- Professional qualification:
+ In 2013: Graduated from the Department of Law Studies, Hanoi Law University
+ In 2020: Graduated from the training course of lawyer vocation at the Judicial Academy
- Experiences:
+ From 2014 - 2018: Work at the Thuan Thien Notary Public Office: Support the notary to compose contracts, check papers and documents; consult problems of notarization, land...
+ In 2018: Trainee at the Vietnam ASEM Law Liability Limited Company: Read and research dossiers in reality; support lawyers to compose application and papers.
+ From 2019 - this moment: Editor at the Vietnam Laws Communication Joint Stock Company (LuatVietnam)
Specialized categories:
Ms. Nguyen Huong is the editor in the categories: civil, cadres and civil servants with the articles on analyzing, collecting regulations and policies relating to cadres and civil servants, contracts, marriage - family...
+ Cadres - Public servants: Update the latest policies for cadres, public servants, payroll, primary wages and salary....
+ Civil: Answer and supply information on contract, civil transaction, responsibility on compensation...