Decision 628/QD-TTg 2022 approving the Strategy for customs development through 2030

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Decision No. 628/QD-TTg dated May 20, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving the Strategy for customs development through 2030
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:628/QD-TTgSigner:Le Minh Khai
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:20/05/2022Effect status:

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Fields:Export - Import


By 2030, the percentage of customs declarations subject to dossier examination will not exceed 30%

On May 20, 2022, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 628/QD-TTg approving the Strategy for customs development through 2030.

Accordingly, by 2025, strive to basically complete the digital customs mode. Also, 90% of dossiers at the General Department of Vietnam Customs (except those classified as state secrets) will be processed in the network environment, all administrative procedures for granting permits for and performing specialized inspection of imported goods, exported goods and transited goods will be carried out under the National Single-Window Mechanism; etc.

By 2030, strive to ensure that all documents included in customs dossiers of basic forms will be converted into electronic data and later digitalized; all key international ports and border gates will have automatic goods supervision and management systems, security screening systems, surveillance camera systems and supporting devices to serve customs inspection and supervision; the percentage of customs declarations subject to dossier examination will not exceed 30% and the percentage of customs declarations subject to physical inspection of goods will not exceed 4.5%; etc.

For achieving the above-mentioned targets, the Prime Minister’s solutions shall be as follows: To reform customs-related administrative procedures toward further simplicity and harmony of customs procedures and customs management regimes to conform to international customs standards; To implement the model of integrated supply chain management under the guidelines in the WCO’s SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (SAFE Framework); etc.

Besides, to study and step by step organize the provision of customs clearance insurance and guarantee for imported goods and exported goods; implement the smart border-customs management model as recommended by the WCO; organize the green customs model; re-design processes of tax administration procedures; continue improving regulations on priority enterprises according to the WCO’s recommendations; etc.

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 628/QD-TTg


Hanoi, May 20, 2022



Approving the Strategy for customs development through 2030[1]


Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the June 23, 2014 Law on Customs;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 87/2017/ND-CP of July 26, 2017, defining functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 942/QD-TTg of June 15, 2021, approving the Strategy for development of an e-government toward a digital government for the 2021-2025 period, with orientations to 2030; 

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 368/QD-TTg of March 21, 2022, approving the Financial Strategy through 2030;

At the proposal of the Minister of Finance,



Article 1. To approve the Strategy for customs development through 2030 (below referred to as the Strategy) with the following principal contents:


1. Customs development must be under the Party’s leadership and the State’s management; comply with regulations; be in line with national socio-economic development orientations and the program on state administration reform; conform to international standards and practices on customs development; and facilitate the implementation of Vietnam’s international commitments.

2. Customs development aims at facilitating commercial activities and effectively combating smuggling and trade frauds; fully and comprehensively implementing Vietnam’s international commitments on import duty, export duty, customs and trade facilitation; effectively responding to changes related to trade remedy measures in a rapidly changing world; and raising effectiveness and efficiency of the state management of customs, thus contributing to improving the national competitiveness.

3. Customs development must be based on perpetuation and promotion of reform and modernization achievements, intensified application of scientific advances brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and continued comprehensive modernization of the state management of customs.

4. To regard reform and modernization as the basis, modernization of the customs management model as the core, and accelerated digital transformation in the customs sector as the foundation for customs development in the new situation.

5. To concentrate investment in customs modernization in key regions and localities, taking into account the balanced and harmonious development among different regions and localities, ensuring general development and modernization of Vietnam’s Customs.

6. To combine bringing into full play internal strengths with making the best use of external support for rapid and sustainable customs development.        


1. General objectives

To build Vietnam’s Customs into a regular and modern sector to be commensurate with customs sectors of the developed countries in the world, and take the lead in the building of a digital government with digital customs and smart customs models; to raise quality of services provided to the people and enterprises in the performance of customs procedures and customs management; to effectively manage the collection of import duty and export duty; to facilitate lawful cross-border commercial, tourist and transportation activities and create a transparent and fair environment for import and export activities, thus helping improve the national competitiveness; to prevent and combat cross-border smuggling, trade frauds and illegal goods transportation, thus contributing to ensuring security and social safety and protecting national interests and sovereignty.

