Decision 121/QD-TTg 2019 Plan on implementation of CPTPP

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Decision No. 121/QD-TTg dated January 24, 2019 of the Prime Minister on approving the Plan on implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:121/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:24/01/2019Effect status:

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Fields:Foreign affairs


To integrate of the CPTPP’s contents in training programs of all levels

Decision No. 121/QD-TTg on approving the Plan on implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is issues by the Prime Minister on January 24, 2019.

The Prime Minister requires Ministries hold the responsibility in implementing the CPTPP Agreement such as:

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall increase the provision of information to enterprises via the trade affair system, information centers, and trade promotion centers, on technical requirements, regulations, and the practical situation of import and export management and trade defense of the CPTPP partners in particular and other partners in general;

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall study the  integration of the CPTPP’s contents in particular, and FTAs’ contents in general, in training programs of all levels, for submission to competent authorities for decision;

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall disseminate and publish publications and documents introducing and providing studies on the CPTPP, and Vietnam’s accession to this Agreement in order to build positive approaches to changes upon participation in the Agreement for the social community…

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

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Effect status: Known



Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 121/QD-TTg


Hanoi, January 24, 2019



Approving the Plan on implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to April 9, 2016 Law No. 108/2016/QH13 on Treaties;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 72/2018/QH14 of November 12, 2018, approving the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and related documents;

At the proposal of the Minister of Industry and Trade,



Article 1.To promulgate together with this Decision thePlan on implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 3.Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and heads of related agencies shall implement this Decision.-

Prime Minister



Independence - Freedom - Happiness



On implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)

(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 121/QD-TTg of January 24, 2019)


The Prime Minister approves the Plan on implementation of the CPTPP to assign tasks and responsibilities to related agencies and organizations, and decide on the direction and administration measures, as well as other measures to fully and effectively implement the Agreement.


In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, in the coming time, in addition to regular tasks, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, and provincial-level People’s Committees shall concretize and implement the following fundamental tasks:

1. Dissemination and propagation of the CPTPP and information about markets of member states of the CPTPP

a/ To intensify propagation of the CPTPP to stakeholders (people, especially those who are likely to be affected by the Agreement such as farmers and fishermen, and central and local management agencies, trade associations, cooperatives, and the business cycle, especially medium-, small- and micro-sized enterprises) through the mass media, websites, training courses and workshops to raise the awareness and knowledge about the commitments under, and to-be-performed jobs to effectively implement, the CPTPP.

b/ To attach importance to the training of state officials in such fields as investment, services, customs, government procurement, trade defense, intellectual property, agro-forestry-fisheries, labor and environment about relevant specific commitments of the CPTPP, ensuring that clear and accurate understanding of these commitments and full and effective implementation of the Agreement.

c/ To establish an information focal point on the CPTPP in particular and free trade agreements (FTAs) in general at the Ministry of Industry and Trade to provide information on, and guide and clarify, the commitments of, and issues related to, the CPTPP and FTAs which Vietnam has acceded to.

d/ To consolidate the network, build capacity, and intensify the provision of information and forecasts about import and export markets and the domestic market, of state agencies having the function of providing trade and investment information so as to help Vietnamese enterprises promptly acquire information, technical requirements, and regulations on import and export management of partner states under the CPTPP in particular as well as other  partners in general, and forecast demand in the domestic market and respond to import competition.

2. Law- and institution-making work

a/ To seriously, fully and effectively fulfill other commitments and obligations of Vietnam when participating in the CPTPP;

b/ To directly implement commitments which are fully and clearly detailed in Appendix 2 to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 72/2018/QH14 of November 12, 2018, ratifying the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and related documents;

c/ To revise legal documents and submit them to competent authorities for approval and promulgation according to the schedule prescribed in the CPTPP. When necessary to fulfill commitments on time, to apply fast-track order and procedures or propose the National Assembly to decide on application of fast-track order and procedures in the promulgation of legal documents in accordance with the 2015 Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents;

d/ To continue reviewing current legal documents for revision or annulment, or issue new legal documents in conformity with the CPTPP, or propose competent authorities to do so;

