Anti-Money Laundering Law 2022 is applied on March 01, 2023

On November 15, 2022, the National Assembly passed Law No. 14/2022/QH15 on Anti-Money Laundering

Anti-Money Laundering Law 2022 includes 04 Chapters, and 66 Articles, decreases 01 Chapter and increases to 16 Articles in comparison with Anti-Money Laundering Law 2021, with many new contents as follows:

Anti-Money Laundering Law 2022 is applied
Anti-Money Laundering Law 2022 is applied on March 01, 2023 (Illustration)

- Supplement the reporting subjects which means upon providing the payment intermediary services.

- Regulations on the principle of reciprocity in the information exchanges, supplies, and transfers between Vietnam and foreign countries who haven’t signed or attended in the international treaties or agreements.

- Classify customers in accordance with the low, medium, and high-risk levels.

- Specific regulations on the customer identification information.

- Make the reporting subjects clearer when establishing relations with bank partners

- Amend a number of suspicious signs in securities, life insurance

- Specific regulations on information exchange, supplies, and transfer of anti-money laundering.

Anti-Money Laundering Law 2022 takes effect on March 01, 2023.

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