A working shift in offshore petroleum exploration lasts 12 hours/day at most

On November 08, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issues the Circular No. 20/2023/TT-BCT on prescribing working time and rest time for workers doing jobs of special characteristics in the field of offshore petroleum exploration and exploitation.

Full-time workers at offshore petroleum facilities shall work according to working round and working shift which lasts 12 hours/day and 28 days at most as follows: A working shift in offshore petroleum exploration lasts 12 hours/day and at 45 days at most.

The total number of working hours of working shifts and overtime hours of a worker must not exceed 14 hours/day; and the total number of overtime hours of a worker must not exceed 300 hours/year. The organization of overtime work must be accepted by employees and comply with the provisions on labor laws in the Decree No. 145/2020/ND-CP.

Offshore petroleum exploration
A working shift in offshore petroleum exploration lasts 12 hours/day at most (Illustration)

After each working shift, a worker is entitled to a rest of at least 10 consecutive hours before starting a new working shift. A part-time worker is entitled to a leave as suitable to working conditions which must follow the principles as bellows:

- Working at an offshore petroleum facility on a weekday: 01 working day at sea equal to a half-day off;

- Working at an offshore petroleum facility on a weekend: 01 working day at sea equal to a day off;

- Working at an offshore petroleum facility on Holidays and New Year Festival: 01 working day at sea equal to 02 days off.

This Circular takes effect on December 25, 2023.
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