dd/ To ensure the implementation of the mechanism on consultation and collection of opinions of stakeholders during the law- and policy-making process;

e/ To further coordinate with CPTPP member states in order to build and complete necessary institutions for implementation of the Agreement (such as those on establishment and operation of the CPTPP Council, specialized committees and working parties, and dispute settlement institutions);

g/ To designate, and give notice of, the Vietnamese focal agency participating in the Council, specialized committees and working parties of the Agreement; focal agency for communication among CPTPP member states on all issues of the Agreement; agencies in charge of coordinating the implementation of the Agreement for reporting to the Prime Minister; focal agency for dealing with issues related to the negotiation and admission of new members; and agency coordinating the making of proposals and receipt of technical assistance from foreign partners during the implementation of the Agreement.

h/ To improve and consolidate bodies in charge of implementation of the CPTPP at ministries, sectors and local state management agencies for close coordination with the national focal agency in effectively implementing the Agreement.

3. Raising of competitiveness and development of human resources

a/ To formulate programs on support and raising of competitiveness of business lines and enterprises, particularly medium-, small- and micro-sized enterprises and farmers, in conformity with international commitments; and concurrently, to prepare measures for responding to, and supporting business lines and commodity items greatly and directly affected by, fluctuations in the international market. To support Vietnamese enterprises in participating in regional and global production networks, value chains and supply chains.

b/ To step up vocational training, associating training with enterprises’ demand, and application of science and technology in production and business.

c/ To formulate technical measures (national standards, technical regulations, food safety and hygiene, goods origin, environmental protection, etc.) in conformity with international commitments to support the development of Vietnamese enterprises and products and protect consumers.

d/ To promote the use of an early warning system for trade defense to support exporters in response to the risk of facing trade defense measures as well as proactively designing trade defense measures in conformity with international regulations and commitments to protect domestic production and prevent the shirking of trade defense measures so as to protect legitimate interests of Vietnamese enterprises; to build and consolidate the mechanism of inter-sectoral and inter-local coordination in trade defense cases; to support Vietnamese enterprises in responding to trade defense investigations against Vietnamese goods, when necessary, and apply the dispute settlement mechanism under the Agreement or other mechanisms to protect legitimate interests of Vietnamese enterprises; and raise trade defense capacity against the backdrop of the country’s participation in new-generation FTAs.

dd/ To focus on industrial restructuring to lay foundation for industrialization and modernization. To speed up the restructuring of agriculture and rural economy in line with advanced production models and application of safe and environment-friendly science and technology.

e/ To intensify science and technology application and take measures to improve productivity of enterprises and production sectors.

g/ To increase measures and mechanisms for encouraging foreign-invested enterprises to join hand with domestic ones to establish and develop supply chains.

h/ To attach importance to developing high-quality human resources, especially in the fields of technique-technology, law and finance, etc.

i/ To conduct quantitative assessment of the CPTPP’s impacts on production and service sectors and on that basis propose specific measures for improving their competitiveness.

4. Plans and policies for trade union organizations and employee organizations at enterprises

a/ To continue improving the legal system governing industrial relations and labor standards in conformity with international standards, commitments and treaties to which Vietnam has acceded;

b/ To coordinate with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and trade union organizations in proposing specific policies and measures to consolidate and enhance their role and operational effectiveness;

c/ To enhance the effective management of the establishment and operation of employee organizations at enterprises so as to protect employees’ lawful rights and interests, create conditions for enterprises to do business stably and, at the same time, for them to operate conveniently and soundly under Vietnam’s law for non-political purposes in conformity with the principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO), while maintaining socio-political stability;

d/ To improve the apparatus of state agencies with the function of managing the establishment and operation of employee organizations at enterprises.

