Decision No. 24/QD-TTg dated January 06, 2010 of the Prime Minister approval of adjusting general planning of HCM City construction to 2025

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Decision No. 24/QD-TTg dated January 06, 2010 of the Prime Minister approval of adjusting general planning of HCM City construction to 2025
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:24/QD-TTgSigner:Hoang Trung Hai
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:06/01/2010Effect status:

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Fields:Administrative border , Construction , Policy
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 24/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 06, 2010






Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the November 26, 2003 Law on Construction;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 08/2005/ND-CP, of January 24, 2005, on construction planning;

At the proposals in report No. 903/TTr-UBND of March 09, 2009 of the HoChiMinh city People Committee and in report No. 76/TTr-BXD of August 20, 2009 of the Construction Ministry.


Article 1.Approving adjusting general planning of HoChiMinh city construction to 2025 with the following essential contents:

1. Scope of research and adjustment of planning:

- Scope of research includes 8 provinces, cities in the Hochiminh city area with area 30,404 km2.

- Scope, boundary of adjustment of planning includes whole administrative boundary of Hochiminh city with area 2,095m2.

2. Quality, target and point of developing:

a) Quality:

Being special urban, big centre on economy, culture, education, training, technology science, has important political position of whole country; international exchange hub; centre of industry, service on multi-fields of region and Southeast Asia.

b) Point:

- Promote the city’s special role in relationship with Hochiminh city region, the South main-point economical region, with whole country and international;

- Develop harmoniously, synchronously between new construction and urban embellishment improvement; between development of urban space and system of technical infrastructure, social infrastructure, environmental protection;

- Develop city which is modern, has cachet; promote particular strong point of waterways, simultaneous create attractive power of urban; raise life quality of inhabitants.

c) Target of development:

To construct Hochiminh city in harmonious and sustainable development between economic development and preserve culture history vestige and environmental protection, assure security, national defence, under way of uniting regions to become a city which is civilized, modern, contribute for development bigger of the south area and whole country; gradually become a centre of industry, service, technology science in region and Southeast Asia.

d) Position, role and orient of development of Hochiminh city in relationship with urban areas in Hochiminh city region:

- Being central urban of Hochiminh city region, that arrange and form synthetic centers and specialist centers on trading, service, education, health, high technology, culture, entertainment, sports… of region;

- Orient for development of clean industry that is not polluted, has modern technology, high science content and big increasing value, uses few universal labour;

- Orient for development of traffic system by land, sea, railway, air route in order to become transport hubs in region and connect the Southeast area with Southwest area, with area and international .

3. In regarding to population and land scale:

a) To forecast the population to 2025 is about 10 million persons, non-resident guests and temporary resident persons (under 6 months) are about 2.5 million persons;

- Population in the city is about 7.0 – 7.4 million persons;

- Population in the suburb is about 2.6 – 3.0 million persons (in that rural population is about 0.5 million persons).

b) To forecast land for urban construction to 2025 is about 90,000 – 100,000 ha, in that land in city is about 49,000 ha and land in suburb is about 40,000 – 50,000 ha.

4. Model of development and main norm:

a) Model of city development: under multipolar - concentrated model, central area is area in city with radius of 15 km and 4 development poles specifying:

- Develop city under direction of multi centre with synthetic centre in old city area and centers in city level at 4 developing directions;

- Develop city with 2 main directions are the East and the South go to sea and 2 auxiliary directions are the northwest and the West, southwest;

- No developing urban in strict preserving area and in ecological restoring area under the nature preservation area of Cangio mangrove swamp in Cangio biosphere reserving area, special-use forests, protective forests on area of BinhChanh and CuChi district;

- Develop urban attach with target of assure national defense, security.

b) Main norms:

- The existing area in city: land for urban construction: 31.6 m2/person; land for living: 13.1 m2/person; land for green plants: 2.4 m2/person; land for public works: 2.9 m2/person;

- The new developing area in city: land for urban construction: 104 m2/person; land for living: 38.4 m2/person; land for green plants: 7.1 m2/person; land for public works: 4.6 m2/person;

- The urban area in suburb districts: land for urban construction: 110 m2/person; land for living: 50 m2/person; land for green plants: 12 m2/person; land for public works: 5 m2/person.

