THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT __________ No. 33/2020/TT-BGTVT | THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom - Happiness ______________ Hanoi, December 23, 2020 |
Promulgating amendments on 01:2020 QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT on the National technical regulation on the fourth level of gaseous pollutants emission for new assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles
Pursuant to the Law on Technical Regulations and Standards No. 68/2006/QH11 dated June 29, 2006;
Pursuant to the Law on Product and Goods quality No. 05/2007/QH12 dated November 21, 2007;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 on detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Technical Regulations and Standards;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 12/2017/ND-CP dated February 10, 2017 prescribing the functions, tasks and powers of the Ministry of Transport;
At the request of the Director of the Department of Environment and the Director of the Vietnam Register;
The Minister of Transport hereby issues the Circular “Promulgating amendments on 01:2020 QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT National technical regulation on về the fourth level of gaseous pollutants for new assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles”.
Article 1. To issue together with this Circular “Amendment 01:2020 QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT National technical regulation on the fourth level of gaseous pollutants for new assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles”
Article 2. Implementation provisions
1. This Circular shall take effect from February 15, 2021.
2. The following cases shall be exempted from inspection and testing of gaseous pollutants emission and shall continue to conduct inspection and certification procedures:
a) Vehicles having been granted the Factory Quality Control Certificate (for domestically manufactured and assembled automobiles) or avehicles having been granted the Certificate of Technical safety and Environmental protection for imported automobiles (for imported automobiles) before the effective date of this Regulation;
b) Vehicles having been granted the Factory Quality Control Certificate (for domestically manufactured and assembled automobiles) after the effective date of this Regulation on the basis of the corresponding Vehicle Type Approval Certificate which is issued before the effective date of this Regulation and still takes effect;
c) For vehicles being manufactured and assembled by establishments having been granted the Certificate of Technical safety and Environmental protection before the effective date of this Regulation or new types of vehicles subject to certification procedures whose base vehicles are specified at Point a and Point b of this Clause.
3. For types of vehicles or engines that have been subject to testing of gaseous pollutants emission and granted the test report in accordance with QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT, they shall continue to use the granted test report for inspection and certification purposes in accordance with regulations prescribed in respective legal documents.
4. The implementation of this Regulation and regulations prescribed in Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this Article shall conform to the implementation roadmap of the Gaseous pollutant emission standard prescribed in the Decision No. 49/2011/QD-TTg dated September 01, 2011 of the Prime Minister.
Article 3. The Chief of the Ministry’s Office, the Inspector General of the Ministry, Heads, Directors of the Vietnam Register, Heads of agencies and units under the Ministry of Transport, and relevant organizations or individuals shall be responsible for implementing this Circular./.
For the Minister
Deputy Minister
Le Dinh Tho

Amendment 01:2020 QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT
HA NOI - 2020
The amended 01:2020 QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT
The amendment 01:2020 QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT shall amend and supplement a number of regulation of the National Technical Regulation QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
The amendment 01:2020 QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT is compiled by the Vietnam Registry, approved by the Department of Environment, appraised by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Transport shall issue this together with Circular No ................ ./TT-BGTVT dated .... month .... year 2020.
This Regulation is compiled on the following basis:
1. TCVN 6785:2015 - Road vehicles – The emission of pollutants emitted from automobiles according to engines fuel requirements – Requirements and test methods in type approval (hereinafter referred to as TCVN 6785).
2. TCVN 6567:2015 - Road vehicles - Compression ignition engines, positive - ignition engines fuelled with liquefied petroleum gas and engines using natural gas equipped for automobiles - Requirements and test method in type approval (hereinafter referred to as TCVN 6567).
3. TCVN 6565:2006 - Road vehicles – Emission of visible pollutants (smoke) from compression ignition engines – Requirements and test methods in type approval (hereinafter referred to as TCVN 6565).
4. ECE 83-Rev03; Rev04 - Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements).
5. ECE 49-Rev05 - Uniform provisions concerning the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression- ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fueled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles.
6. DIRECTIVE 2005/78/EC - Implementing Directive 2005/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive ignition engines fueled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles and amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI thereto.
7. DIRECTIVE 2007/46/EC - Establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles).
Amendment 01:2020
1.1. To amend Clause 1.3.6, Article 1.3 of Section 1 as follows:
“1.3.6. Mono-fuel gas vehicle: A type of vehicle primarily designed to run on one of the following fuels: natural gas (NG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), such type of vehicle may also have a gasoline fuel system yet only for starting vehicles or for emergency cases. However, the capacity of the gas tank must not exceed 15 liters.”
