Decision No. 1660/QD-TTg dated November 07, 2012 of the Prime Minister approving the scheme on development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection by 2020

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Decision No. 1660/QD-TTg dated November 07, 2012 of the Prime Minister approving the scheme on development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection by 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1660/QD-TTgSigner:Hoang Trung Hai
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:07/11/2012Effect status:

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Fields:Natural Resources - Environment
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Effect status: Known



Independence - Freedom – Happiness

Hanoi, November 07th2012









Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25th2001;

Pursuant to the Law on Environmental Protection dated November 29th2005;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 14/2008/QD-TTg dated January 22nd2008, approving the Master plan on the development and application of biotechnology in Vietnam by 2020;

At the proposal of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment,






Article 1.Approving the Scheme on the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection by 2020 (hereafter referred to as the Scheme) with the following principal contents:


1. General targets:

Intensify the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection for raising the capacity and effectiveness of preventing and handling environmental pollution, reducing environmental degradation, restoring the environment and improving environmental quality.

2. Specific targets:

a/ Targets by 2015:

- Initially increase potential for scientific research. development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection. Provide training and advanced training at home for 100 scientists and managers, and 150 technicians. Provide more essential equipment for some of environmental laboratories in order to raise their capacity to research and apply to biotechnology to environmental protection;

- Develop and apply 5-10 kinds of bio-preparations to waste treatment, and register their circulation as prescribed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; 2 technological processes of waste recycling; and 2 technological processes of improving and restoring the environment and ecosystems;

- Intensify the assessment and control of the quality, efficiency and safety of technologies and biotechnology products applied to environmental protection in Vietnam.

b/ Targets by 2020:

- Keep researching, developing and applying biotechnology products to environmental observation; environmental quality assessment, pollution prevention and reduction, environment improvement, and efficient use of natural resources;

- Control and assess the quality, efficiency and safety of technologies and biotechnology products applied to environmental protection in Vietnam;

- Raise the capacity of scientific research, development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection. Send 50- 60 people abroad to for master training, and 30-40 people for doctoral training in environmental biotechnology; train 300-400 technicians at home, 20-30 masters, and 10-15 doctors in environmental biotechnology within the framework of subjects, projects and tasks of this Scheme. Modernize 3 specialized laboratories serving the training, research and assessment of the efficiency and safety of biotech products applied to environmental protection;

- Develop and apply 15-20 kinds of bio-preparations to waste treatment and register their circulation as prescribed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; 10 technological processes of waste recycling; 5-10 biosensors or technical processes of environmental observation and analysis; 5-10 technological processes to improve and restore the environment, especially on the lands polluted by mineral extraction and processing, and by persistent organic substances.



1. Study and suggest mechanisms, policies and solutions for promoting the research, development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection:

- Study, complete the mechanisms and policies on supporting the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection;

- Study and complete laws documents on the management and stimulation of the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection;

- Formulate the regulations on controlling and assuring bio-safety of the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection.

- Research, develop, apply and experimentally produce biotech products serving environmental protection:

a/ Research, develop and apply biotechnology to environmental observation and quality assessment:

- Research and apply traditional and modern biotechnologies in environmental observation and quality assessment. Prioritize the research and application of molecular biology, nanobiotechnology, genetic technology and bio-indicators to assess environmental quality and observe environmental indicators that greatly affect community health and environmental degradation, and assess the level of environmental pollution in some sensitive places; create rapid quick test kits and biosensors;

- Research and apply methods and processes of observing and assessing the quality of water, air, soil and ecosystems, especially the methods of detecting pollutants and ecotoxic substances at nanogram sensitivity or smaller .

b/ Research, develop and apply biotechnology to treating pollutants, restoring and developing natural ecosystems, and protecting the environment:

- Research and apply biotechnology to the prevention of environmental pollution, giving priority to the treatment of medical waste, industrial waste, toxic waste and peculiar wastes from national security and defense activities;

- Research and apply traditional environmental biotechnology in combination with advanced biotechnologies in order to develop technological processes that recycle wastes from production and life;

- Research and apply biotechnology to the remediation of environmental emergencies;

- Develop and apply biotechnology to environmental rehabilitation and ecosystem restoration.

c/ Research, develop and apply biotechnology to the creation of eco-friendly technologies and products:

- Research and apply biotechnology to improving technological processes towards eco-friendliness and cleaner production. Prioritize the development and application of compounds with high bioactivity and microorganisms in order to create eco-friendly products or replace toxic chemicals used in the production of important industries;

- Research and apply biotechnology to the production of renewable energy from refuse and wastes (agricultural refuses; used animal fat and vegetable oil, etc.);

- Research and apply the substances derived from agricultural wastes and byproducts to develop eco-friendly technological processes (bio-solvents and bio-materials).

d/ Research, develop and apply biotechnology for storing, preserving and reasonably using biodiversity resources:

- Research and effectively use bio-gene during the transformation and disintegration of environmental pollutants;

- Research and apply biotechnology to the conservation of biodiversity, prioritizing precious and rare living creatures.

