Decision 1012/QD-TTg 2024 Plan on digital transformation of online and data-based directing and governing activities of Government and Prime Minister for 2024-2025

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Decision No. 1012/QD-TTg dated September 20, 2024 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Action Plan on digital transformation of online and data-based directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister for the 2024-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1012/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Hoa Binh
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:20/09/2024Effect status:

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1012/QD-TTg


Hanoi, September 20, 2024


Promulgating the Action Plan on digital transformation of online and data-based directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister for the 2024-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030




Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the June 29, 2006 Law on Information Technology;

Pursuant to the November 19, 2015 Law on Cyberinformation Security;

Pursuant to the June 12, 2018 Law on Cyber Security;

Pursuant to the June 22, 2023 Law on E-Transactions;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 09/2019/ND-CP of January 24, 2019, on the reporting regime of the state administrative agencies;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 39/2022/ND-CP of June 18, 2022, promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 47/2020/ND-CP of April 9, 2020, on the management, connection and sharing of digital data of state agencies;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 131/NQ-CP of October 6, 2022, on acceleration of the reform of administrative procedures and modernization of methods of directing, governing and serving the people and businesses;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 175/NQ-CP of October 30, 2023, approving the Scheme on the National Data Center;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 05/NQ-CP of May 7, 2024, on the Government’s April 2024 regular meeting;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 749/QD-TTg of June 3, 2020, approving the National Program on digital transaction through 2025, with orientations toward 2030;

At the proposal of the Minister of Information and Communications.


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Action Plan on digital transformation of online and data-based directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister for the 2024-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and related agencies shall implement this Decision.

For the Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister





(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1012/QD-TTg of September 20, 2024)


1. The digital transformation of directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister must closely follow the Party’s policies and lines and the national socio-economic development strategies and digital transformation programs; and must be consistent and conformable with the development of the digital government and digital administration.

2. The digital transformation of online and data-based directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister shall be carried out through the use of digital platforms and data synchronously and uninterruptedly integrated, connected and shared among ministries, sectors and localities; must apply modern technologies to facilitate the summarization, reporting and analysis of data and development of forecast models to assist the Government and the Prime Minister in their directing and governing activities and issuing effective and timely decisions; and must comply with relevant regulations and the working regulation of the Government.

3. To optimize the efficiency of information systems and databases, ensuring information and data accuracy and timeliness, avoiding overlapping and wastefulness, perpetuating as much as possible available information and data, and ensuring that all information and data are collected from the same source.

4. To intensify the connection, integration, sharing, use and reuse of information and data among the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, sectors and localities; to ensure strict, professional, overall, inclusive and flexible processes in directing and governing activities so as to improve effectiveness and efficiency of such activities; to ensure publicity, transparency and accountability, enhance the administrative discipline, order, inspection and supervision; and to ensure that advising and job-performing activities of cadres and civil servants are recorded in the electronic environment.


1. General objectives

To transform directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister into the electronic environment, and apply modern technologies in summarizing data, supporting analysis and developing forecasting models in order to enhance the advising and organization of activities and provision of assistance for making of decisions of the Government and the Prime Minister; to monitor, supervise, evaluate and measure the performance of socio-economic development tasks and realization of socio-economic development objectives under resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government based on digital data.

To form a general and centrally integrated datastore; to establish information systems to serve directing and governing activities and give advices and assistance for making of decisions of the Government and the Prime Minister; to connect, integrate and share information and data and make interactions in the electronic environment with information systems and databases of ministries, sectors and localities.

2. Specific objectives and targets

a/ By 2025:

- To build, form, collect and summarize groups of socio-economic indexes to serve daily and monthly directing and governing activities; groups of indexes for monitoring the performance of the task of implementing annual socio-economic development plans; groups of indexes for monitoring the implementation progress of national target programs and national strategic projects; and groups of indexes to serve directing and governing activities in national emergency circumstances as specified in Appendix II to this Decision.

+ To strive for the target that 80% of the national statistical indicators in the 2010-2025 period (collected every month, quarter, year, 2 years, 5 years or 10 years) and 50% of statistical indicators of ministries, sectors and localities shall be provided in the form of digital data to serve directing and governing activities.

+ To connect, integrate and share 40 groups of two-way real-time online information and data with ministries, sectors, localities, state groups and corporations (focusing on administrative data of such sectors as planning, banking, finance, industry and trade, agriculture, construction, and resources and environment).

