Decision 493/QD-TTg 2022 on approval of the goods import and export strategy toward 2030

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Decision No. 493/QD-TTg dated April 19, 2022 of the Prime Minister on approval of the goods import and export strategy toward 2030
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:493/QD-TTgSigner:Le Van Thanh
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:19/04/2022Effect status:

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Fields:Commerce - Advertising , Export - Import


Goods export growth rate shall be on average of 6-7% per year in the 2021-2030 period

On April 19, 2022, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 493/QD-TTg on approval of the goods import and export strategy toward 2030.

Accordingly, the Strategy’s specific objectives include: Goods export growth rate shall be on average of 6-7% per year in the period of 2021-2030; Goods import growth rate shall be on average of 5-6% per year in the period of 2021-2030; To balance the trade balance in the period of 2021-2025, towards maintaining a sustainable trade surplus in the period of 2026-2030, etc.

Besides, the orientation of goods export includes promoting in-depth restructuring of exported goods, accelerating industrialization and modernization; increasing the proportion of exported products with added value, with science - technology content, high innovation content, green economic products, circulatory economy, eco-friendly products.

Funding sources for the implementation of the Strategy shall be arranged from the following sources: state budget, enterprise capital, sponsorship, aid and other lawfully mobilized capital sources as prescribed by law; in which the state budget is partly supportive according to its balancing ability.

This Decision takes effect from the signing date.

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No. 493/QD-TTg


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, April 19, 2022



On approval of the goods import and export strategy toward 2030




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015; the Law on Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Local Administration dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 99/NQ-CP dated August 30, 2021, on promulgating the Program of Action of the Government of the 2021-2026 tenure for implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan;

At the proposal of the Minister of Industry and Trade.




Article 1. To approve the goods import and export strategy toward 2030 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) with the following main contents:


1. To develop sustainable import and export on the basis of harmonization of goods structure, market structure and trade balance with each market and market area; harmonization between short-term and long-term goals; harmonize opportunities to participate in and enjoy the achievement of import and export growth; associated with green trade and fair trade, with environmental protection, biodiversity and adaptation to climate change.

2. To develop goods import and export associated with investment in development of economic - technical infrastructure, science - technology, digital transformation, digital economy development, development of green, clean and sustainable, circulatory production and improvement of the quality of human resources. To increase the innovation content in exported products; to build and develop trademarks of Vietnamese goods for export.

3. To develop import and export in association with sectoral and local development master plans and plans in order to promote competitive advantages, effectively exploit opportunities and limit the impact of challenges in the implementation of international economic integration commitments, deeply involved in the global supply chain and value chain.


1. General objectives

Import-Exportexport develops sustainably with a balanced and harmonious structure, promotes competitive and comparative advantages, develops the brand name of Vietnamese goods, enhances the country's position in the global value chain, to be the driving force of rapid and sustainable economic growth.

2. Specific objectives

a) To grow export and import sustainably and have healthy and reasonable trade balance.

- Goods export growth rate shall be on average of 6 - 7% per year in the period of 2021 - 2030, of which in the period of 2021 - 2025, the average export growth shall be 8 - 9% per year; for the period of 2026 - 2030, the average growth shall be 5 - 6% per year.

- Goods import growth rate shall be on average of 5 - 6% per year in the period of 2021 - 2030, of which in the period of 2021 - 2025, the average import growth shall be 7 - 8% per year; for the period of 2026 - 2030, the average growth shall be 4 - 5% per year.

- To balance the trade balance in the period of 2021 - 2025, towards maintaining a sustainable trade surplus in the period of 2026 - 2030; towards a healthy and reasonable trade balance with key trading partners.

b) To develop import and export sustainably with a balanced and harmonious product and market structure

- To increase the proportion of processed and manufactured industrial imports to 88% in the total export turnover by 2025 and 90% by 2030; in which, the export proportion of medium and high-tech goods shall reach about 65% by 2025 and 70% by 2030.

- To increase the proportion of export markets in the European region to 16 - 17% of total export turnover by 2025 and 18 - 19% by 2030; the Americas to 32 - 33% of total export turnover by 2025 and 33 - 34% by 2030; the proportion of export market in Asia shall be about 49 - 50% by 2025 and 46 - 47% by 2030.

- To increase the proportion of import markets in the European region to 8 - 9% of total import turnover by 2025 and 10 - 11% by 2030; the Americas to 8 - 9% of total import turnover by 2025 and 10 - 11% by 2030; to decrease the proportion of Asian import market in total import turnover to about 78% by 2025 and 75% by 2030.


1. Orientation of goods export

a) General orientation

- To develop export sustainably, promote comparative advantages and transform a rational growth model in depth, effectively using resources, protecting the ecological environment and well solving social problems.

- To promote in-depth restructuring of exported goods, accelerate industrialization and modernization; increase the proportion of exported products with added value, with science - technology content, high innovation content, green economic products, circulatory economy, eco-friendly products.

b) Business lines development orientation

- Group of agricultural, forestry and fishery products: to increase the proportion of thoroughly processed products with high economic value; improve the ability to meet regulations, quality standards, food hygiene and safety, standards of social responsibility and environment; proactively adapt and overcome trade barriers and trade remedies in foreign markets.