2. Major objectives

a/ To continue building a modern legal framework on customs, ensuring adequate legal grounds for development and application of digital customs and smart customs models; to ensure uniformity and consistency of regulations on customs with regulations on import duty and export duty, and strict and lawful tax administration for imported goods and exported goods, thereby preventing losses of revenues and tax frauds; to reform customs-related administrative procedures toward transparency, simplicity, uniformity, and conformity with standards and recommendations of the World Customs Organizations (WCO) in order to reduce the time and cost for customs clearance and goods release.

b/ To centralize, modernize and automate customs inspection, supervision and control; to intensify inspection before and after customs clearance, thereby reducing inspection during the performance of customs procedures; to apply smart border and green customs models as recommended by the WCO.

c/ To raise the efficiency of the cross-border smuggling, trade fraud and illegal goods transportation prevention and combat; to synchronously and effectively combine modern customs control operations with traditional ones in order to take the initiative in early preventing violations.

d/ To build a concentrated and smartly integrated customs information technology system meeting requirements on system information security with digital platforms that conforms to the structure of an e-government and digital government and relevant international standards and drastically applies scientific and technological achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; to build a modern system of infrastructure facilities, machinery and equipment meeting requirements of the state management of customs in the new situation, implement the National Single-Window Mechanism and ASEAN Single-Window Mechanism, and connect with trade partners of Vietnam in order to centralize to the utmost the processing of administrative formalities, and connect, exchange and share information between customs offices and ministries, sectors, functional agencies of and attached to ministries and sectors, state management agencies at border gates, and related units involved in supply chains in order to meet requirements of the comprehensive state management of customs from the first stage to the final stage for imported goods, exported goods or transited goods and means of transport on entry or exit or in transit.

dd/ To renovate the customs apparatus with a streamlined and rational structure and fewer intermediary units; to step up the development and application of the model of human resource management based on professional qualifications and working positions; to develop highly skilled, incorruptible and professional human resources that can master modern technologies and technical facilities and equipment to meet requirements of the application of digital customs and smart customs models and political tasks of the customs sector.

e/ To promote international cooperation and integration on customs in a comprehensive, intensive, extensive and efficient manner, thereby raising the role, position and reputation of Vietnam’s Customs in the world customs community; to develop cooperation and partnership relations between the customs sector and related parties in order to create a foundation for and contribute to raising efficiency of the state management of customs; to improve the level of enterprises’ satisfaction with the performance of administrative procedures in the field of customs.

g/ To organize the performance of tasks assigned under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 38/QD-TTg of January 12, 2021, approving the Scheme on reform of quality inspection and food safety inspection models for imported goods and exported goods (below referred to as the Reform Scheme).

3. Major targets

a/ By 2025

- To basically complete the digital customs model.

- To complete the overall re-designing of the information technology system to meet requirements for the performance of customs operations toward digital customs and requirements of system information security.

- To improve the e-working environment in the customs sector, proceeding to build a non-paper environment in the state management of customs through increasing the use of digital signatures, ensuring that 90% of dossiers at the General Department of Vietnam Customs (except those classified as state secrets) shall be processed in the network environment.  

- To connect, integrate and share digital data with the Ministry of Finance’s direction and administration system and the Government’s reporting information system.

- To ensure that 80% of inspection activities of customs offices shall be carried out via a digital environment and the information technology system of the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

- To ensure that the Vietnam National Single Window will be capable of receiving and sharing electronic information, data and documents from/with all parties involved in cross-border commercial activities, supply chains and logistics service provision by centralizing data and data processing.

- To ensure that all administrative procedures for granting permits for and performing specialized inspection of imported goods, exported goods and transited goods will be carried out under the National Single-Window Mechanism.

- To ensure that all administrative procedures with high use demands will be provided as level-4 online public services to the people and enterprises and performed on different access devices and concurrently integrated onto the National Public Service Portal.

- To extend the conclusion of agreements on cooperation and coordination in the collection of state budget revenues by e-tax payment and 24/7 customs clearance methods.

- To ensure that all survey operations dossiers for key areas will be made meeting quality requirements.

- To ensure that all dossiers for basic customs control operations will be converted into electronic data and later digitalized.

- To complete the translation of international commitments in the field of customs into domestic regulations.

- To conclude at least 2 treaties on customs with partner countries, particularly major and strategically important partners; to conclude at least 1 agreement on mutual recognition of priority enterprises with a foreign country’s customs authority.

- To achieve targets in the field of customs set forth in the Strategy for development of an e-government toward a digital government for the 2021-2025 period, with orientations to 2030.

b/ By 2030

- To ensure that all documents included in customs dossiers of basic forms will be converted into electronic data and later digitalized.

