Circular 36/2023/TT-BGTVT Amendment 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT on the fifth level of gaseous pollutants emission for newly assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles

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Circular No. 36/2023/TT-BGTVT dated December 13, 2023 of the Ministry of Transport promulgating Amendment 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT National technical regulation on the fifth level of gaseous pollutants emission for newly assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles
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Official number:36/2023/TT-BGTVTSigner:Le Dinh Tho
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No. 36/2023/TT-BGTVT


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Hanoi, December 13, 2023


Promulgating Amendment 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT National technical regulation on the fifth level of gaseous pollutants emission for newly assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles


Pursuant to the Law on Road Traffic dated November 13, 2008;

Pursuant to the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations dated June 29, 2006;

Pursuant to Decree No. 56/2022/ND-CP dated August 24, 2022 of the Government regulating the functions, tasks, power and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

Pursuant to Decision No. 49/2011/QD-TTg dated September 1, 2011 of the Prime Minister stipulating the roadmap for applying exhaust emission standards to newly manufactured, assembled and imported automobiles and two-wheeled motorbikes;

At the request of the Director of the Department of Science - Technology and Environment and the Director General of the Vietnam Register;

The Minister of Transport promulgates the Circular promulgating Amendment 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT National technical regulation on the fifth level of gaseous pollutants emission for newly assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles.

Article 1. To promulgate together with this Circular Amendment 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT National technical regulation on the fifth level of gaseous pollutants emission for newly assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles.

Number: Amendment 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT.

Article 2. Implementation provisions

1. This Circular takes effect from June 15, 2024.

2. Cases not subject to pollutant emission re-testing include:

a) Types of automobiles or automobile engines that have been issued gaseous pollutants emission testing reports in accordance with QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT National technical regulation on the fifth level of gaseous pollutants emission for newly assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles;

b) Automobiles manufactured in Vietnam from base-model automobiles (from incomplete automobiles or complete automobiles) that have been issued a factory quality inspection certificate (domestically manufactured and assembled automobiles) or have been certified for technical safety and environmental protection quality of the imported motor vehicle (imported automobiles).

Article 3. Chief of the Ministry Office, Chief Inspector of the Ministry, Directors and Directors General of the Vietnam Register, Heads of agencies and units under the Ministry of Transport, concerned organizations and individuals are responsible for implementing this Circular./.









Le Dinh Tho





AMENDMENT 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT

National technical regulation on the fifth level of gaseous pollutants
emission for newly assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles


Hanoi - 2023



Amendment 01:2023 QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT amends and supplements a number of regulations of QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT, that was developed by the Vietnam Register, submitted for approval by the Department of Science - Technology and Environment, appraised by the Ministry of Science and Technology and promulgated together with Circular No. ……../2023/TT-BGTVT dated …., 2023 by the Minister of Transport.

This Regulation is developed on the basis of:

- National technical regulation QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT;

- National standards: TCVN 6785:2015, TCVN 6567:2015, TCVN 6565:2006;

- Decisions of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe : ECE 83 - Rev. 04 and ECE 49 - Rev. 05, ECE 154. Rev.3, ECE 83-06;

- Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council: DIRECTIVE 2005/78/EC, DIRECTIVE 715/2007/EC and DIRECTIVE 2007/46/EC;

- Chinese emissions standard GB 18352.6.




Part I. Amendments to Part I of QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT

1. Amending and supplementing paragraph 4 of Article 1 as follows:

 “This Regulation does not apply to the following vehicles:

- The vehicles mentioned under TCVN 13219:2020 (ISO 7132:2003) Earth-moving machinery - Dumpers - Terminology and commercial specifications;

- Electric automobiles (that use electric motors as a source of propulsion);

- Automobiles manufactured and assembled for export.”.

