Abolish the procedures for the notification of sales promotion

On February 29, 2024, the Prime Minister issues Decision No. 209/QD-TTg on approving the Plan on abolishment or simplification of business regulations within the scope of management functions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2024.

 A number of important contents is prescribed as follows:

- Annul procedures for granting DOC, DOC-PSF chemical production licenses The reason is that the Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction does not stipulate strict management measures for DOC and DOC-PSF chemicals as for Scheduled chemicals.  On the other hand, the annulment of this procedure aims to implement the Government's policy of abolishment of investment and business conditions and simplification of administrative procedures, reduction of the number of subjects subject to the administrative procedures.

- Abolish procedures for the notification of sales promotion for for 05/07 forms of promotion Reason for the abolishment of procedures is to reduce the burden of expenses of compliance with administrative procedures for enterprises, reduce the workload and expenses for relevant state management agencies, at the same time, create conditions for enterprises to quickly and promptly carry out promotional activities in accordance with market

procedures for the notification of sales promotion
Abolish the procedures for the notification of sales promotion (Illustration)

- Procedures for the Registration of organization of trade fairs and exhibitions in Vietnam. In particular, abolish 01 component of administrative procedure documents 01 uncertified copy of the enterprise registration certificate, investment registration certificate, the establishment decision or other decisions of equivalent validity as prescribed by law.

This Decision takes effect on the signing date.

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