- To ensure that all key international ports and border gates will have automatic goods supervision and management systems, security screening systems, surveillance camera systems and supporting devices to serve customs inspection and supervision. Results, images and information will be transmitted directly to centralized processing centers of customs offices and shared with related ministries, sectors and units at border gates.

- To ensure that all containerized high-risk cargoes subject to customs supervision will be supervised with modern technical devices with data connected to centralized processing centers of customs offices.

- To ensure that all road border gates will have systems for receiving and processing pre-declared information on imported goods and exported goods before vehicles transporting such goods across the borders.

- To ensure that all priority enterprises, enterprises that willingly abide by law, export processing enterprises, and enterprises engaged in export processing and production will connect and share production management data with customs offices.

- To ensure that the percentage of customs declarations subject to dossier examination will not exceed 30% and the percentage of customs declarations subject to physical inspection of goods will not exceed 4.5%.

- To improve the efficiency of the management of tax arrears so that information on all import-export enterprises that have tax arrears will be automatically monitored and updated on the e-system of customs offices.

- To complete all dossiers for comprehensive survey and study of all routes (roads, seaways and airways); to carry out overall assessment of each route or area, update information and perform management monitoring on a monthly basis in order to organize the control work, not letting cross-border smuggling, trade fraud and illegal goods transportation hotspots occur.

- To ensure that all customs control operations dossiers will be basically digitalized.

- To strive that the level of enterprises’ satisfaction with the performance of administrative procedures in the field of customs will reach at least 95% regarding main criteria of access to customs-related administrative procedures, performance of customs-related administrative procedures, and service by customs officers.

- To complete the smart customs model.

- To establish and maintain at least 30 channels for cooperation and regular contact with important customs partners in the world; to conclude at least 5 treaties on customs with partner countries, particularly major and strategically important ones; to appoint Vietnam’s customs representatives in a number of important or key partner countries/regions.

4. Solutions

a/ Regarding institutions

- To build and improve a modern, consistent, uniform and transparent legal system on customs in conformity with international commitments, focusing on the formulation of a new Customs Law to replace the current Customs Law, and ensuring sufficient legal grounds to: perform the task of state management of customs; develop digital customs, smart customs, smart border and green customs models; synchronously apply chain-based and identity-based management methods; apply customs management mechanisms appropriate to each entity subject to management, and encourage customs declarants to comply with law; raise effectiveness and efficiency of cross-border smuggling, trade fraud and illegal goods transportation prevention and combat, and enhance coordination with international organizations and domestic organizations in customs control activities; apply information technology and modern technologies in the state management of customs; and connect and exchange information with state management agencies, organizations, individuals and enterprises engaged in import and export activities.

- To review and propose amendments to the legal system on specialized management and inspection in order to implement the Reform Scheme.

- To reform customs-related administrative procedures toward further simplicity and harmony of customs procedures and customs management regimes to conform to international customs standards, thereby laying a foundation for re-designing processes of customs procedures, inspection and supervision to meet requirements of the implementation of digital customs and smart customs models.

b/ Regarding customs operations

- Customs procedures, inspection and supervision

+ To apply chain-based management methods: To implement the model of integrated supply chain management under the guidelines in the WCO’s SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (SAFE Framework); and the model of value chain-based management to meet requirements of the state management of customs for the entire production or business process of enterprises.

+ To study and step by step organize the provision of customs clearance insurance and guarantee for imported goods and exported goods.

+ To re-design the system of processes of customs procedures, inspection and supervision to serve as a basis for building the digital customs model according to the architecture of a digital government and smart customs as recommended by the WCO with higher and higher digitalization and automation levels.

+ To implement the smart border-customs management model as recommended by the WCO to enable customs offices to supervise and control goods from the stage of input materials to the stage of production, processing or transportation from exporting countries to importing countries.

+ To organize the green customs model, encourage and promote commercial activities toward sustainable development after the circular economy model through effectively implementing treaties on protection of the environment and wildlife which Vietnam has signed, taking measures to encourage importers and exporters to implement solutions after the circular economy model; to effectively supervise and control the cross-border movement of goods and promptly prevent violations affecting human health, the environment and ecosystems or the protection of wild animals.

+ To efficiently implement the Reform Scheme.

+ To develop and implement the model of centralized clearance through forming locations for centralized examination of customs dossiers at regional customs branches; to develop and implement the model of centralized physical inspection of goods and application of modern technologies, machinery and equipment in customs inspection, supervision and control.