5. Orient for developing of city space:

a) The space development direction of city:

The central urban area of city is the existing area in city, ThuThiem new urban area and shall enlarge development under the following directions:

- The main direction in the East: the development corridor is the Hochiminh – Longthanh- Daugiay high-speed route and along Hanoi highway develop new urban areas with construction density is high and synchronous on urban social and technical infrastructure;

- The main direction in the South: the development corridor is NguyenHuuTho route with condition of hydrograph and geology is special, has many rivers, has possibility for developing on urban land fund and condition for developing of urban technical infrastructure; must obey regulation of river -canal protection, promote specific strong point of water river with low construction density, not reducing area of water surface servicing for drainage of city;

- The auxiliary direction in Northwest: the development corridor is the route of highway 22 (XuyenA highway) with nature condition is rather advantaged for developing of new urban area which is modern, synchronous on urban social and technical infrastructure;

- The auxiliary direction in east, northeast: the development corridor is NguyenVanLinh route with condition of hydrograph and geology is not advantaged, development of urban technical infrastructure is limited; must obey regulation of river -canal protection, not reducing area of water surface servicing for drainage of city.

b) The developing zoning of city:

- Zones for urban developing shall include the existing 13 districts in city and 6 new districts and towns under district, the developing-new urban area;

- Zones for industry development are developed in new districts and in CuChi district, Hocmon district, Binhchanh district, Nhabe district;

- Zones for ecology, tourist shall be developed along the SaiGon river, NhaBe river, Dongnai river, the Cangio mangrove swamp ecological area…;

- Agricultural zones combining ecological belt are developed in CuChi district, Hocmon district, Binhchanh district, CanGio district;

- The rural inhabitant zones are developed in communes BinhMy, HoaPhu, TrungLapThuong, TrungLapHa, ThaiMy, TrungAn, PhuMyHung, TanThanhDong, PhuHoaDong, AnPhu, PhamVanCoi, NhuanDuc belong to CuChi district; in communes XuanThoiSon, ThoiTamThon, TanHiep, DongThanh, NhiBinh, BaDiem, XuanThoiThuong, XuanThoiDong belong to HocMon district; in communes PhamVanHai, BinhLoi, TanNhut, QuyDuc, DaPhuoc, HungLong, LeMinhXuan, TanQuyTay, VinhLocA, VinhLocB belong to BinhChanh district, west of commune NhonDuc and PhuocLoc in Nhabe district; communes BinhKhanh, LyNhon, AnThoiDong, Tam ThonHiep, ThanhAn belong to CanGio district;

- The natural preserving zones protected strictly include the ecological restoring and preserving area in the CanGio mangrove swamp nature preservation area belong to the CanGio ecological reserving area, special-use forests, protection forests in CuChi district, BinhChanh district.

6. Functional subdivision:

a) The old area in city: include 13 existing districts in city, with sum of area about 14,200 ha; population size anticipated to 2025 is about 4.5 million persons;

Principle of development: improving, embellishing actual state, defining about floor height, coefficient of using land, density of construction must suitable with each functional zones, each areas. And on basis of combining, keeping, protection cultural heritages and valuable architecture works, organizing, rearranging traffic network, modernizing urban technical infrastructure, gradually putting underground technical lines (cables, communications) arranged into technical trench; constructing network of public welfare works; clearance of slum areas on canal and ward; moving of industry enterprises and establishments cause environmental pollution, specified:

- The old inner city area has main general centre in district 1, district 3 and a part of district 4, BinhThanh district with function of administration, culture, history, tourist and multi-branch services, scale is 930 ha;

- The zone which must preserve heritages of architecture, history, landscape, must check, keep intact for works, villas are particular architecture, valuable at the existing main synthetic centre in district 1, district 3 and a part of district 4, Bachieu area (BinhThanh district); ChoLon area (district 5 and district 6) scale is about 120 ha;

- The rest zones must planning, improving, embellishing and combining with new construction a few of ward block under direction of no population increasing; floor height must be suitable and reducing construction density, saving land fund for developing of public welfare works, services and green plants, scale is about 13,150 ha (in that plan to develop the urban area BinhQuoi – ThanhDa with scale about 400 ha).

b) The developing inner city area: includes 6 new districts, with sum area about 35,200 ha, population scale to 2025 is anticipated about 2.9 million persons.

Principle of area development: concentrate on investment for constructing new urban area has large scale, modern, synchronous about social infrastructure and urban technical infrastructure, line works, pipe works must be arranged in tuynen or technical trench. Specific:

In the developing inner city area, there is a main synthetic centre enlarged in new urban area ThuThiem, district 2 shall supplement functions of tourist, multi-branch service whereas the existing main synthetic centre which have no ability to develop anymore. Build a few of underground works of traffic, public works and underground parking in some locations in this area.

- The northwest with nuclear high technology zone with scale of 872 ha, the national university area with scale of 800 ha (in that area of land belong to Hochiminh city is about 200 ha), the ethnic-historical cultural park with scale of 395 ha and some of other functional area, forming a technological scientific area in ThuDuc district and district 9;

- The north develops ecological urban area have combination of tourist and convalescence with scale of 1,000 ha in district 12;

- The west develops a few of new residential area belong to district BinhTan with scale of 750 ha attach with concentrated industrial zones;

- The south shall concentrate to develop the new urban area of south city with the scale of 3,000 ha in according to approved planning.

c) Towns, rural residential area and new urban area in suburb: include 5 district in suburb, with sum area is 160,200 ha, population scale to 2025 is anticipated about 2.6 million persons, in that rural population is about 0.5 million persons.

