Decision No. 40/QD-TTg dated January 07, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the Overall Strategy for international integration through 2020, with a vision toward 2030

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Decision No. 40/QD-TTg dated January 07, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the Overall Strategy for international integration through 2020, with a vision toward 2030
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:40/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:07/01/2016Effect status:

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Fields:Foreign affairs , Policy


Encourage private investment and public-private partnership

The Prime Minister has signed the Decision No. 40/QD-TTg dated January 07, 2016 approving the Overall Strategy for international integration through 2020, with a vision toward 2030. International integration through 2030 aims to contribute strengthening the nation’s aggregate strength; make best use of favorable international conditions to early build the country into a modern-oriented industrial one, and improve the people’s living standards; and enhance the country’s position and prestige in the world.

To achieve these above objectives, the Prime Minister assured to constantly improve the environment to attract foreign investment, associate attraction with supervision of the implementation process and ensure economic security and economic- social-environmental effectiveness. To accelerate the process of restructuring public investment and encourage private investment and public-private partnership activities; To raise competitiveness of the country, businesses and products; to strive to build national trademarks and brands that are globally prestigious; To speed up administrative reform and enhance effectiveness and effect of the state apparatus. To simplify administrative procedures and the process to settle administrative formalities, review and quickly abolish administrative procedures that are no longer appropriate; to forge ahead the building of the models of e-government and public administration service center so as to build an open, transparent and stable investment environment. During 2016-30, home-made goods will hold major shares of the domestic market.

At the same time, to guide, encourage and create conditions for localities to proactively and actively integrate in the world so as to achieve their socio-economic development objectives; to boost cross-border integration between border areas and regions and neighboring countries; To develop and apply trade safeguards so as to protect lawful rights and interests of domestic businesses; to prioritize training of trade negotiators; to train lawyers knowledgeable about international law, proficient in foreign languages, and qualified to participate in international proceedings; to train consultants, accountants, auditors and business administrators of international levels...

This Decision takes effect on the signing date.
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No. 40/QD-TTg

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, January 7, 2016



Approving the Overall Strategy for international integration through 2020, with a vision toward 2030[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW of April 10, 2013, of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee on international integration;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 31/NQ-CP of May 13, 2014, promulgating the Government’s action program to implement Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW of April 10, 2013, of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee on international integration;

At the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs,


Article 1.To approve the Overall Strategy for international integration through 2020, with a vision toward 2030 enclosed with this Decision.

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 3.Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall implement this Decision.-

Prime Minister



Independence - Freedom - Happiness



for international integration through 2020, with a vision toward 2030

(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision
No. 40/QD-TTg of January 7, 2016)

Part I


Vietnam’s process of renewal, open-door policy implementation and international integration over the last three decades has recorded enormous achievements, contributing to creating a new position and strength for the country. However, the level of integration in many fields remains low while effectiveness of integration is not high.


Vietnam’s process of international economic integration has been vigorously accelerated in various forms with a roadmap from low to high levels toward adopting international principles and standards of the global economy and market. Vietnam has gradually opened its economy and market to regional and international economies and markets by establishing bilateral relations in trade, investment and finance and participating in multilateral institutions in these fields. Vietnam has become a member of all major international organizations; and has acceded to, concluded and negotiated a total of 15 free trade agreements (FTAs). In terms of number of FTAs, Vietnam currently ranks in the middle among Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members.[2]In the coming years, the process of international economic integration will focus on the implementation of FTAs, including important ones with strategic partners such as Japan and the European Union, and important regional FTAs such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement. In terms of level of integration, Vietnam has integrated most deeply and widely into the ASEAN economic community.

International economic integration has exerted positive impacts on national economic development, helping expand export markets for Vietnam’s commodities and products; attract foreign direct investment; improve the business environment and increase competitiveness of the nation, businesses and products; and create a driving force for building and improving development institutions of the socialist-oriented market economy, etc. At the same time, international economic integration has improved Vietnam’s external position through equal participation in such regional and international economic mechanisms and forums as the ASEAN, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum and the World Trade Organization (WTO), initial contribution to the making of common rules and standards, and application of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism to protect interests of businesses, thus enhance Vietnam’s position in negotiations.

However, there remain many shortcomings in the country’s international economic integration, particularly low integration effectiveness; although many international commitments have been signed, the process of domestic renewal, particularly the renewal and improvement of economic institutions, and preparations of organizations and individuals, particularly domestic businesses, fail to keep pace with the roadmaps and levels of international commitments; international rules and standards have not yet been fully and effectively made use of to protect the interests of the Vietnamese State, businesses and individuals in the process of integration; strategies for coping with risks and shocks on the path of deeper integration have not yet been developed; information and support policies to help businesses grasp opportunities and cope with challenges in the course of integration have not yet been effectively implemented; proper importance has not been attached to the promotion of internal integration and increase of regional and local links to fully tap resources and advantages of each area and region, and lay a solid foundation for external integration; the orientations of “building an independent and self-reliant economy” and “diversifying and multilateralizing external relations” have not been thoroughly grasped, and dependence on a number of commodities, markets and proportions of the foreign-invested economic sector have increasingly grown, etc.


In general, integration in politics, defense and security has been cautiously implemented in terms of steps and openness in each field. Politically, Vietnam has so far become a member of almost all international and regional organizations; and established diplomatic relations with 185 countries, economic ties with 224 countries and territories, strategic partnerships with 14 countries and comprehensive partnerships with 10 countries. In defense and security, Vietnam has expanded and strengthened relations with 80 countries and many international organizations, and gradually increased the effectiveness of cooperation with neighboring and major countries like China, the US, Russia, India and Japan.

Multilateral cooperation has been gradually expanded. Vietnam has proactively, actively and responsibly participated in multilateral mechanisms, especially regional ones such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF); the Shangri-La Dialogue, the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) and ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM+), the Meeting of ASEAN Chiefs of Security Agencies (MACOSA), the International Police Organization (INTERPOL), and the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC); the Association of Southeast Asian National Police (ASEANAPOL), etc., and has promoted defense and security cooperation on a global scale, initially and effectively participating in United Nations peacekeeping activities.

Integration in politics, defense and security has made positive impacts on international economic integration as well as integration in other fields. However, the level of integration in these fields remains limited. In terms of bilateral relations, the level of intertwinement of interests between Vietnam and its partners, including strategic and comprehensive ones, remains low; various aspects of these relations remain incommensurate with the cooperation frameworks; there are still gaps between political commitments and actual practice; cooperation in some fields has not yet been deepened; cooperation in security, intelligence and police with some countries remains limited. In multilateral mechanisms, Vietnam has initially participated actively and put forward initiatives but its contribution remains low in comparison to those of other regional countries. In addition, the country has not effectively taken advantage of the integration in these fields as a new approach to ensuring national defense and security in the context of globalization and international integration, and supporting economic integration and integration in other fields.