- Tax administration

+ To review, and recommend the synchronous application of, tax policies, attaching importance to the application of value-added tax and excise tax administration policies for goods in the stage of import in uniformity with goods in the stage of domestic circulation; to propose stepping up the reform of the tax system for imported goods and exported goods in accordance with the national reality and international commitments; to propose supplementing, improving and simplifying import duty and export duty rates, thus contributing to effective tax administration.

+ To re-design processes of tax administration procedures toward simplicity and conformity with processes of customs procedures to as to serve the digitalization of tax administration processes from the stage of tax collection, tax payment, tax exemption, tax reduction, tax refund, tax non-collection to the stage of settlement of overpaid tax amounts, thus meeting requirements of the intensified application of information technology in tax administration activities in the implementation of digital customs and smart customs models with high automation levels.

- Post-clearance inspection

+ To develop the model of centralized post-clearance inspection at the general department/directorate level; to intensively and extensively apply the post-clearance auditing method; to step by step apply investigation operations to post-clearance inspection.

+ To intensify the application of information technology in post-clearance inspection activities through automatic identification of objects subject to post-clearance inspection on the basis of application of the models of automatic risk analysis and assessment, analysis of statistical data, professional problems and abnormal signs on the information technology system of digital customs and smart customs models.

+ To continue improving regulations on priority enterprises according to the WCO’s recommendations on conditions for application, priority regimes, powers and responsibilities of customs offices and enterprises, customs management of priority enterprises, formulation and promotion of implementation of agreements on mutual recognition of priority enterprises between Vietnam’s Customs and customs authorities of important partner countries around the world.

- Prevention and combat of cross-border smuggling, trade frauds and illegal goods transportation

+ To enhance customs control by modern methods in conformity with international commitments in order to simultaneously achieve the goals on trade facilitation and safeguarding of national economic security and safety.

+ To effectively organize customs control; to prevent and ward off the risk of cross-border smuggling, trade frauds and illegal transportation of goods, drugs, explosives, weapons, wastes, products and samples of wild fauna and flora.

+ To improve legal grounds and set up connections with state management agencies for exchange of information related to the state management of customs for use as a basis for analysis, assessment, monitoring, supervision and organization of implementation of customs control measures.

+ To intensify the application of information technology in customs control activities to meet requirements for the implementation of digital customs and smart customs models with high digitalization and automation levels.

+ To intensify cooperation and close coordination with international organizations and use modern equipment and technologies to exploit globally connected data and national data to serve customs control activities.

- Risk management

+ To synchronously and fully organize the application of risk management in customs operations.

+ To apply scientific and technological advances brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, business intelligence, etc.) to improve efficiency of risk management operations; to assess compliance and classify risk levels for customs declarants; to analyze and assess risks and identify focuses for risk warning and application of appropriate and effective inspection and supervision measures in the three stages before, during and after customs clearance.

+ To expand compliance assessment to cover customs declarants, and implement the program to encourage customs declarants to willingly comply with law.

c/ Regarding organizational apparatus and human resources

- Organizational apparatus

+ To build the 3-level customs organizational apparatus (the general department/directorate level, regional level and branch level) toward payroll downsizing and fewer intermediary units in order to ensure effective and efficient operation meeting management requirements of centralized and smart customs operations models.

+ To organize operation of the customs apparatus based on regional customs offices; to receive and examine customs dossiers by electronic means; to assign tasks of physical inspection, supervision of goods, and monitoring and management of goods import activities to border-gate customs branches or customs branches managing localities where enterprises locate their production establishments.

+ To study renewing the organization and operation of units specialized in analyzing and identifying focuses based on type of border gates (road, seaway, airway, riverway, railway); units classifying goods; units managing prices and origins of goods; and units examining customs dossiers.

+ To consolidate the organizational apparatus engaged in customs verification in order to organize the implementation of the Reform Scheme.

- Building and development of human resources

+ To build and develop the contingent of customs officers at all levels who are highly professionally qualified and upright and have professional working styles and a good command of modern technologies and equipment, and are of sufficient quantity and appropriate structure, and scientifically organized and managed to ensure conformity of practical requirements of their working positions with their capacity and meet requirements of modern customs management models; to build a contingent of strategic-level customs officers who have moral qualities, capacity and prestige and are well trained to meet requirements of their duties in the new situation; to build and develop the contingent of professional experts at the two levels of general department and regional customs departments.

+ To formulate and implement a mechanism for publicly and transparently recruiting human resources with a reasonable treatment regime so as to attract high-quality human resources for the customs sector.

+ To develop and apply models of human resource management based on qualifications for different working positions, and policies on human resource development to meet requirements of the centralized and smart customs management.