1.2. To supplement Clause 1.3.41 and Clause 1.3.42, Article 1.3 of Section 1 as follows:
1.2.1. To supplement Clause 1.3.41 of Article 1.3 as follows:
“1.3.41. Incomplete Vehicle: A vehicle in the form of semi-finished products, capable of moving by itself, can be with a cockpit or without a cockpit, have no cargo box, no passenger compartment, no special equipment attached.”
1.2.2. Supplement Clause 1.3.42 of Article 1.3 as follows:
“1.3.42. Possitive ignition (P.l) engine: A type of engine working according to the principle of positive ignition, hereinafter referred to as P.I engine. (for example, gasoline engines).”
2.1. To amend Article 2.1 of Section 2 as follows:
“2.1. For vehicles complying with TCVN 6785
Types of vehicles to which TCVN 6785 is applied shall include: Vehicles equipped with positive ignition engines, or hybrid vehicles equipped with positive ignition engines and vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines or hybrid vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines, which are subject to classification specified in Article 1.3. of the National Technical Regulation QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT, and which use a specific type of fuel or a combination of fuel types.
The application of tests in TCVN 6785 for the above-stated types of vehicles shall be prescribed in details in Clause 3.3.1. of this Regulation and Point c and Point d, Clause 3.3.1 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT, Article 3.4 of this Regulation and Points b, c, d, Clause 3.3.2 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.”
2.2. To amend Table 1 and Table 2, Clause 2.1.1, Article 2.1 of Section 2 as follows:
2.2.1. To amend Table 1, Clause 2.1.1 of Article 2.1 as follows:
“Table 1. The limit value of gaseous pollutants emission for vehicles equipped with the positive ignition engine – level 4
Types of vehicles | Reference mass Rm (kg) | CO | HC | NOx |
L1 (g/km) | L2 (g/km) | L3 (g/km) |
M (with maximum mass ≤ 2,500 kg) | All | 1.00 | 0.10 | 0.08 |
M (with maximum mass > 2,500 kg) and N1 | Group I | Rm ≤ 1,305 | 1.00 | 0.10 | 0.08 |
Group II | 1,305 < Rm ≤ 1,760 | 1.81 | 0.13 | 0.10 |
Group III | 1,760 < Rm | 2.27 | 0.16 | 0.11 |
N2 | All | 2.27 | 0.16 | 0.11 |
2.2.2. To amend Table 2, Clause 2.1.1 of Article 2.1 as follows:
“Table 2. The limit value of gaseous pollutants emission limit values for vehicles equipped with the diesel engine - level 4
Types of vehicles | Reference mass Rm (kg) | CO | NOx | HC + NOx | PM |
L1 (g/km) | L3 (g/km) | L2 + L3 (g/km) | L4 (g/km) |
M (with maximum mass ≤ 2,500 kg) | All | 0.50 | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.025 |
M (with maximum mass > 2,500 kg) and N1 | Group I | Rm ≤ 1,305 | 0.50 | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.025 |
Group II | 1,305 < Rm ≤ 1,760 | 0.63 | 0.33 | 0.39 | 0.04 |
Group III | 1,760 < Rm | 0.74 | 0.39 | 0.46 | 0.06 |
N2 | All | 0.74 | 0.39 | 0.46 | 0.06 |
2.3. To supplement Clause 2.2.3, Article 2.2 as follows:
“2.2.3. For the ETC test (Electron Transport Chain), the evaluation criteria related to the regression error shall be defined in Appendix 13 to this Regulation.”
3.1. To amend Article 3.1 of Section 3 as follows:
“3.1. Methods of inspection and testing of gaseous pollutants emission for new assembled, manufactured and imported vehicles
Newly assembled, manufactured and imported vehicles must be subject to inspection of gaseous pollutants emission in accordance with current regulations of the Minister of Transport on quality inspection of technical safety and environmental protection in manufacturing, assembling and importing vehicles.”
3.2. To amend Point d, Clause 3.2.2, Article 3.2 of Section 3 as follows:
“d) Vehicles need to be subject to running-in to ensure best technical conditions before testing. Organizations and individuals who register for the testing can themselves decide on the running-in distance in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.”