Principle of area development: concentrate in investment to construct of rural residential dot according to model of new rural and investment to construct some modern satellite - urban areas in order to motivate for development of district in suburb, with residing model suitable with its particular having many rivers, conditions of terrain, geology, hydrograph, assure sustainable development, protect urban living environment. Define scale, area and protect areas of rural land which not permitted to convert function and land fund using for system of green plants, parks of city serve ecological tourist, playing, entertainment. Control strictly land fund for investment of construction of concentrated industrial areas and industrial clusters to protect environment, specified:

- Towns in centre of district have scale about 5,900 ha with population about 330,000 persons: improve, upgrade social infrastructure and perfect the system of urban technology infrastructure under direction of developing civilized, modernly and friendly with environment;

- To develop two new urban areas with large scale are: the Northwest urban area in district CuChi, HocMon with area about 6,000 ha and the HiepPhuoc urban harbour area in district Nhabe with area about 3,900 ha (in that area of river and canal is about 1,000 ha).

- The North belong to area of HocMon and CuChi develop more some new resident area attach with area of town, rural resident point and concentrated industrial zones;

- The west belong to district BinhChanh and the south belong to district Nhabe develop some new resident area under type of group in order to suitable with condition of geology, hydrograph not advantaged, to protect canal river system;

- To protect land fund of agriculture area with scale about 43,600 ha, in districts CuChi, HocMon, BinhChanh, Nhabe, Cangio to form 3 route of ecological belt with green space combining with agriculture land, preserving land and create opening space for area of the North belong to districts CuChi, HocMon, the West belong to district BinhChanh and the South belong to districts NhaBe, CanGio;

- To invest for technology infrastructure synchronous constructing of industrial areas - clusters in districts CuChi, HocMon, BinhChanh and NhaBe assuring no environment pollution;

d) Concentrated industrial areas - clusters:

- To move industrial enterprises cause environment pollution out the old inner city, reduce industrial development in the developing inner city area; in city don’t develop new industrial clusters and have plan for converting industrial clusters up industrial zone;

- In industrial zones that are opening and new forming, shall concentrate to develop clean industries not cause environment pollution, modern, have high science content, large increase value, use few universal labour;

- The concentrated industrial areas – clusters: a high technology zone with area 872 ha; 20 concentrated industrial zones, export processing zones with area 6,020 ha and local industrial clusters (new and old) with area 1,900 ha.

dd) System of centers:

- The main synthetic centre of city in the old inner city in district 1, district 3 and a part of district 4, BinhThanh with scale of 930 ha, expand new main synthetic centre into ThuThiem area, district 2 with area 737ha;

- The centre at the city level in four direction as following: in the east, position at ward LongTruong, district 9 bordering with high-speed axis HoChiMinh city – LongThanh – DauGiay with area about 280 ha; in the south belong to the A area of the south city of new urban area with area about 110 ha; in the north belong to the northwest of new urban area with area about 500 ha; in the west of area bordering with highway one belong to ward TanKien, district BinhChanh with area about 200 ha. Supplement a centre of auxiliary area in the north in district HocMon with area about 50 ha and one in the south in district NhaBe with area about 50 ha in order to ensure radius of servicing and creating motivation of these areas development.

e) System of specialized centers:

- The centers of university training, scientific researching: except of the national university area of city, shall arrange extra centers in areas as following:

+ In the south, in urban area of the south of city, area is about 130 ha and in district NhaBe, area is about 115 ha;

+ In the west belong to distinct BinhChanh, area is about 500 ha;

+ In the east in district 9, area about 200 ha;

+ In the north in district CuChi, HocMon, area is about 600 ha.

- The system of hospitals and medical centers: developing construction of General hospitals and specialized hospitals in the following areas:

+ Zone in the east in district 2, district 9 and ThuDuc with area about 65 ha;

+ Zone in the south in district 7, district CanGio and NhaBe with area about 115 ha;

+ Zone in the north in district 12, district HocMon, CuChi with area about 260 ha;

+ Zone in the west in district TanPhu, BinhTan and BinhChanh with area about 140 ha.

Beside of development of hospitals, keep on constructing the model of institute – school and centers researching and combining medical – pharmaceutical experimenting.

- Centre of culture, sport:

+The ethnic-historical cultural zone arranged in the north of district 9 with area about 395 ha;

+ The zoological and botanical garden, zoo arranged in CuChi district with area about 485 ha;

+ The cultural and sporting centre arranged in RachChiec, district 2 with area about 220 ha;

+ The centre of living, playing, entertainment, sport arranged attach with rivers, canals, lakes, green space in new districts and districts under suburbs.