Integration in culture, labor, social security, health, education and training, and science and technology, etc., has increased deeply and widely in diverse forms and with various methods and partners, and greatly changed in substance. Bilaterally, Vietnam has concluded cooperation agreements and treaties based on some common standards such as agreements on conservation and promotion of cultural-art values; treaties and agreements on labor, natural resources and environment and capacity building for organizations and individuals operating in the fields of health, education, science and technology, etc. Multilaterally, Vietnam has made active contributions to the establishment of the ASEAN Social-Cultural Community, and stepped up integration in all fields of the Community. At the same time, Vietnam has participated deeply and widely in multilateral institutions and forums at regional and global levels, firstly United Nations organizations such as the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO); the World Health Organization (WHO); the International Labor Organization (ILO), etc.

For deep integration in these fields, Vietnam has attached importance to the application of regional and international criteria and standards relevant to Vietnam’s commitments in order to supplement and improve the system of policies, laws and regulations of each sector and field; and at the same time has voluntarily and selectively applied regional and international criteria, standards and norms that are conformable with Vietnam’s socio-economic conditions in developing the national framework of criteria, standards and norms for various sectors and fields; and gradually harmonized Vietnam’s criteria, standards and norms with global ones.

The process of integration in culture, health, education, training, science and technology, etc., has recorded important achievements over the past time; and at the same time, further facilitated and opened up new cooperation opportunities in these fields. Cultural and social integration has helped absorb the values and advances of the global culture and civilization to enrich the national culture and advance social progress and contribute to improving institutions, accessing international standards and practices, developing the labor market and social security system, eradicating hunger and alleviating poverty and fulfilling the millennium goals. Integration in education and training has been increasingly promoted: Vietnam has become a member of many international education organizations; many models of education cooperation with developed countries have been expanded, especially in the forms of joint training programs, establishment of high-quality universities in Vietnam, and application of advanced programs, etc. In general, integration in education, training, health, science and technology has played an important role in developing human resources, especially highly qualified ones, and contributed to building more advanced and modern national science and education and health systems toward narrowing the development gap with the region and the world in these fields.

Over the past time, integration in culture, labor, social security, society, health, education, training, science and technology, etc., has exerted positive impacts on integration in other fields, especially economic integration. However, as compared with economic integration and political, defense and security integration, integration in culture, social affairs, health, education, science and technology, etc., is broader, while voluntary integration activities through proactively applying international criteria and standards or harmonizing Vietnam’s criteria and standards with global ones are numerous; although the level of participation in and implementation of international commitments and standards has increased, this work generally remains limited and uncoordinated; many complicated and sensitive issues have not yet been timely studied and dealt with. Besides, the integration in these fields over the past time has been accelerated according to the development roadmap of each field without concerted efforts, thus failed to tap the combined strength and caused overlap and waste of resources. Compared with other regional countries, international recognition of  the quality of Vietnam’s human resources and training, diplomas, scientific and technological products, and services, remains low; and the number of patents registered for protection abroad and products and services with international brands is modest, etc.

Part II



Peace, cooperation and development remain the prevailing trend in international relations. From now to 2030, the multipolar state will become clearer due to fast changes in the powers of nations. The United States remains a superpower while China continues to develop and has an increasingly important voice in many regional and global issues. India and some countries in other regions continue bettering themselves to become relatively large economies, increasing their influences in their regions and in comparison with other major powers. The process toward a multipolar order may potentially face tensions or conflicts, even among major powers.

Asia-Pacific remains a dynamically developing economic hub and emerges as a new power center in the world. Although peace, stability and development in the region will be basically maintained, competition among major powers and arms modernization race and territorial and maritime disputes will see complicated developments. The regional security-political architecture continues to evolve and take a clearer shape. Becoming a community, ASEAN will further promote regional connectivity and persistently maintain its central role in multilateral mechanisms and moderating relations between major powers. However, ASEAN may face more complicated challenges from within some countries, among countries, and from competition among major powers.

Global and regional economies continue the restructuring process; recover and grow again. The global economy is forecast to grow at an average of 3 percent annually from now to 2050; and double its size by 2037.[3]The global economic growth is boosted by population growth, technological advances, liberalization of trade and the process of urbanization. The correlation of economic strength continues to change. China is likely to overtake the US in the next decade despite growth slowdown forecast; India has the potential to emerge as the second largest economy in the world by 2050 in terms of purchasing power; and Vietnam and Nigeria may become fast-growing economies from now to 2050[4].

Economic competition becomes increasingly complicated. Major powers compete fiercely with one another for rallying forces by pushing forward economic connection initiatives. Some economies in other regions are emerging with many strengths to compete with Asian economies in the future. In the next decade, economies will continue to step up restructuring and change growth strategies and models, accelerating the trend of change in economic and development thinking. New economic modalities are taking shape such as network economy, sharing economy and circulation economy; and global value and supply chains are expanding quickly. The process of reforming global economic administration systems such as the WTO, the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is taking place slowly; while institutional changes remain very modest. In the medium term, the WTO, WB and IMF will remain the key global economic administration pillars.

Globalization continues to forge ahead. The trend of regionalization will take place strongly, with the Asia-Pacific region as a typical example. The trend of combining existing FTAs into a single one to maximize trade benefits will strengthen. From now to 2020, new-generation FTAs, typically TPP, European Union - Vietnam FTA and RCEP will be implemented. The idea of establishing other FTAs such as the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) and the Free Trade Area of Asia and Europe (FTAAE) may be further studied. Other forms of international integration like sub-regional and trans-border integration will take place concurrently. The formation of the ASEAN economic community will make the free flow of capital, workforce and commodities a reality by the end of this decade.

Science and technology development continues to reshape the global economy. Science and technology will develop quickly and remarkably in a number of fields typically information technology; new manufacturing and automatic technologies, for instance additive manufacturing technology (three-dimensional printing technology); solar energy development; SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud); biotechnology; genome sequencing technology; e-commerce; and advanced production systems. Technological change will contribute to increasing productivity while posing challenges to the current business models.

International relations will become increasingly democratic as a result of  changes in the aggregate strengths of countries; multilateral mechanisms, international organizations, international law, communications, press, social networks and the awareness of people all over the world will play an increasingly greater role. Small- and medium-sized countries will have opportunities to participate more actively in international issues, especially at the United Nations and regional organizations, and have increasingly important voices in strategic competition among major powers.

The world from now to 2030 will continue to face many global issues like  climate change, environmental pollution, energy, food, water source and cyber security, epidemics, transnational crime, terrorism and migration. In addition, the world population growth and aging and the rapid and vigorous urbanization process, particularly in developing countries, continue to pose challenges for employment, welfare assurance, development of social security systems, access to healthcare and education, and internal and external migration. The rising middle class in some emerging economies will have a stronger voice in urging their governments to better respond to their new demands.