5. Social welfare, environmental protection and sustainable development policies

a/ To formulate and promulgate in a synchronous manner social policies, including policies on financial support, vocational training for career change, and provision of employment counseling services to help workers who lose their jobs because of enterprises’ failure in market competition.

b/ To assess the CPTPP’s impacts on labor, employment and social issues, and propose solutions to effectively implement the CPTPP.

c/ To further facilitate the full implementation of Vietnam’s commitments under multi-lateral agreements on environment, and wildlife conservation and protection which Vietnam has acceded to. To attach importance to the inspection, examination, and handling of violations in environmental protection and biodiversity.

d/ To intensify the implementation of measures against illegal, unreported and non-regulated fishing and trade in illegally exploited wildlife;

dd/ To formulate and promulgate in a synchronous manner regulations, policies and programs related to the commitments on abolishment of fisheries exploitation subsidies that adversely affect marine sources in the state of overexploitation.


1. On the basis of the major contents and tasks prescribed in this Plan, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall, based on their assigned functions and tasks, direct the formulation of implementation plans in their ministries, sectors and localities, and send them to the Ministry and Trade before March 1, 2019, for summarization and reporting to the Prime Minister.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall direct and intensify the inspection of, and urge, the implementation of the Government’s Plan; and before November 30 every year, send reports to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the latter to sum up, report, and propose necessary measures for ensuring effective implementation of the Plan to the Prime Minister

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in, monitoring and urging ministries, sectors and localities and enterprises’ representative organizations to implement this Plan.

4. Funds for implementation of this Plan come from the state budget, donors and other lawful sources. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and related agencies in, allocating budget funds for implementation of this Plan.

5. In the course of implementation, if necessary to amend and supplement specific contents of this Plan, ministries, sector and localities should report them to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision, and send the copies thereof to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.-


(To the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 121/QD-TTg of January 24, 2019)


Task contents

Responsible agency

Coordinating agency


Completion time


Public communication and provision of information about the CPTPP and markets of member states of the CPTPP


Providing information about the CPTPP to central and local state management agencies, the business community, and people

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Ministries, sectors, governmental negotiation delegations, provincial-level Departments of Industry and Trade, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), and enterprise associations

Workshops, region-based training courses



Building a portal (directly linked with the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s home page) about all FTAs which Vietnam has acceded to (including the CPTPP) information, technical requirements, and regulations on management of import and export of goods and services of FTAs’ partners. The development of this portal shall be sponsored and technically supported by the CPTPP’s partners and concerned international organizations

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Ministries, sectors, and governmental negotiation delegations


During 2019-2020


Producing radio and television programs about the CPTPP

The Vietnam Television and the Voice of Vietnam

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Radio and television programs



Disseminating and publishing publications and documents introducing and providing studies on the CPTPP, and Vietnam’s accession to this Agreement in order to build positive approaches to changes upon participation in the Agreement for the social community

The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Information and Communications

Ministries, sectors, localities, and the VCCI

Articles, talks and publications

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Organizing training courses for officials of central and local state management agencies in some fields such as investment, services, customs, intellectual property, trade defense, and labor, about related specific commitments of the CPTPP

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Ministries, sectors, governmental negotiation delegations, and provincial-level Departments of Industry and Trade

Workshops, region-based training courses

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Organizing training courses for enterprises, especially medium-, small- and micro-sized enterprises about the regulations and commitments of the CPTPP in specific sectors and fields

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Ministries, sectors, governmental negotiation delegations, the VCCI, and enterprise associations

Workshops, region-based training courses

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Studying the integration of the CPTPP’s contents in particular, and FTAs’ contents in general, in training programs of all levels, for submission to competent authorities for decision

The Ministry of Education and Training

Ministries, sectors and governmental negotiation delegations

Reports for submission to competent authorities

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Increasing the provision of information to enterprises via the trade affair system, information centers, and trade promotion centers, on technical requirements, regulations, and the practical situation of import and export management and trade defense of the CPTPP partners in particular and other partners in general

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Ministries, sectors and governmental negotiation delegations

Articles, talks, publications, and data

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Building the capacity of the trade affair system, information centers, and trade promotion centers for provision of investment- and trade-related information serving enterprises

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

A scheme for submission to the Prime Minister

During 2019-2020


Law- and institution-making work


Further reviewing current legal documents for proactive amendment, supplementation, and annulment, or promulgation of new legal documents or propose competent authorities to do so.