- The public welfare works (education, health, culture, green trees, park) state management administrative bodies arrange attach with centers (zones) at the level of city and centre of districts.

g) System of park zones, green trees, opening spaces, water surface:

- For old city inner districts: keeping, improving zones of existing park and green trees with area about 200 ha. Take advantage of the land fund of industrial establishments be moved to expand area of park and green trees with area about 250 ha;

- Protect and manage well the biosphere reserving area in CanGio mangrove swamp with area about 75,000 ha; protective forests, special-use forests in BinhChanh with area about 1,500 ha, CuChi with area about 2,250 ha;

- Arrange axis with green trees, landscape, and water surface, and combine tourist, entertainment along two riversides of river SaiGon, DongNai and NhaBe with area about 7,000 ha. The green tree range along big rivers in district, many parts, and many points having width is large with breadth from 50 -800m. Invest to form three (03) route of ecological belt with green space combine with agricultural land have breadth 2,000 - 3,000m. Land for reserving, planting green trees, set opening space in area in the north of district CuChi, HocMon, the south of district NhaBe, CanGio, and the west of district BinhChanh.

h) Areas for conservation and construction prohibition:

- Prohibit constructing in area protected strictly (area is about 33,000 ha) in the biosphere reserving area in CanGio mangrove swamp have area about 75,000 ha; protective forests, special-use forests belong to district CuChi have area about 2,250 ha and district BinhChanh have area about 1,500 ha; - Prohibit and restrict constructing in areas of belt of safety protection of TanSonNhat airport, areas of national defense and security;

- Prohibit and restrict constructing in areas of protection corridor along to river DongNai, SaiGon and NhaBe;

- Restrict developing urban in agricultural and forestry areas having function of combining to make ecological belt of city.

7. Instruction of urban designing:

Expand urban space under principles: obey orientation of urban space; suitable with functional areas and using land; conditions of work geology and hydrograph geology, specified:

a) Zones of architecture and landscape:

- Zone of special preserved architecture: zones belong to the existing main synthetic centre (district 1, district 3, a part of district 4, district BinhThanh); ChoLon center (district 5 and 6);

- Zone of architecture and landscape with condition of advantageous hydrograph geology (district CuChi): with basic criterion is “ecological belt”, have role is developing axis, ensure living environment with high quality;

- - Zone of architecture and landscape with condition of disadvantageous hydrograph geology (district NhaBe): with basic criterion is “developing under cluster”, small group, form urban model with low-storey architecture and organizing of space depend on particular terrain of river.

b) Zone for developing architecture and special landscape:

- The centers of areas at the level of city: public welfare works, multi-branch service and house with formal of architecture is modern, has identity;

- The new urban areas: works is designed under new living model, have architecture is harmonious with environment, natural landscape;

- The works of pressing dot: place of works is the pressing dot at the gateway of road, airway, seaway of city and at the central areas as ThuThiem, SaiGon river, Park 23/9 …;

- The traffic routes urban landscape: research and apply criterions of green trees, high storey and gap for back of works in order to ensure aesthetic for urban areas;

- The main squares include: ThuThiem, ThanhDa and 23/9 are designed landscape ensuring for organizing activities of culture, playing, entertainment of city people;

- Green trees, water surface: with particular terrain of many rivers, protect and improve system of canals, construct corridor of green plants and works to protect, anti erosion, landslide to develop sustainable.

8. Orientation of technical infrastructure development:

a) Traffic system:

- External traffic:

+ Traffic by land: traffic axis is constructed under criterion of urban highway. Including: 3 belt roads (belts number 2, number 3 and number 4), external centripetal axis: axis of HoChiMinh city – BienHoa – VungTau (HaNoi highway); axis of HoChiMinh city – LongThanh – DauGiay; axis of HoChiMinh city – ThuDauMot – ChonThanh (highway 13); axis of highway 1K – BinhPhuoc; axis of HoChiMinh city – MocBai (2 routes); highway axis of HoChiMinh city – Long An (provincial highway 10); axis of HoChiMinh city – GoCong (highway 50);

+ National railway traffic: improve, upgrade route of Unity railway (north - south) in HoChiMinh city area, part of TrangBom – BinhTrieu, in that to construct route to avoid BienHoa back to the south and construct new part of railway on high (or underground) BinhTrieu – HoaHung – TanKien; construct new 2 railways to BienHoa and LocNinh; high-speed - electrify - twin railway NhaTrang – HoChiMinh city connect at the expected station of ThuThiem. Construct new specialized railway from national railway to harbour CatLai and HiepPhuoc. In total, there are 6 routes with total of length is about 226km;

+ Traffic by waterway: must improve, dredge to ensure circulation of two flows of river LongTau and SoaiRap out to sea; four flows go out provinces under CuuLong river plain, a flow come BenSuc, ensure reach criterion of level III river;

The seaports must move is New Port, Bason Union enterprise, seaport NhaRong and KhanhHoi under SaiGon port, TanThuanDong port, Vegetable fruit port and BenNghe port. Invest for construction to develop area of CatLai seaport, HiepPhuoc seaport. Total capacity of seaport cluster under HoChiMinh city area prepare in 2010 about 76 million ton/year; in 2020 – 2025, about 200 million ton/year.

+ Traffic by airway: TanSonNhat international airport shall become aviation entrepot point of area and international; improve, raise capacity about 20 million passengers /year. To develop infrastructure structure for airport to have enough capacity for receiving modern planes may operate 24/24 hour. Construct LongThanh international airport (DongNai province) with capacity of 100 million passengers /year.

