>> New registerYou can access LuatVietnam database at any time – 24 hours each day, 7 days each week from anywhere in the world whether
you have a computer which are connected with internet. Remember you can only access the legal documents offline only when
you have downloaded them to your computer.
New register to be the member of the website
The registration to the website LuatVietnam is governed by Terms and Conditions of LuatVietnam. Please click on New register
on the LOGIN box and then.

You can choose any username that you feel convenient for you, the system will automatically check the username‟s availability
or you can check manually by click in the symbol .
You choose any password and fill your email address, code verification on the regulated boxes, and don‟t forget to accept Term
and Conditions of using legal documents in English before press the button .
An email will be sent to the email address that you register. You should login your email to active provided link so as to be the
official member otherwise you are warned not to be able to access the page.
>> Login Session
If you enter wrong ID, a message will tell you: a message will tell you so “Username or password is invalid”
If you forget your password, you can click in Forgot password, after typing your username in the box, your new password will be
send back to your registered email address.

LuatVietnam monitors and keeps records of online access to LuatVietnam Database.
For security purpose, your Login Session will automatically expire if you don‟t active your LuatVietnam screen for 15 minutes. If
your Login Session expires, please re-enter your username and password.
To enable you to access LuatVietnam at any time (for 3 users at maximize) at anytime and from anywhere in the world, you
should logout properly when you finish using LuatVietnam service because if you do not logout properly, your account will
remain open and you and your friends/colleagues will not be able to login if there are 2 another person are using the service.