2. Amending and supplementing Point 4.4 of Article 4 as follows:

4.4. “Category N of Motor Vehicles” means commercial road vehicles and special motor vehicles specified under TCVN 7271:2003, Amendment 1:2007 TCVN 7271:2003, Amendment 2:2010 TCVN 7271:2003 and TCVN 6211:2003, that have at least 04 wheels and are classified as category N1 to category N3 as below:

4.4.1. N1: vehicles having a maximum mass not exceeding 3,500 kg;

4.4.2. N2: vehicles having a maximum mass of more than 3,500 kg but not exceeding 12,000 kg;

4.4.3. N3: having a maximum mass exceeding 12,000 kg.

Note: Special motor vehicles specified under this Regulation are also classified as category N1, N2 and N3 according to their maximum mass.”.

3. Adding Points 4.8.3 and 4.8.4 to Point 4.8 of Article 4 as follows:

“4.8.3. “Off-Vehicle charging - Hybrid electric vehicles (OVC-HEV) or Plug-in Hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)” means a hybrid electric vehicle that can be charged from an external source.

4.8.4. Not Off-Vehicle charging - Hybrid electric vehicles, NOVC-HEV means a hybrid electric vehicle that cannot be charged from an external source.

Note: For a vehicle with a start/stop system, if the stop/start system is designed so that the electric starter motor is only connected to the internal combustion engine for the purpose of initiating the start of the combustion process (like for conventional vehicles), and there is no direct or indirect connection of the electric starter with the powertrain for transmission of mechanical energy to the drivetrain, such vehicle should not be considered as a hybrid electric vehicle.”.

Part II. Amendments to Part II of QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT

1. Amending and supplementing Table 2 Point 2.2 of Article 2 as follows:

 “Table 2. Emissions limit values for compression ignition engine-powered vehicles - level 5


Reference mass,

Rm (kg)









M1, M2







Class I

Rm ≤ 1305





Class II

1.305 < Rm ≤ 1.760





Class III

1.760 < Rm












(1) The first reading is indicated by electronic particulate balance and checked visually. The second reading is obtained from automatic particulate measurement by a weighing device and particulate measurement program (PMP);

(2) Emissions limit values for vehicles of category N1 class III apply to the vehicles designed to fulfil specific social needs as defined at Point 4.13 Article 4 Part I of this Regulation.”.

2. Amending and supplementing Point 2.7.1 of Article 2:

“2.7.1. A vehicle must be equipped with an OBD system which has: A malfunction indicator (MI); Ability to record and erase fault codes as designed by the manufacturers.”.

3. Adding Point 2.9.3 to Article 2 as follows:

“2.9.3. For heavy reference mass vehicles with a compression ignition engine including vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 with a mass not exceeding 4,500 kg, apply the test methods specified at Point 3.2 Article 3 Part III of this Regulation or the test methods specified at Point 3.3 Articles 3 Part III of this Regulation in accordance with technical requirements corresponding to each test method specified in Article 2 Part II of this Regulation.”.

4. Amending and supplementing Point 3.2.1 Article 3 as follows:

“3.2.1. When testing emissions in the test method prescribed at Point 3.3.2 Article 3 Part III of this Regulation, the average mass of opacity, CO, HC, NOx and PM from engine shall not exceed the limits mentioned in Tables 4 and 5 below. The average mass value of the above-mentioned substances are rounded to 3 decimal places.

Table 4. Emission limit values of each gaseous pollutant and particulate for ESC and ELR tests level 5





Mass (g/kWh)















5. Amending and supplementing Point 3.3.1 of Article 3 as follows:

“3.3.1. A vehicle must be equipped with an OBD system which has: A malfunction indicator (MI); Ability to record and erase fault codes; ability to erase fault codes according to the manufacturer's design.”.

Part III. Amendments to Part III of QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT

1. Amending and supplementing Points 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3 of Article 2 as follows:

“2.2.1. For heavy reference mass vehicles equipped with a petrol engine or light reference mass vehicles: the test sample is a complete vehicle.

2.2.2. For heavy reference mass vehicles equipped with a gas fuelled positive ignition engine or compression ignition engine: the test sample is engine. In case of conducting the test as prescribed at Point 2.9.3 Article 2 Part II of this Regulation, Point 2.2.1 of this Article shall apply.