After 30 years ofDoi moi(renewal), the aggregate strength and international position of Vietnam in the region and world have increased, facilitating the international integration in the next period. However, the nation also faces many great difficulties and challenges.

Although Vietnam has moved from the group of poor and underdeveloped countries and become a middle-income country, macroeconomic stability, increase of growth quality, increase of competitiveness of the economy and improvement of the business environment, narrowing of the development gap among regions and areas within the country and between Vietnam and the region and the world,[5]and avoidance of middle-income trap, etc., remain central issues in the next decade.

Domestic political security and social safety and order are basically maintained and stable; the political system continues to be strengthened; the state ruled by law is further built and improved. However, risks that may cause political and social instability such as pressing problems, violations of law, crime, social disorder and unsafety, terrorism, cyber war, information insecurity and unsafety, etc., continue to rise, especially in the context of globalization and fast development of science and technology, particularly information technology. Territorial security issues, especially the East Sea issue, may become more complicated, even sudden incidents, exerting negative impacts on security and stability and undermining the peaceful and favorable environment for national development.

Vietnam’s process of renewal, open-door policy implementation and international integration over the last three decades has made remarkable achievements, contributing to enhancing the country’s position and strength and laying the foundation for the stage of comprehensive integration. However, the level of integration remains low, mostly in width. The process of deeper international integration faces bigger problems such as the risk of vulnerability to international changes, fiercer competition, which will increase the danger of lagging behind, unless the objectives set forth by the Party are fulfilled.

Part III



1. General objectives

International integration through 2030 aims to contribute strengthening the nation’s aggregate strength; make best use of favorable international conditions to early build the country into a modern-oriented industrial one, and improve the people’s living standards; firmly maintain independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and safeguard the socialist fatherland of Vietnam; and enhance the country’s position and prestige in the world.

2. Specific objectives

- To expand markets and take advantage of capital, technology and administration knowledge; to improve the competitiveness of the economy, businesses and products; to promote development of domestic industries, establishing higher positions in the regional and global production and supply chains; to actively contribute to the process of renewing economic growth model and restructuring the economy; to accelerate the national industrialization and modernization, increase internal strengths, reduce dependency on the outside, and narrow the development gap with ASEAN-6 countries; in terms of level of international integration, to strive to catch up with ASEAN-6 countries by 2020 and ASEAN-4 countries by 2025 and rise to top ASEAN countries in the fields in which Vietnam has strengths and catch-up strategies, such as business environment improvement, etc. In the immediate time, to successfully fulfill the set socio-economic development tasks.

- To consolidate and maintain a peaceful and favorable environment for development; to heighten Vietnam’s position in the international arena and in relations with partners, especially important partners in defense, security and development; to contribute more effectively to safeguarding sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; to firmly maintain political security, social order and safety; to protect the regime, the Party and people; to effectively exploit external resources to incrementally modernize the armed forces and enhance the capacity to ensure national security and defense. By 2030, to strive to become one of the key members that play a leading role in regional defense and security cooperation mechanisms; to enhance the bonds of security and stability between Vietnam and the region.

- To actively contribute to developing Vietnamese people who meet the requirements of the process of industrialization, modernization and international integration. To absorb cultural values of mankind; to conserve, promote and popularize cultural values of Vietnam; to heighten the image of Vietnam and its people so that by 2030 the image of Vietnam will become popular worldwide and Vietnam’s culture will make new contributions that are recognized in the global cultural life; to take full advantage of international resources to successfully achieve the strategic goals on labor, social welfare and security, education, training, health, and science and technology; to attach importance to improving human resources and capacity for science and technology; to generate jobs, and guarantee rights of workers and vulnerable groups; to advance social equity, ensure social welfare and security and improve people’s material and spiritual lives.


To thoroughly grasp and creatively apply the guiding viewpoints laid down in Politburo Resolution No. 22 on international integration, the elaboration and implementation of the Overall Strategy for international integration through 2030 should adhere to the following viewpoints:

1. Proactive and active international integration is a major strategic guideline in implementing socio-economic development strategies and sectoral development strategies. To incorporate the orientations set out in the international integration strategy into socio-economic development strategies and sectoral development strategies. To make effective use of international integration, contributing to successfully building and safeguarding the socialist fatherland of Vietnam.

2. To strengthen the Party leadership and state management in the implementation of the integration strategy. To promote democracy and create conditions for all organizations and individuals to proactively and creatively participate in the integration process; to effectively tap potentials of the whole society and people of all strata, including Vietnamese living and working abroad.

3. The orientations of the international integration strategy shall be carried out along with the development of internal resources aiming to maximize internal resources; to close combine and accelerate the process of increasing the aggregate strength and competitiveness of the country and the capacity of sectors and businesses, the process of increasing the connectivity between areas, parts and regions in the country, and the process of renewal, especially renewal of the economic growth model and restructuring of the economy; to step up renewal in all areas in order to raise the effectiveness of international integration.

4. To synchronously implement the strategy for international integration in all fields toward deepening the integration process and contributing more effectively to building and defending the Fatherland. To regard economic integration as the central point; to focus on improving the investment and business environment and institutional system; to place importance on effective exploitation of the signed commitments. To boost integration in politics, defense, security and in other fields with a view to facilitating economic integration. To increase combination of economic integration and integration in politics, defense and security and other fields.

5. International integration is the process of both cooperation and struggle; persistent pursuit of the interests of the country and people; preservation and promotion of the identity of the national culture and political regime; and non-participation in certain forces or alliances against others.

6. To persistently follow the guideline of “independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralization of international relations”; accelerated international integration must go along with enhancing independence and self-reliance; increase inter-dependence between Vietnam and partners, particularly partners that are important for the development and defense of the Fatherland; avoid dependence in any field or circumstance.

Part IV



By 2030, Vietnam’s level of international economic integration will equal the average of ASEAN-4 countries; to step up international integration along with the process of increasing connectivity among sectors, areas and regions in the country; to focus on effectively implementing signed agreements, especially new-generation FTAs. Accordingly, the following groups of orientations should be implemented synchronously:

1. To intensify institutional improvement and administrative reform; to further implement the Resolution of the 4thplenum of the XthParty Central Committee on “Major guidelines and policies for fast and sustainable development following Vietnam’s accession to the World Trade Organization” in the new situation along with the implementation of socio-economic development tasks under the Resolutions of the XIthand XIIthNational Party Congresses.

