04 principles of System of information and National database on construction activities

The Government promulgates the Decree No. 111/2024/ND-CP defining the system of information and National database on construction activities and regulations. These regulations take effect on November 01, 2024.

Principles of building, updating, management, exploitation, and use of a system of information and National database on construction activities are as follows:

1. The system of information and National database on construction activities are built and managed centrally, uniformly, and synchronously from central to local levels.

2. The system of information and National database on construction activities are built and updated to provide in a complete, accurate, and timely manner information on construction activities, meeting the requirements of state management on construction investment.

3. The system of information and National database on construction activities are maintained to operate continuously, stably, and smoothly and are stored for a long time, meeting the exploitation and use needs of agencies, organizations, and individuals according to the law regulations.

4. The construction, updating, management, exploitation, and use of the system of information and National database on construction activities must comply with this Decree and the laws on information technology, e-transactions, cyberinformation security, cyber security, access to information; regulations on management, connection, and sharing of digital data of state agencies.

System of information and National database
04 principles of System of information and National database on construction activities (Illustration)

The system of information on construction activities includes:

-  Database on construction activities, including information and data on construction activities exploited from the national database on construction activities and other data components related to construction activities;

-  Information technology infrastructure;

-  System of application software, software services, and cloud computing platform serving the management, operation, and exploitation of information on construction activities.
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