+ To strive for the target that all information and data summarized from the national population database, all indicators for online public service quality measurement and all indicators for evaluation of the quality of services provided to the people and businesses in the performance of administrative procedures and public services on the National Public Service Portal shall be connected and integrated to serve directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister.

+ To strive for the target that all information and data of the Government, ministries, sectors and localities shall be integrated, connected and shared with the information systems of the Party Central Committee and the National Assembly.

+ To strive for the target that all tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister shall be monitored, supervised and evaluated in digital data.

+ To develop scenarios of online governance of civil defense, response to incidents, disaster prevention and control, search and rescue, traffic safety, fire prevention and fighting, emergency epidemic and disease prevention and control; online meetings, working sessions, inspection and surveillance of nationally important and strategic works and projects of the transport sector.

b/ By 2030:

- To develop information systems for online and data-based directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister with all required functions to meet requirements of such activities.

- To strive for the target that all national statistical indicators and statistical indicators of ministries, sectors and localities shall be provided in digital data to serve directing and governing activities.

- To complete the connection, integration and sharing of real-time online information and data with ministries, sectors, localities and state groups and corporations.

- To build and develop short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasting models, apply artificial intelligence and big data analysis technologies to make forecasts and warnings and propose solutions to assist the Government and the Prime Minister in their directing and governing activities in a timely, flexible and efficient manner.


1. Regarding the improvement of institutions, mechanisms and policies

a/ To promulgate indexes to serve directing and governing activities of ministries, sectors and localities in the electronic environment as conformable to resources and readiness of information systems and databases and to meet the demand for information and data to serve directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister.

b/ To review reporting regimes in order to ensure that only truly necessary reporting regimes are promulgated; to abolish reporting regimes that have been replaced by digital data available on information systems and databases.

2. Building information systems to serve directing and governing activities

a/ To develop the system of reporting to the Government, the information system to serve directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister, and the information center for directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister to serve the provision of advices, summarization and handling of affairs and directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister in the electronic environment.

b/ To develop and improve the reporting information system aimed toward building directing and governing information systems of ministries, sectors and localities connected with the directing and governing information system of the Government and the Prime Minister.

c/ To develop the system for monitoring the performance of tasks of the Government and the Prime Minister; the system for meeting and handling of affairs (e-Cabinet) of the Government and the Prime Minister to meet requirements of the monitoring, evaluation and supervision of tasks based on digital data.

d/ To organize document management and governance systems of ministries, sectors and localities connected with the task performance monitoring system of the Government and the Prime Minister via the national document interconnection axis.

3. Developing digital data, intensifying the data connection and sharing to serve directing and governing activities

a/ To create, connect, share, summarize, analyze, evaluate and supervise the quality of information and data on indexes and groups of indexes specified in Appendix II to this plan and other information and data upon requests in order to serve directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister in the electronic environment.

b/ To develop and improve national and specialized databases of ministries, sectors and localities; to connect, integrate and share data with general datastores in order to serve directing and governing activities and socio-economic development of the Government and the Prime Minister in the electronic environment.

c/ To develop the national data exchange platform (NDXP) and national document interconnection axis; to build and operate the data exchange platform of the National Data Center for data connection and exchange among information systems and databases of ministries, sectors and localities in a uniform manner from the central to local levels in order to serve directing and governing activities of the Government, the Prime Ministers, ministers, and leaders of sectors and localities in the electronic environment.

4. Developing scenarios of online direction and governance

To develop scenarios of the Government’s and the Prime Minister’s online direction and governance of civil defense; response to incidents, disaster prevention and control, and search and rescue; traffic safety, fire prevention and fighting; emergency epidemic and disease prevention and control; online meeting, working sessions, inspection and surveillance of nationally important and strategic works and projects of the transport sector, and other arising matters as required by the Government’s and the Prime Minister’s directing and governing activities; and organize the implementation thereof.

5. Fostering and developing human resources

a/ To prioritize the formulation of programs on provision of training and intensive refresher courses in the data collection, management and analysis, and assurance of cyberinformation security in association with directing and governing activities to cadres and civil servants.

b/ To cooperate with businesses and international organizations in providing training and refresher courses in the management, summarization and analysis of data to serve directing and governing activities; to provide practical and technical exchange opportunities and access to the world’s cutting-edge technologies and methods regarding data and data analysis to serve directing and governing activities.