2.2.3. The vehicle or engine should be broken-in for good technical condition before testing.”.

2. Amending and supplementing Note of Table 7 of Article 3 as follows:

“Note: For Type I test, if M1 and N2 vehicles fuelled with diesel have a reference mass not exceeding 2,840 kg and meet the conditions for extension to type approvals laid down in Article 6 Part III of this Regulation, Type I test under TCVN 6785:2015 shall apply to the corresponding M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles.”.

3. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 3 as follows:

“ If these vehicles conform to the requirements set out in Article 6 Part III of this Regulation for extension to type approvals, results from the tests for M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles may be used as an alternative to ESC, ELR and ETC tests according to TCVN 6567:2015.”.

4. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 3 as follows:

“ For incomplete vehicles with cab, the standards applicable thereto are specified in Table 9 below:


Table 9. Standards applicable to incomplete vehicles with cab

Reference mass of incomplete vehicles with cab

Standards applied

≤ 2,610

1 of the 2 following methods:

- Method specified at Point 3.2 Part III of this Regulation;

- Method specified at Point 3.3 Part III of this Regulation if the incomplete vehicle only used to be manufactured into a complete vehicle is a vehicle of category N.

> 2,610

- Vehicles equipped with petrol engine: specified at Point 3.2 Part III of this Regulation.

- Vehicles equipped with gas and diesel engine: specified at Point 3.3 Part III of this Regulation.


5. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 3 as follows:

 “ Requirements for characteristics of fuel for performance of tests are provided in Article 4 Part III of this Regulation. The method used to collect and analyse the gaseous pollutant and particulates shall be adopted in accordance with regulations set forth under Annex Q to TCVN 6785:2015.

The determination of the resistance to progress of a vehicle shall be carried out adopting the method specified in Annex Q to TCVN 6785:2015 or in accordance with regulations in the Annex B - Appendix B4 ECE 154 Rev.3 of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

For front-engine vehicles, the cooling fan shall be positioned in front of the vehicle, within 300 mm of it. In case the vehicle has a rear engine or does not ensure effective cooling, the cooling fan shall be positioned so that sufficient air is supplied to cool the vehicle.”.

6. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 3 as follows:

“ Compression ignition engine- and positive ignition engine-powered vehicles must be driven a conditioning drive before the test consisting of 3 urban test cycles of a Type I test as prescribed in Annex D - Appendix D1 to TCVN 6785:2015”.

7. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 3 as follows:

“ The testing facility can perform type V testing using the deterioration factors in Table 3 Point 2.6 Article 2 Part II of this Regulation.”.

8. Amending and supplementing Note (*) of Point 3.2 of Article 3 as follows:

“Note: (*) For electric hybrid vehicles, in addition to undergoing type I, type II, type III and type IV tests as specified at Points 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 Article 3 Part III of this Regulation, the corresponding regulations set out in Annex N to TCVN 6785:2015 shall be complied with. For NOVC-HEV vehicles, before undergoing type I and type IV tests, they must be driven a conditioning drive on a chassis dynamometer with at least 2 cycles of a Type I test specified in Annex D - Appendix D1 to TCVN 6785:2015 without soak between conditioning cycles; then soaked according to corresponding regulations set out at Points N.3.3, N.3.4 and N.6.2, Annex N to TCVN 6785:2015 before testing.”.

9. Amending and supplementing Point 3.2.6 of Article 3 as follows:

“3.2.6. OBD test The manufacturer or the importer shall declare at least 6 sensors or components (at least one sensor or component (if fitted) in exhaust aftertreatment systems) in Annex A - Appendix A1, ensuring the ability to disconnect or deactivate temporarily or facsimile operation during testing and the testing facility’s access to functional errors (MIs) and error codes; at the same time, ensure the normal operation of the samples upon connection (activation) after testing. The testing facility shall select 4 sensors or components declared by the manufacturer or the importer in Annex A - Appendix A1; select to disconnect or temporarily deactivate or facsimile the operation of at least one sensor or component (if fitted) within the exhaust aftertreatment system to check the efficiency of the OBD as declared by the manufacturer or the importer. The manufacturer or the importer shall ensure normal operation of the test samples after testing.”.

10. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 3 as follows:

“ For vehicles fitted with an aftertreatment system based on a periodical regeneration process, the test must be carried out in accordance with Point B.2.8.2 Annex B to TCVN 6567:2015. To be specific: If the manufacturer or importer provides data to show that the emissions remain constant (±15 %) between regeneration phases, one ETC test during and outside a regeneration event may be carried out. The manufacturer or importer shall provide an aftertreatment system that has been loaded in order to achieve regeneration during an ETC test or as prescribed at Points, and below: The emissions shall be measured on at least one test outside a regeneration event and at least one test during a regeneration event on a stabilised aftertreatment system if the results of the ETC tests during the regeneration event do not exceed the limits in Table 2 Point 5.2 of TCVN 6567:2015. The emissions shall be measured on at least one ETC test during a regeneration event and the average emissions of at least 02 ETC tests outside a regeneration event. The ETC test results may be used during the regeneration process according to the documents provided by the manufacturer or importer for an exemption from ETC test during the generation process.”.

11. Amending and supplementing Point 3.3.3 of Article 3 as follows:

“3.3.3. OBD test The manufacturer or the importer shall declare at least 6 sensors or components (at least one sensor or component (if fitted) in exhaust aftertreatment systems) in Annex C - Appendix C1, ensuring the ability to disconnect or deactivate temporarily or facsimile operation during testing and the testing facility’s access to functional errors (MIs) and error codes; at the same time, ensure the normal operation of the samples upon connection (activation) after testing. The testing facility shall select 4 sensors or components declared by the manufacturer or the importer in Annex C - Appendix C1; select to disconnect or temporarily deactivate or facsimile at least one sensor or component (if fitted) within the exhaust aftertreatment system check the efficiency of the OBD as declared by the manufacturer or the importer. The manufacturer or the importer shall ensure normal operation of the test samples after testing. For test samples serving the inspection of newly manufactured and assembled vehicles, it is permitted to conduct tests on a sample engine (of the same type) different from that on which the emissions tests at Points 3.3.2 and 3.3.4 Article 3 Part III of this Regulation have been conducted.”.

12. Amending and supplementing Pont 4.1 of Article 4 as follows:

“4.1. Common fuels for testing satisfying applicable regulations on fuels level 5 under QCVN 01:2022/BKHCN National technical regulation on gasolines, diesel fuel oils and biofuels

13. Amending and supplementing Article 5 as follows:

“5. Processing test results and preparing test reports

5.1. Processing test results

5.1.1. For test samples taken during the inspection and supervision of vehicles’ emissions in case of mass manufacture and assembly, the results shall be processed under Article 7 Part III of this Regulation.

5.1.2. For a test sample being an imported vehicle or engine of an imported vehicles, when conducting the next test, the vehicle or engine shall be subject to break-in to bring it to good technical condition before testing..

5.2. Preparing test reports

The testing facility shall prepare a test report including at least the particulars specified in Appendices B, D and E to this Regulation corresponding to each type of test and standard applied.”.

14. Amending and supplementing Point 6.1 of Article 6 as follows:

“6.1. General requirements

6.1.1. M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles (except for the vehicle types mentioned in 6.1.3) with a reference mass not exceeding 2,840 kg that satisfy the conditions for extension to type approvals specified at Points 6.2 and 6.3 Artilce 6 Part III of this Regulation, results from tests on corresponding M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles may be.

6.1.2. The type approval specified at Point 6.1.1 shall be only extended to M1, N1, M2 and N2 vehicles that have been subject to exhaust emission tests according to TCVN 6785:2015 and vehicles that have been subject to opacity tests according to TCVN 6565:2006.

6.1.3. Vehicles manufactured from base-model vehicles (incomplete or complete vehicles) that have been subject to exhaust emission tests are not required to undergo emission tests.”.

15. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 6 as follows:

“ The only differences are in the type number (type code, trade name), vehicle type, maximum gross mass, identification number (VIN) and case-by-case parameters specified at Points from 6.2.2 to 6.2.5 Article 6 Part III of this Regulation.”.