-  To review, systematize, amend, supplement, replace or promulgate legal documents so as to complete the legal system and economic institutions in conformity with international commitments; to expeditiously and comprehensively form elements of the socialist-oriented market economy; to ensure the economy’s operation under market rules. To synchronously develop and smoothly and effectively operate different types of markets, including goods and service market, financial market, real estate market, labor market, science and technology market, so as to support effective international economic integration.

- To speed up administrative reform and enhance effectiveness and effect of the state apparatus. To simplify administrative procedures and the process to settle administrative formalities, review and quickly abolish administrative procedures that are no longer appropriate; to forge ahead the building of the models of e-government and public administration service center so as to build an open, transparent and stable investment environment; to intensify decentralization in association with increase of responsibility, inspection and supervision; to accelerate the decision making process of state agencies; to make public and transparent all policies, management mechanisms, and working processes, fight harassment and create favorable conditions for businesses and people to supervise the implementation.

- To raise competitiveness of the country, businesses and products; to strive to build national trademarks and brands that are globally prestigious; to mobilize and use more effectively all resources to speed up the development of transport, energy and communication infrastructure; to sustainably develop urban areas; to develop and effectively employ human resources; to increase competitiveness of businesses, including state-owned, private and foreign-invested businesses. To apply international supervision standards in these fields; to develop and implement a roadmap to catch up the average level of ASEAN-6 and ASEAN-4 countries in terms of these standards.

- To properly settle environmental issues in the process of socio-economic development; to complete and increase effect of the legal system on natural resources and environment; to continue to apply international regulations on environmental standards suitable to Vietnam’s conditions; to boost socialization of environmental protection work, increase public information on the law on natural resources and environment.

2. To constantly improve the environment to attract foreign investment, associate attraction with supervision of the implementation process and ensure economic security and economic- social-environmental effectiveness. To accelerate the process of restructuring public investment and encourage private investment and public-private partnership activities. To use investment capital more effectively; to strictly manage  public debts, including foreign debts.

- To increase economic-social-environmental effectiveness of foreign investment, especially in the process of speeding up economic restructuring in association with change of growth model and increase of effectiveness and competitiveness; to develop supporting industries and heighten Vietnam’s  position in the global production network and value chain.

- To formulate and implement a strategy for foreign investment attraction up to 2030, placing importance on high-quality FDI; to synchronously deploy  measures to lure transnational corporations to invest in Vietnam; to review and perfect regulatory and supervisory systems according to international administration standards so as to ensure the interests of investors, especially minority investors.

- To increase attractiveness of the investment and business environment to the average level of ASEAN-6 countries. To further simplify and minimize procedures for business start-up; to increase effect of the protection of the rights and interests of investors; to quickly push the application of information technology to management and administration activities in localities in order to create a transparent and open business environment, etc. To strive to catch up with and surpass ASEAN-4 countries in terms of some business environment indicators.

- To implement plans on public investment restructuring; to increase the guiding role of public investment in socio-economic development investment together with promoting and facilitating private investment. To complete legal grounds for private investment to truly become the main resource for development investment.

- To use investment capital more effectively, apply the set of indicators and methods for assessing investment capital efficiency according to international standards; to work out a roadmap for raising investment capital efficiency to narrow the gap with and surpass the average level of ASEAN-4 countries. To strictly manage public debts, especially new loans, to be within the permitted  limit and maintain national financial safety.

- To create a fair competition environment, allocate natural resources reasonably and to entities that can make full use of such resources. During 2016-30, home-made goods will hold major shares of the domestic market and concurrently increase foreign market shares, especially industries, goods and services with high added value, and move upward in regional and global supply value chains.

3. To increase the degree of connectivity among provinces, areas and regions; to draw un the strengths of each locality; to encourage and facilitate proactive and active international integration of localities. To raise the degree of connectivity among commodity lines.

- To ensure the making and implementation of development strategies, master plans and plans of provinces, areas and regions; particularly to develop national infrastructure and urban areas in conformity with the general strategy and toward increased connectivity with neighboring localities and major centers of areas and regions.

- To create mechanisms and policies for localities to draw on their relative strengths over other localities inside and outside the country, even in the attraction of domestic and overseas resources.

- To guide, encourage and create conditions for localities to proactively and actively integrate in the world so as to achieve their socio-economic development objectives; to boost cross-border integration between border areas and regions and neighboring countries.

- To step up association among commodity lines so as to heighten Vietnam’s position in each specific commodity line, for example connection in farm products; to support businesses in joining in sectoral clusters; to complete the organization and operation mechanism of commodity line associations, promoting their role as a bridge between businesses and state management agencies; to support businesses in market expansion, information and human resource training; to represent and support businesses in commercial disputes.

4. To effectively realize international economic commitments. To elaborate and implement a strategy for participating in free trade areas with important economic and trade partners under an overall plan with a reasonable roadmap suitable to the interests and capacity of Vietnam. To proactively and actively participate in making common rules.

- To speed up the incorporation of international commitments into national law; to follow the implementation roadmap and fully implement committed contents at committed levels on the basis of maximizing interests of the country, people, organizations and individuals.

- To increase effectiveness of the process of realizing commitments that have been incorporated into domestic laws, attaching importance to the steps of information provision, reaching consensus, implementation guidance, and examination and supervision of implementation.

- To boost and improve the effectiveness of economic cooperation with partners, first of all partners that are important to national security and development; to increase the degree of inter-dependence; to properly follow the principle of diversification and multilateralization in economic ties.

- To promote the multilateral trade system within the framework of FTAs. To continue to realize all WTO accession commitments and actively join the WTO’s Doha round and subsequent rounds;

- To conclude and implement FTAs in the direction of making best use of opportunities and benefits, and proactively taking measures to limit unfavorable impacts, especially TPP, RCEP, and FTAs with Japan, the Republic of Korea, European Union, and Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

- To increase economic integration within the ASEAN framework; to review, assess and take measures to increase the compatibility of Vietnamese law with the participation in the ASEAN Community; to enhance the central role of ASEAN in the process of regional economic integration that complements and supports multilateral and bilateral frameworks so as to ensure to the utmost the interests of the economy; to raise businesses’ understanding and awareness about opportunities and grasping opportunities brought about by the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and coping with challenges.

- To proactively, actively and more effectively participate in and contribute more to cooperation mechanisms within APEC and ASEM, and cooperation mechanisms of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), the Summit of Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) and Mekong River Commission; to proactively study and come up with appropriate policies on newly formed regional connectivity initiatives.

- To review signed FTAs to assess the effectiveness of integration; to elaborate and implement strategies for FTA negotiation with new partners, taking into account two-way trade, potential markets for Vietnam’s exports, capital capacity, scientific and technological potential, stable political relations and other suitable criteria. From now to 2020, to conduct feasibility study for negotiations on formation of free trade areas with potential partners in different regions.