- Internal traffic:

+ Urban road:

- For old inner district, traffic axes are kept intact existing cross-section, just improve, upgrade road surface to ensure circulation of vehicles;

- For new urban area in new districts and suburb districts, when constructing, must ensure right with criterion of designing cross-section of road under level and type of urban road.

Specified: upgrade, expand and perfect routes centripetal provincial road in order to support for external- centripetal axes and to perfect city inner primary roads level I, II. Construct 4 routes on high. Construct new 19 bridges by road cross river DongNai, SaiGon, NhaBe, LongTau, ThiVai (in that supplement bridge BinhQuoi, ThanhDa cross HiepBinhChanh, ThuDuc district) and tunnel cross river SaiGon (tunnel by land and metro tunnel). Improve existing stations, parking and construct new stations, parking to form calm traffic network, satisfy requirement of parking. Construct truck stations for transition of goods at the gateway out-into city with area 243 ha. Construct underground parking in LeVanTam park, ChiLang; HoaLu stadium, TaoDan football field, zone of NguyenDu street and CachMangThangTam street … and high storey vehicle parking.

+ Urban railway: combine using national railway for running of suburb train and construct 2 slight railways: route of TrangBang – TanThoiHiep, connect at the TanThoiHiep station; route of ThuThiem – NhonTrach – LongThanh international airport, connect at the ThuThiem station.

Construct system urban railway to transport large or medium quantity (MRT/LRT) include 6 routes with total of length is about 120km and 07 technical station areas. Construct 03 urban railways with difference forms such as: tramway, monorail with total of length is 35km and 03 technical station areas. Urban railway stations, specially underground station and station of train converting shall combine to form service – trade centers under urban planning; develop urban railways transport large quantity into HiepPhuoc harbour, district NhaBe, into Northwest urban area, district CuChi and out to the international airport LongThanh anticipated;

+ Waterway traffic: improve, dredge to ensure circulation for two routes of sea-belt reach criterion of canal river level IV, V. Construct harbours are goods port, include PhuDinh port in district 8, NhonDuc port in NhaBe district, passenger port in district 4, district 7 and NhaBe district.

b) Technical preparation:

- Planning of height of construction land:

Depend on position of areas in city, constraining of height of background is specified as following:

+ For existing inner area include 13 old districts: whole area located in right shore of river SaiGon - NhaBe belong to system of embankment and drain with closed adjustment, height of dyke surface may change from 2.5m to 3.0m; constrained construction height Hxd ≥ 2.00m. Height of construction background in each area is calculated suitable with construction height constrained of whole area, ensure background not be flooded, landslide. Keep intact background of existing land, attach importance to perfecting covered surface simultaneous with measures of planning and urban management in order to upgrade area of green trees, grass cover (for area not effected by tide); embellish background for areas may be clearance and focus construction, the rest shall mostly use local measures to protect background of land such as constructing dyke; raising surface of road; installing unidirectional opening and closing valve … (for area effected by tide);

+ For developing city inner area including 6 new districts: for district 7, district 12, BinhTan district belong to right shore of river SaiGon – NhaBe, constrained construction height Hxd ≥ 2.00m; for 3 districts are district 2, district 9, ThuDuc district belong to left shore of river SaiGon – NhaBe, constrained construction height Hxd ≥ 2.00m (for area in inside of embankment), and Hxd ≥ 2.50m (for area in outside of embankment). To flatten, embank suitable with constrained height, combine taking advantage of natural terrain, remain river, canal to support drainage and form landscape for urban;

+ For rural resident area and new urban in 5 suburb districts: 04 district are CuChi, HocMon, BinhChanh and NhaBe belong to right shore of river SaiGon – NhaBe, constrained construction height Hxd ≥ 2.00m; solution of planning of height of construction land like as existing city inner area. In CanGio district belong to left shore of river NhaBe – SoaiRap: constrained construction height inside of dyke Hxd ≥ 2.00m, no build new in outside dyke area. In the short time, use system of small embankment and sea dyke to anti flooding. No change environment, raising flow of surface, suitable with planning of irrigation, ensure to accommodate with global climate alterations.