+ To build an electronic human resource management system meeting requirements on maximal automation of human resource management procedures.

+ To build modern physical foundations, formulate training management methods up to standards set by regional-level training institutions, and build a contingent of lecturers who have specialized customs knowledge and pedagogic skills, including full-time lecturers and part-time lecturers recognized by the WCO as its lecturers who may give lectures at international classes.

+ To study and apply modern training methods and advanced technologies to meet requirements of working positions in professional training and further training for customs officers, with a view to raising the training capacity and ensuring that training and further training can be provided any time at any place; to combine training and capacity evaluation with arrangement and employment of customs officers.

+ To develop models of rotation for training and further training between authorities of different levels and between different sections in the same unit or professional field, or between professional fields in order to raise professional qualifications and working capacity and improve practical experience for professional and leading customs officers, and in the planning of holders of leading titles.

+ To promote customs integrity.

d/ Regarding application of information technology and digital technology

* The customs information technology system: To build a system for application of digital customs and smart customs information technology on digital platforms and centralized databases at the general department level, meeting the following requirements:

- The customs information technology system consists of:

+ The modern and smart customs operations information technology system meeting customs management requirements.

+ The e-public service system toward smart and highly automated digital public services on the National Public Service Portal, which will:

. Receive and exchange information, search and monitor the process of settling administrative procedures and notification of results of performance of administrative procedures in the field of customs, with organizations and individuals carrying out procedures.

. Receive and exchange information related to the process of performance of customs procedures and state management of customs with banks, related ministries, sectors and agencies, and domestic and foreign organizations and individuals.

. Exchange data with the customs management system to serve the management and customs clearance of goods and vehicles and issuance of decisions on results of the performance of administrative procedures.

+ The modern internal customs management system with automated intra-sector management activities in association with the application of digital customs and smart customs models; and the system assisting the direction, management and administration, and performance of internal administrative procedures (management of human resources, management of work results, management of finance and electronic assets, etc.) by the e-office management method.

- Requirements on technologies and techniques of the system:

+ To develop customs digital data so as to create a foundation for organization of digital customs and smart customs models, thereby ensuring provision of digital data for online public services and uninterrupted data sharing between customs offices and state management agencies in the political system of Vietnam, and provide open data sets of high quality and use value, and open data in accordance with law to develop the digital ecosystem and digital customs.

+ To radically apply achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ((Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, business intelligence, cloud computing, mobility, etc.).

+ To ensure a high integration level of the information technology system of the customs sector which fully meets information security requirements and can easily be expanded to meet new management requirements, and ensure application of information technology in all operations of customs offices; to assist the direction, administration and official-duty performance at all levels.

* The national single-window and ASEAN single-window mechanisms

To develop the information technology system in the direction of centralized processing and satisfaction of requirements on the extensive implementation of the national single-window and ASEAN single-window mechanisms in order to meet requirements of the centralized processing of administrative procedures of ministries and sectors for imported goods and exported goods; to connect, exchange and share information between customs offices and ministries and sectors; functional agencies of and attached to ministries and sectors; units managing border gates and controlling exit and entry; related parties participating in commercial supply chains and providing platforms for provision of services of business-to-business information exchange in international commercial supply chains and other services such as payment, fee payment, etc.; to upgrade the national and ASEAN single-window systems to meet requirements on information connection and exchange with customs authorities of countries in the region and the world in accordance with schedules set in the free trade agreements and other agreements which Vietnam has signed with the Eurasian Economic Union, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, etc.

dd/ Regarding modernization of physical foundations

- To modernize machinery and equipment to serve customs inspection, supervision and control; to connect the information technology system with the use of modern equipment and machinery and application of online technologies, thereby reducing the intervention by customs officers in inspection and supervision stages.

- To invest in modern physical foundations to serve the customs management based on the application of technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; to invest in modernizing working offices of customs units, and fully supply modern equipment for customs inspection and supervision and related activities in order to meet requirements of the application of digital customs, smart customs and centralized clearance models.

e/ Regarding international cooperation and integration in the field of customs

- To raise efficiency of Vietnam’s participation in, and increase its contributions to customs cooperation and integration mechanisms within the frameworks of ASEAN, WTO, APEC, ASEM, WCO, GMS, etc., on the basis of the country’s general orientations for international cooperation and integration.