16. Amending and supplementing Point of Article 6 as follows:

“ For vehicle types in categories N1 and N2 with a reference mass lower than the that of a vehicle type that has been certified for emissions, the acceptance of test results will only be extended if the emission measurement results from the vehicle type certified does not exceed the prescribed emission limit values for the vehicle type allowed to accept this result.”.

17. Adding Article 8 as follows:

“8. For a vehicle or engine that cannot be properly tested domestically or in the event of natural disasters, epidemics or force majeure specified in Clause 1 Article 156 of the Civil Code, the Vietnam Register shall rely on the emission test report issued by a foreign testing body (the testing body has been accredited as a member of APAC (Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation) or of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) with the competence in accordance with the provisions of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 of which the scope of testing is suitable to this Regulation) and shall make a comparison with the actual vehicle or engine regarding information and characteristics stated in Appendices C, D, DD and E of this Regulation in order to carry out the procedures for granting the certificate of technical safety quality and environmental protection. The foreign test report shall satisfy one of the following requirements:

8.1. Appropriate test methods are available and emissions limits shall not be lower than those specified in this Regulation.

8.2. There are adequate test methods in accordance with regulations of ECE 83 (Euro 5 or higher), ECE 154 (Euro 5 or higher) or ECE 49 (Euro 5 or higher) of UNECE.

Part IV. Amendments to Annexes to QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT

1. Amending and supplementing a number of provisions of Annex A

1.1. Amending and supplementing Point A.1.7 as follows:

A.1.7. Unladen mass of vehicle in emission test as the Manufacturer or Importer’s registration(*): ............. kg.

Note(*): For special-use vehicles, special passenger vehicles and commercial road vehicles specified in TCVN 7271 and TCVN 6211, unladen mass of vehicles when being tested does not include the mass of equipment and independent assemblies serving special purposes attached to the vehicles (e.g., ventilators on ambulance, portable generators, portable equipment, etc.).”.

1.2. Amending and supplementing Points A. as follows:

A. Maximum torque conversion(6): …………”.

1.3. Repealing Point A.1.15; changing Point A.1.16 to Point A.1.15; repealing Points A.2.2.13, A.2.2.14.

1.4. Amending and supplementing Point A. as follows:

A. Drawings of combustion chamber and piston crown(6):……………………………………………………..”.

1.5. Amending and supplementing items c, d, dd and e of Point A. as follows:

 “c. Maximum fuel delivery: (mm3/stroke or cycle) at a pump speed: (r.p.m): …… r/min or characteristic diagram (6)

d. Injection timing(2)(6): ………………………………

dd. Injection advance curve(2)(6):…………………

e. Calibration procedure: test bench/engine(1)(6) ……………………”.

1.6. Amending and supplementing items to b, c, d and dd of Point A. as follows:

“b. Cut-off point(6):………………………………….

c. Cut-off sub-paragraph under load(6): ……………….. (r/min) (r.p.m or min-1)

d. Without load 6): …………………………. (r/min) (r.p.m or min-1)

dd. Idling speed(6): ………………………. (r/min) (r.p.m or min-1)”.

1.7. Amending and supplementing and merging provisions of items c and d into c of Point A. as follows:

 “c. Opening pressure(2)(6):………………. (kPa) or Characteristic diagram(6): ………………..”.

1.8. Amending and supplementing item c of Point A. as follows:

 “c. Description(6):………………………….”.

1.9. Amending and supplementing item c of Point A. as follows:

“c. Description(6):………………………….”.

1.10. Amending and supplementing iemts b, dd, e, g, i, l and m of Point A. as follows:

1.10.1. Amending and supplementing item b of Point A. as follows:

b. Fuel regulator - type(6): ………………”.

1.10.2. Amending and supplementing items dd, e and g of Point A. as follows:

“dd. Pressure regulator - type(6):………………

e. Microswitch - type(6):…………………………

g. Idle adjusting screw - type(6):……………..”.

1.10.3. Amending and supplementing items i, l and m of Point A. as follows:

“i. Water temperature sensor - type (6):……………

l. Air temperature switch - type (6):…………..

m. Electromagnetic interference protection: Description or drawing (6):…………………………………”.