- Planning of rainwater drainage system:

+ Improve, build rainwater drainage system: in the old city inner area, still using system of common drainage for rainwater, waste water; in new constructed area, using system of rainwater drainage, waste drainage separate;

+ For whole existing city inner area, 3 new districts are district 7, district 12, BinhTan district and 4 suburb district are CuChi, HocMon, BinhChanh and NhaBe belong to right shore of river SaiGon – NhaBe: perfect system of rainwater drainage and separate wastewater from system common drain, dredge, enlarge canal combine with local solution to delete flooded point (build temporary dyke, embank road, install unidirectional opening and closing valves, arrange pumping stations…);

+ For 3 new district are district 2, district 9 and ThuDuc district belong to right shore of river SaiGon – NhaBe: arrange system of rainwater drainage separate from network of ditch, drain have enough capacity to drainage under basins with hydrographic condition has constrained, arrange lakes to adjust at the places have high terrain, keep maximum flooded area at the places have low terrain. Attach importance to standard of green plants, grass cover as specified, and reduce the increase of face flow;

+ For CanGio district belong to left shore of river NhaBe – SoaiRap: remain whole system of river, canal and develop more green trees inshore to increase ability of adjustment, don t build big drainage works (just arrange system of drainage for small resident clusters in area);

+ Ensure landmark corridor of canal river protection under provisions on hydrosphere management.

c) Water supplying:

- Norm of water supplying: norm of living water supplying is 200 liter/person day night; industrial water supplying is 50 m3 day night calculating on area of construction land (70% land of industrial zone); supplying water for public service and other norm of urban water supplying are about 38 - 40% norm of living water supplying; reducing rate of water lost under 30%;

- Demand of water using: total of HoChiMinh city‘s demand of using water to 2015 is about 3,200,000 m3 day night; to 2025 about 4,100,000 m3 day night;

- Water source: be balanced in water source assigning for the south key economical area (occupy about 60% whole region), mainly using surface water source directly from system of river DongNai – SaiGon, TriAn lake, DauTieng lake, PhuocHoa lake and East canal, restrain using underground water source;

- Network of main water supplying pipe:

+ Routes of raw water pipe: build more about 5-7 routes of raw water pipe D 1.500 - D 2.400 with sum of length is about 100km, including: two routes of D 2,400 pipe, from HoaAn pumping station (river DongNai) come the ThuDuc water mill; two routes of D 2,000 pipe from DauTieng lake come the East canal water mill, jointing with route of D 1,500 pipe, length is 11.5km come the TanHiep water mill; two route of D 2,000 pipe, length is 42km from TriAn lake come the ThuDuc water mill and district 9; continue to coordinate with neighbouring provinces to research using effectively water source from PhuocHoa lake;

+ Routes of transfer pipe and 1 level network: be arranged along to urban main road axis in central direction East – West and North – South about 15 -18 routes with size D 800 - D 2,400 and sum of length is 330 km - 350 km.

- Headworks: improve, upgrade the ThuDuc water mill (raise capacity to 2,000,000 m3/day in 2025), the BinhAn water mill (capacity 100,000 m3/day), the TanHiep water mill (raise capacity to 600,000 m3/day, the East canal water mill (capacity 700,000 m3/day), underground water mills with capacity about 140,000 m3/day; build a water mill in district 9 (capacity 900,000 m3/day), coordinate with neighbour provinces to build water mills servicing inter-region to use water source effectively.

d) Electric supplying:

- Norm of electric supplying: supply electric for living 2,500 – 3,000 Kwh/person; supply for industry about 400 Kwh/ha; supply for activities of service, trade about 80 -90 % norm of supplying electric for living.

- Demand of using electric: demand of consumption power: 68.9 billion KWh/year, the power of grid-getting: 73.72 billion KWh/year, maximum auxiliary loading electric Pmax = 11,580 MW, average consumption power: 6,890 KWh/person year;

- Power source:

+ Power source supply to HoChiMinh city is the power mills existing in city: ThuDuc thermoelectric mill, HiepPhuoc thermoelectric mill and the south power system through the system of transmission 500 KV, 220 KV, 110 KV;

+ Power source supply to HoChiMinh city ensure enough for demand of economical - social development of city, have reserve, good quality, high reliability;

+ To ensure sustainable development, protect environment, city should have policy for development of re-create power source such as: solar power, wind power, biological gas, rubbish dump gas …;

+ The medium – low tension line for improving and building new in inner area and new urban area must use cable go underground to ensure safeness and landscape for urban.

- Grid:

+ Developing and improving grid of HoChiMinh city must ensure modern nature, high reliability, safeness and urban landscape, gradually, lower underground grid of city, specially grid be improved and built new in inner area, new urban area must use cable go underground;

+ 500 Kv - grid: improve upgrade 2 stations 500Kv existing, build 3 stations 500 KV are CauBong, North ThuDuc, CuChi; with the sum of capacity commissioning 500KV stations is 10,800 MVA;

+ 220 Kv - grid: improve to raise capacity of 6 stations 220 KV existing, built 22 stations 220 KV; with the sum of capacity commissioning stations 220 KV is 19,000;

+ 110 KV - grid: improve to raise capacity of 42 stations 110 KV existing, built new stations 110 KV; with the sum of capacity commissioning stations 110 KV is about 20,400 MVA, satisfy demand of auxiliary loading for city’s development.