The Ministry of Justice

Related ministries, sectors and localities

Government decrees and Prime Minister decisions



Formulating the law amending a number of laws to implement the CPTPP. The to-be-amended laws include the 2010 Law on Food Safety, the 2000 Law on Insurance Business, the 2010 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the 2010 Law on Insurance Business, and the 2005 Law on Intellectual Property (for commitments set to be implemented right after the Agreement comes into force)

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Justice and related ministries and sectors

The Government’s report on the draft law

To submit to the National Assembly at the session scheduled for May 2019 under the fast-track order and procedures


Amending and supplementing legal documents and submitting them to competent levels for approval and promulgation in accordance with the schedule specified in CPTPP:


The 2012 Labor Code

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

The Government’s report on the draft law

During 2019-2020


The 2005 Law on Intellectual Property

The Ministry of Science and Technology

Related ministries and sectors

The Government’s report on the draft law



The 2015 Penal Code

The Ministry of Justice

Related ministries and sectors

The Government’s report on the draft law



The 2015 Criminal Procedure Code

The Supreme People’s Procuracy

Related ministries and sectors

The Government’s report on the draft law



The Government’s Decree detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the 2018 Competition Law

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Government’s decree

January 2019


The Government’s Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Intellectual Property (IP) regarding protection of IP rights and state management of IP

The Ministry of Science and Technology

Related ministries and sectors

Government’s decree

According to the amendment roadmap of the 2005 Law on Intellectual Property


Legal documents related to imported cosmetics requiring certificate of free sale (CFS)

The Ministry of Health

Related ministries and sectors

Legal documents

January 2019


Circulars guiding the implementation of rules of origin

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors


January 2019


Decree regulating refurbished goods and textiles (to perform textile monitoring and apply textile quotas with Mexico; special defense)

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Government’s decrees

January 2019


Decree regulating verification of origin of imported goods, customs cooperation and customs supervision (including textiles)

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Government’s decrees

January 2019


Decree providing specific guidance to bidding packages falling within the scope of the CPTPP, which shall apply only to CPTPP member states

The Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries and sectors

Government’s decrees

January 2019. In case of failing to promulgate this Decree before the above-mentioned time limit, to issue a document guiding the enforcement from the time the CPTPP takes effect for Vietnam until the Decree guiding the enforcement of this commitment is promulgated and comes into effective.


Decree promulgating export and import tariffs in accordance with the CPTPP (which may be submitted to competent levels for promulgation under fast-track order and procedures)

The Ministry of Finance

Related ministries and sectors


January 2019


The Prime Minister’s Decision designating focal agencies implementing the CPTPP’s Chapters; focal agency participating in the Council, specialized committees and working groups of the Agreement; agencies in charge of

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Prime Minister’s decisions

January 2019


coordinating and synthesizing the implementation situation of the Agreement for reporting to the Prime Minister; focal agency for handling issues related to the negotiation and admission of new members; focal agency for communication among CPTPP members states on all issues of the Agreement; and agency coordinating the development of proposals and receipt of technical assistance from foreign partners during the implementation of the Agreement.






Coordinating with CPTPP member states in formulating and completing necessary institutions for implementation of the Agreement (such as the establishment and operation of the Council, specialized Committees and working groups, and institutions on dispute settlement)

The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries and sectors

A report  for submission to the Prime Minister

January 2019


Making a list of arbitrators in accordance with the Chapter on Settlement of Disputes

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

A report  for submission to the Prime Minister

January 2019


Carrying out procedures for accession to treaties:


Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure

The Ministry of Science and Technology

Related ministries and sectors

A report proposing the approval of the treaty



The World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty (WCT)

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Related ministries and sectors

A report proposing the approval of the treaty



The World Intellectual Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Related ministries and sectors

A report proposing the approval of the treaty



The International Labor Organization’s Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention No. 98

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

A report proposing the approval of the convention



The International Labor Organization’s Abolition of Forced Labor Convention No. 105

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

A report proposing the approval of the convention



The International Labor Organization’s Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention No. 87

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

A report proposing the approval of the  convention



Increasing competitiveness and development of human resources


Developing programs on provision of support for goods and service sectors to raise competitiveness and participate in regional and global value chains

Ministries and sectors according to their functions and scopes of state management