1.11. Amending and supplementing item a of Point A. as follows:

 “a. Opening pressure(2)(6):…………………… kPa”.

1.12. Amending and supplementing Point A. as follows:

A. Injection timing(6):…………………..”.

1.13. Amending and supplementing items a and b of Point A. as follows:

“a. Operating principle(s)(6):………………….

b. Operating limits/settings(1)(6):…………”.

1.14. Amending and supplementing Point A. as follows:

A. Feed pump(6):…………..”.

1.15. Amending and supplementing item c of Point A. as follows:

 “c. Emission related adjustment possibilities(6): …………”.

1.16. Amending and supplementing Points A. to A. as follows:

 “A. Working principle (6):……………….

A. Ignition advance curve(2)(6):………………

A. Static ignition timing(2)(6) ……. degrees before TDC

A. Contact-point gap(2)(6): ……………(mm)

A. Dwell-angle(2)(6):……….……..”.

1.17. Amending and supplementing Point A. as follows:

 “A. Spark plug gap setting(6):…..”.

1.18. Amending and supplementing Point A. as follows:

A. Description of the system (maximum charge pressure: …. kPa, wastegate..... (6)….”.

1.19. Amending and supplementing Point A. as follows:

A. Description and drawings of inlet pipes and their accessories (plenum chamber, heating device, additional air intakes, etc.)(6): ……………….

A. Intake manifold description (include drawings and/or photographs)(6): ………………..”.

1.20. Amending and supplementing Point A.2.2.9 as follows:

A.2.2.9. Valve timing or equivalent data(6):………………………..

A. Maximum lift of valves, angles of opening and closing, or timing details of alternative distribution systems, in relation to dead centres(6): …………………

A. Reference or setting ranges(1)(6):…”.

1.21. Amending and supplementing Points A. and A. as follows:

 “A. Air injection: Yes/No (1)

Type (pulse air, air pump,...)(6): ……………………………

A. EGR exhaust gas recycle: Yes/No(1)

Characteristics: flow...(6):……………..”.

1.22. Amending and supplementing items a, b, e, g and h of Point A. as follows:

1.22.1. Amending and supplementing items a and b of Point A. as follows:

“a. Dimensions and shape of the particulate trap (capacity)(5)(6): ……………………..

b. Type of particulate trap and design(5)(6): ………………….”.

1.22.2. Amending and supplementing items e, g and h of Point A. as follows:

“e. The number of Type I operating cycles, or equivalent engine test bench cycles, between two cycles where regenerative phases occur under the conditions equivalent to Type I test (Annex M TCVN 6785:2015)(5)(6): ……………………….

g. Description of method employed to determine the number of cycles between two cycles where regenerative phases occur(5)(6): …………………….

h. Parameters to determine the level of loading required before regeneration occurs (i.e. temperature, pressure etc.(5)(6): …………………………”.

1.23. Amending and supplementing Point A. as follows:

A. Access method of EECU(5)(6): ………”.

1.24. Repealing item e of Point A.

1.25. Repealing Points A.2.2.13 and A.2.2.14.

1.26. Adding Point A.3 as follows:

A.3. Electric Hybrid vehicle: Yes/No(1):

A.3.1. Category electric Hybrid vehicle: Off Vehicle charging (OVC)/Not Off Vehicle charging (NOVC):

A.3.2. Operating mode switch: with/without

A.3.2.1. Selectable modes:

A. Pure electric: Yes/No:

A. Pure fuel consuming: Yes/No:

A. Hybrid mode: Yes/No (if yes, short description):

A.3.3. Description of the energy storage device: (battery, capacitor, flywheel/generator ...)

A.3.3.1. Make(s):

A.3.3.2. Type(s):

A.3.3.3. Identification number:

A.3.3.4. Kind of electrochemical couple:

A.3.3.5. Energy (for battery: voltage and capacity Ah in 2 h, for capacitor: J,..)

