides, Decree 45/2022 also prescribes other fines for the act of collecting and discharging waste in contravention of regulations on environmental protection in Article 25 as follows:

- A fine of between VND 100,000 and VND 150,000 shall be imposed for discarding, disposing, or discarding cigarette butts or heads at the wrong places in apartments, commercial centers, service spots or public places;

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

- A fine of between VND 150,000 and VND 250,000 shall be imposed for acts of failing to perform personal hygiene (urinating, defecating) in the right place in apartments, commercial centers, service spots or public places;
- A fine of between VND 500,000 and VND 1 million shall be imposed for acts of failing to discard, dispose or dump domestic garbage in the right places in apartments, commercial centers, service spots or public places;
- A fine of between VND 1,000,000 and VND 2,000,000 shall be imposed for throwing, discharging domestic wastes into pavements, roads...

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

In accordance with the Circular No. 11/2022/TT-BCT dated June 27, 2022, the Minister of Industry and Trade shall establish a Council for allocating sugar import tariff quota under the auction method to administer the allocation.

Procedures for allocating sugar import tariff quota under the auction method are as follows:

- The Auction Council shall notify the time and location expected to organize the auction session, notify the invitation for participation and procedures for official participation on the Ministry of Industry and Trade's e-portal, Industry and Trade Magazine, Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper, Vietnam Financial Times for at least 21 days before conducting the auction session.

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

- Each trader shall submit only one set of dossiers to the standing body of the Auction Council (the Agency of Foreign Trade under the Agency of Foreign Trade), including:

+ Price slip;

+ The trader’s business registration certificate, enterprise registration certificate or investment certificate or an equivalent paper;

+ Documents certifying the making of deposit.

- The Auction Council shall check, evaluate the dossiers and notify the evaluation result to traders.
All above regulations are applicable from August 12, 2022.


Hot policies take effect on August 2022

Limits and prudential ratios in operations of the Vietnam Development Bank (VDB) in the Circular No. 07/2019/TT-NHNN are amended and supplemented in the Circular No. 07/2022 dated June 30, 2022, by the State Bank of Vietnam. And these regulations are applicable on August 15, 2022.

Accordingly, the total outstanding balance of loans includes:

+ Short-term outstanding balance of loans supporting export;

+ Short-term outstanding balance of loans for special projects of the Government;

+ Intermediate-term outstanding balance of investment credit;

+ Intermediate-term outstanding balance of loans for special projects of the Government;

+ Long-term outstanding balance of investment credit;

+ Long-term outstanding balance of loans for special projects of the Government;

+ Outstanding balance of loans required to be guaranteed;

+ Other outstanding balance of loans; and outstanding balance of pending loans.
The equity used for lending shall be the equity of the VDB in accordance with the Government’s regulations, except for the residual value of fixed assets and actual construction-in-progress expenses, but not exceeding 25% of the charter capital and reserve fund for the addition of charter capital of VDB.

Remarkably, the VDB shall maintain the ratio of the outstanding balance of loans to the total capital used for lending of 95% at the maximum and the liquidity reserve ratio of at least 0.6%.

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

On June 24, 2022, the Ministry of Finance issues the Circular No. 39/2022/TT-BTC guiding Decree No. 121/2021/ND-CP providing the business of prize-winning video games for foreigners.

In particular, in accordance with the Article 5, the Circular 39 prescribes that the appraisal charge for the grant or extension of a business eligibility certificate of an enterprise is VND 150 million. 

The appraisal charge for the re-grant or modification of a business eligibility certificate of an enterprise is VND 5 million. 

The appraisal charges are revenues of the central budget. After appraising enterprises’ satisfaction of the conditions for the grant, re-grant, modification and extension of business eligibility certificates, the Ministry of Finance shall send notices to the enterprises for payment of appraisal charges in accordance with law regulations. 

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

After receiving a notice of the Ministry of Finance, an enterprise shall pay the charge into the state budget according to the current state budget.
At the same time, enterprises are only granted, re-granted, modified and extended with the business eligibility certificates after paying appraisal charges to the state budget.
This Circular takes effect on August 08, 2022.

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

On June 24, 2022, the Minister of Finance issues the Circular No. 38/2022/TT-BTC prescribing the rates, collection and remittance of fees for grant of construction activity licenses, fee for grant of architecture practice certificates.

Accordingly, fee payers shall pay the fees in accordance with this Circular when submitting dossiers of application for construction capacity certificates; for construction practice certificates, architecture practice certificates; or when receiving construction activity licenses prescribed in this Circular.

In particular, the fee rates for grant of construction capacity certificates to organizations and construction practice certificates to individuals are specified as follows:



Construction capacity certificates

Grant, modification of levels or renewal

- Organization: VND 01 million/certificate

- Individual: VND 300,000/certificate.

Re-grant, supplementation of contents, modification or extension

- Organization: VND 500,000/certificate.

- Individual: VND 150,000/certificate.

Architecture practice certificates

Grant, renewal

VND 300,000/certificate.

Re-grant, extension

VND 150,000/certificate.

Grant of construction activity licenses to foreign contractors

VND 2,000,000/license

Re-grant of certificates or licenses due to errors made by the competent state agency

Fee rates

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

On June 16, 2022, the State Bank of Vietnam hereby issues the Circular No. 04/2022/TT-NHNN providing for the application of interest rates upon premature withdrawal of deposits from credit institutions and foreign bank branches.

In accordance with the Circular 04, the premature withdrawal of deposits is the case where the customer partially or fully withdraws deposits before the date of maturity arrives.

Hot policies take effect on August 2022

Interest rates upon premature withdrawal of deposits shall be agreed upon in accordance with Article 5 of this Circular as follows:

- In case where customers prematurely withdraw the entire deposits: Apply the maximum interest rate equal to their lowest interest rate applicable to demand deposits of customers and/or in the type of currency deposited at the time of premature withdrawal.

In case withdraw a part of deposits:

+ For the deposits withdrawn before the date of maturity, shall apply the maximum interest rate equal to their lowest interest rate applicable to demand deposits of customers and/or in the type of currency deposited at the time of premature withdrawal.
+ For the remaining deposits, apply the available interest rate applicable to the deposits that partially withdraw.
The Circular 04 takes effect on August 01, 2022.

Agreements on interest rates upon premature withdrawal of deposits, that are signed before August 01, 2022, shall continue to be implemented until the date of maturity or shall be implemented in accordance with this Circular as agreed by credit institutions and customers.


Hot policies take effect on August 2022

On June 24, 2022, the Government issues the Decree No. 42/2022/ND-CP providing regulations on the provision of online information and public services by the State agencies in the cyber environment.

In accordance with the Article 5, the Decree 42, the website or web portal of a State agency means a unified and centralized information channel of a state agency in the cyber environment.

Besides, based on specific conditions, state agencies shall deploy different information channels for organizations and individuals in the cyber environment as follows: In particulars:

- Ministerial- and provincial-level data portals:

The ministerial-level data portal is integrated with the National Data Portal and is a component portal of the web portals of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies;

The provincial-level data portal is integrated with the National Data Portal and is a component portal of the web portals of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities

- Social networks permitted by the State agencies to provide information in the cyber environment as prescribed by law

- Email.

- Applications on mobile devices permitted by State agencies to provide information in the cyber environment shall be deployed centrally, uniformly and shared within the scope of ministries, sectors and localities.
- Telephone switchboards.

Here are the hot policies which take effect on August 2022.

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