Foreigners who are residing in Vietnam must have Temporary Resident Card in accordance with law provisions. Hereafter is the latest declaration form for a Temporary Resident Card which is issued with the Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA.
1. Information Form for a Temporary Resident Card
TỜ KHAI ĐỀ NGHỊ CẤP THẺ TẠM TRÚ 1- Họ tên (chữ in hoa): .................................................................................................... Full name (in Capital letters)
4- Quốc tịch gốc:…………….. 5- Quốc tịch hiện nay:............................. Nationality at birth Current nationality: 6- Nghề nghiệp/chức vụ:………………………………… Occupation/ position 7- Hộ chiếu số ................................ Loại: Phổ thông … Công vụ … Ngoại giao … Passport Number Type Ordinary Official Diplomatic Cơ quan cấp:................................................. Có giá trị đến ngày …/.../ … Issuing authority Expiry date (Day, Month, Year) 8- Địa chỉ cư trú, nơi làm việc ở nước ngoài trước khi nhập cảnh Việt Nam Your residential and business address before coming to Viet Nam - Địa chỉ cư trú Residential address: .............................................................................. - Nơi làm việc Business address ................................................................................... 9- Nhập cảnh Việt Nam ngày: …/ …/ ………. qua cửa khẩu: ........................ Date of the latest entry into Viet Nam (Day, Month, Year) via entry port Mục đích nhập cảnh: ........................................................................................... Purpose of entry 10- Được phép tạm trú đến ngày:…../…../…… Permitted to remain until (Day, Month, Year) - Địa chỉ tạm trú tại Việt Nam:................................................................... Temporary residential address in Viet Nam - Điện thoại liên hệ/Email: .................................................................................... Contact telephone number/Email 11. Nội dung đề nghị Requests: - Cấp thẻ tạm trú có giá trị đến ngày …/… /…. To issue a Temporary Resident Card valid until (Day, Month, Year) - Lý do Reason(s): …………………………………………………………………………. Tôi xin cam đoan những nội dung trên là đúng sự thật. I declare to the best of my knowledge that all the above particulars are correct.
- Submit in person one completed application form enclosed with passport and the sponsoring application by the hosting organization/family relative at the Immigration Office or at the competent authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (for those who are eligible for the Temporary Resident Card categorized as NG3).
- Enclose 02 recently-taken photos in 2x3 cm size, with white background, front view, bare head without sunglasses.
- Specify business purpose in Vietnam (business, labor, investment, study) or family visit and enclose supporting documents.
Instruction for filling
- Section 6 - Occupation/ position: Fill in occupation/position of foreigners
- Section 7 - Type of passport: Foreign passports are often ordinary passports
- Section 8 - Your residential address before coming to Viet Nam Fill in the foreigner’s addresses in their countries
Your business address before coming to Viet Nam: Fill in the address of working place of foreigners
- Section 9 - Purpose of entry: Date of the latest entry into Viet Nam or visit family relatives
- Section 10 - Permitted to remain until: Write the term of visa issued in Vietnam
- Section 11
+ Requests, to issue a Temporary Resident Card valid until
+ Reasons Write the reasons: business, labor, investment, study or family visit.
2. Dossier of application for a Temporary Resident Card
Pursuant to the provisions in Article 37 of the Law on foreigners’ entry into, exit from, transit through and residence in Vietnam 2014, amended and supplemented in 2019, the dossier of application for a temporary resident card includes:
- A written request of the inviting or guaranteeing agency, organization or individual
- A declaration for grant of a temporary residence card, stuck the applicant’s photo
- The passport
- Papers proving the eligibility include:

+ Foreigners who are members of diplomatic missions, consular offices, representative offices of international organizations affiliated to the United Nations or intergovernmental organizations in Vietnam, their spouses, under18 children and housemaid who live with them during their terms of office.
+ Foreigners who hold LV1, LV2, DT, NN1, NN2, DH, PV1, LD or TT visas may be granted temporary residence cards with the same symbols.