Related ministries and sectors, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and enterprise associations

Government’s decrees or Prime Minister’s decisions



Reviewing, amending and supplementing mechanisms and policies to support agricultural, forestry and fishery production

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

The Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance and related ministries and sectors

Government’s decrees or Prime Minister’s decisions



Developing supportive packages for medium-, small- and micro-sized enterprises to take advantage of opportunities and benefits brought about by FTAs


The Ministry of Planning and Investment

The Ministry of Finance, related ministries and sectors, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and enterprise associations

Prime Minister’s decisions



Developing market development programs for Vietnam’s exports with potentials and advantages to enter into the CPTPP member states


The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and enterprise associations

Minister of Industry and Trade’s decisions



Formulating and improving technical measures (national standards, national technical regulations, food safety and hygiene, origin, environmental protection, etc.)

Ministries and sectors according to their functions and scopes of state management

Related ministries and sectors

Prime Minister’s decisions or circulars of ministries or sectors

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


in conformity with international commitments to support the development of Vietnamese enterprises and products and protect consumers






Developing a scheme on increasing of use of an early warning system in the field of trade defense to support export enterprises regarding the risk of being subject to trade defense measures as well as proactively build trade defense measures in conformity with international regulations and commitments to protect domestic production and prevent acts of shirking trade defense measures to protect legitimate interests of Vietnamese enterprises

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Minister of Industry and Trade’s decisions

During 2019-20


Formulating and consolidating intersectoral and interlocal coordination mechanisms in trade defense cases and matters

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Prime Minister’s decisions

During 2019-20


Supporting Vietnamese enterprises in responding to trade defense investigations against Vietnamese goods, and using the dispute settlement mechanism under the Agreement or other mechanisms to protect legitimate interests of Vietnamese enterprises when necessary

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Supportive measures provided to enterprises

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Formulating a scheme on increasing trade defense capacity against the backdrop of the country’s participation in new-generation free trade agreements

The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Related ministries and sectors

Prime Minister’s Decisions

During 2019-20


Increasing capacity of management agencies and agencies exercising IP rights to meet new requirements of the CPTPP

The Ministry of Science and Technology

Related ministries and sectors

Training and refresher courses, publications and guiding documents

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Formulating training programs on FTAs in economics, trade and law schools and training institutes

The Ministry of Education and Training

Related ministries and sectors

Teaching programs

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Developing policies to encourage and support enterprises to apply science and technology to improve

The Ministry of Science and Technology

Related ministries and sectors, the Vietnam Chamber of

Government’s decrees or Prime Minister’s decisions



productivity and product quality


Commerce and Industry and enterprise associations




Conducting quantitative assessment of the impacts of the CPTPP on production and service sectors and proposing specific measures to raise their competitiveness

The Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries and sectors

Report for submission to the Prime Minister



Guidelines and policies applicable to trade union organizations and enterprise organizations at enterprises


Consolidating the organizational structure of state agencies functioned to manage the establishment and operation of enterprise organizations at enterprise establishments

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

Prime Minister’s decisions

During 2018-20


Organize training and retraining courses to increase capacity of cadres of state management agencies on labor; providing support to promote dialogues and negotiations at enterprises, and labor reconciliation and arbitration institutions

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

Training courses

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Social welfare, environmental protection and sustainable development policies


Further conducting quantitative assessment of impacts of the CPTPP to labor, employment and social issues, etc.

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

Report for submission to the Prime Minister

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Reviewing, reporting and proposing measures to effectively implement multilateral agreements on environment and wildlife conservation and protection which Vietnam has acceded to

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Related ministries and sectors

Report for submission to the Prime Minister

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation


Implementing measures against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, and trade in illegally exploited wildlife

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Related ministries and sectors

Report for submission to the Prime Minister

On a regular basis


Developing and adopting relevant regulations, policies and programs in a synchronous manner in order to implement the commitment on abolishment of fisheries exploitation subsidies that adversely affect marine sources in the state of overexploitation

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Related ministries and sectors

Report for submission to the Prime Minister

In the course of the Agreement’s implementation




[1]Công Báo Nos 169-170 (11/02/2019)

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