- In parallel with raising the effectiveness of international integration through 2030, to study and select focal regions and markets for cooperation and development promotion; to reduce dependence on some markets with many risks and disputes; to draw up a roadmap for joining economic organizations and alliances in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America as the basis for entering more deeply into potential markets in these regions, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), the Common Market of the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR), and the Pacific Alliance (PA).

- To proactively and actively participate in modifying and formulating regulations and rules at organizations and forums to which Vietnam is a member, first of all the WTO.

5. To protect legitimate interests of the Vietnamese State, businesses and customers in international economic, trade and investment disputes.

- To develop and apply trade safeguards so as to protect lawful rights and interests of domestic businesses; to take full advantage of international rules on geographical indications, origin, copyright and trademark registration to protect Vietnamese businesses and products; to ensure that the formulation and implementation of strategies for joining cooperation organizations and mechanisms must suit the capacity and practical conditions of businesses.

- To improve the organization and operation mechanisms and build capacity of agencies in charge of competition management, anti-subsidy and anti-dumping, and the focal agency for settlement of international trade disputes.

- To regularly review and assess international commitments on investment and policies applicable to foreign investors and propose measures to prevent, limit and reduce international disputes.

- To reform the civil duty and civil servant regime in the context of international integration, contributing to developing human resources for international economic integration activities; to prioritize training of trade negotiators; to train lawyers knowledgeable about international law, proficient in foreign languages, and qualified to participate in international proceedings; to train consultants, accountants, auditors and business administrators of international levels.

- To promote the role of Vietnam’s overseas diplomatic missions, trade offices and trade promotion centers in supporting the protection of the rights and interests of Vietnamese businesses in trade disputes; providing information on new technical barriers of countries against Vietnam’s exports, especially advantaged goods.

6. To carry out integration activities in the financial-monetary field in conformity with requirements and development level of the country, contributing to mobilizing financial resources and strengthening the domestic financial- monetary system to be resistant to external impacts.

- To proactively and actively carry out international economic integration in the banking field according to a roadmap and steps suitable to the capacity of Vietnam’s banking system, focusing on increasing competitiveness of credit institutions and management and control capacity of the State Bank of Vietnam; to create favorable conditions for domestic credit institutions to expand activities overseas through bilateral and multilateral cooperation exchange;

- To further exploit and effectively use resources in the forms of financial and technical assistance, policy counseling, training support and capacity building from bilateral and multilateral partners so as to raise the quality of human resources, develop technical and technological infrastructure of the finance-banking sector.

- To continue to create and strengthen bilateral dialogue mechanisms in the finance-banking sector with strategic and other important partners; to proactively and actively participate in activities to increase Vietnam’s voice and position in regional and global economic, financial and monetary institutions such as the IMF, WB, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO); regional and international monetary, banking, securities and insurance forums within ASEAN, ASEAN+3 and APEC; to proactively grasp opportunities and join new financial institutions conformable to our interests.

- To promote the application of new standards on financial-banking supervision; to proactively join mechanisms to make international financial rules and standards, especially the Bank for International Settlements (BIS); to study the participation in macro-economic warning mechanisms, financial-monetary cooperation and policy coordination forums, and capital market development cooperation mechanisms; to focus on implementing concluded integration commitments on taxes, financial services and other related fields; to further expand  integration in prioritized financial areas and incrementally apply common standards and international practices.


1. To intensify and deepen relations with partners, especially those of strategic importance to national development and security; to bring substance to established relation frameworks, creating intertwinement and bonds of interests between our country and its partners

- To increase the degree of intertwinement of interests between our country and its partners, first of all strategic and comprehensive partners, and raise inter-dependence in all aspects, even in national defense and security.

- To regularly review the operation of cooperation mechanisms; to enhance effectiveness of existing cooperation mechanisms between the country and its partners in boosting relations and preventing and settling arising issues. To establish new cooperation mechanisms to meet the development requirements of the relations. To strive for a mechanism strong enough to settle arising issues, especially in national defense and security, by 2030.

- To establish and enhance trust between our country and partners, first of all neighboring countries and major powers. To increase policy and strategy dialogue mechanisms; to increase information exchange; to proactively publicize policies and implementation mechanisms to avoid misunderstanding. To fully realize commitments with partners.

- To diversify types of strategic and comprehensive partnerships. To regularly review relations between Vietnam and partners. To upgrade relations  with potential partners or partners holding key positions and roles in different regions to strategic or comprehensive partnerships.

-  To effectively take advantage of relations with all partners, first of all strategic partners and comprehensive partners, for developing and defending the socialist Fatherland.

2. To intensify and enhance multilateral external relations; to proactively and actively participate in multilateral institutions, contributing to shaping rules, building a fair and democratic political and economic order, preventing wars and conflicts, consolidating peace and stepping up win-win cooperation

- To formulate and implement a strategy for joining multilateral institutions up to 2030, and a strategy for promoting and enhancing effectiveness of multilateral diplomacy up to 2030. To bring into play Vietnam’s role at organizations, forums and cooperation mechanisms to which Vietnam is a member. To proactively and actively participate in making rules and regulations and shaping new cooperation mechanisms.

- To actively and proactively make use of ASEAN-led regional forums and mechanisms to create favorable conditions for partners to participate in and contribute to maintaining peace, stability, security and safety of navigation and aviation in the East Sea; to promote the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and formulation of a Code of Conduct (COC) of Parties in the East Sea; to administer measures of trust building and preventive diplomacy in the region.

- To attach special importance to building the ASEAN Community and implementing the ASEAN 2025 Community Vision; to bring into play the role of Vietnam in making rules and regulations within the ASEAN and ASEAN-led mechanisms and forums to enhance solidarity, raise intra-ASEAN connectivity, strengthen cooperation with dialogue partners of ASEAN, and advance the trend of peace, cooperation and development in the region. To raise effectiveness of  ASEAN-led regional cooperation mechanisms, especially EAS, ADMM+ and ARF.

- To fully realize commitments with international institutions; to formulate and implement plans on running for election to multilateral mechanisms within the United Nations framework up to 2030; to selectively join multilateral mechanisms specialized in dealing with global security and development issues.

- To proactively promote the conclusion of treaties and international agreements; to join international organizations having international dispute settlement institutions; to take the initiative in formulating model international cooperation conventions and agreements in various fields to raise Vietnam’s proactiveness in the conclusion of and accession to related treaties and international agreements.

- To implement the plan on sending of Vietnamese to work at international organizations. To proactively prepare candidates for election to leading bodies of international organizations, firstly agencies of the United Nations. By 2030, to strive for having Vietnamese to work at many agencies and positions of international organizations.