- Group of processed and manufactured industrial products: to increase the domestic value of exported goods, reduce dependence on imported raw materials, spare parts and components; increase the proportion of medium - and high-tech industrial goods; rapidly increase the proportion of exported products with high technology and innovation content.

- Discourage the development of production and export of resource-intensive and environment-polluting products; focus on investment and development of export of green economic, eco-friendly products.

The detailed roadmap and steps shall be as follows:

+ The period of 2021 - 2025: To increase the rate of processing of key agricultural and aquatic products with production and export advantages, combined with building and developing typical trademarks of Vietnamese agricultural products; increase added value for labor-intensive and highly competitive products such as textiles, footwear, electronics, and medium-tech manufacturing products.

+ The period of 2026 - 2030: To develop new products with high added value, agricultural products and thoroughly processed aquatic products; medium- and high-tech manufacturing industrial products, to apply achievements of the 4.0 industrial revolution; supporting industrial products.

2. Orientation of goods import

- To actively adjust the growth rate of goods import, control the import of domestically produced goods, luxury goods, non-essential goods, and control the quality of imported goods.

- To increase the proportion of imported modern machinery and equipment, advanced production lines from countries with developed industries, especially high technology, source technology, and absorb achievements of the 4.0 industrial revolution to create a premise to improve the productivity, quality and competitiveness of exported products and carry out in-depth restructuring of exported goods.

3. Orientation to develop export and import markets

- To diversify the market, avoid excessive dependence on one market area; towards a healthy and reasonable bilateral trade balance, ensuring sustainable growth in the long term.

- To effectively exploit market opening opportunities from international economic integration commitments in free trade Agreements to boost exports to major markets such as the EU, Japan, China, and Korea, ASEAN, etc.

- To enhance the exploitation of potential markets such as the United States, Russia, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, India, Africa, Middle East and Latin America, etc., towards building stable and long-term trade frameworks.

- To continue to restructure the import market in the direction of reducing the proportion of import from low-tech and intermediate technology markets, and increasing the proportion of import from source technology markets.


1. To develop production, create a sustainable supply for export

a) Industrial production development

- To restructure industries associated with digital transformation, especially in processing and manufacturing industries, in order to create breakthroughs and new impetus for production and export growth.

- To strengthen the coordination of development by regions and territories in order to improve the efficiency of regional linkages, contributing to the formation of industrial clusters and value chains in the country, in order to take advantage of industrial agglomeration in some localities and economic regions.

- To implement effectively the sector development plannings; strategies, master plans and projects on investment and development of industrial parks and industrial clusters; strategies, schemes and plans to build centers for the supply of raw materials and accessories.

- To promote research and application of technology, innovate production management process in order to improve the productivity, quality and competitiveness of exported products, which focuses on the technologies of 4.0 industrial revolution (artificial intelligence, big data, IoT, 3D printing, new materials, etc.).

- To remove barriers on legal system and economic and financial policies for science, technology and innovation activities, encourage projects, research on new materials, production and export of environmentally friendly products, products with high innovation content.

b) Agricultural production development

- To implement the agricultural restructuring plan in association with digital transformation, digital economy development, green, clean and sustainable production, tourism and culinary development.

- To adopt policies to develop agricultural production for each grade of key products: (i) National products; (ii) Local products; (iii) OCOP products; policy of building material production areas, focusing on application of advanced technical processes for processing agricultural products for export.

- To strengthen linkages and promote the role of farmers’ organizations (cooperative groups, agricultural cooperatives) in developing the product value chain from production, purchasing, preservation, processing, and market accessing, ensuring the harmony of interests between the stages of production, processing and export of agricultural products.

- To develop preservation technology to increase added value for processed agricultural products; promote the implementation and application of traceability system for agricultural and aquatic products for export.

- To promote the role of the locality in selecting suitable agricultural products to form concentrated production areas according to the planning; develop strategies to develop key products, featured agricultural products, develop brands along with quality and food safety standards that meet international standards.

2. To develop export and import markets, ensuring sustainable growth in the long term

- To build, consolidate and develop economic and trade cooperation relations with other countries through effective implementation of commitments in free trade agreements; negotiate free trade agreements with partners approved by the Government, focus on partners with large market capacity and willingness to open the market for Vietnamese goods, especially agricultural products on the basis of reciprocity; to study the feasibility on negotiating and signing preferential trade agreements with a number of potential new partners.

- To improve capacity and strengthen monitoring, market research, forecasting and updating of changes in trade policies and non-tariff barriers in export markets.

- To promote Vietnamese enterprises to directly participate in goods distribution networks in foreign markets.

- To strengthen measures to support the protection of intellectual property and geographical indications of Vietnam's potential exports in key foreign markets; strengthen propaganda and training on intellectual property for import-export enterprises.

- To improve policies and mechanisms for state management of trade promotion activities. To perfect the organization and improve the capacity of building the domestic and abroad trade promotion network in order to promote trade promotion at the government, industry, local and enterprise levels.