3. Develop the potential for developing and applying biotechnology to environmental protection:

a/ Human resource training:

- Provide advanced training and retraining in biotechnology serving environmental protection for environmental researchers and managers via short-term training courses at home and abroad;

- Send people to attend postgraduate training courses in countries that have developed biotechnologies;

- Train technicians in biotechnology specialized for environmental protection for implementing the Scheme and carrying out environmental protection activities in localities and enterprises; support enterprises in developing bio-environment industry;

- Formulate and implement a mechanism for connecting postgraduate training with scientific research and technology development so that reseaches could contribute to training highly capable experts in biotechnology that serve environmental protection.

b/ Build technical facilities and modernize research equipment:

- Upgrade and modernize equipment for institutions researching and training in biotechnology to environmental protection; laboratories testing and assessing environmental quality and bio-products to environmental protection;

- Develop websites and national database about biotechnology specilized for environmental protection in order to promptly provide and share information among related organizations and individuals.

4. Develop and improve assessment methods to effectively control and manage technology efficiency and biotechnology products in environmental protection:

a/ Provide regulations and standards of technologies and biotech products applied to environmental protection;

b/ Research and complete the methods for assessing the efficiency, quality and safety of technologies and biotech products before applying them to environmental protection;

c/ Research and develop a system for assessing and recognizing technologies and biotech Products applied to environmental protection.


Approve on principle 8 groups of prioritized tasks to implement the Scheme (in the Annex enclosed with this Decision). The total gudget for the Scheme implementation shall be determined based on the approved budget for each specific subject, project and task. The State budget shall be allocated to research and development (R&D) tasks, application research, experimental production, and technology transfer; in-depth investment in technical facilities and modernization of laboratory equipment; and human resource training.


1. Intensify the development and completion of the system of mechanisms, policies and law documents on the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection:

a/ Suggest or promulgate law documents, mechanisms and preferential policies on credit, tax, land use rights and technology transfer applicable to enterprises, organizations and individuals that invest in the development of biotechnology serving environmental protection;

b/ Review, supplement and complete the system of law documents, mechanisms and policies for managing, supporting and stimulating the development and wide application of biotechnology to environmental protection.

2. Enhance the application of scientific research findings to production, and encourage technology transfer activities:

a/ Prioritize the actualization of application researches to create technologies and products that serve environmental protection; effectively implement experimental projects of production and projects of international cooperation in technology transfer;

b/ Effectively carry out activities that promote production, development of technology transfer services, and use of bio-products in environmental protection.

3. Raise more domestic and foreign capital for effectively implementing the Scheme:

Diversify domestic and foreign investment Capital sources, state budget funds and international cooperation funds for research, development and effective application of biotechnology to environmental protection: to make in-depth investment in building technical facilities and modernizing laboratory equipment, training human resources and actualizing other contents and tasks of the Scheme.

4. Fulfill the potential for biotechnology to environmental protection in terms of technical facilities and human resources:

a/ Build technical facilities and modernize equipment of specialized laboratories to serve scientific research, technology development and human resource training;

b/ Connect universities, institutions and research centers in order to provide advanced training and retraining for scientists, managers and technicians through domestic and overseas short-term training courses.

5. Enhance international cooperation:

a/ Transfer, receive and apply scientific and biotechnology advances to environmental protection;

b/ Cooperate in implementing research schemes and projects to develop human resources and access advanced technologies;

c/ Effectively use foreign financial and technical assistance for developing and applying biotechnology to environmental protection.

6- Integrate relevant programs and schemes:

a/ Integrate and link this Scheme into/ with approved environmental protection strategies, programs, schemes and projects;

b/ Integrate biotechnology development and application programs and schemes in various sectors as approved by the Government.

7. Step up communication:

a/ Involved the mass media and scientific and technological organizations popularizing biotechnological advances to environmental protection;

b/ Strongly improve the awareness of local administration at all levels about the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection; to raise their sense of responsibility for and direction of the development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection.


1. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall

a/ Preside and cooperate with other ministries, agencies, and localities in effectively and promptly implementing the tasks of the Scheme, and annually sending reports on results to the Prime Minister;

b/ Preside and cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance in guiding the use of state the budget for the implementation of the Scheme;

c/ The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment shall establish and preside the Steering Committee which assists the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment in implementing the Scheme. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment shall decide the composition and operation regime of the Steering Committee and its assisting office (located at the Vietnam Environment Administration).

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall consider and allocate funds according to long-term and annual plans to ministries, agencies, and localities in order to fulfill the tasks assigned in this Decision.

3. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall preside and cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in supplying equipment and facilities for training, scientific research, development and application of biotechnology to environmental protection.

4. The Ministry of Education and Training shall preside and cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in training human resources in biotechnology serving the environmental protection in the Scheme.

5. Ministries, agencies, and localities shall work out long-term and annual State budget plans for fulfilling the tasks assigned in this Decision, and send these plans to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technology for summarization; and send annual reports on the results to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall summarize them and send reports to the Prime Minister.

6. Relevant organizations and individuals wishing to participate in the implementation of the Scheme shall register with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Steering Committee for consideration and approval.

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on the date on which it is signed.

Article 3.The Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of governmental agencies, Presidents of provincial People’s Committees, related organizations and individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.





Hoang Trung Hai



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