- To promote and deepen bilateral cooperation relations with partner countries, attaching importance to strategic partners, comprehensive partners and traditional friendly partners; to appoint representatives of Vietnam’s Customs in important and key partner countries/regions; to seriously implement cooperation conventions, agreements and programs with countries that have established legal corridors; to step by step expand cooperation with countries in regions with development potential on the basis of selective research, ensuring that cooperation will become more and more intensive and bring about practical benefits for the achievement of Vietnam’s customs management objectives.            

- To organize the implementation of Vietnam’s international commitments on customs and trade facilitation, and intensify the incorporation in domestic laws of commitments that are consistent with the domestic legal system, attaching importance to commitments within the frameworks of ASEAN, WTO, free trade agreements, and economic partnership or cooperation agreements which Vietnam has concluded, ensuring compliance with implementation schedules and commitment contents and levels.

- To get the best of cooperation with and technical assistance from partners, absorb advanced customs management knowledge and experience in order to contribute to the reform and modernization of customs processes and procedures, with a view to facilitating lawful trade and implementation of the customs law and, at the same time, develop human resources of Vietnam’s Customs meeting requirements on effective and efficient customs management.

g/ Regarding cooperation between customs offices and related parties

- Cooperation with state management agencies

To promote and deepen cooperation and coordination relations between customs offices and state agencies, local administrations and related organizations in performing the effective and efficient state management of customs.

- Development of the partnership relation between customs offices and enterprises

+ To build the partnership relation between customs offices and prestigious enterprises in order to form reliable supply chains on the basis of studying, formulating and implementing programs on reliable partnership with the participation of importers, exporters and commercial partners of enterprises in supply chains.

+ To encourage enterprises to give their critical opinions for improving customs law and policies; to participate in supervising the implementation of the customs law; to enter into cooperation for raising the law enforcement capacity of customs offices and enterprises, thereby improving the quality of public services in the field of customs.

+ To intensify cooperation and dialogues between customs offices and enterprises in order to promote provision and exchange of information and their mutual understanding.      

- Development of customs agents

To continue building and developing professional, synchronous, modern, comprehensive and diversified customs agents; to proceed to apply the recognition of the priority regime applicable to customs agents; to step by step automate the management of customs declaration activities of customs agents and their licensed staffs through controlling the performance of customs procedures.

h/ Other contents

- To intensify the provision of information to and communication among customs officers, organizations, individuals and enterprises about customs regulations and procedures; to take advantage of coordination and support of organizations and individuals in enforcement of the customs law; to use portals, websites and social media to communicate, disseminate and provide information, receive and respond to opinions of the people and enterprises on the customs management.

- To study mobilization of social resources for, or develop various forms of, investment syndication or service outsourcing; to apply the form of hire-purchase by public-private partnership to a number of types of special-use equipment, public services or technical and technological systems requiring large investment in the context of limited financial sources; to mobilize and efficiently use funding sources for the customs reform, development and modernization from the state budget, foreign aid and the private sector’s investment.

Article 2. Responsibilities for organizing the implementation of and implementing the Strategy        

1. The Ministry of Finance shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for organizing the implementation of the Strategy; approve and direct plans on implementation of contents of the Strategy in each period;

b/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice and related ministries and sectors in, studying and drafting a new Customs Law to replace the existing Customs Law;

c/ Guide and urge ministries, agencies and localities to formulate, and organize the implementation of, programs and contents related to the Strategy within the ambit of their assigned functions and tasks;

d/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and localities in, inspecting the implementation of the Strategy; organize mid-term review and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy for drawing experience; and organize final review and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy;

dd/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, proposing and submitting to the Prime Minister for decision adjustments to objectives and contents of the Strategy in case of necessity;

e/ Allocate funds for the implementation of the Strategy.

2. Line ministries shall coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in organizing the implementation of contents related to the specialized management of imported goods and exported goods within the scope of the Strategy.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, reviewing and proposing the Prime Minister to assign medium-term public investment plans for the implementation of the Strategy in accordance with the Law on Public Investment.

4. The Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and related localities in, including customs establishments in master plans under their management for the implementation of the Strategy.

5. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and related agencies in directing and participating in the implementation of related contents of the Strategy in their localities within the ambit of their state management functions and tasks.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

[1] Công Báo Nos 389-390 (01/6/2022)

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Decree No. 13/2025/ND-CP dated January 21, 2025 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 115/2022/ND-CP dated December 30, 2022, on Vietnam’s Preferential Export Tariff and Special Preferential Import Tariff to implement the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership during 2022-2027, which had a number of articles amended and supplemented under the Government’s Decree No. 68/2023/ND-CP dated September 7, 2023

Export - Import , Tax - Fee - Charge