6. Ensuring cyberinformation and cyber security

To review, evaluate and apply solutions to ensure cyberinformation and cyber security of information systems and databases serving directing and governing activities of the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, sectors and localities.


1. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

a/ Create, summarize and analyze indexes and groups of indexes according to their assigned functions and tasks as specified in Appendix II to this Plan to be provided to information systems serving directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister; coordinate with the Government Office in determining the structure, format and properties of indexes in order to ensure the information and data connection and sharing; and modify and supplement them upon the occurrence of changes; to take responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy and timeliness of information and data on such indexes and for the cyberinformation and cyber security.

b/ Promulgate indexes to serve directing and governing activities of ministries, sectors and localities in the electronic environment to meet the demand and suit practical conditions and readiness of information systems and databases.

c/ Review, simplify and restructure processes of affair handling, monitoring, inspection and supervision to serve directing and governing activities in the electronic environment so as to create favorable conditions for the collection and creation of digital data and connection and sharing of information and data serving directing and governing activities.

d/ Promote the information and data connection and sharing by information systems and databases under their management with those serving directing and governing activities of the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, sectors and localities.

dd/ Connect, integrate and share information and data from reporting information systems, information and data systems serving directing and governing activities of their ministries, sectors and localities with the information system for directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister under guidance of the Government Office or at the request of the Government and the Prime Minister.

e/ Put directing and governing activities of their ministries, sectors and localities in the data-based electronic environment; take the initiative in studying and developing scenarios to serve directing and governing activities of their ministries, sectors and localities in the electronic environment; prepare infrastructure facilities, technologies and data for data connection and sharing to serve online directing and governing activities of the Government and the Prime Minister according to scenarios when so requested.

g/ Monitor and supervise the achievement of the objectives set in resolutions and socio-economic development strategies, master plans and plans of their sectors, fields, regions and localities, Resolutions 01/NQ-CP and 02/NQ-CP adopted every year, national target programs, nationally strategic works; and perform tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister.

h/ Intensify the coordination and cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and businesses in organizing refresher courses and data research and development activities; apply and analyze data to serve data-based directing and governing activities, policy making and provision of assistance for decision making.

i/ Review, evaluate and apply solutions to ensure cyberinformation and cyber security of information systems and databases serving directing and governing activities of the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, sectors and localities.     

    2. The Government Office

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and guide ministries, sectors, localities, related agencies and organizations in, determining indicators to serve the directing and governing activities; to connect, ensure interconnectivity, coordination, integration and sharing of information and data on indicators and groups of indicators serving directing and governing activities of ministries, sectors and localities to serve the leadership, directing and governing activities of the Government and Prime Minister in accordance with law.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, coordinate, urge and guide, professional expertise according to its assigned functions and tasks; to set requirements and features for development of the Government Reporting Platform, the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister at the National Data Center.

c/ Based on its functions, tasks and the working regulation of the Government, to exploit and use the Government Reporting Platform and the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister at the request of the Government and Prime Minister, ensuring exploitation and use by multi-platform approach and on multiple devices.

d/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, setting up the structure, format and properties of indicators to facilitate the information and data connection and sharing to serve directing and governing activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

dd/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, administering and operating the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister at the Government Office in order to connect with national information systems and databases and specialized databases of ministries, sectors and localities.

e/ To assume the prime responsibility for guiding and urging ministries, sectors and localities in sending and receiving electronic documents and implementing the reporting regime to serve directing and governing activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

g/ To coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in monitoring, supervising and evaluating the quality of connected and integrated information and data, ensuring their adequacy, accuracy, consistency and timeliness; to comply with regulations, standards and norms on information and data and ensure cyberinformation and cyber security.

h/ To coordinate with related ministries, sectors and localities in developing scenarios for, and organizing the implementation of, online directing and governing activities of the Government and Prime Minister based on digital data.

i/ To develop a system for monitoring tasks assigned by the Government and Prime Minister and a system serving the Government’s and the Prime Minister’s meetings and affair handling (e-Cabinet) to serve the monitoring, evaluation and supervision of such tasks based on digital data.

k/ To monitor, urge and inspect the performance of tasks assigned by the Government and Prime Minister to ministries, sectors, provincial-level People’s Committees, related agencies and organizations based on digital data; to propose to the Prime Minister necessary measures to urge the performance of such tasks, address shortcomings and limitations, and ensure administrative discipline and order and effective and efficient state management.