3.3. To amend Point a, Point b, Table 6 and to supplement Point e, Clause 3.3.1, Article 3.1 of Section 3 as follows:
3.3.1. To amend Point a and Point b, Clause 3.3.1, Article 3.1 as follows:
“a) For vehicles equipped with positive ignition engines
- For vehicles of Categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 whose standard weight is not more than 2,610 kg
+ For gasoline-powered vehicles and dual-fuel vehicles: Apply tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified in Article 3.4 of this Regulation, tests of type III in accordance with TCVN 6785 and tests of type IV in accordance with Appendix 9 to QCVN 86 :2015/BGTVT which is specified at Point c and Point d, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
+ For vehicles using only LPG or NG and mono-fuel gas vehicles: Apply tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified in Article 3.4 of this Regulation, tests of type III in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified at Point c, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT. Particularly for vehicles of category M2 using only LPG or NG, tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified in Article 3.4 of this Regulation and tests of type III in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified at Point c, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT can be replaced by the application of the ETC test in accordance with TCVN 6567 specified at Point e, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3, QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT without the inspection of particulate matter (PM) emission.
- For vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 whose standard weights are higher than 2,610 kg and vehicles of types M3, N3.
+ For gasoline-powered vehicles and dual-fuel vehicles: Apply tests of type II and type II in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified at Point b and Point c, Clause 3.3.2 Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
+ For mono-fuel gas vehicles: Apply tests of type II and type III in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified at specified at Point b and Point c, Clause 3.3.2 Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT. It is possible to replace tests of type II and type III in accordance with TCVN 6785 by the application of the ETC test in accordance with TCVN 6567 specified at Point e, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3, QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT without the inspection of particulate matter (PM) emission.
+ For vehicles using only LPG or NG: Apply tests using the ETC test in accordance with TCVN 6567 specified at Point e, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3, QCVN 86: 2015/BGTVT without the inspection of particulate matter (PM) emission.
b) For vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines
- For vehicles of category M1:
+ Whose standard weight is no more than 2,610 kg: Apply tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified in Article 3.4 of this Regulation and conduct the smoke opacity test in accordance with TCVN 6565 specified at Point dd, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
+ Whose standard weight is more than 2,610 kg: Apply tests using the ESC, ELR, and ETC tests in accordance with TCVN 6567 specified at Point e, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT and conduct the smoke opacity test theo TCVN 6565 in accordance with TCVN 6565 specified at Point dd, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT. In cases of light duty vehicles of category M1, it is possible to apply tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified in Article 3.4 of this Regulation instead of the above-stated tests using the ESC, ELR, and ETC tests in accordance with TCVN 6567.
- For vehicles of category N1: Apply tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified in Article 3.4 of this Regulation and conduct the smoke opacity test in accordance with TCVN 6565 specified at Point dd, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT. In cases of vehicles of type N1 whose standard weight is no more than 2,610 kg, it is possible to apply tests using the ESC, ELR, and ETC tests in accordance with TCVN 6567 specified at Point e, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT instead of the above-stated tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785.
- For vehicles of categories M2, N2:
+ Whose standard weight is no more than 2,610 kg: Apply tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785 specified in Article 3.4 of this Regulation and conduct the smoke opacity test in accordance with TCVN 6565 specified at Point dd, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
+ Whose standard weight is more than 2,610 kg: Apply tests using the ESC, ELR, and ETC tests in accordance with TCVN 6567 specified at Point e and conduct the smoke opacity test theo TCVN 6565 in accordance with TCVN 6565 specified at Point dd, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.3, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
Vehicles using LPG or NG fuel must be tested with changes in the component of LPG or NG fuel as prescribed in Appendix L to the TCVN 6785. Dual-fuel vehicles must be tested with both two fuels, of which there must be changes in the component of LPG or NG fuel when LPG or NG fuel is used in accordance with provisions prescribed in Appendix L to the TCVN 6785. However, for mono-fuel gas vehicles, only apply tests of type I with gaseous fuel.”
3.3.2. To amend Table 6, Clause 3.3.1 Article 3.1 of Section 3 as follows:
“Table 6. Regulation on the application of tests in accordance with the corresponding standard of vehicle types
| Standard and tests |
| TCVN 6785 (ECE 83) | TCVN 6567 (ECE 49) | TCVN 6565 (ECE 24) |
I | II | Ill | IV | ESC | ELR | ETC |
Vehicles equipped with positive ignition engines | Vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 whose Rm ≤ 2,610 kg | Gasoline | X | - | X | X | - | - | - | - |
Dual fuel | X | - | X | X | - | - | - | - |
Mono-fuel gas (except for LPG or NG) | X | - | X | - | - | - | - | - |
LPG or NG | M1, N1, N2 | X | - | X | - | - | - | - | - |
M2(1) | X | - | X | - | - | - | X (alternative) | - |
Vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 whose Rm >2,610 kg and vehicles of categories M3 and N3 | Gasoline | - | X | X | - | - | - | - | - |
Dual fuel | - | X | X | - | - | - | - | - |
Mono-fuel gas(2) | - | X | X | - | - | - | X (alternative) | - |
LPG or NG | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | - |
Vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines (except for gasoline-powered vehicles) | Vehicles of category M1 whose Rm ≤ 2,610 kg | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | X |
Vehicles of category M1 whose Rm >2,610 kg(3) | X (alternative) | - | - | - | X | X |
N1(4) | X | - | - | - | X (alternative) | X |
M3, N3 | - | - | - | - | X | X |
Vehicles of categories M2, N2 whose Rm > 2,610 kg | - | - | - | - | X | X |
Vehicles of categories M2, N2 whose Rm ≤ 2,610 kgH | X | - | - | - | - | X |
Hybrid electric vehicles equipped with positive ignition engines | Light duty vehicles | X | - | X | X | - | - |
Hybrid electric vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines | Vehicles of categories M1 and N1 | X | - | - | - | - | - |
(1) It is possible to apply TCVN 6567 with tests using the ETC test or TCVN 6785 with tests of type I and type III.