A.3.3.6. Charger: on board/external/without:

A.3.4. Electric machine (describe each type of electric machine separately)

A.3.4.1. Make:

A.3.4.2. Type:

A.3.4.3. Primary use: Electric motor/Generator /Traction motor and Generator simultaneous

A. When used as traction motor: mono-motor /multi-motors (number):

A.3.4.4. Maximum of power:

A.3.4.5. Working principle:

A. Direct current/alternating current/numbers of phase:

A. Separate excitation/ series/ compound

A. Synchronous/asynchronous:

A.3.5. Control unit:

A.3.5.1. Make:

A.3.5.2. Type:

A.3.5.3. Identification number:

A.3.6. Power controller:

A.3.6.1. Make:

A.3.6.2. Type:

A.3.6.3. Identification number:

A.3.7. Vehicle electric range:

A.3.8. Manufacturer's recommendation for preconditioning:”.

1.27. Amending and supplementing notes (5) and (6):


(5) Not applicable to imported vehicles not regulated by Decree 116/2017/ND-CP and Decree 17/2020/ND-CP.

(6) The manufacturer or importer are encouraged to make declaration.”.

1.28. Adding Note at the end of Annex A as follows:

 “Note: Characters representing the type of components that have changed but do not affect the emissions results are used for description (for example: *, ?) if the documents of the manufacturer of the vehicles or engine or components can be provided. .”.

2. Amending and supplementing Annex A - Appendix A1 of QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT as follows:

 “Annex A - Appendix A1

Information on test conditions

I. Vehicle

1. Category of the vehicle (M1, N1, M2, N2, incomplete vehicles for M1/M2/N1/N2 categories:


2. Trade name or mark of the vehicle:


3. Commercial name, if available:


3.1. Vehicle type/ model code:


3.2. VIN:


4. Manufacturer or Importer:


4.1 Assembly plant’s/Importer’s name and address:


4.2 Name and address of manufacturer's representative (If applicable):


II - Information on test conditions

1. Fuel used for test


Gasoline RON 95-V/ Reference gasoline: ..…/ Diesel 0,001S-V/ Reference Diesel: ..…/ other fuel: ..…


2. Powered axles (number, position, interconnection)

4x2, Powered front/rear axles/

4x4, Permanent/temporary all-wheel drive all-wheel drive


3. Working principle of injection for positive ignition:

Intake manifold/ Direct injection/Other: …..…


4. Regenerating system (Yes/No


If yes:


- Continuous regeneration


- Periodically regeneration, determination of Ki factor as:


+ Point Article 3 Part III QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT


+ Manufactures/Importer provided with proved documents enclosed


5. (Hybrid electric vehicle (Yes/No)


If yes


- No external charging (NOVC-HEV)


- With external charging (OVC-HEV), determine De (Determination of De) (km) according to:


+ Manufactures/Importers provided with proved documents enclosed


+ Determination on site


6. Deterioration factors of Test type V


+ According to the tables in the corresponding QCVN


+ Manufactures/Importers provided with proved documents enclosed


8. Wheel base of vehicle (m): ....................................

9. Sensors/Components as recommended by manufactures or importer on OBD testing

The manufacturer or the importer declare at least 6 sensors or components (at least one sensor or component (if fitted) in exhaust aftertreatment systems) capable of disconnecting or deactivate temporarily or operation simulation during testing and ensure that the Technical service has access to functional errors (MIs) and error codes. The manufactures/ importers are responsible for ensuring the normal operation of the samples after testing.



sensors or components

Error codes
















3. Amending and supplementing Annex B and Annex C:

3.1. Amending and supplementing Point B.1.7 of Annex B as follows:

B.1.7. Unladen mass of the vehicle: ...................... kg

Unladen mass of vehicle in emission test as the Manufacturer or Importer’s registration (in the case of special purpose vehicle): ............. kg”.

3.2. Amending and supplementing Point B.1.8 of Annex B as follows:

B.1.8. Reference mass of the vehicle: ………….……. kg

Note: For special purpose vehicles, vehicles for the transport of persons and commercial road vehicles, the reference mass is the unladen mass of vehicles in emission test as the manufacturer or importer’s registration.”.

3.3. Amending and supplementing Point B.1.19 of Annex B as follows:

“B.1.19. Engine speed at maximum net power: ………… r/min (rpm or min-1)”.