3. The Ministry of Information and Communications

a/ To develop the National Data Exchange Platform (NDXP) for connection and sharing of data of information systems and databases of ministries, sectors and localities to serve directing and governing activities.

b/ Within the ambit of its functions and tasks, to coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of National Defense in ensuring cyberinformation and cyber security to serve the provision, connection, integration and sharing of information and data for directing and governing activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

c/ Within the ambit of its functions and tasks, to intensify public communication and dissemination on the modernization of directing and governing methods of the Government, Prime Minister, ministries, sectors and localities in the electronic environment.

d/ To develop and improve the reporting information system for data connection and sharing with the Government Reporting Platform, the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister, ensuring that digital transformation indicators are digitally monitored and supervised.

dd/ To monitor and urge the performance of tasks assigned under this Decision.

4. the Ministry of Public Security

a/ To build and, administer, and operate techniques to ensure information safety and security of, the National Public Service Portal, the Government Reporting Platform, the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister at the National Data Center.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office, ministries, sectors and localities in, connecting, integrating and sharing information and data on traffic safety, fire prevention and fighting, and search and rescue with the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister, the Offices of the Vietnam National Search and Rescue Committee and the National Traffic Safety Committee.

c/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, developing and operating the National Data Exchange Platform.

d/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, developing scenarios, connecting systems and providing information and data to serve directing and governing activities regarding traffic safety, fire prevention and fighting, and search and rescue; to respond to and address network incidents at the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

dd/ To connect and share information and data from the national population database to serve directing and governing activities of the Government, Prime Minister and heads of ministries, sectors and localities.

e/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and Ministry of National Defense in, ensuring cyberinformation and cyber security of systems to serve the provision, connection, integration and sharing of information and data and directing and governing activities of the Prime Minister.

5. The Ministry of National Defense

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office, ministries, sectors and localities in, connecting, integrating and sharing information and data on civil defense, natural disaster response and search and rescue with the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, developing scenarios, connecting systems and providing information and data to serve online directing and governing activities of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee, the Vietnam National Search and Rescue Committee at the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

c/ To coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and Ministry of Public Security in ensuring cyberinformation and cyber security of systems serving the connection and sharing of information and data and directing and governing activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in guiding ministries, sectors and localities in collecting, summarizing, connecting and sharing information and data to serve directing and governing activities regarding the natural disaster prevention and control with the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, developing scenarios, connecting systems and providing information and data to serve online directing and governing activities regarding the natural disaster prevention and control at the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

7. The Ministry of Health

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office, ministries, sectors and localities in, connecting and sharing information and data on emergency state of epidemics with the Information Platform for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, developing scenarios to serve online directing and governing activities regarding emergency epidemic prevention and control at the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

8. The Ministry of Transport

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office, ministries, sectors and localities in, connecting and sharing information and data on national important projects and strategic works of the transport sector, and carrying out maritime search and rescue with the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, developing scenarios for online meetings, working sessions, inspection and surveillance of the State Steering Committee for national important projects and works and strategic works of the transport sector at the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

c/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, developing scenarios, connecting systems and providing information and data to serve online directing and governing activities regarding maritime search and rescue at the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister.

9. The Ministry of Planning and Investment

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, providing, connecting and sharing information and data on monthly socio-economic development and making infographic publications to serve directing and governing activities of the Government and its monthly meetings on socio-economic issues.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in providing, connecting and sharing information and data on indicators for monitoring and supervising the implementation of Resolutions 01/NQ-CP and 02/NQ-CP adopted every year, Decision No. 288/QD-TTg of February 28, 2022, with the Information Center for Directing and Governing Activities of the Government and Prime Minister on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.

10. The Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises

To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, providing, connecting and sharing information and data on investment, production and business activities of state groups and corporations whose owners are directly represented by the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises under regulations to serve directing and governing activities of the Prime Minister.


Funds for implementation of the Action Plan is allocated by the state budget according to the current budget management assignment and other lawful funding sources. Annually, based on the tasks assigned under the Action Plan, related ministries, sectors and localities shall make implementation funding estimates and incorporate them in their budget estimates for submission to competent authorities for budget allocation in accordance with the Law on the State Budget and guiding documents.

* The appendices to this Decision are not translated.

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