(2) It is possible to apply TCVN 6567 with tests using the ETC test or TCVN 6785 with tests of type I and type III.
(3) It is possible to apply TCVN 6785 with tests of type I or TCVN 6567 with tests using ESC, ELR and ETC tests.
(4) Vehicles of category N1 using diesel fue whose reference mass is higher than 2,610 kg, it is possible to apply TCVN 6567 with tests using ESC, ELR, ETC tests or apply TCVN 6785 with tests of type I.
(5) For vehicles of category M2 whose maximum mass > 3,500 kg and vehicles of category N2: The use test results for risk assessment to determine the inspection and testing cycle of the certifying agency shall be applied similar to that for light vehicles.
(x) Applicable.
(-) Inapplicable.”
3.3.3. To add Point e, Clause 3.3.1, Article 3.1 of Section 3 as follows:
“e) Incomplete vehicles: Tests used in testing gaseous pollutants emission for incomplete vehicles shall be similar to those used for complete vehicles (specified in Table 6) manufactured, assembled from the corresponding incomplete vehicles. The application of tests shall be prescribed as follows:
- For incomplete vehicles without a cockpit: Only apply tests to types of vehicles from which the heavy duty complete vehicles are manufactured and assembled. The application of tests shall involve the corresponding tests in accordance with TCVN 6567 and the addition of the smoke opacity test in accordance with TCVN 6565 for compression ignition engines using diesel fuel.
- For incomplete vehicles with a cockpit: Regulation over standards applicable to incomplete vehicle with a cockpit shall be specified in the Table 7 below:
Table 7. Regulations over standards applicable to incomplete vehicle with a cockpit
Reference mass of an incomplete vehicle with a cockpit (kg) | Reference mass of a complete vehicle upon registration for testing of incomplete vehicles (kg) | Applicable standard (2) |
> 2,610 | All | TCVN 6567 |
≤ 2,610 | > 2,610 | TCVN 6567 |
≤ 2,610 0) | TCVN 6785 |
(1) In cases where a complete vehicle, after being manufactured and assembled from an incomplete vehicle, has its reference mass in line with the registered reference mass, such complete vehicle shall inherit the test result of the gaseous pollutants emission from its former incomplete vehicle.
(2) Supplement the conduct of the smoke opacity test in accordance with TCVN 6565 for compression ignition engines using diesel fuel.”
3.4. To amend Point a, Clause 3.3.2, Article 3.2 of Section 3 as follows:
“a) Tests of type I in accordance with TCVN 6785
- Requirements for fuel characteristics to perform tests shall be specified in Appendix 7 to QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT. Proper methods of sampling and analyzing gases and particles must be used.
- Vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines must conduct pre-test run before testing. For vehicles equipped with positive ignition engines, the pre-test run might be conducted if recommended by the manufacturer.
- For vehicles subject to more than one test, the pre-test run must be repeated if the time between the end of the previous test and the start of the next test is longer than 36 hours.
- The test process shall commence right after the engine is started.
- The testing should be carried out 3 times. The results obtained from each test are equal to the measured value multiplied by the appropriate damping ratio specified in Table 8. In cases where a periodic regeneration system is used, such figure must be multiplied by the coefficient Ki specified in the Appendix 12 of this regulation or according to the manufacturer's declaration. In each test, the mass of gasses and PM (for vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines) must be less than the corresponding limits specified in Table 1 or Table 2, Article 2.2 of this Regulation for each vehicle. However, one of the three measured results (each of which is of one test) for each gas or PM may be greater than but not greater more than 10% of the specified limit of each type specified in Table 1 or Table 2, Article 2.2 of this Regulation provided that the average value of the three measured results must be less than the specified limit.