- Headworks:

+ Improve upgrade power mills existing in city: thermoelectric mill ThuDuc (capacity 165 MW), ThuDuc Gas turbine (capacity 128MW), HiepPhuoc thermoelectric mill (raise capacity to 675 MW);

+ The power mills, 500KV source stations don’t build in inner area and new urban area; the stations 220 KV, 110 KV, high-tension power routes 220 KV, 110 KV which building in inner area and new urban area must use insulated cables go underground and the hermetic station.

dd) Drainage waste, collecting, treating solid waste and graveyard:

- Drainage waste:

+ Standard of drainage: take according to standard of supplying water proportionate to each object; quantity of water soaking into system of sewer: 10% average quantity of day. Total quantity of waste water is 3.15 – 3.2 million m3/day, in that industrial waste water is 0.35 million m3/day;

+ Using system of common drainage for the existing inner area (combina using wells separating flows and system of sewers in order to separate and collect waster water) and system of private drainage for new urban areas; areas locating in basin of waste drainage include inner areas and new urban areas with high population density (≥ 200 person/ha), the rest areas with low population density (< 200 person/ha), will develop system of collecting and treating waster water according to each small resident clusters. Waster water from living after treating must reach the specified standard; waster water from handicraft manufacture, household intercalation in resident area must reach quality type C under the specified standard before letting out system of sewer to bring into handling together with waste water from living. Industrial waste water don’t bring to mills handling waste water from living, must be handled in particular in each industrial zone and reach quality type A under the specified standard before letting out canals or sewers;

+Partition area for waste drainage: area has high concentrated resident density including inner area existing and developing inner area and new urban area will partition into 12 basins for waste drainage, in that old inner area has 4 basins, developing inner area and suburb (new urban developing area) have 08 basins; waste water in areas apart of the above basins will be collected and handled under each area with small scale. Position of stations handling waste water of area will define in design of partition area planning or detail planning;

+ Headworks: construct, perfect 12 mills of handling waste water by focus for basin TauHu – BenNghe – Doi – Te (raise capacity up 512,000 m3/day in 2025), basin of west SaiGon (capacity 120,000 m3/day), TanHoa – LoGom (capacity 300,000 m3/day), basin of south SaiGon (capacity 170,000 m3/day), basin of east SaiGon (capacity 350,000 m3/day), basin of north SaiGon 1 (capacity 170,000 m3/day), basin of north SaiGon 2 (capacity 130,000 m3/day), basin of NhieuLoc – ThiNghe (capacity 500,000 m3/day), basin of BinhTan (capacity 180,000 m3/day), basin of CauDua canal (capacity 100,000 m3/day) and basin of northwest city (capacity 130,000 m3/day).

- Solid waste:

+ Organize system of collecting reasonably and construct area handling solid waste which applying technology reprocess, reusing, constrain burying;

+ Norm of waste from living including trade, service, health: 1.2 kg/person/day for inner area and 1.0 kg/person/day for suburb; industry: 0.5 ton/ha day. Total of waste garbage: about 15,400 ton/day, in that waste garbage from living occupy over 70%;

+ Headworks: improve upgrade the handling solid waste Complex (living and industry) in PhuocHiep, district CuChi with area 690 ha (raise capacity up 8,000 ton/day), The Complex of handling medical waste - graveyard DaPhuoc in BinhChanh with area 258 ha (for handling waste is 200 ha) and the health waste handling area BinhHungHoa (07 ton/day). Building new area of handling medical waste LinhXuan _ ThuDuc, DaPhuoc – BinhChanh about 20 ton/day; area TanThanh, ThuThua, LongAn area 1,760 ha (in that HoChiMinh city using 1,000 ha).

- Graveyard:

+ Land for graveyard satisfies actual demand with burying rate 60% (2015) and 40% (2025). Encourage using form of cremating in new built graveyards under way of graveyard park;

+ Places anticipated building graveyard: improve upgrade graveyard DaPhuoc with area 67.5 ha, city graveyard in CuChi with area 105 ha, martyrs graveyard in district 9 with area 25 ha. Construct new graveyards LongThanhMy, in district 9 with area about 6 ha, DongThanh graveyard in HocMon district with area 10 ha, NhonDuc graveyard in NhaBe district with area 50 ha and a graveyard in CuChi with area about 100 ha; and use 2 graveyards of region: graveyard park BinhDuong province with area 190 ha servicing area of northeast city and NhonTrach graveyard, DongNai province with area 100 ha, servicing area of southeast city.

e) Evaluate strategic environment:

- Exploit, use reasonable, effectively land and nature resources:

+ Exploit, use land: must execute right purpose, scale and obey strictly criterion, economical - technical norm specified in specialized planning suitable with general planning, plan of using land in each period on area city, districts;

+ Exploit natural resources: Exploit natural resources through investment, development must be synchronous, concentrated, right under planning of specialized development, obey strictly technical – technology process and solutions of environment protection.