3. To implement the strategies on defense and security integration in line with the new thinking on the protection of the Fatherland and assurance of national security, effectively exploiting external resources and Vietnam’s international position for the purpose of firmly protecting the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam and concurrently facilitating international economic integration and integration in other fields

- To intensify bilateral defense and security cooperation activities with neighboring countries, ASEAN, major powers and traditional friends; to gradually deepen these cooperation activities in an effective manner.

- To promote defense and security cooperation with bordering countries; to incrementally increase the degree of intertwinement of interests in defense and security toward enhancing awareness and cooperation on issues of mutual concern and interest; to step up exchanges and cooperation between military zones in border areas, naval forces, border guard and marine police with their counterparts of countries that share land borders with and have sea areas adjacent to Vietnam. On that basis, to expand joint patrol mechanisms, set up hotlines, and organize joint exercises to prevent conflicts and increase the capacity to cope with emerging challenges in the region.

- To strengthen and vigorously reform contents and methods of defense and security cooperation with Laos and Cambodia; to increase the level of interdependence in defense and security; to continually increase effectiveness of strategic and defense and security policy dialogues, exchange of experience in organization and building of armed forces and in military arts; to effectively implement agreements on defense and security cooperation; to satisfy to the utmost requirements on training, retraining and capacity building for Lao and Cambodian defense and security personnel.

- To work out and implement a roadmap for intensifying and upgrading defense and security relations with other partners, firstly strategic partners and comprehensive partners to meet the requirements of national security protection and facilitate international economic integration and integration in other fields. To seriously and consistently implement defense and security cooperation agreements and programs with major powers including Russia, the United States, India, Japan and other potential partners such as Australia and Israel. To gradually expand defense and security cooperation contents and increase field activities, including also joint patrol and joint exercises within the ASEAN framework, moving to participation in joint military exercises between ASEAN and other partners.

4. To proactively prevent, detect, fight and frustrate all plots and actions of hostile forces taking advantage of international integration to infringe upon national security and order

- To build capacity of researching, monitoring and evaluating the situation and early detecting and making plans to cope with plots and actions of hostile forces taking advantage of international integration to infringe upon national security.

- To regularly improve and strictly implement regulations on secrecy protection; to take measures to cope with new forms and tricks of sabotage that hostile forces may use to undermine Vietnam’s process of deeper and wider integration into the region and the world.

- To build capacity for specialized agencies, raise effectiveness of inter-sectoral cooperation mechanisms to early detect and effectively cope with plots and tricks of external and internal hostile forces.

- To effectively take advantage of international rules and regulations and international cooperation mechanisms to protect national security. To step up cooperation relations with security, intelligence and police agencies of other countries, first of all neighboring countries and major powers; to proactively and actively participate in cooperation mechanisms to combat transnational crimes and cope with cyber security, marine security and other non-traditional security challenges.

5. To proactively and actively participate in multilateral defense and security mechanisms to which Vietnam is a contracting party, first of all mechanisms within the ASEAN framework and ASEAN-led mechanisms

- To proactively and actively promote defense and security cooperation activities within the ADMM and ADMM+ frameworks; to upgrade other defense and security cooperation forums and conferences; to intensify information exchange and put forward coordination initiatives at other conferences such as the ASEAN Chiefs of Army Multilateral Meeting (ACAMM), theASEAN Navy Chief Meeting (ANCM), and theASEAN Air Chiefs Conference (AACC); to further attach importance to investment in and increase capacity building for air forces, proceeding to the implementation of the plan on use of air forces in joint patrol activities in the East Sea and in search, rescue and disaster relief activities in the region; to participate in joint military exercises within the ASEAN framework, moving to participate in joint military exercises between ASEAN and other partners; to study and propose participation in peace keeping and regional security activities, giving priority to less sensitive areas.

- To proactively and actively participate in multilateral cooperation mechanisms on prevention and control of transnational crime and dealing with non-traditional security challenges; to bring into play Vietnam’s role and responsibility in multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as theASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Prevention and Control of Transnational Crime, theAssociation of Southeast Asian National Police, the International Criminal Police Organization, theASEANRegional Forum on Prevention and Control of Transnational Crime, and the ASEAN Chiefs of Police Conference.

- To promote the implementation of ASEAN’s initiatives, programs and projects; to further incorporate programs, activities and prioritized fields under the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint, and post-2015 ASEAN’s political and security documents into national development programs and plans such as promotion and protection of human rights, non-traditional maritime security, and search and rescue of people and ships in distress at sea.

6. To make and implement a plan for participation in other multilateral mechanisms, including higher-level cooperation activities such as peacekeeping activities of the United Nations, combat of weapons of mass destruction, joint exercises and other activities, meeting the requirements of protection of the Fatherland and contributing to deepening relations with partners in a stable and sustainable manner

- To make and implement plans for participation in other multilateral defense and security mechanisms. To make active contributions to the process of shaping a security architecture in East Asia and Asia Pacific.

- To make and implement a plan for participation in peacekeeping activities of the United Nations up to 2030 in the direction of gradually expanding fields, scope and extent of participation, setting specific targets in each period and effectively taking advantage of positive impacts from the participation to serve the task of ensuring defense and security and elevating the country’s position in the region and the world.

- To make and implement a plan for participation in field multilateral defense and security cooperation activities such as salvage and rescue, joint patrol, joint exercise; by 2030, to participate in all activities joined by other ASEAN countries.


1. To incorporate international integration activities into the process of formulating and implementing development strategies for culture, labor, society, health, education and training, science and technology and other fields

- To attach importance to all stages of international integration from planning to implementation of strategies and plans; to apply uniformly regional and international criteria and standards in all fields, first of all education and training, health, labor, social security, society, science and technology, measurement, quality, and intellectual property, etc.

- To apply regional and international common assessment approaches and standards and criteria to the formulation and implementation of development strategies in social fields. To apply regional and international standards (for instance, of the ASEAN Social-Cultural Community and the ILO, respectively) to the formulation of national labor, employment and social security development policies and programs; to further regard the ASEAN Social-Cultural Community Blueprint, and post-2015 ASEAN social-cultural documents as the reference set in developing programs, policies and strategies at national, ministerial and sectoral levels; to incorporate objectives, viewpoints, actions and implementation measures into these programs, projects, policies and strategies.

- To actively participate in education quality accreditation activities in accordance with the set of standards of the ASEAN University Network (AUN); the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) and the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE); to regularly participate in the international assessments of general education quality.

- To increase the rate of harmonization of the system of national standards (TCVN) and national technical regulations with regional and international standards through the participation in and cooperation with international standard, measurement and quality organizations such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML); to review the system of national standards and national technical regulations, the conformity assessment process and current legal documents for improvement, amendment, supplementation or promulgation to conform with the national legal system, treaties and international agreements on standards, measurement and quality that Vietnam has signed; to improve the infrastructure system in these fields, laying the foundation for Vietnam’s trade facilitation process and participation in the international market.