Table 8 – The damping ratio
Types of engine | The damping ratios |
CO | HC | NOx | HC + NOx | PM |
Positive ignition engine | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | - | - |
Compression ignition engine | 1.1 | - | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.2 |
The number of tests specified above shall be reduced under the following conditions:
+ Only one time of testing is required, if all gases and PM have: V1 ≤ 0.70 L;
+ Only two times of testing are required, if the test results V1 of each gas and PM do not meet the above conditions but still satisfy the following requirements: V1 ≤ 0.85 L, V1 + V2 ≤ 1.70 L and V2 ≤ L, of which:
V1 is the result of the first test; V2 is the result of the second test and L is the limit value for each gas and PM.
- The procedure for measuring gaseous pollutants emission involving from one to three times of testing using tests of type I shall be specified in Appendix 8 to QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT. "
3.5. To amend Paragraph 1, Article 3.6 of Section 3 as follows:
“Manufacturing and assembling establishments must report to the agency in charge of issuing the Certificate of Technical Safety and Environmental Protection on all modifications of the types of vehicle and engine manufactured and assembled which have been certified compared to the sample vehicle and engine based on the results of evaluation and confirmation by the testing establishment which has tested such vehicle and engine. The agency must review and evaluate such modifications as follows:”
3.6. To amend Paragraph 1, Article 3.7 of Section 3 as follows:
“For vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1, N2 whose reference mass does not exceed 2,840 kg and which satisfy conditions on extending the recognition of results specified in Article 3.7, Article 3.8 of this Regulation and Subpoint b, Subpoint c, Subpoint d, Point, Clause 3.7.1, Point, Clause 3.7.1 and Clause 3.7.2, Article 3.7, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT – such vehicles shall be eligible for applying the test results of the tests for the corresponding vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1, N2 at the request of the manufacturer or importer. The extension of recognition of test results shall apply only to vehicles of categories M1, N1, M2, N2 which have been subject to pollutants emission checked in accordance with TCVN 6785 and to vehicle types which have been subject to the smoke opacity test in accordance with TCVN 6565.
For types of vehicles manufactured or assembled from the base vehicles, if such vehicles satisfy the conditions on the extension of recognition of the above results, they shall be eligible for inheriting the result of gaseous pollutants emission test from the corresponding base vehicles.”
3.7. To amend Paragraph 1, Clause 3.7.1, Article 3.7 of Section 3 as follows:
“The sample vehicle’s result of the gaseous pollutants emission test of a vehicle type which has been granted the quality certificate (hereinafter referred to as the certified vehicle type) can be extended for recognition as the test result of a vehicle type whose Form of essential characteristic of vehicle and engine prescribed in Appendix I to this Regulation is different from the Form of essential characteristic of vehicle and engine of the certified vehicle type in the following aspects:
- The only difference is the number of types/trade names specified in Clause 1.2, Article 1, Appendix 1 to this Regulation.
- Or the only difference is in the number of types/trade names, the maximum mass (without changing the type of vehicle) and the parameters depending on each case as specified in Article 3.8 of this Regulation, Subpoint b, Subpoint c, Subpoint d, Point, Clause 3.7.1 and Subpoint, Clause 3.7.1, Article 3.7, Section 3 of QCVN 86: 2015/BGTVT.”
3.8. To amend Subpoint a, Point, Clause 3.7.1, Article 3.7 of Section 3 as follows:
“a) Case 1:
- The reference mass is different from the reference mass of the certified vehicle type but has the corresponding inertia level being in one of the two adjacent higher inertia levels or being in any inertia level lower than that specfied in Table 8 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
- For vehicles of categories N1, N2: the reference mass is lower than the reference mass of the type of vehicle having been certified on gaseous pollutant emission and the gaseous pollutant emission measurement result from the certified vehicle type does not exceed the gaseous pollutants emission limit value specified for the types of vehicle eligible for the recognition of this result.”
3.9. To amend Clause 3.8.2, Article 3.8 of Section 3 as follows:
“3.8.2. The agency in charge of granting certificates shall conduct the inspection as required in Clause 3.8.1, Article 3.8, Section 3 of QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT periodically after 36 months or irregularly in accordance with the current regulations of the Ministry of Transport.”
4.1. To supplement Article 4.3 of Section 4 as follows:
“4.3. Implementation roadmap
4.3.1. 06 months after the date on which this Regulation takes effect, this Regulation shall be applied to types of incomplete vehicles specified in Clause 3.3.3, Article 3.3.”
4.3.2. This Regulation shall be applied to types of vehicles and engines which are not specified in Clause 4.3.1 of this Article immediately after this Regulation takes effect.