- To implement export and import promotion plans according to strategic orientations on key market groups and priority product groups in each period. To make innovation and diversification trade promotion methods for import and export by accelerating the application of information technology and digital transformation in trade promotion activities, effectively combining promotional activities with investment, culture, tourism promotion, etc. To focus on building and developing brands for potential exports and industries of Vietnam.

3. To improve regimes, strengthen state management in the organization of import and export activities in order to facilitate trade, combat trade frauds and move towards fair trade.

- To reform regimes, improve business investment environment, reform administrative procedures, create a competitive environment.

- To accelerate the development and application of a national standard system in harmony with international and regional standards, including technical standards, product quality standards, social and environmental standards.

- To guide and support enterprises to apply and obtain certificates of green growth and sustainable growth, in line with international standards and standards of target markets.

- To administer appropriate monetary and exchange rate policies in the new context, aiming for publicity, transparency and sustainability.

- To strengthen inspection, supervision and handling of environmental protection violations in import and export activities, violations of trade fraud, origin fraud and evasion of trade remedies.

- To finalize laws and policies on trade remedies, consider amending relevant legal documents in the field of trade remedy or study and develop the Law on Trade Remedies.

- To ensure security and social justice in import and export activities; promoting green growth and sustainable import and export development.

4. To mobilize and effectively use resources for export development, upgrading logistics infrastructure, reducing logistics costs

- To call on large and multinational corporations to invest in export production projects, giving priority to large-scale projects, modern technology, highly competitive products and the ability to participate in the global value chain.

- To develop and complete sets of intermediate and college-level output standards for human resources in export producing industries and professions in the direction of approaching the standards of developed countries in the world.

- To strengthen the connection between vocational education institutions and manufacturing and exporting enterprises from the stage of program development, training organization, assessment and job creation.

- To build the capacity of testing organizations, certification organizations, national laboratories to meet international standards to serve the assessment of conformity with national standards, international standards, regions standards and specific standards for exported goods.

- To upgrade transport infrastructure, warehouses, seaports, develop various types of logistics services, reducing logistics costs, increasing the application of information technology in logistics.

- To develop domestic transport fleet to actively exploit domestic and foreign transport markets; have a connection strategy between types of multimodal transport.

5. To manage and control import to meet the needs of domestic production and aim for a healthy and reasonable trade balance

- To improve regimes and improve capacity for trade remedy investigation agencies; to strengthen the efficiency and inter-sectoral coordination mechanism in the process of handling trade remedy cases; enhance training and propaganda on trade remedies for state managers, the business community, associations and related organizations.

- To improve the economic efficiency of industries producing import-substituting goods, gradually lowering protective barriers so that enterprises can proactively develop investment strategies according to the tax reduction road map, increase equipment innovation, technology, putting pressure on domestic manufacturing enterprises to improve economic efficiency, reduce costs, and compete with imported goods.

- To strengthen the management and quality control of imported goods through measures in line with international commitments.

- To have policies to encourage competitive import through a bidding mechanism, giving priority to the import of machinery, equipment, high technology, supplies, basic raw materials which cannot be produced in the domestic market or are not enough to meet demand.

- To promote import and attract investment from a number of key partners, especially partners that can help Vietnam strengthen its technological capacity, and at the same time, healthy and rationalize the trade balance.

6. To enhance the role of industry associations and nuclear enterprises, promoting the formation of large-scale export value chains

- To develop private enterprises, supporting export enterprises to overcome barriers and trade remedies in foreign markets.

- To strengthen the connection between foreign-invested enterprises and domestic enterprises, creating spillover, co-linking, cooperation and development.

- To promote the role of the industry association as a bridge between state management agencies and businesses, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of businesses in international trade disputes.


Funding sources for the implementation of the Strategy shall be arranged from the following sources: state budget, enterprise capital, sponsorship, aid and other lawfully mobilized capital sources as prescribed by law; in which the state budget is partly supportive according to its balancing ability. State budget sources comply with the provisions of the State Budget Law, the Law on Public Investment and the current state budget decentralization.


1. Based on the objectives, orientations, solutions and groups of solutions of the Strategy approved in this Decision, the Strategy for Development of the Sectors and the relevant National Program, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the ministries, branches, localities and industry associations to develop an action plan to implement this Strategy, specifying contents of tasks of the ministries, branches, agencies, deadlines for completion and performance force; submit to the Prime Minister for approval at the beginning of the third quarter of 2022.

2. Based on the objectives and orientations of the Strategy and the Action Program to implement this Strategy, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall guide the ministries, branches and People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities to develop action plans for the implementation of this Strategy according to its functions and authority.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries and branches and the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities in, organizing the implementation of the Strategy; periodically evaluate the implementation of the Strategy every 5 years; propose to the Prime Minister for a decision to adjust the objectives and contents of the Strategy in case of necessity.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect on the signing date.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, related organizations, units and individuals shall implement this Decision.


For The Prime Minister

The Deputy Prime Minister

Le Van Thanh


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