- To develop and apply quality control standards appropriate to hospitals in Vietnam, step by step applying regional and international standards in medical examination and treatment and pharmaceutical production. To complete the system of internationally comparable health statistical indicators and effectively fulfill international commitments in the health field. To ensure that medicine manufacturers satisfy WHO standards on good manufacture practice (GMP); medicine testing establishments satisfy WHO standards on good laboratory practice (GLP); and large medicine importers and distributors meet good storage practice (GSP) standards.

2. To promote bilateral cooperation in culture, labor, society, health, education and training, science and technology and other fields

- To increase bilateral cooperation through negotiation and conclusion of international agreements as a basis for implementing cultural exchange activities and cooperation among cultural institutions; to proactively raise funds for the implementation of strategic objectives and tasks in social and labor fields in the 2016-2020 period, and up to 2030; and increase international cooperation to gain more resources and experience in the development and implementation of social security policies.

- To make and implement plans on science and technology cooperation between Vietnam and countries that have strengths in science and technology and  are strategic partners of Vietnam; to attract foreign experts and scientists and overseas Vietnamese to participate in scientific and technological research and human resources training programs and projects;  to implement bilateral and multilateral cooperation programs on scientific and technological research and the program on foreign technology search and transfer; to conclude and implement bilateral cooperation memos and agreements on intellectual property and atomic energy, the programs on support for business startup and development of science and technology businesses, and technology innovation and commercialization, etc., with key partners like the US, China, Japan, France and the Republic of Korea.

- To intensify joint training with accredited foreign education institutions in order to acquire curricula, textbooks and teaching and learning methods; to facilitate education cooperation and exchanges through negotiating and signing agreements on recognition of diplomas, credit conversion and recognitions of occupational skills between Vietnam and other countries, particularly the mutual recognition of skills and qualifications through developing and applying criteria in the national qualifications framework and the foreign language proficiency framework corresponding to the ASEAN qualifications reference framework and the Common European Framework of Reference.

- To boost professional, technical and high-quality training cooperation, experts exchange, technology transfer, specialized health research and development through signing bilateral cooperation agreements with key partners; to increase joint ventures and cooperation with foreign countries in the manufacture of medicines, vaccines and hi-tech medical equipment; and develop information networks with a number of countries and health-related international organizations to access, exchange, transfer and apply global medical advances.

- To regularly improve bilateral agreements on mutual legal assistance with countries and territories; and intensify international cooperation in legal aid for and protection of Vietnamese citizens overseas.

3. To promote multilateral cooperation in culture, labor, society, education and training, science and technology and other fields, firstly building the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community focusing on development of human resources, especially highly qualified human resources

- To proactively and actively build the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, contributing to increasing the relevance, effectiveness, sustainability and influence of the community.

- To promote cultural integration at global level, prioritizing participation in activities and projects within the UNESCO framework; to participate in a number of related organizations within the United Nations framework, prioritizing cooperation with ILO and focusing on labor and employment; to raise and promote the role of Vietnam in multilateral social security institutions of which Vietnam is a member, such as ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA), Asian Workers’ Compensation Forum (AWCF), and International Social Security Association (ISSA), etc.

- To increase international integration in education and training within the frameworks of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers of Education (ASEMME);

- To actively and effectively participate in multilateral cooperation activities in science and technology in ASEAN, the cooperation mechanism of APEC’s Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI), ESCAP, ASEM, etc.; to participate in conventions and agreements on mutual recognition of quality, measurement and standardization within the ASEAN, APEC and ASEM frameworks and activities of international standardization organizations of which Vietnam is a member, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and​​the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CODEX); to cooperate with national accreditation organizations of ASEAN countries in participating in regional and international assessment programs in order to enhance the capacity of Vietnam’s accreditation system.

- To review and assess the results of the ASEAN program of action for intellectual property during 2011-2015; to build the ASEAN program of action for intellectual property during 2016-2020 and subsequent years.

- To proactively and actively participate in global institutions for health governance, health security and humanitarian assistance; to develop and implement a strategy on support and introduction of Vietnamese to work at  international and regional health organizations; to contribute to developing international health strategies and policies at international health forums and organizations of which Vietnam is a member.

- To make and implement plans on participation in multilateral international institutions and treaties on justice and international dispute settlement institutions.

4. To make use of international cooperation and assistance and acquire knowledge, especially knowledge on management and science and technology

- To utilize financial, technical and human resources from countries, international organizations, international non-governmental organizations and other partners in order to develop and implement policies, national programs, and projects in the fields of culture, society, health, education and training, and science and technology, etc.

- To promote the commercialization of Vietnam’s scientific research and technological development outcomes through science and technology exhibitions and forums; to promote the establishment of an ASEAN+3 technology transfer center and a center for APEC technology transfer in Vietnam.

- To utilize foreign scientific and technological resources to boost the renovation of technology, especially high technology, in order to raise the competitiveness of some national products; to create mechanisms to encourage international organizations, foreigners and overseas Vietnamese to participate in technology training, research, application and transfer at domestic education and training institutions; to send Vietnamese experts and lecturers overseas for teaching and scientific research; to encourage foreign organizations and individuals, international organizations and overseas Vietnamese to invest in and finance scientific research and science application, technology transfer and building of educational, training and vocational institutions in Vietnam; to form excellent scientific research centers on the basis of long-term cooperation between Vietnamese and foreign scientific research institutions.

5. To promote the image of the country and people of Vietnam among international friends; to proactively and actively introduce Vietnamese cultural, art and sports activities, participate in and increase the quality and achievements in regional and international cultural, art and sports activities

- To make and implement a plan for promotion of the image of the country and people of Vietnam up to 2030, attaching importance to building some Vietnamese cultural centers in key regions around the world and increasing Vietnam’s presence in major international cultural and arts events.

- To organize external information activities to promote Vietnam’s foreign policies so as to mobilize support and facilitation from countries, organizations and individuals for Vietnam in the process of achieving national development targets and protection of independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

- To implement programs and plans to improve the quality of and achievements in cultural, arts and sports activities, etc., prioritizing fields and games with comparative advantages; to step up international integration in these fields.

6. To fulfill commitments and contribute to the modification, improvement and formulation of standards and initiatives of international organizations of which Vietnam is a member, especially organizations within the United Nations system

- To draw up a plan for effective implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.

- To fully incorporate into domestic law commitments to ILO conventions which Vietnam has ratified; to draw up and implement plans for participation in some other ILO conventions in line with the integration process; to actively participate in the formulation and modification of international labor standards; to effectively implement conventions on rights of specific groups, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD); to study and approve the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.