- Protect ecosystem of protective forest and mangrove swamp:

+ Restore and protect ecosystem of nature forest and vegetational cover existing in district HocMon, BinhChanh and special is mangrove swamp in biosphere preservation area of CanGio district. Maintain and stable region for planting agricultural - industrial tree in CuChi, BinhChanh and NhaBe;

+ To localize land protecting area along river: develop vegetational cover in areas along to DongNai river, SaiGon river to protect freshwater and underground water resource. To prohibit strictly constructing the types of harmful industries such as textile, dye, paper, tanning; heavy industry such as iron, steel, automobile - motorcycle production industry ,… in freshwater area of two rivers. Along to shore of river from sea return up, industrial zones, factories, enterprises must have system of waste water handling and must ensure construction gap to control waste water and easy treating when having breakdown.

- To exploit and use water source:

+ Surface water source: exploit surface water source from rivers DongNai, SaiGon river and water reservoirs DauTieng, TriAn, PhuocHoa rightly as planning of water source balance and obey technical process. Prohibit strictly building industrial factories which discharge poisonous waste water in region of water source protection;

+ Underground water source: evaluate reserves to plan exploiting and using reasonably, rightly with technical process … apportion reasonably, restrain using underground water source, don’t exploit concentratedly in each zone, with excessive continuous time, lead to be exhausted, lowered level of underground water, to decline reserves and bring about other impacts not control, decline environment quality.

- To control activity of agricultural manufacture, aquaculture:

+ To plan and strengthen system of centers, vegetable protection stations ensuring ability of controlling input and output in activity in relation to using fertilizer and plant protection chemical;

+ To establish system of protection fisheries, seafood beside veterinary system, protection system of cattle, poultry, waterfowl ensuring ability of water quality controlling input, output, types of vaccines and medicines.

- To build system of environment management:

+ To build system of supervising, analysis, evaluation of objective and effective environment;

+ To apply system of geological information (GIS) in mission of environment management.

9. Programs, projects give priority to invest:

a) To invest to built new urban areas:

- The new urban center ThuThiem, district 2 with scale about 737 ha;

- The urban port area HiepPhuoc, NhaBe district with scale about 3,900 ha (in that area of river, canal is about 1,000 ha);

- The urban area of northwest city with scale is about 6,000 ha;

- The high technological zone in district 9 with scale is about 872 ha.

b) To invest to build major social and technical infrastructure works:

- The routes of metro; system of ring road, external transport hub, main intersections;

- System centers of health, training education, culture, sport at the city level;

- System of conditioning lake, green tree park and opening space along to 2 shores of SaiGon river, DongNai river and NhaBe river; at the ecological belt in the north area of districts CuChi, HocMon; the south belong to district NhaBe, CanGio and the west belong to BinhChanh district;

- Program of social house, house for workers and house for students;

- Investment of phase 1 , prevent flooding for area in right shore of river SaiGon executing according to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1547/QD-TTg of October 28, 2008 on approving the irrigation planning preventing flooding in HoChiMinh city.

10. Mechanism, policy on management and organization of planning executing:

a) Solution on intensifying region link:

To coordinate with provinces in region of HOChiMinh city to obey regional planning; link, support together invest for development, especially in field such as industry, service, main infrastructure, exploiting resource and protecting general environment of whole region.

b) Solution on mechanism, policy:

- To perfect, supplement and built new legal provisions in relation to construction planning and urban developing management;

- To build list and solutions to protect, embellish cultural - historical valuable works and valuable architecture; mechanism, policy, regulation, instruction for deploying underground space; lowlands, wetlands; areas need be preserved of vestige, history, protected of nature environment v.v…

Article 2.Assign HoChiMinh city People s Committee to deploy executing the following jobs:

1. Promulgate regulation of management under adjustment of the approved city construction general planning.

2. Public announces the adjustment design of approved HoChiMinh city construction general planning to 2025.

3. Deploy forming, adjustment the specialized planning of technical infrastructure, sub region planning, detail planning, urban designing to concretize the adjustment design of construction general planning, basis to deploy projects of frame technical infrastructure investment of urban and projects of construction investment

4. Organize forming regulation of management the urban planning, architecture, the compass model in centers, districts, forward establishing the compass model in whole city.

5. Create plan to invest for construction of technical infrastructure works and define management body of this land fund to not be transgress and used wrong with purpose as planning.

6. Manage strictly investment for construction according to the functional sub region specified in general planning and instructions in relation to urban construction.

7. Regarding to new urban area must manage strictly, aiming to ensure investment owners must build synchronous social infrastructure with technical infrastructure, must connect with common infrastructure network of urban.

8. Make plan, program to train, raise specialist ability for the urban management staffs.

9. To manage development of urban space (constrain urbanizing speed of zones under planning); propose synchronous solutions to control come limiting of mechanical population increasing; traffic congestion, make projects of anti-disaster (global climate alterations,…), urban environment protection.

10. Solution group of finance resources for developing urban: build financial plan suitable with plan of development investment each phases; set up mechanism, policy to mobilize capital resource for construction investment to develop city; build tax collecting policy with subjects get benefit after investing technical infrastructure.

Article 3.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Minister of Construction, the president of the People s Committee of HoChiMinh city and heads of related agencies shall have to implement this Decision./.




Hoang Trung Hai


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