3.4. Amending and supplementing Point B.1.20 of Annex B as follows:

“B.1.20. Maximum net power: ……………….. kW”.

3.5. Amending and supplementing Point C.1.12 of Annex C as follows:

“C.1.12. Maximum net torque: .................... Nm at (rpm or min-1): .................................... r/min (rpm or min-1)”.

3.6. Adding Note at the end of Annex C as follows:

“Note: Characters such as asterisk (*), question mark (?), etc. indicating the change(s) to a component without affecting the emissions results are used for description if documents of the manufacturer of the vehicle, engine or component are provided.”.

4. Amending and supplementing Annex C - Appendix C1 of QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT as follows:

Annex C - Appendix C1

Information on test conditions

I. Description of engine

1. Trade name/Mark or Make of engine


2. Commercial name, if available


3. Engine Type/Model code/Engine model


4. Engine number


5. Manufacturer or Importer


5.1. Assembly plant’s/Importer’s name and address


5.2. Name and address of manufacturer's representative (If applicable)


II - Information on test conditions

1. Fuel used for test

Diesel 0,001S-V/ Reference Diesel/ NG/ other fuel …


2. Acceleration control


- Manual


- Electric


+ Zero point (V)


+ Max point (V)


3. Inertia


- Engine (including flywheel)



- Connection flange(Kg.m2):


4. Category of Catalytic converter(SCR/ DOC/ SCR + DOC/other: ..…)


5. Regenerating system (Yes/No)


If yes:


- Continuous Regeneration (Yes/ No)


- Periodically Regeneration (Yes/No)


6. Number of flywheel teeth


7. Rotation direction

Clockwise/ Counterclockwise

From the side of: …………….


8. Sensors/components as recommended by manufactures or importer on OBD testing

The manufacturer or the importer declare at least 6 sensors or components (at least one sensor or component (if fitted) in exhaust aftertreatment systems) capable of disconnecting or deactivate temporarily or operation simulation during testing and ensure that the Technical service has access to functional errors (MIs) and error codes. The manufacturers/ importers are responsible for ensuring the normal operation of the samples after testing…


sensors or components

Error codes
































5. Repealing Annex D - Appendix D1 of QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT.

6. Amending and supplementing Point G4 of Annex G to QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT as follows:

“G4. B5 diesel




Limits (1)

Test method




Cetane number(2)




EN-ISO 5165

Density at 15°C




EN-ISO 3675






- 50 per cent vol




EN-ISO 3405

- 95 per cent vol




- Final boiling point




Flash point




EN 22719





EN 116

Viscosity at 40 °C




EN-ISO 3104

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

% mass



IP 391

EN 12916

Sulfur content(3)




Pr. EN ISO/DIS 14596

EN ISO 20846/EN ISO 20884

Copper corrosion



Class 1

EN-ISO 2160

Carbon residue (10% DR)

% mass



EN-ISO 13070

Ash content

% mass



EN-ISO 6145

EN-ISO 6245

Water content

% mass



EN-ISO 12937

Neutralization number

mg KOH/g



ASTM D 97495

ASTM D 974

Oxidation stability (4)




EN-ISO 12205

Lubricity (HFRR at 60 °C)




CEC F-06-A-96

EN-ISO 12156

Oxidation stability




EN 14112

FAME (5)

% vol



EN 14078


7. Amending and supplementing to Annex K to QCVN 109:2021/BGTVT as follows:

7.1. Amending and supplementing Point K.1 as follows:

“K.1. This Annex sets out the requirements for vehicles that rely on the use of a reagent for the after-treatment system in order to reduce emissions. The test is carried out in accordance with the requirements set out at Points K.2 and K.3.1.”.

7.2. Amending and supplementing Points K.3.5 as follows:

“K.3.5. The warning system shall activate at a distance equivalent to a driving range of at least 2,400 km in advance of the reagent tank becoming empty or at the latest when the level of reagent in the tank reaches one of the following levels, whichever occurs earlier:

a) A level expected to be sufficient for driving 150% of an average driving range with a complete tank of fuel.

b) 10% of the capacity of the reagent tank.”.

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