- To properly tackle social issues arising from the implementation of international commitments; to formulate and effectively operate the social security system for different population groups; to renew labor policies in order to facilitate labor movement among economic sectors, localities, trades and occupations, and businesses under the market mechanism, to develop the labor market; to improve laws and policies on labor relations; to push up hunger eradication, poverty reduction and prevention of relapse into property; to study and develop mechanisms and policies to enable the poor to step by step participate in and benefit from the integration process.

- To implement international commitments on intellectual property in signed FTAs; to study the participation in some intellectual property-related treaties, such as the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs; to participate in the Protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement of WTO.

- To continue the effective implementation of health commitments made under agreements in health-related multilateral mechanisms, such as ASEAN, ASEAN+3, WHO, the International Health Partnership (IHP), the United Nations, and some related organizations.

7. To actively participate in environmental cooperation institutions, making contributions to common efforts in managing and sustainably using resources and the environment; to prevent and control natural disasters, respond to climate change, protect the environment, forests, water sources, fauna and flora in the country and the world

- To further expand bilateral and multilateral cooperation in response to climate change and in the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); to cooperate in the prevention and control of environmental pollution and trans-border pollution, conservation of nature and biodiversity; to exploit, use and sustainably develop transnational water resources;

- To promote international integration activities in the field of natural resources and environment within the frameworks of ASEAN, ASEAN and partners, ASEM and APEC, etc.; to cooperate within the frameworks of the International Mekong River Commission and the Greater Mekong Sub-region’s cooperation program on water sources management, exploitation and protection.

- To organize the effective implementation of treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party; international cooperation agreements and memos signed with partners in the fields of natural resources and environment; to cooperate in the formulation of new international cooperation agreements and conventions on natural resources and environment.

- To increase cooperation with international organizations such as UNDP, ADB and WB, environmental funds including the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Global Climate Forum (GCF), and governmental and non-governmental organizations in order to make best use of funding for projects on natural resources, environment, response to climate change, and protection of natural resources, water resources and other resources.

- To increase participation in policy dialogue forums, particularly focusing on exploitation and sustainable use of water and forest resources, environmental protection and response to climate change; to actively and creatively put forward initiatives on international cooperation in natural resources and environment.

- To attach importance to environmental issues in the negotiation and conclusion of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements; to push up the implementation of commitments on environment, especially those related to environmental services within the WTO framework and TPP Agreement.

- To review and supplement the legal system, policies and mechanisms in accordance with international law and agreements and treaties on climate change to which Vietnam is a contracting party; to study and draft a Law on Climate Change in conformity with national conditions and international law; to increase external information on climate change.

- To incorporate the tasks of response to climate change and environmental protection into socio-economic development strategies, master plans and plans; to regard reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a target in socio-economic development strategies and activities toward building and developing a low-carbon economy resilient to and reducing climate change impacts.

8. To increase, and raise the effectiveness of, ideological, cultural and public information work; to effectively mitigate negative impacts on society, culture, ideology, morals and lifestyle

- To promote public information on international integration to raise public awareness about the Party’s major guidelines and policies on economic development and international integration.

- To work out an overall plan on public information activities; to increase coordination among agencies within the integration management apparatus and localities in information provision and sharing; to increase and diversify methods of information provision.

- To provide practical, updated and diversified information promptly reflecting the situation of integration in the country and the world and meeting the needs of each target group; to carry out public information activities in line with the Party’s and Government’s orientations, strategies, programs of action related to integration in different fields; to focus on information about international economic integration such as commitments, responsibilities, obligations and rights of Vietnam when joining free trade areas, and information on international law concerning international integration.

- To organize external information activities in a more professional and practical manner with more diversified and timely contents and more flexible methods, and targeting at more subjects and areas, effectively promoting the image of the country, culture, history and people of Vietnam; to prevent acts of abusing mass information to adversely affect production and business or cause damage to businesses, the economy and socio-political stability.

Part V



1. Stage 1 (2015-2020): To synchronously implement the orientations, formulate and implement strategies and plans according to the orientations for each field.

2. Stage 2: To evaluate the results of implementation in the 2015-2020 period by the end of 2020, and propose adjustments and supplements to the objectives, viewpoints, solutions and orientations for international integration in the 2021-2025 and 2026-2030 periods.


1. The National Steering Committee for International Integration shall:

- Assist the Government and the Prime Minister in directing and urging ministries and ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees to synchronously implement the Strategy’s orientations and deal with important and inter-sectoral issues during the strategy implementation.

- Assist the Government and the Prime Minister in working out major orientations, strategies and solutions; propose focal and key tasks of international integration that need due attention in each stage of the Strategy implementation.

- Summarize and periodically report on the Strategy implementation to the Political Bureau, the Party Secretariat, the Government and the Prime Minister.

2. Inter-sectoral Steering Committees for International Integration shall:

- Assist heads of related ministries and sectors in directing and urging their relevant agencies to implement the Strategy; assist in the formulation of local master plans and schemes on international integration; supervise and evaluate the implementation of the Strategy’s objectives and tasks and deal with important and inter-sectoral issues during the Strategy implementation.

- Assist heads of ministries and sectors in synchronously implementing the Strategy’s orientations; work out major orientations and solutions; propose focal and key tasks of international integration that need due attention in each stage of the Strategy implementation.

- Summarize and periodically report on the Strategy implementation to the Government, the Prime Minister and the National Steering Committee for International Integration.

3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies:

- The Government Office shall include the implementation and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy into the Government’s regular work agenda.

- Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies shall implement the Strategy according to their functions, tasks and powers, concretize the Strategy into plans and schemes in the sectors and fields under their management; annually report on the results of the Strategy implementation to the inter-sectoral steering committees for summarization and submission to the National Steering Committee for International Integration.

4. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall thoroughly study and popularize the Strategy’s spirit to local units and businesses; based on the Strategy, formulate master plans, schemes and action programs on international integration under their management; incorporate the Strategy’s objectives, viewpoints and orientations in their local master plans, programs and schemes on international integration; incorporate and concretize the Strategy into local socio-economic development plans with objectives and solutions closely following the Strategy; and periodically report on the Strategy implementation to the Government, the Prime Minister and the National Steering Committee for International Integration.-

Prime Minister

[1]Công Báo Nos 91-92 (21/01/2016)

[2]By 2015, in terms of number of FTAs, Vietnam ranked the 5thout of 10 ASEAN members: Singapore (33 FTAs), Thailand (22), Malaysia (21), Indonesia (17), Vietnam (15, which have been acceded to, concluded or under negotiation), Brunei (13); Laos, Myanmar and the Philippines (11); Cambodia (9). Source:

[3]PwC (February 2015),World in 2050, at

[4]As above

[5]According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), in terms of 2014 gross domestic products, Vietnam is ranked 6thout of 10 ASEAN economies and 55thout of 194 world economies

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